10 Foods To Boost Your Immune System & Stay Healthy This Fall/Winter

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flavor family what is up it is Artem Bobby back at the grocery store for a very important a very timely video all about keeping you healthy and strong like bull this fall and winter season because we're gonna go in the grocery store and show you about 10 foods that will keep you healthy and strong because the truth is I'm not really big on getting run over or about supplements or vitamins at the grocery store I think they're low quality I think they're synthetic I think they have a lot of filler in there but there are real foods right real foods that have gut healing properties immune boosting properties and I want to show you all of those beautiful things here at the grocery store before we do our shop up loser you are gonna want to join the Flav City family by clicking that red subscribe button below the video better yet there is a bell I kind of tiny tiny little bell icon right below the video and enable all notifications because every week art and I are going live with for yes count them for videos too from the grocery store on the weekend to cooking videos during the week including a live stream and you do not want to miss out now let's go in Whole Foods and show you how to stay strong and healthy we should probably start this video with something I drink on a daily basis especially now that the weather is getting cold bone broth bone broth is so good and good for you because it soothes your gut when you sue the gut you increase the possibility of boosting your immune system and it's very interesting that 80 percent of your immune system cells live in your gut so it's your best interest to foster the gut bacteria in your stomach because they are the backbone of your entire health bone broth and does all of this it's rich in collagen gelatin chondroitin all that good stuff that boost your immune system when you're buying bone broth at the store or something I actually don't do which I'll tell you in a minute it's got to be good bone broth all the stuff they have here at Whole Foods is great when you start buying the cheaper ones look out for filler like caramel coloring yeast extract which is another word for msg I'm also texturing all that stuff so the brands here are great kettle and fire epic Whole Foods but the thing is when you look at the price it comes out to like 35 to 45 dollars per per gallon which is crazy you guys go over to Flav City Instagram stories I have a safe story called bone broth you can make it in your pressure cooker I do it in the instant pot you can make a gallon of homemade bone broth for $14 using USDA organic bones and if you do it in the instant pot it contains the smell so your house does not smell like a barn I really believe in this but I believe in making it because it's so much cheaper and it really is gonna be not only nourishing and comforting on a cold day it's gonna keep you warm and relieved Bustos immune system bacteria that you need so if I don't believe in those emergencies and those cold these supplements because they're full of preservatives and natural flavors and sugar what do I believe in I believe in shots not like tequila shots vitality shots so there's a bunch of ones on the market right now that have turmeric turmeric once again is that fantastic superfood that's an anti carcinogen and an anti-inflammatory and the cool thing about these shots Waldo coast is clear is that they actually boost your immune system two ways you have the turmeric turmeric has to be activated with black pepper all these have black pepper it also is nice to have some fat in there that helps absorb in your body the thing is these are very expensive here at Whole Foods so I would get the Suja variety if they have it at Costco this year fingers crossed it's a big pack for a great price these from Trader Joe's I brought in here are very good they have a the turmeric one and the ginger one these are the kind of things I really believe that Hubbs your immune system and your health I would not get those powders and stuff turmeric liquid is where it's at baby oils what does that have to do with the immune system actually a lot the good quality fats the right oils can boost your immune system and soothe your gut so what I mean by the good ones well the good ones are avocado oil a heart healthy oil raise your good cholesterol lower the bad one very good for your gut probably one of the best ones is Yee but not just any ghee grass-fed gear this is a very premium brands called fourth and heart it's in a little bottle here for $13 but kudos to them and they make a non propellant spray bottle imagine some popcorn comes out of the kettle you douse it down with spray make sure it's grass gun heat you want a cheaper option I have a recipe how to make ghee at home I'll put the link down below in the description box just drop two sticks your favorite grass-fed butter like Kerrygold into a pot over medium heat wait 15 minutes and it's done these are great also great is extra virgin olive oil but also fantastic is unrefined for extra virgin coconut oil a lot of doctors think that coconut