2020 IMSA SportsCar Weekend At Road America

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You wonder what would have happened if the yellow flag came out a lap or two earlier. That's endurance racing, though.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/agoia 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've been watching a few IMSA races from the past 2-3 seasons recently and I've noticed on most cars, during in-car shots, there's a buzzing noise in the background under braking. For example see, during this race, the braking in what I believe is the #30 Audi R8 LMS (time-seeked video linked below). I haven't noticed any particular car or class that doesn't make this noise under braking on the in-car shots. I can't imagine this is ABS but that's the closest noise I'm familiar with from a road car. What is it? https://youtu.be/0cpfr4UgClE?t=3844

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrRauq 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] 640 acres of beautiful pristine parkland just the sort of place you'd want to go and visit on a sunday morning into afternoon in elkhart wisconsin maybe have a picnic do some outdoor activities or just sit around and be entertained by some of the best sports cars in the world right about halfway between milwaukee and green bear nestles road america since september 1955 motor racing has taken place on a circuit which just over the four mile notation is well pretty much exactly the same as when it was laid down all those years ago with action areas at turn one if you're brave for that very fast turn into the first corner down the hill to turn five make sure you do that one cleanly or it can end up in disaster turn it is a downhill as well before you head into the signature carousel and then it's flat out if you're brave through the kink down towards canada corner the lowest part of the circuit from there it's all back up hill to the start finish line hello everybody and welcome along to our latest installment of the 2020 story that is the imps of weathertech sports car championship i'm john heindoff for imsa radio and imsa tv and joining me in the hagerty global broadcast center is jeremy shaw our vp racing fuels pit lane and paddock reporter is share adam the cars are ruling in what can only be described as pretty decent weather conditions on the track 93 degrees fahrenheit in the air at 75 for those of you listening on 87.7 fm around the track around the world on rs2 and on imsa tv 24 celsius in the 34 on the track a qualifying session jeremy shaw that was dominated by accurate team penske at the front of the field [Music] in behind them the two mazdas and then a couple of cadillacs uh also right in there and that should give us plenty of excitement adam is checking out all the stories for us if you weren't with us for the michelin countdown to green we are down here adam to 30 cars to take the green flag in a few moments time yes unfortunately the herd of racing aston martin and sorry to sarah rigby the biggest aston martin in the world that car will not be taking the start of this race the team which has sat out since the 24 hours of daytona back in january looking to make their return this weekend well it was a fuel issue a small leak and the fuel worked tirelessly all through the night to try and fix it they decided this morning that they couldn't actually get it to a place where it was completely fixed and rather than send out an injured race car to limp around the track they pulled their entry the thing on twitter that they hope to be back around at the end of august and we sincerely hope to see them back once again so no aston martin for ian james and roman deangelis some changes too the imsa calendar announced yesterday go to imsa.com for all of the details the current covered 19 crisis uh necessitating some change of venue and some splitting up of some of the events as well i won't bore you with that right now but himself doing their level best to keep the same number of races in the calendar as we go through this difficult 2020 season jeremy short the front of the field it's the two acuras who have found some peace here on the long flat out blasts at road america it is indeed the accurate team pesky on the front row for the second year in a row last year it was dane cameron this time it is ricky taylor and they are feeling pretty confident coming into this race they feel that their car is working well they've been helped by the balanced performance changes that have a little bit more fuel compared to the cadillacs in particular and also the masses so but uh judging by qualifying there doesn't seem to be much to choose between the turbo cars from acura and mazda i'm sure in race trim the cadillacs are always more competitive in any case i think we've got an exciting race ahead of us a porsche keys to the race we will have to remind ourselves this is a four mile race track so you can't get it wrong on fuel having eight tenths of a lap left in the tank here is not much good when the run from canada corner to the pit lane is all uphill tires well it is a low grip circuit so you can't abuse them early in the stint although teams reporting the tires have been giving good performance right the way through their lives we'll see round about four pit stops before the leading cars in dpi take your chances but be patient because there are places here at road america where you have to follow there's plenty of overtaking spots as well so that's when you have to be decisive and believe it or not once again we have got a little thought that there might be some weather just to mix it up before the end of the two hours and 40 minutes those are your porsche keys to the race coming up after the race we'll discuss all of the talking points in michelin post race tech but for now settle in and whether you're at the track or further afield you may have a full seat you're only going to need the edge of it for the next two hours and 40 minutes as we go green at the imsa road racing showcase and immediately the master number 55 of harry tingle jumps into second place and splits the acuras but it looks as though right round the outside that dan cameron was trying to get that position back they're down at turn three my goodness me that's very tight indeed but good racing room given by both of those drivers that was close racing but that was clean racing as well and cameron gets a run flicks to the right hand side that means he's got to go all the way around the outside into turn five they almost touch again orange and white paint and soul red crystal being traded there right across in front of the master as the second place is regained dan cameron very forceful round the outside then chopped back in front of harry tinker to make sure he defended the uphill entrance to turn number six under the corvette bridge but a statement of intent very very early on from harry tinkle there as for a moment or two what let's call it five corners jeremy shaw he split the two acuras uh good to see really respectful driving there from those two not you know they could have one or other could have pushed each other off the road they gave each other room they didn't want to incur any damage to the early stages in the race so it was interesting that muslims had the speed of that acura on this run down to turn five the car seat pretty equal most the way down that long straight away but then towards the end the acura appeared to have the engine was at the draft what's that a bit of horsepower we will find out the the actors have been given a little bit of a break on the balance performance this weekend in terms of their boost they've been given a little bit more power and clearly they took advantage of that on that first lap hello the night just got dobby the betty carrillo to the crotch belt and everyone else is listening as well as all of you at the track on the pa at 87.7 fm 31 philippe mendez right ahead of him that's two cadillacs the red and white car goes to the right hand side in towards the first corner those two different colors used to be run by the same team but not anymore so that is a proper battle no quarter astor given there and through goes nasa as he drops down to turn number three that was made and a nice use of good old-fashioned slip stream no drs pass flappage going on here that was all about getting in the draft into the hole in the air that the car in front was making so taylor from cameron by about a second then half a second back the tinkle and nunes is just three tenths further back ryan briscoe's had a tidy start in the conica minolta number 10 car running in fifth position he loves this place then it's uh philippe mendoza just having mirrored that position on xiaobar boza and chris miller in lmp2 patrick kelly is on a rich fiend of form at the moment in the dark blue and white number 52. that's the power mathison motorsports car he's got two and a half seconds already on the dragon speed evil knievel uh livery on the dragon speed 81 then it's the era motorsport car the aero motors book and then cameron castles in gt le man jordan taylor for porsche leads from corvette racing uh sorry jordan taylor for corvette leads from the porsche of lawrence vanta and then bruno spengler with the two bmws liner stern now 25 and 24 olly gavin down in fifth for corvette racing ahead of fred markovich he saw the pool sitter has been bumped down ear position there and in gt d aaron taylor it's for ian vales vassa sullivan holds on to his pull sitting position with robbie foley in set in third behind frankie monty calvo it's got robinson in fifth position he's got compass racing's mclaren in front of him in four 14 12 96 76 and 74 and then cooper mcnailer 63. that's your top three with the ferrari in sixth position so you chopped six with the ferrari in sixth position what a start by patrick kelly as he goes across the line jeremy shaw he has been absolutely brilliant the last couple of races and has really shown his skills he certainly has hasn't he another great start there he was uh one point or two points four seconds ahead of the second place got at the end of the first lap it's extended that lead by another second half on lap two so yes uh patrick kelly he just loves this racetrack wasn't it cool to see how euphoric he was when he got out of the car after getting the pole position yesterday yeah he was a happy man i think it's fair to say what a start of the 2020 season for corvette racing sat on 99 imsa wings for a little while shall we say let's not remind them too much of that they didn't take them too long to get their 100th in 2020 and how cool was it that on our additional make-up race if you will at daytona on the saturday the 4th of july with the rockets red glare in the air the corvette came through and america's sports car notched its century of victories in imsa racing it took nowhere near the same amount of time to get the 101 because they have now won two in a row having had the second of their car so both the three and the four now have notched a victory this season and that was at sebring last time out in gtd aaron taylor to frankie monte calvo well they've had a pretty good start of the season as well with the lexus a lot of hard work gone into these cars over the last season and a bit and those cars have been very impressive indeed their lead from robbie fawley who had a nasty accident in the turner motorsport bmw m6 gt3 where there was a breaking problem caused by lots of uh braking fluids some debris we think uh got into a brake line and to cause the brake pressure to go away at term five the car looked pretty second hand to be honest on the right-hand side pretty much every panel between the wheels was dented and bumped and three hours later it came out qualified looking like it just rolled off the truck because that's how will turner and the rest of the team rule they weren't just going to fix it they were going to make it look exactly as pristine as normal at the front of the field it's ricky taylor and dear cameron split by 1.3 seconds and with two hours and 33 minutes to go it's been a clean opening to the wrist thank goodness jeremy shaw yeah i agree it's been nice that that is a relief to see isn't it it's a good racing on the first lap and now we get to string out a little bit the two accuracy secreted by about a second it's into our car length and a similar margin back already to the mazdas and the cadillacs a little bit unexpectedly as far as i'm concerned falling back by uh well they're already six seconds behind we've only got three laps in the book so that doesn't bode well for the cadillacs in this race at the moment but still this is very early stages yeah and we we've got to be careful about trying to read too much into these situations again remember what we said in our porsche keys to the race this is a fairly low grip circuit and that of course means you use your tyres up if you're not sensible and that sounds odd but uh a high grip circuit normally means that you're not scrubbing so much ties off how does that work kind of here you see well high grip circuit the tyres stick the aero works the car doesn't move around so much a low grip circuit the car slides because you're trying to take so much speed through the middle of the corners and you get that flat drift or sometimes even see the front of the rear starting to either push if it's the front that's under steer or get out of shape and oversteer at the back when you do that the tyres and the face of the tyre that's on the road instead of just pushing you forward is sliding sideways and at that point it's taking that rubber compound away from the tire surface that's why you get all the bits of tire debris offline that's what we call the marbles and that's why you wear your tires more on a low grip circuit than on a high grip circuit now you can slightly mitigate that by being a bit careful about how you drive and the best drivers do that very well particularly in endurance racing here in himself there's no real benefit to trying to double stint the tyres but we might towards the end of the race once the teams have picked up a little bit of data on how the tyres are wearing jeremy shaw we might see a little splash of fuel where we only get two tires on the left-hand side of the car which is the the cut the side of the the tyres here that gets the the most hit that's not beyond the bounds of possibility and we've seen one or two teams try that uh sneaky tactic in the past yeah you're right you know there's some long uh right hand corners here the carousel uh the the kink counter corner isn't there's a fair load as well so the the left hand side certainly do take a bit more of a beating around here than the right side tire so that certainly is an option for some of the teams at some stage that question coming in on at imsa radio on twitter tracy said it looked like the number 55 took the position from the number six before the start line will he get a penalty is or is that allowed on the green flag jeremy can you overtake before the start line but the green flag uh you're not supposed to no uh that's uh that's for sure well we'll keep an eye on that i don't see anything on the race control uh channel at the moment but we will keep an eye on that it is standard procedure that all of the starts are reviewed by race control the other thing that they'll be looking for is track limits uh it's always a born of contention some people don't agree that track limits should be applied i'm afraid i'd fall into the other camp and think that they should be applied probably more stringently than they are here at road america imsa have been pretty strict this weekend and there are a number of places turned one in particular jeremy but also exiting the final corner and a couple of other places round the circuit turn at number eight as well at the bottom of hurry downs where the drivers in the virtual drivers briefing before this weekend we're told guys we're gonna be looking we know there's an advantage uh to be had around there so you will be getting warned if you start taking liberties yeah and i'm for me a racetrack is built to race on and if you need to use the environs around it then so be it what i don't like these days is all the paved runoff areas we have we have uh so many different ratios here it's really just a turn one that is an issue for in terms of track limits the rest of the place around racetrack you know it's okay but you you can gain a large advantage doing that and the reason they have these flat curbs that like it turned one here is mainly for the motorcycles that race on these racetracks as well so i understand that i get that but at the same time and i i particularly somewhere like turn one i think it's good but if you have it all the way around the radar like something like circular america's i think it's just ridiculous so two hours and 28 minutes to go the first 15 or so minutes have already disappeared into the history books and like the early rounds of a heavyweight boxing match it's all a bit of a jar but bob and weave just finding out where your competition are strong where you perhaps have an advantage gtd still has the two invasive sullivan lexus at the lead aaron tielitz and frankie martin calvar now about four seconds ahead of robbie forley in the liquid molly uh turner motorsport car he's got half a second on corey ferguson he's having a great weekend for compass mclaren carl robinson in riley motorsport tmg gt3 mercedes is another second and a half further back in gt le mon well four car train heading up the hill towards the end of the lap at the moment which is being led by bruno spengler with jesse cronin olly gavin and fred macavecki all pretty much line a stern there laurence vanta and jordan taylor just a little bit further up the road but this is good to see bmw's looking a little more competitive than they have done in recent times jeremy the corvette's not having it at their old own way and the porsches who looked strong in qualifying not having it their own way either no that's true the uh bmws have been going to get a bit of a break in terms of the balance of performance since the race at ceiling a little bit more horsepower should be as much as 14 horsepower as a spin for number 18 that is dwight merriman who's doing a really good job hanging onto the tail and challenging henrik hedman for second place but unfortunately now he's going to lose a lot of ground with that spin that was the lmp two third place car kyle tilley joining dwight murrayman in the era motorsport that machine he's lost a bit of ground but plenty of time to make it up and already even on this long track we've got lappery going on by the leaders ricky taylor and dame cannon going through the gt lemon runners and harry tinkles used that opportunity to gain on them the dark red first of the mazda's their top four almost together heading through turn five and up towards the corvette bridge at turn six and this is starting to get interesting and this jeremy is where if you are chasing you want to be as close as you can to those leading two acuras just in case there's a little fumble a little shamazal that gives you the opportunity to make a pass yeah exactly right john and the the two acuras have been separated by about a second and a half similar gap back to the amount mountains we look uh have a replay what happened to dwight marin just got on the on the gas a little bit too too hard there and around that car goes so that's unfortunate for him but he's going to get that car going again but that gap from first to second to third absolutely disappeared as the leaders started to work their way through the gtd cards i think the acura drivers in particular being a little bit more cautious because they had the lead yeah so they come out of it still in first and second positions and now they'll have some some clear track for a while once they're now passed on the gtd cards and concentrator keeping that clean race so uh good sensible driving by both of these two and as you say the the mouse is hanging in there the cadillac stays still slipping back five and a half seconds back to the fifth place in the best place the cadillac that is rob briscoe who is now under pressure from philippe nassar i just uh had a little bit of a word with one of two of the cadillac teams i won't say which ones but there was some thought that they felt they didn't have the outright pace here to challenge the accuracy or indeed the mazdas but the acura is in particular and i just wonder if already there's some different tactics going on in terms of fuel saving and a bit of let's go as long as we can in the race and see what we get later on by the cadillac runners it's not the usual motorcycle miranda from those guys as the just having a quick look back at the start and it did seem to be a bit of shuffling of position before the start line itself particularly in gt lamont it was the porsche and the corvette on the front row and who got across the line first looked to me as though the corvette got across the line in front of the porsche [Music] and some thought that there might have been some overtaking further towards the front of the race that is being looked at by race control at the moment just a quick hello as well to mike roberts who's in chase three parked up at the motorcycle chicane just on the exit of the carousel says to us keep the great work everyone i should see the same to you uh mike and your colleagues i really hope you have absolutely nothing to do this afternoon and i say that in the nicest possible way but thank you to all of the corner workers rescue recovery track services and everybody including the people who help you park your cars punch your tickets etc who make a race weekend like this ibsa road race showcase at road america actually happen we can't go racing without you and all around the world we need more corner workers go and find out about it if you're a race fan give something back it's not