Festival of Speed 2019 Full Timed Shootout

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OMG, I know people have a big problem with formula E vehicles being so quiet... But I love that winding high pitch noise... it reminds me of Tron.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/digitalkiks ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Last year someone ran that course with a land rover on two wheels in under 2ยฝ minutes.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PissFromMyAss ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The reactions to the ID R are great. You know everyone who is there is all about the history of cars and the sounds of the engine. And yet they are all kind of smiling watching that thing go. It looks like a video game car speed hacking. The lure of that kind of speed is just too much.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CDN_Nomadic_Engineer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Goddamn, the Solbergs were so much fun to watch on this course.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheBehaviorTeam ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Werenโ€™t a lot of these old cars death traps? What happens if someone crashes? Is that why there are hay bales everywhere?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/taho_teg ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

FOS is one of the highlights of my year. My family doesn't see me for 4 days.

Luckily it falls on my holidays so a trip is in the works in the future.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Alkaladar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a cool microcosm of racing tech. And oh my god that March Chevrolet 717 at 37:13 is an absolute monster.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/daniel6990 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so we're starting off with some of the slower cars from earlier on in the morning my putting away is the 505 Aston Martin Ulster in hands of Holly Mason Franchitti Belle Starr gaining its thanks to the great success in Northern Ireland and the answer here to one two three all back-to-back I took the Ulster tag body mason Franchitti daughter of Nick Mason married to Marino Franchitti accelerate up parked straight with a road that he's drying out all the time it was pretty wet horrible for the bulk of the morning but actually it's drying fairly swiftly now there are still one or two damp patches but the more cars we send up the hill the drier it gets the quicker it gets as well five seconds up Paula Mason staring her in the first sector as she continues this climb it's just amazing isn't it to see the cars getting quicker and quicker and quicker as we go through the order and then you see the oddities in there don't you where some of the older cars for example Julia maneuvers now they're in a historic beauty and he ends up in the middle of a lot of modern machinery yeah Julia majubi is going to be worth watching not favor watching here in this car the date back to the 1935 it's a one and a half litre four-cylinder engine and the cars then come to the timing line it's up through the gears assuming you've got gears which isn't the case of everybody in this if you're in one of the electric cars by the time that is set is an eighty 7.30 so top the times this is the context special attack with seven liter 4 cylinder engine Gregory Hickok it's driving it and it was originally a Cooper Formula One car but it was crashed and then resurrected as a sports racing car by a young Roger Penske I don't have a reasonable amount of success in full-on winning a Grand Prix in 1976 sports cars and Formula One car so in a sense this car you can effectively trace its lineage to me starts of the McLaren car dynasty so the car accelerates now towards the finish line an 87 3-0 to me here he comes then and he cuts the timing beam and he's gonna go quicker than Holly Mason steering and is 20 seconds up so that was a good little lap from the from the 0x net as he comes across the line now we go back a time a little you talk about oddities we have all sorts in this round Julianne grimwade Bentley 3-liter Lamar we should have next the car coming to the line this the 1925 lamal three litre bentley julian himself has been a regular in the ninja sports contamination for many many years Bentley enthusiast actually Centauri of course then this weekend here in sports car racing with modern-day GT cars this car 1925 or entered for the 1925 Lamont that was the famous Lamont start was inaugurated but he ran across the road but the organizers insisted that for the first 20 laps the car had to run with the roof up so it's harder to get it and therefore it didn't behave quite as the drivers wanted but that was the regulation that year now it's allowed to run up a hill with the roof down and Julien grimwade with the air-conditioning vents sitting out in the fresh air go through welcome and to imagine these cars racing around back in the game really really a moment if you want to see a great view of Lamont in the past there's an onboard lap with Mike Hawthorn in d-type Jagua and he takes it round on just a regular day and he's saying Oh mind the post middle Mike the chicken search for then on the old interweb because that is quite something so this is the date motoring in comparison with what we will get to see later but Julian grimwade 23 litre LeMond up towards the line to Reiki [ย __ย ] in the Penske serie speciale and there is the checkered flag there is the timing line there with the mentally through to the moment does that I'm good enough for third at ninety eight point nine eight second around so next we turn our attention to Robert Murray takes to the helm in the Martha Corinne in leather horsepower and this is a green pea one of the two cars two cars ended in the 1922 French pop wrist Passport I was driven by count Louisa broadsky a lot of history in this car and it makes its way up the hill in that 11 horsepower machine will get more horsepower as the as the as the day progresses and will will even end up in kilowatts