Keto Breakfast Recipes THAT AREN'T Bacon & Eggs | Egg free & Dairy free options

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breakfast can be hard on the keto diet for one  you're running out the door you don't have a lot   of time you're busy you want something quick  and two you get kind of tired you fall into   this rut of eating the same thing over and over  again for me that's bacon and eggs i know that   is for a lot of you guys because it is one  of the most common questions people ask is   what can i have for breakfast other than bacon  and eggs and i'm gonna solve that for you today   i wanna share with you guys my favorite keto  breakfast recipes that aren't just bacon and eggs and i feel like there's a lot of you out there  that either struggle with eggs because you don't   like the taste or flavor you're allergic or you  have a sensitivity to it like mike on instagram   he reached out to me and wanted some suggestions  that he could have for breakfast looking for maybe   some yogurt or something else that didn't involve  eggs so this video is for you mike but there is a   caveat not all these recipes are going to be 100  egg free but it just this breaks up the monotony   of having eggs and bacon every morning we're  going to go over the macros for each of these   keto breakfast recipes and i'm going to share with  you guys my favorite breakfast the first recipe   let's talk about is a chuffle now you guys have  probably already heard of this unless you're new   to the keto diet and i've done several videos on  keto truffles out there a truffle is a keto waffle   that is primarily made up of egg and cheese and  we do add other ingredients to it so it's not so   eggy and cheesy like i like to add almond flour to  mine you can add coconut flour if you want there's   many different flavors you could add to make it  maybe chocolate or peanut butter but that is one   option that you could have for breakfast they're  quick they're easy you can make them in under five   minutes so here we go for my basic truffle recipe  you're gonna need one egg and then you're gonna   add a half a cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and  two tablespoons of almond flour and then a half a   teaspoon of baking powder mix that together until  it's combined and then we're gonna pour this into   our waffle maker now you have options when it  comes to using a waffle maker i like to use the   mini dash waffle maker because it makes it like an  eggo size but you could use like a belgium waffle   maker or a square one you could even use this  batter and make pancakes if you wanted to but   you're going to add this into a preheated waffle  maker close it and let it cook for probably around   like three to five minutes you don't want to  open it up until it cooks all the way through   one of the common mistakes people make when they  make truffles is they open it up too soon and   then it's just like leaves this gooey cheesy mess  all over the place like the waffle stuck to the   waffle iron that's because you open it up too  soon so the solution is to close it and let   it cook some more and then it will release  from the nonstick part of the waffle maker as you can see it's super easy to make i like  to top mine with some butter and some sugar-free   syrup i'll have my favorite syrup listed down  below for you guys there's so many different   variations of a chocolate you can do i have a  video that you can click up here it's my six   amazing truffle recipes i also have a chawful  playlist that i'll have listed down below in   the description box for you another thing that i  want to say about truffles is that you can meal   prep these you can make them ahead of time store  them in your freezer store them in your fridge   it's an easy go-to keto breakfast macros for  my recipe of the original chocolate waffle   it'll make two small truffles are one large one  depending on what sort of waffle maker you make   but just for this entire batch which would be  one serving it's 320 calories 24.3 grams of fat   21.7 grams of protein don't worry you guys i am  putting total carb information on my website soon   the total carbs are 4.6 grams and the net carbs  are 3.1 grams and this is filling too it has a   lot of fat in it so it's going to fill you up all  right another recipe that you guys can make that   isn't just bacon and eggs are pancakes and i have  a delicious cream cheese pancake recipe for you   guys i've done it before on my channel i'll have  it listed down below or you can click up here if   you want to but i thought i'd do a variation on  this recipe and we're going to make some chocolate   pancakes the cool thing about this recipe is that  you mix everything in a blender and so cleanup is   super easy because you just pour it straight into  your skillet cook up the pancakes put it in the   dishwasher as long as your blender is dishwasher  safe but you could use an electric mixer if you   wanted to it's just since this recipe uses cream  cheese they don't really mix up all that well you   might get lumps you might have to mix it longer if  you're using electric mixer to mix up the batter   to make my keto chocolate pancake recipe you're  going to need to add 8 ounces of softened cream   cheese 4 eggs a half a cup of heavy cream  or you could use a nut milk of your choice   1 3 cup of coconut flour now i like to use  coconut flour in this recipe because if you   were to use almond flour when you cook with  almond flour it tends to burn faster than   coconut flour but you could substitute you would  