about taking cool photographs because you're at the side of the track because you don't have time for that you're doing a job you're keeping the racing going and we always need more people to help out so if you're interested in that scca and other marshalling organizations in the state and the british motor racing marshals club here in the uk various places in europe as well that you can go online go and search it and give something back to the sport that we all love from uh harry tingle i think it wasn't in the the lead master at turn five john but he's able to keep his position uh tristan nunes right behind him in the white car as opposed to the uh the sole red uh mazda number 55 which is in the third position these two uh ricky taylor just stretched his lead on that last about to a second and a half he's got good pace in that car the previous uh two or three laps while they were negotiating the gtd cars their lap times had fallen to high one minute 55s now with a clear track again i was 52 last time around but is the fastest lap of the race so far that compares to the lap record here which was set last year by oliver jarvis at 51.1 also a good lap for patrick kelly who continues to extend his lead in lmp2 now out to over 13 seconds this is a action rate player of say bring for patrick kelly uh back in motor racing after a little time away and thoroughly enjoying his competitive career again just a little bit of a break going on ricky taylor at the front has now pulled out the second and a half from his teammate damn cameron who's still got harry tignall and tristan nunez in pretty close accompaniment as their head down to turn one again turning into their turn one you take so much speed at the apex there can't take too much of the curb on the inside or indeed the outside and the runoff ends rather abruptly there as well turn three run out to the yellow and red curbs and then down the middle straight if you will there is a little kink in the middle of it which is turn termed as turn four but really it's a flat out blast down to turn five you crest the brow and then you've got to pick your breaking spot good to watch to the right hand side where the curbs start that gives you an idea of where you are particularly if you're right up the rear aerofoil of somebody else turn six is over the top of a brow just under the bridge and again you're gonna know where you're going there seven real leap or fifth turn in hammer the curb on the right hand side another over the top of the brow entry to turn number eight nice wide run off there but if you go too wide you've got to lift off because again the grass comes up to you very quickly then it's the carousel balancing the car with the throttle with the steering feeling for the grip from the tyres and the air rule and more lavery now as the gt lemon leading cars are about to go a lap down so ricky taylor has got his brother ahead of him now in the corvette that leads gt le man he's already dealt with laurence van too as he heads down towards canada corner it's busy you know it is busy around here considering it's a four mile lap around jeremy for sure but with four different classes even with and i say only advisedly it's a great entry himself done a cracking job and thanks to all the teams for supporting it but even with 30 cars here it's still a busy lap isn't it yeah it is and uh you as we said already you can easily lose for the prototype cars they need to lose three or four seconds a lap but negotiating some of the slower cars here but the two masses absolutely tied together that was the eight car rt 24p heading towards turn one but just harry tinkle able to maintain his advantage over over trista nunez running very very wide there in turn one to do so yeah the rt p24 mazda's dpi contender just a four cylinder in line turbocharged two-liter engine and here comes harry tinkle he's got a run and it was the bmw who unwittingly helped him he'll have to go all the way around the outside at turn five and he gives it up for the moment but he'll come back to the inside the bmw number 25 of bruno spengler is the next car up the road and that might again give him a little bit of assistance no he's had oh well yes just for a moment i thought that dean cameron was going to get through and tingle briefly on one of the splits was scored in second place as their head through harry downs and into turn eight and just sitting off the back of this binding his time tristan nunez i think driving a very very sensible race jeremy he's dropped sometimes four five six car lengths back from the two cars ahead of him when he's been in traffic but he's easily able to make that back i think he's got a good car underneath him at the moment tristan i agree with you and driving it very nicely in the early stages ratio he's going to be did guys are going to realize here it's a 2 hours and 40 minute races lots could go on they could probably get it if we go green all the way there'll be four pit stops a lot of strategy to be played out during this race and you know if you get held up like that you have to tuck it behind a slower car for one corner don't worry about it because you'll probably have the same problem with the other car and the next one is exactly what happened there heading into turn 14 55 held up just a little bit this is going to give you this in front as they head toward third front of course they are teammates so there's no sense in fighting if harry thinks that he needs to give best he might just lift off tristan's got his nose ahead at the moment and harry just stares to the inside kicks up a bit of dust tristan goes through i would suggest that that being another manufacturer that might have been made a little more difficult there i agree with you i think that was a really interesting driving between those two and you know they were they were absolutely side by side i wonder whether uh harry whether he decided on his own or when he got a call from pitt they just let tristan go at this stage again a long long way to go so you know but no point in doing silly good driving from both of those two males to teammates uh yes and i i think as i say that tristan and may just have a wee better car at the moment and there could be slight nuances of differences between the setup of those two two cars uh they're running the same michelin slick tyre we'll see how that plays out later on adam uh vp racing fuel pit and paddock reporter has been trolling around for some information jt lemon i am noticing a sort of a split between the two cars in each of the manufacturers teams do we think there's something going on there is that just how it's turned out well if you remember back to the daytona race the weathertech 240 in july corvette split their strategy sending one car out on a plan to run full rich the whole way and hope that there would be a yellow the other car being a little bit more conservative it wound up being the car that was a bit more conservative that came home with the win that was ultimately the number three today it looks like the number three is the car that is sent out to go as fast as it can while the number four is on perhaps a bit more of a fuel save strategy that's also the case for the number nine twelve and nine eleven porsches the 912 of lawrence vantour less than half a second off the fact jordan taylor is fighting for the lead oh greitens well the 911 of fred macbeck well he's trying to see if he can squeeze an extra lap out of the tank yeah and look in fairness fred hasn't been here for a little while uh certainly that's a new car to a relatively new car to the championship it wouldn't be the first time we've seen that happen share thank you for that and it's kind of covering all bases jeremy and i want to see this race run for the next two hours and 15 minutes without the intervention of the c8 that safety car corvette but that might not happen we've got to face the jeremy it might not happen and if you've got two bullets in the gun then you can split that strategy you can uh the the fact that uh that the the cars have been given a little bit more fuel for this race uh to try and equalize it equalize the the length they gonna stick to certainly gonna sort of minimize the effect of that sort of strategy but certainly you know by even by saving any fuel at all uh it's a benefit because you have to breathe less less maybe a final stop so it does give you a bit more flexibility having a fuel margin here rather than being stretched uh in terms of your fuel consumption how far you can go on the tank this way you can stretch it a little bit if you've got a really soft right foot if you take a little bit slightly faster maybe make that off battle for the lead in gt lemon is turned up to 11 at the moment it's 13 and 14th position for jordan taylor and lawrencevanta lawrence paired with earl bamber who's announced this week he'll be doing a couple of uh or at least one xfinity race richard childress racing jumping in there help him and that is going to be on the modified daytona circuit road circuit that uh happens later on this year and from what i'm hearing sure that might not be the first the last time that we see bambi in a in a chevrolet he might well he might actually get another shot at uh driving the bow tie yeah he's had quite a long relationship with holden at the very least running down to shane van gisbergen's teammate in the virgin australia supercar championship but he has long wanted to drive in nascar everybody thinks nick tandy associated with his love of nascar it is effervescent with earl bamberg too and the first time that he's actually going to get to drive the xfinity car will be leaving the pit lane for the start of the race so it's going to be a very interesting experience for bambi first time driving the car but he knows the track whereas pretty much everyone else in the series knows the car but not the track oh is that one of the events where there's no practice or qualify there are no more practice or qualifying sessions for any more nascar events throughout the remainder of their championship for all three series it's the way to go racing jeremy that's what you do when you race your wonderful uh mx5 miata uh and it's basically get in and get on with it uh that getting on with it at the moment it is uh tristan nunes who's looking very carefully at the back of a an accurate and they're heading down towards turn number uh down towards canada corner at the moment cutting their way through traffic the forward vision in the mazda through the uh the the tear-offs that are on the front screen aren't great isn't great there almost looks like it's steamed up a bit but i don't think it is i just think there's a little bit of air gap between the different layers right who was that that was pity uh in front of the leaders i think it was dead yes it was it was the era motorsport the merriman car diving into the pits uh we have got 30 minutes on the clock so that's a little bit early let's go back this year adam for a vp racing fuels update well it started out as an intent to save fuel but unfortunately for the four corvette they are now battling more issues there's an electronic bug within the car that's causing some traction control issues among other things so the team is trying to figure out a way for only drive around that but right now that is part of the reason the laptops are dropping off for ollie ever the profession though he's trying to figure out a way to fix it while driving yeah how many buttons do you need to press half an hour gone this is how it stands acura and ricky taylor in the seven car 4.1 seconds ahead of his teammate in the sixth car that's damn cameron half a second ahead at the line at least of the now number 77 in third position tristan eunice haven't taken over that position from his teammate a couple of laps ago going around the outside into turn one harry tinkle remains in fourth position in the dark red number 55 just a tenth or so back from his teammate the best of the cadillacs another three seconds back down the road but starting and that's very interesting keep an eye on the lap times for the cadillacs ryan briscoe did a 55-7 last time around the top three are all doing 56 and a halfs so are the cadillacs beginning to get into their stride as the fuel burns off and we're half an hour into the stint then it's nasa for wieland balboaza for mustang sampling and chris miller for gdc patrick kelly leads by an increasing margin in lnp two over henrik hedman and calimer and castles with the era car having already pulled into the pit lane uh for presumably for an early service gt lemon corvette versus porsche by half a second taylor van tour three second or so further back in the first of the bmws uh and then its teammate is second and as the leader uh leading prototype start to their pit lane uh start to come in the pit lane it's aaron thielitz and frankie monty calvar who for the 14 and the 12 lead gt tier tournament in vassar sullivan ahead of robbie fawley who's six seconds further back for turnip bmw sure you have the 55 mazda in the pit lane and chiropractor in the number five cadillac it's gonna be a driver change for the 55 mazda ignore having taken the start of the race and with only 30 minutes elapsed this is quite a bit earlier than we expected to see this mazda into the pits as is jonathan getting in or is he just doing a drinks bottle change he caught actually installing himself into the car the light blue helmet still around the driver's side put the driver's door open as the fuel and tires is done and a quick clean off of the windshield drawer bosa is in and that looks like said four days helmet let's just make sure that he is actually getting in the car not trying to trick us once again as they clean off the grill having completed the left side tire change uh no that's still barbosa behind the wheel so no driver change for the five either there is a minimum drive time but that only applies to lmp2 and gtd in terms of needing 45 minutes for the dpi and gtln categories it's only 10 minutes so they could have done a driver change service is done on the mustang sampling cadillac and it rolls back out but that's very curious as to what was going on with the mazda because that was not the stop that i was expecting that is interesting jeremy in our porsche keys to the wrist we mentioned expecting around about four pit stops for those guys um that's half an hour and that is a tiny bit earlier than i would have but you do use fuel here at a frightening rate because you're on the throttle and on full throttle so much of the time as the leader comes into the pit lane what do we reckon jeremy is that a little bit early are you relatively happy with that no i was surprised to see it coming that i was i was just about to say it's gonna be another lap or maybe maybe two before we see the leaders into the pit there's a mistake by the corvette wondering how the number nine twelve got past to the lead in gtl and that's what it happens what happened at turn seven but here i was gonna see who we are now and what was interesting i was suggesting maybe somebody's trying to go a lot longer than some of the other contenders but here's the leader on two pit lane it's both of the accuracy and share is watching for that vape racing fuels pit lane update vp fuels pit lane racing empty fuel going into both of the accuracy's fuel and tires for both the seven and the six it's still ricky taylor and dane cameron behind the wheel for those i didn't see a driver change for either they were followed in by tristan union who's in the 77 mazda and tristan is out of that car i see oliver jarvis now installed behind the wheel with the bright pink helmet no he was also doing the same service that was going on at the 55 so both of the second drivers for the mazdas employed during those pit stops but not what they're normally used to doing also into the lane was the 85 that's the banana boat chris miller started that car he is sharing with tristan vodia but we'll have to wait and see if it was a driver change and staying out the lap longer hasn't worked for the 77 the 55s back around so the performance potential unlocked with the new michelin titans just one lap earlier has worked for harry tindall so good in lap and out lap i think both of the acuras did get through uh did get out in front of harry we've got ryan briscoe leading the race uh with the cunningham and although cadillac the glossy black car he's got philippe naser right behind him as there's oh there's a touch going up the hill and there's damage to the left rear of the number seven ricky taylor uh accurate he pulled across out of turn five to block the mazda going up the hill and he's slowing looks to be a puncture i think on that acura as it's in the hurry downs now excuse me it was the number six car it was dean cameron's car as in come the two leading cadillacs winter racing and action express are coming into the pit lane but one of the leaders already with a problem trailing some bodywork and yeah it's a left rear puncture caused by the impact going up the hill to turn number six share adam has the two cadillacs fuel and tires for the whalen engineering cadillac and also a wing adjustment so they're making a little bit of a change as far as the rear downforce is concerned for that felipe huster based number 31 cadillac for the 10 fuel and tires a bit of a slower stop as that car still looks beautiful and pristine i do not see the bright yellow helmet of wenger vandazanda so i'm assuming that it's still ryan's go winner of the race the last two years in the gt le mans category for ford just waiting on fuel so a perfect stop that iconic minolta crew should always be the fuel that is the determining factor and it just sneaks out ahead of the 31. wheel and cadillac that it was battling before and they'd drop in uh behind the cars that made the pit stops earlier so ricky taylor now leads from harry tinkle and tristan nunez because of the incident going up the hill there was a slight mistake ah that's what it was there was a slight mistake from dan cameron at turn five he ran wide realized he'd lost momentum and chopped across to the left-hand side where unfortunately harry tinkle was already on that part of the road and then he had another goal as well trying to block him coming out to turn number seven that's a bit naughty by dan there lost momentum yes but can't just go across to the left and block and it is exactly the same coming out of turn seven drifts wide oh well maybe harry was a little bit more to blame for the other one but uh that's made a bad situation worse there jeremy and that's a news it certainly has yes you're absolutely right there john and uh he uh he's going to lose a lot of time with having to live all the way well what two thirds away around this four mile racetrack and he's also going to lose more time it's been he's been apportioned instant responsibility for that move across the track and so he once he's had his service and had the rear end of that car replaced and checked to make sure everything's safe he's gonna have to come in on pit lane again and that was he's gonna probably drop him in fact it will jeremy want to drop him off the lead lap in dpi yeah it will it's what we were talking about in porsche keys to the race you know sometimes you've got to know which battles to fight he'd made a little mistake at turn five but but that you know he might have lost the lead but he would have still been fighting a couple of corners later when he cleaned his michigan ties up he'd have been fine but this way he's just lost the lead lap and that really doesn't help the team at all and it certainly doesn't help himself it doesn't it doesn't uh and uh that's kind of surprising there isn't it in gtlm by the way because the number three car uh first of all we saw it being overtaken by the number nine twelve portion he's also now falling behind bruno spangler so jordan taylor back to third position in the class and now he's got a train of cars behind him he's got uh jesse crone and fred macavecki oliver gavin also has slipped back in the other corvette he's now running a couple or three seconds behind the rest of the backpack in gtlm that's curious hearing from adam who's speaking to the team that they are getting a tire drop off degradation on the tires on the gt lm cars more than they had been expecting it's uh 45 celsius on the track so that is getting very toasty indeed for those michelin slicks uh that is 115 fahrenheit on the track and that means that rubber is working very very hard indeed they're relatively heavy powerful racing cars and although they do have traction control to help stop the wheel spin and preserve the entire life there's only so much you can do with electronics jeremy and you can't overcome physics at the end of the day this may require a little bit of a rethink on the strategy for the gt le cars if they're going to keep the performance levels up towards the end of the race that's uh that yeah that's right that's certainly interesting because yesterday in qualifying it seemed the corvettes were really good on their tires and of course because of that they didn't they did a long stint in their qualified runs yesterday didn't they much more than either porsche or bmw and that i think it's coming back to haunt them now but perhaps would be they should be a better ship in the later stages of the race they've got to hope now they don't lose too much ground in this middle part and don't forget ollie gavin also fighting some kind of unspecified at least we don't have the full details but some kind of electrical issue in that car as well and that may well be causing other related issues well we've had the first 40 minutes we're coming down at two hours the front of the field accurate hall square but only just by about half a second with the number seven ricky taylor team penske dpi ahead of the dark red 55 then it's two seconds further back to the white mazda so 55 mazda from 77 