we were indeed yes because we are bobbing our way this car still quick and still competitive in [ย __ย ] sports car club events and taking you back to the very early days of the Aston Martin company now after Martin founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford took its name from hilltribe event where Arnold Martin had competed at Aston Hill early 11 horsepower prototypes green pea razor blade Holford special Martin there decades later perhaps more success in sports car racing it was a Grand Prix constructor for a brief period with the DBR for example Robert Murray in this car but dates back to 1922 you wouldn't anticipate to be 67 time across the timing line to go first with an 87 point six nine as the time that he sets now this is George winGuard in the fit this another very early car this going back to nineteen eleven fourteen point two liter four-cylinder engine enormous fortune in the regiment fortunately by the American billionaire Kayla Bragg he won a 1912 former Oregon State Senator George winGuard PhD is the man not so much driving it but being driven by powerful people PhD in anthropology anthropology food it known that I'm sorry II being a student of human behavior at the wheel and this car every time you see it it takes your breath away 28 for this car back from Australia whether it had been taken by a Russian prince he's repainted it he's gone racing in it he's gone hill climbing in it it is just an amazing machine I feel like you must have to repaint the left-hand side you know the drivers left is popping and covering the covering the car with race is this car if you were at the members meeting earlier in the year or watch or come to throwing this power around wheel-to-wheel with other cars and he drove it in from Bristol so there you go he drives it on the road you'll be driving it home as well 76 and he sets an 81 point zero nine seconds Oh God it's great to see this 1952 liter v12 wait is the enemy and wind is the obstacles the very first competitor ever up the hill at the very first Goodwood Festival of Speed and she's been a very welcome visitor every year since he's oh so pretty Ferrari 166 about quatre up towards welcome all Rory enthusiasts time to beat still is that of Gregor Hickok remains a sixty 7.38 but at the moment it's looking pretty good but it is you know more undoubtedly there comes Sally up to the top in this lovely little Ferrari cut the timing beam and complete right great sound isn't it it's not it's not it's not a whaling just run over the weekend there's the checkered flag salivation star bring the 25th quickest on an 88 0 1 for that run up the hill I love this car this is the scat type-c racing the car that won the Targa Florio in 1911 and drew Howe Davis at the wheel and he regularly takes it back the Targa Florio not existing as a resident in those days but he takes it back and drags it around anyway he does well on Friday so much fun for games going to me because this is the first time that Andrew how Dale is having our yeah 19:11 4.42 four-cylinder engine and the car heads towards Malkin corner now again as so many cars of that era the driver sitting on it rather than in it no real protection at all you know roll cage there's no side protection no seat belt even it's just out to the drivers bravery and how much of the right foot he's prepared to apply they get him safely through the corners of as the Sun now starts to break through the road dries the speed belt as he heads up tall Flint wall and this is the was really creating let's start of the Italian motor industry Giovanni Serrano Fiat and this scats was fun with it as well the Targa Florio scat is a lovely stuff they urged on to the timing line as we now see it's Gareth Graham taking the seat of economics at the Mercedes for free we're celebrating after 25 years of station look at the weight off I'm crazy for the steering wheel as it rattles away from the light believe this weekend we've had a bit of drivers shopping so he takes over we were told from BEC colleagues for this car but that graphic telling is its have a layer in the Benz two hundred blitz and Ben's first of all that we've seen it out in the time running at all the Blitz and bends it does run in the members meeting so Herman layer obviously happy to just get in and chuck it up the hill and it was built with one aim in mind to break the 200 kilometer barriers which is 124 21 and a half litre four-cylinder engine in that car as I say I think it's the first time we've seen it up in in the timed runs this year even even these guys that you can hear him balancing it on the throttle giving it a bit more giving it before look as quick as others but the huge amount of effort being put into this and with the fastest eighty six point six zero as he heads down the continuation Road towards the timing circle so next up will be okay well tell us David well only but he's taking the colleagues it away but not this car so the Mercedes brought pre Gareth Graham for this nineteen oh eight twelve point eight liter four-cylinder engine car so five martinis but Ben Collins who is married to the Duke of Richmond sister has been driving the majority the weekend but it's now going to be Gareth Graham behind the wheel for three regulations a grade in 1907 they stipulated cars had to have a minimum weight of eleven hundred kilos a cylinder bore smaller than one hundred and fifty five millimeters and the 1908 French Grand Prix held in debt and it was Christian maps and Schlag winning Mercedes beautifully presented this car absolutely immaculate Thank You specialist though it's certainly driving it very swiftly indeed certainly as he comes up to the flip wall I think I believe it was this exact car that won 999 French Grand Prix beating the runner-up by nearly nine minutes sounds like a to the end of the run 67 three remaining the best time but that's from a much more recent car that didn't do a great run yesterday we're going to the older machinery hey so you wouldn't really anticipate them to be as great but times much much faster for that second however goes Gareth Graham so he may not