Freeway Rick Ross & Flex Talk Snowfall, Finding Drug Connect, Rozay & More #WeGotaStoryToTell015

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okay from flex I'm here sir Rock Studios of course my guest today I want to say this right Freeway Ricky Ross that is that how do you how do you want it pronounced you don't matter you know just call me my mama named me Rick Ross McGraw sir is your government my government name my homies call me Rick Rick people who knew me but didn't really know me called me freeway Rick okay that's how it all came about so I want to discuss first of all born and raised were you born and raised I was born in Texas okay all the way okay so so give me your three years old give me give me give me a year give me give me what time period this is I want you to paint a picture of 6363 so this is um right before the Watts Riots it's not the LA we know today it's not um this is where African Americans do not have as many rights as they do today correct black and white bathrooms okay in in Los Angeles no in Texas in Texas never in our sentence okay so I mean you moved to LA you moved to Los Angeles this is South Central South Central yes South Central LA your mom so what is your mom doing at the time when we first moved to California we sleeping on one of my auntie's couches gotcha she later got a job as a janitor she should do yours just just basically any kind of manual labor that uh that people did we were doing the jobs my mom and my aunties and uncles we're basically doing the jobs at all the Spanish people were doing right now you know gotcha cleaning houses you know doctors lawyers I've even been over to a couple houses that they used to claim that has swimming pools you know Scotch over there on the weekends and swam and and so forth so that's the kind of work that she did when I was coming up where's your dad in all of this I didn't meet my dad until I was around 30 to 32 ish okay so this time it's just you and your mom and I had older brother yeah he had an older brother that was with you in LA as well and how much older he's seven years older so now you're in you're in great because three know you you'd be very not even in school yet right not you so you eventually you get to school when does Rick Ross when does when do you start to develop some hustle first also well that's your exact and you say bottles and cans I break that down we go back in the days you should get a nickel for a bottle bottle would have a number on the top of the bottle what the store would pay to take the bottle back got you a party was one of the first people huh cement aluminum cans now when you say hustle this means you're going to all different areas to try to get well first one with the bottles I could go to my neighbors and get their bottles when they finished with him with the cans I started walking around the neighborhood picking cans up off the street putting them in bags and my uncles would take me to the recycler and I would recycle them that was the way I started off getting my getting my first paper in grass okay I've assembled car washes with all my homies while I would get them all together and one would stand on the street and flag the cars down and the rest of us would go down and watch cars so I've done that when I was about 10 11 years old he was looking at this early yeah I've been about money on my life you know it wasn't easy for me to figure out the importance of money you know when you living in a house you know you got holes in the floors and you know rats and roaches and broken windows and it was something dad that I despised mm-hmm I looked at it and I was like no I don't like this here we're not doing this no not for not for us this is not for us so now now ten years old are we at 73 around there work well uh no no ten I would be 70 70 yeah I run right with the numbers you know my birth date is January 26 or 60 so I ran right every year the numbers are always even you know real easy to keep up with ok so then so now you you'd be doing this hustle you're still in school right you're in school the school something that was good for you forever never attracted to school I did lousy in school didn't learn how to read and write Todd was in prison so when did you drop out of school well I went all the way through the 12th grade because I played tennis I was I was a good tennis player I was all city tennis player I had options you could get scholarships but I couldn't read or write uh-huh so once so that moved you through the system the school system because you were good at tennis I was good at tennis and it kept me out of trouble too you know I never been okay never gangbang okay so tennis kept me out of trouble it took me out of South Central I lived in South Central but but I wasn't in South Central per se you know it's an article they did on me in LA magazine if you ever get a chance to read it and he says how I didn't have any of the badges of the Crips and the Bloods you know no tattoos no convictions and I didn't get tripped up by that civil war that they have because I wasn't really into that I was in the tennis ball and and I thought tennis was gonna be my way out of the ghetto so as you're playing tennis [ __ ] not hustling anything you shouldn't be hustling you playing tennis so he's strictly tennis are you teaching tennis at some point are you just you're just playing and playing well well I was fortunate enough to be good enough in Tennyson and I was a little guy so the good thing about that is that I was able to make money in high school by going out and playing with younger kids god we're great tennis players who parents who are raising say oldest myth oldest myth is the guy who found her near the Baker gotcha Johnny Taylor Bobby Womack he's one of the first black record distributors ever him indeed Griffey and I should get to play tennis with people like that Tracy Austin giant the cannon who I don't know if you ever heard of him but his granddaddy own or backs the house was bigger probably bigger than Manhattan and I would go over the housing and they would pay me $20 an hour 16 tenants not the teaching but just to work out with him okay because it was like getting a workout from a 16 year old for a 12 year old but not a 16 year old is six feet tall that's hitting the ball hard and and my game was more consistent you know I wasn't going to quit I was just gonna keep grinding and keep grinding and that's what they liked so so then if you get it to high school and you're not hustling yet right you're still in South Central you still you're playing tennis so now you got to be 1718 right when you graduate high school okay so you didn't grab did you did you when did when did you drop out 18 years old 18 six year of high school tennis so you didn't finish no I want to been in high school I had less than probably a 2nd grade reading ability I pop you know he did well that's cool but when you find out that that your tennis career is not going any further because god I can't read the colleges are not gonna take you ok got it some companies realization in 12th grade exactly after you know a few coaches coming down and they talking to me and any like you can't read got you can't come to my college okay so being clear so now so you 12th grade so you drop out before 12 what when when do you like begin to feel you need to do well because I don't think it happens overnight I think you know some god there's some God of what you want to do next absolutely what was your plans when you dropped out I find myself back in south-central now no I live in south central not only am i living there but I'm staying every single day I'm in South Central so the first thing I do is I start low-riding okay so into the cause yeah one of my guys you know my little crew that I grew up with I'm still kind of like the shot-caller for my crew but the name of your crew would eventually call him the freeway boys okay so so you went to the price I wasn't doing everything that they were doing they were already smoking weed they were drinking I don't do none of that I'm a square cuz you weren't exposed to it so I started going to the street races with them got you and now I'm starting to get into the chicks okay because I see they in the chicks and when you plant tennis you know you you you kind of you stand strictly to your sport you know you're working out every day you ain't really got time for nothing else so once I started hanging out with them low riding now I want a low rider okay so I'll give me a car well card you get it 66 Chevy convertible so now I want to find out what has these guys fixing the cool Trudeau obvious to do it so now I want to know how I got sixty five in case you wanna yeah I got like twenty months bro with it was 65 66 we all rode together so now I want to know how are you guys fixing these cars up uh-huh it cost a thousand bucks I never seen a thousand bucks know what a thousand bucks look like my car paid 100 bucks for it okay okay that's how cheap they were back then and you put now you're putting your work into it your van labor exactly so I started hanging out with the car thieves got you so I first started off I was just driving cars for him they would start the cars up I would get in try but yeah when you say thieves you mean what kind of cars are you stealing at this point pretty much anything anything the body shops ordered they would get it so then now I want to understand what this is this is steal the car bring it to the body shop the body shop pay out right oh we would and they changed the VINs over it's always strip they will change vans too but most of timing with strips okay almost I need the front end bumpers doors we've cut tops off cars got you the whole nine yards so my guys who I started with I don't know how to still in myself now God didn't taught me everything about cars I can do whatever it is need to be done to a car I can do it so they want to go into jail some kind of way I don't remember how they actually went to jail but they go to jail when they go to jail I take over their business because I know all the body shops I know all the people who order the parts I go and tell them what's your profit margin on one stolen car like if you take a car it's 9 o'clock at night you take the car you bring to the body shop what's them what would he pay you what money could you make on that oh just for delivering a car like 400 400 if I took a freudian off a car bag they're not getting like 700 oh if you took the front end off and delivered just the front end right well if he takes less risk when he take when you take the front end off for God you said if it's sitting in his shop and wrenching the front off and he's worried about the police coming so what I did I had my own chop shop at 18 before I turn 19 I had my own chop shop God so you so when you say shop you're taking a cause apart you know this big enough to hold 20 cars the part that no one else looks at because I'm thinking 67 Chevelle 69 68 and then yeah this is 70 what you're doing this these cars are still on the street so I know that you get inside them so much money right now are you busting up any of these cars yourself taking front ends off and you okay you wrenching okay and describe this place where you keep the cars like how the house five-o not what did you call them out there we call them 12500 you call just police okay that's from a Wi-Fi ball right that's why we use that right okay okay so I had a building it was a brick building and it would hold about 20 cars all around it the UART wasn't mine it was belonged to another like wrecking yard they set cars there and so one night when in their stripping we had about seven cars when they're taken apart and we had a helicopter over the top that thought that at that time you know I look out to do and I say man the police gotta surround it so I'll come back and