Condiments To Buy & Avoid This Summer - Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, And More!

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hey what is up flavor family it is bobby and art back at the grocery store because summer is in full swing and i thought we should do a review video all about condiments right ketchup mustard barbecue sauce mayo relish all the things we love to put on our steaks burgers and hot dogs and i'm very very sad to say that a lot of these condiments we have to stay away from my friends they're sneaking so many sugar corn syrup preservative things that we just don't need in our body into these ingredients but luckily i did find a number of really good condiments that we can use this summer so we're gonna do a huge haul of what to buy and what to avoid but before we do that take a second and click that little subscribe button because every week now we're rocking out three videos you guys two videos on the weekend and a live stream during the week better yet right below this video is a little bell icon push that bell icon and enable all notifications because as soon as we go live you don't want to miss out especially on our live streams we're cooking a recipe from start to finish it is a ton of fun and we want you to be a part of that one all right let's start with tomato ketchup right that's about as americana as we get and we'll go with heinz you probably know that heinz might not be the best ketchup option but there's a few other reasons why it's really not good at all we look here there's four grams of sugar per one tablespoon four grams is one teaspoon of sugar i don't know anyone who only uses one tablespoon of ketchup so if you're gonna put maybe three tablespoons on your hot dog or your hamburger we're talking about a whopping three teaspoons of added sugar here some of that might be natural but i'm saying only one gram of the four is going to be natural so there's a ton of added sugar and it's not cane sugar here it's high fructose corn syrup corn syrup and natural flavoring the dreaded natural flavoring that's in everything in the grocery store which i'm going to talk about in a second there's some new very troubling info i learned about natural flavoring so we'll put that down and then you might say okay bobby well right next to you is the heinz no sugar added one that's probably a good option right and it would be if they weren't using the cruddiest quality sweetener ever in the form of sucralose sucralose is another word for splenda splenda is a chemically man-made sugar that is really bad for you because it kills a lot of your good gut bacteria and it's really bad for your intestines plus once again they put the natural flavoring in here so that's out then you might say okay bobby well right next to you here this is heinz sweetened with honey if we look at the ingredients there's no cane sugar there's no high fructose corn syrup there's honey well the problem is you need to go on netflix and watch a documentary called the rotten choose the honey episode because a lot of honey that gets imported for food use like this in the us is from china and china cheats they cut their honey with rice syrup and then they send it over here and it's used in food products like this it's a really big scam and now china is getting around that by first shipping their honey to the philippines or thailand then shipping it here it's really really bad news plus this has natural flavoring so i wouldn't get this one either luckily best in class and they have it here at target is primal kitchen this is whole30 keto and paleo ketchup we look at the ingredients super clean right no sugar no sweetener no artificial natural flavorings it is a little expensive which is why if you guys remember i have the flav cd keto sugar free ketchup recipe it comes out to three dollars for 12 ounces of it so it's way cheaper than this i'll put the recipe down below it is fantastic it lasts three weeks in the fridge and it is so easy to make there's a couple other options where i brought with me this is a record i set today for the most amount of outside groceries i've ever brought into a grocery store if you want the lowest sugar uh store-bought ketchup you can get i found it at trader joe's i know this is the whole third this is the whole foods this one the trader joe's organic ketchup only has two grams of sugar per tablespoon that's half the amount that heinz has and it's organic surprisingly the whole foods one actually has the same amount of sugar as the heinz so i would not get that then for my walmart fans out there you all know g hughes right he makes the sugar-free ketchup and barbecue sauce which i'll talk about in a minute it's 288 per container but i really can't give it my seal of approval as much as i want to we look at the ingredients he uses modified corn starch as a thickener right well it's gmo corn it's coming from so that's strike number one and he uses sucralose aka splenda as a sweetener so as much as i want to approve this one i can't then got this one also at um at walmart testaments and there's no sugar added the only sweetener is dates and once again there's only two grams of sugar so this is not keto approved but it is whole 30 approved and paleo and this is a great option so that's it for the ketchups right so those are your options just read the ingredients stick to low sugar preferably no sugar at all then we go above right here we go to mustards and i was in my head thinking oh all mustards are good especially the other ones it's a few ingredients all the mainstream mustards the french's the heinzes we look at the ingredients and everything's good until they add natural flavoring we've been talking