Goodwood Driftkhana in full | SpeedWeek 2020

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right everybody it's that time of the weekend it's time for drift karna now you're probably started thinking what is dripkarter it's an all new segment for goodwood speed week we've been able to mix the disciplines of rally and also drift cars and now we have this amazing lineup behind me about to take on a brand new course now here's what you need to know about drift karna we've got some rules now you've got to start with your timings you're going to be tired from when you start the course to the end of the course but this is the tricky thing we have sensors placed at different places all the way around the course which our drivers have to get within a certain proximity of and if you don't you're going to get time added on now also we have style points now we want these guys to put on a big show for you guys at home it's all about flamboyance it's all about precision it's all about putting on the best tyre smoke the best sideways and everything to show that they are really king of the course well that's your rules i have here dermot sat in the f type who's about to be the first person to experience the drift card of course i'm wondering how he's feeling dammit you've been in a spitfire i didn't sign up for this you didn't sign up last night this is not what it involved we while i explained to you last night you're gonna have a bit of a wild ride yeah i'm really important but i want it like it's like you said it's those three principles yeah and the speed style speed style and well if there's a sensor so you've got to make sure that you hit all of your sensors what you've got to do is get your proximity so nikki you're in good hands at least he's going to take you as close to the wall right as you possibly can so you need to look out of your window because you're going to be one closest to the wall well i see okay that's great advice like wonderful don't wait all righty well dermot have a great time well there we go he's going to be going out in the f-type i'm sure he's super excited he's got that look on his face you can't really tell with the masks at the moment it's all in the eyes well i can't wait to get this started we have some incredible cars in our lineup you can see here we've got baxi's r35 we also have james dean in e 92 you're a fighter 2jz powered v8s we've got all sorts down here but these guys really know how to put on a show and we're excited to see what they're going to do it's the first time they've driven this course so what's going to happen who knows i'm going to hand you over to our commentator ian waddington now who knows all about things drift ian take it away thank you much very very much becky and yes welcome to a drift karna a whole new um mindset a whole new design and a brainchild created by the guys here at goodwood i'm joined in the commentary booth by david addison david you're very excited about this i could see the anticipation on your face it's anticipation and it's mystery mystery wtf leap to mind because this is all new and all of us i think are about to take a big step into the unknown well let's take a listen to derma as he takes the first array around this drift kind of costs the f type r dynamic so it should so i am basically i'm using a throttle and using the rear-wheel drive of this car to fly around the corner now we're doing the donut around the barrel to get the lights going [Applause] all right so i'm getting the hang of this so there's there's a need for tire smoke and there's a need for precision what you're doing and when just it's a layman if you can't do that what do you do right now so i'm slowing it down let's get on the truck off and then slightly around we're trying to trigger the night so we get extra cars boys [Applause] and we get it for the speed as well [Applause] so seriously can anyone do this with a rear-wheel drive car theoretically yeah with enough power and the rear wheel drive you can just use the thrust and it will turn the car for you it's incredible i hope you enjoyed it right so you've got to be sideways you've got to get tar smoke so it's a bit almost like a rally stage it's a bit of drifting it's it's not quite auto testish i guess but it's most things all thrown into one it's a whole host of things thrown together just as you explained yeah i mean there's a whole dynamic to it is a lot of drifting uh it takes up that gymkhana style but uh let's take a look at the map and that is exactly what these guys have got to do so here we go they come off the start line as we see down and towards the chicane now this isn't an easy obstacle to drift around because as you know david it's a kidney shape yeah so they pick up a lot of speed but then they have to scrub a lot of speed to make their way back up the kidney again so tactics will come into play with this do they slow the car down a quick race or do they drift it in to the cathedral car park donut around the sensors set the sensors off that takes time off of their overall time by the gate entrance to another donut down into more sensors and then across the finish line drift the corner back onto the circuit seems easy enough sounds easy enough for me and you to talk about in the commentary booth but there we go so there we go as you can see our drivers down in the grid ready to go and first up is of course the mad monster himself steve back to biagioni right what are we talking about in terms of the ideal weapon for this do you need bags and bags of horsepower or is that a hindrance no i think bags and bags of horsepower are going to help you out here right there's a lot of tire speed a lot of wheel spin as you can see bagsy straight into that one no messing around this is where it gets difficult because as i explained you have to slow the car down massively actually picks up a hell of a lot of wheel speed there as he steps back on the throttle now makes his way down he's looking for a very narrow gate now very narrow exit as you can see it's not square to the chicane either as david covers his face and then a nice big flick as you can see gets the front bumper right on those tires on those hay bales and then into the proximity sensors now this is where the score starts to get affected look at maxi absolutely pinned to that wall precision from that young man as he now gets into the barrels where he has to set those lights off each light is a second off if you're over all time and then of course i am the third judge in all this so i get to take up to 20 seconds off your overall time all right okay i wonder why you'd arrive with a bulging wallet right okay so smoke hangs in the air a set of tyres will last you for one one run one one silly b yeah yeah one run and then you go into the entrance of goodwood motor circuit here around a barrel again no sensor on this barrel this is just for the show and then into this the final sensor pickup now there are two sets of proximity sensors the closer you are the lights will go up they won't go off you can see the lights not flashing now drivers have been told they can go around here as many times as they like to set the lights off but obviously that will affect you your overall time or not so begs you trying to set up all of those proximity sensors and across the finish line he goes and a spectacle finishes as he absolutely decimates the tires on the back of that nissan r35 gtr well we are based we are not exactly a stone's throw from the finish but i can smell the burning rubber from here yeah it is a really good uh you know a good atmosphere it creates such a good uh you know a sense in the area it lights your senses the smell of tyre smoke and the smell of race fuel up next is the one and only james dean in this 2008 bmw e92 euro fight built by some guys in latvia and then finished off in ireland james dean doing a very good job with this three-time fun with the drift champion and three-time drift masters european champion makes his way around and dean looking very good look at that on the foot break control in the front of that car very nice job from james deans he makes his way through the gate perfectly balanced and not opting to go as close or as far around as banksy and opted to go for a different route round so there are options as long as you set up the sensors to take those precious seconds off your time look how close dean is to the front of those barrels at carbon kevlar e92 bmw looking absolutely stunning as always as dean fires through wow incredible from james dean and this precision driving look at the close proximity to that barrel as he up chips now through in to the final as you can see at the bottom of the screen the proximity sector lights so as james dean sets those proximity sensors off they will light up on your screen so that more of those that are lit james dean has hit and fulfilled that's how marshalls get a face full of smoke there so james dean finishes up his run in spectacular fashion european championship driver joins the back of the grid we go back to the front is a kevin quinn up next kevin quinn in this incredible nissan 2006 s15 kevin quinn known for his flamboyant driving style [Music] and he'd be very eager to get off the line so we're just waiting for my score there we go and a time miss senses zero style points 10 from me could have been a little bit more flamboyant 57 seconds overall for james dean in that bmw euro fighter as i say kevin quinn now sits eagerly awaiting his first run now he did say to me earlier on in the paddock he was quite nervous about this because he said he might get lost so who knows where kevin quinn may end up but he will give it a shot nevertheless as the young irishman now looks all around very very he is kevin quinn to get off the line you can see beg he in the background there just admiring the drivers there we go he gets the union jack dropped for kevin quinn because he's going to go for a very good start when he's in there on the foot break just trying to get some heat into those back tires before he does a big flick on the rev limit it goes kevin quinn nice and wide and tactically driving for kevin quinn not too much tire smoke looks like he's put quite a lot of grip into this 206 s15 to try and get the quickest time possible almost over it takes a very close to the gate as he comes through now what way does he go oh he's gonna go the same way that james dean went with the opposite direction but he's missed a few sensors there because you can see the proximity sector at the bottom lighting up and miss now he gets into the power section throws a lot of angle at it that's going to slow him down create a lot of time smoking looks for the flashing lights on the drums and kevin quinn keeping going he's just trying to get as many of those [Applause] proximity sensors lit up and gets himself lost almost hits the top about as kevin quinn now gets himself into the donut at the motorcycle