I tell my guy that's a man and police got us around it I say man I'm gonna make a break for it so I ran out the door I'm running man I'm running so hard man the police state they see me they run me down and finally they catch me and they take me over to this lady and this lady is like no he ain't the one somebody has snatched this lady's purse but the cop said man it's doing ran so hard he had to do something where did he come from went back to my shop oh Lord and I have my keys in my pocket and they brought me to the to the front and it was like what was she doing in that building you're breaking in that bill and I say no that's my building and he can't actually see what's in your building I'm not supposed to but they took the keys went in and searched to build in anyway and they saw the cars and whatnot and they said you got a chop shop going on in here so whatever asked me for that gave me seven counts of GTA I was looking at 21 years in prison so I'll come to help me out and I saved a little money too I still had him to change safe so she used my money and bailed me out put her house up so now I'm kind of like a no man's man again because well did you have to do time I didn't do I want to beat in the case because they I told him it was my place and they should have asked me if they could search it Wow I'm not ask me if they could search it and didn't get a search one it was illegal search and seizure I would you lose everything they take the cause I don't care about that 21 years so now you need your time I want a pan for a lot of those cars to you know later on they suit me who sued you the people on the cars the insurance companies the insurance companies can sue you for those cars so they sued me for the cars I wind up in about three cars off you know once I once I start having money it's the part that people don't I wouldn't even think I would think that you just walk away keep it pushing oh no no no companies can sue you for that money gotcha a property they paid the people off so the car becomes the heirs and I don't want you none of this is what you even thought was at the end of the rope would with all this cost of right no no no and and in my next you know my next venture you know so this force is your next venture actually because you might have still been stealing cars if that was going well for you I probably wouldn't and yet according probably wouldn't a transition right and then I needed the money from the drugs to pay for my lawyer I'm sitting I'm sitting on my porch right now and I'm like wow what I'm gonna do they just shut me down I don't want to steal normal cars because uh they looking at you look if I catch another GTA case I got a GTA seven comes of GTA pending three years of peace on each one what if I get caught with it with another one I'm done one of my guys called me one day and he was like man I got the newest thing and when I got to his house he laid out on the table it was the first time I'd ever saw cocaine I took my first snort that day you know what was that first snort like you know what you remember it it was just a drain it gave me a little drain like I took something down my throat and uh but it wasn't a feeling that I wanted okay never at that time I never drunk will be here it never took a simple alcohol and never smoked a cigarette never smoked a joint so I was like virgin material at that time so it was probably a little bit more uncomfortable than it is enjoyable uncomfortable for me gotcha but I did it he told me that that could make me rich was intrigued enough for me to take a fifty dollar piece of what he what he had and go and find out what it was I'm gonna see what was the value of it when you walk out that door absolutely so now give me a urine so the stolen cars has happening would you say was it 73 you said no no 78 78 after high school right after high school I just want you understand you see this is right after the muscle-car era that's exciting me that's exciting okay so 78 so now when is it you get your first look and snip of cocaine what year is that you know 79 this is where are we this this is what's happening 79 this goes in full swing Oh flash is just coming through the hip-hop game is just starting this is I'm getting them picturing the years okay so what what happens with this 50 this $50 worth what happens then what is it what is it so finally I came up you never heard of it before then I like him when I like tour - was cool when Superfly took it to a whole the chicks is moving yeah so compressor exactly I knew what it was but I didn't know what it was that I had in my hand and you know in South Central you don't go around selling nothing it ain't right at this time my neighborhood was was probably more dangerous than than it is right now so finally I ran into one of my partners who was a pimp you know because I stayed on the stroll stroll he showed me what it was he took it him first time I ever saw somebody cook it up he cooked it up first time I ever saw anybody smoke it up for crack cause this is early 79 oh is he cooking it freebasing it we never caught it crack we caught it ready Rock ready yeah bacon soda to it in water that was it okay what crack was and you know I heard a lot to talk about crack but I think that's a government term for rock cocaine gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha okay so this is happening in 79 it's getting cold I never knew that yeah yeah this is 79 before right before this is before I got involved they they were what they call eat the basic okay and I heard that Heath the basin was really really complicated where they use a lot of different chemicals and ether and whatnot and it was just so much more complicated I only saw a few people do it to eat the basin I wouldn't think ethers good in anything I would be terrified well you know that's what Richard Pryor was know when he got blew up okay he was eat the basic okay that's what he was doing because I thought it was there's a different thing eat their base basically and freebasing well freebase is a freebase is somebody that smokes for free freebase smokes for free yeah I mean he ain't got no money but he want to be in on the smoke he's a free basis I never knew that you know term for the drug and a way of using that's what I always thought and that's not and that guy's not very popular freebasing again you gotta go so we're worried what 79 80 yeah yeah we getting an 80 now when 80 so now you take this $50 worth you hit the street you sell it turn it over make a profit yeah I get beat out 250 Martin smoked up the whole 50 no who's this Martin is a pimp he's my big homie you don't make no money until you learn the business so wait so he's telling you he's testing it but he's really finishing it off well look what he did he cooked it up the rock was about the size of a match head postman $50 worth okay take it each if a little piece off to taste it to see if it was really cocaine well he got a check it to see if it's cocaine okay so he takes a piece he put on a pike he tested he's him thanks all right but I need another piece so he chip another little piece off he testing I was like man that hold in a freebase he said man it ain't none left I might as well go ahead and get the rest of and I'm gonna pay you Friday [Laughter] well Mart was my first customer after he did that I'm locking you in he like me became like super duper tight okay but but as but he's he's in the customer category correct correct okay absolutely which we don't okay so this did the experience you have with him make you understand the importance of the drug I didn't understand he came back later on that night with another guy named big mouse mouse was with Tookie Williams and you know then when they started the Crips gotcha so he came back 100 bucks oh so this is all in poppin before because now oh my 50 bucks need more product and I need more product so now I gotta call Mike and tell him what happened with my I mean with Martin that's interesting that's the how do I pay this or get ready to get make this profit get everybody right keep it or wasn't him about profit for me at that time I was really working for free I mean I was intriguing you look what are you feeling well Mike was was my guy you know I looked up to Mike he was like a big homie to somebody that I want to be around and hang out with and and he told me that this was gonna be the thing so I trusted him got you even though I had some skepticism about it and I'd also saw Superfly - okay so you know I knew that it's possible I'm saying I saw Superfly didn't he be demand so I still was intrigued with what's the business what it was and then after I did 200 out of thing for Mike I had any more confidence in today you know man I was in one day you know then still nothing then had to take nothing and the guy who who did the deal with you you know walked away rubbing his hands and happy and ready to come back Cadillacs and you know when jury I mean I think I'm in the right company so that's really how I looked at it and uh what I did is I kept working like that with Mike and until I was doing like 300 dollars a day and then my guy who was with me today that Martin did the first thing I went to jail a burglary this is um the person who was testing it for you no no no he was with me when I took it tomorrow Ali was like my one of my soldiers he was like I got you he wind up becoming my partner consciousness well he went to jail and well while he was in jail I really was just running for Mike you know just getting it for Mike taking it so we still was still in 80 only 80 81 about 3-4 months okay and he started giving me more he forgot about the 50 bucks okay because we're keeping it pushing keeping it pushing so he had forgot about the 50 bucks so when I got out of jail I told out what was going on you know a man I've been doing this for Mike I'll make about 300 hours a day I got to get my own $300 because I learned it that a eighth at that time cost $350 so I told him we gotta get us $300 so we can get down so he was getting out of James like man let's go steal the car I'd do everything you ain't got to do nothing you start it up for me I take it from the I strip it and do the whole gonna say whoa big guy right did you or did the car make you nervous it it did because I was still fighting the case even though I and now I had I had a good lawyer you know you know because Mike was helping me with my lawyer very handy I you said something because I want to go back to that the 350 but at your height of the stolen car ring what was you pulling down in that financially like what do you W making with that chop shop some nice we party could bring in two or three thousand dollars so weekly was like ten grand a week maybe or you know what kind of orders came in you know if it was Cadillac front end no very also a person with the body shop to do to order with you right because I see what happens if they get the parts for free or for cheap they're still charging the person that's doing that they're doing the work for top dollar correct so they they win bar took parts from you either yes or they're bagging extra money get the car finished faster because more than likely to the shop I mean the deal is probably gonna tell more we have in next week we got some eggs to get the car in and out there was only one loser really in that whole thing was the person who lost the car that night so back to the 350 you and your homie get to 350 right - yeah talk to to uh to get 1/8 now that happens okay so where do you guys move are you still moving for the guy once you get your a few break we started we start buying from him stop by from now I'm not moving it from I'm buying it from buying it from you and we keep it pushing we pushing okay we work and we work in and in we find out that uh that he's using our more than what he's selling he becomes addict probably