Friday Bible Study- Insights for living

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hey hallelujah [Music] amen [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] my name is [Music] [Applause] amen [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] that scares me every time for love the bible says like when jesus was riding into jerusalem and the fiery things that decided to see they tried to stop the people from praising him and then you know what my master said he said you guys think you're strong enough to stop this people from praising me i'll let you know i'm strong enough to raise stones to praise me so um it scares me every time yes he chooses not to replace me isn't that god so beautiful isn't he so wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] the angels [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] they are crazy is [Music] [Applause] [Music] they are crazy [Applause] [Music] are you ready [Applause] ready [Music] my father [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] free the lord brethren i want us to begin to thank the lord tonight let's begin to bless his holy name let's begin to thank him for what he has done let's thank him for what he's about to do let's bless his holy name welcome to the mount of october the 10th moon of 2021 thank the lord bless the name of the lord thank him for what he has done for what he's about to do for what he's doing presently consigning your family consigning everything concerning the church let's thank him let's bless his holy name thank you father thank you thank you thank you lord he is the i am that i am the rock of ages the great god the mighty god the lily of the valley our healer our deliverer our provider our savior let's bless his holy name let's thank him [Music] lord we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you o lord for all that you are doing thank you for january thank you for february thank you for much thank you for april oh lord thank you for me thank you for june july august thank you for september father we are thanking you for october thank you thank you thank you thank you lord we are thank you in advance oh lord for november december thank you o lord thank you father blessed be the holy name thank you in jesus mighty name with giving thanks for those of you that is watching online i want you to connect to today's service there is no distance [Music] in a spreadsheet if you can sit at your tv whatever using your tablet or phone i will implore you to connect tonight because god is about to do a new thing in our life the centurion told jesus christ he says speak the word master and i know my servant will be healed and jesus said i've never seen him faithful man like this and instantly there was a news that the servant at the maid hall so i want everyone that is watching to connect to tonight's service welcome [Music] to the first holy communion in the month of october we asked to pray for the blessing proverbs 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 said the blessing of the lord make it rich and add no sorrow king james version says the blessing of the lord brings wealth without painful toil brethren when god blesses a man the man don't need to struggle and the blessing of the lord comes in many ways i believe that every believer had a great asset in their life and that asset is unbroken connection with god on broken connection with the almighty father so tonight as we come to dine with him to partake in this tonight holy communion one thing i want you to ask the lord that the lord will give you insight to give you revelation the bible say he said call unto me jeremiah 33 verse 3 and our answer and i will show you great things great and mighty thing which thou knoweth not and i said unsearchable things i want us to talk to god tonight i say father as i partake in tonight holy communion reveal things to me oh lord open my eyes oh lord to connect with you to see that thing that i need to do that will change my situation that would change my life in the name of jesus pray that i want you to begin to cry to god the father i start partaking tonight's holy communion i'm here to dine with you not to time with my lord father open my eyes oh lord give me that insight revelation give me that inside thing that i need to do that will transform my life that will make the world know yes that i'm serving the living god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in jesus mighty name we pray someone once said you take the it it takes brain walk to produce a great walk we've seen mans that produce things and they get keep getting blessed i want us to talk to god whatever thing that may stand in my way as i partake tonight's holy communion further removed a simple breath whatever that may stand in my way or i want to stand in my way as i partake in tonight's holy communion lord i ask the lord that you remove in the name of jesus brethren begin to talk to god father removal lord every obstacles every endurance oh lord that may stand in my way lord remove in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord remove remove remove in the mighty name of jesus whatever i want to stand in my way as i partake in tonight's holy communion as a partaking tonight's prayer lord remove the lord in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus lord remove remove father in the mighty name of jesus oh thank you precious lord in jesus mighty name we pray one thing that can stand in our way after we pray is dwelling on the past or remember things and not be able to move forward paul said he said forget the things that are behind don't look back whatever things that have done has gone ask god to give you insight direction where to go prophet isaiah said in the book of isaiah he said remember ye are not the former team and mostly said step forward tell them to step forward that means there's no stagnation in the life of a believer if you stand stagnant that means you're not moving forward i want us to talk to god into nice communion further as a partaking tonight only coming let me experience change of levels physically spiritually change of levels i don't want to be stagnant after tonight's holy communion i don't want to be stagnant let's begin to talk to the lord father as i partake in tonight holy communion speak to me speak to me oh lord speak to me i