just probably have to add one cup of almond flour   but don't worry it does not taste like coconut  it does not have the underlying coconut flavor   these pancakes are fantastic i get a ton and ton  of compliments on them for sweetness we're going   to add a quarter cup of monk fruit sweetener or  you could use whatever sweetener you want and then   for the chocolate flavor i'm going to be using  cacao bliss for this cacao bliss is a raw cacao   powder superfood blend so it contains cinnamon  and turmeric lucuma black pepper salt mct oils   it's so flavorful i think it's better than just  using plain cocoa powder which you could use in   this recipe if you wanted to so you would either  add a quarter cup of cacao bliss or a quarter cup   of cocoa powder but i just love the flavor of the  cacao bliss it just those extra little ingredients   they have in there those superfoods add a ton of  flavor plus i know i'm getting great nutrition   you'll also need to add two teaspoons of baking  powder to help the pancakes rise we're going to   blend that up and then pour it onto our griddle  now i do like to use a griddle for this you could   use a skillet if you wanted to i just feel like  the temperature is better controlled if you used   a griddle now i have a few tips when it comes to  making these pancakes first off just pour a little   bit down first maybe make two pancakes because  you know those first two pancakes that you make   whether or not you're making keto pancakes always  turn out to be flops like it just takes you a   while to get the temperature right on the griddle  and how much you're adding so only add maybe just   two pancakes first before you do a whole batch  the second tip i have for making these pancakes   is make sure that you're using a very low heat you  want to go low heat for longer so lowest possible   setting on either your stove top or the griddle  and then let them cook until the edges start to   set around the sides a spatula should easily fit  underneath it and slide your pancake and then you   know it's ready to turn if it doesn't do that  let it go for longer a big thanks to the cacao   bliss for sponsoring this video if you guys are  interested in their product and i highly suggest   you try it because you can use it for a ton of  different baked goods or put it in your coffee   and add a little bit of sweetness to your coffee  and a little bit of chocolate it's so yummy i'll   have a link down below in the description box if  you guys want to check them out these pancakes are   really good and especially with that cacao bliss  in it it adds just that little extra bit of flavor now the macros for these pancakes if you had two  around three inch pancakes you would probably   get eight servings out of it so for two of  those three inch pancakes it's 210 calories   19.4 grams of fat a protein is a 5.7 4.7 total  carbs and the net carbs is 2 grams of net carbs   so that's really good if you're getting like a  decent portion of like two pancakes out of this   now i know that we said that we weren't doing  bacon and eggs but have you guys ever tried   pepperoni and eggs so good you guys have to try  this recipe basically we're making scrambled   eggs but we're gonna add some pepperoni to  this for my scrambled eggs i added three   eggs and then to make it creamy i'm adding some  cream cheese this is one ounce of cream cheese   you don't have to add that if you don't want  to or you could add in some heavy cream too   and then season with salt and pepper now the trick  to making really good scrambled eggs that aren't   watery it has to do with when you add the salt and  there's two ways that you can make scrambled eggs   and two ways of when you would add the salt first  is you add the salt right away and then you add   it to your skillet and scramble your eggs this  will prevent any of the moisture from leaking   out or you season your scrambled egg mixture  let it sit for 20 minutes and then you cook it   if you season it and then try cooking it like  within like two minutes three minutes five   minutes you're gonna get watery eggs it's just  the way that the salt's interacting with proteins   i usually don't have time to wait 20 minutes so i  will add my salt just right before i scramble my   eggs i'm also adding pepperoni to this you  could either use those small pepperonis or   i've just quartered a larger pepperoni so that's  in smaller chunks and add it to there i feel like   it's the fat that gets released from the pepperoni  that just really up levels these scrambled eggs bye and you can turn this into like a pizza  scramble egg and add on some cheese maybe   some veggies a little bit of marinara sauce on  top it is so good and all of these recipes i'll   have listed down below in the description box but  they're also gonna be on my website   and the macros for these eggs are so good mostly  because it's like this is really gonna fill you   up and this makes like if you did one serving  on this entire thing it is 420 calories a fat   it's 35 grams of fat 25 grams of proteins and  then one total carb and one net carb so really   good macros on this you guys is probably one  of the best keto breakfasts that you could have   next i want to make something for the grab-and-go  person that doesn't necessarily need to have   protein in the morning i want to show you how to  make these keto lemon blueberry muffins these are   amazing they are so good you won't even know that  they're keto they're that good we're gonna start   by adding our dry ingredients to a bowl you'll  need one