for take over his territory well now we didn't want to take over his territory that's my man okay I'm trying to connect with my folks I don't need to I got South Central okay okay okay then he's in a nice support he's like West LA got you I mean he came up a little better than we did you know his people have money oh so so they wasn't like it wasn't like us gosh recently so we weren't really worried about his territory but we needed a new connection okay because he wasn't going with us would have to come to him and buy stuff that he didn't have we'd be waiting on it so cuz you know you and him have a link up again later on in life yeah he's okay now he went to jail with me and everything I got him cut off the case you know I took care of him you know I paid his rent you know for the rest of his life just about on Todd went to prison I paid his rent okay absolutely I mean what he did for me was was for as I'm concerned height would would almost what anybody had there you know that my mom and my daddy you know that she life he introduced me into something that took me places that I never thought that I would go so uh you know I didn't have a problem with he drove a car mine I mean everything he did just about was mine you know he stayed rent-free for I don't know 18 years nine years he was my man even though he was on drugs he still was my man turn you back absolutely not I don't believe in tie my back on people to help me even if they they have problems gotcha because anybody can can get caught up and true he got caught up you know he was in the early stages of smoking cocaine and and and snorting it and he just got caught up so now when you you do this a so you start to sell you start to do it on your own I mean Hoosier can you connect now first he was my unless we can talk about whatever okay I started with him so I had a teacher at a skill center that I that I had went to do interior for cars gosh I mean him and start playing tennis together this is prior to the Chop Shop okay I do some interiors as you know criminal mm-hmm okay criminality was not something that dad dad that I necessarily wanted to be a part of got you just fell um you know Malcolm X it I didn't fall on Plymouth Rock Star I fell on me so that's what happened okay clear so one day I go and see him because I hadn't seen him in a couple months and he was like man where you been and I didn't feel like I had to lie to him man you told him what you're doing told me what I was doing I see man I'm just selling cocaine how's that story of the coffee so I'll go by his house and he introduced me to the first Nicaraguan jackpot problems over problem solve you know I yeah I no longer have a problem with being able to get good cocaine at a fair price okay unbelievable price correct not necessarily unbelievable but you know I was my announces I was paying like thirty two hundred thirty three hundred four ounce of cocaine they probably started me off in like 26 okay you know I mean good price you know I'm saving $500 $600 on every ounce but nothing astronomical you know not a thousand out of the house like eventually you know I got him down to okay would you have to do to get him down to that price just trust hit him with money oh the by hitting him over the head with money I figured out that uh the more money you spend the cheaper it gets now you connect with you from now Nicaragua butBut lives but here yeah well you know what you know what happens in the US what was in LA yeah right they went out he was in LA gotcha yeah he was in LA what had happened is you know they had a war when sand in Nicaragua where the Sandinistas and the Contras were fighting over Nicaragua and they lost the war so they had to leave so the u.s. allowed them to come over here to seek refuge from the war so now see what how does this change your daily money how does this connect this connection changed things feel moving well what happened is I had a couple partners already selling other drugs when I started selling cocaine and they they had a little money it's crazy you know went went went went when I sit back and I wrote my book in prison and I just analyze how I systematically put this whole thing together because I needed investors you know when I found this connection now I need investors well you want to be able to cuz the more you can buy from I guess the cheap you can get it absolutely let's bring some other people for somebody that was paying 3,200 for hours if I can get him to buy arms for me for 31 I'll make like 500 profit just off of him you even move nothing move nothing so I went to two of my guys one was like the king of marijuana at the time and our neighborhood and the one was like the king of PCP got you and I knew that both of them already had money you know both of them party when I when I had a thousand dollars they probably had 20 gotcha so I talked to him about what I was doing and I told him the way they make him money was slow you know I'm getting my money 100 dollars at a time fifty dollars on sale 25 out of shots hundred dollars that bill was a hundred dollars but I'm all you know I'm old come to my houses without a hundred dollars you know that was my room don't even knock on my door don't ring I mean my belt if you ain't got 100 bucks and they're not going tell them I said man you're out here selling $10 bags and $20 when you could be selling $100 pouches 100 out of rocks this is before that we were all cooking it up for ourselves I'm in the eighties you had people that got high but it was also like a social struggle I remember I remember it being open like that bill it was a party it came out or you know rich people were doing correct entertainers Ike Turner you know damn I like you bugged out it was only the people have money I mean who could afford a hundred artists at that time you know in my neighborhood the people who where you saw it the people who were really making money probably may 400 week not sure at that time my mom house was worth about $60,000 in the neighborhood and that's the average price for the house is in our neighborhood was like 60 bucks I mean 60,000 so at that time $100 was it was a nice piece of money so how did you're making this money what did the adjustments you make in your life like are you buying homes cars like how are you moving how I change nothing okay exactly the same so you did not want the flash the flash I wanted the money my goal was to to start me a business and at the business by the flash well did did you eventually get to open some businesses what do those businesses consist of body shops I went right back to cars well you got choppers really dumb and people to chop them for me wait are you still so you I'm buying the parts from the guys you know it bring me front end oh you're in the safe side let me get my money from the person come back basically what everything that I've done in life is I learned as I went okay safe fencing wins went when the police raid me I had to go to the to the impound because my car was at my shop to my lowrider was so when I go to the impound I meet the guy who owns the police impound mmm-hmm so now I find out that he sells the cars once they come to the photos Empire lovely great now buying cars I almost bought the police impound I was close to buy the police impound oh that's a very intriguing story so so you own body shop how many animals all the time my mom had put me out he puts me out okay when she puts me out I already got a hundred thousand maybe 150 thousand dollars so I could stand a motel now okay anybody everybody wants me to stay with them of course they do I got both of the good things you know I was living with one of my cousins but when I want to go with a chick I'll go get me a motel 50 bucks and I can't even get one so I tell my boy I'm like and we got to get a motel look how small this place is okay so motel body shop not a chop shop there's legitimate body shop there's also your passion zoo cause you like it you build many calls for yourself in any of this I build a race car what kind of year what was it I had a pro car what was that what was remember Chevy Ford it was word I had a cougar oh cool Grover year 83 cougar popping with Austin chassis 83 was that's the year that's when they're the shape bought a race bike my bike set the world record I bought the bike from Terry Vance and Bryan Hines oh right nowadays Sons is like the fastest bikers in the world they was the fastest bikers in the world at the time gotcha what else shoe store tire and wheel custom time we were the first black to have a custom time wheel shop in LA what was it would like what area was in south central has an idea of what you're doing everybody know what I'm doing in your neighborhood you bought all this cash ok so you take your take it so I'm assuming you take it over what they would do they would be so nice they would say ok I want six hundred thousand for the building got you you give me six hundred we're gonna write it up like you gave me 250 oh it's great absolutely and what else we gonna do is it 250 we won't even take that in cash we're gonna let you pay monthly payments on that 250 so now I look like you only paying $1,000 or $2,000 a month it's actually legal paperwork and they want to see the paperwork oh is his I saw the to him in 250 he's paying me $1,000 $59 a month or like they supplied the loan to you hold they're holding the loan baby came to banks oh great Wow so now this is happening how much this is what are we still in a over further in the eighties we moving up today these we getting closer like 84 84 so you have businesses you have auto body shop you have hotel you have time we'll shop houses apartment building houses now now you're building I'm building houses so you're creative with this wanting to get the plans then I've taught me how to go get the plans I built my motel that was the first project I would build because I didn't know how to buy a motel you know I'm I'm going around like remember how I had the $50 Visa collection I'm going around doing motels the same way actually everybody how do you build a motel any higher and how will they hear Union Union 24 and 24 so I built the motel going in 82 so I was 22 when I built the motel are you at your height of making money yet I started in front 84 is when it really really it go across the goal boy it gradually went party 84 that's party when I start hitting a million dollars a day a million dollars a day yeah so now I need to break this million now because I wanna have a good understanding out so is this like a million is what you're moving around was that your profit no no no out of a million dollars my profit would be anywhere from two to three hundred thousand according to who came you know if when the big guys came they got better discounts because they spent more money gotcha but if you know if I did that in little guys you know two three at a time I charge them more so you're only so you only doing wait now you're not you don't have no I got rock houses too I got rock houses you have houses where you have you set up your own team right I probably got like five five rock houses $50.00 rock houses because what I did is I was set up like $50.00 rock houses and I stumbled on from what they call it doubled up one of my girls because I'm a girl so - oh my baby mamas I mean I mess with nobody who didn't I don't know why but you know what I figured like this here they're gonna spend the money they might as well help make it okay okay I have a little bit like that you absolutely not you gonna live like a rock star so you might as well be one literally so so one of them one day she had her own spot you know she got her own spot and uh I just passed by and I'm looking I'm like wow and it's in the book - supermarket right anything this is my days of running my own house you know you got lines in the yard and people standing