15 SIMPLE Recipes that will make you WANT an AIR FRYER! → What to Make in Your Air Fryer

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today i'm going to show you 15 things that are going to make you want an air fryer [Music] my name is kathy and i help people actually use their air fryer you can do so much more with an air fryer then cook up a bag of frozen french fries the air fryer is essentially a mini convection oven and what that means is you'll cook foods faster there's little to no preheating time your kitchen stays cooler and you can enjoy fried foods without all the oil watch these 15 things plus a bonus are you ready let's go and check out this super fun way to eat some mini sweet peppers this is amazingness 2.0 start with some mini sweet peppers cream cheese and everything but the bagel seasoning wash your peppers and cut them in half lengthwise and if you want to cut out the seeds inside pat them dry and then fill the peppers with some cream cheese put some parchment paper in your basket if you want and set the peppers right inside the basket sprinkle with some seasoning pop it in the air fryer and cook it at 380 for about eight minutes and check it out these are done oh i've got to try one out so good this is the most amazing pork tenderloin ever it cooks up in less than 20 minutes your oven can't do that i'm starting with three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar two tablespoons of soy sauce one teaspoon of lemon juice two tablespoons of brown sugar one and a half teaspoons of black pepper one teaspoon of kosher salt one teaspoon of dried rosemary and then a half teaspoon of onion powder and half teaspoon of garlic powder then close up the bag and give that a nice little shake and to that i'm gonna add about a one and a half pound pork tenderloin this pack has two tenderloins inside of it i'm saving one for later and here is what the one and a half pound tenderloin looks like throw it in the bag of marinade you'll want to let it marinate for at least 30 minutes two hours if you can just don't go any more than eight to 12 hours after about 45 minutes i put the parchment paper in the basket of my air fryer because this is one that will just be kind of tough to clean up afterwards now with this thinner part you'll see right here you'll want to just kind of tuck it under so it doesn't overcook and then we're going to pop it in at 400 for 10 minutes after that you'll see oh my word look how beautiful it looks rotate it i like to flip it crosswise and flip it over and then from here depending on your air fryer it's gonna be six to ten minutes more this is when you're going to need that meat thermometer here we go it is looking so gorgeous let it rest for at least five minutes before you cut into it thank heavens for the parchment paper you guys look at that big mess and here we go it's been about five ten minutes and it is juicy and beautiful it's incredibly easy and so good i am a fan of these annie's cinnamon rolls in the air fryer watch my little twist on them the beautiful thing about the air fryer is you won't have to preheat and it's definitely not going to take 18 to 20 minutes to bake these first tip use airfryer parchment paper for this one i've got a link to this down in the description box below place the parchment paper down and be brave and open up this can there we go then pull each cinnamon roll apart fold the two ends together and twist wash the hands get your airfryer basket and just slide these in easy peasy pop it in the airfryer any of these four on my model of my airfryer is gonna remind me to shake so i'm going to go for 3 20 12 minutes so i'm flipping these to cook up the other side for the last few minutes and that one was kind of broken there we go we will let that finish up [Music] and for my final trick of the day use tongs to grab a corn of the parchment paper it on out this guy just had problems from the get-go poor little guy he'll still be enjoyed and just drizzle on that icing totally cooked through forget kfc my friends you've got to try these out today i've got two and a half pounds of chicken tenders it's about 14 tenders here in my bowl and because i have so many i'm gonna double this recipe then i need some buttermilk i'm going to use a cup but the recipe calls for a half cup and since i never have buttermilk on hand i've got this great substitution where i do tablespoon of vinegar and then the rust milk then i'm going to just add that to my chicken and let that sit and marinade for about 30 minutes start with a half cup of flour and a half cup of panko then add a teaspoon of paprika a half teaspoon of celery seed half teaspoon of ground ginger a half teaspoon of salt a half teaspoon of pepper a quarter teaspoon of oregano a quarter teaspoon of thyme a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder and lastly an eighth a teaspoon or a pinch of cayenne pepper do more if you want more heat and just give those a whisk [Music] pull