entrance not as close as james dean that's gonna affect his time it looks like kevin quinn's going for a show run here more about the show is young kevin quinn than he is about winning overall or trying to uh get the fastest time as he flies into the final proximity sector between foot to floor you can hear him really working that three liter straight six turbo so he's up to 20 is kevin quinn and he's doing very very well in this part he just needs to exit before the clock picks up too much time and across the line goes kevin quinn and that one very stylish from me i enjoyed that no end so where does kevin quinn end up after that first run and one thing to note of these guys they haven't had a practice on this track so normally drifting you would have a practice session uh you would have qualifying we have none of that here at drift karna we've literally thrown these guys in at the deep end so they've had no recce they've got a small track walk last night they'd have a quick look at where the sensors were how far away they worked you see james dean's still taking the lead on that one and a massive amount of time off of his score as we move it back to the start line so this young man is martin richards now brief history on this car this is in fact the oldest competing drift chassis in europe as at the moment and richard's the former king of riga in 2019 comes off the line we can see it onboard now exactly what is going on inside the car martin richards really working it oh he's broke in a 360. martin richards going for the complete show score then as he gets himself back into it and the car and the cabin now beginning to fill with smoke as martin absolutely flying very close the front bumper to the chicane on the handbrake once again through the gate you can see how narrow that gate is barely wide enough to get the car through as martin richards also goes now into the proximity sector you can see a light in those as it gets it absolutely pinpoint perfect as martin richards oh and he's removed the rear bumper it looks like martin richards shedding body panels off the back of this nissan skyline and richards disposing of the rear bumper as he comes round now down into the donut at the entrance and now can richards beat james dean as he fires into the final proximity sector you can see 12 seconds already allotted on his time he gets nice and close gets the front one but absolutely dialed because he's honorable oh and he takes him out oh martin richards now starts to make a mess of the circuit as he looks for the exit only one he didn't get there and martin richards finishes it off in spectacular style and there we go mike richards rejoice to quit at the back and now marshalls will have to take a brief moment to uh repair the circuit after uh martin richards destroyed half of it so we go one that sensor missing it's a time with my style points of 59.053 because he will be just underneath second place at the moment for martin richards as we take a brief moment to get our track repaired there we go james dean still leading the time with a very flamboyant run as well it wasn't it wasn't um tactical he didn't grip the car up i assumed a lot of these guys um to grip the car up and maybe put in a more of a tactical run more grip more straight lining but this young man is so taking a look back at martin richards as well look at this 360. perfectly executed absolutely perfectly executed because martin richards fulfilled all of those outside sensors and that was where he lost the rear bumper just a little tap of that barrier disposed of the rear end of that nissan skyline [Music] and martin richards this is where it went wrong for martin richards [Music] and i'm going to say if it wasn't for that collision with those proximity sensors mike richards could have picked james dean to the top spot nevertheless richard's out there having fun and really getting to grips and enjoying at least drift come on let's take a closer as we see the sensor and the barrel go absolutely fine as long as richards rearranges the circuit so back down on the grid as soon as we get the all clear from our marshals will be ready to send the next driver who looks like it will be axel hildbrand so a quick repair as you can see and we are back up and running i do believe so no it looks like it will be this man paul smith 2012 former british drift champion and paul smith in this incredibly well prepared toyota gt86 running a two jay z under the bonnet three liter straight six turbo from a toyota supra looks like we are getting the thumbs up and just ready to get him off [Music] paul smith was talking tactics earlier with his team trying to work out the best option again were they going to go for the show or were they going to go for a quick overall time there we go paul smith just awaiting the start line signal and here we go looks like paul smith will be off the line i'm ready to go for his first run at drip corner here at goodwood speedweek 2020 through the sensor he goes and he's gonna go for a tactical run this is very very clever of paul smith he would be watching the live stream on his phone right very close to front of that gtx just drops a wheel on the grass as paul smith makes his way back down the chicane now looking for that gate oh this is very technical from smith he's stopped drifting he's gripped the car up massively you can see driving into this proximity center area now is to fulfill all of those you can see one meter away is how far the rear end of that car needs to be from those proximity sensors to set the light off straight he's missed one but he goes back around for a second run to make sure he completely fulfills that sector flicks the back end of that gt86 out onto the road and they're down into the donut [Music] and paul smith makes his way out into the second sector this is very fast from smith at the moment looking very good not many style points i'm going to be awarded by myself [Music] but this run nevertheless technically looking very good and smith going for the overall time here looks to be the overall winner as you can see almost straight lines through that barrel looks for the exit as possible makes his way down gets the checkered flag and across the line he goes paul smith just missing one proximity sensor there and only five points taken off of his style score so where's paul smith end up after that run here we go whole time of one minute 14. sensors five off 110 for paul smith puts him in third place at the moment as we still have two more drift cars to go and then we have some four-wheel drive they're going to make their way out up next it will be axel hildbrand as he starts the show straight from the pit lane as axel in the sunoco race fuels nissan 2006 s 14 powered by nissan skyline 2.5 turbo engine oh an axle you can see that a lot of steering input will damage the handbrake as he slows the back end of that car down at the top of the chicane and slows down massively there again looks like another driver tactical going for a perfect time gets a big mistake there though axel's way away from that wall he's gonna have to make his way back around if he wants to completely fulfill it and you can see how many of those sensors weren't set off [Applause] from hill brand now as he gets into those barrels and looks for the exit straight down in to the goodwood entrance makes the front way away makes the way around that barrel the front wheel locked up starts destroying the tires on the back of that nissan 206 as he gets into the final sector he'll brought very fast through there very close indeed you can see the lights illuminate as hillbrand fires that car sideways he's going to look for the exit he's going for a very quick time run now his axle hill brand finishes up the run [Applause] and smokes out the rest of the circuit so axel hill brand finishing up each run and again going back over that one looked like a very technical run from hildbrand two missed sensors 10 style points 57.4 as a very fast run there second place almost a contender with james dean as axel kept his cards close to his chest earlier in the paddock didn't really talk about tactics or setup but he was going for it up next on the line it is george barkley chevrolet 6.2 v8 power decentralized arm out the window for george park he's going to go for a big show here as well oh he's completely messed up he's got very very wide almost went onto the grass george barkley holds on oh he's over rotated buckley getting a little bit too confident there he's really gonna have to work now to make this one happen he comes down you can see the time in the bottom corner of your screen [Music] he makes his way in to the supercar paddock [Applause] buckley very well driver how is he gonna fare with these proximity sensors though [Music] gets into the drums he's gonna have to make his way back around again he'll know what ones haven't been illuminated by the flashing light on the top markley misses one there as he makes his way out now into the entrance very nicely done there from george berkeley i'm out the window super confident is this young man he's feeling very very good as he comes through center circuit very nicely done there from george barkley as he puts foot to floor he gets the front bumper on there you can see on the bottom of your screen just one miss doesn't look like he's gonna get it as barclay looks for the exit and makes his way out of the circuit very well done there to george barkley and what a show from that young man [Music] so there we go they are our drifters done and dusted and it does look like we are going to be moving along to the four-wheel drive category once again george barkley i'm out the window tapping the roof he's very happy with that was it a contender for top spot james dean currently holding that one minute 11 moment at 12 after the miss sensors 57.9 plus george barkley in third place at the moment and we move it down to the start line to this young man david just catch his breath for james dean sits there confident unfazed unflustered by the rest of the competition and it is of course rich gates who is the man and he couldn't work out whether he was going to come here as a rally driver or as a drift car on the driver and therefore what do you do with the delivery of the car so he's down one side of each so the blue and white is for the rally and the sort of stealth grey there is for drift carla very good young british rally driver yeah incredible talent he came over last night to the drift banner consent if you i'm going to move all my setup to the drift pattern because i want to hang around with you guys because it looks like lots of fun yeah incredible talent we've been watching him in the rally stage in the evening unbelievable driver and look at this as he gets that fiesta r5 absolutely slinging through the donut i'm not doing such a bad job at the moment he's going to have a very quick time but the proximity centers