out and you know you got to have somebody directing traffic and tell them how to stand and in the whole nine your so now I look at her and she's doing the same thing so I go in there and I'm looking I'm saying I'm looking at her rocks and so I get on the phone I call all my guys like well y'all gotta get over you right now mmm she created the doubled-up would they're consistent they doubled up is well you could go to her house speed 50 bucks and make a hundred and make a hundred yeah what would explain to me how that works because it was a double up that's what they call it the double up what happened so so the person who's booth spending can make money its man and make money and double their money or you could you can smoke half of it and then come back and spend fifty again or you could take it and you could sell it and what happened is is is this got so popular that you're creating entrepreneurs I found one kid he was 14 years old mm-hmm and he had duplicated my process to the tee but he was incompetent gosh that was an incompetent I was in South Central so when I go to his spot he's doing the same thing he's coming to me buying and he sudden doubled ups at his spot so he said that he had started with 50 bucks at one of my spots I didn't kept pushing kept pushing kept stacking his hundred kept stacking his hundred until he got up to where he's 1 ounces and then when I finally met him he was Bonnke now when you you know because where I do where I love the stories just see the chop shop that's my best part of story so far thank you I mean how did you feel though when looking back now 2017 and a young boy 14 years old and he's selling drugs I'm sure he sounds of some of his friends you know at some point like any any regret for those things any any arm because with this money and with all the things that come with it becomes [Music] damaging to the community absolutely and how did that sit with you or did it sit with you yet like was it sitting well it took a while before we started to notice that that it was addictive gotcha and when I found out that it was addictive is when I started to wrassle with myself about getting out of the drug business you know I quit selling drugs before I was ever arrested okay for the record so everybody knows when people don't know that no it's not selling drugs in the middle middle in now was that because of crack coming or did that matter to you when I say crack meaning I know the rock to cook that rock was getting a little bit more powerful 86 it wasn't any more powerful the same thing is rock mixed with baking soda now what happened is so in the early 80s you're selling it those rocks is the same stuff but it's cheaper now okay prices come down the first kilo i overboard I think I paid 45 for it mm-hmm when I quit I'm getting them for 9,500 got you so it's a lot cheaper but that was part of my goal was to make it more affordable so that more my friends could afford to buy it gotcha and I always looked at it I never looked at it from the users point of view first of all for the record I never gave anybody cocaine for the first time gotcha I don't know anybody that ever smoked and the first time they ever smoked that was with me gotcha gotcha I don't know anybody that I ever happened to you see they were already well using they were using when I met him gotcha basically you know some one of their friends would turn them on and brought him to me you know Oh Rick is the connect bah bah bah and that's how he got started as for regrets I don't think southern cocaine is cool but I love Who I am today and had I not went through what I went through I couldn't be Who I am today I couldn't be doing what I'm doing today so I don't regret going through what I went through including my prison stay so so if you you had already stopped when you say you stopped so then you'd become full business man when you when you were already just doing your businesses correct and you weren't you weren't selling the drugs anymore wouldn't selling drugs anymore and I don't have anybody selling drugs for me so how did so did they really get how did they get to you how did was the defense that got you correct how did how did they build a case against you well you know the feds got seven years God after you commit your last crime to arrest you and if they catch you inside the seven years they can go back on all those other years okay gosh well now if you get past the seven years that you committed your last crime you safe on everything else okay so what happened with me I'd only been out of the drug business for about a year and a half when they when they arrested me and was it I think I did no sin I'm not sure this from your book wasn't it was it the Nicaraguan person the person who set you up correct so he was or he already got caught right so he got caught and then he set you up well I had to I had two arrests mm-hmm at two separate arrests I got arrested in 89 is my first arrest when when I acquit selling drugs okay I wind up getting a ten-year sentence I got that cut down to five because they didn't get the evidence that they want on me because they never called me with no drugs they only had a few people testifying against me I got that knock down those people who were testifying were they friends of yours friends of mine friends or people you put on and they got caught they got caught up and he didn't stop when I stopped what they did is they took over my business God show and they ran it and and one of getting busted so I went to jail for that for that conviction I got out five and a half years later so that would have been like early 90s right 93 is when it was 93 so yeah Danilo Blandon who was my connection had got arrested while I was in prison sucker Oh what he did is he called me and said Rick I know you ain't doing nothing but your homeboys are mm-hmm one of them and this went on for about six months this is all cool you think you're not thinking anything of it I'm thinking he's trying to - because you know I'm running around the city now I bought a whole theater so you're out you're out clean and he's asking you to hook him up with your people correct to connect you correct and 93 and this is 93 94 did you smell something happening I never thought that he would hit me there's no way I could have smelled numb because this is my man you know and technically you're really minding your business career really moving that's construction work you know just doing little odd jobs and he could reach out to them if he needed to right absolutely he could have gotten to them directly absolutely is he still in jail no no no no he got out with 28 months 10,000 keys he did 28 months in jail have you seen him again spoken to me no well I don't know you know when we did our documentary he he spoke to one of the producers for the document because we wanted no I'm mad at him no more you know because I understand that what happened to me wasn't his fault not you I put not many people say that I understand but most people don't look at the world the way I look at it the way you just put it many people look at it like that they don't look at the world well I look at the world probably you're looking at it proper but you know a lot of people you know look for those excuses and loopholes to blame someone else absolutely life absolutely so he's calling you for six months and I guess you eventually hook him you and when did he catch me and I'm wrong with my man Chico Chico was one of my young homies who happen to be right there I just commit in the car and he calls me and Chico here's the conversation and he was like what are you talking about I think he said at that time like that unusually cheap it was cheap for that time at that time they were going in LA for about 17 god sure you know for Chico that was gonna be like and Chico has some money learn the game you know you've been buying for me since he was like 16 and when I come home take me shopping and you know he was doing stuff for me you know give me a little money and I mean him was gonna build a studio together okay something to get into the rap business okay you know I mean this was then I mean hereö was Sally's when they started death row I was first coming into death I mean into the jail with David Kenner I was right there the first day that he walked into the building - to meet Harry oh I was I was just has to be early 90s right Wow so so I saw what they did with death row and and I was kind of instrumental in some of the things that guy who gave him who started that fro from Judy ever come out of jail no he got about seven more years oh so he would be out eventually yeah okay okay did he fund it he came up with some of the money yeah okay so now you're so you're there you pass you pass the phone so you you you drink him in your home you up right now is that is that the point now where you are now involved in this from from from identity no matter what you do from here I invented just cuz you connected the two that's aiding abetting and what how much time did that get you a life sentence kidding me for passing a phone well what happens is when you aid in a bed in a conspiracy whatever the conspiracy carries and you get the same thing if they'd have been doing a deal for 300 kilos I would have been doing 300 kilos okay but you don't end up you you don't end up doing life you do less than that yeah I wind up on that case I did 14 and a half years [ __ ] is still a long time bro well I win I mean at the time I guess it's a blessing in comparison to life absolutely okay sweet blessing so how did you get the sentence down how did you work that together I taught myself how to read and write got you I started doing long and what then then you got you did you get your Christ to come up again did you get yeah so you got you got convicted on life I got convicted on life VI had a lot so you had a life sentence you angel sitting I got a life sentence not the possibility parole so so you you then read up you figure this out and then you go and all that made a mistake in their in their sentencing form I've been in jail one time but they charged me with three strikes because I've been convicted in multiple states when I got arrested that first time okay you know once they found me guilty and one I just pled guilty and the rest of them mm-hmm I was like why fight it I'm gonna do some time anyway if I can get it all ran together I'm good so that so that so that means it wasn't three strikes it wasn't it three striker okay so then now that it's not a two-striker they would because three structures two automatic that's the automatic life without the possibility of parole your career criminal so now that you get a retrial no you don't get a retrial you get resent it you should get resented strip got you so now you so and then fortunes what they offered no the first time it came back I think I got 20 25 24 how'd you get that down a new law came out I think was the name of it and that it says that the judge had authority to depart from the guidelines if they saw fit got you so what had happened in my case is I was still on appeal and I had won it down into 25 when I went back to court the judge had to take in consideration all of my improvements of myself gotcha my reading participating in drug programs just just the whole nine yards and this judge had grown front of me when she gave me the life sentence I told her I'll be back and see me I have to say okay I'll be here when you get back and when I came back the first thing she said when I walked through the door you said you was coming back [Laughter] so she had kind of grown fun of me and my lawyer used to tell me the clerks which is is the ones who do all her work one of the clerks had absolutely my lawyer say absolutely fell in love with me all this helps absolutely because the clerk is party talking to her you know he kind of wasn't