mazda and here is the number four car into the pit lane that is the olly gavin car and sorry it's a number three car my apologies that is the jordan taylor car adam jordan out of the car and walking very clearly back over to the pit wall as now antonio garcia is being strapped in for his first stint around road america interesting uh neither antonio nor jordan has ever won at road america in imsa competition oh no a bad stop from corvette racing the field pro came out long before the tires were completed and now they lost time even as antonio was trying to engage the car in gear to get it rolling that was about five seconds lost total between the field probe coming out and the car moving again that's a very rare day when corvette racing makes a mistake on a pit stop yeah that is true and in our porsche keys to the race we mentioned this you're going to be in the pit lane a couple of three possibly even four times for the front running cars and dpi the deer and you really can't afford those little fumbles it's hot it's humid it's going to be difficult for the pit crews in their fireproof suit down the inside for the 911 act canada corder and fred macavecki goes ahead of jesse crawl in a pass for position rather took jessie by surprise there that will be third position then for makaveki as he has cleared off immediately from the rll number 24 bmw as he comes across the line right now well that was a very odd one they were in traffic but that seemed very easy indeed jeremy shaw for fred matavecki who'd been sort of cruising around at the back my not bmw is quick in a straight line though closes right back up again as they come towards the first corner nestled as they are in between two of the msr gt3 the gt tournament nsx's i'm not sure what was going on there with jesse cron maybe didn't see the white porsche coming yeah i'm not sure strange but the number six car by the way is back into the pit lane so jordan taylor clearly more problems on that uh dane cameron excuse me uh more problems with that car after the incident a little earlier oh this is probably the drive-through of course though isn't it yes it is so that'll lose him he's already i think a lap off the pace uh so he's pretty much out of condition there's somebody's flying off the road what's up yes it is that's number 18 that's the elephant patrick kelly he's continuing to to turn fast fast laps extending his lead now over henry hedman to over 40 seconds that's right merriman and he'd already been on the grass jeremy halfway down the straight uh as he was passing cars got a little tap from the uh bmw and got his left side the tires fairly dirtied up there i'm sure that didn't help but he still seemed to be approaching turn five rather too quickly to get around it managed not to hit the concrete wall on drivers right but picking his way through traffic had to go one way then the other and i think just got a little nudged by the number 24. it was the 57 nsx uh msr nxx miesha goyberg that he was going by as well at the time picking his way through and that's what set that whole thing in motion but as i say he wasn't getting that stop for turn five uh not this sunday not in a month or some days uh to be to be quite honest so early pitch stop then for the uh corvette number three and that's dropped that car down tonio garcia now in that car let's see how that one plays out hearing from a couple of people at the circuit there's one or two spots of very light rain uh around the circuit at the moment and dry food penalty has happened into the pit lane now comes the 85 tristan fourth year and sheer adam has uh uh speeding pit lane speeding penalty so this is another pit lane violation for the number 85 gdc cadillac which is driving through pit lane at the moment and sheer adam that stopped for the number three car for which antonio garcia to go from taylor now was that a problem was it that they were running short of fuel was it something else it was a problem in the fact that the tire degradation was much higher than they were expecting on that car so the car had just become undrivable for jordan it reached the point where they were losing too many positions and they decided to commit for new tires but it might have been a little bit too soon john because there is a giant pop-up thunderstorm that has just appeared between manage walk and the racetrack and is rapidly approaching sheboygan so we could be getting rain a lot sooner than at the end of the hour okay thank you a couple of very quick laps lately john the race leader uh is gun number seven that's ricky taylor he said if you let record uh a couple of laps ago at a 151.38 that was obviously vetted by the number 77 car tristan budes 151.29 uh on this most recent lap victor taylor had gone a new personal best 31.43 and that gap between first and second now which wikipedia and harry taken is out to almost two seconds and tristan nunes has similar margin back in third round fresco the best of the corvettes now she edging away a little bit from felipe nasser he's about 10 seconds behind it's jeremy shaw who joins me john hindorf in the haggarty global broadcast center window ortman for gtd pit stops and we're also going to see the more regular stops as well i think for gt lemon not too far away and in fact uh first of the gtt front runners to make its pit stop is the turn at motorsports number 96 bmw shear adam is watching this this is a car that was damaged yesterday after a piece of debris cut a brake line resulting in a total loss of brake pressure for robbie foley entering turn five it was quite the moment for robby and quite the shunt the crew worked and had it fully repaired for qualifying now watch rock because he's going to limp away from the car the reason we have robbie foley and racing is because he used to be a football player he got a bad injury to his leg that resulted in him not being able to play football anymore and was offered an opportunity by his dad if he recovered he could start racing well yesterday in the crash it dislocated robbie's bad knee again he said he's having trouble walking but he was just fine to drive a race if you want to talk about grit and determination how about the turner motorsports voice 96 services gun fuel fires and fill power double wheel ultimate to the pit lane was the 74 mercedes for riley technologies riley who's won here twice in the last six years boston oshawa taking over for gar robinson vichy whitebeard brought in the number 57 msr acura as did matt mcmurray bring in the 86 msr acura they'll both be handing over to al parent and mario farbacher respectively and the last car to follow its way into the field lane was ryan parker number 16 right motorsport porsche he'll be handing over to patrick long light spots of thank you adam for that fap racing fuels update light spots of rain started about three or four minutes ago at canada corner according to paul mark arts at himself thank you paul for that jdc the 85 car tristan fortier doing a bit of rally crossing coming out of turn seven not the first person we've seen at doing that this weekend either if you're at the track 87.7 fm uh sirius 219 xm202 no blocks and no interruptions all the way through the race and of course around the world on rs2 the home of imsa radio if you're in the us nbc have your coverage calvin fisher the rest of the team calling that from up at charlotte and around the rest of the world if there's no network tv coverage then imsa.tv or the live player at radiodashold.com and again those international streams have no breaks we call flag to flag for every one of the imsa events that we cover so well jeremy under two hours now gt dear torna leaders in look let eve uh we'll let cheer just keep an eye on the number 12 car and he'd stop and it's already rolling again it's been a very interesting uh opening set of of laps and an opening stanza for this two hour and forty minute race and i i get the feeling that there's more playing out than we're seeing at the moment if i'm honest uh yeah i think you're right uh it's certainly interesting to see the pace of ricky taylor he's uh looking good at the front of the field he's managing his his car very very well but uh he's to be cautious in the traffic which is which is pretty sensible and that has enabled harry tingle to close in again the gap was a couple of seconds just a couple of laps again now as you can see as they head toward the kink it's just over a second it's much much closer than it was so i think you know it's it's kind of bitter cat and mouth at this stage in the race uh and we'll be pit stops we're about about eight and we're halfway through this stint let's say so a long way to go there's a pit stop for robbie foley yeah that happened a while ago jeremy yeah yeah okay um and he lived to where from that i can't even imagine doing anything right with a a leg injury in a racing car there's so much pressure that you're putting on the the pedals particularly the brake pedals uh on a car now you're absolutely hammering that i mean it's his right leg so probably he's left foot breaking on that car but that's still his throttle leg but uh that must be terribly uncomfortable bill oberlin looking to break a significant record again this weekend if he's going to do it he's got to beat not one but two of these lexus at jeremy shaw indeed and this is the second the the other lexus was in the previous lap frankie monte carlo out of that car handing over to townsend bell it was about three seconds between the perils and before this round of pit stops and they edged away to the tune of almost 10 seconds ahead of robbie foley before we saw the tournaments what bmw make its pit stop a couple of laps ago that's left the compass racing uh mclaren at the head of the field but that car hasn't stopped telix in the pits uh couldn't mcnail in the pit rob ferry all uh in the pits as well t bell is on his way around let's see where he is here he comes this is gonna be well it's not not even tight really he will be by the time they get down to the back straight i think because thompson's on on on soft tires but there's advantage of staying out one more than that for uh for a town zen belt he's on uh on hot tires aaron comes out he ties the cool right down he's going to close up as they head down the back straight it'll be interesting to see whether there's a challenge this is for the it's not it's not for the lead at the moment because corey fergus hasn't yet stopped in that compass mclaren so good fuel economy there from the compass rating entry and we are heading down towards turn five as we see the gtlm leader headed to the pit lane and hawk smith does make the pass to turn five as jeremy said he jumped in to replace aaron taylor in comes the 912 of lawrence van tour and in second place fred macavecki for the 911 porsche so he's worked his way through and this looks like full service adam has this vp racing fuels pit lane update earl bamber with the different haunts device than he normally wears i notice the straps across his back gets into the number 912 porsche lawrence fanta runs over the pit wall and prepares to take his helmet off and get comfy because we don't normally see lauren's get back from the car he drove a lot longer than he had expected in the race sebring but he does his normal first stint and then bailout and so life has returned to normal for the defending gtlm champions fuel and tires a perfect tire stop for the guys well done and away goes uh earl taking over from larry nearly collides with the number four corvette though trying to come into its pit box that's only gavin getting out and now it's time for tommy milner fuel and tires for that four corvette we'll see if they do anything to try and indicate an issue with that electric problem going on inside the cockpit of the number four corvette but i don't see the passenger door coming open so i don't think they're doing anything to try and rectify it maybe ollie was able to get his head wrapped around it while he was driving and fix it with his co-driver tommy who by the way he and his wife are expecting their new first foreign child any day now so congrats to laura as fuel press comes out once again losing time before corvette as opposed to problems that was for the number three i just wonder this might be something you can ask the team uh whether um obamba [Music] version of the head and neck restraint device normally it's a carbon fiber collar that fastens on to your helmet but the strap version is what i've seen stock car drivers use rather than the the sports car or the single seater version and i just wonder if earl is trying that out and getting comfortable with it before that xfinity race that we were talking about earlier on my thoughts exactly uh but he does have a darren's helmet coming for that race as well so it's a bit of a slow learning process still using a sports car helmet with his uh now nascar hans device he's still gonna have to get used to it too yeah okay i presume he's gonna have a slightly different design so he can see a little bit better a couple of laps ago the number 12. uh t-belt went past hawkesworth and took over the lead of gtd after the first round of pit stops it was a close run thing but as jeremy suggested he was absolutely right townsend bell with an extra lap of heat and pressure into his michelin tires was able to make the pass again i will make the point that was a team car and again i would expect that if that had been a ferrari or a turner motorsport bmw or riley motorsports mclaren uh murray motorsports mercedes or indeed a compass versus mclaren that might have been made a little more difficult but at the end of that first round of pit stops jeremy for for gt tier tournet at the gap between the two invader sullivan lexus rcf gt3 cars and the rest of the field is 16 seconds so they've lost absolutely nothing at all of the advantage before that round of pit stops no they well the the two excuse me it's four and a half seconds four and a half seconds so it actually has closed yes it has i apologize for what it was before and that earlier pit stop for bill o'brien he's able to turn some very quick laps he's just turned his best lap at a rate actually with a 208 208.8 uh bill o'brien having taken over from robbie ferry so he's only four and a half seconds behind the two lexuses is this is and a new fastest lap of the racing gtd on the previous lap by lawson arshenbach who's now open up into fourth place ahead of paul holton in the mclaren that's the car that's just been that led for lap before be the last of the gtd leaders to come onto the pit lane remember 87.7 fm this weekend around the circuit at road america and thanks to paul markhart for letting us know what the weather is doing at the moment we've seen no intensification of those drops of rain from a little while ago at himself if you want to get in touch with us as the number seven acura drops down to turn number five has now pulled out nearly a second more than we were talking about before from the 55 of harry tinkler just over a second now it's about half a second it's now 1.2 so starting to get there we stride ricky taylor here well and the other mouse is not far behind either i mean the gap between the between the top three cars it was kind of four seconds it's less than that now it's only two and a half or so but again that's the vagaries are working their way through the traffic and uh all of the dpi leaders have been pretty circumcised in your traffic and that is you know that's that's the smart thing to do but as we've seen there so often in the past uh that's not often sometimes not how these guys drive yeah no uh [Music] happen but patrick kelly has stayed behind the wheel and cameron castles to steer behind the wheel as well no he didn't start the wrist in 30 years did he and is now just set the fastest lap of the race in lmp2b he's back in third position quite a long way behind it's about uh [Music] yeah a long way back in second place in the class 21 seconds or more than that actually just a just a quick note on the uh corvette uh pit stop that we thought took a little bit longer adam was watching tommy milner getting in as holly got out of the number four car alan prosser who is king of the screen grabs offers this on at imsa radio and i'll retweet that as well so you can have a look at what he's sent us i reckon ollie got a bit too close to the wall on the right hand side and the right side tire changes didn't quite have enough room to get the wheel off whilst the tire changer was there still could manage to get it done but it cost them a bit of time good sport allen thank you and i like that in comes we see clearly listing on 87.7 fm at pr1 matheson motorsport because patrick kelly adam has come into the pit here he has and he's sharing with uh simon trummer who hasn't driven this car since daytona so it's been a little while and i don't mean the daytona that happened about a month ago i mean the daytona that happened seven months ago so we welcome back simon trummer to the series and to the pr1 matheson team and we congratulate patrick kelly for a stellar opening stint once again cleaning up as he has been known to do in that category fuel and tires for the prototype and away it goes and also just a note it looks a lot closer for that number four stop because they have a black banner on the outside of their wall i would say from the picture that we saw retweeted on twitter that you can see on your account john it's pretty standard that that's about how close the gtlm team's pulled to the wall but it looks much different between a porsche white banner and a corvette black bit certainly seem to have a little bit of a problem getting the uh getting the wheel off that car thank you shea for that vp racing fuel update as ricky taylor has gone through and harry tinknell is closing in again he's got it down to under seven tenths of a second down into turn one and the clouds are beginning to gather it's starting to bubble up just a little bit large body of water of course uh close to the racetrack it's not called elkhart lake for no reason at all and that can't have an effect someone who moves near to a relatively large lake and a river running through it so it can have a an effect on weather patterns an hour and 40 minutes still to go so we've had a full hour of racing and at the moment in gt d'atorna townsend bell leads from his teammate by about a second it's jack hawks with now in the 14 cars he chases the number 12 from invasive sullivan then it's just under five seconds back to bill auberlin who isn't gaining certainly not the last time around he was a few tenths slower than the two lexus ahead of him in his bmw m6 from turner motorsports the 96 running in the white red and blue liquid molly killers lawson ashen back in fourth position for mercedes the riley mortar sports car the number 74 it's another three seconds further back and then 12 seconds away in fifth position paul holton for compass racing's mclaren then the first of the acuras that's uh magic uh magic mario no it's not super mario or far back excuse me for msr and he's another second caught two seconds further back and about a second away from his team here alvaro parent uh is behind the wheel of the number 57 car eighth is tony vallander for scadarria corsa the weathertech ferrari another 2.7 seconds further back down the road pat long for right motorsports now the 16. that's the teal blue a fronted car he's 16 seconds further back miller makes up the top ten he's taken off from until bechdelsheimer and the acura from gradient racing the number 22 is eight seconds further back two mazda's closing in in second and third as harry tinkles dropped back about a second from the leader give you the run down there just a moment first gt le mont al bamba for porsche leads now by 11 seconds over antonio garcia 912 from the number three corvette that's the yellow car bmw of conor felipe had an odds electrical problem earlier on in the weekend and then went long at turn five not the first person to do that this weekend neither was he 25 thought in third position is about four four and a half seconds behind second place then it's nick tandy in fourth position in gtlm for porsche john edwards for bmw is in fifth and tom milner after that early stop that took a little bit longer in the number four corvette is in sixth position in lmp2 simon trummer has taken over the pl matheson motorsport orica the number 52 white and navy blue car that was driven so brilliantly well at the start by patrick kelly and he's got a substantial cushion 43 seconds i said it was substance that's not a cushion is it it's like a three-piece swing ben hanley in second place for dragon speed james french just coming out the pits for performance taking third but a little bit further back and at the front accurate team penske still leading by 2.8 seconds over harry tinkle in the 55 master he's got half a second and tristan nunes best of the cadillacs is nine and a half seconds further back it is the number 10 where tiller racing conic a minolta sponsored car he's got about four seconds on fifth place philippe nasa in the red and white wheel in engineering he's ahead of the mustang sampling the dark rear number five by uh about three seconds further back down at the road from that if you're wondering where the other accurate team penske dame cameron made a mistake at turn five cut back across the track came into contact with harry tinkle caused some damage then got a puncture then had a drive through and has dropped back and is now off the lead lap that's how it stands and the battles continue jeremy shaw all the way through the field including nick tandy and john edwards side by side running down to turn five yeah these are a long way behind the leaves so gtlm has really spread out all bamba has got uh a pretty good margin over 11 seconds now over the corvette of second place we saw uh jordan taylor slipping back towards the end of that first with uh apparent