Formula DRIFT Erie PRO Top 16 - ALL ACTION

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the fastest two right now on track adam lz and chelsea denofa adam lz will lead chelsea nanofa will give chase because adam lz number one qualifier chelsea de nova he qualified 17th didn't have the proper wet setup but now it is all bone dry we're about to throw up some smoke here as we are here in a royal purple top 16 send it here we go adam lz chelsea to nova ideal situation let's see who comes out with the ideal scenario adam lc initiates into that bank drop it down quite a bit but then you see chelsea nova catching up to him adam lc with good transition now going to the outside zone two remember this is first head-to-head battle here this weekend keeps great posture there now into that final outside zone three digs a little deeper chelsea nova falls and you can see massage that ford mustang right to the side of both these guys running on bc racing suspension across the finish line ryan a great way to start our royal purple top 16. well adam lz surely wants a little bit of comeback against chelsea denofa a little bit of revenge here for the loss in new jersey as we take a look at the replay here they got off to a fantastic start you know chelsea denova is going to go 110 percent all the way adam lz would like to extinguish his championship hopes here by giving him a 32 knockout lz nice initiation there chelsea giving him a little bit of room then closing it quickly you can see elsie a little bit less angle as he comes off the bank then he starts maxing out the angle good transition into outside zone two right in the middle there but denofa is sweating him coming through that smoke line into outside zone three lz goes a little bit off course and denopa follows him but keeps it tight and that's a great chase run to finish up there on that third and final outside zone now let's alternate the order here denofa will lead lz will give chase you saw how aggressive de nova was even just that little nuance anywhere that lead car goes to chase car needs to fall you saw lz almost tracking off on the outside zone three and dano followed him even a little bit deeper that's not what he wanted to do but i liked that he had the confidence that he chased him down here we go alternating the order chelsea to know but look at adam lc oh man goes hard to the ball he does straight and he does correct out he salvages the car but that will definitely hurt him as far as the outcome of this head-to-head battle he knew he is going against these guys have driven against each other before as well as have some fun at the lz compound but it looks like it might be over for adam lz look at the coliseum filled with smoke lz and danopa brian i i think i mean what are your thoughts lz bit off a little more than he could chew on the wall yeah he uh made an aggressive move going into the wall but unfortunately he was not able to pull it off the wall will eat up everybody see right here he snaps right there he touches chelsea to nofa hits that wall he's able to get back on it and straight and kind of get back in the mix but it's a it's a big mistake and like i said you can't give any of those mistakes to chelsea de nova unfortunately it is a tough break for him he would really need chelsea to make a big big mistake in the lead and he does not do that he didn't make one in the chase on that first portion of this battle and then alternated the order so as we are taking a look at the replay you can see watch overhead this is just the real truth serum so watch this ryan as you talked about it boom initiates you see that contact so you know with that front right you got to imagine he's counter steered he makes contact nitto to nitto and lz i'll tell you what that could have been a lot worse you know you got to think we got seattle in just you know just a few weeks here so with lz saving that from hitting the wall i think he comes out unscathed here all things considered might not advance but i'll tell you what his team was uh was going to be real busy after this round so from uh from first to being knocked out potentially here we're gonna get our judges results and we'll slide them either way for either driver and looks like they're in slight of left for lz right for de nova and there we go chris yule says danova as does rylontayne and brian edgar chelsea the nofa gets the win denofa advances on and the obvious outcome the lead driver can't leave the line the chase driver noted leave at any time here we go taguchi initiates look at that travis reader right there on the door of kazuya taguchi to gucci great eagle from ham breeder transitions oh and reader spins out where he did on his first qualifying run as kazuya taguchi continues through the course and this will be a major advantage as long as he keeps it there and he does so unfortunately for reader he is knocked out well we know these drivers are going to be pushing hard we will see them continue to push hard the deeper into competition that we go and that's what we saw with adam lz we will revisit the last half of that battle again just to give you one more look at it but here same kind of situation this time reader actually stays in the pocket a little bit less angle but he surged forward had a good move there against taguchi to kind of maintain proximity but there he gets bounded up on that little crease coming down off of the bank and that really hurts him there he becomes a non-factor after that mistake and he shuts it down it's going to be an incomplete we see taguchi getting through that run without making a major mistake and so he will have an advantage going into run number two yeah as you said ryan that's that crease the transition coming off the bank into that second outside zone that's what threw him off yesterday his first qualifying run so i i said it knocks him out what i meant is he could potentially knock himself out with that mistake so now reader will lead he's really hoping that kazuya taguchi makes a mistake in that chase position here comes that leak engine management bmw now into that first outside zone aggressive initiation from reader but you can see him slowly itching his way down the embankment a wider line approaching into that second outside zone kazuya taguchi looks like he finds the right spot to put it at and you gotta imagine readers mess up but kazuya does not he rises to the occasion hence the name up garage [Applause] and kozia taguchi puts it down and i believe that's going to be uh unofficially all we see of travis rita the remainder of this weekend or this evening yeah unfortunately you got to take some risks you have to really push the pace and that's what happens sometimes i think he made a really good move there on initiation but that transition down from outside zone two that cost him in the lead run he's gotta push as hard as he possibly can to gucci understands where he's at in the battle and he does not make an equal mistake so that should be enough to get it done all right here we go here's the results travis reader kazuya taguchi slight of left for reader right for kazuya taguchi and kazuya taguchi gets the win utilize it but here he is mountain field qualifying for qualifying 20th and again that was yesterday wet conditions here we go that falcon tires drip cape borla exhaust corvette into that first outside zone he is hungry ryan certain initiates not as high as field let's see how they handle this big angle there front field allowing reinsert to get to door to door and ryan search now slows down he spins out so another scenario similar to that of travis reader and matt field finishing out his run and ryan unfortunately with that mistake in the chase position very similar to that of reader let's take a look at it from different angles ryan well once again you know we're seeing these guys push it and pushing it a little bit too hard and trying to find that precision moment to attack and make your your point known in the chase position let's take a look at ryan turk here here he goes coming down tucks behind matt field surges forward starts trying to close the door matt field big smoke like super high on the bank turk trying to find an area to attack right here comes through the smoke line pushes forward big angle and just like reader is not able to hold it there outside zone two and the wall playing a huge role in some of the decisions so far here tonight yep getting all the uh all the messages coming in had a glitch there versus lz and danofa if you're watching at home unfortunately a lot of fans watching and the outcome was lz getting knocked out but uh the stream is back up we are good and ready to see the second half of this battle now ryan turk will lead but with that spin he's going to need matt field the beast from the bay to uh definitely make a mistake in the chase position and that transition ryan we're going from uh outside zone one to transit to outside zone two definitely playing a role here as we speed things up ryan zurich initiates that gum out look at this he is going for it livery or die that's the motto of his home state of new hampshire transitioning back in that second outside zone a lot of these guys just driving and piling it right into that second outside zone and bringing it across absolutely ripping through [Applause] let's take a look at it here once again what's getting interesting here matt field utilizing the kind of the power of his team to get back in the mix in 32 using that competition timeout seems like a good move now he knows ryan turk has really got to pour it on here in the top 32 excuse me in the top 16. turk pushing too hard through outside zone two coming through this last section he knows he just needs to kind of stay within relative proximity he's going to get the win move on to the great eight and he does just that yeah he he did exactly as you say ryan what he needed to do flying over here inspecting you gotta imagine the frustration levels just how quickly it begins and it's over scores are in slight of left for field or right for ryan turk and our current points leader oh wow look at this so we are ryan turk gets one vote was that uh two to one was that correct that's not right was it unanimous here out of the gate [Music] permatex gt radial bmw looks like we are good to go matt so making sure they're ready to go again there's that light see the cylinders illuminating once they extinguish you are good to go dylan hughes in that first outside zone had an opportunity to have him up here in the booth and take a different perspective look at aaron slides right up to the side of dylan hughes here comes hughes now let's see how he handles transition this has been a really issue real big issue with all the drivers looks like all right so as dylan hughes slides into that second outside zone comes in you see a quick little checkup but then they both slingshot out of that second outside zone ryan uh again just going from that first outside zone to that second outside zone playing a huge issue we are seeing a lot of those guys surge on their chase run trying to get in the pocket against the lead dylan hughes really doing a good job this weekend kind of hitting all the marks you can see right into that second outside zone but naren exceeds it way past the point that the judges would like you to and then you can see dylan out front is staying consistent with his lead so he's giving himself a really great opportunity here to get the win okay now we are we are hearing jonathan naren we have yet to see he's going to be our final battle with scheduled to be the final battle of the top 16 but uh frederick osmond was sitting third in points as you talk about that top five