$242 vs $13 Fried Rice: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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all right let's see let's not have a grease fire today [Music] hi i'm esther i'm a professional chef and these are my 242 dollar fried rice ingredients [Music] hi i'm gabby i'm a home cook and these are my 13 fried rice ingredients that again see you later shrimp we got this oh my god where where do you find this so the fried rice i was planning to make was very special king crab and spot prawn fried rice it is quite pointy i had some excellent ingredients to work with i had chilean king crab some spot prawns and ikura which is a red salmon row from japan pretty pointy it looks like an alien it was all gonna be wok fried at a super high heat with some kosher hikari rice which you say short grain japanese rice i mean you saw that crab it was gonna be freaking delicious i feel like i lucked out on this end of the deal but i'm sure that esther can come up with something really really nice with gabby's recipe i have ingredients that you would most likely find in your pantry or your local grocery store these ingredients may seem simple but with a little technique we can really amp it up if i had to guess these ingredients probably cost around twenty four dollars thirteen dollars wow okay i think this would cost around 129.50 242 [Music] wow cannot mess this one up that's for sure so we have chef esther's recipe book right here only ingredients no instructions leave our work cut out for us what's really important about fried rice is having everything ready so that when you're cooking it it's super super fast and everything's ready to go unfortunately king crab is not in my weekly grocery budget so this is a new experience for me so can i talk to rose so good to see you good to see you too what are you making today king crab fried rice judging by the color i believe he's already pre-cooked the big thing i need to do is figure out how to you know get out the good stuff so the nice thing about king crab is it has a lot of joints i'm doubling up by the way basically you're gonna just pull apart or crack apart the legs this is oh a little goop and the key to taking it apart is just kind of wiggling the meat out of the joint so kind of crack against the way that it normally would flow and then you want to just gently take the meat out and you'll see some like spikes of cartilage that should come out it's not edible but save it you can use it in a stock later and you want to make sure that you use the meat as nice and whole as you possibly can we have some beautiful claw meat more or less intact the crab's body like what's the best way to make that into something spectacular you're gonna just take the inside out and clean it really well and save it for your display you're going to put your fried rice right in there because that's going to be a really beautiful serving vessel for your fried rice i'll send you pics well it was not the cleanest process but we have our crab meat and i didn't puncture my hand with the spine so i would call that a success thanks rose so gabby sent me these head-on shell on shrimp which i'm very excited for we're gonna use the entire shrimp the shrimp head actually is one of the best parts there's so much flavor and so many things that you can do with it gabby was probably just gonna use the shrimp bodies as the meat to quickly saute into her rice but you know you're gonna be wasting a lot of the other great parts of the shrimp okay we're just gonna have to de-vein the shrimp because this is where the bodily wastes live and there we have it our shrimp are prepped we have our heads our shells and our bodies next up is our spotted prawns i can indeed confirm they have spots on them so we're gonna rip their heads off we're gonna be making a shrimp stock that i'm gonna be cooking my rice in it's just gonna elevate the rice it's gonna give a nice base seasoning so gabby gave me scallions and garlic to use in the recipe and i'm just gonna use these scraps for the stock give a quick smash to the garlic and what this does is releases some aroma from the garlic and some water high heat we're gonna let it come to a slight boil and let it cook for about 30 minutes we're just extracting all the flavor from the shrimp shells and your vegetable scraps i'm gonna just basically remove the heads from the shrimp ta-dah pretty easy my heads are off and now i'm just gonna go ahead and peel these shrimp so my shrimp stock has been going for about half an hour we're just gonna press on the shrimp shells to extract as much flavor from it as possible so now i'm going to just de-vein it we all know what that is so i have my shrimp heads which i'm going to be doing two different things with it i'm going to be making a shrimp oil and a shrimp paste we're going to heat up some oil and i'm just using regular vegetable oil you have to be super careful when adding anything wet into a hot oil all right we're good it's just all the moisture evaporating i'm looking for a beautiful pink hue so you can tell the bubbles have subsided a bit my shrimp looks super like crispy look at that oil color look how beautifully orange that hue is you hear that okay