guitar wear issues the porsche running very very well out front though a few other points first of all the lake effect you were talking about that's lake michigan which is about 15 miles to the east of us here as we we see from the onboards now there's certainly some cloud around it was it was bright sunshine though just a few moments ago so dry conditions at the moment but we certainly keep an eye on all of that other interesting uh notes for me is that the lmp2 cars we just saw them make their second pit stops of the day the reason for that yeah it's much shorter they didn't need to stop yet in terms of other cars as you see the cadillac this is a really tight battle tristan union just got a lap down big battle for the leader the top three leaders all absolutely together but the lep2 cars john they came and made their second pit stops earlier than scheduled because they wanted to get their uh higher rated drivers out in the cars ben hanley and dragons he was the first without taking over from a heavyweight headman and remember sleeping they did it too soon because they got disqualified from the race or put to the back in the race but pr1 team followed suit immediately afterwards to get simon trummer at the wheel number 52 pit stops john uh yeah sure adam the first and second place cars coming in and harry tinknell really closing in on the back of ricky taylor as they came to the pit lane speed limit and that was a great entrance for tinkle it really was and i was talking to a driver earlier in the week about this very instance when you come into the pit lane of road america and there's a car right in front of you is it even more aggravating because there's so much room to potentially go around and he said you have no idea it's like walking behind a grandma so we've got uh into the pit lane and the number seven it is elio castroneves taking over for ricky taylor as just waiting on the fuel the tire stop was executed at perfection for the mazda it will also be fuel and tires but i would expect this time jonathan balmarito to be taking over that car as away goes the number seven is the 55 already rolling though this is where the battle is out on the pit lane nope waiting for the pit board to come up waiting to be told to go is the 55 now it's told to go and once again it is behind the penske so the pits advantage slightly to accurate team penske yeah it comes in uh with basically the acura right on its tailpipes goes out with maybe half a second or a bit more when they get back up to speed uh the just for the sake of looking that's a a pretty standard looking stint for both of those 18 laps for ricky taylor on both of his early stints so that's another potentially another 36 laps out of another two stints i reckon we've got somewhere near 48 49 laps if we cut steer green to the end of the race uh adam just before we leave you hang on a second uh just uh catching up on a little bit of action down towards that canada corner where the 55 was right up the tailpipes coming into the pit lid i think that was still harry tingle that was behind the wheel of the 55 that didn't in fact change to cheer bomb it was most certainly a reddish helmet so that would be harry take no jonathan malmarita with white and blue helmet so they're doing the uh inverse what they did last year to win this race where jonathan started and drove the first two stints and then harry got in and drove the last two stints this time harry's driving the first three and saving the end for jonathan the sister mazda though the number 77 is into the pit lane fuel tires and this time ali jarvis puts his helmet on to actually go out and drive a race car as tristan nunez is getting out they're having to do the driver changes themselves amongst the team because they're not allowed that extra person into the track to then be allowed over the wall to do up the belt so it was a good effort from tristan nunez to assist ali back into getting strapped into the car and a perfect timing stop in that they lost no time the field probe came out and the car went rolling also into the pit lane is the number five that is because he's got out in front of the acura the acura is in traffic and he's still got the harry tinkle 55 right on his tail pipes it is the number seven now driven by elio castro or nevis and they're trying to get around bill auberlin in the 96 bill o'brien will race anything it doesn't matter what class he's in coming out of turn three they've now caught the rejoining ollie jarvis under the sargento bridge and this is an opportunity for harry tingle to use his teammate is a bit of a pick using him as they go down oh what the fantastic maneuver by castroneves who threats the eye of a needle going down into the breaking area return five somehow looked like he was stuck in behind ollie jarvis but somehow found the space maneuvered manufactured the space to get between jarvis and tingle and goes back ahead of both of the mazdas that was superb opportunistic driving from elio castroneves we said in our porsche keys to the race and the michigan countdown agreed there's a time for patience here but there's a time to take your chances and be decisive and elio castroneves jeremy short did just that at just the right time and effectively that will give him back the lead when briscoe and nasa make their stops in this rotation magnificent stuff from castroneves that was pretty cool wasn't it that was absolutely tremendous racing there amongst those three prototypes and i mean a little bit about how he's taking a bit of a breather i think for a little while but boy what a move that was by kesha nervous he was he was fast on the straight but he was so late on the brakes as well i think he took uh i took the masters by surprise there but great racing uh the two cadillacs number 10 number 31 once again do one lap more than everybody else they too now uh of uh just making or made at their pit stops yes correct uh it was uh 19 and 90 at 19 and 19 and 18 for briscoe there should have been an extra lap aware uh they came in one lap after the uh the acura's but they'd already done one better lap on the previous stint hadn't they so they should have been two laps better this time around so they're not taking too many chances uh castroneves then from tingle that's the lead olly jarvis briscoe steered behind the wheel of the number 10 after full service people durrani is now behind the wheel of the number 31 wheel and cadillac but the leaders tinkle and castroneves are at it they are absolutely turned up to the max this is worth the price of admission on its own ladies and gentlemen if you're trackside this is the battle to watch the tangerine and white acura from penske we now know that there'll be no extension to the penske running of the acura dpis into next season but acura have made it i think pretty clear that other teams who might be interested in running them as privateer cars form an orderly queue at hpt in santa clarita second place for the mazda ollie jarvis in third place for the other car magnificent move i i didn't think there was enough room there and clearly tinkle didn't think there was enough room either jeremy because he thought i've got to be i've been clever i've used uh i've used my team it's a bit of a screen there in basketball terms yeah i mean he really took oliver jarvis by surprise didn't he and uh actually dive bombed in there but it's a great move by by both of them and uh gosh he's late on the brakes he gets the car across in front of the nose of number 77 car and uh wow uh that enables number 55 to go around the outside of him that was a tremendous race let's look at it again it's not actually there's not actually an accuracy length there is there he has to go diagonally because there wasn't room that was all on the brakes wasn't it and he just braked later way later than the number 77 car of jarvis uh and he uh yeah that's really surprised really a surprise but great move forceful move but perfectly clean and moved and executed absolutely magnificently by elio castroneves we've seen down through the years though haven't we how good elliot has been i mean he he had a a lot of temperature and pressure but we've seen how good elliot has been in his single seat the days when he come out the pits no tire warmers here and those outlaps are super important and he's been the guy who can hustle a car he doesn't mind if it's moving around he's been very impressive on the brakes on cold tires in indycar as well and he just used that to good effect there a bit bigger and heavier car but clearly a lot more downforce as well and he was able to use that to his advantage the daytona 24 the rolex daytona 24 didn't go exactly how he wanted but that was just i think that was just confidence oh hold on what's happened here uh no that's the two masters i just saw the white car behind harry there i mean that that was just confidence in the car and in his own ability there jeremy and he's cleared off now yeah that was very impressive wasn't it i mean clearly that number seven car is is on rails this weekend they've absolutely nailed the setup on that car they've got uh everything they need they've got good straight line speed they seem to have a good tyre wear and they're looking good the cadillacs are going a little bit further on their fuel which is interesting um but they don't have the pace of the turbo cars in the race at least at this stage in the i mean lmp2 by the way uh i talked about ben hanley i think setting a new fastest lap of the race in the number 81 car for dragon speed in second position but simon trump has responded retaken that fastest lap at 154.0 for simon truman in another 52 car and how he now uh leads that class by about over 40 seconds from ben hanley james french a distant third now for performance at motorsports and carl tilley he's about 10 seconds behind james french in the fourth position nick tani looking at the back of john edwards's bmw as they go out of turn five and through turn six i'll keep an eye on that just some quick calculations very unofficially at the moment um if we keep on this pace i reckon we've probably got 43 42 maybe as many as 44 laps still to go which means that that that is not just a standard set of pit stops the guys at the front of the field are getting 18 laps maybe 19 laps out of a tank of fuel uh and the they all stopped a couple of three laps ago that that doesn't easily split up into stints jeremy we might need a splash at the end unless there's a bit of fuel saving or of course a full course yellow the safety car intervenes all the rain comes yeah that's only two more pistols is that what you're saying they need two more piss offs i i don't think they can do it on two more pit stops i i think um that is not going to take them close enough they're not doing 20 laps on a stint and there's there's well over 40 laps to go uh so what if we got uh that the leader stopped at the end of lap 34 going on to 35 as into the pit lane comes the number six car they are off kilter at the moment uh and we're on 30. oh it's gonna be it's gonna be tight it's gonna be tight to do it on two more pick stops if they're going continue to do the the lappery that they're doing at the moment i think they might need a splash at the end if they go green all the way that's what i'm seeing i'm curious yes right okay uh we'll certainly keep an eye on that one that's going to be very very interesting to see how that changes the cadillacs i would have thought could be could do it but we shall see 38 laps down there the gap between the two adidas isn't very much and there is jpm ready to take another stint in your number six car and that car already as you say a lap down after that problem for dane cameron earlier plus the drives through penalty new fashion has just reset uh faster snap in lmp2 by the way yes i was just about to see that as well i saw that the purple flash up on the screen 153.492 i should say by the way the fastest dpi lap is credited to the car in which juan montoya is now installed and 151 0 34 we haven't talked about but quick lapse jeremy is the leader together again and i'll keep an eye on that we uh how are the lap times looking as opposed to race lap records etc well yeah the that 51.034 uh for uh dane cameron actually i think it was set that lap just three he handed over the car that is a new lap record the old record for oliver jarvis 151.133 so uh that is a new fastest lap record for juan pablo victoria in the uh dpi category gtln the fastest lap so far 202.6 uh that is a lap record also the old lap records nick tandy last year at a 202.7 the two of 2.6 now by earl bamba but actually lauren's at that time in the number 9912 porsche has now got a handy lead of over 14 seconds over the corvette in second place love this battle at the front of the field the two japanese manufacturers in the imsec series battling it out at the front of the field acura and mazda it looks to me as though harry is a little bit in them and the master is a little bit quicker through the twisty stuff and i say that of course and harry just messes up going into turn five where elio is very very strong indeed on the brakes i don't think you're gonna we've seen already i don't think you're gonna outbreak elliot castroneves into turn five hurry up but it it does seem as though in the the portion from let's say turn six to canada corner they do quite well but coming up the hill and across the start finish time the acura does seem to have a little more grunt now the massive is only a four-cylinder two-liter but it's turbocharged it puts out a healthy power output i'm not sure if they both had a clear track who'd be doing the better lap times at the moment well we saw the acura's first and second in qualifying suppose that answers that question certainly as far as yesterday was concerned but today is another day simon trummer having just reset the lap records then in lmp2 has he's just heading down to turn number eight at the moment in that uh very attractive orica the navy blue and white stroke silver still got this battle going on between the john edwards bmw the dark color bmw number 24 with nick tandy not happy at all to be in fifth position he throws it up the inside in the final corner but there's not quite a porsche's width there he got on the power nice and early though he'd be right under the rear wing of the rear letterman lanigan bmw as they climb the hill meantime the battle for the lead goes past patrick long in the right motorsports porsche gt dear torna on the other side of the circuit heading down the middle straight towards turn number five and it looks to me as if ollie jarvis is just a wee bit closer to that battle now as they go through traffic and put another lap on antonio garcia second in jt lamont for the bright yellow corvette racing number three car under the corvette bridge for the leaders overall into that turn six that blind left-hander throw at the turn seven and just hold on for your life take all the concrete on the inside right hand side of that corner down through the gearbox for harry looking at the white and tangerine rear end of the accurate in front of him just balancing the throttle so carefully and then hard on the gas long before you see the exit of that corner you'd be waiting for another second i saw in a gt car but with the downforce available to the dpis he was on the throttle what not even three quarters of the way around the the carousel that's extraordinary how quick he's picking up the throttle there and these dpis jeremy we mentioned it in the qualifying show and we talked about it at sebring a few weeks ago but these dpis now putting in lap times that aren't so far away in real terms than the hundreds of millions of euros that were being spent by audi and the other big manufacturers in the p1 days as nick tandy's picked up a bit of advertising on the 911 decided he didn't want that wrapped on the front of his car uh little bit of a quick stop so that means he's run wide somewhere to manage to pick that up main time back in turn one and back at the front of the race and tony vallander has the leaders going past his uh scadaria corsa ferrari yeah jeremy just going back to those lap times yeah all right a couple of seconds or so away from the audi r10 times that had a thousand horsepower and a bazillion uh foot pounds of of torque and about two tons of downforce on a car that even the most expensive programs are probably running for 13 14 million dollars a year i mean it's extraordinary how much these dpis have come on these are proper racing cars no ifs no puts no maybes yeah it's great i i think your value for money of this dpi formula is really really good um and um i think unfortunately the global pandemic might have put paid to at least for a little while for other manufacturers coming in but uh other than that i think there's certainly a lot of interest in this whole formula i think it's absolutely tremendous you're right the race race clap record right here was set by marco werner a dozen years ago 2008 he turned a 148.7 in the r10 tdi audi the fastest track as we say today 451.0 so just over a couple of seconds uh and what did we do with qualifying jeremy what was the qualifying uh yesterday 140 yesterday was a 149.00 which actually wasn't the lap record was set last year by day camera 148.7 and lucas knew he was who set the track record in qualifying 146.9 also back in 2008. back in those days of course you could turn the boost up for qualifying which you can't do on these cars they run with lower fuel and obviously fresh tyres so it's not an exact comparison but as you see a couple of three seconds uh between them when you consider the investments that's going into it and the fact that these cars can be run as customer privateer cars and that i think is the key to the success going forward uh whether dpi 2.0 lmdh call it what you will is introduced on time by imsa or not and we expect some news on that relatively shortly certainly sometime before the end of the season these cars which remember are using a proprietary lmp2 chassis so any of the four chassis manufacturers in lmp2 in gen 1 lmp2 that's what the the dpi cars are they've had the advantage of a little more development of the aero the suspension pickups and units are not the spec unit and of course the engine and transmissions aren't the spec gibson units either but ultimately the carbon fiber backbone and center section of these cars are lmp2s the ac or lmp2 cars into the pit lane sheer adam the number three corvette he's backing again with an hour and 15 to go and again another issue with the pit stop and trying to tighten up the left front wheel there was an issue with the gun they're now using the gun from the rear to try and change the right front tire as the fuel probe has been out for quite some time the pit stop has been done car now dropped off the air jacks but there was another issue for the number three corvette under that pit stop which once again was determined more by the tires wearing off than a nest a necessity for more fuel tonia garcia got slightly better life out of a brand new set of tires than jordan taylor did with the ties he had on at the start 20 laps for jordan 22 for tony or garcia but considering their teammates got 26 and fred macavecki at the start of the race got 28 laps out of the porsche before he peeled off into the pit lane that is a big deficit and extra pit stops for them before the end of the race i look away to go ahead jeremy no i would just i think the the corvettes they've realized i think they could they have to make three pit stops during the race so they're kind of equalizing their stints i think would be the way i was looking at that's that's why i think the number three car is coming i presume that's the wide number three cars coming in uh so much earlier than the rest of the field yeah that would work out jeremy i reckon this uh well under 40 laps to go now so if they get 20 laps out of this set of tyres which they should be able to do then they'll have somewhere under 20 laps to go leader trading a tiny bit of paint with bill auberlin well you can't put that one on auburn he's right on the inside and the number seven elio castroneves going around the outside just squeezed down on him a little bit gets a little sideways movement but eliot being eliot just keeps his foot in on the exit of the carousel temperature beginning to drop just a little bit in the air 24 celsius track temperature has dropped down to 32. for those of you listening on 87.7 that's at 90 degrees fahrenheit on track now remember that was in well into triple digits at the start of the race so the sun going behind the clouds track temperature is dropped air temperature still around about the mid 70s 75 fahrenheit at the moment top three together jeremy exiting canada corner we love this type of racing we do don't we it's a tremendous race uh it has been for the last uh well since this last round of hit stops has been nothing to separate these three leaders i think elio castroneves i just get the impression he's just driving a little bit conservatively i think ricky taylor was doing the same in the opening stint as well just giving a little bit of extra margin if he possibly can not perhaps in the other prototypes because as we saw when he was weaving his way through the masses right after that pit stop it he was aggressive there when he needed to be otherwise i think he's being just a little bit cautious you're driving it's kind of 95 rather than 100 and i think that could pay off in the long run the mountain side i mean they're not far behind are they literally and figuratively yeah rengar van der sander in behind the wheel of the number 10 cunningham and although cadillac dpi in uh what fifth position let's check that fourth position excuse me because we have lost one of the accuracy at the sharp end of the field he is only 13 and a half seconds away from the leaders and better off on fuel by a couple of laps on the leading