oil too bad saturated fat I actually think it falls into the good saturated fat category because it has something called lauric acid lauric acid is very hard to find and it's a very healthy acid that's great for your immune system when this video is done go over and watch our cooking oils review video at cast what we talk about all the oils when to use them when to not use them so those oils are fantastic for your stomach and for your gut bacteria so which ones are bad then that are the conventional processed oils so stuff like safflower oil stuff like peanut oil and canola oil in general not here at Whole Foods are highly processed highly refined oils that are very inflammatory when you want to keep your body healthy you have to reduce inflammation but if you notice here at Whole Foods everything is expeller pressed they don't sell the conventional ones here like most grocery stores do because they're processed at high heat you alter the fat fatty acid and you make it super inflammatory so even I would stay away from these these are the oils I look for when I'm buying a pre packaged processed good but at the store I would never actually buy these unless I was deep fat frying otherwise stick with the heart-healthy ones that kind of stuff really really matters even beyond your gut and your immune system let's take a quick break from the video and thank today's sponsor Redmond real salts a brand I'm very passionate about and if you follow me on the flavor City Instagram you see I use this salt almost every night when I make dinner and why I love this salt is that it's pure unrefined salt from Redmond Utah I have a video all about salt and the gist of that video is if you're using kosher salt white salt iodized table salt it's a salt that's highly processed highly refined bleached Emma Adam anti-caking agent to it and once you start with to really take control of your health you want to know everything that goes in your body plus that kind of salt has all the minerals stripped away so it just tastes like sodium chloride it's very salty and that's the kind of salt that actually spikes your blood pressure the Redmond real salt is pure unrefined sea salt with over sixty trace minerals not only are those minerals good for you because they have natural electrolytes in there like potassium and magnesium it adds a complex flavor to the salt this is fantastic I used the kosher salt for cooking so I love the feel of that fit that crystal on my finger I used the sea salt for finishing and for seasoning pasta water and I worked out an amazing promo code with Redman in the description box is a link that takes you to the Flav City bundled you get a 16 ounce of fine sea salt a 16 ounce kosher salt a recipe card and check this out they have travel shakers for salt in case you go to a restaurant it's a little bland you sprinkle on the salt you guys this is something I firmly believe in and once you taste the difference on this salt you will see what the big deal is about thank you guys for sponsoring the video I love this stuff okay I just grabbed a bunch of stuff over by the dairy case unfortunately we can't film over there because there's been a lot out there for a half an hour but we think of dairy cases like kefir yogurt fermented foods these are very gut friendly bacteria from these foods that you have to have in your diet so first we talk about yogurt we have a whole video about yogurt so as soon as this one is done go over there and watch it because we break down the kind of yogurts you want to buy and the ones you kind of avoid now these are the kinds you want to buy this is organic in grass-fed yogurt why is this good it has live and active bacteria in here there's a few brands that are the best Organic Valley Stonyfield and maple hill organic is good because they're not eating GMO grain organic grass-fed even better because they're a hundred percent pasture raised grass-fed nutritional profile is amazing now if you buy cheaper yogurt you've got to be careful because sometimes that add the live and active cultures and then pasteurize them which kills it so it has to say live and active cultures in here that increases the amount of probiotic bacteria in your stomach and will faust your good health now even if your dairy-free big deal there's some amazing dairy free yogurt options at the grocery store now two of my favorite our kite Hale Greek style and lava this is a brand new one it's kite Hill Greek style they actually strain the almond milk to make it more protein dense they add an almond high protein isolate to this to jack up the protein and this is lava lava is the only one you can actually get the flavored kind because they don't add sugar which brings me to the most important part would your mattock pause here I like it the most important part is if you add sugar to yogurt or kefir or anything you kill the probiotic effect remember listen once again if you add sugar by any one of these yogurt you killed a probiotic effect they can add anywhere from two to three teaspoons of sugar I've seen more so you have to get the plain variety of everything the only one you cannot the only one you actually can buy flavored is lava