about this a ton lately to recap really quickly when you see natural flavoring on a label which 90 of the ingredients in a grocery store has that there's nothing natural about that the rule is they have to start with something natural like a mustard seed a tomato a peach as long as they start with something natural they can literally add up to a hundred chemicals to it and change it and alter it in a lab with a scientist and still call it natural the reason why they can do that is because it's not a government regulated term and it's totally bad for you because it kind of acts like msg because it gets you hooked on the product what they do is they isolate the most bold flavorful properties in the natural flavoring to excite your taste buds excite your brain buy more what happens if you buy more they make more money so they pretty much have hijacked their taste buds and the natural flavorings are completely unnatural so stay away from that the only ones i found that didn't have the uh natural flavoring were organic you gotta buy organic so first of all here at target simply balanced organic yellow mustard look at the ingredients clean as can be walmart has a brand of organic mustard clean as can be trader joe's has one whole foods has one there's a primal kitchen one called organic ville annie's organic eaten foods and woodstock it's really not that much more expensive but you want to avoid those ingredients let's turn our attentions to mayonnaise let's just say you want to reach for the olive oil mayonnaise because you want a healthier mayonnaise right be very careful my friends because look at the ingredients here it's soybean oil and then olive oil so they're using more soy than olive oil and they usually do that they combine it with soy canola and olives so i would not trust a brand like this and they're usually using very low quality olive oil then we go through here most of the standard mayonnaises are going to have natural flavoring but they also have this ingredient check it out calcium disodium edta this is a food preservative that covers up rancid or like aging smells of fats and products it's a bad preservative because it's also really bad for your stomach your intestines and the gut bacteria so that's one you want to stay away from but we talked about this in the cooking oils video soybean oil canola oil and veggie oil are very low quality oils in my opinion because they're super highly refined and highly processed and very high heat and they use a chemical called hexane to extract the oil from the plant when we're done with this video go watch that one and you'll learn why we never buy those kind of oils and that's the one they use for this one so that's a no and then don't ever do yourself a favor and buy light mayonnaise because what is mayo it's an emulsion of fat on fat oil on eggs if it's light they're getting rid of the oil and putting sugar so we never get that even something like hellmann's organic it's a better it's a step up from regular helmets or regular craft we look at the ingredient they're using organic soybean oil so it's not gmo but it is still highly processed ideally you want to look for expeller pressed oils but they're not using any of that a preservative but it still has the natural flavoring so what do we do right what do we do when it comes to mayonnaise well luckily here at target they have my favorite mayonnaise it is a bit pricey but this is avocado oil mayonnaise from primal kitchen we love avocado oil because it's a heart-healthy oil that's high in oleic acids meaning it raises your good cholesterol the hdl lowers your bad cholesterol the ldl and it's just a good oil and look at the ingredients on this mayonnaise super clean just a handful and the flavor of this is amazing if you're going to buy sir kensington's make sure it's the one without sugar 90 of them have sugar this one actually doesn't if you're lucky enough to live near a costco that sells the big bottle of chosen foods avocado oil mayonnaise this is the best deal ever also some costco's i believe in texas and maybe new jersey have a big bottle of primal kitchen scoop that that is one of the best deals ever for um mayonnaise and then if you want to get vegan mayonnaise stay away from this just mayonnaise even though it's eggless and they do use expeller pressed canola oil which is the better one they still put calcium disodium edta and tapioca maltodextrin which spikes your blood sugar because it's high in the glycemic index and it's a food preservative i don't like this is actually one of the better the vegan mayonnaises they do make a soy free version but if you look at the ingredients it's super clean there's also one that cracked me up there's a vegan one called earth balance mindful mayo it's like can we get any more zen when it comes to mayonnaise than that that's a really good one too there's a horrible one from walden farms called amazing mayo there's nothing amazing about it it's a bunch of preservatives and chemicals all the brands from walden farms the coffee creamers the mayonnaise all those ones are really terrible and then i hate to do this to you guys in the south but i know you love your dukes mayonnaise they sell it at walmart i just brought it in here for today even though it doesn't have salt it does have natural flavorings and it does have the dreaded calcium disodium edta and it's made with gmo highly processed highly refined soybean oreo so i hate to say it but bobby does not approve this one i would be remiss without saying that i have the flav city avocado oil mayonnaise a recipe down in the description box it's paleo whole30 in keto um it lasts for seven days in your fridge but if you use a pasture a pasteurized