be well-versed in the car but he's put it to good use [Music] so now David Ayer in the Beckley Bernardo a sound special taped to the hill number one five six mentioned earlier on that was celebrated the Bentley centenary and here's another example of the lineage of the company Willie house and a man who built an awful lot of the bent knees for for racing and this was specially made for Brooklyn's the first permanent racetrack in the world yeah and yeah it's a engine single-seat cockpit and it lacked Brooklands at 143 miles an hour in 1938 it's quite some speed in the in the late 30s because we're not talking billiard smooth circuit no are you talking about which the match of the time cars will be in the air they bounced over the maps David Ayer been in this been turbine Alto how sound special heading up to all the time where is this gonna put him relative to Gareth grave he's got to be 278 6-4 to be ahead can he do it can see can does a seventy six point one eight go second fastest so good stuff secrets and special so another one built by Wally Hassan this time for Bill Pacey one of the Bentley boys and he won the Brooklands Winston meeting gold star out right back in 1936 so another one built by Wally Hassan now for Bill Pacey and it's William Mattar support a half liter four-cylinder engine car the case goes brilliant Medcalf we've seen quite a bit of him on the hill this weekend and always trying very very hard he blasts his way past a football saying is the roads getting drier but it's gonna be interesting to see what the later cars can do final the Bentley pasty has sound special heads toward the line so don't forget but in this we've got different classes he grew up the past is pioneer racing on the 399 teams you've got the fastest vintage race in 19 - 1930 William n cough goes across the line this car drops into the post vintage race a-class 1931 to 1949 he goes third overall on a seventy six point eight nine so we saw Ben Collins give up the Mercedes Grand Prix car that evening and of the w12 five 1937 this was the garden won the European Championship that year also was raised by pre-war greats like Richard seaman here's a carver Colin crowd founds in Eastern Europe brought back restored it you have a line would have driven back rosealee specialist he is Horsley brother-in-law of the Duke of Richmond and he flings the car now past the big war now this he's gonna be quick it should be quicker than that just about sneak back to me because it's a brave drivers but it's a nice car three to beat is he gonna break 70 seconds yes a 69 point one seven for bet Collings in the mercedes-benz w124 that's a mighty effort as we look at the GT of Tom Alexander an ex early boss car this built with a slightly more powerful engine and a shorter body than the earlier db4 to take on the Ferrari 250 short wheel bases in GT racing posit one on the car the international trophy at Silverstone in 1959 and 3.7 liter straight-6 engine progressively getting quicker over the course of the weekend was pretty steady on his first serie speciale we saw earlier on the line said see whether he can get 70 seconds and slotted the second place not quite but a sixty nine point six mrs. J in the fantastic looking and sounding Alfre Mayo p3t poby 3.2 liter straight a scimitar and agent Gaad realizing in your own fiscal America Criswell bought it took it to the state and to this at the 1939 8500 it qualified 50 wasn't fast enough Griz well paid then we tell I to race for him the car finished 15 Fitz has come back to the UK and has been prolific in historic races James with very very experienced historian reason he's going to push this the time he's got to try to beat silver 67 point 3 in this battle [Applause] 5:17 Mercedes Trump's Alfa Romeo now this is the 1988 our f88 serve and demon for Judith and Richard Wilson is Michael Schumacher's first ever racing car pretty much it support a Ford car which was their V go to junior single seater category everybody had surround a Ford 1600 CC Kent engine that it was a multi chassis formula fan team and British company one of the best ever in the history of Formula Ford and it was from this car my very bad Meister's team in the European and the German championship that kept the former for festival Michael Shuman in the European Championship that year rich Wilson drives it so it's got a small engine no wings no Aero these used to get pretty great slipstreaming and again a significant car in the career Mike in the same class as the some of the cards we've seen before but this might be the quickest time we've seen so far from Richard Wilson they'll see something Formula Ford Racing in the UK at the likes of Lou the water his trophy and Silverstone but not quite what it once was Formula Ford Racing and this car Richard Wilson in the hands off goes quickest by seven tenths of a second they just wanted us to watch [Music] drink Archie Lee miju very rarely goes in a straight line with a huge amount of commitment he's a very very accomplished historic racer is Juli and he's of their alien extraction and has made a a good successful career both in business and in motorsport in the UK with great gusto commitment being put into this as well 2.3 liters straight eight superzoom were keys magic concentration sideways as he discovers the dark patches under the trees [Laughter] on a sixty-four point two five in a car dating back to 1927 historic racing isn't it that's what it would have looked like he's raced in club racing in the UK race to the morning when GT machinery he has this delectable 250 GT short wheelbase competition and drives it with a lot of verb as you can see as he heads up for him it makes a great noise and these were at the time taking on the line sir so joe Macari climbing the earliness 250gt short-wheelbase and this was the common rule on the db4 GT it was built Macari now and in might be Jack it's gonna be time here in the June 3 me to be 12 magic sound he's that he's not gonna beat the Bugattis he goes through ghost second-fastest on a sixty six zero one so two teams both wheel spin from the Italian on in the background asleep