point standings osmo will lead rockstar energy toyota gr supra ditto tires will lead now throws it into that first outside zone you can see him hammering down as the sun shining off the gold nose and tail of that of frederick oswell now look at rome rome sharpens here really consistent through the course fluid both these guys brian i'd love to hear your analysis here on the second run because rome really delivering yeah and he's having himself one heck of an event and chasing down frederick osbo no easy task osbo seemingly picking up momentum here at this event with that high qualification it could have been a little bit more angle coming out of outside zone one and we see rome on a slightly tighter line there but keeping it pretty clean as we come into outside zone two rome is gonna just follow him a little bit more on the inside like to see him get deeper there as osmo gets into outside zone three locks in on a really solid line there but then pushes a little bit wide and rome follows him as a moving clipping point so one half done as we get to the second half of the battle here between rome charpentier and frederick osbo you can see the five-minute clock there kevin wells holding that we're in jonathan naren's pit so jonathan aaron still up on stand taking a look making sure clearance is good as again he blew off his supercharger belt so will naren be able to complete the second half of the dylan hughes battle now on front the garage is dick federal tire bmw e36 from rome sharpened here all right let's see rome going in and frederick osbo nosing in look at that great mimicking of angle amazing proximity there for frederick osbo now in that second outside zone looks like rome dives in pressure osbo tempers that flame really good and then bam drops right to the side of rome sharpens here and rome it looks like you saw rome actually look back looked like it could have been wheel to wheel you see rome kind of you know the wheel get absolutely ripped out of his hands let's take a look at this again here ryan yeah that was definitely a really interesting occurrence here let's take a look at it from the drone as osbo really sticking it to rome from the onset super close pacing forward charging right there against the door of rome char ponte now coming into the second outside zone rome does a great job getting out to the edge of outside zone two here comes osbo surging he's probably gonna get to a point where they're gonna rub right there and then we're gonna see rome forced out a drift so it does look like there was contact there um that i don't know if this will be classified as a as collision but he did fall out of drift so we're going to see osmo surging he taps him once and then rome unwinds it there now the judge what the judges are going to ask is you know was that contact that resulted in rome going off course osbo's fault or could he have held in drift there he did look like he he bumped him just coming in to the latter part of outside zone three but he's he was stable for about a half beat after that and then he kind of came out of drift i'm not implying a flop or anything like that i'm just telling you what happened on the ground i mean we're looking at it you know that's that's our job is to be reactionary analyzation that's the judge's role so as we take a look at it from different angles you know we've seen drivers take hits and keep on continuing on i i think it looked more like rome's front left when uh osmo kind of went behind his front left it looked like more bumper to wheel as opposed to wheeled wheel which i could see the wheel being ripped out of your hands but from this bird's eye view from the again the truth serum as i like to call it take a look at it again ryan what are you seeing well obviously osbo bumps him right he bumps him uh once clearly right here on the door and they may have touched the wheel a little bit with his front bumper and then a half a beat happens and then rome comes out of drift now obviously um a happens and then b happens therefore a caused b right that's what that's what you want to say but it doesn't necessarily follow that that's the case and that's what the judges are going to be analyzing and figuring out the intuition is that yes you know rome is not a guy the driver that would flop he's going to stay in it something must have happened from the bomb um but the judges have to make that determination yeah and again we are we are here giving it our knee jerk reaction and giving commentary entertainment education and let's take a look at this again so right doink and then that that's what i'm just wondering like maybe something broke i haven't been yeah just that that half beat so you see that you see the bump pause go like so yeah you know and like you said you don't know where you're coming down it's yeah you're thinking about it yeah i just i just you know our our our job is to kind of you know translate translate what the judges are thinking what we're thinking as you know we've seen 18 years of formula drift competition and here we are to digest this find out the scenario and see how it translates yeah and this is what happens you know the judges want to see a plethora of replays to see if there's anything that they didn't pick up you know the drone is super helpful because it just gives you a perspective from above that you really oftentimes can't see on camera angles that are at a certain height and shooting into smoke and it's obviously hard to see between the vehicles so i think the drone was super helpful there um it doesn't change the fact i think what we did see was oswa does bump him looks like he gets him right at the front part of the door um and and maybe maybe the front bumper may have rubbed up against the wheel there and then you got a half beat and then he comes out and drift there yep our three judges chris ewell rylante and brian eggert yeah how are we doing out there fans you guys are uh around the world right now on the formula drift live stream and we are one interesting thing that hasn't happened this year that i just thought about is you know the the judges when they're asserting fault they do have um a table that tells them if this hap if this happens then you go here and if that happens you go here and it's basically just like a logical formula but they could they also have an option that basically says i can't tell who's at fault right now this isn't one of those situations right because obviously osbo did hit rome um the question is whether or not rome coming out of drift was caused by osmo that i think that's really what it boils down to right well because again we we you know taken a look at it earlier take a look at it earlier all right yeah and we have points on the line i mean you got first place 100 points and like you said yesterday ryan you said you wanted to create even a tighter mix right so a tighter mix towards that championship so this is both for pro and prospect first place with 100 points second place 91 third and fourth because we do not have a consolation battle 80 points fifth through eighth are all the same and uh at this time i'd like to throw it down to ryan lontane who is going to elaborate ryan yeah so right now two the judges have their votes in the third one is actually consulting the contact sheet that sage was just talking about trying to establish who he thinks would be at fault for this and we asked the start line guy down there sopa if he could see where the damage was and it's on the door of rome's car so um the initial concern was that there was wheel-to-wheel contact which could you know as we've seen in the past take the wheel out of the driver's hand that was hit but in this case you can actually see rome look back at um at osbo when he gets hit and it looks like he just he takes his eyes off the road off the track and kind of steers off the road off the track itself we can't say that the contact we've seen harder contact than that that drivers have driven through but we you know we can't say for certain because we're not in the car if that was enough to take the wheel out of his hand or if it was enough to push him off the track so um you know we we after uh chris and i put our votes in we sort of talked a little bit and uh we kind of agreed that it seems like uh it was kind of a shared uh event that happened there and um we see that brian went with osbo so we have some difference if you can recall the darin hughes battle we'll probably play the bc racing side by side it's a replay as naren goes into that first outside zone great angle from aaron he remember he lost his supercharger belt but it seems to be all super there now coming into that second outside zone both are very fluid look at dylan hughes really applying the pressure and darren into that last and final outside zone and you can see dylan oh wow across the finish line things got really interesting there ryan any standout moments for you between darren and hughes good use of the competition time out there just trying to make sure kind of matt field asked to make sure that he gets through this battle and his supercharger blue super blew off supercharger belt yeah to give me this battle and i think what we need to do is kind of go back and see the side-by-side let's revisit and refresh that first battle in our mind you can see dylan out front on the left-hand screen in the chase in the right i like the way naren attacked the wall at the beginning but then he kind of fell off and notice that dylan is up a little bit higher now coming down off the bank dylan's keeping good proximity into outside zone two naren goes a little bit wide but dylan didn't get all the way out to outside zone two on his chase now this final section here there is a point of difference you can see dylan deep into that outside zone and also tight on his chase run all right dylan hughes and jonathan naren waiting for the outcome there as we look at that bc racing side by side instant replay [Music] and i think that's a a good indicator to see what's going on here matt sopo waiting for to point to who gets the win dylan he was jonathan aaron slight of left for dylan hughes right for jonathan naren it looks like dylan hughes gets the win jonathan aaron knocked out as the boy from north carolina dylan hughes will be going will you come inside you do this as tourniquet it is a it is a very dynamic different track [Music] will give chase here comes e meyer dan burkett ryan you saw it yesterday and here it is again wow dan doesn't give a drip here we go guys look at that eve meyer you see some shaking up of dan burkett and now to fire that last outside zone and dan burkett with that proximity brings it across the finish line man that was i was kind of speechless there because it just it got it got weird like eve got aggressive dan got aggressive and he straightened out let's take a look at it you know if nothing else both of these drivers have really been putting on a fine display of aggressive driving but i think eve who gets the better of the banks here he stayed up higher he didn't have that reduction in angle that dan had but dan is keeping the pressure on and notice that he doesn't he does follow eve uh on the line on outside zone two it's gonna be a mistake for eve there because he did not get all the way out and fill that zone better on three but then that gave dan the opportunity to stay close there and keep proximity on through the finish line how drastic will that will that initiation excuse me on the first outside zone how will that affect the outcome for dan burkett because the team it seemed that he really fell at an angle there on uh on the bank i think it will have an impact if you just take that as a solo