are going to hurt his score yeah i was going to say this is where the real difference in the discipline comes because going quickly against the clock getting sideways that's all yeah something he's very used to but this very different indeed and of course one of the things you have on rally stage is sometimes is a donut you do one loop around it well trying to get close to it it's a bad thing exactly so this is a very different art all together so how do you score that good battery i'll give him a halfway i've given him a minus ten because you know yeah there were sections of it that weren't amazing but okay it was good it was it was entertaining for me it was entertaining for me so there we go miss censor's 10 misses as he gets 10 star points just because of you know what he's doing in that car on this circuit not easy i do believe someone told me did gymkhana grid as well in 2019 so he knows that he knows the basis of it so there we go reshades drops himself into fifth place though not a bad run up next oh he's throwing in a 360. and this is manfred stole the all-electric rallycross car i think i'm riding saying so manfred stole yeah in the erx ford fiesta so four-wheel drive and lightning acceleration but almost too much power yeah almost all too much power over rotating massively now he's got himself in a bit of a pickle got himself lost there had to work out where he was back on the circuit through the by road he goes down down into this this is a hard part for these guys to fulfill these outside sensors you know the car characteristically doesn't want to drift that wide and then we go it destroys the outside sets us does manfred stroll right now he takes his way around the barrels because he missed the barrels least he missed it he missed the barrels yeah he took the rest of the car his electric cars david sound just incredible yeah it's a very different sound we're all having to get used to isn't it he certainly is it's the future for sure his memphis stroll that makes his way into the final proximity section it's going to be very very hot i'm not bad job so far you can see those illuminating picking them up goes very wide does it look like an easy car to maneuver around these barrels that's for sure comes from a good motorsport family his father rudy stole was a very successful rally driver manfred bradley dead rally crosston has been pioneering electric technology within rallycross so they go 100 electric but what about the score was that 100 not really no unfortunately i took some off because of just the flamboyancy and the fact that he went out there and gave it a hundred and ten percent nevertheless one minute 13 overall miss census bumped that up to one minute 19 and minus five for myself puts me in seventh place at the moment these guys this is this is extra time for them david this weekend out having some fun putting on a show here at goodwood speedweek this is the rebellious cousin jim drifkana as well this is a you know the naughty cousin that comes around for sunday dinner well manfred still we didn't even see within the rally stage that's the first activity he has done all weekend first chance we had to see that electric fiesta but all that real estate to play with and he absolutely demolished the course didn't they yeah he certainly did yeah and that's uh you can see some um media guys there just avoiding that now let's uh try and hear from one or two of the drivers james dean uh first of all he's with becky well guys that was an interesting start to the course we've got some of our drivers down here just watching the competition and see how things are starting to stack up and i thought i'd catch up with james dean who's busy watching the screen at the moment because he's trying to see what everyone's up to james it's a bit of a job swap you've got rally car drivers we've got drift car drivers what how are you judging the rally car drivers out there yeah for me it's really fun because that was our first actual run on the course this weekend and the car was absolutely really fun to drive it's totally different to us usually we're not charged on time but we are this weekend so it's time for your style points getting all the proximity sensors really enjoyable first run out and uh i'm excited to get back out there for the second one later and how do you feel the e92 is reacting to having such close proximity to those sensors yeah so our first one actually worked out better than expected uh we just walked the course earlier this morning so we never knew what the grip was going to be like how it was going to feel but it felt really good out there i think we have the i think we have the fastest time so uh in general really enjoyed it and i can't wait to throw somewhere more flair in it at the next run and uh just enjoy the whole experience top of the tree lots of pressure james you gotta keep it going it's all good we're enjoying it thanks so much james we're going to move on and have a chat with baxi he's another one who's uh keeping an eye on the competition first time out what did you think first car up there as well it's always hard yeah of course yeah first car out uh yeah walk the track obviously yesterday with james as well i haven't had a run at it yet so it's a lot looser out there than i kind of anticipated but it's a lot of fun i wasn't really fussed at the time i just wanted to go out there and lay down a great show for everybody at home yeah for all the people that are watching out there it's a big car but how do you make it move around those barrels like there's so much ease yeah i mean it's not too bad to you know figure it out once you're on the track and uh it was just a lot of fun to throw it around and uh just make sure you bring it home across the line safely brilliant thanks maggie now this is something very different indeed born getting junior in the ford mustang mackie an all electric ford mustang now that's almost a contradiction in terms for most people mustangs ought to be noisy and grunty and brutal well it's a brutal car but it's all electric and vaughn getting is all action yeah it certainly isn't and for getting junior at a natural to drift in competes in the formula drift championship in america this weekend got the invite over to drive the all-electric mackie and he goes very white he has to back out that one before he removes that front carbon splitter driving this car he said it's absolutely terrifyingly fast [Laughter] which is rather the point i suspect yeah exactly that and yeah as we was mentioning earlier it's quite unusual to see a very silent but yet deadly mustang we expect one that's fire breathing it's partly silent you've got the wine of the electric motor but also the tar squeals so i might have it with my ears indeed that but it's been spectacularly driven how did he score yeah well i took five off you know just for how hard this car is to drive and the size of the slicks that it runs as well four slicks on there four will drive 126 it's bumped up and minus five i won a 21 from vaughan getting junior wasn't in ninth place i do believe even that is the end of drift karna that is all of our drivers and there we go there's the leaderboard james dean takes the top spot for the first ever goodwood drift car event here at speedweek we'll be back later on for part two i'm impressed i i'm definitely impressed uh drifting is something that we had last year at an event called the fia motorsport games that's correct and um it's one of those things that was tagged on at the end of the day and actually they came off really badly because they had the worst of the weather so when it was dry they could properly show what the cars were capable of then it became so wet in the evenings yeah but it wasn't about drifting it was about just trying not to spin not slide off the road um but it was a real eye-opener for many of us as to exactly what goes on partly in terms of the driving style that's required and partly in terms of how it runs with when you've got the two cars together one is the lead and one is the chase yeah yeah tandem gets very very involved a whole different discipline from solo runs and yeah i tuned into that event and watched it live and it was a it was at the end it became a strive of the survival you know if you could survive the track you made it through and you could win the event and i know a lot of guys struggled it was very difficult weather conditions there we go we make it official james dean tops the first round of drift garner here axel hill brand takes second george barkley takes third martin richardson full free yates mixes the pack up in fifth place paul smith takes sixth seventh place back for stroll eighth kevin quinn and ninth of vaughan getting junior in that all-electric mustang well hello everybody and welcome to round two of the drift karna our brand new segment here at goodwood speedweek now if you weren't watching earlier we had some amazing action with an array of different cars now the three things i want you to remember for watching the drift car if you didn't watch it earlier is this speed style and sensors your speed because you're going to need to get from one end of the course the other as fast as you can your style because the judges are looking to see how stylish you are as you're going around the track and then also your sensors now these sensors are very important because if you miss them you're going to get time penalty headed on now as you can see behind me we have the amazing mac e here now this is 400 brake horsepower all-wheel drive and he's trying to manhandle this thing around the circuit and we have an electric rallycross car here and beyond that it's when it starts to get really noisy we have our drift cars here as you can see kevin quinn and his s15 2jz it's about 900 horsepower he's really bringing the noise out here that's the great thing about drift karna we have a mix of disciplines here the people are having to get around the track and use every bit of style and grace that they use on the track when they're normally competing it's all about flamboyance precision we want them all to put a show on for you it's so exciting because it's something that we haven't been able to do before obviously we're sad that we can't have our spectators here at goodwood but it has allowed us to open up the motor circuit to areas that are normally pristine and covered in beautiful cars and now we're using it as a playground they're heading out onto the track then off into the paddocks and really having some fun out there now the guys are starting to find the circuit a little bit difficult because it was their first time going out there in round one it's very tight they're having to get themselves through the trip through the paddock thank you very much martin if they're having to get themselves through the gates and actually get round some barrels get around some wall rides we saw a few accidents earlier where we had