egg it'll last for 30 days and it's way cheaper than this mine only costs three dollars and change so avocado oil mayonnaise is best if you're not going to get that make sure you get expeller pressed canola oil mayonnaise that doesn't have natural flavorings or any of the bad preservatives in it i know this may not be bobby approved but rumor has it when you bring out the helmets you bring out the best all right this leads us to the most sugar-laden of sauces and condiments of all barbecue sauce read the label and nutrition facts because this one is scary my friends a lot of you guys on instagram asked me about sweet baby raise which by the way if you're not following me on the flave city instagram stories head over there and check it out because every night i'm doing stories of what i'm making for dinner and it's a lot of fun but sweet baby rays look at the ingredients and look at the servings here you guys two tablespoons of this has a whopping 16 grams of sugar think for a second 16 grams of sugar is over four teaspoons of white refined sugar in here and high fructose corn syrup caramel coloring lots of bad stuff in here that you definitely don't want this is really easy once again here at target they have primal kitchen this is the keto hole 30 and paleo sugar-free barbecue sauce it is fantastic i know what you're thinking once again what about my man g hughes i brought this one from walmart i love to recommend this because the bottle is such a good deal over at walmart modified cornstarch made from gmo corn i just can't get behind that and sucralose splenda so that's a major no-no luckily for you once again i have a flavo city keto barbecue sauce recipe i'll put that down below it keeps for three weeks in the fridge it's absolutely delicious and only cost about three dollars 350 versus this one here is about five dollars so that's delicious but you really want to go low or no sugar when it comes to barbecue sauce because the grams of sugar get hyped up big time okay relish is really really tough you guys i was surprised how hard this one is first of all you want to stay away from sweet relish right it's loaded with sugar we have one tablespoon of sweet relish has three added grams of sugar obviously stay away from this kind of brands because they have uh high fructose corn syrup yellow number five and blue number one that's extremely wrong but you want to go to dill relish dill relish means it's not sweetened the problem is every single dill relish i looked up on the market had the dreaded natural flavorings in there so it made it really tough including even the organic sweet pickle relish not the dill but the organic one from trader joe's it had organic natural flavorings doesn't matter organic natural flavorings or natural flavoring still bad news the only one i found on the market that's actually good is bubbies naturally fermented and dill relish it's a natural fermentation meaning they don't use any vinegar so it promotes those probiotic bacteria that are super good for your gut kind of similar to what i just saw over here is kimchi right kimchi is a natural fermentation super good for probiotic bacteria in your gut so i'll put that link down below that's the only one i can find otherwise it was sweetener and natural flavoring city which was really disappointing all right i figure if we're gonna throw some steaks on the barbie we might as well talk steak sauce because what did archers say about a1 it's how steak is done okay well this is not how steak is done in my house because we look at the ingredients they're using corn syrup and they're using caramel coloring here's the day guys sugar corn syrup high fructose corn syrup they're putting it in everything at the grocery store and we all know that sugar leads to obesity and diabetes but it also is really bad for your stomach it kills the good bacteria in your stomach and promotes the bad bacteria why does that matter i keep talking about the stomach because the epicenter of your health begins and ends in the stomach the probiotic bacteria in your stomach will really lead to your entire life of health right if you start to kill those you're gonna have other issues so it's really in your best interest to have healthy gut bacteria so i would put that away and once again primal kitchen makes a steak sauce here with super clean ingredients no sweetener keto whole30 paleo approved so if you're gonna do steak put down the a1 and do steak sauce from primal kitchen all right that is it flavor city family art and i just rocked the condiment hall like uh boss boss you guys uh we have some other cool summer ideas coming up along with some other epic haul ideas but we want to know what you want to see next i'm going to put a poll up right here vote and let us know because they vote they decide we make the videos except when we get kicked out then no videos happen at all um all the info from this video is down below in the description box along with two other review videos streaming right below art night but art and i will see you soon until then hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 623,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healthy condiments, ketchup (food), mayonnaise (food), sugar free ketchup, bbq sauce, condiments, condiments on keto, condiment, mayo, mustard, mayonnaise, keto condiments, avocado oil mayonnaise, avocado oil mayonnaise review, shopping haul, grocery haul, grocery shopping, haul, shopping, shop with me, grocery shopping haul, food haul, healthy grocery haul, review video, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: PXCtAj2O__o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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