pair and a lap on ollie jarvis and those cadillacs have been going for the most part a lot longer and that if we are going to be tight at the end could make a huge difference it's not about not having enough in total to get round as we were talking about in our porsche keys to the race in the michelin countdown to green four miles around here if you're out you're out and you're not going to cruise to the line but what it does mean and we've seen in some of the challenge series races this weekend already that you are so tight on fuel that basically you might have to trim four five six seconds off your lap time to get anywhere near getting to the end and at that point if somebody's still going full rich then even a 13-second lead he's gonna disappear very very quickly indeed in the last couple of three laps so this one's not going to be over until it's over i can't wait to see when the next pit stops are the teams jeremy will be back timing or at least back calculating they'll be looking at all the data that we've got we've been full green ever since the start hashtag bling hanged off if anything happens now i know i'll take it but they will be gathering data all the time they will know now from the couple of fills that they've had how much exactly has gone into the car and what the fuel burn rate is so they are in a better position now than they were at the beginning of the race to do those calculations yeah to my mind there's no doubt they can make it on four pit stops just looking the number 81 car which is a second place car in lmp2 that has just been on to the pit lane for its what third stop of the day and i think from here with a bit of a stretch that ben henry should be able to get to the finish with just one more pit stop okay and the lmp2 cars could do some pretty similar mileage to the dpis the um the deficit to simon trump was about 40 seconds before this later splits off from number 81 card number 38 and the 18 are third fourth quite a long way behind actually carl tilley has been closing on james french number eighteen carpet euro bonus watch the car tilly is only about five seconds now behind james french in the battle for the podium in lep2 well this battle for the lead is enthralling i know we're talking about it a lot um we're keeping an eye on what's going on uh elsewhere and in fact bill oberlin has uh closed up just a little bit and he's on the back of jack hawks with now and the two lexus so first second and third in gt tier tournament has closed up a wee bit and oblon within a second of jack hawks with who's within a couple of three seconds of his teammate that's the top three in ol bamba's got 17 seconds on connor de felipe who has got 18 seconds is that right yeah on uh john edwards uh in third position and then tandy's nine seconds further back so gt lemon fractured for a change lmp2 simon trimmer has reaped the benefit of a great opening stint and a half from patrick kelly and has over a minute nearly 80 seconds in fact and at the front it's half a second it's barely measurable now top three cars within a second castroneves for acura number seven tingle for the dark red 55 mazda motorsports prototype and then ollie jarvis teammate in the white car they are absolutely together and some 13 seconds ahead of what is beginning to be a bit of a battle jeremy for fourth position between finder xander and durrani yeah that has heated up again hasn't it interesting to me the pace of elio castronev was at the in the lead of the race that the previous did for number seven car ricky taylor was doing kind of fifty ones one minute fifty ones when he had clear traffic uh the best lap that elio has done like it's been last time two eight yeah uh okay it's about done one quicker than that uh yeah yeah that's right on that 39 you're right uh but other than that he's been in the 53s and fours and even five so i think that just shows either something isn't quite right or they're trying to say if you were always just being ultra conservative pick your choice yeah well ricky in the first and his best lap was a 51-5 and his average was about a 53-5 51-3 as you said in the second stint and his average was about a 53-3 so he did pick up his his pierce just a wee bit elio a 52-4 is his best as you've mentioned so yeah it has just eased the piece a little bit but as you see the question is what's behind that something or or nothing and he's he's not done a full stint yet he's average is he's still under a 54. he's averaging about a 53-8 at the moment but he's under extreme pressure from these two guys and having to pick his way through traffic the two the mazda twins at the moment have just dropped away for a moment but still only a second between the top three you don't if you if you're at mazda you don't want to see ollie jarvis and harry tinkle fighting as tonio garcia puts in from sixth position and gt lemon the fastest lap of the gt le monre so far that's a two or two six six four i think that's another rear slap record isn't it jeremy uh yes it absolutely is it was nick tender last year two or two point seven uh so he has uh garcia's just nipped that away from uh it was laurence vancouver wasn't it earlier on he had the the fastest lap so again the corvette certainly on fresh tyres are really really quick what they don't seem to be able to do is have the uh the longevity on those tires which is really unusual but then shea talked about the fact she thought maybe that the corvette started on the soft uh qualified on the soft attire correct uh whereas the other guys from the hardest house that that's probably the explanation for that we'll have to see make time they don't they don't normally share that information do they no meantime phil overland is right with jack hawks with who's lost ground to his teammate and he's going to lose second place as well as they're almost going three wide with two bmws mugging the lexus in second place the other bmw is the m8 gtlm the number 25 car of colored philippe but bill orbilen has hunted down and now has passed the first of two lexus but that gap which was virtually nothing at all not so very long ago between townsend bell and jack hawks with got out to over five seconds so it's as much hoax with losing pace as it is bill o'brien picking his pace up 5.3 seconds write that down somewhere but write it in pencil because you're going to be rubbing it out i think as bill oberlin sets off in hot pursuit of town zen bell up into second and still in pursuit of that record-breaking a victory that would take him to the top of the list on his own jeremy shaw yeah and it's interesting to me that uh that that if you're right it's hawks with slipping back rather than rather than um uh the gap between them was have been fairly stable for quite a while it's the gap from first and second has extended quite a bit over the last few laps of tanzania really doing a nice job there in the number 12 car and uh in the most recent race at sebring it was a number uh 12 car that qualified on pole position ahead of the 14 uh and uh the positions were reversed in the race this weekend due to number fourteen [Music] between those two lectures this is has been reversed a couple of laps before we see the leaders into the pit lane for what will be their pen ultimate stop coming down to an hour to he's go the mazdas keep the action was honest is effectively what i was going to say there jeremy we'd seen the qualifying piece of the acura's and wondered if they would drive off in the distance mazda were being a little bit coy about their potential performance here but there and in fact comes castroneves right okay well that is uh a lap i think that's possibly a lap earlier than i thought it might have been he's followed in this time now this is interesting he's followed him by ollie jarvis who was the one who stopped last out of the leading trio last time around so this is a bit of a change around for mazda i wonder if they're playing the team game here and uh trying to get harry tinkle with a clear lap maybe he feels he's got the car underneath them to be able to jump the seven in the pit stops in comes the master as well jeremy i'm sure you're right because the the the pace for castroneves hasn't been stellar five you'd have to keep their heads up but now by staying out on this same set of center tires we've terry and of course they won't have to put quite as much fuel in the 77 so they might even get track position in the pits no they haven't managed to do that but they're going to follow them out pretty closely now we'll wait to see when tinkle comes into the pit lane no headlights on the 77 which i'm rather surprised at this it comes out of the pit lane just fuelling ties for bush here tells us from the vp racing fuels pit report in from the lead of lmp2 come simon trimmer and he well that is yep that's about right this is the 20 lap stint now if assuming that we are gonna go green through to the end we are still looking at something around about or possibly even over 30 laps to go yet so as jeremy said there will be another pit stop after this one the question is it's not going to be a full load of fuel required in comes tinknell and tickle was held up just a little bit in the last third of the lap and that jeremy might be crucial as in comes the 55 as they're heading to do the balancing pitched up to what we've just seen from the two leaders and sheer adam is watching the soul red crystal master come to its pit store this might be a driver change as jonathan balmarito waits to get into the 50 for the first time in this race uh we have seen helmeted second drivers for every single pit stop that the mazdas have done with the co-drivers replacing water bottles so once again jonathan up on the wall this time he runs around to the left side of the car though indicating that yes he is going to be doing some driving so terry tinkle finally gets out of that 55 miles to this fuel and tires going on for that car in terms of their service also further back in the pit lane i spotted james french for performance tech into the pit lane fuel and tires for that lmp2 car as well but just waiting on the fuel and for the driver's side door to go back down as driver change still taking just a little bit too long now they get a hit from actually left side of the car to indicate all right barry your time is up we've got to go the fuel probe is out and away goes to 55. i hope all the belts were done up for jonathan yeah it looked like they were struggling just a little bit here to get jonathan bobarino uh plugged in and out behind one of the lmp2 cars as well which jumped up in the hitler and that means it wasn't a clear exit for jaybom and he's now going to be overtaken as well by the dragon speed number 81 cars ben hanley goes through but the two leaders are long gone jeremy so that didn't work for them staying out one lap longer for the 55 this time didn't work and in fact they're going to have to keep their eyes peeled because i think i saw a cadillac looking up behind them in the shape of the number five of sebastian bourget heading up behind them yes it was uh and they're right there at turn six so that hasn't worked for the 55 car this time around it hasn't uh number five car that has yet to make it it's the third pit stop of the day so that can't be breathing in probably another lap or so the other two cadillacs also are still running out front i would expect them in uh this or that oh it's interesting number ten car stayed out yeah on this lap another 31 car has come into the pit there oh really [Music] that is for people that is only a 16 the lap stint for people but as you've said they're going to have to be very comfortable yeah make it from here one more stop from here yes yeah there's there's a wide window all down the inside that's a great battle for the lead at canada corner and for a moment they're side by side they're still side by side and ollie jarvis is now going to take the lead and does take the lead he'd gone right the way around the outside that started a lot further back than when we picked it up down at canada corner but that battle for the lead outstanding and ollie jarvis who followed the leader in remember when he didn't need to has now sneaked the lead away with just under an hour to go and still one pit stop ran about 15 16 laps away for these two leaders and that is the effective lead of the race rengar van der zander is actually scored in the lead but he hasn't made his pit stop yet but that's ollie jarvis going through to the effective lead of the race in a very forceful move indeed give credit to elio castroneves he did make it easy jeremy he was right down the inside at canada corner but the force was strong with jarvis that was a great move and uh really again good respect for driving for all these guys no silly business going on there just a good clean hard racing great pass there by by oliver jarvis and that was uh that was a bit of a surprise wasn't it because he was the master looks good on the straights but the master is handing the the accuracy really government strokes but the mazda is handling really really nicely and a good forceful move at turn 13 to make sure that jarvis came out ahead there and then he got a good run off the final corner as well so that was really really interesting the curious thing is to why the 55 car lost so much ground during that pit stop sequence you said he was had a little bit of a traffic but all of a sudden he's lost nearly seven seconds towards these two i think it must have been that must have been some sort of a problem on the pit stop for the number 55 it looked like they were not still cruising around i reckon he could could go another lap if they want to this is only his 18th lap for renga vanderzander that car has done 19 lap stints previously so there's at least one more lap of fuel in the tank depending on how rich they've been running and how hard he's been pushing uh durrani as i said only did a 17 lap stint last time around just a 16 lap stint for ollie jarvis when that car has been doing uh 17 18 19 lap stint so that was tactical there to try and keep them with the leader and i think that's worked out better than leaving harry tingle out in the 55 now the only thing i will see is two laps there let me do a quick bit of calculation it it might mean that harry's last stop is a bit shorter because he'll need a bit less fuel or he can do his last stop a tiny bit earlier either either or um for that as the rain is beginning to fall at the circuit we have got rainfall the rain that we were expecting has now arrived with 55 and a half minutes to go and i wonder if that's one of the reasons they've left renga vanderzander out and offers gold people to ronnie durrani's off wheel and engineering 31 cadillac is off it's raining on that part of the circuit now that might bring out a full course caution i think if i was ringer vanderzander i'd be in the pits right now yes he has come into the pits and people's got the car ruling i think it's the outside of turn seven is it and yeah it's pouring it's pouring at the bottom of turn three it's the bottom of turn three we've got another car off there as well and it's absolutely pouring down it's the bottom of turn three and vanderzander will go on the wet weather tyres here on his standard pit stop and this could be a stroke of genius remember what we said in our porsche keys to the rear stretching that fuel window with weather and the tyres could just play into the strategic window of opportunity it's got to be wet tires here sure adam for this vp racing fuel pit report yes and also following in the konica minolta cadillac was the 44 grt magnus lamborghini that's been running down in the bottom part of the top 10 of gtd all race long wet weather tougher is going on to that 10. as we have stayed green we should be seeing a flurry of pit stops is also under the pit lane is one of the lexuses as that's townsend bell coming in first actually no we've got pretty much everyone into the pit lane now remember we do not have an intermediate so it's either wet or dry and right now you're going to need those wet michelins that has been played right into the hands of wayne taylor racing ollie jarvis has stayed out jarvis has stayed out he's gone past the pits and stays out in awful conditions the wiper is going there's a huge amount of spirit now what i will say is hot slick tyres still do give you some grip so long as there's no standing water as they've said no intermediates no cut slicks in himself competition it's a slick or a wet weather treaded tire and jarvis has pulled out a huge amount of gap between himself and elior castro nevis off the lamborghini is off is that lamborghini that has gone off on the far side of turn seven it is it is the survival of the fitness at the moment that's a big slide for a porsche in the spree that's not stopping down towards turn one that's going off that going off a very long way and it will hit the wall and that's gonna be a full course yellow that's not coming out of there that was the leader in gt le mans staying out on slicks and earl bamber lost that a roundabout halfway between the exit of the pits and the first corner he was sideways for a very long way in the spree i could just about pick out the headlights and he's being joined by one of the msr acuras that's come in as well that's about alvaro parent who's gone in and we've got a full course caution full course caution this is gonna be huge absolutely huge now everybody will be allowed to come in and do their pit stops this is a bit of a shame really for renga vanderzander but uh because they got the call right and other people haven't had the opportunity to pitch but they will be able to come in now my question will be will they get a lap on the field they might get a lap on the fields here really the curious thing is jarvis stayed out i mean i cannot understand that at all jeremy no that's sir a mile back a mile back he hasn't done too much damage he's just got no grip and he can't get out of the kidney litter that is a very very big gravel trap there alvaro parents did make contact in the msr accurate and that car's gone around listen carefully to our effects mics and you can hear the rain falling at the moment so right what's happened here what's happened with renga vanderzander renga vandazander is scored in second place at the moment so ollie jarvis must have gone back through to get back the lead of the race while van der zander was in the pits okay and john with the full course caution coming out he could not bring that number 77 car into the pit he can't bring it down close correct can't bring it in now so van der saan is going to get the lead of the race because he won't need to stop he certainly won't need for tires but everybody behind him needs tires my timing screen was just taking a wee moment to catch up a little bit i had a three minutes and hit second lead for van der sander at one stage which i thought was a little bit unlikely our emr safety team oh the leader in p2 has been off as well well that's extraordinary trump has had an offer as well he still leads and hanley two of the four class leaders have been been off and had accidents another one that hasn't and he's gone off again to make a pit lane trump has gone off again under the safety car at turn five he just couldn't get the car turned in he's got damage to the left front damage because he had pitted just a couple of three laps before the rain came down so he was on slick tires the 81 car has been into the pits and has changed onto wets as has a lap down i think the number 38 lmp2 car yeah and i think ben hanley's dropped off the lead latin lmp2 as well if not he must have been very close to us yeah but uh but that's because he came in to make a pit stop correct to take on slicks whereas this car stayed out and then couldn't come in because the pits were closed well it is absolutely teeming down we are back with the weather that has characterized 2020 if 2020 hasn't been about a couple of things obviously corvid but in racing terms it's been about bad weather my first race this season was at the dubai 24 hours it ran seven hours and 13 minutes because we had three and a half feet of water in the pit lane and round the circuit i kid you not another banner picked up by the number 52 lmp2 leader which is nice because it's kind of being used as a snowplow to clear some of the water off the pits at the moment never has a weathertech banner being more appropriate from the side of the pit lane this is nearly undrivable even on slick even on wet weather tyres at the moment the standing water has immediately collected around the track we've seen races stopped for this kind of weather before monza a couple of three weeks ago for one of the kraventnik races it rained as hard as this and within 15-20 minutes there was so much water underneath the old where it goes underneath the old circuit that the safety car couldn't actually get through it because it was too deep um racing tracks do have drainage but this amount of water falling this quickly so as it stands at the moment ollie jarvis leads from ranger van der zander in second mazda 77 from cadillac number 10 the cadillac is already on wet weather tires key point to that then it's castroneves in the seven jonathan bomarina in the 55 that's accurate and mazda then at sebastian board day uh people durrani on his outlap people durrani was on his out lap when he crashed the cadillac uh oh no he's got that car back hasn't he so he's been in and out now did he enter a closed pit probably but he he was off no he hadn't 1854 that was four minutes ago when he left the pits yeah that was no he i i think he went on a slick stood me that was before the rain came yes he was before the rain came so he was out on slicks and i think and then crashed uh well he came in after the full course yellow again yes okay yes he did that's right yeah that's right because he'd already been off at that stage right okay okay and he he