the chicken out of the buttermilk drip off the excess and plop it down in that bread crumb mixture preheat your air fryer 400 place the tenders in and give it a spray with some oil cook these up at 370 for 12 minutes i'm pressing my snowflake button so it will remind me to flip these at the halfway point there's my reminder i'm just going to flip these over real quick i'm going to spray a little bit more oil just to help crisp up the other side and here we go these are done perfectly they're juicy and crispy and amazing ever hot teenagers leave the bags of chips open don't toss them i'm going to show you how to resurrect them much better this one this one is dangerously easy [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm going to show you how easy it is to cook up an entire chicken in your air fryer no rotisserie attachment needed here start with about a four to five pound chicken and grab any seasoning mix you like i will share mine in the notes below get about a teaspoon of oil and preheat your air fryer pot your chicken dry rub on some oil and massage those spices in every cricket cranny open up your air fryer and place breast side down close it up and you'll cook it at 350 for 40 minutes ah smells amazing use tongs to flip that over now you've got it breast side up and you're going to cook it for 20 to 25 minutes more at 350. and boom there it is check the temp should be at least 165 place it in some foil to rest and enjoy this super amazing homemade rotisserie chicken from your air fryer and check out how easy the cleanup is ah love it everyone's gonna love this one kids like cheese kids like doritos let's mix the two of them set up your stations half cup of flour one egg [Music] and get some doritos going crush those up add in about a quarter cup of flour and shake pop those in your dish and grab some frozen baby bell cheese peel off the wax covering and it's ready to go drop it in flour drop it in your egg wash drop it in your dorito mix back in the egg wash back in the dorito mix press firmly down spray your air fryer plop those down give them a squirt cook at 370 for three minutes flip spray again through 70 for about three minutes more are your kids gonna be excited about this you know it steak in the air fryer it's the bomb deity this is my condensed version of my tutorial i have all my tips and tricks linked for you down in the video description box below start with the right steak two great options for the air fryer are a rib eye steak or a new york strip stick once my steak is thawed out i pull it from the fridge remove it from the packaging i'm gonna let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes before i even start the cooking process pat your steak dry just blot some paper towels down right there on the steak massage just a tiny bit of oil on the steak i'm talking like a teaspoon or less my friends just massage out all of your meat and it's going to help the seasoning adhere to your steak then it's time to season now you can use any seasoning mix that you want but i personally just season it with some kosher salt and guess what you need to season it like you mean it y'all it's okay to be a little heavy-handed with the salt and for me personally i like to add more seasoning after the steak is done cooking while it's resting preheat your air fryer for 10 minutes at 400 degrees and then as soon as it's done i place my steak right in the airfryer basket and you should hear a nice sizzle do you hear that it's amazing do not use parchment paper here y'all so i'm popping my steak in the air fryer at 400 for six minutes and if you have a thicker steak you might want to bump it up to seven or eight minutes so after that first six minutes is up i like to flip them and rotate the direction that they're laying in the air fryer just to make sure the cooking is nice and even steven and at this point the remaining cook time is going to depend on how thick your steak is and what level of dentist you want i actually let my steak rest right there in the airfryer basket and this is the point where i drop a spoonful of the garlic herb butter right on top of my steak and let it melt as it rests so since i cooked it for 12 minutes i'm gonna let it rest for six minutes and holy cow it's so amazing these roasted brussels sprouts and bacon are amazing you can't go wrong when you're adding bacon right i'm chopping about four slices into half inch pieces and we'll set that aside i've got a pound of brussels sprouts first i took off the lucy goosey leaves i gave them a quick little rinse and then chop off the hard end rotate it so the flat sides down and chop it in half it's so easy if little leaves fall off no big deal just set them off to the side you don't want those i guess you could air fry those too and make them crispy then give it one more nice wash there i love my strainer in a mixing bowl get a quarter cup of pure maple syrup and then some avocado oil about two tablespoons