trapped because I got the entrapment instructions okay meaning that the entrapment instructions is given to people who are duped or could have been duped mm-hmm and to doing a crime like they wasn't planning on doing a crime but there's pressure somehow they got involved so they give the jury the entrapment instructions even though entrapment instructions for a jury to find me innocent it's kind of hard you know when the prosecutor comes in and say oh this gotten made over 600 million dollars in two years selling drugs how could he be entrapped mm-hmm he loves having drugs basically is the way he presented the case to uh does your homie get time to the guy yeah he got time to yeah as much as you know he got 10-year he's the first defendant he had never been in jail before okay so he got any had to do the strong ten no he did less than ten you know drug program I don't know he I think he wanted doing like six or seven so any you know anywhere in this can you moving these drugs and moving it at that level other police involved though there are that's worse well well and any of these any of these police working with you to move these you're not Nina protein never what I need them for me you already got this moving I'm already making a million dollars three million hours a day sometime what are they gonna do you gonna bring me some drugs cheaper impossible I mean what you're gonna do how do you get into this mmm you know I don't need you I mean at one time it wasn't him grading my spots it was not no it took a while before they found out it's because they didn't know where you were well it took a long time for the cops even knew that we had that kind of money there's no flash well my younger guys gave it away you know they start buying Rolls Royces Porsches and then they saying you know like I think when the articles you know those cops the freeway Rick task force went to trial okay let money and planting drugs and lying on search warrants and what were they doing this to you yeah how when they're arresting you yeah yeah so I'm assuming they get in trouble for this right they got indicted okay so you so do you had you did did you have to go to that cases you have to what I did is is that's a switch when I found out that they were doing this to my people because they didn't get me first mmm-hmm they couldn't find me cuz you know I got houses all over the city I got businesses I can hide the team so what they did is they started doing it to my people gotcha my girlfriends to my mama they were plant drugs on them you know like they would go to my girlfriend house and and say oh well we found a half ounce of cocaine you see how no cocaine in her house you know I'm saying what's she doing with cocaine in her arms so I dressed her and put a new system Esther $50,000 bail you know the whole nine yards got you and this comes to light before you're arrested this is before you because they came find me so they so you knew that it was that you knew that so they had the hard-on right there start taking their job personal God just wasn't it wasn't about okay let's go out and do my job lucky for me that they did do that though because if they would did their job and put some effort in what they was doing they could have really built up a real case gotcha well by them being lazy and and and and and not taking their time and building up and then if they want to do that to iPod would have been filthy filthy rich they would raid my houses with like I would open up a house in two or three days and there they go raided I'm saying I know dang I know search want to know today mmm-hmm I got a search like that fast you know because when they get a search when they supposed to do some surveillance they supposed to an informant and by you know a certain procedures that that I have learned from being in the business they supposed to do and I knew that they weren't doing this with their steps you almost saying I don't mind getting caught but catch me the right way exactly okay okay okay so what I did is I go and talk to my lawyer about it mm-hmm I'm like look man it's crooked these cops are not legit so he tells me man ain't no cops do all this stuff they don't beat nobody up God you don't know you don't know he didn't see that side of him he never saw that before so he said well if I was you what I would do is I would hire private investigator I said oh yeah you know what let's do it let's do it so what the privates got this on tape got this all happening so what this guy did investigated frenchie was his name and I wish I had those reports right now what he would do is he would go follow the cops around gosh and he's the first one to tell me that their name was the finger Victor I don't know their name was really a task for us I mean I think it's just the cops you know 70 708 just the precincts just you know going around doing doing what they do you know and then he comes back and he's like well you know the freeway task force and I say hold up buddy the freeway task force oh yeah you got your own task force now 77 Firestone 108 and they all took the best cops they got in each precinct and uh City Hall put them together and they supposed to bring you down so when the cops before you arrested or after this is before a four okay I've never been arrested before that okay so when I get indicted well first they arrest me the local cops arrest me first but I beat that case because they tampered with evidence and then uh the local just threw it out so they got mad and they took the case to the feds what we did is we took Frenchie's file and gave it to the feds as well and that must have been interesting yeah they indicted the cops to that we are so everybody everybody into you're going I'm going we're all going yeah so what do you do you get out on the last case 2009 so 2009 yeah so so this holds I'll be working on the case you get the time down you're doing good things ingested and enables her to get out earlier what was the world like when you got out in 2009 well you know what when I was in jail and when you get a chance you got to read you got to read the article to them in LA magazine because that that probably describes my jail stay better than Dandan than anybody else Jessie cats came down he was a reporter for the LA Times he used to ride around with the cops when they were gonna arrest me and so he's still a writer when you come out he's riding when I'm out but he came and seen me in the penitentiary well you're right before I want my peel okay okay so he's paying attention to your movement so he writes this article called it's my [ __ ] you arey this is gonna be his last time hearing from me and he talks about that the world was tired of my dreaming mm-hmm you know when he comes and see me I'm talking about writing a book mm-hmm doing a documentary a movie clothing line Nikki's not hearing none of this no he thought I'd lost my mind he said but you've learned while you've been in they reckon I went crazy but he didn't know I read over 300 books mm-hmm about business I studied business while I was there I became I went from being a non-reader to an admin reader I started a book club while I was in prison okay other inmates came in in read books even when I went back to court other guys that was in prison wrote letters to the judge and told the judge what I did for them while I was in prison did you I feel like there's an oppressor are you happy to change your life going to jail because you seem like you've changed I give everything absolutely I mean I mean I'm just happy with life man you know like it's like to lose your life hmm and get it back is a blessing where are you when you first hear a rick ross record like where are you inside when it happens it's all kind of Texas yeah I'm inside the this is upset you at first or you do like it at first this is something that you're about like like what are your initial feelings in hearing of a Rick Ross song when it went when I didn't hear the song first first I saw him he was in XXL Magazine okay one of my young guys while me XXL Magazine and say look this guy's took your name okay that's how okay alright so what what I do is jump up and running start getting on the phone start calling people because I'm still messing around in the industry okay I found alcoholics in jail what I was in jail alcohol the rapper's yeah how'd you find him I got them signed two or two two are allowed to Steve Rifkin yeah so they were in jail with you know oh you just you said to me I was still networking on the streets so that okay so now is this does Steve Rifton cut you a check and everything for this you can't correct well look what happened fade absolutely Fabian is my homie my homie gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha so alcoholic I'll always take it when he says little homie the way he described it earlier okay I'm lucky he's my little homie all right so when I leave Harry oh that came to let me I need to break this down so people understand King T New York City that's one of the hardest records ever made it's called at your own risk meanest [ __ ] I just wanna really Google that and listen to that now I'm sorry we'll get back okay so when I leave when I leave hereö and I get back to the pen as soon as I get to the pen BT come on Snoop Dogg and dr. Dre God Harry order did it Wow and you know we always competed okay so I jump right on the phone I mean we're kings here I need a rapper so he tells me oh you know these little dudes they stand with your cousin so I called my cousin mm-hmm it was alcohol Swift was there he talked to so uh I talked to him then I call fate I said I got me a group fade is gonna quit Wow Rick Ross records okay agent Miller - you probably know agent - I don't think I know agent Miller used to run immortal records I know other more buckets absolutely okay we're agent and him both Ryan so they both we're gonna come and help me and you know already know Otis Smith be Griffey okay I'm already got my hand in the and I still got a little bread okay broke it this time focus so so so we're gonna do the alcoholics record record and then I see the alcoholics come on King T's video King T tell me on my video finna come on they're gonna be in the video they good but I don't know where I've music okay they are tough though they don't they go very so I'm gonna do to him i hook him I would fade we're getting everything together one of my homies going to the hole called me funny Oh to get a number for his girl so I go to the hole to get the number my concert or hear me it said oh I'm putting you in the whole witty Wow so I wind up going to the hole because I'm out of Bounce you're not supposed to talk to guys listen in the shoe gotcha so he put me in the shoe so now I'm in the shoe I can't contact fade or nobody when I get out the hole I'll call hey I like 45 days okay a long time out the hole fades excited hey I got the alcoholic sign I said you got the alcoholic sign so but me not being a hater you know like rock out I could have been I said okay go ahead do your thang I don't know if the alcoholics was gonna make it anyway there's also maggots they did this all summer absolutely so make it so I lost out on them mm-hmm and that's how they got signed so you you your relative right your nephew he brought she brings you this magazine of Rick Ross right and then what do you do you ever reach out to him to like one of my boys here in New York he said oh he'll be in my office Monday at nine o'clock oh you got to meet her you met him talk I talked to him on the phone yeah what was the vibe he was he melted down he had a meltdown a meltdown absolutely when you say mother like he woman oh because he didn't know that I was gonna be on a line okay nobody seemed to phone oh okay his bodyguards at this time okay okay okay the guy you see today well but but easy is he has one recognize no know what to do