some barrels taken out we had the wall destroyed so it's really showing that it's not easy at all it really takes some precision from these guys we are now going to be moving down as we can see here we have our track up they're coming onto the circuit and into a chicane and then once they're out of that they're heading through a really really tight gate this is a little back on itself through that tight gate into the first center area now they're doing a little donut around the barrels and then background another's going up through there and back into the last sensor area now as i said one thing that people are finding very difficult is being able to see the sensors so when they're going around the barrels they're looking to see those lights and know that they've got all the points that they need but it's very difficult when you're concentrating there's tire smoke some nerves thrown in there as well but let's see one man behind us who seems to not be very nervous our number one spot right now has been taken by james dean in the e92 m3 euro fighter this is a 2jz under there it's about 900 horsepower and as usual he's feeling very calm and collected in the car no problem whatsoever but that could all change we have a couple of rockies coming up behind him we have axel hildebrand and also george barkley and their s14 and s13 now these guys are actually competing in drift cup right now but they're coming through and showing the big boys how it's done axel is sitting in second place currently and george is in third it's all to play for but they've changed it round this time we're going to send out the electric cards first and see what this stock behind bringing all the noise are going to do next good to see i'm very excited you never know what's going to happen this time they've seen it the next time they're going to make sure that they nail it right then guys i'm going to leave you off to our commentators ian waddington and dave guys take it away thank you very much becky yes and here i am in the commentary booth ready to get this show underway at drift karna here at goodwood speedweek 2020 and as becky explained tight technical course with a lot of obstacles and things to get around and of course not only do those guys have to set off the proximity sensors they also have to impress me because i am the third part of this i am the judge as well i get to take away up to 20 seconds off of those guys times to you know if they impressed me enough up first vaughn gittin jr in the mac e mustang the all-electric mustang now i had a word with his engineer earlier and he said we've changed it up we're not going to go four wheel drive this time we've pulled the front drive shafts we've up increased the steering angle we've changed the gearing oh and hornet junior throwing in a 360. oh and he doesn't pull it off has to light up the rear tyres on this 20 20 1400 mackie and gets himself into the chicane that cloud of smoke formed getting junior barely viewable on the screen as he has to do one full pass of the chicane now back down he's gonna be looking for that tight gate now you can see how much horsepower that this electric mustang has got they can barely control it and as i said changed the gearing on the vehicle now he gets to work it even harder than he did earlier i know he's gonna struggle to get close to those proximity sensors with the little initiation like that you can see those dots are lighting up at the bottom of your screen with each one it is illuminated green that means that he has successfully hit the proximity sensor gets himself now in to the front ones almost gets himself caught up there does one getting junior as he now tries to navigate all the way around as you can see once the light's illuminated once he has fulfilled that proximity sector the light will flash on top of the barrel transitions out very tidy job there from the formula drift driver normally found in a high horsepower mustang almost clips the barrel but perfectly navigates his way around tons of tire smoke coming out the back end of this mackey through the trees he goes down the by road in to the final proximity sector because you can see he completely fulfilled the last ones can he do it again two different styles here we have the orange and the green the closer ones are the green ones if you fulfill those that means you are extremely closer to the barrel and you can go around these barrels as many times as you require to knock the light up we'll get junior looking for that exit stands on the foot brake absolutely decimates the tyres and completely smokes out goodwood motor circuit as vaughn jr that puts the timing of 142.192 but he does get 20 seconds of his time fulfilling all of those proximity sensors so vaughn gittin jr makes his way back down to the pit road and an incredible show there not sure if any of our other drivers are going to be able to see the track after junior absolutely smokes the place out there we go 132 style points 10 a little messy in some hearts but nevertheless he made it around in a much nicer run than last time so 132 for volume junior vision in first place at the moment stroll up next in the all electric erx so this car featured this year in the world rally across championship and they will literally look at this absolutely flying off the line stroke oh wow stole not messing around incredible so far and these guys now following suit from martin richards with the big 360 style initiation and uh stroke looking for a nice time you can see him on and off throttle there looks a lot more balanced than what it was last time and as becky mentioned these guys have felt the track out now so they know the conditions they know the line they know what they're looking for and they know the direction they've got to go no sighting lap or no recce the straw gets himself into this outfit outside zone doesn't fulfill them all manfred stroll now will really do well on these barrels these all-electric four-wheel drive cars navigated perfectly around but he doesn't he misses a few there a stroke gets in to the donut almost gets it from the stroll on and off of the throttle there in the gateway back across he goes in to the final proximity center section and benford strong gets this one tidy you can see the way he dives the car across the track stroll looks for the exit breaks the timing beam and there we go 56 seconds but he does miss a few of those proximity sensors so that will damage you scott and patrol he's putting on a show here for the spectators on site so i give him my score of a minus five there spectacular but not that spectacular this is going to be a fast time once we get that 58 dead for man for troll puts him in first place ahead of the rest of the pack now we start to move on to the drift cars we do have reece yates in there as well someone i think he's slotted himself further down the pack to try and mix up the drifters finished biff earlier on this man kevin quinn on the line now in this incredible 2jz powered nissan 200sx s15 had incredible fun early i said he just went out there because there's only one off chance that you get to drift around the circuit here at goodwood motor circuit he said this time though no messing around change strategy i'm going to go for it i'm going to try and put in a fast time a lot of tactics being spoken about in the break between the two drift karna events [Music] and there we go kevin quinn gets the drop of the union jack and the way he goes as you can see kevin quinn not messing around this time no 360 initiation looking to get this car absolutely perfectly around the circuit it's a lot tighter now this time from kevin clinton he's going to go for a fast one he's seen that james dean his fellow irishman hipped him to the post last time and he's not messing around he wants to try to be up there and win this overall very fast through them goes kevin quinn very deep into those proximity says you see the back bumper all the way along the wall as kevin quinn puts the front end now onto the barrels you can see the lights flickering up as soon as he sees them all illuminate he will exit the front drums and make his way in to that front donut in the middle of the track here he goes nice initiation through very tightly job from kevin quinn these guys balancing these vehicles perfectly on the throttle lots of steering input that's kevin quinn flying through the circuit this is a fast time 56 seconds so far oh a kevin quinn stops dead on the track and it looks like he's broken down oh no he's going again oh wow what a shame for kevin quinn's on an absolute flyer though absolute flying was kevin quinn look at the front bumper absolutely perfect on those proximity sensors sets them all off looks for the exit and across the timing like it goes 117 [Music] and i enjoyed that one from kevin quinn but that stall up in the middle of the circuit will damage you score massively as kevin quinn joins the back of the grid here we go score in for kevin quinn missed sensors five missed sensors minus 10 star points 112 for kevin quinn at the moment drops him into second place paul smith for your 2012 former british drift champion now off the line and paul smith another guy going for tactics said that he went for the fun earlier grip the car up a little bit too much this time he knows where he's at almost catches the front end on the chicane of that gt86 toyota a full frontal for smith now as you can see him shallow up the angle straightens up he gets back into it over the bump he goes down very bumpy in that part of the circuit two options there you can go left or right there is no correct way or incorrect way smith there for filling all of these front proximity sensors very nicely done smith job done needs to get himself out now into the donut in the middle of the circuit as you can see perfectly done very close to all of those front drums and smith going for this one you see inside the car pulling the hydraulic hand brake just to slow that car down slow the rear wheels down to gain some grip again very nicely done for paul smith as he comes sideways completely in there sets off all the proximity sensors this could be the one as smith comes through almost catches the front wheel on the hay bale and across the line he goes oh smokey smith as he likes to be known finishes up an incredible run and makes his way back down as you can see not sure did he fulfill all of those other sensors they didn't illuminate so not sure what happened there we will see once the score drops in for paul smith and 104 on the ball eight sensors missed so we've missed eight sensors star point so for me that was incredible for paul smith very entertaining indeed 52.2 puts paul smith way up the leaderboard ahead of james dean in that first round moving back to the start line rhys yates now now this young man he said well i'm going to go out there and have some fun in the first round and then when he got back to the paddock