moment um you know and then what we have to look at is the you know the comparison between the two and with him with without him leading it seemed you know if he was leading that would be in my eyes an incomplete or incomplete or an unchasable lean run so let's take a look at this again here second half of this battle the nitrous being purged dan burkett rad industries gearwrench supra [Music] eve meyer will chase him down the bullet flapping in the wind here of dan burkett firing off look at that great angle there from dan burkett great angle but would like to see him a little higher up i mean he is absolutely burning those gt radials off into that second outside zone e meyer getting a lot of grip but a lot of side light there from dan burkett man when he gets that open air he's just got all this open road in front of him he really performs well but is that going to be enough to offset i mean eve you know quite a few uh vehicles back what are your thoughts ryan well you know i wanted to see eve stay a little bit closer on the big bank and kind of keep the pressure on him but you know he gave him a little bit too much of a gap dan did have a little bit of a mistake there on the bank as well um but but he eve definitely gave some back now dan had a little bit of a reduction of angle entering outside zone three and he kind of wobbled around a little bit so we are seeing mistakes from both drivers and really i think at this point it's gonna be who made the bigger the mistakes now see dan kind of started midline and and worked his way up and that's good that he worked his way up but to have an equal line on that big bank is i think important when they do the lead comparison so it's going to be a you know another tough one for the judges you know dan did have some sizable mistakes but eve didn't really put the pressure on the way that i would have wanted him to yeah most definitely all great observations ryan thank you so much so and eve you can see minus the bumper the front right light looks like he's winking at you he got into the wall earlier today so as we are quickly getting through our top 16 remember we have her one more time of osbo third in points and here we go we are looking at the bc racing side by side go for gold the official suspension of formula drift bc racing so on the left you see eve meyer dragging that wall and that was that was a major correction and straightening there of dan burkett eve as you said like to see him closer compromise is getting deep he makes that correction in that chase position dan burkett he looks like he finds a sweet spot because eve as you said earlier took a shallower line allowing briquette to gain that proximity as uh looks like we're uh drifting into the sky as well beautiful night for uh for a soar bro yeah that's a good one fun times beautiful sunset and slide them left for eve meyer right for dan burkett that's it one more time from chris yuell and a eve meyer vote from ryan lantane and brian egger says eve meyer gets the win eve meyer gets the win ryan lontain we're going to ask you to throw on your headset once a mile take it on forward and figure out how to move forward rule books are developed they're not set in stone they they develop they enhance here we go frederick osbo absolutely shining bright like a diamond here frederick osmo pulling away from rome sharpened here so not making an easy task there from rome as wow just as i say that gets to the side of that toyota supra rome sharpened here now brings in that third outside zone and frederick osbo puts the norwegian hammer in his right foot and hammers down across the finish line man really well done by frederick osbo let's take a look so both drivers trying to get it right this time around osbo right out of the gate making a big impression there smooth stable initiation we saw a little bit of some wavering there from rome and he's back to trying to gain ground here now he's going to tuck in does a great job following it osmo to outside zone two high marks there but osbo back around better job on outside zone three and leaves a gap between him and rome as they get through the finish line so solid lead run there from osbo a little bit of a shaky start in the chase for rome sharp pantier we'll see it one more time the main thing i saw on the initiation from rome is he just wasn't as settled and he was on a lower line you see that little flub right there and he did give him that gap so rome has got to step up here and put down an amazing lead run to try to get back at frederick osbo you know he's he's got osbo in his rear view mirror that's uh that's a big task hey welcome to top 16. here's one more time against the former champ here's uh you know he talks about the moderns on his wing and i think that's i think it's a great i you know what hats off to rome let's see how he fares rome sharpens here you got one battle in your belt top 16. don't leave in the judge's hands as rome initiates the clean air massive angle there frederick oscar i think he's going to give a little bit of room here and then he's going to try to stick it to the door of that bmw e36 now watch this this is where frederick oswald could really twist the knife on rome sharpens here and that another what he did it again oh come on what are the odds that was absolutely the same location because it's so deceiving that angle it looks like it's the finish line but it's exactly the same point i think a lot of people there will be a group of people who think that osbo got a second opportunity on that first battle and there will be some people that think that it was the right call um for the majority voters on this second one you would imagine that keeping the pressure on is important and trying to control the vehicle is going to be of utmost importance but if you told me what were the odds that osbo was going to make contact again with rome in that section of the course if indeed he did which it looks like he did i would tell you it's one in a million here we go so this is this is this is going to be the truth serum tap it okay another one here's what's interesting is it's at the latter portion of the outside zone three the maximum your your max angled out so any little tap is going to throw you off so here's here's where you know the the fault lies osbo just saw that happen to rome spinning out regardless he goes right now he goes left he spins into him but looks like he taps his door there's no wheel on wheel contact it almost does he tap him and then he starts spinning or is the does he tap him after he spins if i mean if he's maxed out on angle and just you have to think of the attitude of the vehicle it gets disrupted you know suspension compression uh compressing excuse me um and the compression of the suspension this is really interesting and but to to see it once as you said ryan for you know the first time the second time so frederick osbos slide him left rome slide him right and it looks like i mean without very minimal instant replays frederick osbo gets the victory i think yeah i think what what the judges are seeing there and we'll let we'll let ryan come and then to challenge the judges to say hey are you guys being consistent with the criteria not you're bringing your own set of criteria to judging and judging it from outside the system here we go over the next battle two former champions michael essa fcp euro liquor molly gt radio bmw von getting junior a little late initiation they're not late but not as early as mike and ronkin jr surprisingly not high on the bank does have proximity but let's see how he handles the second outside toe look at that wonky junior performing surgery there on that second outside zone drops into formation and now finishing out vaughn gets a little squirrely dan there let's take a look at this again ryan what what what are your thoughts here taking a look at uh again vaughn on his initiation got was it wasn't as high it was unlike vaughn yeah it looked like he was uh got a much more aggressive after i think he kind of realized he had a little bit of a fluff there on initiation but he kind of gets back in toes he's on a slightly lower line here he's got left foot breaking going on pretty smooth and consistent up top i love that transition but he pulled a little bit of angle out of the car now vaughn is starting to attack here he's finding areas where he can get on the inside but stay at the right line with michael essa and that's a great display there though he does go a little bit wide he's following michael essa where he goes michael has had an interesting line going from outside zone one to outside zone two and and he looked great on outside zone one he put the car in the right place um when he transitioned one to two it he came up and he actually was a little bit short of the outside zone two which i think threw vaughan off because he's already thrown off i would uh i'd love to see side-by-side overhead i think that i think that would be really interesting as well kind of both both drone cams overhead if we could if we could mimic that so uh let's take a look as we get those gentlemen back to the line here is another look so look at essa high on the bank consistent no hiccups watch this line again the overhead snappy transition from essa yeah that was nasty but but when he did it it looked like it came up a little bit short on that second outside zone oh absolutely and you can tell how the bumps affect some of the drivers if they're at the right lock position or wrong in that case and it kind of it messes them up we can see vaughn here it looks like he's trying to clear that bumper out i believe that happened right at the end of outside zone three and we'll get the second half of the battle under underway vaughn your defending champion michael essa a former fd champ so 10 years separating the two championships 2010 2020 for vaughn nitrous being purged on both vehicles monster energy nitto tire ford performance mustang rtr spec 5d the machine 1400 over there professional speed right now a crazy ford all-electric vehicle and pilot over that good professional speed here we go now it's all about vlogging junior in that first outside zone looking a lot more comfortable throwing some more angle out let's see how handles it and there's that uh that that crease playing a roll here oh wow essa really well done just barely letting that vehicle pass right in front of him but vaughn sent it and forgets it oh looks like we got a little love tap or a hate tap there towards the end ryan that was one of the the best crossover tuck-ins that i've seen leaving outside zone two going into outside zone three from essa i think it's just gonna be how consistent was he on the remainder of the course now you don't want to give on getting junior that much of a gap right that's a three-four car get gap and bond is not running away right he's staying mid-high line he comes mid-line on the uh exit right at the edge of outside zone two but boom that's a right there tucks up on the inside great job there but then he kind of reduces the angle and he doesn't stick to it until we get to this latter part here where he is on the right line and angle and we are going to see the side by side and you already know this is going to be a a tough battle because we did here we go love this angle some highlights from both drivers but uh here it is one more time so you can see the bc racing side by side instant replay going for the gold so coming down watch so essa has a snappy transition vaughn is more fluid he puts all of his vehicle in an outside zone as you said ryan essa just tucks right in let's see how long they stay in that final outside zone looks like bond stays in essa vaughan applies