or easier of rs500 heads towards as the carpet just through the doors of everything an international touring car racing for two three glorious seasons and this was a good year team top racing was there it was start racing in the mileage a great driver Gianfranco Branca telly blast away it's 1992 Benetton a car which burst in spa fracas shop that year typically in a in a wet/dry race I think it was and the car that's engaged the music I'm Tina McLaughlin she runs this car an awful lot to various health clients around the country it's a good word and he's running up the hill about it Franco blanket le it was a fast sounding [Music] Marina is circumspect about speed 0.74 second sixty four point seven four four marina McLaughlin's 1992 and Benetton june limited watching all of this second fast is now about being outgunned by a Sierra rs500 that's not too shabby certainly not in that wonderful yet type 35 beat now here we go WRC love the sound of this bangs up through the gears I need two seconds hundred meters we had a balloon to go he's not really using the road there is rally car exactly so radicals who used to go off-road there wasnรญt job is mowing the lawn as he comes up to park straight this car with the Repsol colors breaking late scrambling for great signs regular pair driver of the time Maurice Moya shared for many an event manager goes there up towards the completion of the radnik Jarvis driver he's putting a lot of effort into this it gets quicker and quicker season after season after season sixty three point six one this is gonna be close there's the flat he does a 56 nine - Nick Jarvis fastest that in the rally spec Ford Escort run them from Nick Jarvis up to the top of the hill look at him here at molkrom corner little twitch and then just turns it in super early two wheels on the grass around the left hander I guess that's always going to give you a couple of [Music] the little circuit store the rest of it is on permanent circuit brands hatch in fact next month is a venue for example Jerome galpรฃo is the man behind this series it is blessed by NASCAR it's a challenge stronger and stronger they have a pro driver car to me it's the same type of machinery and Jean golf pal man comes past with more pressing to go top is a 56.9 to just setting giant [Laughter] - Jarvis very different cars ones a rally car ones at NASCAR is the rally car just by three tenths of a second in fact there was only a thousand splitting them in that in that final sector and that's the beauty of the Goodwood Festival of Speed all this variety and shows you who the really good drivers are the brave drivers are in this don't forget there's no warming up that you come out of the assembly area you go down the hill turn around [Music] these are all basically the same car so it's pretty much a head-to-head in terms of drivers and the natural machinery that you have still we're seeing though people having yet to improve on their types of yesterday's close to the warmer but although each car sucks Brittany's getting faster than the previous still the road is not quite as conducive as it was yesterday to good times and as Gilliland got a problem he has he slows look coming toward car Nate seat so the euro NASCAR is going to trickle to the line but a problem something was broken in the transmission I fear so Nick Jarvis knows that he's still safe as he watches on the screens Todd Gilliland is going to have a fail the next to his name I suspect because the car has he's not going to get to the line that's gonna give us a delay a red flag while that car is retrieved he's close to the end of the run but unless he can get the car fired up again and move it off the road and he Newell's gt40s gonna have to wait and yes indeed we do have a red flag well hopefully it shouldn't take too long to clear plenty of Marshalls around the course and especially up at the top there there they'll be able to either push him up or or roll him back down to the little runoff area on the on the right hand side and it is going to be down the hill and to the left hand side as we look at it here but great stuff from the Marshalls thank you very much for their help over the course of this weekend Nick Jarvis looked on as the Aston Martin sculpture in front of Goodwood house still the focal point of the weekend looking so so impressive Andy Newell it's going to be the next to go quick recap of where we are in the times it's Nick Jarvis with the escort WRC the rally car had their own gal pals your own a scart ahead of a 1990s group a touring car has got the variety it's unbelievable isn't it the the amount of different cars that we have all competing against each other here's a look at some of the cars we've had the Formula Ford van diemen from 1988 one of them before Michael Schumacher got taken the checkup and Richard Wilson did go top of the times back to Jack sure until losing ray Julie module arrived on the scene with a 1927 you get the commitment solutely flying wasn't they a duty machine when my assistant stayed fastest for a good period of time 60 4.2 seconds yeah Franco Branca Toby came along that would be really a Gerber gir rum in time but not too much so that you lose that fast is so far eight the escort spectacular it was a pretty tiny blow could put him in one of those cars he can drive a good time out of it there is a team and J overalls and looking at one of his customers effective because it's one of his cars that's now had to be pushed off the road and time for an M&M walking away from it is the driver there Todd Gilliland they managed to put it away in in a safe place for now so that's that's good to see give us too much of a delay before we can focus on Andy Neal's fantastic Ford gt40 roadster thank you so much for sticking with us here oh good where do we appreciate it was not the pleasantest of morning's not the most pleasant of morning's is probably the correct English and is it's great that it's able to clear up and we're having some pretty much dry running this afternoon whether it'll be dry enough to get the fastest ever time we'll have to wait and see we've got about 20 