so my shrimp oil is ready and these shrimp heads that are super crispy we're gonna be making a beautiful shrimp paste i don't throw anything out maximize maximize maximize so last prawn is done and my prawns are cleaned and gaby here's something really fun you take the head of the spot prawns deep fry it and serve that on the side and that will give nice crunchy element to the fried rice and that's like my favorite element of spa prawns we have our fried prawn heads done now it's time to make our shrimp paste most importantly the mortar and pestle i feel like it's very underutilized in the kitchen it releases so much flavor and it's so fun to use we're gonna add our shrimp heads and just grind it up to a fine paste what's cool about this shrimp paste you can kind of leave it in a jar in your fridge and utilize it whenever you're cooking you want to add a little bit of umami into you know your noodles or your fried rice this is what you add i'm gonna add two cloves of garlic for more flavor all right getting a workout today i don't need to hit the gym a little bit of soy sauce in here that shrimp oil we made earlier i'm gonna add a little bit of that a little bit more soy sauce add a little bit more oil mix it together it's becoming more like a loose taste i do want to push it through a sieve so that it's more fine i mean i can't help myself right now i have to taste it oh that's wild and there we have it look what we did with just simple shrimp so much better than just sauteing it and calling it a day this is what you call maximizing flavor now it's time to prep my aromatics this is a finger chili which you know i don't know whose finger is quite though like so gabby's going to be making an aromatic oil for her fried rice using garlic ginger i love fresh ginger red chili for a little heat done i'm going to wash my hands cause that's spicy and i don't want to touch my eye later and think oh my god what happened so gabby sent me garlic i feel like instead of just using garlic in the fried rice or in the stock or the oil maybe making a garnish with it so i'm gonna be making garlic chips i'm just gonna slice it thin on the mandolin confidence is key when it comes to mandolins if you go too slow then you're gonna cut yourself if you go too fast you're gonna cut yourself then we're gonna turn on our pan add oil it doesn't have to be completely hot we can kind of bring it up together so i'm just gonna add our garlic at this point key here is definitely watch your garlic babysit it because once you turn around you're going to burn your garlic it's ready so at this point we're going to take it out because the color will darken as it sits on the paper towel and garlic chips how can i not perfect i have my shrimp oil here because i'm going to add the garlic oil to the shrimp oil now we have shrimp and garlic oil okay so time for the rice the most important part hence it's fried rice chef esther was kind enough to prepare the rice for me so koshi hikari rice can be a little bit tricky to cook so i gifted gabi cooked kosher garlic rice that's a day old which is perfect for fried rice because the textural element when you have day old rice works so perfectly the oils and the vegetables and the aromatics kind of rehydrate it and actually makes for the perfect texture you're welcome gabby day old rice is best for fried rice anyway gabby sent me probably your most common rice that you'll find in your local supermarket and in this case we're gonna do two cups normally i would wash my rice multiple times but i think i'm just gonna give this one a rinse because it's not too starchy two cups of our shrimp broth that we made so as soon as it comes to a boil you're gonna lower it to your lowest setting put your lid on and then let it steam so package says 15 minutes but i'm gonna actually check it at 13 because i do want it to be slightly al dente since we're making fried rice ideally i want to get this nice and dry and room temperature for my wok okay so we're gonna check on our rice and i'm just gonna use a fork to gently fluff it it has a slight bite which is what i want because i don't want it to be mushy since we are gonna re-cook it when we fry the rice and now this is my trick when i do it at the restaurants and we need rice for fried rice we will spread it out on a sheet tray and let it kind of dry out like that one thing i really really hate with fried rice is when it's mushy this will really help prevent that time to prep my veggies we have some green peas it's always really inviting when you open up the pond and you just see all the little peas sitting there they look really happy to see you some rainbow carrots oh and look at the middle what a cool vegetable a shallot i love shallots shallots it's like an onion on steroids last but not least some broccoli rub i love the texture of broccoli rob and slight bitterness that kind of balances all the delicate seafood notes i've never had broccoli rabe in fried rice so this will be a first for me clearly gabby didn't send me much vegetables to work with but it's okay we're gonna still maximize scallions i'm actually gonna use in two different ways so i'm gonna separate the whites and the greens with the whites i'm actually