some pressure they leave it about the same time again trying to you know one eye going for each each uh each screen here but love that overhead then when it goes uh for the side by side i think it really breaks it down shout out tj hunt thanks for watching hashtag fd erie hashtag f-d-e-r-i-e [Music] ryan as uh a judge imag in a world where ryan sage is a judge yeah which way would you go well i i don't want to say until the scores are in because i don't want people to think that we influence oh they already think that it's already done it's already done we're we're the fourth and the fifth judge you know that right i'll write it down right now ready here we go throw it across the table make me an offer i can't refuse here we go vaughn jr gets one vote and now two votes and it is unanimous so blanket junior gets the victory lorette nickel that's thrown does that um and in that situation it would have been very easy to be like yeah all right here we go in our final battle top 16 odi boxing second ahoy goes for the gusto but ends up having to back up odie bakshi's screaming into that second outside zone and taylor hole just absolutely give it to beans continues on through the course brian well executed by odi bakshi's taylor hall man this guy is absolutely possessed on initiation ghostword on that second outside zone what's going through his head yeah two odd things there the the initiation by hold super aggressive but take a look at od he initiates he starts getting back on throttle it looks like a little bit late there we didn't see the smoke line until he started getting past our signs and then holster just forward he bounds up here spins out and so the remainder of the run odi's got to finish it but i definitely want to get you know a little bit of some insight on that initiation there for modi typically we start seeing smoke piling up much sooner before then all right we are back to the start let's take a look at this what is going down i'm yelling timber here goes taylor hole comp cams necks and tires yellow speed suspension liquid molly kind of like atsc she's got a big heart here we go let's go taylor hall full pull cody bakshi's you can see him working it to the side but this guy's a little wavering but taylor max angle there and there's that suspension coming into play fill that second outside zone both these gentlemen dialing in man the transition that taylor hall has i mean the car is definitely bouncing and floating across the track but i just like how nasty and aggressive he is does it work here tbd as a driver he has certainly come up quite a few notches over the past couple of years especially with the top 10 finish last year i think we still have an unanswered question from that first run which i definitely want to get to with the judges this second run though much cleaner you see both guys the smoke line kind of starts right around the same time paul driving that high line now he's coming down mid this is where the judges want to see you go get to that second outside zone in a really aggressive way and was able to hold it without going off course but here's odie kind of sticking with him pretty much throughout the entirety of the course he's not door to door but he's keeping that proximity on so i feel like we need to address obviously the the the the apparent incomplete by taylor hole uh on before outside zone 2 with a spin right that's a that's an incomplete as it stands by itself individually but i still feel like i have an unanswered question with odi on the initiation yeah you you really caught that eagle eagle eye cherry over here as we got the osprey in the sky so yeah that that was interesting i taylor was aggressive but the judges are actually requesting an overhead look here it is so hodi bakshi's initiates yeah that it looked like he initiated it maybe just bulked us a moment just that beat and that makes all the difference in the world when you're entrusting that lead car to go go at it let's just say that that that he did do that right you know he comes out like soren says i missed a gear or something like that or whatever then the question becomes what impact did it have on taylor in that part of the course it didn't seem to have too much of an impact on taylor where taylor made his mistake was at the beginning of outside zone two yeah yeah you did you did see taylor get thrown off and we've talked about it for for years once you get thrown off of that line and you kind of you know you've you've had so many turns at this course it's hard to recalibrate yeah and and then becomes okay if you do recalibrate recr recalibrate when is it okay to say that you have done that right and now from here on out if you make mistakes it's on you yep right yeah like i've had enough throw your hands up you know i'm out i'm out all right so here we are we are taking a look at it again so here's odie leading initiates see the smoke line for him starts later than taylor's um and it just didn't seem like a fluid initiation an aggressive moving forward notice on the momentum map it's a it's a very sliver yeah it's a sliver right it's like that was a solid that was a solid uh impersonation of an ls initiation with a sliver of a hesitation [Music] well well what do we have here judges are still deliberating this one and in ryan now we can start talking about not envying the judges as well as as well as second place in points odi bakshi's yeah who talked about quietly just you know just consistently going going at it so here it is again look at this so really analyzing it so he gets initiated right and it's not fully on throttle until you know past the link sign out there um but i i like your question about the the recalibration right and when should you be recalibrated because that right there that spin that seems like that should be at that point you're further down into um the run to where the effects of the initiation should have taken hold right and you've got time to get back in like okay and so look that's a sliver right compared to much wider momentum zone before outside zone two yeah and we use we use the term momentum as opposed to d cell um where momentum is basically you don't need to be on power right so you don't need to be on throttle uh it's a better way of saying desell because we not necessarily want you to slam on the brakes because that's a detail zone dude i can do whatever i want no it's it's a fluid forward motion without being under power well the way it works is we take uh data off the cars and we see where we where they have those changes in momentum and then we mark it on the course and those are the two areas that we saw right hey how are we doing out there lake erie you guys having fun make some noise my buddy brandon's watching from home and he says i don't know are these guys having fun out here or what so i need you to stop your feet who do we got odie box she's their taylor hole and it looks like they are going omt across the board ryan got to explain that yeah so uh lontine throwing down to our canadian confidant the maple syrup crusher the poutine punisher ryan lontane i i don't like that i'm joking um so looking at what we just watched we looked at the replay over and over and over as you saw we're trying to see if od did get back on throttle late and it looks like he did now that caused um him to be a little bit low on outside zone one in the chase position we're talking about taylor here um because he was trying to be aggressive in the chase which we really appreciate we like that we want to see that um so he was uh that that he was definitely affected by what odi did in the lead position now the spin that happened here on the infield and outside zone two is that affected was he affected by that up until that point like it's it's really difficult for us to say how that affected him in that series kind of way so we kind of thought let's give them another chance to start this over again from scratch and uh not hold either one of them responsible and hopefully we can find a winner here we go modi bakshi's coming down toe to toe tip to tail and now devashi's much more proper straightforward initiation let's see a quick little yank in the break now dropping into that second outside zone odi bakshi so you can see the posture of the vehicle oh look at taylor holt nice transition there body boxes looks like he does exceed that track line taylor hall hammering down look at this who is this intimidator full pull hole slamming into the side from the top rope taylor hole has really found an incredible and unorthodox but beautiful way to get into outside zone two in the chase this time around though in the lead od much cleaner you can see taylor pretty much within a car's length good battle here he could have washed out right there in the chase but he doesn't gets back into it bouncing around and is able to get into that outside zone and fill it pretty much right on the same line with od boxes now here as we get into outside zone three again od trying to find that right line you see the tap tap tap tap tap and he stays in it so great job by od box aggressive driving there by taylor hall we are seeing taylor go back into the loading area and obviously if that is the case you may need to fix the vehicle i do not think that the judges will give him um they will give him fault for the contact right so he may have to use may have to burn a competition time out here yeah we're seeing amy bakshi's odi's wife and spotter up here inquiring to find out who was at fault obviously taylor is at fault in that scenario i don't think he was slowed down you know i don't think odi slowed down at all that was fluid glad there wasn't any scenario of that of osbo and rome but i think this is this is taylor hole just really manifesting over over the years just his aggressive personality him coming out and just and just really really going after it so taking a look at the replay ryan i mean i'd have to think taylor holds that fault here yeah i mean odie's not only od is not on the brakes we're not seeing a major slowdown from him now this is the this is the textbook definition formula drift textbook definition of contact right the we have contact but the run doesn't stop right and when that happens the cars may still need to be inspected and if fault is given it doesn't necessarily mean that there's um you know something like an equivalent to an incomplete that's when the run stops right but what this does do is allow the person that's not at fault to utilize time without having to use a competition timeout the other person who is at fault would need to burn a competition timeout if they have it and if they need to repair their vehicle hey ryan have we gone who's that fault yet all right just want to make sure as a believe so if taylor hole is not at fault he call that comp time out let's see what transpired all right so yeah the judges are saying taylor hole is at fault so taylor hole would need to utilize this competition timeout five minute clock is there ryan yeah so i think what we thought what we intuited there uh turned out to be true see our competition director there kevin wells putting the comp time out uh for taylor hall this will be his one and only burn we saw matt field burn one a little bit earlier as well so this is an example here of him needing to use it because there may be some damage to the vehicle all right our ngk competition timeout when we come back we will finish out the the second half of this battle there's that edelbrock as we are getting going here here we go when we come back the continuation of od one of the best chase drivers in the game taylor hole leading that comp cams next to tires looking ball like battlefront kind of