cars or so left to run we're still not quite as quick in most cases further drivers today compared to that time of yesterday but we're still in in isolation for a great shooter but it's just all can be broken isn't it on these things to go the car from 1965 is 4.7 liter v8 roadster only three of these were made late on the roof on the carpet [Music] in 1965 all that time to call crotch down on you when they use a break preparer of historic racing cars as well I came from for mother for 1600 in the nineteen eighties but annual great value to watch you guys I preach that so far could well be the Micawber real go as he heads up towards the flip all about looks brilliant sounds brilliant like Nick Jonas second it's not Sam all the way down to third place does indeed but in his class not a bad effort remember that car is from 1965 so that puts him into the GT and sports prototype 65 to 81 and class it's up against much more modern opposition but it still gonna be a good time I'm sure as David Gilliland now gets ready to go what confection would you have on your gyro NASCAR straight towards the left-hander here bounine II get some the deads on the outside on the limit there's a lot of commitment being put into this the time to beat a 56.9 and where is he at the next sector let's have a look he's a bit side way through card a seat now to the boards up to the checkered flag he goes fastest of all fifty five point three seven david gilliland man goes fastest at second and a half quicker then then that man Nick Jarvis very very good run from the Euro NASCAR and now we have caught a an American NASCAR in hands the the Chevrolet Monte Carlo in a man who knows what he's doing in Formula One in LeMond [Music] many things about you anyhow erase you've got a good of course Goodwood Revival schnitzer BMW team of Johar burger and with Roberto Evalia Emanuele II loves coming to good words [Music] [Music] point one seven by two-tenths Emanuele Pirro goes fastest in the shootout here at Goodwood that was a very brave effort indeed what a noise that was so thick stuff and something you get the best one seven golfing Richard Dawkins has this omnipotent Chevrolet power March it's an absolute beast he's racing too many barriers he fills the road but Richard has mastered this with right behind it it's unbelievable just look just behind the driver's head always offered a seat and he's Jordi's that's the man I know easy noisy colonies from the mid 90s could really push this car very experienced GT racer model and his story this cart dates back to 99 finished third of the Daytona 24 Oliver Brian's powering his way now towards the flip war where we'll get the second the Bryant 56.5 five in the TransAm Mustang good effort now how about this is this the ultimate Ford Focus is Tony Quinn's Pikes Peak car 3.8 liter v6 turbocharged engine and the New Zealand which means faster in the first hundred meters of the course a launching off the line not a problem for Quinn but now he's too [Music] later on surely unless he drops the plot now he's a little cautious maybe going to the flip five point one [Music] no he goes quickest on a 50 2.40 and he's brought a bit of a bale back with him just shortening the corner David of course for others to come later yes well that was quite a run wasn't it yeah absolutely fantastic here's a look at it again coming through the final corner oh just Just Cause it with the rear left of the car wonderful stuff and that Ford Focus across the line and Emanuele Pirro they're texting everyone tweeting everyone saying I'm fastest at the moment [Music] to the former one season of 19 great bad with 3d to Formula one cars also a great fan of lotuses but a lovely collection of them I can't talk about sunrays now [Music] in 1976 which it's not going to be a quick lap time he's not gonna come to the end of the session and that is frustrating he's climbing out of the car which is good to see but a dramatic end to the run for him and a lot of damage I'm afraid because that's taking a wheel off as Tony Quinn he's all smiles because he's the fastest he's spawning about the time not the demise of poor cats who Kubota bail I'm afraid yes and a lot of damage has no wind off bail damaged and cats who goes to survey the damage there's the wheel at the very back of the shot that was quite a moment wasn't happens it seems as though he may be just where we've seen people brush that fails before he's taken it a bit to tighten sort of ripped the rear left off the car basically as he makes his way up the hill we've barely a second Wells has a look at the damage and then things right time to walk away and don't think of a cost but great shame because the drivers bring these cars many of them of course with huge value to entertainers that's the last thing we want to see yes we'd like some drama but not like that talk us through this Jack well here's a look at the replay and he's just gonna pop in to subside I think just as he's coming through that the carne city's hit the bail on the inside it's in that blind spot between that part of the course and the flip wall beforehand so it sort of happened a little bit out of sight but katsu is okay he marched Cosworth 7-6 one not so much indeed so but I'm sure that it will be repaired maybe not before the end of this season but for the following season of FIA Mouse's historic Formula One racing now while we've got a little break let's see whether we can catch up with not only the drivers but our reporter at falster Tony Quinn a lot of drivers today have been about 4 or 5 seconds slower in the wet you not so much a very very quick run from you now I'm just getting used to the famous whatever we've been up and the cars just getting better and it just likes that left hand side a bit more than I'd like but that was not so bad as this front straight where the cold tears we just nearly didn't stop so anyway it would have been better but Soviet not another day now I see that you've been helping the Duke of Richmond clear up some of his straw bales with your with your near side front why haven't there well no there's a shortage of here in