going to use to kind of flavor the oil when i cook the fried rice this will act as more of like your crunchy onion veg and the greens i'm going to use as a topping a little milder in flavor and can almost act like an herb so i'm slicing these on a long bias because at the restaurant we like to call this sexy scallions and i like to put it in cold water because it can get a little slimy and it also like perks it up now for the jalapeno i don't want any of the seed scraps and that's where a lot of the spice comes from and i don't want to kind of ruin the fried rice with too much spice and our veggies are ready to go time to whip up my eggs i think i can handle this part there we go get them nice and whisked up i wore the right color today gabby thank you so much for sending me eggs i was very afraid that i wouldn't have eggs i saw this on tik tok actually thanks for the inspiration tik tok but it's something called golden fried rice and what it is it's separating the egg yolks from the white and using the yolk almost like a fat emulsifier and coating the rice with the egg yolk it's almost like using a butter which i did not have so this is why i'm using the yolk for this all right our rice is ready to go we got ourselves a wok so gabby's going to be making her fried rice in a walk i know that chef esther has a cool trick for fixing your stove top so that it's good for a walk here's a tip for someone who wants to use a walk at home you can actually turn the burner grate upside down to create a cradle for your walk to rest in for maximum heat exposure so now my flame can basically touch my wok but before you even start cooking in a wok you have to season your wok so seasoning your wok means that you're coating your wok with oil so nothing sticks there's a few ways that you can do this but the way that i like to do it is get your wok screaming hot add oil swirl it around and then you're going to shock it in cold water here we go and bring it back and do it all over again three times and every time you season your walk it's acting as a sealant so you're creating layers cooking in a walk is not for the faint of heart you're gonna have killer forearms though after this do not skip this step i've seen so many times people trying to use a walk and they ask me why is everything sticking because you haven't seasoned your walk every time you use your wok you should season it that was fun that was different my walk is seasoned now all right gabby it's game time you're ready to fry your rice everything is missed out in front of you you're ready to go everything is gonna happen really quickly because that's the beauty of fried rice it's like a very very quick cook add a quarter cup of oil get the oil super super hot and we're gonna add our eggs here we go when you add your eggs it's gonna fluff up and double in size and it's just so beautiful oh my gosh i've never seen an egg do this before this is really cool so you want to get that excess oil out of the eggs but the egg itself should be very fluffy and you can set that aside cool eggs done i have not been gifted with a wok so i'm going to be using the second best thing it's a cast iron skillet i love the cast iron because it retains a lot of heat and also i can get the best part of rice that i love is the crispy rice bottom first thing fried eggs beautiful shrimp oil we made just add our eggs while that cooks let's get our cast iron hot add some of our beautiful shrimp oil add my scallion whites so we're making this like beautiful scallion oil in the shrimp oil okay first thing my aromatics you're adding a quarter cup of oil then you're gonna start with your aromatics your scallions your ginger your garlic your red chili your shallots mmm that smells so good calm aromatics for a reason these eggs look great i'm actually going to turn it off the heat and set it aside i'm going to add my jalapenos saute that slightly add our shrimp slightly season it this it's important to season every layer we're cooking the shrimp about eighty percent of the way and we'll take it out then we got carrots nice if you're doing a walk you have to like you know you gotta own it that's what i'm doing right now i'm just showing his box you know let's see if i can get a little flipping action yeah got some air time toss it in so excited about the broccoli rob that's chef ester special so at this point i'm actually going to turn off the heat because i don't want any more color and i'm going to take everything out let's see what do i got my prawns and they're going to be the last thing i put in before i start adding in my rice when the prawns get slightly pink 80-90 cooked then you add your rice i'm only going to use about half this rice because the one thing that i do know about woks is that you don't want to crowd a wok and i also have to consider how much i can fit in my very special crap bowl when you add your rice make sure every granule is coated tossing the pan as much as you can along with using your spatula to toss everything together and you have to work quickly because it's very very hot at this point we are going to fry our golden rice and the reason why i took out the shrimp is because i don't want anything to steam if your pan is too