whoa now now here I'm talking like for me this is me and you know of course you know my Ross fan boy no problem but a lot of rappers look at what you do and what others doing and do take a like wow like that of course absolutely I mean 50 cent is Abby's way industry almost is based on all the industry so like because I'm even with his music I never knew that that was even a name that he took taken I never knew that most people don't know I had known from the music I learned of the case reading and seeing that cuz whenever said they're the real I was like whoa well tell me it was real like what's happening and then I caught up now did he ever offer you something - did you look was there any was there ever friendly conversation how did you how did you approach him when you spoke key Oh big homie I love you I owe you okay sounds good when you gonna come see me you're a little bit more business savvy than most like this is my time I spent with you like because I know I can't talk on the phone okay I was in prison homie when you come come to the prison so we can sit down face to face and talk send me to visit inform I'm coming what would you at that point what would you been up what would you what would you have been alright with if that college how did you want that computational money you wanted you want him to come show some respect you want him to come and see you and have the combo well he could've did is just open doors for me okay I could have took his career to places he ain't never thought about going okay I could have took in places that I'm at right now so wait how did it get to because I know there was a case then we're known for what now you took him to court for the name right so is it that you wanted the name back oh you want to be compensated the name I got out of prison lawyer walked up to me he say Universal oh you bought 50 million dollars I said oh yeah he said Universal oh you about 50 million dollars somebody on this - and my lawyer - a lawyer he said Universal you about 50 million now I say I'm listening keep going so before the Lord gave me this wasn't in your mind you were you were going like let's do like how can I was like I am right now about him don't nobody bring his name up he's not even relevant in my world but now did you and him converse it again after that day the time you got on the phone he did we did talk one time I was in Dallas did you come to see no calix somebody had put Catholics on the phone okay and Catholics had invited me to a party that they was doing in Dallas at the all-star weekend okay Andy and Kat externa round he said hey we're all says right here you want to speak to him okay hand him the phone we spoke he's good combo wasn't wasn't bad we won't be at the party you want to come by the party did you go no I don't wanna go to the party okay he lied to me already he changed his phone number okay when he never showed up to the prison okay and then on top he didn't - I'd have been a little leery to show up to the prison me I would have been just in just in general yeah worked in the prison so why would he be leery of the fridge we didn't but I did oh you you knew they knew about the prison I hacked letters from guys that was in prison with him okay okay he was shooting a video one time yes yes the Baxter was in the video yes where exit backs are used to write me every other day she told me a holiday met the video say X device used to write you every other day because I don't want to skip over that I don't want I don't want to rush that part so I guess the Baxter was but what were you guys talking about you and okay okay okay how'd you get your information you okay then she just reached out seized all right me but not only your writing I tell you that I see you like 75 letters a week for women oh whoa wanna marry me well wait this is after this is after the case at the trial after you get your time down I mean I'm tree getting some press in between all the days yeah and and it's okay soon and that just I was just curious about that so you and Ross you you you the second time you speak but then now you feel like you can't trust him this is what Oh does it Oh tenure at 11:09 okay so there has to be a point with so disloyal in Philadelphia since then you sent him to paperwork right and then now there's no more conversation no okay and how does that I know that did that case work out in your favor when you say lost so nothing that you have nothing anything but what were you asking for I think we acts in Universal 50 million dollars so you ask you for the money from Universal yeah and then we're also think we wanted like ten from him you want ten just for being mixed up in that and I saw him we we took his deposition in Arizona I mean in a Miami we flew around in Miami we did his death when you say we you in the room yeah I was in Oh cuz you can't be in the room donor they'll be in the room when they do Debs okay and then you and him did not speak there nothing he rolled his eyes at me and you know come in and he tried to downplay me you know it's like it's just me and him we'd only blacks in the room everybody else is white lawyer okay Universal got about nine lawyers in the room Universal fought hard okay he didn't play so you and him there's no conversation there nothing no I stretched my hand out to shake his hand and so now do you feel any differently about the case do you feel any differently about well but he doesn't use the name anymore he still does he does they started right back soon as they won the case they start putting Rick Ross back on his records okay you you weren't happy about can body language about that they don't matter I ain't trippin but yeah I mean I'm like this here right when I got out of prison I already knew what I was gonna do I had laid my plan out I'd do my blueprint and you didn't hear from that the lawsuit was just something a lawyer did I did a very little work on the lawsuit got you I went to court a few times spent a little money you know more than I wanted to spend cause I thought I wasn't had to spend no money on it also you know like right now I'm getting ready to hit FX and John Singleton over to hit well we had talked about that earlier and you know I'm a huge fan of snowfall and I I did hear rumor before you that then it was about your life at that did hear that like you know when you just bringing it up I mean who else who else who else in living right now but now he not only from not only from LA if you took la out of it if you just said another black guy who was connected to the CIA where's he at in the world now a few and now a few people had told me that it is also about John Singleton's uncle who and I don't know who is his name I wasn't sure but no but but wait no but wait wait RZA RZA and a few people who did it did tell me they met him he was on set and he was that he you know maybe that ties of the CIA well the CIA I didn't I didn't know no I didn't hear ties to CI he was a kingpin in LA correct that part that part I think but you wouldn't I know you would know better that's definitely well I did hear that they did take some of those case no and that's Bob in it okay and then some pieces of whoa whoa was for my neighborhood bow came like right out the ideate and what year was so when you say right after was that like 90s or you were already out of it by the eighties he came in eighties because now because snowfalls bass 85 86 now are you still around in this time going hard in my range okay don't matter if you change the time the time to already matters is uh okay is what you say and and and what's going on in the story and I haven't watching one I haven't watched one episode but they tell me all the time about team got it I mean people tell me all the time about okay did they tell you all about that they feel like it's a I'm negotiating right now I'm gonna go she ate at the same time he's trying to do snowfall I'm getting I'm working I'll get my story I'm at the Weinsteins I'm at or Emmanuel Jeff bird Spencer boomer but I'm negotiating we're gonna have to hold up on the Weinsteins for a second right you got only do they rape the women but they rape them into but from meaning you cuz my first time meeting you I don't know if you're gonna find someone as interesting to play you cuz I you know you haven't you definitely have the hustle energy the you know I don't get bitter from you I get like you're not happy to like look like like it's just new challenges like tennis to you hmm we're gonna keep the ball in play so so but what were you talking with John Singleton about doing a TV series or were you talking movie could you so you can't still do the most impatient with John I'm gonna do the motion picture and the TV show but you don't want to do it John you don't want it not Johnny more we just hired kim harding to find us a director so will you just so you were disappointed in snow focus you feel pieces of it you're like no when I'm disappointed in is that our brother will set out another brother mm because I wouldn't sell my story to the white folks when you say sell what they want to buy it from you they want to buy my story what was the offer they offer me 850,000 and then you have to I mean you don't make another penny on other penny I would walk away and then I had to hire Nina Shaw which was the lady who represented Wilson if she wanted 250,000 mm-hmm and they wanted her to be my lawyer Oh Oh 50 would come off the top oh when you pay taxes what would I better get a car is anything that you learned in 14 years what I'm gonna set how to divvy this up got it okay now was this coming from John's voice or is this coming from the TV company you know like who's giving you this offer oh no that I want to talk to the guys who run Hollywood oh so John was involved yet no not when I would mind okay so you mean him we're talking outside of me talking to him gotcha I got another book coming out I can't wait until till I do this hundred thousand on this one so I can drop my next book so everybody I had a guy that was riding with me everybody thought that he was just air but he was writing down everything that was going on in my life since when you came out since the day I walked out you did a book called riding with Rick he just gave me a sample of it a couple days ago man and it's crazy because he's at these meetings right and he's period firsthand he can write about some be heard a fact he soo if you believe you think I'm lying see see where John messed up at is he changed my character they just gave me some old lessons I wouldn't talk to a research changing character in it's called defamation of character see I have the right to be Who I am just like I am correct you don't have the right to change who I am now was he trying to change it in the script I don't matter how you change boy or do you feel like snowfall changed your character it's no fart change my character but how are you gonna say how how are you proving without a doubt that that character is yours well we can prove that certain things happen in snowfall that hasn't happened to anybody else in the world wouldn't it be better than settle out on this maybe maybe he wants to meet up with you John we talked we talked for a couple weeks and then talks broke down and you know I didn't tell him that that the lawyers had already been knocking at my door like man let me have him kinda like what happen with Ross okay let me have him let me have him okay so then now you're gonna go to court or you're open to settle I don't know Wow I'm more expensive right now last week way more expensive than I was last week have you talked to him since no four came out no we didn't reach them anything no we had been talking through my manager and before snowfall came out but see John always had my phone number I got John phone number in my phone no I mean I'd like to see the Sun I want to tell you