Australia and I thought I'd be taking something very wise yes very considerate well congratulations and let's see what happens in the next few minutes thank you I know it's gonna happen Tony quit not thinking positive that's being realistic anyway move the bill indeed bill get moved to the belgae move he asked me you sort of just edged it but katsu Kubota has done more damage sadly two males and cars so our marshals are on hand to first of all sweep the road then to make sure that the course is safe and also the recovery team there to get the car out of harm's way let's have a quick look at the order thus far Tony Quinn is the fastest then from in anywhere appear over the gun time a fifty two point four zero david gilliland furred ahead of already Bryant then you got Nick Jarvis fifth from drone golf am Andy Newell his seven fastest and Richard Watkins eighth with the inter Siri March 7 1 7 Franko bracket le now he's ninth ahead of Julian baju my bottom 11th finished Joma car is Ferrari Richard Wilson's about even a gray he [ย __ย ] who from a lot of the early part of the round was the fastest 67 point 3 out being his time Ben Collins is next and then Tom Alexander is next with the Aston Martin db4 GT then you've got James Wood from David Ayer will be in Metcalfe as we look at some of the earlier cars Duncan picked away 21st Andrew how Davis from Hermann layer and Holly Mason frankly tees Aston Martin Elster but to be fair to many of those drivers they have to cope with a damper and still therefore slower and more slippery course Nick palette being at the foot of the times he was one of the first to go with Willem Evans and Julien grimwade also one of the drivers towards the foot of times after the first but we had 31 cars up the hill the reason for this interruption is as we try to retrieve caps ookubo turds car good news is though that yes the road is getting quicker and dry but the Sun is starting to break through the weather is improving and it's a much more enjoyable day all around and the umbrellas that we saw earlier now no longer needed indeed and if you think these cars that are going up the hill now are going quickly which they are we're going potentially 12 seconds quicker come the company head of the come the end of the runs and these cars look spectacular already but we're just going to be going faster and faster and faster as these runs progress here at the 2019 Goodwood Festival of Speed another fantastic weekend fantastic crowd and we've had all sorts of action on the on the Hill Climb earlier on today we've had drift cars going up we had an Aston Martin moment around dinner in a rally car at the same time what a shot that was I don't think you could do very emotional win two years ago on home soil great competitor here we've also had Steve on Chris Hill what and another great vision of the ex Richard burns Subaru Impreza doing donuts Trans Am we have the Audi 19200 craft roads we've also had great mix of cars your birthday in the Audi DTM equivalent of the BMW m4 they could just see it sound of driving most things over the weekend the web and see how much spray the car generated on its way to the timing again the man who's drifted the whole way round good work is a fairly straightforward big in the grand scheme of things sideways The Drifters perhaps running a bit more attention so they can really show off gets the dryer to go to the arena you'll see them in their mosh pit performing for you for the rest of the afternoon but great stuff as ever from the drip Kings this Ferrari engine Toyota one of the highlights the weekend is about the most I think that's a fair call it's just you it's just man and boy is it well driven look at that the drift all the way around Malcolm corner in the pouring rain HKS colors all over the grass man like we'd end with the bikini Erica said this was one of the scariest runs he's ever done because he's only been driving that hurricane a few days he's only it's they're only just been finished and it was the first time that car got wet as well no clutch just to make life even trickier and as we have this break and the course is open that's the view looking down parked straight just near our Erie on the outside of the approach to the corner or Marshalls with the crossing open and we've got our interruption as you know but the action is still coming thick and fast on the rally stage because they're ready to go yet another wealth of Subarus and with fast citrons on the course as well watching all the action is the Hammond all weekends oh my god and Sony Jovi yeah thank you David and you're just watching Sebastien Ogier in action now in the Citroen c3 wr3 WRC car and he's got I think we think he's got a French journalist that Pierre alongside him he has been flamboyant during this afternoon he's had something like seven runs but we're not sure if thou he's going for a time because the course has been drying out it's been getting faster and faster and Sebastien Ogier before you can just see him coming down to Delta here he was showboating earlier on he did a couple of donuts down here but he also went over the inside of that Bank on one of his runs with the two inside wheels and he clattered back down to earth but he's going really really fast and furious now and he has been enjoying himself wonderful interview to robert bradford he really Robin Bradford he really opened up about what he wants to do on rallying how he needs to recharge his batteries for the battle ahead the big three-way battle that's coming up in the World Rally Championship so it's been a treat to watch him and these are some of the highlights David and we've had a leak watt rows of all sorts of he said this is one of the cars that Walter all did not like this is one of the cars that Jimmy McRae did like the HSR Chevette 2.3 liter with the canted over engine and you can remember that one winning the circuit of Ireland rallying or you can remember Walter raw winning in 1982 in the Opel Ascona 400 I was thinking the Chevette have a pentia Rick Euler tweaked on the backs it look like it had a bit of damage on each other well you can remember