he said this is business time no messing around he had the crew on the car they over inflated the tyres to try and lose some grip they spoke they sat down and spoke and he said i'm gonna go for this one i'm gonna get down into first gear for the wall ride i'm really going to try and perfect this i'm really going to try and get my car to drift as well as i can and reshade sits on the line eagerly he's even positioned his car perfectly in the pit lane to make sure he gets a nice exit away so we are just waiting to get the all clear from our track marshals and then we'll get reece smith uh sorry reshates off the so line awaiting the all clear from our track marshals and then we will give him the drop of the union jack here we go yates the welshman slots into gear and away he goes look at that no will spin going for this one no messing around very fast as yates oh he's going to from the 360. he's frozen at 360. the welshman i mean absolutely flying in the rainy stages here a good speed and said a little extra time i'm going to join the drift karna guys and i'm going to have some fun very tiny job there as he exits the circuit through into the supercar i've had him onto the wall look at this this is what yates was talking about over inflating the tires to try and fulfill some of those sensors a few drop though the front one's a lot easier to get oh look like the car bogged down if there's a slightly there as those tires get very very hot said they're not designed to lose traction like what the drift guys have got they gain grip massively as soon as they get hot they are super super grippy he appreciates now hammers on the throttle flies away from that donut in the middle of the course gets into the final proximity sensors tidy job you can see him all on the handbrake there just disengaging that rear differential lighting up all four wheels as yates brings it across the line nicely done from reece yates so reshapes a few proximity sensors dropped there and 15 seconds off from start points on my behalf there we go 59.1 this sensor's taking up to a minute and it goes way back down 49.198 resheats jumps way ahead of the rest of the pack there in to first place he goes and appreciates strictly business from this young man no messing around we go back to the line and it will be axel hildbrand now in that oh no sorry it will be martin richards and the driftworks nissan skyline r32 [Applause] richard's big handbrake drag there messed up massively in the last one after hitting those proximity barrels lots of time off again no advantage gets very close to the end of the wall that incar bringing you right on top of the action making it extremely good ride in as you can see the work that richard's having to put in there using the hydraulic handbrake to unlock the rear wheels down the gear he goes in that sequential gearbox into those front drums and a very tidy job there on the transition once again you can see once you pull the hydraulic handbrake locks the car up four-wheel slide back on the throttle lots of steering input for martin richards works the wheel back through the center upper gear on the gearbox big flick he comes he's going to go the opposite way this time to everyone else maybe he's got a tactic here as richards as he gets the front end of that car on to the proximity sensors lights most of them up you can see the green ones not flashing there we go picks them up gets across the line only one sensor dropped and richards gets himself across the line job done as the tail light hangs out the back end of that nissan skyline so richard thumbs up to the marshalls he enjoyed that one and no there's big damage sustained this time 59.6 he goes up to a minute dead not sure if he can talk greece he can he goes a 45.6 richards jumps up top of the leaderboard and sets the site for the next guy who will be steve banksy biagioni in this incredible nissan skyline r35 at gtr now big heavy car becky spoke to bagsy earlier and he said it's a bit of a hassle motor in this car around it's very heavy big turbo strapped to the front of the v8 a backseat is just going to bring the show look at this a big rolling turn out for bagsy as he leaves the pit lane through the proximity center he goes flames erupting from the front as bags he said i'm not going to go for the time because i'm pretty sure that this car is miles too heavy it just doesn't have as much grip and drive as what the rest of the guys do they think they're real competition cars banksy bought the demo car this weekend look at this as you can see him on the foot brakes smoking the tires on the back of the gtr flames popping from the front bumper makes it big flick through and ej takes the opposite way to everybody else as he gets on to the wall right now looking for those proximity sensors tiny job drags the rear diffuser along the wall just pops two of them out the way flames absolutely erupted as bagsy works the throttle on this thousand horsepower v8 monster i think he's gonna fulfill a few laps of the drums look at this all the proximity sensor lights are illuminated he makes his way out now across can barely see where he's going from tire smoke on the throttle once again goes back to into that front drum on the entrance to the motor circuit lights up the rear wheels and looks for the final sector this maxi comes flying through very tiny job and he goes the opposite way to martin richards tactics being played between these guys now no missing around they do want fastest time back he's not going to go for that one she can see 115 creeping up on to the timing and score now for bags is he almost sets fire to the hay bales as he destroys the tyres on the back of that gtr and across the line he goes two sensors missed 18 in total but bagsy the showman bringing the fun and smoke to goodwood speedweek soap to the back of the queue bags he goes you can see that rear diffuser hanging off of that r35 gtr after we run it along the wall clip those plastic barriers on the outside wall right and scores drop in here we go time for bags here 123 total two sensors missed and 10 style points taken away at 115 bagsy not going for the time going for the fun going for the show and the showman that he is up next we go to the start line george barkley in this v8 s13 nissan 200sx now george barkley he said he was here for the fun here for the show but he quickly had his team under that car working on suspension working on getting some grippier tires on the back of it said he could go even faster again third last time in heat one how does how does barkley fare in heat two or he awaits the drop off the flag and just looks like our marshall having a word of our start line marshall there before we get george barkley off and you can see the circuit absolutely decimated with tyres here we go dropper the flag john barkley lights up the tires on the back of that car looks for it will he go for a 360 initiation will you throw a 360 in for the show no looks away hits it absolutely perfect this time very tight to the chicane go george probably a little bit wide needs to tidy that one up just too much steering angle at it as george barkley gets himself back around the top of the chicane now full throttle as he unleashes all 550 horsepower through the tight gate he goes still on throttle with jules barney very wild for this young man as he gets himself now into the outer zone nice job done he's going to get super wide takes out the barriers does george barkley and again dials too much steering angle at it looks like joel's finally getting a little bit too wild onto the barrels he's going to fulfill all of those sensors and picks up all 12. makes his way off arm out the window once again from the showman through down in to the donut at the gate oh when he gets it wrong feels like he gets it wrong stalls up massive he has to clutch kick a stand on the throttle arm again i'll tell the window this man tons and tons of confidence as george barkley makes his way in to proximity sector two there he goes very wide there now he's gonna have to tighten this one up he's gonna have to probably do two or three passes to completely fulfill all of those sensors and put all the lights on you can see him there lighting up in front of him he knows when he's got one missed there's barkley oh barbie almost catches the hay bale and gets himself well out of shape brings it across the line and for me that was a show george barkley are really bringing the fun and how he managed to avoid the hay bale on the exit was incredible flames are up from the back of that 2006 one minute and 13. he goes up to 114 with the sensors but down to a 59.2 berkeley sits in fifth place overall not as good as his first heat there we go drivers out the car having a chat skipped back to piaggio and martin richards just talking tactics yeah banksy saying you wasn't gonna go for tactics but you ended up going for it richards with an incredible 45.6 second run sets himself up nicely two more drivers left to go and it will be second and first place from heat one axel hildebrand now sits on the line just half a second off of james dean's time now james dean would be sitting in the car watching the big screen watching the times pop up and seeing how these guys are doing it and what route they're taking in and out of the barrels that is the biggest thing i think and we know that james dean is super competitive and he'll want to be up there and win heat two as well as heat one here we go black drop back to hildebrand makes the tires off the start line maybe he's going to go for a show run or is he just going to use that to get some heating could potentially be going for a fast run here his axle said he gripped the car just a little bit too much last time too much straight line driving you can see the steering wheel drops a wheel onto the grass you see that rear wheels locking that is when axel was pulling the hydraulic handbrake just using that to slow the car down and get back on the clutch and the throttle unleashing 500 horsepower from that six-cylinder turbo engine as actually now gets himself into the wall tidy job on the foot brake you can see just pulling the back of the car away from the wall very nicely done from axel on the drums again on the foot brake balancing that car tidy job throw in so he goes this is looking like a very tidy job from axel hill brand right now around the barrel onto the throttle across and into the final oh he gets it wrong and shuts it down a mischief potentially ordered the car cut out same issue that kevin quinn had axel gets himself back into it that's going to hurt your score massively as he finishes up his run so there we go the other drivers appreciating axel's drive me not so much only five seconds taking off his time was that huge stall up in the middle of the track they're not sure what went on with the car that's twice now two drivers have fallen foul to car failure and on the last section of the run so