because they flavor it with real berries and that's it plus his brand uses pili nuts and coconut cream it's unbelievable so go unflavored for 99% of the time and if you're gonna go into kefir and drinkable yogurt same thing this is fantastic if you're going dairy go grass-fed and if you're going plant-based no problem get the plant-based almond one don't get the flavored one cuz in jacked up the sugars again now there's also fermented foods in the section right next to the yogurts with pickles and sauerkraut this is a fantastic brand here called bubbies they're from Canada I have a hard time finding them outside of a Whole Foods what does it mean to me I just made a new name the bar Waldo is the bar tall though I'm talking about this brand bubbies it's naturally fermented pickles what does that mean you look at the ingredients there is no vinegar in here the vinegar prevents the fermentation so it's just pickled with cucumbers water and dill a natural fermentation happens and there's good gut bacteria in here hooray for gut bacteria or ready for health the same is true for sauerkraut but you're in luck is if you're a Costco member they sell a big 50 ounce container of organic wild Brian fermented cabbage there which is great otherwise if you have to buy it here it's more expensive they have a little container of it at Trader Joe's but I eat that at least three times a week you can't cook it because you kill the probiotic bacteria same thing with kimchi more naturally fermented probiotic bacteria that foster than good gut bacteria that's so important you guys so I think that's it for dairy and right next to here is T's a wall of tea and actually black tea and green tea is very high in antioxidants and polyphenols and will help boost your immune system here we go so if I pick up a flavored tea this is ginger peach I look at the ingredients here natural peach flavor you can do that for 90% of the flavored teas here once again natural flavors are artificial flavors there's really no difference I would avoid them told so if you're gonna get tea I would buy a loose leaf tea it's a high-quality leaf as opposed to the powder they put in the bag and stick with plain green or black my favorite is China Jasmine green it has a nutty almost earthy flavor that's fantastic we should probably talk about kombucha cambogia is a fermented tea beverage fermented food means more gut bacteria or gut bacteria it means better immune system so the thing is what I look for kombucha I look for the lowest sugar kombucha possible and one of those that I often find is health aid kombucha but you'll always notice when you look at the ingredients for kombucha there's sugar in here but that is a necessary ingredient I once talked to a lucha master and they said in order for the probiotics Co be the starter to start fermenting you have to give it white cane sugar unfortunately it doesn't work with honey with maple syrup it has to be cane sugar but I think the amount per serving which is always 8 ounces should be six to seven grams max and the nice thing about this one is that it's 5 and I gotta go for flavors that are good for the gut good for the immune system as is meaning the ginger lemon is perfect lemon has natural vitamin C ginger is a natural immune system booster winner winner chicken dinner here with the health aid now you have to read the ingredients because there's one brand here that I advise you guys to stay away from Kavita even though it's a turmeric ginger apple cider vinegar which is very good all their flavors have natural flavorings and once again natural flavors are another word for artificial flavors I'm super passionate about that skip natural flavors whenever possible and it's super easy with kombucha because we have a lot of alternatives and another brand I like here is G tea sugar is a scotch more than a health aid but they have something here called Cayenne aid we look at the ingredients here it's cayenne pepper and lemon juice and I like that because Cayenne is like stomping the devil out of your body right it gets the sickness out of your body and there's 8 grams of sugar a few more than health aid but another great one great bacteria good for the immune system I drink this rarely because it makes me very gassy if you're gonna drink it I would go half a bottle but a great natural fermentation that's going to help us keep us strong like Munna alright if you really want to stay a healthy this winter I have a recipe for ginger turmeric immune system boosting tea it consists of fresh ginger and fresh turmeric and bummer they're out today because this is where I always you guys I swear by this tea up at the link down below in the description box I drink it five to seven days a week so does deci you basically simmer very gently fresh turmeric ginger lemon peel black pepper his black pepper activates the turmeric coconut oil extra virgin cause the fat helps her body absorb the turmeric simmer it for like seven minutes and the lemon juice add some honey it is I swear something that keeps me healthy all winter long if you don't have fresh turmeric or access to it you could add a teaspoon of turmeric powder but try to find fresh turmeric