that famous footage pentia Rick Lowe I think he did it in a Mitsubishi Starion but on one of the rallies it was either Isle of Man or Isle and he went through this five-bar gate through the field and came out the other side but Marty McCormick in particular David looking at him now his brothers been doing all the driving this weekend he is arrived it's been absolutely flamboyant as you can see flinging the skoda fabia around turn it we'll leave you to it for the moment thanks to our rally team up at the rally stage now we can hear from the man that was briefly the fastest because Emanuele Pirro a real good wood hero is with that foster Emanuele Pirro it's quite a difficult track today those patches are wet those patches of dry how did you find it well first I would like to say thank you to the yeren Oscar well in serious guys who lent us some rain tires otherwise you would not have been possible I enjoyed every single meter it just brought back this little competitive spirit which was hidden in the cellar full of dust and and just you know I loved it I loved it and because everybody's hearing I would like to say thank you to all the marshals all the helpers and the people who always support us is it wonderful we can thank you and let's keep going like that come on you ready you were used to driving top-of-the-range LMP cars in your career you just come up the hill in the NASCAR a very different machine yes it is but thank God even after a very long career my side the side of my heart of an enthusiastic fan is still there so I can enjoy every single thing and I don't have this attitude of you know I'm a spoiled guy and only things that are perfect are good you know I enjoy every single thing and this is a good gift Emanuele thank you very much ciao guys thank you all it really is a great guy wonderfully enthusiastic motorsport and we've been joking about leave the car door open he'll find ya you'll find him in it driving it but he just loves motorsport and it's great to have him here it's designed for doing the first couple of corners then this is the run up towards mocha Milan Park straight over the little crest blind dead tree then through the left-hander Larry as the first couple of turns as he came up towards the flip wall in the final couple of corners and [Music] Piro in that so that you can see the straw tucked into the front wing of the splitter and Tony Quinn having a look at the damage but got away with it meantime David Gilliland and Jaron gal-pal discussing what it's been like in a euro NASCAR and Dan Harper comes to the start line we've got about eight cars still to go damn who is the leader of Carrera Cup GP the one main British Porsche championship 911 on the side of the car and he is still in his late teens down Harper he's a very very impressive young British talent born Irish driver came from genetic Junior's into [Music] as much of the road as he possibly can through the first split he comes now and how's he doing compared to the second time he's not to meet is a fifty two point four zero as he comes marking down the hill in all sorts of cars over the weekend fifteen point eight nine harper is fastest found a lot of time in that final sex ed in the end that one and a half seconds ahead of quinn although that was when quinn brushed the bales so that may well account for some of that time gained by dan harper so really good run up the hill in that porsche 911 gt3 cup car and next we're gonna see i've really enjoyed watching this next car james costing him at the wheel of the dallara sp1 and he gives it some absolutely ride the x pedro olivier beretta very nice huh how's he gonna fat [Applause] [Music] Shawn's team max Jared open you immediately taking his brain fill this morning the road is getting drier he's got to beat is a 50-point three Porsche even forty nine five five James Cottingham goes quickest so that's the first driver into the sober one sub fifty seconds and that was about a second that he managed earlier today still so we're still a little bit of drift of the olds of a lap time now this is going to be fun this is going to be sideways this is going to be spectacular this is going to be worth watching Oliver Solberg vents son of the great Petter Solberg he's been a real hit this weekend he's been on the routing stage he's been at the drift arena he's been on the hill he's been in the variety of talents great value syndra being real from these tosser gotta move [Music] his buddies managed to save it through 43 nine puts Oliver sobered fastest fantastic stuff great reception for Oliver Selberg brilliant effort I don't think it's going to stay as the top time and it could have been quicker maybe this man I love this man this is what I've got to live up to dad's watching nobody's got to beat and he'll know how to drive so that is James Cottingham who watches all of us Hoffa back your papi completely now the next car that we should have is the hendrix electro the second generation formula e car to be driven by the man that still has the course record a 41 6 nick heidfeld set in 1999 he's next up to the line can he maintain that record well if you can I think it's gonna be by others performance rather than a performance in this car to be fair but it's still a very rapid piece of kit if you're not familiar with formula E it is a category that's being a huge success in a very short space of time we'll come back to that in a moment because here's the hero of the weekend in many senses all of us all began on the car [Music] I missed the first quarter easy yeah yeah we don't it's all about yours no kidding brings the fastest so far apologies for their language there but he's he's I mean he's not wrong but that is a look at the first corner where he just sort of well as you said David masters understand them in the grass yeah and then the inside flex its side rates as well it's great to watch but he didn't help the time it was quick rallycross cars with absolutely stunning acceleration and a great reception good word well down for Oliver Solberg Oliver make sure you come back next year please so I think the for memory