and a quarter cup of almond flour three   tablespoons of coconut flour two teaspoons of  baking powder and a quarter teaspoon of salt   you wanna mix that together and set it aside we're  going to work on our wet ingredients so in a small   bowl i'm going to add two tablespoons of coconut  oil with four tablespoons of butter and four   tablespoons of cream cheese you want to melt this  in the microwave for around 30 seconds just until   everything's just softened and melted so that it  can easily incorporate into your dry ingredients   to these wet ingredients you want to add a half  a cup of sweetener of your choice i'm going to   be using a monk fruit blend sweetener along with  a quarter cup of sour cream sour cream is like   my secret ingredient for anything keto bread it  just really makes it taste like regular bread   then we're gonna mix in four eggs along with a  teaspoon of vanilla a juice and the zest from   one lemon then add in your dry ingredients and  then we're going to put in some blueberries now   blueberries do have carbs in it so i've i'm adding  in one cup of blueberries but you guys could add   in less if you want to pour these into your muffin  liners and then we're going to bake these at 350   degrees for around 20 minutes now you can  just have these muffins just like this or   if you want to up level them then just  mix a little bit of powdered sweetener   along with some lemon juice to create  a lemon glaze and drizzle that on top now let's talk about the macros so this makes  12 muffins so each muffin has 185 calories   it's 16.2 grams of fat 5.4 grams of protein a  5.7 total carbs and it's 5.3 net carbs per muffin   so pretty good aikido wise if you wanted to have  this um you could probably even have two of them   in the morning if you wanted to now a great recipe  that you guys can make up ahead of time this is a   meal prep recipe and it's good for if you are  avoiding eggs is to make chia pudding it's so   easy to make you can add everything to the blender  mix it up and then your chia pudding's ready or if   you don't want to mix up your like mix it up in a  blender you could just add your ingredients pop it   in the refrigerator overnight and then those chia  seeds will absorb some fluid and puff up and make   it a pudding consistency but it's probably one of  the easiest breakfast ideas that you can do when   you're on keto and you're trying to avoid eggs and  you want a meal prep i have a bunch of different   recipes on my website i'll have some of them  linked down below there's like a lemon blueberry   one strawberries and cream one there's just  there's lots of recipes out there that you guys   can do and they're they're very very clean too  it's a good way to have good whole ingredients on   the keto diet and i won't go over the macros just  because i do have a bunch of different recipes but   like for one of them like my strawberry and cream  chia pudding just know like a serving of that it's   a pretty decent serving it's gonna keep you full  it's like 1.5 net carbs and it makes a great snack   too so if you didn't want to have a breakfast  you could have it as a dessert or snack option   another recipe that you guys can make that won't  contain any eggs is to make a smoothie bowl   i'm going to show you how to make like a healthy  avocado green smoothie bowl this recipe is so   simple to make too i'm going to make mine in my  food processor you could use a blender too if you   have a high-powered blender but we're going  to add a half of an avocado to your blender   and then i'm going to use a half of a cup of  mixed berries these are frozen berries you   could use fresh ones if you wanted you could  use maybe all strawberries all raspberries   just any of the keto approved berries  like strawberries raspberries blueberries   and blackberries along with a couple handfuls of  spinach you could use kale too if you wanted to   or you could just omit this part if you didn't  want to add that in and then you'll also need   a half of a cup of nut milk i'm going to be using  macadamia nut milk because that's my favorite you   could use heavy cream here too if you wanted to  and just mix that up i don't feel like this needs   any additional sweetener but you could add it as  an option if you needed it to be sweeter and then   you can put whatever toppings you want from nuts  coconuts seeds a little bit of sugar-free syrup   maybe some of that cacao bliss powder you could  add that in here too to make it a chocolate   version super delicious and this is another  great recipe that you could meal prep just add in   your avocado spinach berries into a baggie put  it in your freezer let it freeze and then when   you want to make a smoothie bowl you pull it out  and then add your nut milk mix everything together   so simple it's really great way that you could  just package up a little individual smoothie bags   the macros are really good on this smoothie  bowl too so i would say all of these would   probably make a serving for one it's 189 calories  13.2 grams of fat and 4.2 grams of protein total   carbs are high but that's because the avocado so  it's 17.1 total carbs and then net carbs is a 4.8 this next recipe is one that i pulled from tiktok  it's a viral recipe it's called baked oats and   obviously we're not having oats because oats are  not keto approved but we're gonna make our own   oats and we're gonna bake them and it's delicious  this will make one large serving for you guys or   you could split it into two if you wanted to but  bake oats are basically like oatmeal