has managed to keep still sure adam what do you have nick is currently scored as the lead in gtlm that just switched over connerty felipe oh he came into the pit lane the pit lane should still be closed as they're circulating around the safety car but i'll have to check the cameras to see the next the next time they go by i do not believe that the pick closed lights have been signaled off yet i would agree with that because i haven't seen the pit lane opened not from race control on the race controlled screen which would normally happen um the six car was off on the front street that was one montoya so he's had another moment but he has continued according to race control so apologies and all the excitement didn't pick that one up for you but the six actor is still running in seventh position but at the moment until he comes around i can't tell you if he's dropped off the lead let me have yeah there's damage to the back of that cut so thank you to our colleagues at the nascar productions who confirmed that visually so that's been a nasty off for juan montoya as well adding to the problems that that car had earlier on well cat pigeons amongst uh rearranged in uh into a well-known frieza seeing mother nature once again playing her part here so i have i have a suspicion we'll be having a few penalties for entering a closed pit when we get to the end of this there's 45 minutes to go all of the strategies are thrown up in the air now quite frankly but you've got to see that whatever happens from here when the pits are open van der sander will stay out and he will assume the lead of the race in the cadillac which we know is getting good fuel mileage and uh vanda zander has uh got the advantage of having wet weather tyres on and he's only been out for a couple of laps now quite a bit more adam than uh essential service needed uh for the number six car so they're gonna take a penalty for working on that car in what we believe is a close pit slick uh slick ties coming off the number six car share adam full wet tires going on for juan pablo montoya but it does need a bit more remedial work than even that the rear wing cluster is completely destroyed on that car as also into the pit lane a car that spun in pretty much the exact same spot on the exact same lap the number 52 of simon trummer making it back into the pit lane after ditching the weathertech banner they're going to need a new nose on that car too at the very least as water pours off the back body work as they take the engine cover off of the number six acura at this point i can't see what they have to gain by sending that car back out it will already be in the last position by the time the cars come back around once more fighting points every last one even though it's pretty much uh yeah if there's a big storm uh just uh over the top of the racetrack at the moment although it is moving to the south and there's not really anything uh behind it heading off down towards plymouth uh coming in from the alcott lake area but as i said moving away at the moment now still have not seen a pitts open sign those of you at the track up you've got your weather proofs who didn't bring a court this weekend come on put your hands up looks like down at the number six car they might be worried about drive shaft or gearbox issue share adam flippy racing fuels pit report the work continues on the back of this car is yes they have gone to work right in the middle of the back of the car which is where the transmission and the gearbox tend to be housed perhaps it's actually something as simple as a suspension linkage to that right rear wheel they would be hoping that it's a much easier fix but it is going to be a bit longer for juan montoya sitting in the pit lane before he's cleared to leave i think the good news uh jeremy is that this is um i won't say a passing shower it is a passing weather feature according to the radar that we've just seen and we have half a chance i would say in 43 minutes of getting some more racing going but as yet no one's coming to the pits from uh the substantial body of the field so that would suggest to me that the pits indeed have not yet been opened and i'm still not seeing that message i don't know if you seeing anything different jeremy but i am not seeing on the race control channel that the pit lane has been up and my last message is the 52 of course and continued uh and that is the last message i have and that was uh some 10 minutes ago yeah john i mean they haven't been able to yet to do the pass around but red flag red flag okay red flag it's just it's just too weather they haven't been able to pass on but what i mean by that for for non-regular listeners is the fact that cars of the trapped between the safety car and the class leader are able to go past the safety car and then run around to the back of the pack because otherwise uh they would be kind of just inconvenienced by the time in the yellow so that's a a great ruling it's brought in many years ago but they haven't been able to do that yet because there's been so much uh work you know whether on the track and and get in the field actually pack up behind the the the safety car well time certain race so the clock will tick on at the moment ollie jarvis is the leader behind the corvette c8 safety car so the procedure will be as follows that the safety car will bring the cars to a halt people durrani still with the damaged front end on the number 31 so i think he did i think he did damage that on his way out on his out lap from the pits uh that's extraordinary if that is the case or maybe they've just changed the tyres on that car and done nothing else as emergency service and they're hoping they'll get away with that they are they look like maybe they are still slick tires on that uh cadillac number 31. so the procedure will be the safety card jeremy will bring that the field around i would expect because the pit lane is so wide here that they will bring everybody into the pit lane and leave them in the acceleration lane of the pit lane but it's effective park firm air which means no work to be done on the cars unless sanctioned by imsa so yes they'll probably come into the pit lane but no it's not an opportunity for people to service their cars that's right and uh with the conditions as they are it it certainly isn't inconceivable ibsa might say look you can change the tires that won't happen initially right away uh but that'd be extremely good news for a few of the teams out there that's for sure but boy what carnage that was that would be a bit of a blow for cadillac and cunningham an altar i i i had wondered if they would open the pits and let everybody do the pit stops before they threw the red flag actually just to let people who made the right tactical call actually get the advantage of it so do you know what down at the bottom end of the circuit the rear is easing already so i like to be of a sunny disposition um literally metaphorically in any way as possible there's still standing water on the track but the best way to clear standing water from the track is to get 30 race cars on michelin wet tires that clear a bath water of of uh water a bath full of water every two tenths of a second from each wheel so maybe we can get back out pit lane is still showing closed so obviously they've been told to go in there but just to confirm then the pits closed like was still on so anybody who came in there will get here before being led in by the safety car to park firm here we'll get a penalty once we go back to green and that's going to be quite a lot of people i could go back through but i'm not going to because it'll be like a bingo card uh two crew members now this is what i'm talking about so on the on the pit control channel two crew members allowed at the car cars may be covered drivers can get out and the jump start battery permitted so that's the sort of information that's been passed to the team so they know exactly what they can do without taking any kind of uh any kind of penalty we're under red flag let's give you the running order as they came in behind the pit into the pitch behind the safety for car here at the imsa road racing showcase at road america with just under 40 minutes to go we've through through the yellow flag for bad weather and incidents on the track at seven minutes before the hour so that is now some 20 minutes ago already um extraordinarily sorry that 10 minutes ago so it's ollie jarvis for mazda leading from renga vandazander on wet weather tyres for cadillac because if it dries out maybe he gets left on the wrong tyres for a bit and people don't change their tires uh the number seven elio castroneves acura is in third place from jonathan bommerito in the 55 mazda in fourth in fifth all these cars are the lead lap and for the moment forget about any times on the timing screen that you're the gaps between them because they will disappear when we restart behind the safety card board here in fifth in the number five mustang sampling then the wheel in engineering durrani car but that is damaged that number 31 and is still damaged as it sits unable to be worked on uh uh montoya is off the lead lap in seventh position in the number six car having had a couple of offs today and also having definitely entered a closed pit there'll be other people uh that will get the penalties for that when we go back to green vortia is in eighth position also off the lead la in lmp two uh simon trummer had damage on the pr1 matheson motorsport card i reckon he ended the close pit as well and he is now on the same lap as ben hanley in second place for dragon speed james french is one lap further back in third performance tech nick tandy is in 12th overall but leading gt le monde and he leads connor de felipe who's on the same lap in second place but tommy milner for corvette in the number three car is a lap away from those two leaders uh as is john edwards in fourth place tony or garcia in fifth place and earl bamber was in the gravel and what i don't know is whether that car has resumed yes it has because it's got into the pit so that car is still as i say a lap off the class lead but has rejoined townsend belfor invasive sullivan leads from jack hawks within seconds lawson ashen back in third so bill o'brien had got him in the second there for turner motorsport so what happened there because bill oberlin now down in the fourth position so did he have an off as well uh tony valander is fifth for skadaria corsa uh sixth is compass racing paul holton seventh right motorsports porsche pat long eighth mershank racing and there are the top ae top seven jeremy and they're all on the lead lap did did oberlin pit there or something go wrong for him because he had got a bit the second ahead of jack hawks with if you remember he had the the lexus pair stayed out one lap longer than them 96. hours 1996 and number 76 came in on one lap and then everybody else came in the the following lap when the rain really started to come down um so i think it was probably just a factor of that to be honest uh getting going out sorry jeremy an important uh note for those of you at the track can you take shelter now please if you're listening on 87.7 or the pa system uh the weather warning is now to take shelter at the circuit please and we believe that bill o'brien pitted before the yellow flag as i said there's going to be a lot of working out to do because there were a lot of people who entered a closed pit hearing now as well that the damage to montoya's car was was caused by being rear ended on the front street in the bad weather and the bad visibility by simon trummer in the 52 leading lmp2 car that i've got to say that uh by the damage we saw that does make sense visually as well and frankly what was going on at the front street in the worst of that there was so much uh spray it in the air i'm surprised anybody could see anything but already it's clearing up down by canada corner i can see people have started to take off their protective gear down there wave to the camera on your left those of you in the canada corner bleachers towards the next corner and wave to the camera well done i can see you doing it gentlemen in the back in black there very good and uh so that is looking a lot better and it almost looks like it's starting to dry there's still plenty of heat out there track temperature still 21 celsius or if you prefer 70 fahrenheit i mean that's lost a lot from what it was down to 33 minutes to go jeremy but i'm i'm i'm very optimistic we'll get this restarted yeah let's hope so certainly the question was was there a lightning strike uh within was it 20 miles of the racetrack or 12 to 20 something like that whatever it is if there's a lightning strike within a certain uh area then the all the the camera people have to have to take cover fans obviously have to take cover and everybody has to take cover so if that's the case i think it's a minimum 30 minute window before we're able to go back to green again if there wasn't a lightning strike if it just was that heavy rain and you know severe uh severe rain then we might be able to get away without that mandatory uh delay fingers crossed nothing about lightning from race control at the moment so we may not need that 30 minute pause i've got the first of the closed pit uh infractions uh the gradient racing car mark miller in the acura entered a close pick we know that the number six of uh acura team penske entered the closed pit and the 52 we'd guessed that one as well so those are the first three 22-6 and 52 all ended a closed pit uh that was after the full course yellow was thrown at seven minutes before the last hour so that the full course caution was triggered by the 9-1-2 going off course that was three seconds after the 9-1-2 went off course and was clearly going to be stranded and that was followed in of course by the lamborghini as well that had an off saw 22 6 and 52 gradient racing acura six 22 acura yes uh the gt daytona car the six accurate dpi and the 52 lmp2 car that is the leader in lmp2 so they will all take a penalty but only when we get back to green flag should we not get back to green flag there will be a time penalty assessed on the final result but i'm not even gonna uh work out what that would be at the moment because i'm absolutely certain we're gonna get back the green flag there's a few puddles on the surface around the track but uh not massive amounts of standing water it may be that we see one of the course cars go out with a wrist director in the car a few spots of rain still on our camera lenses and thank you to our camera operators who've had to leave their post as well of course in the bad weather with the threat of lightning around but they've left their cameras pointing at important parts of the track so that is very very good indeed from them true professionals are camera operators thank you very much indeed now on the pit lane the teams are not allowed to work on their car risk control just to reiterate allowed two members to help the driver out of the car driver can steer in or can get out that's allowed car covers can be put on and a jump battery can be connected to the cars that is all that can be done so damaged cars cannot be repaired tires cannot be changed no work uh no uh repairs nothing at all no servicing can be done on those cars half an hour still to go jeremy which is an interesting amount of time given how much fuel these guys have got in the car i reckon if we get restarted shortly um we will be able to get to the end without another pitch stop or for some of the cars at the front of the field i think no i think so yeah this should be okay because uh the most have done two or three laps on uh yeah ollie jarvis has done six at the front of the field but a lot of that of course would be behind a safety car so that'll stretch it renga vanderzander is the one who's in the box seat really in terms of the lead lap because he's got an extra uh lap on elliot harry and uh and ollie jarvis in fact he's got two laps on elliot and harris uh plus he's already gone but yeah it's going to be a minimum of 10 minutes isn't it but from now uh before we get back to to any sort of racing so uh i would i would suggest so i i think i think you're right i don't think there's going to be any fuel concerns for any of these are the front runners at gpi's gtlms i'm not quite sure yeah that's a that's a good point i'm just looking at that nick tandy's played out there 26 laps some behind uh safety car uh conor de philippe the 25 car stopped that must have been close to being on the red flag as well all the yellow let me see when that gt is not he's not showed us as entering a closed pit is he no he's maybe not maybe he got in just before it well let me go back to full course yellow and say 25 entered the pits a minute before the full course yellow up so yeah they got in so he's fight so that's a great position for de philippe in terms of fuel tommy milner's been out there for uh 27 laps as well and john edwards in the 24 bmw now when did he stop that must have been tight as well so there is connor de philippe there's the closed pits nine one two oh bamba ended a pit that must have been closed as well but i presume that was for emergency service uh and we're hearing uh uh no that was a no the race clock has been stopped the race clock has been stopped with 30 minutes remaining so we are on a halls and there's 33-0 minutes remaining now let me again just check back there's the 25 where's the 24 felipe left after the full course yellow but he was in before so where is the 24. yeah 24 was in as well so the two bmws got in just before the yellow flags so they're in a good spot and so did antonio garcia yeah even though he only been out 10 laps so all of a sudden corvette's in a good spot so uh the 912 obviously that car is in a problem because it went off and it may have some damage but this is really good news if we get restarted jeremy for the 24 and the 25 bmw because they're just fueled before the pits were closed and for tony garcia and the three corvette tandy who is leading the class in trouble as far as fuel is concerned he'll have to make an early pit stop as soon as we get back to green flag racing so this has really thrown uh the whole thing up in the air right now as far as gt uh dear torna is concerned i think quite a lot of people came in just before the yellow flags yes bet t bell jack hawks with lawson ashen back bill oberlin tony v lander and paul holton all in before i reckon just before the yellows i agree well just for the red at least yes well just before it's just before the yellow that's important yeah yeah before the question yes absolutely jack hawks with lawson back t-bell john edwards james french bordeaux vortier garcia van der zander leaving the pits bombarrito so 55 got in before the uh the stoppage as well um a couple of minutes before the stoppage jonathan bomarito which i hadn't realized so he might be on uh wet tyres as well yeah i mean the only car that didn't stop i think is number 77 right i can hear it i think everybody else has has been in uh for what was really again i believe started raining again i'm afraid that it's not good news and it uh it does look a bit nasty out there adam is in touch with her contacts at the circuits we've got the sweepers out trying to clear some of the surface water it came in at turn three that's where all the carnage happened and there's big standing water down there and that's where the sweepers have gone out and it looked like it was clearing up the canada corner a few moments ago but i'm not sure that's the case right now drivers are back to the car drivers back to the cars i'm hearing from race control well that's the sort of optimism we like to hear so we might get something on a quick restart takes about uh between five and ten minutes to do the warm-up procedures on the cars we haven't seen that going yet uh nothing at the moment official now what's interesting for me jeremy is in the pit lane the number six is sitting and having had no further work done on it so that car although it came in under a red under a closed pit in the yellow flag as soon as the red flags were thrown of course they've stopped working on that car so they will get uh same at the 52 as well by the look of it yes it is i can see that further down the pit lane so although they're going to get a penalty for entering a close pit at least they're not working under uh the park firm here red flag regulations john daggis is at the track hello john thanks for tweeting this at himself 77 and 9 11 only two cars still on slicks by his count thank you john i agree with that stay stay safe please my friends great reporting from john as well over the last few days in all the changes of the calendar to imsa read about that on www.sportscar365.com let's have an update from porsche the 912 effectively the car that triggered this off had a huge moment about three quarters of the way down the start finished straight and ended up in the in fact beyond the gravel at term one sheer adam what have you heard about earl bamber and laurence fantoska well he might actually want to trade out that chevy logo that he'll be driving in the nasa xfinity series for a ford one because the slogan for ford used to be built for tough the porsche apparently is built for tough i just chatted with lawrence fantour really quickly asked him if the car was okay since earl bamber was able to after he got out of the gravel drive about the pit lane he said yes but they're still not optimistic because the conditions haven't improved that much but at least the car is okay second place in the championship coming into this weekend so the 912 still have a little bit of work cut out for them to try and get up a few more places and gain a few more points well john i think is already a couple laps down now after the time it took to get the car out of the gravel trap so one lap it is one lap down on the gt lm lead uh sorry two laps on the gtm lead