cards got an issue so we are moving on to the next car of York vide linger that you can see the the for memory cards trying to sort it out there is Nick Heidfeld standing at the at the front there is the Mahindra team try and get it sorted again but this BMW is quite something going up the hill to yeah it is it's this 3.4 liter v8 jet engine car from 1991 60 break or stuff for middle timing the chubby ain't really designed trying to be precise but he also trying to quit 560 horsepower coming out of this VHF as he climbs up now some oakum arriving a very impressive speed up to the breaks up the hill or going to look at his second intermediate split in a moment as he comes up past the flip wall not short of commitment though [Applause] [Music] he goes misses out on the top time by 1.26 seconds so the BMW does a fifty point six five you advising a ghost third-fastest it's all of us all berg there he is who is still the fastest now Nick I felt we've seen out of the form of each car so it's time to move senior pepper he's next to the line so Oliver had the Citroen this is the Volkswagen which was the car to beat for two seasons tame world ride across absolutely dominated in the hands of your high Christopherson last year in the world rallycross championship all of us that's right I need to go watch the Elm an excuse me and goes to find a timing screen and saw me champion it's always been this way from the line through the gears and Petter Solberg concentrates hard as he heads down the breaks through the middle of the corner everybody's already start six thousands quicker that is son now he's only the brakes coming in spectacular but driving at the fastest way Thursday night off you'd have a fast run up [Music] nine three nine but where's it gonna be at the 48 the beam is a forty seven eight three forty seven point eight three four Petter Solberg he goes for off this Jew has a look sorry he's second now on about but that was a great effort by Penta Solberg look at the timing screens to see the various sector splits petal was so close to the bales coming through the final left and right absolutely [Music] yeah you know this all bugs are in town thank you everybody responding well to that I want to be a sole burg well he could be Jeremy Smith if you were brave enough because this guy these previous runs up parks straight towards local corner up through the gears and he gets onto the brakes in this car that won the 1993 [Music] [Applause] that is a lively lively run EPC 22 he gained a huge laundry bill that's for sure and as a mighty moment Jeremy Smith break to the beam he goes four five six fifty point three one second so better Solberg is still the quickest I wasn't convinced that was coming back Jeremy Smith deserves a big round of applause for that because that was some run it means that if the formula e car is not going to be able to run we've got one more car to go it is the Volkswagen ID ar-rahman Duma he went up the hill yesterday in just under 40 seconds whether he can do that is a moot point but really the target is to go quicker than 41.6 to beat Nick Heidfeld record and that's now really what the attention is going to be around however Nick Heidfeld is going to have a go the formula a Gentoo car has been control-alt-delete it in the sense of giving a reset and it's they're ready to run it's called a power cycle that's what I meant I was just speaking old persons speak Nick I felt then is the man behind the wheel and it's a completely different type of round this because it's going to be quarter it's going to have different sensation but one thing's for sure 250 kilowatts of electrical power which is about 330 the Dow comes through the right hand depart straight or even ear is the wind there comes up to Malcolm corner now and he's two seconds down at the moment as he comes to mark over their cards at the hill it's the second generation and they have their season finale this weekend next weekend I should say in New York City on the streets of Brooklyn and in about three seconds away from Petter Solberg's time so the time to be whistles its way up towards the line there's the flag way $51.99 only seventh for Nick Heidfeld but now he will head to a timing screen and watch and wait and have a look at the big screens to to see what oh man Duma kandula more winner Pikes Peak record holder he is the man with the fastest lap round the Nordschleife er for an electric car there he is he comes up towards the line so the figures really are now what we need to be looking at this car should go fastest within the shootout no question yesterday he did a thirty nine point nine zero in sunny conditions can he do that on a damn road doubt it can he go quicker than forty one point six the course record which will now be officially compared against that is possible because the road is drying or on I do my blast away from the line storms down towards the first corner really we're looking at the time of 41.6 to beat and straightaway he's quicker than anybody in the first intermediate decent first split them for Rome and zoom are in this order to spark an idea making its way along Park Strait that he arrives at Morecambe corner so fast stamps on the brakes taxi on the power what is this split going to be as he comes up towards the flip wall you did a twenty nine point four six after the sector quicker than 41.6 seconds he's not gonna do the shootout on the 42.3 too [Applause] you
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 1,720,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorsports, Automotive, Auto Racing, Classic Cars, BTCC, British Touring Cars, Motorsport, Chevrolet, Grand Prix, Cars, Grand Prix Racing, Fast Cars, Classic Car Racing, Racing, F1, Formula One, McLaren, Mercedes, Lotus, Honda, Hill Climb, Revival, Classic Motorsport, Goodwood, GoodwoodTV, Endurance Racing, Goodwood racing, classic formula one cars, vintage car racing, historic motorsport racing
Id: _SdSUDMueek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 1sec (4201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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