don't want to be stagnant i don't want to remain the same i don't want to remain the same let me experience change of level let me experience change of level let me explain change of level lord moses told them say tell them to move forward that means there's a constant progression in the life of a believer if you are stagnant you that means you remain in your comfort zone let's talk to the lord lord let me experience oh lord that change of level in my life in my career in my ministry in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord i'm acting oh lord i say partake in tonight's holy communion as i dine with you tonight let there be a deep revelation that will open my eyes that will change everything concerning me in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you precious father in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray what's he going to cry to god and say father everyone oh lord everything that i've been trusting the lord to do this is october before we know it november december we get into 2022. the question is i believe every each and every one of us have a goal that we've written down and we're trusting god to do something but i want to assure you that you've come to mansion as you partake in tonight's holy communion don't say oh i'm doing it from home i'm sitting down yes no this is the time for you to connect with him because every believer for you to move in life there must be a connection with your maker uh if you are connected with him he would direct your part where others are struggling you will find your way that things are going easily i want us to cry to god and say father everything that i've been trusting you lord to do consigning me my family this year talk to the lord and lord father open my eyes oh lord lead me in the right direction everyone that you planted in my life to be my helper lord i shall partake in tonight holy communion let that be a great visitation in the name of jesus in the name of jesus break then let's begin to cry to the lord in the mighty name of jesus lord i ask oh lord have let go everything behind every mistake every rejection every turn down everything oh lord reject that application lord i've left it behind i'll look unto you concerning tonight to lord i start partaking this holy communion is partaking this holy communion let there be a change in the name of jesus in my situation in the mighty name of jesus let there be a change o lord let there be a change o lord in the mighty name of jesus lord as your word goes forth tonight let it come to me let it answer my question let it visit me in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus thank you precious father in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray the bible says in isaiah chapter 48 verse 17. isaiah 48 verse 17. he said thou says the lord your redeemer the only one of israel said i am the lord your god who teaches you to profit will lead you by the way you should go that's the divine direction that's the divine direction i want us to turn that to prayer i want us to call on to the lord to open our eyes to open our eyes brethren if you want god to bless you someone once said he said if you can see it in your heart god will place it in your hand if you can see it in your hand it will play in your heart it will place it in your hand so i want us to talk to god and say father teach me teach me a lot in the way i should go consigning my blessing consigning that thing teach me oh lord open my eyes i'm here to meet with you not to meet with man i'm attending this service to dine with you not to dine with man lord opened my eyes open my eyes oh lord eyes i partake in tonight all his communion i start partaking the prayer oh lord open my eyes give me that word that would change my life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord open my eyes oh lord you said lord you said you were answered you would teach me oh lord to make profit i'm calling on you oh lord open my eyes and lead me in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus lord teach me oh lord teach me oh lord in the mighty name of jesus oh thank you precious father thank you lord thank you lord in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray i want you to talk to god you are here to meet with him you are here to take the holy communion yeah in today's service open your heart to receive the word open your heart to hear god the sermon he says was that the lord spoken twice have i had him that all power belongs to him so i want you to talk to god and lay it before him whatever it may be is it pain is it sickness is the thing that is holding you down i want you to talk to lord and speak to him tonight wherever you may be take the time and say father i'm here i'm here i want to experience your power i want to experience your healing i want to experience your torch i want us to begin to put that in prayer and say lord i am here touch me i am here heal me i am here visit me i want us to begin to talk to the lord make that a prayer point whatever things that you need the things that you want the lord to do talk to him tonight ask him to visit you talk to him directly that when the word goes forth when it comes let it be that with the lord i've already decreed concerning you as a confirmation to you as a confirmation concerning everything [Music] today lord i'm connecting with you lord i'm connecting oh lord in tonight's prayer let there be a transformation oh lord let there be a visitation in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord i need an instruction i need a visitation i need a direction in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus oh lord we call on you tonight let there be a move let there be a visitation in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you precious father in jesus mighty name we pray [Music] today is 1st of october praise the lord we're now in the last quarter of 2021 i don't know what you are expecting the lord to do it can still do it it's unfailing god is the god that never failed the bible the claim as the alpha and omega the beginning and the end i want you to take this time and talk to him and talk to him as a father in this season oh lord the last quarter lord god make me see a great thing talk to the lord whatever ways you want to put it ask the lord to do that things in this last quarter