one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a half teaspoon of salt a quarter teaspoon of pepper and then whisk that up toss in your bacon then drop in your clean brussels sprouts and gently stir away just want to coat everything evenly pop it in the air fryer spread it out and you're going to cook this at 350 for 10 minutes i'm using my snowflake preset so it reminds me to shake at this point i'm going to give it a little mix and pop it back in to keep on cooking it's cooked now but i want it more crispy more roasted so i'm going in for three more minutes at 350 and bada bing bada boom you better believe it smells amazing with that bacon check it out even my 15 year old enjoyed it [Music] frozen chicken wings in the air fryer so i just have this big old bag from costco and you know what you guys i just eyeball it and dumped a bunch in there it's okay here in the beginning if it's crammed with your frozen chicken wings because they're going to shrink as they cook so this first set we're going to do 10 minutes at 350 degrees that is going to thaw out the wings now you can see they are all thawed out and i'm gonna just place them in the basket here a little bit better and i'm gonna season just with pepper and some garlic salt i don't have a measurement for you guys just you know wing it do whatever looks good to you i flipped them and put the seasoning on both sides now here in the bottom of the basket is all that water and juices from thawing out the chicken wings i'm gonna go ahead and just dump that out so we're gonna bump it up now to 380 degrees and cook them for 25 minutes here it is about the halfway point they are sizzling already i'm gonna go ahead and just flip those around just so they can crisp up on all sides evenly let that finish cooking they are pretty much cooked i like to give them one more spin and now i just throw on my homemade sweet baby raised barbecue sauce i have a link to that down in the description below and then just turn up your airfryer cook it for five more minutes and you can see look at that they are caramelized and beautiful my teenage boys devoured these in minutes they are so good and so incredibly easy air fried oreos in minutes let's go crack open a can of crescent dough roll it out and place your oreos right there in the dough then roll up each oreo right in the crescent roll just pinch it around to make sure it's all enclosed if you have extra dough yay more oreos for you i like to put these right down on some parchment paper then pop it in the air fryer and you're going to cook it at 350 for four minutes and these are done no oil needed for these oreos dust them with some powdered sugar and enjoy hamburgers in the air fryer are divine and the mess is so easy to clean up this time i had some really nice patties that were a third pound and so it was a little snug there in my basket but as long as they're not overlapping it's okay if they touch because they're gonna shrink a little bit normally i can get four in the air fryer so you just pop it in at 370 and it's going to be about 15 to 20 minutes but so i don't forget i'm doing 10 minutes here they are after 10 minutes looking divine and i have a new trick for you if you want some sauteed onions go ahead and throw those in your basket at this point give it a little spray with oil and throw a little salt on and then i went ahead and cooked it for seven more minutes at 370. while it's cooking get your toppings ready and check it out you've got your roasted onions these were done to perfection i had one that wanted cheese on their hamburger now i haven't done cheeseburgers in my airfryer yet so i put a toothpick in there to make sure the cheese wouldn't fly around i wanted to test it out to see if i needed it and lo and behold i did not in there after two minutes it is beautiful you want toasted buns i've got that too just wipe down your air fryer a little bit to get some of that extra grease and i tested it out with my bun side up and bind side down and the bun side up was more crispy oh my goodness you guys these are so good and look the cleanup really is not that bad homemade french fries are the bomb.com i'm going to quickly show you how to do it and i'll link to the full tutorial down in the video description box below first we're going to start with russet potatoes about a pound and a half wash and then peel your potatoes if that's how you roll just give it a good old wash and i leave the skins on it's important to cut your potatoes evenly you don't have to be perfect of course just do the best you can here if you want it even smaller go ahead and cut those smaller place your cut fries in a bowl and fill it with cold water just enough to cover them and you're going to notice that the water is really cloudy go ahead and drain the water fill it up again rinse and repeat until the water is no longer cloudy after about the second or third rinse the water should be clear after that last rinse get some nice hot