that you're   gonna bake i'm baking mine in the microwave  because ain't nobody got time to use an oven   in the morning in my household but feel free to  use an oven if you want to but it's just it makes   these it's like almost like a dessert it's so good  kind of like a cobbler basically we're going to be   adding in a quarter cup of pecans 1 tablespoon  of almond flour a tablespoon of flax meal   a scoop of protein powder i'm going to be using  like you can use vanilla unflavored protein powder   whatever whey protein powder you have that's low  in carbs i'm going to add that to there and then a   teaspoon of chia seeds i'm putting this in a mini  food processor just because it is a small amount   basically you just want those nuts to be kind of  ground up a little bit you don't have to use a   food processor you can just chop up your nuts more  finely consistency if you want to and you're going   to need one teaspoon of sweetener half a teaspoon  of baking powder and a quarter teaspoon of salt then to those dry ingredients we're gonna add one  ounce of cream cheese and a quarter cup of nut   milk i'm gonna be using macadamia nut milk and  then i'm also gonna stir in some raspberries so   this is around a quarter cup of fresh raspberries  but you could use whatever berry you wanted to i'm putting this in a greased ram can you  could put it in a mug too if you wanted to   or like i said you could bake it in the  oven and i'm going to bake this on high   for one to two minutes you just want to  cook it until it's set it will still be   kind of moist in the center but that's the  amazing part of it is that it's it's just   like a baked oatmeal it's a heated up oatmeal  but with tons of flavor and those berries are   so good you guys if you miss oatmeal  then you really want to try this recipe now talking about the macros on this this will  keep you full because it's 585 calories 47.2   grams of fat 36.2 grams of protein total carbs are  high because we do have a lot of nuts and seeds in   there it's like the chia seeds and the flax meal  it's so it's 15.3 total carbs and then the net   carbs is 6.1 grams of net carbs but like i said  this is going to keep you full so it is a great   breakfast recipe or you could have it for lunch  too and it's something you can meal prep too just   have everything in your refrigerator ready to go  pop it in the microwave first thing in the morning   now i did save my most favorite recipe for last  this isn't something that i have all the time but   it is delicious and it is perfect if you're making  something for like a casserole in the morning like   you got brunch it's christmas morning it's sunday  morning it's the weekend whatever excuse you have   this is a great recipe and you can meal prep  it so it's something you can make on sunday   and eat throughout the whole week we're gonna  make some keto baked french toast now all these   ingredients are gonna go in a blender because  once again it's just so much easier to mix up   plus clean up is easy we're gonna add  in eight ounces of softened cream cheese   a half of a cup of unsalted butter that's  softened you're going to need 8 eggs yes 8 eggs   because it is french toast it doesn't taste that  eggy though a third cup of golden sweetener you   can use the golden sweetener of your choice but  i do recommend golden just because it adds that   extra little caramel flavor to it a quarter cup of  coconut flour then for some flavoring we're going   to add in a half a teaspoon of cinnamon and then  you'll need a half a teaspoon of baking powder and   a quarter teaspoon of salt blend that together  until it's smooth and we're going to pour this   into a greased casserole dish and you're going  to bake it in the oven bake it in a 350 degree   oven for around 40 minutes you just want to cook  it until it's like set on top and it's not still   mushy in the in the center and then it's done  you can take it out let it rest for a little bit and then you can top it with like whipped  cream berries sugar-free syrup it's so good   and this is like i said it's something  that you can make up ahead of time   have like one square in the morning put it in the  fridge and then eat off of it the rest the week   now the macros for this french toast casserole i  would say that it makes around eight servings it   just depends on how you cut it but if you got  eight chunks out of it each slice would be 285   calories 26.5 grams of fat 8.3 grams of protein  3.1 total carbs and the net carbs is 1.8 like   such good macros on this so you could afford to  have a little bit of sugar-free whipped cream   or syrup or some berries on top but it's  delicious on its own too i hope this video   gave you guys some ideas of what to make in the  breakfast in the morning check out my other keto   breakfast recipes down below i'll have them listed  there's different videos that you guys can watch
Channel: KetoFocus
Views: 338,011
Rating: 4.932313 out of 5
Keywords: keto breakfast, keto breakfast ideas, keto breakfast recipes, low carb breakfast, keto breakfast meal prep, keto breakfast ideas without eggs, low carb breakfast ideas, keto breakfast without eggs, keto breakfast recipes that aren't bacon and eggs, keto breakfast recipes not bacon and eggs, easy keto breakfast, keto baked oats, keto smoothie bowl, keto smoothie bowl recipe, keto french toast casserole, keto chia pudding, keto pancakes, keto chaffles, keto pizza eggs, ketofocus
Id: ya_w6XWHPys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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