the remaining three months for 2021 to roll the way ask the lord to do something new in your life as the lord to do something unique in your life every day i'm expectant of god visitation in my life and he has been doing it every day i'm expecting something bigger in my life every day and god has been meeting my need so tonight i want you to talk to god you know that thing that's yes that you cannot share with man except talk to him directly that thing that you cannot even share with your friend talk to the lord tonight and say father i have come to meet with you i have come to die with you i'm not in a hurry lord in this feast in this holy communion that i'm dining with you tonight lord let there be a change for the rest of this year let me experience your great torch let it be a testimonial for me and my family let the world see that yes i will have an encounter with you [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] lord i ask the lord for the remaining months in 2020 one lord i needed taught you lord i need to talk to you lord i need it taught you lord in the name of jesus my goals the thing with my vision oh lord i don't want to carry it over to 2022. lord do it oh lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord let experience your power let there be your visitation in my life in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus oh thank you precious father in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus lord open my eyes oh lord yin took over in the name of jesus in jesus mighty name we pray brethren don't say because you pray this prayer that the enemy will not attack they will surely attack they will surely attack so i want you to talk to god whatever i want to stand as a distractor as an attack or affliction that want to deray you from getting to your destination i want you to talk to the lord tonight and say father remove remove oh lord lord fight my battle fight my battle fight my battle in the name of jesus whatever things i want to stand in my way as a distracted i want to stand in my way o lord as an attack lord father destroy in the name of jesus in the name of jesus throughout this quarter lord i want to experience your move on a daily basis on a weekly basis on a monthly basis in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus lento city paritoshina henrik anakondi in the mighty name of jesus thank you precious father in jesus mighty name we pray [Music] lastly i know we have other countries among us i just want us to pray for nigeria i use nigeria as a point of contact and pray for the world the peace of god we're in the peace will reign that whatever thing that is pulling or that is causing misunderstanding causing or rest in nigeria unless that the lord god almighty will remove that he will reign in nigeria put nigerian into prayer i want us to cry to god yes today is october 1 nigeria is 60 one years old so i want us to talk to god i want us to pray use nigerian as the point of contact the peace of god will reign the peace will reign the peace will reign though be the favor of the lord will begin to speak in nigeria but i'll be abundant of his blessing in nigeria [Music] in jesus mighty name we pray let's just begin to appreciate god for answers prayer thank the lord and bless his holy name thank you father because we know you've done it thank you lord because we know you've answered us lord we ask the lord as we partake in tonight's holy communion father we ask oh lord that we will hear you we ask oh lord that each and every one of us that are here with one thing or the other at the end of the service lord your name will be glorified we will have a testimony and so shall it be in jesus name it is done praise the lord hallelujah praise the name of the lord praise the living jesus this scream is not working [Music] well all welcome to the service of tonight and i want to say happy new month to everyone and this month is the month of double grace and i pray that god almighty will multiply his grace upon our lives in the mighty name of jesus please we can have our city [Music] tonight i just want us to fasten our seat belts and let us receive of the lord i know that for the past few weeks or probably about two months now god our pastor and the other ministers that have been ministering on this pulpit has been talking about prayer prayer prayer prayer and we know that we have learned so many ways of how to pray we have learned the modules the strategies and also we have seen examples of people that prayed in the bible and we have seen how god answered their prayers and i know that many of us we have testimonies of how god has been answering our prayers and we are grateful unto god for that praise the living god hallelujah i just want us to have a word of prayer our father tonight as we listen to your word give us understanding open our hearts to receive of you in the mighty name of jesus further make our heart a fatal ground for your world and let your word germinate and bear fruits in our lives in jesus name thank you turner of of ages in jesus name we are praying amen tonight i just want to talk about when god is silent when god is silent like i mentioned earlier we have learned about prayers you know we've been talking about prayers for the past few weeks of the past two months but when god is silent even after all our prayers all the vigils all the fasting and praying all the deliverances and all the spiritual exercise that we go through and god is silent what happens praise the lord i just want you to realize that the fact that god is silent does not mean that he is absent so any time that you feel or you heard god's silence and you feel his absence what do you do trust is precious because god is ever present he's the present god is the president helping in the times of trouble you might feel that he is silent but always working and when you think that god is silent don't think that he has forgotten you and don't be angry about it and don't think that god has forsaken you or god does not care but what god is doing is that many times he's hiding behind the scene and he is rearranging your life and he's putting everything together for you so that when the time comes he will reveal his plan and his purpose for you then you will realize that that time that you feel that god is silent he is actually working i know that