like atsb hodi bakshi's look at that the tight best lights blowing them up in that first outside zone both of them absolutely on fire down to the second outside zone shredding that front bumper odi bakshi leaving it all out here on the track literally and figuratively that's taylor hole in that outside zone body boxes right there let's see if he's gonna give him a little love tap as well some great driving by both these drivers wow that was insane odie bochie's turned it up another level and it could only have happened because taylor holt gave him a great lead run to follow and that's what we love about this sport when both drivers are pushing the limits you see that initiation together pole is on a high line but so is od box he's following it as close as he can so close on that crossover great job there stays in the line with taylor on the crossover out of outside zone two into three only right there for a second does he reduce angle for a little bit but right back in the pocket there again absolutely incredible just nerves nerves of steel here for od boxes i want to see him on that on the entrance of that third outside zone it's kind of it kind of gets lost in the smoke but that's yeah you see him dive in he does make contact so these guys are battered and banged up but yeah you see odie going punts it out looks like he does drop a tire if there was dirt say it was road atlanta you'd see kind of little brown cloud being thrown up there but uh you know that was the one mistake that he made right here a little bit wide there and he had he had to reduce angle a little bit to kind of catch up because he was on a kind of a a tighter line at that point but uh overall was tremendous from both drivers this is a tough one for the judges here and obviously a lot of uh consequences on the line for for odi bhaktis as a championship contender but also taylor hole who's continuing to make his mark on the series yeah just the excitement level that taylor hole brings on his runs especially here this weekend and progressing taylor hole sitting 29th in points overall but that's not the real story with taylor hole just his determination to to get on the box to get on the podium as you look at it side by side yeah see the side by side of me looking right now i'm looking at hole in in the chase position and i i like the way that he attacked outside zone two right so the judges are gonna be looking at what was the proximity the line the duration of proximity has been something that has been spoken about a lot and this is where the contact is made i mean you can't get much closer than that so car 82 and od bhakti is awaiting the judge's result here the final battle of the top 16. all right both these drivers just uh absolutely knackered and you could see just you know carbon and kevlar and metal just down i mean this is this has got to be some of the best driving we've seen from taylor hall and then and you got to love it all right let's see what we got waiting for the outcome here let's move it along fellas [Music] yeah license registration please cody with the lights there shout out to again to rut local georgia boy as well randy johnson we're gonna see you there randy and ryland in just a little bit evergreen speedway at the end of the month july 30th and 31st so uh hopefully all you pnw residents buy your tickets now what's going on here ryan what are you waiting on everybody buffering still well i would imagine there's probably a request for a final replay is that what's going on here oh okay yeah so results are in all right waiting for the outcome here our three judges all right and looks like all right scores are in and looks like a one more time there from chris yule ryan lantan says odi bakshi's and one more time they're going at it again and booze booze are pouring over the crowd right now here ryan i feel like now the the the competition staff is gonna have to move forward here we can't wait for another one more time and we are seeing kosuya taguchi uh coming down yeah here's here's the side by side ryan again odie leading on the left taylor hole leading on the right yeah i mean i i kind of get it right like odi's chase run was phenomenal and he just made that one mistake that you mentioned in outside zone three um but taylor hall also in his chase run did not really give him too much room i mean you can't get much closer than that and we're talking about halfway through outside zone three that he's basically punching his door in yeah and with that punching of the door it pushed him out so with him being you know off off the edge of the course i i see that you know as as you know maybe some of some of the fans here locally or even online just blowing it up saying you know why well there's certain aspects and crit you know these guys are critics they they know the sport they've seen a lot of runs and they're going to over analyze to the umpteenth degree to make sure and uh again it was still not unanimous it was two to one yeah so it it gets it gets tough the hawk is not digging it the osprey the offspring it's like y'all the audacious osprey can't deal with it here we go kazuya taguchi our first battle of the grade eight kazuya taguchi and chelsea de nova kazuya initiates in that first outside zone and chelsea nova giving himself some room let's see how kazuya handles this up garage is 86 now into that second outside zone because here taguchi actually delivering this track really favoring his driving style and all the way through that final outside zone yeah i gotta tell you a great lead run by kazuya taguchi and chelsea nova did not let him get away at all yeah taguchi kind of making a little bit clearer right there and that means okay you're gonna have to chase down a pretty solid lead run and he does just that danova in the chase like you said he gives him a little bit of room on initiation here and you have to wonder if that's him thinking you know what i probably got more grip in the car i'm gonna reel him in here then stick it door to door coming off the zone number one taguchi was just at the edge of outside zone two so that's an area that de novo could potentially improve on in his lead but de nova surges forward no contact stays pretty tight there through the the final part of outside zone two but taguchi solid lead run to kick things off here we are in the link engine management top eight the great eight [Music] danova will now lead [Music] kazuya taguchi will give chase and [Music] and here we go with the second half of this battle see how chelsea handles this and there it is the all-new toyota excuse me they just debuted the all-new toyota tundra toyota lonnie that vehicle for the entirety of the season and the fd 2020 toyota tundra trd pro is on track shows durability versatility and reliability so we've driven that to each round so far to the rest of the events also the brand new 2022 tundra was just revealed and looks even beefier so take a look toyota tundra here we are looking at od boxes vehicle that vortex supercharged and this thing seen better days leave it on him he shredded both the front and rear bumper vortech supercharged ls and we are clear to send second half of this battle chelsea nope out front to gucci in the chase position [Music] bc racing nano tire performance mustang rtr spec 5d chelsea nofa initiates great angle from chelsea nova now chelsea flexing his muscles out front kazuya had a great lead run but chelsea was maybe tempering the flame as now they go in that second outside zone transition that final outside zone goes chelsea there's that bumper budget that the rtr team always talks about chelsea nopa clicking another bank another uh bumper in that bank [Applause] people are starting to get the hang of the course now yeah it got really interesting early on where where do you think was the most difficult section of this track for drivers previously outside zone two you know i would say one to two yeah that transition going off the off the bank into two some would just kind of go straight and then bounce out speeds are picking up you know it's one of those kind of things that drivers have to recalibrate um in this battle here with de nova he does get a gap on taguchi on outside zone one taguchi came up a little bit short on outside zone two in his chase but he kind of stayed in the game for the most part did he really push the pressure there stayed in the smoke line or or right to the side of the smoke line on that final outside zone but let's take a look at the onset you can see de nova starts to walk on on kazuya taguchi now coming down into this section here really tough part denofa is going to hit just the edge look how much further on the inside taguchi is in his chase run so that's a mistake there in the chase for taguchi but here much better much more on the line with denofa and kind of stayed right in proximity so he got some back there [Music] and one more look at it here from the crow's nest you can see that's the area where he walks and you don't want to give that captain to nova i like the way that he searched for it and he probably felt like he needed to cut the line here a little bit to gain proximity because for the remainder of two and three he was able to kind of keep it within half the car length to maybe a couple inches there towards the end do we have a verdict do we have a winner who's moving on to the final four and we are waiting to find out all right it is unanimous we get a winner it is chelsea nofa de nofa gets the win chelsea de nova gets the victory and moves on to the final four now ryan you know denofa shaking things up here our points leader and the dozer trying to take him down matt field initiates dylan hughes right there backs off a little bit has to make a correction but matt field great posture there and dylan he was a major correction coming off that bank now out of that second outside zone into the third outside zone looks like dylan has found his sweet spot [Music] and matt field even just just a bit sweeter there all the way through the entirety of the course dylan hughes was playing a really risky game there but i feel like he had to and it's gonna end up biting him at least on the first half of this run but we've seen this aggressive approach from the chase drivers they accelerate a little bit longer they try to get in the pocket and stay with that lead driver hughes does that he has to fall off but it's not here until he gets pinched by by uh field coming off the bank and then he makes that big correction there following that maneuver and that looked like an independent mistake there that just was coming from an over aggressive approach leaving outside zone one notice how much grip the car has though to catch up to field and outside zone three it just tells you where dylan is with the vehicle development right now um it definitely gives you an idea of the opportunities that could be available to him if he can kind of dial in some of these other elements made that mistake he's got to go to the lead now see if matt field can make something equal but somebody's moving on into the final four all right so dylan hughes will now get the clean air with fresh air out front what do you got the permatex bmw initiates and matt field right there dylan great angle solid initiation oh we got a tap let's see how it handles that man is it no problem outside taking that love tap look at that continuing on a great effort from both these guys an effort and a delivery standard deliver and bring it across that finish line ryan we've seen a lot of contact and that was sick that was awesome absolutely just a sweet tap in that transition if dylan hughes loses this battle because of the straighten in his chase run he