tap water running and fill the bowl one more time and then you're gonna let it sit in that hot water for 10 minutes this is going to remove that excess starch so you can get nice crispy fries use some paper towels or a lint-free towel and dry these if you don't do this you're going to have those soggy fries so you want them nice and dry so the oil will adhere to the potatoes make sure your bowl is dry and then dump your potatoes back inside of it gently toss your potatoes with just one tablespoon of oil i like to use avocado oil personally then it's time to transfer the potatoes to your air fryer basket now at this point you could do it in one single layer but that likely means you're not going to get very many fries so instead i just kind of arrange them so air can still flow through you're going to go ahead and turn on your airfryer at 350 degrees and you're going gonna run it for five to ten minutes you'll know when it's time to toss your fries when your potatoes go from a white to kind of a nice blonde color it's gonna take anywhere from five to ten minutes depending on your airfryer and then after that first airfryer we're gonna put them back into the bowl we're going to add another tablespoon of oil and if you want to add garlic salt or any other seasonings now is the time to do it i've got a mixture of a half teaspoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder i'm stirring all that together and then we're going to put it back into the airfryer basket now we're gonna crank up the heat to 400 and we're going to cook for anywhere from 10 to 20 more minutes depending on what size of fries you did but every five minutes we want to take them out of the air fryer put them back in the bowl toss them around and then get them back in the basket tossing every five minutes ensures all the sides will be cooked evenly and you're gonna have wonderfully crispy fries this next recipe works to make bagels or donuts i'm gonna show you the donut way right now you just need a cup of self-rising flour and about three quarters cup of yogurt now if you do not have self-rising flour you can make your own just add one and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a half teaspoon of salt to one cup of flour so depending on the type of yogurt you use you may need to add more to thicken it up a little bit or you may need to add less and we're just going to knead this together there you go you can see that dough is just a little sticky not too dry not too wet it's actually perfect and we are ready to make some donuts i'm going to use a little of that flour now i'm going to just divide this into four little pieces and i'm just going to make little donuts just pinch that together and loom another way you could do this is roll them in balls and then just put your finger in it and make a hole that way so next we want to prepare our airfryer basket so just give it a little spray i just melted a little coconut oil you could also just spray avocado oil which has a nice high smoke point you could melt some butter and put it on these i'm gonna just place the oil side down so i can brush the opposite side you don't need much oil it's just whatever you want of course some more oil you do usually they get more toasty and brown it's time to pop these babies in we're going to stick with 350 and we will start with six minutes let's take a peek at these donuts i'm going to give them a little flip they are hot i'm gonna make some glaze real quick four tablespoons of melted butter a cup of powdered sugar a teaspoon of vanilla and then add in about two tablespoons of hot water the key is to get it nice and smooth and kind of thin so you have enough to go around for the donuts and check these out they are done sweeten them up however you want glaze sugar or even make a chocolate glaze these are a keeper mini bagels mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce and any other topping you choose slice two little bagels in half then we're gonna stick them in the air fryer and then place on your toppings 400 four minutes all right pizza bagels and by the way you can learn more about my airfryer cookbook at yummyairfryerrecipes.com impressed you gotta check out these 15 recipes right here thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Fabulessly Frugal
Views: 2,975,057
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Keywords: fabulesslyfrugal, fabulously frugal, air fryer recipes, cosori air fryer, air fryer, easy air fryer recipes, air fryer recipes for beginners, air fryer recipe, best air fryer recipes, cosori air fryer recipes, how to use an air fryer, air fryer meals, air fryer steak, Recipe, Air Fryer, Air Fryer Recipes for beginners, Make These Air Fryer Recipes first, easy air fryer recipes chicken breast, Summer Air Fryer Recipes, Air Fryer for beginners, fabulessly frugal air fryer
Id: pf0UujmqBNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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