there is this song but i'm not too good in music but this song that we usually think that even though i don't see you even though i don't feel you but you keep on walking [Music] you will never stop walking he's always working praise the lord praise the living jesus now sometimes when we think that god is silent he may have spoken and we don't know [Music] one of those instances is when god spoke and we have not recognized it in the book of job 33 13-14 job 33 13-14 why do you contend with him for he does not give an accounting of any of his words for god may for god may speak in one way or in another yet man does not perceive it so sometimes when we think that god is silent we think that god has not spoken he may have actually spoken but we may not have recognized it just as it is in that scripture i know that some of us may be testifying to what i'm saying because sometimes after all things being said and what you are trusting god for has now happened when you look back you may realize that god spoke actually i just did not recognize his voice and that is why it is important as a christian to learn and to know how god speaks to you god speaks in diverse ways if i decide to speak between a small still voice through vision true dream through circumstances through situations even through a fellow human being we need to recognize how god speaks to us so sometimes you may have spoken but you fail to recognize another time may be when god has spoken but you haven't responded to it sometimes because we don't like what is said or we feel that what is said did not make sense so you decided to do what develop a tough skin to whatever god said and you say he has not spoken let's look at ezekiel 3 3 ezekiel chapter 3 verse 3 and he said to me son of man feed your belly and fill your stomach with this crow that i give you so i asked and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness this was ezekiel god told him to eat school school is like a paper but does that make sense that's not food i'm sure that many of us even if it's me i would love like get behind me satan this is not good i would like each george's book but he held in obedience and he was sweet in his mouth same way if god has spoken to us and we felt that we don't like what he said many times we pretend that people did not hear and we said that god has not spoken and this normally happens in relationship especially many times when people want to get married because a lot of people have a mindset of who they want to get married to every sister wants to marry tall slim and some dark brother so when the short brother that is very fear comes from the east shore god that's not spoken sometimes it may be your job you are trusting god for a job and god is telling you take this one don't take that one but because you have a mindset of how much you want to be earning in a month you have a mindset of the type of job you want it may not be the right time to get that kind of a job and god is asking you to take another one but you feel no god has not spoken and you feel god is silent sometimes he has spoken but you just did not respond another time god may have spoken but you are not just ready to hear his answer let's look at john 16 12. you just decided not to you don't want to hear what he said i still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now god spoke i wanted to speak but because your hearts are heavy because you feel you are not ready for what he wants to say you don't want to hear then you say that god has not spoken you you conclude that god is silent he may not be the case he may not it may just be that you are not ready to hear what he wants to say sometimes we are praying and we are afraid that what if god said that i don't want to listen no i don't want to hear it i will still go back to marriage issues many of our youths have been there before god wants to speak to you instead of you to take your time and pray on that brother on that sister you kneel down but your mind is not in that prayer because you don't want to hear you are scared that god will say go ahead my daughter and because you don't want [Music] you you use cutting woo to block your hairs so god may have god may have spoken [Music] but you are not ready to hear and you say that god is silent sometimes when we say god is silent it's not actually silence he may have spoken i'm not saying this in all cases they are spoken i'm still coming to that but some instances god spoke but because of the hardening of our hearts we're not ready to listen and god will help us in jesus name even if we feel that he is not speaking we need to trust in his character and his nature remember the goodness that god has done for you in the past dwell on that and know that this god that has done that for you and we do it again and we speak you just need to be attentive and trust in him praise the lord hallelujah now there are some reasons why god may decide to keep silence i cannot exhaust those reasons but i just have a few here that i feel may be the reasons why god is silent at times the first one is that god may want to test your faith he may want to test you you know and want to know whether you are able to trust him to the end let's look at deuteronomy 8 verses 2 to 3 deuteronomy 8 223 this is the story of the israelites because for for some time god was silent he took them through the wilderness he he closed his eyes to them and it allowed them to pass through difficult situations but he gave them the reason he said and you shall remember that the lord your god led you all the way these 40 years in the wilderness to humble you and test you to know what your what was in your heart whether you will keep his commandments or not verse three so he humbled you allow you to hunger and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your father know that it might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the lord god may want to test your faith he may want to know whether you can trust him all the way maybe the reason why he decides to keep silent you will not speak it will take you through those periods those two testing times those wilderness just to test you say for example father abraham god was silent for a long time at a time he will speak at a certain time he will speak another time he will keep quiet there was a time he sent the three angels to him