one lap on the majority of the field it's only the two leading cars tandy and de felipe who are on the lead lat in gtlm now just a quick note by the way and again i'm i'm saying this for the uh for probity really and to give as much information as possible i i hope we get going we've still got 30 minutes on the clock uh and i'm indebted to zubizi for this uh rule 47.8 a race that is red flagged after completion of 50 or more of the race not restarted shall be scored as of the last completed green flag lap as though the chequered flag had been displayed at that point so that would mean the last green flag lap before completed by the leader overall leader at 1853. before the red or before the yellow before the last green flag lap so that would be for the full course yellow 50 50 well if it's lap 54 that number 10 car in front head number 77 uh and then the 755 and then the rest of them is the same or it's just those top two that'll have changed around i i also that more crucially in lmp2 that would mean the 52 car would remain out front yeah and the clock has started running and we're on a full course yellow now not a red flag so are we expecting to see cars rolling out of the pit lane but the clock has started running again and the track is now full course yellow but with nothing moving uh we have got the added complication of network tv today of course uh and uh that is a consideration safety always the first consideration of course but the clock is running again under full course yellow but with i'm pretty certain here cars still sitting on the pit lane the majority of them under their covers at the moment well we know that the drivers were called back to their cars expecting a restart around the bottom of the half hour so that would be 235 east coast 135 local and what would that be 5 30 6 35 for those are for our friends over in england the rain continues to fall but we are expecting to get things moving once again and keep in mind this was a full stop stage 3 weather warning but it was not indicated for lightning which is why we were able to get going without a 30 minute pause we've got cars there was a lightning strike and there was a 30 minute hold and that kind of is in effect right now shay so uh we've got some conflicting stories on that we're not quite sure which one is is necessary right but i certainly uh heard that there was a uh a lightning strike uh but that's one of the reasons why we had the clock was on hold and then work but then as you say this is now the clock has started again rain is falling drivers are back in cars umbrellas rather than full covers over some of the cars so we have got movement on pit lane waiting to hear the word from race control course dump drivers getting into cars that'll be steamed up interiors people having to wipe down what i can tell you uh without any fear of contradiction is the red flag has been removed and the reds situation has been removed and replaced with a full course yellow and that announced at 25 minutes past the hour rin is falling again on the pit lane we have got uh some penalties to come for at the very least the number 22 gradient car the six acura penske and the 52 that's the leader in lmp2 entering clause pits juan montoya just concentrating and visualizing as water is dripping in through the roof of his acura at the moment race cars aren't meant to be watertight and the where the doors go into the roof there you don't necessarily have to have a watertight seal for that because you're not expecting to be standing still so rain falling we've got the tony vallander he's got his whiteness going in the 63 weathertech scadaria course of ferrari he'll be wanting to get going he loves the way so does tandy but tandy will be hamstrung by the fact that at the moment he's still on slick tyres we believe only the 77 leading car as it scored at the moment and the leading gtlm the 911 porsche are the only two cars in the pit lane that are still on full slick dry weather tyres now what do you do if there's no call to allow them to change i suppose jeremy you've got you've got to take the risk and go out behind the safety car and circulate behind the safety car on the slicks you can stay out you've got to just stay out on those slick tires because you you've got the class laid at the point tandy's in fuel trouble i'm not sure how much longer tandy can go around without needing fuel now he can come in for emergency service which means he can have five seconds worth of fuel but emergency service wouldn't count him changing his tyres to if he had a puncture he could change one tire but it would have to be a like for like swap he can't go to wet weather tyres so they're in a real quandary yeah yeah there's there's all sorts of question marks here that need to be answered and there's still 25 minutes remaining on the clock so we've certainly got time to get things going again but this we've seen a couple of rain schools come through just from the cameras we've been able to see and we haven't heard of any uh any uh thunder activity lately so that's what we've got to keep our uh our eyes and ears on i think think number four also on slicks cher says and that would that would make sense because tommy milner didn't pit when everybody else did in the number four so let's add number four corvette to the drivers still on inappropriate ties for the conditions so 77 mazda leading the race and dpi 9-1-1 porsche leading uh gtlm and number four third in gtlm but off ah now that's just been taken off the lead lap ridge car uh that's interesting right we've got cars rolling we've got cars rolling they're behind the safety car we've got cars we've got john sorry hang on let me just let me just check this because they're rolling out of the pit lane at the moment and he's in front so he's in front we've got a right mix up here jeremy because that because when the red flag had come out we hadn't done the as you said we didn't do the pass by so i'm going to have to they've now cross the start finish line so that's resetting some of the gaps within the classes as they go around but there's been no tire changes in the pit lane so the cars that we thought were on on uh dry weather tyres including the scored leader of the race is still on dry weather tires including the 911 of nick tandy who is going out of the pits now he's still on dry weather tires i'm just seeing where tommy milner is at the moment right i still think that it's still only the top two in gt le man who are on the lead lap in class yes but i think as you suggested that the wave around is still to be done to be done correct so uh unfortunately with the scoring system we have we can't tell until we see them physically who that relates to yeah tommy milner is definitely in front of the two leaders in class so he's on the back the very back end of the lead lap and i think that might apply as well to john edwards and to tony or garcia yet but earl bamber is a further lap back from those so depending on what happens now we're getting away by we are getting here's the wave by going on now so this is the cars trapped between the pace car and their and the lead car but not in the lead class and the number four's gone straight on that tells me that it really was at turn five at the number three car goes straight on at turn five so i thought they had changed tires for tony or garcia yet because he was in the pit just before the yellow flag but maybe they didn't now there the good news though john is that he he has got the way around so he is going to pass around yeah i'm sorry pass around i should have said yeah so he is going to be back on the on the lead lap then with the other gt1 cars the number 912 car i think is going to be correct uh at least one lap down correct i think it really should be it should be okay yeah so normally inside the last half an hour we would have what's called a quickie yellow uh and not have the passport that pass around in the wave by but i think given the circumstances and it's always at the wrist director's uh discretion i think this is not a bad idea what i haven't seen yet is the pit lane being open for anybody and i'll tell you as soon as i see that so that clock is running we're down to 21 and a bit minutes so we're back to normal full course yellow conditions with the detritus around the track i.e the cars that dropped it still difficult conditions particularly for anybody who is not on wet weather tires even if you are share adam with an update on who might still be on slick sheer what do you reckon we knew 77 mazda 911 porsche what else do you think and uh what else do you think out there well the four-core tommy milner also out there on slick tires i've just sent a text message over to ryan smith to fifth to find out if the sister car the three that went straight on at five if they are also on slick tires but i've just heard from robbie foley that the number six turner motorsport bmw the car that was completely rebuilt yesterday bill auberlin is on dry weather tires right now so it might be a bit of a rush when we go back to an open pit lane because he seems to think that the cars around him they might do yeah okay well we'll see that uh we we haven't got the pit lane open yet because of the of what's going on the nine one two uh share said had survived virtually unscathed uh it's uh knocked off the left-hand door mirror uh when it went into the wall sideways that was an immense accident which uh and poor old must have known it was happening for about six seconds before it did jeremy because he uh he'd lost control and was aquaplaning at just at the exit of the pit lane it seemed to me and he's on the grass off the grass facing forward facing backwards it's like when you lose it on ice and you're thinking ah there's nothing i can do here no no shut your eyes and take your hand off the steering wheel almost i mean yeah that's that's when you start praying isn't it yeah that you don't hit anything hard the team have given that 912 car a cursory a little bit more than a curse of a glance and the only damage they could find was the problem with the door mirror now that car won't have changed i presume won't have changed tires as well sliding sideways from well down the street it's backwards it's sideways it's frontwards it's sideways it's backwards it clips the tyre wall but it's very lucky oh yeah you didn't collect anything that's an incredible thing well imagine what that would have been like back in uh a few years ago when there wasn't that much runoff there uh yeah it could have been outside the track we've seen that happen with single seniors before yeah aj ford in particular had a horrendous accident there so let's say prototype uh pits are open for prototype pits are open for prototype now generally sure with your team manager's hat on the 77 in bad weather with 18 and a half minutes to go is leading the race a risk that we thought will get restarted but we don't know do you pit him for wet weather tires or do you roll the dice and leave him out too late he got it i would say you got to pull him out yeah apparently not so that they're i think the the team they're clearly gambling that even with 18 minutes to go there's going to be another stoppage and we won't be able to get back to to green i like this i like this from race control they're giving everybody the opportunity durrani will come in because he's got a damaged car uh the front left-hand side still bearing the scars if he's off earlier on so the 31 will drop out of uh who might not drop out of sixth position actually because forty is a lot further back yeah so he he that's a free stop for him in terms of the points uh and he'll be able to put a new set of wets on and a new nose on that car now next time around the pits will be opened for gt lemon and nick tandy's problem is he's been out there a long time how much fuel has he got left so that's the the tough choice for tandy uh tandy will be costing down the hill turning the engine off uh working anywhere that he can there's a big puddle halfway down the front straight which is being guarded by one of the safety vehicles at the moment which is about where uh about where el bamba started his accident and it didn't finish till 200 yards further down the road adam durrani is in the pits and this is legal service this is and they are doing the nose change on this car and just making sure that the suspension that nose body cover is still intact checking the left and then the r of the car putting a new nose on and people will be allowed to go back out as you said john he should maintain that sick that fifth position fairly safely uh but all lane was the mustang oh no the mustang sampling car did stay out so yes people will lose one thank you now i i was mentioning before i thought the yet on 911 pit channel uh gt le mans 912 entered the pits so was that him coming out was that him coming out of the pits when he had his accident then no it can't have been full course yellow he was still leading the race at that stage wasn't he when he went off no the 912 yeah yeah okay nine one two ended the pits at nine uh that 1908 oh no that's the next full course yellow sorry i didn't scroll back uh before that uh 9-1-2 resumed 9-1-2 resumed 9-1-2 did not come in after he's off so it got pulled out of the gravel and didn't come in until everybody came in behind the safety car so that's very interesting so he's managed to uh to get in there see i've got him there i've got him entering at 19 or eight uh 34 which was was that everybody coming in yeah that was that was everybody coming in after the red flag that's why okay so those of you who are uh looking at that and uh getting is the same we're confused that was uh after the red flag as they were being led in by the safety car so that's why the 912 is not getting the penalty uh and hello to john de geese who's passed on some news to our vp racing fuels pit the report this year adam uh just hearing from team communication that there is a wheel coming off of the left front of the 25 bmw uh actually it was reported through the porsche radio system as earl bamberg is behind the 25 and he fit on the track first i thought maybe it was a little head game saying hey the car in front of me is losing a wheel he should come into the pits but nope nope i have had visual confirmation of that carnegie philippe will be needing a trip down the pit lane and the pits are open for gt this time by that is the second place car in gt sorry i i saw the note from john i thought it might have been gd but uh that's uh coming in from john edwards who's sitting in uh behind his teammate connor d philippe well uh at the carousel the rain has eased i'm not going to say it stopped we're down to 14 minutes we have seen himself being prepared to run behind the safety car and run time out that's what happened at sebring jeremy earlier in the season the gamble for ollie jarvis is if it does go back green uh he's going to be eaten up by the cars behind but if it doesn't then he could be looking at a race victory the problem the same choice would seem to be the same for nick tandy his problem is he's got to be getting short of fuel now that's right and for number 77 car look if he comes if he came in now he dropped to the back of the class if he comes in later on he's going to drop to the back of the class so you might as well just stay out there and hope for the best uh that's the rate for that number 31 car on the other hand well i had damage in any case uh but uh yeah that was at the back of the pack in uh in dpi and sixth position last car on the lead lap so they had no nothing to lose by coming into the pits and taking on whatever service they could and that was all legal so i've just checked back and it would appear to me that when we go back to green the three closed pit infractions that we mentioned before which were the number six uh acura team penske dpi the number 52 that's the before the uh pilgrim matheson leading lmp2 car that car in fact has not returned out of the pits that car that is still in the pits so that may be moot so that means ben hanley has assumed the lead for dragon speed in the 81 car and the 22 that's the gradient racing accurate with mark miller behind the wheel he is due a penalty as well when we go back to green all right pits are up for gt let's see any takers that we get remember the 911 porsche is the leader but he's short on fuel and on slick tyres we've got a couple of slick tyres there and there will have been some conversations i bet the radio traffic was interesting this last lap around particularly as jarvis steered out here comes tandy coming towards the back of the line now he's got his wife going and oh well we've got a couple of tickers that looks like the 96 going in yes it is so she did say that the turn of bmw we thought was still on slicks was reported from the team thank you has been on slicks and that car has gone into the pit lane there was another car in front of it as well that went into the pit lane which i didn't catch sight of uh it was uh it was the 74 riley cart that went in uh paul holton's gone in for compass racing in the 76 as well that's the mclaren so they're taking service in pit lane at the moment uh and looking at those guys they hadn't been out all that long so that must be the fact that they were on the wrong tires and tommy milner's come in connor de philippe's come in and nick tandy's come in so they've all come in as well so they didn't think that the chance was worth taking and a pass in the pit lane and this could be crucial and the 74 stays ahead of turn up more to sports bmw now gt le man tandy needs fuel as well of course the tire change so that's going to slow him down both porsches came in the pit lane tandy is out so he has retained i believe the lead in gt lemon everybody in gt le mans came in that was interesting do you concur with that mr shaw oh everybody in gt le mans appears to have come into the pit lane and i reckon it was tandy ahead of tommy milner excuse me i think twenty four and a number three car stayed out uh but the uh yes yeah yeah okay so i think uh that yeah that will put them into the lead correct the class the uh by the way number three another four cars uh switch places during that to join after they went out for the to get ready for the restart there was a a note from race control because there was a couple of cars were on slick tires really really really really struggling number four what number 44 in particular and there was a note put out to say for the cast behind them you were allowed to pass you could make that pass yeah so now number four car is coming to pit lane as you say so he's uh back on strategy with the other class leaders this is going to look good now for john edwards and garcia ii will be up into second place in the class jeremy ollie jarvis is still leading but it looks like we are going back there's a dpi class split ongoing at the moment i've just been reminded by carol brink that lena geared involved with that car never second guess the geared she was involved in a race that a six-hour race that only had 16 laps all behind the safety car and yet we had a positional change because work had to be done on one of the audis and it dropped position in the safety car train so she's remembered that undoubtedly and they're rolling the dice at the moment but surely if we do go back to green then that was at fuji by the way the lights are out we're going back to grain flag racing yeah so i mean it was worth the gamble because i said a few minutes ago if they came in when the pits were open they were going to fall correct if they come in now they're going to fall to the back of the pack so it was worth that gamble certainly three laps i reckon maybe four depending on when we get going and when the leader comes back towards the line watch out for nick tandy because he is a demon in the wet and he'll want to regain the places he lost for having to come into the pit lane olly jarvis he's gonna be struggling mightily renga vanderzander remember stopped just before the yellow flag came out which subsequently was upgraded to a red flag seven and a half minutes to go i reckon by the time we get to the start finish line van der zander and everyone behind on wet it looks like ollie jarvis is gonna peel straight into the pits he can't do that can't do that he's got it he's gotta come round one more lap that's right share isn't it correct the pits are closed when you go back to green yeah that's a big mistake from mazda having said that he's just getting out the way i suppose it's not gonna affect where he finishes vanderzander then leads castroneves trying to hold on to second from bombarrito here's durrani tehran he's already moving up fantastic stuff he's durrani was ahead of bombardo before the first corner and the 31 car watch that wheel and cargo now he's got his sights set on castroneves in the classes john edwards leads from corvette of bmw but they were so close together nick tandy already battled with the third as he went across the line fantastic stuff out comes juan montoya as well there were once we went back to yellow flag racing of course they were allowed to work on that car so he's rejoined many laps down once the red flag was removed and parked firm here was removed this is going to be an interesting last six minutes jeremy it certainly is yes and really tricky out there i mean it's i think everybody now is on uh where the tires that's the good news but it is very treacherous out there and easy to make a mistake but what a good opportunity here for anchor vanderzander he's no no stranger to racing in the rain and uh you'll be uh looking to take advantage of this opportunity does he have that straight line speeder to stay ahead of that very fleet acura of elio castroneves another porsche gt to watch is pat long he's up the fourth position and only a second and a half away from the leader t bell he's got v lander right ahead of him and that's going to be an investing battle as