i'm not sure if we're gonna have a time for axel there on his heat to run as the smoke now starts to build a commentary booth and we can smell the burnt tyres in the air james dean your your heat one winner now sits on the line look at that stone cold killer eyes set on the prize james dean will be looking to top martin richards a 45 to beat [Music] there's james dean in that incredible looking e92 euro fighter built in latvia full carbon kevlar body to jay-z gte under the bonnet six-cylinder turbo 700 horsepower without the nitrous you can see the boys there having a bit of discussion resheats thought he was going to take that one but just missed out to a very cunning martin richards who got the team on the job and got the job done so we are just waiting to get the all clear then we'll be sending our final driver of our drift corner event heat two here at goodwood speedweek 2020 we'll be back tomorrow with heat three and our overall winner but for now james dean sits nervously in the car awaiting his fate and his run of the gauntlet so hopefully we can get james off the line in no time at all the drivers down there on the grid having some fun and chilling out after their runs job done now for those guys and just one more driver to go and everybody sits anxiously waiting especially martin richards to find out what the machine can do three-time formula drift champion three-time european champion irish champion well he's off the line here he goes james dean keep one winner absolutely flying his team look at this incredibles he locks the front wheels up coming in to the bottom of that hairpin onto the throttle once again up to the top off now down he's going to be concentrating hard looking for the exit perfectly timed for dean on the throttle still all squirrels his way through a big angle from dean as the bootleg pops open dean gets himself into the wall right he tightens this and got this absolutely perfect and he does once again on to the foot break goes dean in to the barrels you can see him cool as a cucumber inside the car dean flicks the switch and turns on the lights gets them done oh what a very odd exit there for dean doesn't need to go round again flies through the boy road into the front drum in the driveway perfectly executed from james dean never goes his way now down the final byron oh and he was sideways for a very long time there was james dean as he gets back into the barrels you can see the lights already flashing as dean fulfills all of those in one clean pass looks for the exit dean hammers down and across the start line and finish line he goes so there we go james dean finishes up the final drive here at our drift car event speed week 2020 you can see the back end of that eurofi taking a little bit of a beating after getting himself into the wall very very fast run there so i'm waiting to get told in my ear who was the winner of heat two so score drops in for myself i look at the drivers all in anticipation who is going to be the heat two winner martin richards was holding on to first place [Music] as you can see steve the eggs back to y'all you're only there having a chat with re shakes more tactics are going to be playing into hand there appreciates did a very nice job on run two oh and richard's eagerly awaiting to see if he's the heat too winner that could split the pack well there we go i'm being told in my ear that the winner is james dean so james dean wins heat two it's an all-round win for james dean so far an unbelievable drive from that young man so 42.864 for james dean he takes heat two and he won can this man be beaten this weekend i'm not sure again incredible drive from the machine aka james dean [Music] so james dean sits in his car i'm not sure if he got the news yet and we're gonna take a look back at the highlights from heat two of drift karna here at goodwood speed week 2020. up first was of course horny jr in the incredible mac e now was it a good decision to take out the front drive shafts or not i'm not so sure and i think that car worked a lot lot nicer in four-wheel drive mode and the different gear ratio or getting junior doing everything he could though in that car to navigate around tidy job there on the wall ride setting off the proximity sensors as we can see stolen out make his way around that all-electric erx he was having some fun nevertheless of the time kevin quinn the showman well he was on an absolute flyer but it all went wrong when he got into the second sector and that car broke down we'll find out more information about that find out if that car is going to be 100 for the third and final heat tomorrow flames are upped in from the bonnet there of paul smith's toyota gt86 and he was on an absolute fly-off talking tactics for the rest of the guys three shakes in the r5 fiesta msrt and uh tactics working for him slot himself in fifth place here we go incarnate martin richards he was leading the pack until the irishman james dean come along and just pipped him to the post you can see how close james uh sorry martin richards was there to that gay entrance as he gets himself into that barrel run tiny job up next banksy will he come for the show the flames erupting from the front end of that nissan gtr and once again another driver absolutely smoking at the back end of the circuit there back to piazzioni george barkley maybe trying a little bit too hard cut himself too deep into the wall upset the barriers set off the proximity sensors he made a mess of it right there in the middle of the circuit trying just a little too hard with george barkley [Music] well he had the same problem as kevin quinn failed on him in the second sector [Music] it was this man james dean who once again who took the win once again with an incredible drive look at the steering inputs from dean on that just a phenomenal drive from james dean so there we go that is it heat two done over to becky with the winner james dean we are back in the paddock now and i have caught up with our winner for this round two of the drift carter james dean james you make it look so easy but i guess it's not all like that in the car what was going through your mind absolutely not um you know it's totally new for us but it's really enjoyable experience uh to be honest with you i left the start line in second gear that time from the start and i upshifted the third gear i had a massive vibration for the entire run i wasn't i wasn't sure was the car going to last i don't know what it is something in the driveline uh but we continued on with the run trying our best that was kind of slightly distracting me but uh it was like just mad vibrations but uh in general really enjoyable uh we got pretty close to a lot of stuff out there and we tried as fast as possible put on a good show and really enjoying it for those of you at home we like to call james dean the swan everything looks amazing on the surface but obviously there was a lot of pedaling going on under the water there we've got more tomorrow what's your strategy you've won twice in a row are you gonna put something special in there for the next run you know i i'm looking forward to watching that because it's really exciting to see everyone else out there so we just want to go out check over the car and uh go hard again tomorrow so fingers crossed well congratulations thank you so much guys that was your second round of driftcard i'm going to hand you back over to our commentary team thanks becky there we go james dean wins heat two a drift garner here at goodwood speedweek 2020. james dean absolutely dominating the class so far richard's in second place rhys yates in that fiesta r5 in third paul smith fourth axel hill brand in fifth place manfred stahl in sixth seventh place goes to george barkley eighth for kevin quinn ninth steve banksy biagioni in the gtr and tenth place vaughn getting junior in the all-electric mustang mac e drift kerner is about to kick off and right on cue we have the ford mustang machi 1400 going crazy becky for those that don't know what exactly is drift kana well as you can see behind us it's all about fun now normally we'd have so many spectators here they'd be walking all over the pristine lawns but now we've got drift karna because we can now use that space to have some fun on the motor circuit now all i want you to remember is the three s's speed style and sensors so obviously this is how our competitors are going to be marked we have speed you're gonna have to get from start to finish as quick as you can we have style you're gonna be marked on your style if you're more flamboyant you're more precise then you're gonna get time taken off but if you don't get your senses you're gonna get time added on so you might not be the fastest competitor but you'll definitely be able to win now we have the mac e 1400 behind us now this is the brainchild of bournemouth jr sat in the driving seat here it's ford performance rtr and it's just something to show how much electric can really be capable and this is incredible it's 1400 horsepower 1500 foot-pounds of torque and oh my goodness as you can see here you might not have heard it so much but it's got so much more power you just get some of that smoke out the way there so the car's actually it's actually based on the normal ford mustang mach e suv but with some heavy heavy upgrades to it seven electric motors three at the front four at the back correct and they can actually move the power around from front to back so it can be all-wheel drive rear wheel drive or front wheel drive or any combination of that basically absolutely i mean vaughan can use it as using it for all-wheel drive on the rally and also two-wheel drive on the gym car as well so he's using it all over the weekend and just really showing the capabilities of the car i mean rory this thing is an absolute monster it weighs over five thousand pounds and it's just so good like you can't believe how quick it is can we can we take a look at the back as well so we'll do it will do amazing things in a straight line and sideways as well but the downforce levels on this car are incredible this wing plus all the other aerodynamic aids on this car can generate around a thousand pounds of downforce at up to 160 miles an hour so it's not just built for showing off it's actually great for things like drifting drag racing and also circuit racing if that's what you want it's it's it's all things to all people now when i first saw this car they did a segway which was called anything you can do i can do electric and he went up against you know his 1200 horsepower teammate with a ford mustang and then also a couple of other really prominent ford performance drivers and this thing just blew them out the water which means you know what the capabilities are endless with the electric motors can you have a look inside i really want to have a look inside this thing because i haven't had a proper look yet how's it going how how fun is this