when sarah was laughing you know god took him through all this period just to prove he wants him to prove to him that he can trust him all the way at a time his faith was shaking just like many of us we are all human beings sometimes when we go through this wilderness our faith may be shaken abram's face was shaking and that was why he accepted sarah's suggestion you know to have a child through a guy but gusty told him that is not my promised child he kept quiet again until when it was time and god was able to beat his chest and say yeah abraham i can trust him and that's why today abraham is the father of faith so sometimes god may be silent because he wants to test us we want to test our faith we want to be sure that we can trust him all the way although to us during those periods those wilderness period it may be a long stretch time but remember the bible says that a thousand years before god is like a night second peter 3 8 second peter 3 8 but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the lord one day as a thousand years and a thousand years has one day it may it may look like a long silence to you it may be one year two years three years one decade two decades three decades but to god it's just like a second and that's why during that period what do you do trust in him praise the lord so what is the other reason that god may be silent [Music] it may be that god is cooking your testimony because god does not offer people meat cooked food like when we go to restaurants and they are doing they are making your food they actually do want it to be cooked well cooked or medium i know that we're africans we always say yeah well cooked so that is how god treats us it doesn't give us medium cooked he doesn't give us half big testimony so when god is silent he may be that is cooking your testimony so that when the time arrives everywhere we see that this is the lord it is the lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight remember i said that many times god stands behind the scenes rearranging your life so that when that time comes he will unfold his plans for you and god will do that for us in jesus name isaiah 42 8 the bible says that god will never share his glory with any man and that is my third point the third reason why god may be silent because he wants you to exhaust all your options so that all the glory will be his own he never share his glory with any man many of us when we pray we already have plan b c d e if one does not work i'll put the second one in place i'll put the touch strategy in place and god will be watching you he wants you to exhaust all your options then it will show up at the last minute so that when this testimony comes you are not going to sh he's not going to share that glory with any man it won't be if not for that my uncle no it won't be if not for that my sister no it's going to be yes this is the lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight so sometimes when god is silent you feel that is not speaking he does not answer your prayer it may be that he wants you to exhaust all your options so that all glory can be returned to him praise the living jesus in the case of anna when anna was thrusting off for a child just one you know i made felinia he was just giving back almost every year and he was making trouble with her anna used to go to shiloh every year to cry on god but those period was as if god was silent it was as if god is absent it was as if god is not speaking [Music] until one day when god decided to speak and spoke to a lie prophet eli and that was the breakthrough that she had after somewhere she had other children look at the kind of child that god gave to anna somewhere the great prophet it was because god did not want him to just have any child [Music] god was cooking a testimony and many of us had about the children of belia no but samuel was a great prophet he was an instrument in the hand of god he was a child that at a tender age he had the voice of god that was the kind of god the kind of child that god was cooking and preparing for anna so sometimes when god is silent you feel is not speaking he might be cooking your testimony hallelujah amen and also when god is not speaking what might be the reason [Music] god's time is the best god may not speak but he will speak in his own time the bible says in isaiah 55 8 your ways are not my ways my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways my way says the lord so what you feel that when you feel that god must speak now now i need that thing god may decide to keep silence because that was that is not his own time it may be your time but it's not god's time and we know that god's time is perfect in the book of ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 the bible says that in his time god has made all things beautiful he has made everything beautiful in his time also he has put eternity in their hearts except that no one can find out the work that god does from beginning to end in his time he makes all things beautiful so it might be your own time but may not be god's time and god will not be rushed above his own time amen so when god is silent just wait on him he wants to do it in his own time so that his name can be glorified in john 29 11 it says that the thoughts that i have sorry jeremiah 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 the thought that i have towards you they are the thoughts of peace and not evil forgive you a future and hope another another version says to give you an expected end unexpected end the end that we glorify him the end that will even be beyond your own reasoning beyond your own expectation it does everything in his own time so when you think god is silent relax trust in him he's doing it in his own time amen god will help us in jesus name now when god decides to be silent he doesn't want to speak what should we do as children of god you've been waiting on god for one thing or the other you have trusted god as if the word is collapsing on you it's as if the heaven is shot over you it's as if god is not there you feel neglected you think god has forsaken you you feel that you can't make it you are tired of life you have prayed you have fasted you have had agreement pray all mentors of prayers that you know remain prayer praise worship intercessory prayer suppose suppose um [Music] supplication