something though I would love to see John Singleton involved in a movie about I would I would I just feel like that would be why would anybody do a fake movie when you got the real guy and you knowing well it's a TV show I'm like I just don't want your story like that story reflects why would you want to do a fake story first when you got the real well well here's something to cuz cuz I'm a snowfall guy that kid Franklin he kind of looks like you love it he's laid-back he Flossie okay okay why would you do a fake story when you got the real guy see what Franklin doesn't seem to not Franklin do with me Franklin interact with the CIA in the show he doesn't like direct well you know they did change the commercials after it aired I think when when they hit my Twitter they was hitting FX and John's Twitter at the same time like man y'all stole Rick story so so they did change up some of the stuff but what I'm saying is again why would you do the fake when you got the real but I could but this is a good note here this is but here can you answer that for me this is what I think this is what I think yeah must be with your man you know I know I know John I'm turning off the TV watching so me but when you rather watch a real show I've got some real Iraq some real history you got my merican history but you taught my son America me but listen it is here but I think right now Hollywood is very hot on crime especially unsolved am i real crime but I think there's room I think like this this has that particular show is making me ten times more interesting in what in what you do because I'm looking at that as this is some fiction here right about LA in a time period now that talk is happening and I think when that talk happens your name comes up cuz then people say you know that shows dope but this is but but the freeway story is is is doping in what's going on and I think it does make you more injured because I do want the real that's because I know this is gonna be real I'm not I'm not confused so as you're talking movie and you're talking that's very interesting to me and when you and when you talk that you were talking to singleton you know why cuz I wish I'm not the biggest Tupac fan people know that I'm not but I would have liked to have seen what a Tupac movie would have been with John Singleton at the helm of any boom I love you my brother you know I just would have because of their chemistry because of their relationship so when you're telling me you and him sit and talk and there's things going on I do it I do would like to see cuz he's from LA correct I don't know I think he I would you know how guys today from here and they from there and they name is this and I don't never know I don't never know way from you get you in a smile or get you if it could get right would you and him work if it could be right I would work with John you who was right I want to see like what like what that comes of that I'm gonna see like you know see my first thing is I'm a businessman first mmm-hmm I'm always gonna do everything with business I run my life with a business I want my kids as a business because we are our businesses our life is a business the way you run your life is the way and you wanted to turn out and it should be ran like a business and that's the way I do so if John came and it made sense mm-hmm I would I would still work with John I was disappointed when they told me that they didn't want to talk more okay well got it so you you were open to continue talking absolutely I don't want to not don't not continue talking with me and I feel like there's a character that's similar to me and now you're not talking to me correct I got you and I and I'm which you want the same thing with Ross how much you would say game with your man Ross and I have some dope ideas we've got some conversation I some dope ideas for him you know what I told him I said look man can you imagine if you do your show and I call you during the middle of your show and you played a phone call from federal prison this is before everybody had heard your your you're getting a call from a Federal Correctional Institution I said you play it over the speakers and then when they hear you talking to me on the phone they don't love you more so and for you also to you know that's like saying to do this helps both of us absolutely this is up doing it and it helps you and hey I know you it woulda gave me some foundation because I have foundation when I got out when I got out I didn't know nobody correct I got you see but me I'd have been a little scared I'm keepin above you I would have been I don't know how well guess what but guess what but guess what he should have been thinking if this dude was what everybody said he was mm-hmm let's build because this snap his finger and whatever he wanted to happen in LA would have happened but but but I don't think cuz you know what I've done what I've had to do flex I've had to beg people please don't go to the concert and do that for me look nephew don't do it let it go I don't want you to do that for him all right I know you do - I call over the East Coast [ __ ] but don't do that that ain't what I want I'm gonna give you John singled in the same way when he shot in South Central he shot in south-central let me tell you what they said not just the Crips but a few brothers from the Nation of Islam mmm hey man let's go and stop him from shooting right now I see this thing man that's a brother I think I can speak from my own experience okay go ahead and I am in this business 25 years and I'm from the Bronx from you know an aggressive part of the Bronx and I meet people and you know you have friendship people you grew up with you know I got in the business young and you have some free up some friends that go away and something or not friends could be from the same part of town they go where they do 15 20 and they come back a lot of them I'm their first stop because and I'll be I can honestly say for me it's it's a very long process for who I let in and move with because I don't know if they're the same person I knew when I was a kid I just don't know you know and you're just trying to figure it out and it depends on how and I don't think you did anything wrong I mean you you reached you talking conversation I think that energy is good but you know sometimes you know it's just I don't come from that life I can say for myself personally so I don't know how to read some how well are you angry at me or are you roping me in far enough and then we're going to have a situation you know you absolutely that's the point for me it's always hard and some guys I've lost a couple friends when you're from the hood is like that when you're from it and you know home ain't always a good deal was my zone you know like that's not always good at it's ok you know and all right and then you you you tell people hey you give you advice I don't know if that's gone once you stop if you getting some energy like Brian notices and I'm gonna keep it so about you know and then you and and and you make good and you gonna make good sense so any goals you running with did you been run away for the last 20 and you make good sense now it's like what's happening but big here but dig this here you want good energy you know the first thing you have to do is you have to go with somebody's background and then you have to vet them out because I agree because you can't you can't just automatically put something in your mind and that's what happens to us as a people because once we get some money we no longer go to the hood because we could be extorted just like you just said right there but you can go to the hood and Bob but but your energy I'm feeling everyone's Energy's not like yours right I already know 100 that's why I can feel your knees not saying but that's why the hood is mine I can go to they're not in a good space or they they feel somebody owes them some time you you feel that energy some of them do we and some of them do be owed I agree yes but I mean I did a favor and didn't get the favor return here for me for me I can honestly speak on this mic and said I never took a favor I never took no bread to play no music I never got to a situation and call somebody to handle it for me you know win or lose I'm a dealer who I need to do it cuz all I got that's me right so but there's some guys that I know Danny was the man he was getting it kind of got a raw deal let's to him a lot sometime they do have good music I'm a plate if you don't have good music I'm not complete that's just me because I can't I can't give that I can't give that I earn that you know that's that's what my thing with your old man yeah and but but a lot of people sometimes don't want to hear that I mean they don't you know you're you're saying like I would have never thought that you're calling Rick to say hey I could let's do this together I mean that's on all the time oh that's different you know but I'm already are you sure I was already see he didn't know me but that doesn't mean he might've he maybe if he maybe I don't I don't know how to tell ya to know you better what if he took my name he should know you don't do no research on somebody gonna took they name I mean but I did my research after like like when you saw the case go you still you still haven't done the research on me you still don't know who I am no I don't know that I was featured in Esquire magazine's anniversary correct keynote article I didn't know that they gave Obama to cover and usually they gave me the magazine I did not know that no I did not know that I didn't I didn't do I did my surface research when I heard the case and then I was like well first I was like well it's the same name exact you know I do mind everything they come to and then I saw okay I get it this is like 50 cent you know but 50 cent away 50 cent guy didn't even have a national name I was already I'd already been on my tail William 60 minutes Dateline Nightline this is but before you before you ever before you ever took my name and yeah I didn't know he took it front page of New York Times Huffington I mean I haven't imposed why should I but you know rap guys look up to the street we're not saying I'm not saying he took a name that already have value absolutely I was in the front page LA Times every single day correct yes he did take 35 cops got indicted he did take something had value I agree I just value no I didn't have this have value there's a name of Jim in this value I agree with you I agree with you I agree because what happened with my name is that the most important guys on the street had uttered the name okay the guys who ran the blocks see if you get a guy from from here who's a shot-caller mm-hmm he mentioned somebody name one time because you don't mention people names I got you don't respect many people and that's a respectable name that he's mentioning absolutely like I go to Detroit and do a book signing right and it was a camera guy who came out and he's filming he say Rick do you know all the people who bought that book I said no not really he says all the shot called us all the big deep voice oh no they they know you 100% in and out I know but the people I told I'm gonna see you today I know what it is I know the energy in the world of course of course so when they don't respect you don't need no more but you know what it is I wished from outside looking at you and him I just wished it it hit I wish you didn't I wish didn't it work better just me as a person looking up I wish it were to work about understand your your feeling and I'm well understand how you felt when you hear your name exist I don't I don't even have a feeling when I hear my name well back then before when you when you come out you know my friends their Turner's record off when they hear it on the radio I don't know it's like you heard your name being said you know like it's