car it's unbelievable it is uh every time i drive it it literally blows my mind it's it's just insane incredible and the amazing thing is that even though we can't experience as punters the monkey 1400 you can in the forthcoming road car all right becky should we head over to our drift car yes because we have a lineup of cars about to get noisy we have all of our drift car drivers and then a few of our electric rally car drivers it's going to be fantastic i'm going to pass you over to our come commentators guys take it away so here we go ladies and gentlemen looks like we are ready to kick off a drift karna heat three here at goodwood speedweek 2020 you can see the crowds now starting to form along at the top of the pit wall and these guys are ready to see some action before getting junior positions his car back on the beginning of the grid i do believe he will be the first car to lead us out currently last in the points at the moment or in the times before getting junior saying just here for some extra time having some fun as well as your resh8 and manfred troll in the erx and the r5 fiesta and there we go you can just see electric cars maybe on our future well maybe they are axle heeled brand there in the nissan 200sx s14 driving that sunoco race fuels nissan looks like vulgate junior he's getting the all clear from our start line marshall as soon as he gets the drop from the union jack he will be off the line and ready to go so in gear it goes a full rear wheel drive engaged through the time sensors goes warm getting junior now this looks a little bit more controlled than what he suggested either been working on that car overnight trying to get it dialed for drifting as we all know vaughn getting junior not a stranger to a rear-wheel drive mustang pilot in one in the formula drift championship in america this is very tidy from getting junior at the moment comes down looks for the narrow gate and that big mustang an absolute awful now you can see at the bottom of your screen proximity sectors lights as soon as they get fulfilled they will be illuminated and they go green means that he has fulfilled the one meter zone and that will be one second each light off of his time i'm getting junior makes his way around the barrels nice flick through and this is a very tidy job from warming junior in the mustang there's him just pulling on the handbrake there locks up the rear wheels slows himself down an incredible amount of power 1400 horsepower from electric motors in to quick change differentials bolted front and car and the front drive shafts not engaged for this part of the weekend as long getting junior just misses one and misses the hay bales as he flicks that car towards the fence and across the line junior with a 108. just dropping one proximity center the tidiest run he's done so far on the weekend well for me that is a very nice run so i'm gonna score him at minus 15 seconds off his overall combined time there we go let's see where he ends up after his final round of trip griff garner hit 54.797 he jumps onto the back of the grid we start waking our way down into the first of our real competitive drift cars it is kevin quinn nissan 206 s 15 3 lee a straight six turbo engine underneath the bonnet of this s15 prepared by himself and his own company quinn's ends ball in northern ireland [Music] kevin quinn bringing the show yesterday said he wasn't too worried about a time he just really really wanted to put on a show for everybody at home watching you can hear him get himself worked up ready to go give you a jack he's shown and dropped and here comes kevin quinn he's going to go for a show top and here is kevin quinn get some heat in those rear tires that means he's going to put on a real smoke show now as kevin quinn flicks that car across the circuit tidy job on the rev kevin quinn nicely done into the chicane you can see him using that handbrake to slow the car down big clutch kick gets the power going gets the rear wheel spinning once again as quinn makes his way back down the chicane looks for the exit tidally done from kevin quinn keeps the throttle pinned to the floor as he disposes of the rear bumper kevin quinn not messing around this time a little stall up there as he gets himself into the wall ride kevin quinn just missing out on a few of those proximity sensors oh he's gonna tap him gets too close onto the inside there kevin quinn takes a few of them down does he pick them all up though on the ball he certainly does and they're just to pick them all up even though he destroyed half of the circuit three goes into that barrel in the gateway to the motor circuit nicely done from kevin quinn and then using every inch of power and the rev limiter at his disposal gets very close to that drum and the oil drums here taking a beating over the weekend on our fifth contract kevin quinn picks up all 20 barrels all 20 productivity sensors looks for the exit nicely done from kevin quinn as he finishes up a very tiny run hey kevin quinn puts on a show as he finishes up that run and goes back to the pit lane so here we go 112 on the ball miss senses none but the first one of the weekend 20 star points from myself i've really enjoyed that one from kevin quinn he drops himself in with a 52.751 kevin quinn on the back of the grid very tidy job there up next we have this young man steve maxie viaggioni and this incredible nissan skyline arts and nissan r35 gtr powered by chevrolet 7.4 liter v8 with a huge truck turbo strapped to the front making a thousand horsepower to the rear wheels and bags here regular here at foss and goodwood motor circuit and heavily involved in the planning of the track and some free filming here for the show that he spins up 20 inch wheels on the back of this gtr and smokes out the pit lane and here comes the showman right to the edge of the track as banksy fires down into the chicane on the handbrake for a very long time gets that front bumper almost into the wall there of the chicane nicely done from backseat these flames are up from the bumper once again you can see him on the foot break there that's controlling the front wheel slowing the car down allowing him to do a rolling burnout as he comes through the little boy road and that tight gate now oh gets it too close gets the front bumper cool under the front wheels now will he continue he does the front headlight drops down into the wing as backseat the showman keeps the footbed he's gonna try and still put a complete run and got himself way too close to that hay bale destroys that liberty walk front bumper on that gtr he's going to keep going though on the foot break nearly the whole way his bags he blows up the hay bales trying to seven five with the exhaust in the front bumper headlight drops down even more this could be a problem with bexie the front wheel's very close to that headlight inside the wing now makes his way through the second pyro into the proximity sector to he's still going to go for it he's back to parts of the car absolutely flying everywhere as the front wheel was almost locked dead solid by the headlight makes his way before the exit still on the foot brake still picks up 20 sensors and you know what for the show bouncing destroys his car and drags the headlight wedged underneath the lower armor across the line so there we go 122 overall two missed sensors but again 20 style points removed because well why not that young man just absolutely destroyed that car all in the name of entertainment as he jumps himself into third place to take a look back at bagsy's run where did it all go wrong you can see here look how close that splitter is to the floor and watch how he positions the front bumper to the hay bar you can see how bumpy it is there these are all went wrong though cool the front bumper to go for i do believe goes flying off the car rest of it gets spat underneath and out the back end there's a bit crew down there and kevin quinn just trying to jump in and remove the headlight from what is left of the front in the back it's going to be on manfred stroll now in the all-electric erx and for stroll had a terrible first session said do you know what i'm just going to come out and have some fun and throw this car around vanford stroll gets into a little bit of another steer there as he makes his way down the bottom end of the chicane back into it again though there's memphis stroll for stroll pilot in this all-electric erx in of course the world rallycross championship overture makes his way into the wall ride struggling with drifting along these is the only problem with these four-wheel drive cars unless you over inflate the front tires the front axle wants to grip up and pull the car straight obviously that is going to hurt his score in the proximity center section this bit's not too hard though four-wheel drive you can see him lighten up all four tyres make his way around that barrel into the second sector now doesn't matter stroll nice flick almost does a fancy and catches the front bumper on the hay bale there's mountain stroll works himself into the groove very tightly done from stroll he looks for the finish line throwing in some donuts for the crowd and the show almost smoked himself out there 100 electric 55.3 very quick run nine sensors misto and only 10 star points brings him into a 54.3 and patrol jumps into second place at the moment [Music] so we jump back to the beginning of the grid and there's now paul smith in the speed maxis tie out to a gt86 powered fire three engine on the handbrake for a long time as you can see smith slowing that car down at the bottom end of the chicane gets himself back into it once again smith saying that the bump down here through the gate really upsets the battery's car you can see the park dip there this is the big bit and he straightens this time for it doesn't drift through it gets himself straight and sets himself up gets too deep into the ward destroys the proximity sensors on the outside of the wall ride gets himself back into the drums though now looks for the exit just loses one there from the handbrake perfectly tied up around the barrel and smith now fires that gt86 through the biro down and goes the opposite way tactics him and martin richards talking tactics earlier on today and last night saying that going the opposite way around the barrel set yourself up for a nicer exit out of that second sector and just one sense of drop there you can see you're not on the hay bale you're actually on the opposite side of the track very nicely done from smokey smith so 104 overall two sensors missed takes him to a 106. star point so on a minus 15 from me takes him to a 51.227 so paul smith currently leading at the point to move it back to the start line to this young man appreciates he said to me i've had so much fun doing this drift khan of course in this car he's unsure why more of the rally guys didn't stay to enjoy this weekend as we could see a little