prayers all kinds of prayers we have our thanksgiving prayers and still nothing has shifted still you can't see the brake lights it's a safer in the dark tunnel what do you do [Music] in that period of wilderness number one examine yourself just to do your own part and be sure that oh i'm not the one that is an obstacle to my miracle i'm not the one that is blocking my miracle check yourself is there any unconfession is there anything that you have done that you feel oh it might be passing this examine yourself in the book of psalms 66 18. psalm 66 18. the sermon says that if i re if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not answer me so that is the number one step check yourself have i done anything wrong if you discover anything like that confess forsake and ask god for forgiveness god is a loving god it's only that i cannot behold sin once you confess and you decide to forsake them and ask god to help you definitely he will forgive and he will forget um like i mentioned that god cannot you know he cannot behold sin even on the cross of calvary he could not look he had to turn his face away from his only begotten son jesus christ why because at that time on the cross jesus was carrying the sin of the world and god turned away his face and that period god was silent to the extent that jesus christ in agony in agony he had to lament in matthew 27 46 my god my god why have you forsaken me if god can do that to jesus on the cross then you know that he doesn't like sin he loves jesus of course because he loves his only begottens he loves the world he sent his only begotten son but because at that time he was carrying the sin he turned his face away so please if you feel god is silent or you're experiencing a wilderness period check yourself examine yourself and ask god to forgive you if you realize that there is one way or the other that you are not living right and the second one is accept god's authority when god is silenced in your wilderness accept god's authority god is the suffering god [Music] he does what he wants to do you cannot question him he is an unquestionable god [Music] he is not under any obligation to talk it's not any other obligation to speak he does what he wants to do in his time he says in his word i will show mercy upon whom i will show mercy and i will have compassion upon whom i want to have compassion that is our god so at that time just accept god's authority and trust in him and even accepting his authority is also meaning that you have absolute trust in god instead of continue to instead of keeping questioning him god why me god why me god why me every time trust in his sovereignty trust in him trust in his decision at that time recognize the authority of god in the book of job 13 15 job said don't escape me yet when i trust him even so i will defend my own ways before him that was job we all knew the story of job everyone every time anybody is going through one thing or the other we want to preach to that person story of job that would be the first thing to share with them remember job remember how many of us knew what job went god forbid we cannot go through one address of the things that job went job went through but for the first about 36 or 37 chapters of the book of job god kept quiet he did not speak to the extent that even his wife asked him to cause god and die [Music] because he was not hearing god god was not speaking was going through trouble and spirit he was going through that situation that difficult time that wilderness period god did not speak for god when god was ready to speak he spoke and god rearranged his life and gave him double portion multiples of what he lost when god does not speak when god is silent accept his authority hallelujah number three what do we do when god is silent listening to what god say is not every time god should be talking you can also talk to god or listen how true is what let it be that period that you are searching the word of god you are meditating on the word of god let it be that time that you are studying more of the word of god let it be that time that you are asking god god show me from your word the reason why i'm passing through this and you will find comfort in the word of god instead of grumbling and complaining i'm being i'm being bitter about the whole situation you're trying to put your you know try to find fault in everybody looking for [Music] looking for people that are causing your problem because some people when they go through problem they feel they believe that every other person has caused them or have caused them to be in that situation don't do that let the bible be your friend during that period seek god study the word of god find comfort in the word of god and god will help in jesus name two more reasons when god is silent what do you do at that time when god is silent silence can mean intimacy maybe god just decided to romance with you god just wants to you just want to be silent you know that sometimes when two people that are in love with each other they might be beside each other for hours and not talk because they are in love that silence alone is confidence that silence alone is comforting that silence alone is trustworthy so sometimes it may be a sign of intimacy with god god is just enjoying that silence just enjoying you just to be with him praise the lord and also at that time it may be the time that you can trust that god can trust in you you know that time may be a sign of god's trust in you god knows that if i keep silent at this time this person is able to undo greater revelation and he just kept quiet watching you because it's the way that you you you respond or the way that you react during that time you know we decide whether god wants to give you a greater revelation or not praise the lord and remember delay is not denier amen delay is not denier god may just want to trust in you and because he trusted you he might decide to just choose you at that time and watch what will happen look at job 1 8 [Music] god decided to choose job he decided to choose job to go through the affliction because he trusted in him he know he knew that if he knew he boasted about job to satan and he knew that this job even whatever the satan would do to him he would still trust in me praise the lord so when god is silent might be a sound of intimacy with him and lastly