deserves a round of applause for taking a beating from matt field coming off the bank and staying in it and finishing the run great job by both drivers here look at that almost equal angle right there big tap big tap i mean that's a punch by matt field coming off the bank from dylan hughes doesn't matter here i go i'm going to continue to finish the run and look at this even get some back on field this field kind of gets lost in the smoke for a second has to find himself and then finish the run but i think it's going to come down to the severity of that straighten from dylan real quick was the contact made due to some slowing down yeah yeah it was yeah i think it was he was he was left foot breaking on the bank and that's perfectly acceptable by the judges as long as the momentum is staying consistent that's a technique that drivers use in the modern era to control these thousand horsepower vehicles right but i think you're right there was a slight uh decrease in the smoke line from dylan hughes and he may have run into a similar issue as brandon sorson but for a different reason yeah yeah you know just just take a look at it here look at this angle you can see yeah look at that front left just absolutely just being checked up little break in the smoke he he might have saved him he might have stringed now you know he might have said here you go buddy see this land this is all yours he says hi he lifted him up [Music] all right it is unanimous matt field gets the win matt field gets the win and he will be moving on so our current points leader matt field gets the win and advances on it'll be de nova and field in the final four and here we go we are seeing odi bakshis bodhibachi's will lead taylor hole will chase for the third time between these two gentlemen not as high as we've seen from previous battles and now comes into that second outside zone taylor hall falls back quite a bit not as aggressive as we've seen from the previous battle and now with that final outside zone goes odie [Music] and taylor hole so unfortunately maybe you know a little bit of wear and tear on both the driver and and the vehicle but uh yeah let's take a look at it seems like odie put a little bit more in the car this time around he's kind of able to hold off taylor hole in important parts of the track like this big bank here he's on a mid high line he comes down in the right section on outside zone two fills it completely taylor's just not really given an opportunity to attack in the same way that he did on those one more time battles and even here towards the end he still is able to give a car length there to od boxes towards the end so i think if you're a spotter for box she's he's done his job on run number one but we still have 50 of the battle left to go and now taylor hole gets an opportunity to lead and we will be taking uh a if we get a winner no sorry no we will be advancing on to osbo and eve meyer which is great so that that'll work um and then shortly thereafter the will go from getting to the winner of this battle so vaughn get junior waits in the wing bank and junior doing battle with the winner here either taylor hole who's leading or ob she's taylor holt initiates look at that you see odie box she's flexing a little bit higher there but we want to see them mimic that angle and their line so how is this going to fare oh wow great lead run by taylor hall look at that snappy transition that's what we saw from earlier but od boss he's showing you why he's currently second in point and a real championship contender everything up he made that he made that painfully obvious painfully everything about that run said all out right it didn't seem like there was much more that could be given for both drivers and uh that is one of the things i love about this sport is that you get these moments where they're pushing the cars they're pushing their own personal skill to the level their driver's skill everything that they've learned in leading up to this point and we're just seeing an incredible performance out of both drivers here uh in the great eighth to get into the final four the one more time battle one two more time battle may come to a resolution here but it was not without great performances by both drivers yeah round of applause for both these drivers these two gladiators of the sport odie bakshi said taylor hall slide of left for od right for taylor hole and a taylor whole family great job but odie skips the win odie gets the win and will be advancing on and actually i was just joking here we go the rockstar energy drink toyota supra the gr supra gasu racing and then eve meyer in his drift force bmw initiating into that bank there's frederick osbo going for it remember your number two qualifier eve meyer has a big hill to climb going against the norwegian hammer in that second outside zone eve meyer you can see him just pedaling back keeping the control but frederick osmo we saw that earlier from today as osmo against rome they had that one more time battle so uh battle the bmws right you saw rome and now now here eve meyer yeah and eve definitely having a coming of age moment here in that second outside zone where a lot of guys have been getting into trouble really handled that well against osbo notice initiating right at the same time keeping the same relative line trying to gather proximity and does a great job here in this second outside zone not getting held up but notice he's almost right at the line with osmo but osbo sees that eve is trying to close the door really puts on the throttle here establishes a gap towards the latter part of outside zone three and that comes on top of a near flawless lead run in almost every area of the course all right let's alternate the order here and this is where osbo could really lock it in with a solid chase run but he's i feel like he's going to tread softly but eve meyer [Music] meyer can really throw down and ruin osmo's day let's see what eve's got up his sleeve he mire initiates and there's obvo no no backing down from norwegian hammer into that second outside zone going into the crease getting into the groove in that second outside zone oh my goodness look at that the gold nose just barely let me fire that bmw go by [Music] and through the smoke you can see the headlights shining look at that osmo backing off a little bit there didn't want to take out another bmw around that uh last third of that outside zone the ability for frederick osbo to push it up to the absolute limit has been pretty apparent uh in this event and i as we commented in in the show open we were still kind of waiting to see him have his breakout moment this might be just it because his chase runs have had these moments where he is literally inches away from the driver in front of him not for a brief moment for but for a sustained period of time and this outside zone three is another great example of what we see he is capable of as a chase driver so tremendous job all the way around and looks like he is really getting that vehicle dialed in eve on the other hand still a great performance from him he is really making and creating some damage of his own in this championship chase by having some great results these past few rounds and he's attacking frederick osbo in both positions but i think osmo just had a little bit of an edge here all right slide them left for osbo right for eve meyer i assume they're gonna slide left and there you have it frederick osbo frederick osbo is going to the final four so we have on that left side de nova versus field and now on the other side these are guys that are you know still involved forsberg's got three odibachis seems like he should have whether it's this year or sometime in the future he is championship caliber driver up left right and centers here we go od boxes will lead bonkin jr given chase our final battle of the great eight modi bakshi's initiates and you can see bonk in june chase them down might be calculating some formulas here as far as or operations be pulling away from right now he felt all that second outside zone bronchia jr now maneuvers that into the third and final outside zone banging on the door as vaughn gets in the side of od boxies that very well might have shut him down that was a just square shoulder block that was a that was a slam dance little little mr plow jammer there well that one unlike some of the others that we've seen here in the past few battles didn't seem like it could be sustained as much as the others and this is going to be the key point of the battle on this particular run at least both drivers flying through the course odi may be getting a little bit of edge by holding vaughn off here but as we get to this third outside zone this is where we start to see drivers really compress we get one bang there and then it looks like it looks like od was already going deep into that and as as he's getting right to the edge vaughn taps and then odie kind of widens out the apex there and goes off course watch odie again though again we're seeing this primarily in outside zone one but that overhead watch the smoke signal does it does it dissipate because of contact so let's let's take a look at this because yeah we're seeing a lot of different things come together here so ryan watch watch odie here i don't yeah it doesn't look like you got a lot of whiz bangs going on there this one has like a more of a direct line from contact to off course um and taking a look at the line that odie was drawing it didn't seem like he was pushing out super wide in that section he got wide at the beginning of outside zone three and some of the line is rubbed away but uh they're definitely is going to have to be a tough call made by the judges here man i'll tell you what not a corner of odi's vehicle is safe that thing has is missing bumpers fenders it's it's banged on both sides of the car uh this this thing absolutely taking a beating that falcon tire fuel suspension s15 so uh the paint chips on the wall as they painted it are coming off actually and it was a lot more yesterday but now seems like they're scraped them all off pretty much now all right let's take a look at this again here ryan and just off screen we're getting our safety car back so getting one more look at it from uh the camera that's out to our right up by the far right hand side of the furthest grandstand and um obviously the driver is getting back to the line so doesn't seem like they feel like there's any major mechanical damage here let's get this second half underway yeah so that tells me that od you know just was in it he's okay he's feeling all right so uh here we go bonkin jr odi boxies vaughn will lead odie will give chase don't leave in the judge's hands throw down a gangsta run that's vaughn a little separation here between the two drivers massive angle there for bumpkin junior drops down who taking a bit of a tighter line there vaughn big angle odi boxies comes on into that last final outside zone and bring it across the finish line ryan with that contact help her and also who's at fault somebody does need to be deemed at fault while it's getting in the judge's mind it's an incomplete run because the the run stopped right so that's a a collision somebody went off course and this run right here would have been a tremendous conclusion had that not happened i mean bond gets a very stable initiation to a great line up top huge angle here he's on that tighter line but look at how well it sets him up on that second outside zone i mean just beautiful through there right there a little bit of an adjustment od kind of takes advantage he's just inside the smoke line here good push by him through the finish line and would have loved to have