crowded chances are your rice is gonna steam which i don't want i think i'm gonna add a bit more oil here you see how all the granules are separated there's no clumps really important fried rice so i'm cooking the egg whites in the center i didn't want to just pour it over because i want it to slightly cook before i fold it in because we don't want anything to be mushy you're cooking the egg whites so it's almost all there and then we'll incorporate it into the rice how beautiful does that look we're gonna take it home now so i'm adding in all my extra garnishes i'm gonna turn this heat a little bit lower not really looking to cook anything at this point so i'm gonna add a nice little knob of butter a little knob i'm gonna add in my peas my egg i guess just kind of gets thrown in there i'm just gonna kind of rip it into some shreds i don't know if that's how we're gonna do it but why not give that a stir we're going to add our shrimp and our aromatics back in there give that a palm remember this beautiful paste this is basically our msg start with half we don't want it to be too salty taste it for seasoning i'm gonna go ahead and add all of it tiny bit of salt super super important that you taste as you go gotta put the crab in got a little ahead of myself can't forget the crabs whoa this is nuts i'm having a blast right now one last thing that i'm gonna do here some oil on the side because what we're gonna do is make crispy rice flatten this out like so lower the heat to a medium and kind of just let the bottom get super crispy but at this point it's done seasoning white pepper fish sauce show you and with the seasoning most importantly hondashi which is a type of msg and that's gonna make this even better toss it all together and then you're gonna finish with your greens and some sesame oil all right perfect i got this delightful crispiness i'm done we are done [Music] okay time to plate i have the body of the crab that will basically serve as the plate itself so very full circle some nice scoops of my fried rice and just go ahead and dump it right in get a little egg in there prawn in there yeah so i might just do one guy in here oh it looks so good i'm gonna go ahead and garnish with some of this scallion just add some nice brightness we'll just put a couple more chunks of this king crab what a beautiful dish truly okay last but not least i'm going to finish my garnishing with the icora this is going to add some nice saltiness i feel pretty good about this plating i think with the prawns and the prawn heads pretty proud of myself if i do say so and here is my take on chef esther's fried rice recipe what a cool dish michelin star i hope she really likes it i i think she will i hope she does now we're just gonna garnish with our fried egg remember our beautiful like scallion greens that we sliced on a bias really nicely and then our garlic chips now i would serve this as is i'll bring this to the table sizzling like this and it always makes a beautiful presentation and then you just serve table side finally you guys really nervous about this i'm impressed and this is my take on gabby's fried rice i really hope gabby likes what i did with her ingredients hi too oh my gosh how was it everything go okay so good i'm so excited to see what you did with my days i'm really excited i'm nervous oh oh my god so beautiful wow this smells amazing it just like hit me this looks like it belongs in a gourmet restaurant definitely smells like very aromatic with like all the seafood just a little you know it's not too much so i think we like oh my gosh and the rice the texture of the rice yeah you did a great job with that oh thank you with buying it the seafood has so much flavor it perfumes the rice completely this is perfection great job thank you oh thank you okay having so much fun but now you got to try my humble yeah fried rice oh i'm so impressed like this is not what it looks like when i make this that's for sure i'm tasting some of the garlic i'm tasting just some of the aromatics feels really well rounded and the garlic really adds a nice little touch so good i'm gonna give it another big bite now i don't feel like it's no secret but i'm such a big fan oh my gosh don't make me just for me you're actually a great cook well thank you yeah i mean hello i love you now that's amazing stay made seriously oh thank you now you can cook for me properly okay yeah sounds good yes dinner party i'm i'm in already see i knew this would happen i think i just had my chance [Music]
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 11,521,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best fried rice, bon appetit, chinese food, chinese food recipes, chinese fried rice, chinese recipes, crab fried rice, crab fried rice recipe, easy chinese fried rice, easy fried rice, egg fried rice, epicurious, fried rice, homemade chinese food, homemade fried rice, how to make chinese fried rice, how to make egg fried rice, how to make fried rice, ingredient swap, make fried rice, make seafood fried rice, recipe for fried rice, seafood fried rice, shrimp fried rice
Id: xNRbhl1Eh_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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