root it is fantastic emma's obviou recipe link is down below you are gonna love that the wall of nuts right there good fats good fats are good for your tummy but there's one nut they can really help you in the wintertime and that is pumpkin seeds pumpkin seeds are high in zinc zinc is something that can help you beat a cold or prevent a cold it makes me think of a supplement called cold-eeze which is something i want you to avoid any of those things in the powdered or pale their efforts after Essen form I really want you to avoid like emergency and cold ease because even though they have the vitamins and they may have the essential minerals they also have natural flavorings sugar fake sugar filler and preservatives those don't do anything they're much better off eating natural food and pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which is fantastic for you that being said I found the best deal ever on planting seeds over at Costco they have organic sprouted pumpkin seeds and these aren't sprouted what's the benefit of having sprouted seeds sprouted seeds have more nutrition for your body to derive and they're more easy for your body to digest this is I think about five dollars this is four dollars for a fraction of the amount so scoop these for sure great sources zinc which I'm all about and then if we come over here real quick I see coconut milk out of the corner of my eye and that once again goes into the category of good fat also coconuts have MCT oil on their MCT is good for energy and for weight loss so very important the thing is there's really few coconuts I really like because almost all of them have filler our guns so even the one from Whole Foods here so we look at the ingredients it has coconut water in guar gum mark rom is a relatively harmless emulsifier but whenever I kind of void emulsifiers I do because if you have a sensitive tummy or GI issues those can really bother you and do me a favor never by the light coconut milk because this is a good fat it also has a lauric acid that we talked about in the coconut oil lauric acid is very good for you and your immune system this is just watered down so it has less fat more water we don't want that so where do you buy the best quality once again I bring my outside bag of goodies here I thrive market has it also and Trader Joe's organic full fat coconut milk just coconut milk and water that's it this is what you want to get another fantastic heart healthy oil that's very good for your immune system now I typically don't recommend vitamins and supplements and that has been a popular request lately I just don't like to dabble in these coz number one I don't take many supplements number two I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on YouTube that being said there are a couple supplements that really kind of get me excited one of them is cod liver oil not only does a boost your immune system but it increases your vitamin and mineral absorption really good stuff you can get basic cod liver oil or we can get fermented cod liver oil I would not buy a whole foods because this is expensive up on an amazon link down below Dessie turned us on to it recently and i'm really enjoying the health benefits of that but they have a natural lemon flavor one and let's guess how we get that natural flavor in there we look at the ingredients natural flavor so you don't want to get this one you want to get the plain one a lot of these other ones like come on man chewy multi got vitamin gums with natural flavors tapioca and cane sugar sorry homie don't play it again family that is it another video is done as the Sun is setting for a new thing on flavor City that art is calling slave City after dark but you know what you don't hit the shop in a place like Whole Foods almost all grocery stores now have the kind of foods that help keep you strong foster good gut bacteria and help your immune system unless you're up north in Canada we just ran into a fan here and I've heard many comments on the channel that Canada doesn't have half the stuff we have here come on Monica throw baseball with the Canada let's hook them up along with her friends over in the UK they need equal access to these amazing foods you guys like subscribe share these videos are a ton of work and the only way we grow is about you spreading the flavor city love we got two more videos going below us right now but art and I will see you very soon until then we saying to like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace and stay healthy
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 571,001
Rating: 4.9319463 out of 5
Keywords: immune system, boost immunity, health tips, healthy eating, immune boosters, vitamin c, healthy food, boost immune system, natural health, how to increase immunity power, immune system booster, how to boost immune system naturally, immune boosting foods, how to boost immune system, what to eat, staying healthy, healthy, how to be healthy, how to stay healthy, flavcity, bobby parrish, grocery haul, healthy grocery haul, fall grocery haul, fall grocery haul 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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