well as with side by side there's a touch as the acura makes contact castroneves makes contact with the back of rengar van der zander it's canada corner this is all getting very serious five and a half to go and here comes people durrani third position and off off goes the leader and i think that i think we've got to change that yes we have the act i could barely see through the sprees that came across the start finish line little mistake by van der zander and that's going to drop the cadillac into the clutches of people durrani who's somewhere in the ball of spree going down to turn one yeah the other guy is struggling is jonathan von morito he's dropped a long long way back there he was running his third place at the research he's been overtaken by both people durrani and sebastian bourdain trying to see the gt casters there come through edwards from garcia from tandy only three seconds between those three gt tier tournet townsend bell from farmback and that's the two bright oh no fanbackers will be the second now he's gone past hawksworth valander still in fourth and pat long right there as well he's dropped back a little bit it is just survival at the moment even on wet weather tires it's very tricky indeed just to drive round never mind to race in close contact second and third together the two cadillacs coming out of turn six into turn seven it won't be flat now will it down towards turn it through the hurry downs area of the circuit still standing water on the run down from the carousel as well so it's not just about breaking jeremy you're gonna have to be very careful even driving in a straight line here these cars have got very low ride heights and it's very easy to get aquaplaning where if you get the plank in the middle of the floor on the ground then effectively you're driving a very expensive uh boogie board aren't you yeah that's right not a lot of fun quite frankly for these guys at the moment so it's really some of them are really struggling some of them are struggling a lot more than others guys not struggling it's mario farbacker it's absolutely flying in that uh maya shank race in canada 86 up to second place in the class and really putting the pressure on townsend bell who still leaves for lexus yeah this has been a good run from farm bucket in the mid-engined merchant racing nsx the number 86 car you can see that one he's got the bright pink top and he's in the spray behind as they come side by side down to kind of the corner townsend bell stairs to the right-hand side how brave is super mario he's very brave indeed he's almost on the white line to drive his left can he drive all the way around the outside of canada corner he's giving it a go he's giving it a go and he's turned it into a pass for the lead that was extraordinary there is a driver with full confidence in his michelin wet tires his ability and the setup on that car what a pass if that's the win in gtd what are we to do it that was absolutely superb by mario farmbacker uh creates down tons of bell for not doing anything silly just not taking him out but what a great move that was that was all about confidence wasn't it that little acura you know he knows how to win races in this uh in this guy did it last year so where he's he can do it again right now it'll be the white flag next time around now people durrani has dropped away just a little bit from rengar vanderzander and so it's down at a spin for tristan fortier seventh position in the 85 journey see miller cadillac but that i hope won't affect what's going on at the front of the field if cadillac are gonna win this race and my goodness they were so close it's going to be down to renga vanderzander to make amends for that tiny mistake but the cadillac seems to be struggling just a little bit as rengar is trying to find grip on the circuit he's certainly not on the normal racing line castroneves into the carousel for what i believe will be the penultimate time the red is getting worse at that side of the circuit now do you hang on and take the position you've got oh big slide down a turn number three the hard point audi is off the acura that was leading had a huge slide coming out the carousel last time around it's getting very dicey indeed it will be white flag next time around van der zander squirming that cadillac down through the kink and down towards canada corner it's a little bit drier in that part of the circuit but that's relative at the moment but at least there's not standing water down there leader doesn't even try and get anywhere near the apex that's because he's trying to steer off the rubber in this situation because that will be so so slippery in towards the final corner he's got four miles and the run to the white flag still to go steers well off the exit curves team penske back in forming qualifying and they may just have snatched this one still durrani in third position and off has gone tandy tandy pushing too hard and there's another car there that's at the kink and that is the bmw that's the bmw that he was fighting with that's that was that's the uh john edwards car isn't it so that was the leader in class and he's right across the circuit and now reversing onto a live track the bmw driver that's john edwards so has garcia gone through in the corvette full course yellow full coarse yellow so the free the field will be frozen the leader has started his last lap so we won't actually see the safety car but that means the field is frozen there will be no more passing and accurate team penske elio castroneves will bring the car back home by dint of a brilliant brilliantly opportunist maneuver as soon as there was a slight problem for the leader dean cameron did the hard work in the dry but castroneves has brought it home vandazander uh will be second for conic amol minolta and it will be the brazilian pairing of philippe nazar and people durrani in third in gt le man corvette one and two they've done it again after the accident on the far side of the circuit nick tan he's not going he might get that car home i'm not sure though he's in the he's in the mud he's in the dirt it will be corvette three from corvette four tonia garcia from tommy milner third for john edwards in the remaining bmw uh the where's the other bmw gun the 25 car that's disappeared as well well townsend bill got back ahead of uh of mario farmback on that last lap as well did farmbacker take the lead did he i didn't uh oh yes of course yeah yeah i've got it back again and hawke smith holds on to third so it all happened now what we'll have to see is whether that happened before the full course yellow went out and i'm sure they'll be looking at that now so corvette corvette bmw in gt lemon in vasa sullivan 12 from farmback is 86. uh msr and then jack hawks with in third place for invasive sullivan tony v lander just off the podium and in p2 ben hanley wins it from for dragon speed he's gonna get it back to he's gonna get it back to the line john well well that is true yeah well in fact nobody has that's how this is behind well and look how wet it is yeah this isn't over yet jeremy you're absolutely right the leader we haven't got the safety car out there because the leader had already started his last lap so there was no time to get the safety car out in front of the lady the rain is hammering down and coming out of every orifice of the racing cars at the moment farm backer is right up alongside the leader in gt le mans so how did that happen that's something we're hearing a spin a spin for mario farmbacker at turn 11 is what we're hearing so that is where that one changed checkered flag is in the air with the double yellows and the imsa road racing showcase well what a sure case we have had because we've had everything we've had lap record piece we've had tactics we've had survival in the bad weather as through to take the checkered flag comes the number seven acura team penske it's castroneves who brings the car home dean cameron qualified the car vandazander brings the cunningham and not the cadillac home and it's cadillac's two and three with people durrani just not able to press home the advantage later on for the brazilian crude wheel and car then it'll be poor day if he can get that car the line only those first three have finished at the moment what a race parenting going very slowly i'm hearing as well from race control what's happened to him he was a couple of laps down he had an incident before bordeaux finishes fourth jeremy sorry justin across the line ben hanley has crossed the line and wins lmp2 eighth position overall waiting for the gtds and the gt le mans to come in ollie jarvis still to appear as well for mazda there'll be a fifth and sixth for mazda tristan fortier will be seventh because he was a lap off the lead [Music] uh montoya has pitted but he had only just come out of the pit he was laps down as well so he will see the checkered flag in the pit lane waiting for the gt le cars bell from farm backer faster sullivan investor sullivan from there shank lexus from acura there and it should be jack hawks with who's the next through to making a 1-3 for lexus still waiting for gt lemon here to come across the line garcia milner corvette do it again absolutely extraordinary since we've come back from the big paws it's been all about corvette and corvette racing and the three-car this time takes it from the four third position in gt le man really all about survival the remaining bmw and i still don't know what happened to the 25 car john ed uh john edwards gets that one back on the 25 car i wonder if that was one of the that was the car that was involved was it with uh no that car pitted some time ago and it's four laps off the lead so huge amount of cleanup to go on at the kink uh fourth in gt le man earl bamber and that'll be it i think for those guys oh jeremy what can i tell you what can i tell you the odd thing the odd thing for me was still a few cars stood out in the racetrack there's number 857 they haven't made it back to the checkered flag yet the strange thing was the masses were so so far off the base once we went back to back to green obviously 77 cars at the back because it it came in and made a pit stop sure but number 55 car just hold that thought for a second jeremy because we can go to share adam for a a report from the pit lane and probably get one of the drivers as well ah the bmw went off first and hit the wall and i think was followed in at the kink by tandy uh because of all the water down there yeah that's exactly what happened who have you got for us in this vp racing fuels uh pit lane report gtlm rate winner jordan taylor just waiting for to try and answer the phone hearing that saw signal is very limited with this storm actually in the area right now but he did have his phone on him and he was able to text back to say that he is waiting for our car our call uh but he's not able to answer quite yet okay we'll come back to you when we can just uh as a note there on the slowing down lap rengar vanderzander actually went between one of the safety vehicles and the stranded 911 it's so treacherous out the back and there's so much water out there but it was definitely the bmw that went around first of john edwards the 24 car and tandy followed him in they were having a scrap at the sharp end of the field uh edwards did get the car back home damage though it was the number 24 to third position nick tandy sadly did not make it to the end sorry jeremy what were you seeing there we'll just wrap this up before we go to the michelin porter as tech can't remember i was just trying to figure out the points to be honest okay let's have some closing thoughts then with the clear up continuing for those of you at the circuit please take shelter and thanks for staying with us we've got michelin post race tech to come and we'll have it a quick dash through what's happening as the winning cars head to victory circle uh let's uh just wrap up our race coverage right now and head to michelin post racetext stay with us on insert radio and 87.7 fm for the on 87.7 around the circuit it will be the podium in a few moments time go on rs2 himself radio for mission and post race tick thank you to everybody at the track and to charlotte for making sure we had the pictures also of course uh to our imsa technical crew at road america kerry cobb was our producer in london adam and jeremy shaw joined me john hindorf as the vp racing fuel uh pit lane reporter in cheers case and jeremy and i we're in the haggarty global broadcast center coming next michelin post race tech stitcher well extraordinary scenes to finish the race and still cars coming to the end of their slowing down lap uh the ollie jarvis mazda still out there and barely going round it not much more than walking piss at the moment what a year 2020 has been welcome to michelin post race tech jeremy shaw and sure adam have stayed with me let's do the uh points first of all before we get to your questions hashtag mitchell and prt to atoms original by the way it got a bit exciting towards the end there forgot to mention that before jeremy how did things stand in dpi at the sharp end in the sharp end the the points leaders coming to this weekend were ron briscoe and rigger vanderzander they were well tied with oliver jarvis and tristan nunez as a result of the second place village today ron briscoe and reagan vanderzen will now lead on 124 in second place will be joe barbosa and sebastian bourdain who don't quite keep their podium streak alive but they will be on 118 so six behind one point ahead of oliver jarvis and tristan nunez uh and next up in the will be on 115 to two points behind them it's people durrani and then a couple of points behind them a bomb rito and tinkman manufacturers championship cadillac will extend the lead from they'll have 134 to 129 of mazda 125 of accuro who scores his first win today uh and uh it's we'll come to the others in a moment share adam i'll let you just do a little bit more addition uh jeremy a lot of firsts to share adam uh from our vp racing fuels pit and paddock report yeah it's the first win in the weathertech sportscar championship for frank montecalvo he got his first pole the last race out at sebring international raceway the first win for townsend belt since vir 2015 when he was sharing with bill sweedler in a ferrari so that is approximately no let's give the exact 1806 days ago it's the first win at road america in imsa competition for elio castroneves uh rick keith taylor jordan taylor and antonio garcia which is kind of hard to believe jeremy shaw has the other results uh all the other points after the results all unofficial at the moment i i have a suspicion there's still a few penalties to be uh applied at the moment uh what do you reckon uh jeremy where would you like to go next would you like to go to gt le mans lmp2 let's do lsp2 shall we uh we've got uh uh cameron castles our record will take the lead in the lmp2 class on 64. one ahead of patrick kelly who slipped back of course with that incident at the end they were leading very comfortably he and simon schrummer but uh 64-63 61 will be henrik hedman and 60 dwight merriman and kyle tilley in the era car so super tight in lmp2 of course this is only the second championship race of the season for lmp2 uh and in gt le mans gt le mans uh antonio garcia and jordan taylor of course will extend their lead now 130 points to the 120 of the porsche of lawrencevantour and earl bamba 117 for gavin milner for the second place finish today and jessicrone and john edwards on 116 in fourth place for bmw and whilst we're talking about gt lemon let's have a word with one of the victorious drivers from corvette racing where rhys win in himself number one or three adam which is appropriate for a driver the number three car jordan taylor finally getting that race win at road america we have no idea what happened on the last lap because we can only see what the cameras can see but for you on the pit stand how nerve-wracking was it to watch and to know that it's all in antonio's hands i mean i was happy i wasn't in there it looked pretty miserable and especially on that last lap before it went yellow it looked like the kink it just started touring again i mean it looked like the bmw and porsche didn't get that message so i think our guys relayed it to him and thankfully he was able to tiptoe through there and make it through and it's just a you know proof that corvo racing never gives up especially when we're kind of down and out of it in the middle and just never gave up and uh sorry we're getting kicked out of the podium area we gotta go in there it's an exciting uh podium because not only did you win gtlm but ricky winning in uh dpi and your dad's team finishing in second so it's gonna be a whole family affair in that podium yeah i don't know if ricky and i have ever won the same race in different class so that's cool i mean i was watching that race as much as i was watching mine uh obviously i was cheering for the 10 and the seven so either one of them might be happy with i know the 10 hasn't won here either um but yeah it's great for ricky and elio they've had a tough year so it's good for them to get a little bounce back and get some good points tied off here in the hagerty global broadcast center uh congratulations first of all great uh first part of the race uh jordan up so did did your team tell antonio about the weather conditions on the far side of the circuit uh that that clearly made a big difference at the end because that's how you guys stayed on the track yeah i think the way you know our race went to a three-stop pretty early on and the way we were on the track track position-wise um we saw the rain ahead of the other guys so we were able to duck in the pits before we went to that first yellow so it was a great call by them i'd say a little bit was a bit lucky uh where we were track position-wise but at the end of the day the guys made the right call to go you know with that strategy and antonio did the perfect job at the end of pretty much survive the conditions and you know bring it up bring home another one-two finish for the corvette r just extraordinary well done go and enjoy the podium thank you great stuff from adam r vp racing fuels uh pitt and paddock reporter and jordan taylor joining us thank you for his time on the uh telephone as well uh fantastic stuff uh i mean it's just been a brilliant opening to the season jeremy shaw here on michelin post race tech uh since we've returned to racing corvette have have just been absolutely extraordinary back to the corvette of old yeah very much so i mean they have been perfect i mean they certainly got a slice of good fortune today no question about it and you know when things are going your way they tend to go your way even better and that's exactly what happened today for corvette racing they didn't have the fastest car well they had a super fast car but uh it certainly wasn't as consistent as the other contenders and uh but uh yeah they still come away with not only uh a win but another one-two finish yeah another one-two finish adding to their tally which oh no is it 65 now for corvette no 62 for corvette uh i only know that because it was 61 last time and i could skim back through the tweets for that at michelin prt dave volk race organizers did a really good job handling those conditions as did all the teams and well done for making sense of the uh that changes uh another good win for for gt in gtd for lexus still despite a little bit of a b or p change jeremy uh says dave alcock uh that there's still an opportunity perhaps to get them pegged back a little bit they might still have been slightly too dominating today yeah they would they certainly that was that was far away the quickest car again all weekend long we saw the pace that they showed in qualifying it were significantly quicker than everybody else in qualifying and yeah i think the uh the technical uh brain trust at im2 is going to be able to look at that again but you know they drove well today great hats off to uh to townsend bell and frankie montecalvo isn't it interesting that last time out at sebring monte carlo qualified first tilik's second so the the number two off guy ahead of the 14 they finished the race the other way around here mirror image it was number 14 car guaranteed that's got his first ever pole position yet they have to end up in the third position at the end uh behind the sister car number 12 and uh what a great effort by mario farmbacker to move up into what it ended up being second place we saw him take the lead we didn't see how he fell behind uh townsend bill on that uh effectively on the final operation it's one night before the end that uh that re-pass was made the point so in gtd uh jack hawksworth will lead on 87. aaron t lips in 84 the reason for that because they drove different cars in the first race at daytona in oh sorry in second place actually on 86 just one behind will be townsend bell and frankie monte tied its third and 84 fourth position on 83 mario farmbacker and matt mcmurray and then fifth position equal on 78 both the ryan hardwick and patrick long in the porsche for right motorsports and also cooper mcneill and tony villander in the weathertech ferrari in the manufacture championship in gtd the new leader now is now is lexus uh taking over the lead they were tied on points with lamborghini coming in here you've been alexis on 94. acura on 89 ferrari on 86 porsche on 84 and that beginning all the way down to fifth on 83.
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 463,043
Rating: 4.8713365 out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, Road America, Acura, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Ford, Honda, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: 0cpfr4UgClE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 25sec (11665 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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