highlight from paul smith's run takes out the barriers makes a mess of the wall ride you can see him there on the footbridge just trying to slow that car down he realized he was going too deep on the handbrake because his hand inside the car just pulling that handbrake slug trying to slow the car down and drag the car away from the wall unfortunately by that point it was too late for paul smith so we'll have a break in the action for a few seconds while we get our guys down there to repair that wall so it looks like the team have got this into a full swing now after two days of these reckless drivers destroying our wall ride and our proximity sensors they've got it down to an absolute fine art of repairing it i'm sure it won't be the last time that we'll have that issue either in the rebel motorsport we like to call it of drift karna you can see george barkley they're on the line in that waterfront services nissan 206s 13 another vehicle powered by a chevrolet v8 6.2 litre ls3 underneath the bonnet naturally aspirated 550 horsepower and george barkley driving in drift cup the feeder series for the national championship here in the uk so george barkley gets the union jack buckley said to me well this one's for the show this is the last time i'm going to get to do this at goodwood this year and maybe ever as buckley throws big angle is he going to throw in a 360 man she's flicks the car left to right all the way up the straight there on the handbrake nice and early goes very wide once again onto the dirt you can see him working the car inside as barclay throws up a smoke screen almost catches the front end they're very close barclay pops that car not [Music] within one available although censors nevertheless he gets very tightly and close in to those oil drums perfect exit for jules barclay as he flicks the car left to right through into the front barrel and well timed for george barkley here very nice right now he's opting for two no limit on how many times these guys can go around the drums or around the barrels this is part of the show and no an overall root of direction oh wow what incredible transition into that second sector from george barkley on full lock through the entrance i'm gonna tell you now if this is for the show joe barclay gets it wrong and parks himself onto the drums flicks the car from left to right now looks for the x he says i'm done the tyres are cooked and across the line goes barkley all 20 cents is illuminated and you know what 20 star bites from myself as well as barkley makes his way back to the hit lane very nicely down there from george barkley at 119 on the clock no miss sensors 20 seconds off his time takes him down to a 59.185 drops him into fifth place at the moment we go back to the lion reese yates well he said he's having lots of fun he's had the team on the car they've over inflated the tires to try and lose as much grip as they can in that front axle let's see if it works reshade said this is so much fun such a good a weekend you know what way to end your weekend after the rally stage on the first and second nights and reshapes sits on there we're just gonna get the crew to move those oil drums back out after george buckley just pushed him out of shape ever so slightly and then reshaped will be making his way off the start line i can already tell you now that reshades will be putting on the show the guys down there having a chat between themselves having fun talking about pushing to the limit and uh one man who definitely pushed to the limit and beyond was george barkley appreciates though gets the drop of the flag andy lag starts and launch control off from reshapes as he flicks that car through the circuit he goes for a 360 reshades absolutely flying and on fourth he's there mcmahon gets himself into the chicane oh he grips up makes a small mistake there just three shakes once again he's on the handbrake bounces the car left to right through the top end of the chicane now down looking for the gate is three shakes incredibly close to the wall was reshaped now did the losing of the grip work it certainly did oh he just drops a couple of sensors there as richards now makes his way in to those barrels you can see not all of those proximity sensors illuminated just eight of them as he makes his way in to the donor appreciates looks for the final proximity sector number two very fast through that road on throttle once again all four wheels rubber smoke screen and the lights flicker of research all hits the tire hits the bale across the line unfazed is that young man though that's reshapes frozen some donuts and finishes up a run incredible stuff what a show so there we go a 54.8 up to a 59 from five missed boxing centers but back down to a 54.856 with 15 star points taken away from his overall time incredible job there from reshates putting that car on the line look at this from yates very nicely done in proximity sector number two stalls the car as a slightly gripsaw gets into that hay bale but unfazed is yates finishes up he's rough axel hildbrand now sits on the line at driven racing oil velino tires sonoco a racing fuels plastered on the car and another drive up from a drift cup the feeder series to the national series here in the uk gets the drop with the checkered flag and another guy who is going to go for the show element warms up the tyres on the back of the car nissan skyline 2.5 liter straight six turbo underneath the bonnet this 200 x s14 very nicely done there from axel almost gets himself a little bit caught up there on the bottom end of the chicane back into it put hammered to the floor rear wheels screaming oh as axel gets very close to the gate post oh it goes for a flick i think he got a little bit lost here on what direction he was going to take gets himself back into it now as axel missed out a few of those rear proximity sensors jumps into the front ones and again missed just one of those as he finishes through that section into the donut he goes [Applause] and axel going for a good time yesterday said that he had a little cut-off problem with the car when he got into the second proximity sector and that was why the reason the car shut down no issues this time for actors he gets the front bumper plastered all over those oil drums looks for the exit no mistakes this time and across the line he goes [Music] [Applause] 16 sensors illuminated what does that do to his overall time [Music] so there we go a 102 overall performance sensors take him to a 106 but 15 star points back down to a 51.4 third place at the moment axel hill brand that means we have just two more drivers to go up race up first to second place at the moment martin richards and the nissan skyline r32 oh he's going for a time this one richards in stiff competition at the moment with james dean we've got two on board cameras you can see one on board inside the car you can see richard's working away and one on that front wheel can see how much steering angle he throws at it big flick for richards is going to go for a fast one he sets himself up nicely for that all right you can see him correcting the steering back on lock counter steering at that car as he gets himself in and out now tightens up onto the barrels as richards completely fulfills all those proximity sensors very nicely done richards now into the front drum he's going for a fast one almost gets it too wrong there richards has to stall up there's a slightly working his way now down the buy road into proximity sector two we've got to fill all of these again another driver taking that different from round the barrels there we go the lights ping up one more to go and he's done it across the line this is going to be fast from richards he does it with style as well i like that run from martin richards wow that's a serious contender but james dean and richards knock the irishman off the top spot i guess the thumbs up from everybody all around even the driver to join that 54.8 no missed sensors 20 star points gone he takes him to a 34.878 an incredible time for martin richards puts him in first place at the moment but off the line it is the irish superstar undefeated drift champion multiple times james of the machine dean almost catches that front front bumper so close to the chicane though as he looks back up he's going for a fast start as well he's watched richards he knows what he's done can he make it look stylish and fast that's what we're looking for right now complete commitment from james dean left to right makes his way now into the wall ride very nicely done from dean he rearranges the wall though this is no sensors on that part can you pick them all up there oh yes he got just illuminated at the last second as he gets himself in to the front barrel he's absolutely flying right now his dean tags the barrel comes down into proximity sector two rest of the drivers look on an eagle oh wow dean almost takes the red wheel off the car on the a valve as he puts the front bumper of that e92 bmw glued to the barrels through the timing mark it goes an incredible stuff a 57.4 is it enough to take richards off the top spot well i know what i've awarded what does the overall score say can martin richards pick james dean to the top spot or will james dean take all three rounds well it's a 57.4 no missed sensors 20 star points off a 37.464 doesn't take martin richards off the top spot he stays where he is in second place richards wins heat three of the drift connor event here at goodwood speedweek 2020 and richard gets out and applauds james dean incredible driving from both those guys what a day what's some action [Music] there's guys there standing discussing their scores asking what they got between them axel jumps out of the car looking to see if he was a contender in the show so here we go let's take a look at our session results for the third and final heat of drift karna here at goodwood speedweek well here we are round three results martin richards takes the top spot in first place followed by james dean third place goes to reese yates in the rietford fiesta r5 paul smith finishes fourth axel hill brand in fifth kevin queen in sixth manford stroll and seventh born getting junior in eight [Music] and george barkley in ninth place at steve faggity biagioni in 10th place you
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 291,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorsports, Automotive, Auto Racing, Motorsport, Chevrolet, Cars, Fast Cars, Racing, Goodwood, GoodwoodTV, Drift, Drifting, Rally, Driftkhana, Gymkhana, Baggsy, Nissan, GT-R, LS-swap, James deane, BMW, Vaughn Gittin Jr., Ford, Mustang, Mach-E, Mach-E 1400, EV, WRX, Rhys Yates, WRC, WRC2, Rally2, R5, Toyota, GT86, Sylvia, Rallying, Competition, Drift contest, donut, smokeout, Tyre smoke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 39sec (5619 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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