seen that on the first run as well but it did come to a stark conclusion there that it's gonna have to be uh you know basically analyzed by the judges and tell us what happened well ryan again points out points at stake remember talking about od winning around chelsea and let's take a look at the bc racing overhead side by side view go for the gold what do you got yeah i mean i mean for me this isn't so much of a comparison it's really just about trying to figure out who's at fault for odie going off of course there um as it looks you know odie is thick smoke line there staying on throttle vaughn taps the brakes he's left with braking and that's perfectly fine to keep the car stabilized moving forward with momentum let's find out here we go od going off course is the big question too look at this so vaughn vaughn jr gets the win so second in points od boxies that beat zodie was going off course right right tell us what happened ryan lotte what's up hi guys nice to talk to you success he is your points leader janova look at that long run up there he knows he's got some horsepower on deck here we go boys this should be one for the ages here at lake erie speedway look at that chelsea nopa nosing in not mimicking that angle but definitely have the proximity let's see how he handles it coming at second outside zone matt field dives sanchez miriam right there nice little glancing across the nose of chelsea and bring it around that last the final outside zone told you it's going to be a good one they keep it clean everything is above the belt well done from field and de nofa well it could be argued pretty i think successfully that matt field has the most momentum in the series right now and chelsea de nova does that diving in approach on the initiation but he loses a little bit of angle there keeps a proximity and is back in the fight pretty quickly but that was a mistake by de nova in the chase position matt field filling that second outside zone extremely well but de nova trying to keep him in tow not let him run away field right at the edge of that outside zone three maybe a right hand a right rear tire on that outside line but a great way to start the final four this is uh exactly what we needed to see like it we're you know we're seeing a lot of contact previously now i i think it's what's really going to shine here i like what od said about just hey this is the way i'm driving this is this is what's to be expected you know the smoke signal the only indicator of speed i mean you know you want to stay within the spirit of drifting but you don't want to over kind of get all these different analytics so here we go chelsea out front matt field the chase position oh buddy that field goes for it chelsea looking a lot more settled more angle but field watch this he's gonna come in here on the second oh and there was the crease playing another roll and he's really deep in that smoke that field way off line as jenova [Music] continues through the course oh and matt field and that was the largest role that kris played up until this point ryan yeah that was i think matt field coming a bit unstuck there and looking at typical matt field in the chase position that was the first time i think this year we've seen him make quite a few mistakes in that position in the chase he does dive in but de nova look how deep he is into that outside zone beautiful job big angle there mid inside line and then matt field surging forward there straightens out then goes off course on the transition from two to three now he's really far behind playing catch up and you can see how tight of a line he had as he made that transition from two to three then he goes almost off course there taking out that marker to end outside zone four all right and i believe you know the outcome of this which is very unfortunate for matt field but denofa could go for another victory like he did in orlando again totally unofficial but going off of that it just no you know denopa not throwing them off absolutely came in kicked a hole in the speaker and uh and left matt field and chelsea de nofa a great way to begin final four for one driver more than the other sliding left for denofa right for field and there it is chelsea de nova gets the win he's going to the finals as a rtr one two last year right we saw we saw vaughn vaughn and chelsea back in recall i believe it was here we go frederick osbo vaughn king jr go look into that somebody frederick osborne that rockstar entering toyota gr supra leading the path here in that first outside zone ripping around the track french gospel ball getting junior we did we saw this with odie where he leaves himself a lot of room but he might be able to grip up now look at that frederick osbo pulling that front right half does vomit junior these guys hit the three-wheel motions looks like oswald left a little in the tank here as we go down to the final four the type s lights are on what do you think ryan like is this strategy for vaughn or osbo what do you think i i mean everything is strategy but a lot of this is just driving all out and right trying to conserve enough tire to be powerful on your lead as you can in your chase vaughn does give osbo a bit of of some room there reels them in here in outside zone two but oswell is driving incredibly in that lead position right filling outside zone two entering three driving right at the edge of the course there going a little bit wide on three as we're starting to see some of those lines get rubbed out and this time vaughn was not able to stay as super close as he was to odie on that previous run uh which has turned out to be a controversial battle but now they will switch things up and we'll see if osbo can continue that terror here in his chase run against vaughn getting junior here we go the second half of this battle who's going to the final spontaneous but let's send it here we go vodka junition osmo very low on the bank very surprising as gin has some in the tank as he goes against the norwegian hammer the professional fun hammer into that second outside zone osmo something is a foot all ditto tire has vaughn almost spinning out what is going they might be out of tire ryan yeah i believe both drivers potentially deep bead for osbill i'm not seeing that the right side what left side oh boy we saw this before yeah it kind of started i think it started happened on initiation potentially but i'm not a hundred percent about that uh i noticed that there was something a little janky going on with osbo and then it started to get more out of whack as he left outside zone two now it's not going to matter because this is the second half of the run the ju the run is going to be judged as is right right immediately before he even initiated yeah it was almost as if it was coming off leading up and right now he i mean he's in no position to fight but let's watch vaughn what happened let's see what happens with bond on that transition he leaves two he comes into three oh he angles up and he might have straightened out there do you think oh sorry i didn't mean to make it sound like that but it's yeah it well the straightening out to it incomplete is what is what we're trying to entertain here but could be in the category of an unchasable lead as well so this is going to give us a a good bird's eye view osmo's massively fighting the car and we should watch him whoa oh it's definitely a yeah it's definitely like a big re-initiation that's an unchasable leader so okay let's assume incomplete on both drivers on the second run goes back to the first right goes back to the first goes back to the first you did better on the first i mean look yeah looking looking at it i would say osbo had a had a had a bit of an advantage here so things things get interesting here could it be an opt omt i don't know tough you know what i'm just gonna go home i'm out yeah [Laughter] here's the side by side we know how uh how this how the second half ends up but let's take a look at this yeah i'm watching the left-hand side of the screen all i want to try to figure out is if if if it's an incomplete from both drivers on the right-hand side of the screen who did better in their respective positions on the left-hand side and this is you know at this osmo edge him out here does vaughn stay in the fight there's definitely some moments by both drivers there had a weird transition going from from the second outside zone to the third outside zone we're hearing the uh the locals feverish about hearing it one more time yeah that man another wrinkle has come into the mix here something else was pointed out to me that if vaughn incompletes before osbo the run is technically over so if on incomplete's there and then osbo incompletes there even though they're independent the run would be over the moment that von gitten jr incompletes technically when did when did osbo incomplete in the second i i think he incompletes right at the beginning of outside zone three and i think vaughn that's correct go ahead right what we're looking at there is vaughn over rotating coming up to outside zone three he straightens up gets the car you can see the rubber from here you can see re-straightens um very far inside of that corner and then as osbo comes up behind him he then straightens as well but it's after vaughn does his straightening and this is important because as soon as a lead car straightens incompletes in any way the run is over and then the chase car is not responsible so watch vaughn here he straightens right there and then right after that oswald stops drifting so um it we write the rules this way because we don't want to lead car to incomplete and then force the chase car to keep drifting past potentially a car that is spun out or hit the wall or something like that so we've always had the rule written that the lead car is the one that sets the sets the tone let's say for the whole battle the leak car incompletes the run is absolutely over at that point in time osbo maybe strategically he knew his car broke at initiation but he tried to limp it all the way to that point when he saw vaughan straight and he probably said okay i'm done so so let me simplify it here osbo's incomplete is actually not relevant in this particular instance because once bond incompletes and osbo has not incompleted the run is over so osbo is not is not given an incomplete in this circumstance which means that vaughan has an incomplete osmo doesn't osmo has two complete runs bond doesn't have two complete runs that is a perfect analysis of this run right here and that comes down basically right now vaughn is going to be if bond loses because of that he's going to feel really bad because had he just completed the course with an injured car behind him he would have probably had to win i think you should go ahead and put your score in then yeah it's uh that was a crazy turn of events you can see vaughn getting junior uh still still pumped you know but i i like how lantern elaborated these are these are the finite details that that develop similar to that of the brandon sorenson thing and in that rome and that you know coming coming to fruition and and certain things just really developing and progressing yeah no and i i'm really glad that was pointed out because that is something that could be protested by um osbo's team if it turns out that uh what ryan says is uh in agreement with the other judges um and and it turned out that uh they made a mistake and didn't incomplete that situation for vaughn and then that could be protested by osbo's team and he would win that protest scores are in ryan and we talked about that here we go slight of left for oswald sliding right for bonkin jr who's going against chelsea nova