being said like that's like hear my name but and I and I and I was wondering how it was gonna play out to and maybe look you know I think I was looking for you know what maybe there's a way they can do something go to Breakfast Club I did not he said Breakfast Club oh okay he got he said cuz I testified on the cops and I'm an informant well and I didn't get mad I don't even cops is trying to take you to a ball but guess why I didn't get mad at him cuz I say he know absolutely nothing about the streets I didn't even try to defend myself other guys oh geez from different places came on and defended me because I named had to defend myself against it because I don't care when you read my book you will see Bishop Noel Jones world my forward he's that one thing he said Rick didn't care what people thought about how he dressed he didn't care about how they felt how he looked cuz I was running around South Central LA with three four million dollars and duffel bags you don't have nothing so so when when when you say that it don't mean nothing to me I don't really care and I did not hear him say that I did not know that he he said you know maybe he probably was a joke or two I didn't take it personal I probably kind of said stuff about him you know in joke anything in fun cuz I don't have no hard feelings against him I was just just gotta move better if he hadn't visited you when you asked him to visit it feels like this would have been totally different game totally different it would have been a different energy totally different cuz there's something that would have God said between the two of you right there that would have been like hey he would have got to know me and it maybe if I were to that party that night maybe if I went to that theater saw you you might have went to the party because you had already had a prior whoopee that came to the visiting room I definitely would have went to the party okay I get it I get it I remember you feel there's a certain type respect if you come see me when I'm locked up and I reach out to you and we spent some time and then we move forward you know I get it that I do get that energy absolutely I do get that about John I ain't mad at John but you know if the bags right and you can do this right we can get I John I would like to see that movie I'm totally excited to see a movie I would love to see your stories are amazing I did the the the Chop Shop part and that heavily in your book yeah I didn't know that part at all like that that was happening - I didn't even know like the LA scene was so big on that you know I know our area was the biggest car ring in the country we stole more cars in our area than anybody else in all country tell me what's tell me besides the book you said you have another book coming out coming out riding with Rick we just raised all the money that we need it for for the movie you know I get ownership [Laughter] we're going to the big screen big screen I'm also working on the TV series right now okay that's coming along well I'm working on a reality show I'm working on right now what I'm getting ready to do is I'm getting ready to do a town of search with Brian Kennedy you have to Brian Kennedy what I want to do is I want to find the best artists in the world so artists is what you want to put out that's what you want to do like I mean you know one of them one of them you know I had the opportunity to work with a guy that won five Grammys so why not put out a record okay you got that right at your fingertips you know - to work with somebody that dad that talented he sold over 100 million revenue when you were growing up and everything was going on what were you listening to what were you popping into you like to listen to who did you like that allistic mm-hmm Marvin Gaye Funkadelics Parliament what's the first rap will be late just just rap record just just like like you you're like for you the first one was a who's that uh dang I can't even think of it right now um Grandmaster Flash I believe it was that big over there at the time Oh huge daddy I don't want to go to school i'ma say the teachers a jerk they must think I'm a food and all the kids smoke weed fer I think a be cheaper get a job and be a streetsweeper so that resonated with me mm-hmm I didn't want to go to school I didn't see no purpose in school that's why when I found purpose in reading and studying I took to her so so well you know I got so sharper doing the Lord when I went to court I was smarter than my lawyer thank God you know my lawyer was telling me stuff and I'm like no then I go this how're we gonna do it make you pay attention she graduated from Harvard also you know I spoke at Brown University okay got paid spoke a staffer now go around the college's and speak when you had those conversations and you tell your life story like like like what's the energy that you get from the kids the youngins like well when they find out who I am most of them they don't recognize me you know I've had kids come up to me say why are you changing any way across oh I see we had to call my mom an actor that you know what I was surprised that I mean what you saying that um I was surprised it when I did learn how famous you were after so that going on I was surprised a lot of a lot of people didn't do and me being in the music industry a lot of people didn't say that you know like that got talked wasn't going around that that's where it would you know it originated from did we ever say that he did add knowledge of you and knew who you were he denied it he say invented a name you know he said that this is what he said it is their position and I really took off my thought I was I was somewhere else he I gotta give you what you want right I was wondering okay he said he played football in Miami okay which he has no record of him plant football oh there's no uniform no where you can't find a picture of him in a uniform okay in a football uniform in in in the 90s and 2000's no way possible you play football and there's not one picture in a football uniform you but he said he played football and somebody the name of their line was the Big Easy mm-hmm and somehow they started calling him the big boss and somebody accidentally said Rick Ross okay instead of the big boss that's how you came up with my name so no no one taking me I was just how he denied the fact that he knew about me now when I talked him on that phone when he was here in New York because you know he was in New York at one of my boys office you know he told me how he got the name he said man I just some dudes from LA it came down and they was talking about you and I threw your name and a rap record and when I played the record for everybody everybody ears perked okay he said on the right then that that I was in love with you so that's how that came about but in the beginning conversation you felt like the respect was there in your first no no no it was a meltdown okay he said it's a difference between respect and a meltdown you know a respect is when a person like oh man I'm glad to meet you a meltdown is when holy [ __ ] where am I at whose office is this I don't even know where I'm at I don't walk into a trap got you okay I got you I got and when you were in jail one of the things that I noticed about myself when I was in jail is we become really keen with the telephone energy I can read energy off the phone because that's my favorite thing in the whole world my hope the most important thing to me and the whole day was to be on the telephone that was better than anything else I could do at the penitentiary was talk to somebody on the other end of the phone so if I got on the phone with you I could tell if he was having a bad day or not or if he was excited more keen in someone else because that's what you do that's what that was your connection when you with people that was yeah the outside world is when you connect it with someone exactly and you know about us with our senses is that when you take one away the other ones grow gotcha gotcha you know I read over 300 books while I was going to that Elam I found amazing especially since you went in and you couldn't read at the time you couldn't read when you went in but I became an advocate reader you feel like he needs it's got to happen well you know the first book I ever read was Malcolm X okay when I read some good start when I read Malcolm's book I saw myself in his book and I felt that I could do what Malcolm did but even greater than what Malcolm did it okay because I felt that I had skills that Malcolm liked okay you know Malcolm was a great preacher but he didn't know nothing about economics I'm an economic master you've learned but you've learned over the years yes and enhanced even while I was in prison because when I was in prison I didn't read books I really understanding now because I understand it to a whole nother level so I understood it from the street level but now I understand it from Sam Walton's level from Steve Ross's level okay the guy who started Nike even our president I read three books on him so so I studied I was listening to a Farrakhan take one day and he told me to study them and what I took from that is that he was telling me to study the people who ran this country and that's what when I started studying him party around 92 she had not got arrested yet this is before I want to first say I appreciate the stories you shared with me and patient two because I know I was late and I appreciate you are people really need I believe that the information that I have is going to set my people financially free I mean when you can find somebody that can take because when I first went to prison I thought about myself as a just a drug dealer you know and I really didn't understand that the only part that I really did in the drug business was manipulate drugs and money that's all I did I was just a manipulator of drugs and money and then I discovered that there's more money made in this country from the manipulation of money than anything else that happens so once my people learn how to manipulate money the way that I learned how to manipulate money then they'll become financially free as I am right now today see I'm what they call a free Negro you know I could walk into Universal you know I was before the lawsuit hit Universal I was sitting in Universal every day with Vincent Herbert and Lady gaga and why why was this happening because I was studying the record business so you want to put artists out I'm gonna put out artists I'm looking right now I'm looking for artists right now for Brian Kennedy how can they get to you after to get their music to you they can they can hit me at my social media at Freeway Ricky Instagram Twitter and freeway Rick Ross on Facebook and we're gonna be going to I think 14 cities me and Brian Brian's gonna be picking them okay he's gonna be the one cuz I don't have a music clue but we're gonna let him pick the artists what I'll be doing is I'm gonna teach him the way I would do it if I was artist just like I did my book on my book and I don't know publishing company and on a publishing company on it they don't get a penny out of my book when I sell my book I'll keep all the money the only person I got to pay is the IRS but they're gonna wait [Music] [Laughter] wait I'm going to invest their money back into my business as well you know they say my partner they my partner too [Laughter] both legs Rick Ross appreciate you coming you
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 1,152,988
Rating: 4.5355387 out of 5
Keywords: NY, New York,, hot97app, hot97, fst, #ffb42018, rap, fws, rick ross, freeway, video, US, hip-hop, r&b, music, United States, funk flex, hip hop, #wgstt
Id: Ty14_CnEy5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 44sec (7004 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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