when god is silenced what do we do keep talking to god don't stop keep praying keep praising him keep studying the bible do not stop [Music] trusting him because he is the god that answers prayer and unto him shall all flesh come during the time of your wilderness and you feel god silence is not speaking don't stop talking continue praying continue praising if you are tired of praying praise him and god will strengthen you from the inner man and his grace will be sufficient and when he finally speaks you are going to be dumbfounded because what he's going to do the bible says eyes i've not seen neither have he has had what god is about to do for those that trust in him and for those that love him praise the lord when god is silent it doesn't mean he is absent and when you feel that he is silenced you are feeling his absence what do you do trust in his presence and the lord will help us in jesus name shall we pray i want us to thank god for this time i know that some of us may be going through wilderness but the bible says that in every situation we should give thanks to him whatever thing we are passing through at this time we feel that god is silent we feel that god is not speaking we feel abandoned we feel neglected thank god it doesn't matter what you feel but what god is going to do is going to be beyond your expectation father we are grateful we are grateful like job said don't enslave me i will still trust in him father though we pass through fires we pass through water we pass through wilderness we still trust you because we know that your your thoughts was us at the thoughts of good and not evil to bring us to an expected end we thank you father because you are the president in times of trouble we thank you for that because we know that you are in the in in behind the scene we are arranging our life we thank you father because when you are finished with us oh lord the old eyes we see the whole world we know that we stab a living god father we are grateful we thank you for a time like this we love you lord we bless your name we thank you love for us many people that are passing through difficult situations at this time we pray for your divine intervention further this month of october which is the month of double grace we pray that god will bestow your grace upon us in the night in the name of jesus let your grace be sufficient for us we bless your name and we exhort you for in jesus name we have prayed in jesus name we are prayed is somebody blessed tonight is somebody blessed tonight in jesus name we are going to share your testimony when god finally speaks you're going to share your testimony thank you jesus father we are grateful i want us to sing a song he never stops he never stops sorry i am not good at music [Music] he's working here he never stops he never stops [Music] he never stops working he never stops [Music] that is who you are [Music] my god that [Music] [Music] in the darkness my god that is that is [Music] [Music] that is [Music] [Music] a god is a waymaker it's a light in the darkness that is who he is he is truly a waymaker he can make a way in the wilderness he can create waters in the desert so that god at the end of the day he wants to put you on top the bible says that even when you go through the waters they will not overwhelm you when you go through the fire it will not burn it will not kindle itself upon you our god is able i want to speak encouragement to somebody here tonight who you think you are right in the middle of the ferry furnace and you're wondering how intense the heat can be you're wondering how hot and how high the temperature can get but the god we serve is a god who says that even when you go through it not if because truly the ups and downs and the twists on life will bring you to a place where every now and again you find yourself in the middle of the fairy furnace and like the three hebrew children but god is able in the midst of all of that he's not going to take you out of it but in the midst of it his presence is strong enough his power is potent enough to douse the flame to diminish the burning fairy furnace coming against you and so my brother my sister tonight i wanted to lift up your voice i want us to pray tonight i want you to pray for yourself i want you to pray if you're not going through a fire a very fairness experience i want you to pray for one child of god somebody who is going through a painful a chain of experiences i wanted to say father give them grace father show them mercy father surround them with your love and beloved them with your power lord encourage them in this moment lord cause the light to shine in their darkness for that rays of faith in their hearts of god so that they will not give up so that they will be strong in you so that they'll be strengthened by you go ahead and pray go ahead and pray we pray for that child of god i pray tonight oh god in the midst of the fire in the midst of the flame may they know your presence may they know your strength in the midst of the word us or god may they know your support may they experience the hand of god the everlasting arms of the almighty god lifting them up encouraging them taking through taking them through the flood and bringing them over to the other side i pray tonight in the name of jesus christ the hand of the almighty god you have said that those that know your name they shall put their trust under the shadow of your wings i pray tonight oh god for every one of your children let their trust under the shadow of your wings let it be productive let there be a recompense for their waiting for their trusting for they are looking up to you oh god may there be a recompense in the name of jesus christ thank you heavenly father faithful god you are you can do blessed be your holy name in jesus name we pray we're going to pray another prayer point the bible says he said in the last days there will be so much tumor that even the elect will give up if god does not shorten the days if god does not shorten the days even the elect will give up you're going to pray tonight father i pray by your mercy shorten the days of my affliction by your mercy shorten the days of my troubles by your mercy shorten the days of my brother my sister's troubles and affliction oh god almighty i pray tonight i ask you shorten the days me expedited i know that a thousand years a day