in the finals one vote for frederick osborne two votes for frederick osmo osbo is going to the finals great elaboration by ryan lantay on behalf of the judges it is unanimous so osbo will be heading to the pits working on his vehicle and ryan keep in mind we do give them an a lot amount of time there goes vaughn getting junior he will uh he will not get third place he will not hold carbon fiber as matt field will get third place and osbo who was in third place could potentially surpass that of odi bakshi's in the points it's still unclear to me uh not the result but what happened what happened to osmo's car yeah and that's not the first time we've seen that where he just dumps like a truck what what as uh he goes in and that was it wasn't under angle that's what's even more weird is like it wasn't under severe angle it just bottomed out and it fell out from underneath them and slammed the car down howie kept drifting through that is besides me but these guys are talented they make it look easy when we come back we'll get an update on what's going on the norwegian hammers pit we saw the conditions are drying out just a little bit so i feel like you will be seeing a little higher speeds here coming to that first outer zone i wonder if the gary's going to work out for frederick osborne as chris warsberg takes a shallower line here frederick goes all the way out to that second outer zone and now he gets that look at that uh that absolute proximity and now oh shallows up takes out that front flip he had it yeah he had to do that and then goes into that final outer zone so shallow by chris wardsburg and this is a must win for him just a few rounds ago and here he is matt field a victory lap for the falcon tire drift king corvette the beast or the bay triple seven your winner here at e-town the debut of the purpose built drift coliseum here at english town raceway park matt fields gets to victory as chris forsberg retires and the falcon tire smoke gets created ryan yeah mr appropriate confidence coming through again doing well based on preparation matt field your winner here at englishtown raceway unfortunately for chris was not able to get the car to the line for the second run he will get that second place though much needed as he tries to rack up points for what could potentially be a fourth championship but does have some work to do some gremlins to work out and let's not forget that frederick osbo also capturing a podium here tonight [Music] [Music] are screaming need something fast to outrun the demons nothing come between the boy and his freedom what good rights when y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] the legend never dies formula drift is brought to you by air force aim high type s official lighting sponsor of formula drift lights camera power fun [Music] and gt radial experience the performance here we are so what we're seeing here is kevin wells is in the pit he's got a clock there that says seven minutes once that seven minutes and what that seven minutes mean is if you can elaborate how much time does freddy have cause he doesn't just have seven minutes he has a little more yeah in the transition to from the final four to the finals when we have a situation like this there is a seven minute time allotment and actually this was born out of chelsea denofa and vaughn gittin jr situation last year in seattle we give them a maximum amount of seven minutes to get the car ready to go and if he's not ready to go he will have to bow out of competition however he still has his competition time out so you can add another five minutes on top of that but he has not given an unlimited amount of time he gets seven minutes by the way the way the rules are right now given the situation and then if that expires he does need to use that competition timeout oh i'm looking at this i'm looking at a little uh looking a little conversation between getting in osmo [Music] from the drive all the way also trying to be mind readers and they can't be mind readers i agree with that i know you do they are come here because we start this precedent it just ends up being i'm not sure the the mind reading comment there it's pretty simple to hear this hold on i saw that so the car was broken the whole time yeah and i was doing everything i could to finish i know i understand and when i came out of attitude on a gun smoke [Music] sure but you were 10 cars back like you're not going to be able to see yeah i know that all right thank you you got to focus on that all right yeah i'm not i'm not really sure what the mind reading comment has to do the judges didn't really have to mind read anything all they had to do was determine did frederick osbo or excuse me did vaughn get in jr incomplete prior to osbo that's pretty clear speaking of mind reading he's speculating on what the what was down maybe he doesn't know absolutely definitively clear he does have a spotter up here also speaking of mind reading might be mine games because guess what he's going against chelsea to nofa so you know what i mean that and steph papadakis making it real clear saying hey he's got he's got to focus on this lorette i hear you down there loretta what's up well guys there's obviously a lot of movement down here steph papadakis is in frederick osbo's window and they are having a conversation uh steph obviously asked bond to leave so they can have a conversation after the event of course i'd like to step in there and find out what steph is talking to him about but i also don't want to interrupt team conversations so the guys right now working really hard on the driver's side tire well down here can't tell if they're working on suspension or the tie rod if they're trying to remove that again a lot of bodies a lot of parts going on uh potentially the let me see if i can come in hey frederick do you know what the guys are trying to fix back here sorry lorette one more time do you know what the guys are trying to fix yeah we're trying to fix the car uh suspension broke and i was doing everything i could to make it through that run it broke early on uh i was hanging on for dear life until i got into turn three saw a big smoke screen there with jr the opposite way and i i was like holy what happened now so that was a really weird turn of events obviously with a broken car we we kind of got gifted it a little bit but that's the way the rules are and i think we had a good lead and uh now we're just trying to fix the car well we came in a little bit late to the conversation that you and von were having what was he saying so i think vaughn they're they're fishing for uh info for a protest which they're totally in the right to do um i and i totally get it because this is not the way we want to move on uh it's also not the way anyone would want to move on but it's the way that the competition is so we'll see what happens we're just over here trying to get this thing ready to rock again and i'd love to do it again i'd love to do it again and again and again so we'll see if we can get to that point okay thank you frederick guys thank you lorette i'd uh i'd definitely love for you to get some words with vaughn king jr but his teammate also you know getting get prepared for battle not as frantic but uh you can see aldo and the boys down there working feverishly on the vehicle and that whole wise fat corner being swapped out so so uh you know you know here's the question is how much damage was sustained is it repairable are the parts they're replacing also you got to think about alignment you know again they have the corners of the vehicle ready to go but uh you can see shaldo down there and the boys so thrashing on the vehicle so take a look at that clock how much time is left and as soon as that thing expires i have to assume it would it'd be silly for them not so two minutes you can see just over the side of the rockstar energy toyota supra the toyota gr super on nitto tires so it's an all nitto tire final as de nopa will be going against uh osbo so uh like i said ryan matt field will be getting third place but uh the question is who is going to be getting the win so as the clock is ticking down coilovers are going on so taking a look at this you can see all hands on deck for frederick osbo as papadakis racing team toyota gazoo racing and uh just a a crazy scenario unfolds once again adam jabay thanks for watching thanks to all the fans for watching randy johnson see you soon there remember tune in or be there in person july 30th and 31st july 30th and 31st that is our next round of competition it is pro only not pro and pro spec and then that is in seattle at evergreen speedway and then we continue on to worldwide technology raceway that is just outside of st louis and madison illinois just across the mississippi river so join us there for uh round six and round three of the prospect championship so round six of pro and round three of pro spec that's the august 27th to 28th and then there you see long beach california september 17th and 18th the streets of long beach being utilized because the next weekend will be that of the long beach grand prix so 30 seconds on the clock obviously not gonna be finished the question is when this expires they'll obviously call their competition time out and that would only mean a five-minute allotment so chelsea denofo could very well receive the victory even without having to go toe-to-toe wheel to wheel so there we go ten seconds nine it's not new years for anybody no ball is dropping and the car is not dropping like it did earlier and there it goes so now the five minute are you calling it and he is calling it kevin great position that clock put it back up there put it back up there where you had it perfect placement so when we come back five minutes is a ticking and the plot thickens here at round four the formula drip pro championship jared d under ryan sage the red nickel your tour guides but more importantly an all nitto tire final will osmo get his toyota supra and his team the unsung heroes getting the camera get in the spotlight all hands on deck frederick osbo is he gonna get the car back together chelsea nova waits in the wings when we return we'll find out your body is a machine with 800 horses ignite it [Music] [Music] nice energy human horsepower i'm dylan hughes formula drift pro driver and today we're going to talk about royal purple hps and what actually goes into it there's a lot of talk about additives and royal purple has its proprietary centerlink technology it is fortified with a high level of zinc phosphorus anti-wear additive for exceptional protection against heat and wear its high film strength improves sealing between the piston ring and cylinder wall for maximum horsepower and torque royal purple hps race car technology for the street [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] link ecu produces standalone engine management technology with a range of products that allow you to unleash the power of your engine acting as your car's brain link ecu control electronic fuel injection and ignition a magnitude of sensor inputs and outputs ensure your engine exceeds your expectations built-in safety features guarantee engine protection and data logs keep you informed on its performance smoke your tires not your engine with a world-leading link ecu [Music] you
Channel: Formula DRIFT
Views: 226,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: formula drift, drifting, formula d, fd, motorsport, drift cars, tandem battle, qualifying, drift championship, drift
Id: t8yRKPNnFjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 26sec (6326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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