before you is like a thousand years but a day a thousand years for me is a lifetime multiple lifetimes heavenly father let me not live my life or god in perpetual affliction let my brethren not live their lives in perpetual trouble and tribulation father i pray tonight shorten the days shorten the days oh god father fast forward the process oh god our marriage as you take us through the process of learning the lesson help us to learn the lessons oh father we pray tonight shorten the process and lord help us to learn in the process not to drag out the pluses by our own stubbornness by our own rebellion by our own refusal to listen to you and to do your bidding my god almighty i ask you today let it be so let it be so oh god thank you heavenly father we bless your holy name in jesus name we pray one last prayer point the bible says he talks of moses if you read the book of deuteronomy he said god brought him to the end of the land or to the end of his times and showed him the land showed him the land of natalie showed him the borders of judea the boundaries of benjamin the boundaries of issachar and ephraim and all of that assured moses and told moses he said this thing i told you this is it this is it in isaiah chapter 50 verse 10 he said who is there my servant who dwells in darkness who who dwells who serves the lord who trusts in the lord that walks in darkness let him trust in the lord for god will bring you to the other side you're going to pray brethren that by the grace of god you will see it you will see the promise of god over your life you will see the promise of god over your destiny you will see it as a church will say it will say it as a body of believers will say it in the name of jesus i declare and i decree tonight you will not die in the wilderness you will not die before your time by the grace of god god will strengthen you god will empower you you will not perish like rachel who came close to bethlehem they could not get there regardless of the pain regardless of the trouble regardless of the of the burden of the pregnancy i declare in the name of jesus christ of nazareth he will bury you upon his wings for they that wait upon the lord it shall renew their strength i declare over you tonight god will renew your strength you will mount upon wings as eagles you will run and you will not be weary day by day step by step faith by face the power of the almighty god will bear you up he will strengthen you you will move on towards your destination you will move on towards your destiny and by the grace of god you will see you will be whole you will eat of it you will lay hold of it you will enjoy it you will be satisfied abundantly by the blessings and the favor of god in your day and your season thank you heavenly father we know you are able to do exceeding abundantly far over and above all that we conducting imagine to ask let his soul be done oh god and let your name be glorified thank you heavenly father in the midst of the darkness you will open our ears to hear in the midst of the confusion you will open our ears to yet we'll hear a word we'll hear a word a word from the heavens we'll hear a word from your throne we'll hear a word saying this is the way walk in it when you turn to the right i want you to turn to the left i rebuke the spirit of confusion i rebuke the spirit of chaos i rebuke multitude voices in their ears and in the house of your people i rebuke you in the name of jesus christ and i declare that clarity clarity of reception and ability to receive and to hear clearly even so it shall be for your people we thank you heavenly father for in jesus much less name we pray tonight blessed be the name of the living god let's go ahead and take our holy communion are you ready let's take our holy communion the lord will do good the lord will do good the lord will do good faithful is he who has started the work also will finish it blessed be the name of the living god hallelujah hallelujah yes light in the darkness [Music] that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] miraculous [Applause] and the night in which he was crucified it took bread i said this is my body broken for you tonight we partake and we participate in the ordinance of the breaking of your body father and we appropriate all his benefits in our mortal bodies of god in this season of our life we thank you and we bless you in jesus name we pray amen everybody on your feet and so in the same manner after they had solved he took the cup and said this is the cup of the new testament in my blood as often as you drink it to do so in remembrance of me father let it be so as we partake of your blood tonight we remember you we'll remember you how you said it is finished [Music] let the work the pain the agony the sufferings the shame the reproach indeed it is finished appropriately to god upon our lives tonight in jesus name we pray amen let's drink it together [Music] blessed be the name of the living god we worship you heavenly father we'll magnify you today we're blessed and we glorify you sovereign king blessed be the name of the living god in jesus name we pray amen we take our offerings right now remember on sunday thanksgiving and vision sunday i'd like you to pray and prepare and come trusting god to minister to us we have platforms zell we have cash up we have online giving and we have text giving please if you do not see a platform specified accordingly i would like you to not use it sell cash up text and online giving let's go ahead and receive our offerings right now there is only one day [Music] there is only one name with power to shame with power [Music] r forevermore [Music] thank you father for tonight's offerings tonight i bring your blessings bring your grace upon your people the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with every single word now and forevermore in jesus name we pray amen god bless you it's been a broken house of city of david atlanta i'm your host tonight dr joe tarkon on sunday we have an explosive savvy 10 30 a.m do not miss it see you then god bless you [Music] [Music]
Channel: City Of David Atlanta
Views: 166
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3TzoVUZyKL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 1sec (5701 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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