Azie Faison (Full Interview)

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a.z what's good you feel my brother peace man everything good man uh thank you for coming in for sure so you grew up in the bronx originally i was born in the bronx i grew up in holland okay so so when did you end up moving to harlem uh at the age of six years old after after file yeah put in the shelter then they placed us in hollow you were in a shelter yeah we was placed in the shelter for like six months you know after the building burned down then they moved us to hollow okay and us is my family my sister's brother okay my mother so from six years old you were in harlem yes um what was it like growing up in harlem during that time uh harlem was hollow man you know it was a lot of fun we grew up in the sugar hill section of harlem with all the players and hustlers used to be at so i grew up you know around that you know and i was working at the cleaners so all those type of caches to come in the cleaners and i was young and uh basically growing up there you you saw you know the streets yeah to me that's like the mecca of where it all started from you know harlem now you dropped out of high school in the ninth grade yes sir okay were you getting involved in the street life before then uh no i wasn't i was i basically dropped out to work full time at the cleaners to help you know ends meet my mom's house okay that's basically what it was because uh you know we're on welfare and you know trying to help you know survive that's that's that's when i dropped out but i wasn't i wasn't going that route yeah you feel me you had a regular nine to five yeah i was trying to go you know yeah the right way okay now what exactly happened at the cleaners the cleaners basically growing up amongst like i said around the hustlers was an older dude in the cleanest he was a tailor being honest he was a tailor and he had came from that world but he had did a lot of time and when he came home he had opened up a tailor shop and uh he became the tailor at the cleanest i was working and he used to tell me about these stories and all that's the first time i used to really hear about the streets get informed okay strictly about the streets but my man rich he was already in the streets okay he was at 13 years old doing what he had to do okay to survive in the streets and that at the time it was what drug was it heroin uh yeah it was heroin at the time i believe that rich was um involved with okay selling heroin and then uh you know one thing led to the next okay so you you and rich hooked up and and what happened next rich richard put it like rich was in the game i'm with his friends younger dudes cars making a lot of money and i'm in the cleanest i'm i'm not in the game but uh you know seeing that lifestyle all the fun they having you know la rich and you know everybody flocked into that world because that's where the money had but um rich and me was more tight because rich looked at it like okay he ain't industries but hold this for me a whole lot for me okay understand some holding things for him and i may be stashing it in the cleaners okay and then one thing led to the next to cleveland's owner finding something and then oh you know i can't have this in my store and he want to you know you know put me you know firing me okay so he was having hold heroin or cocaine coke money drugs guns you feel me okay so ridge porter was coming by he was leaving drugs guns money with you was he like giving you like some extra money for doing all that uh you know rich will look out man that's my man you know it's like i don't know how people take it like you know i mean it's just a thing when you're in the hood and y'all coming from the same what would say sandbox you know you you know this is your man you do it for free yeah it it's just natural like you all right yeah it's just a it's natural you're not you know what i mean i can't explain it man it's like you're not doing it because of right if it is if it's there you know here man if i'm [ __ ] up here yeah yeah let's eat together that's that's how it was okay look out for me i look out for you you know okay so so you you were holding drugs guns money for them and then the the cleaning the owner of the cleaners caught you yeah he found something some drugs and he like yo i can't have this in my store you know he didn't just fire me the first time but you know he kept an eye on me you feel me and then um when i started hustling when i met lulu i started hustling and um the product was so good you feel me people with knocking on the window like come outside the cleaners and i'm making sales so one thing led to the next now you can't do this in my store so you want to let me go so you're basically drug dealing in in the cleaners at one point yeah okay it started from keeping it really started for me bootlegging liquor on sundays okay like he would let me open up the store on sundays but i used to bootleg liquor on sunday i'd take my little 75 spin that at the liquor store and then double that on sundays by you know charging extra for liquor on sunday because stores was closed right liquor stores was closed on sunday okay so that's how it started then one thing led to the next so you get fired uh from the cleaners yes sir what happens next i'm in the game now i'm on the game full time now you feel me early morning tonight okay and then i went from making 75 a week to maybe like 10 15 000 a week okay so you you get fired from the cleaners and now you need a way to make money so so you and rich start to start to get tighter like i said rich i had met lulu rich was doing what he do okay the heroine and i became and i was moving coke okay and who was lulu lulu was a coke connector like this dominican columbian cat that i had met you know while i was in the cleaners okay that's the tailor yes sir okay not the taylor no oh sorry okay in the cleanest lulu was a dominican cat that that i met he used to be on 157th street in a pool hall and now how did you end up hooking up with lulu um word of mouth you know i want to plead the fifth on that but keeping it real you know i know y'all might be taking it from this stream play paid in full yeah and uh you know some of that's real but not factual you feel me the movies the movies and some things you could do and some things you can't do yeah you feel me but uh at the end of the day you know i met lulu at a pool hall you feel me and then one thing led to the next this we got do boom we took it to the streets and lulu became your co-connect yes sir okay and you kept that connect completely to yourself you weren't trying to share that connect with anybody keeping it lulu was dealing with others don't get me wrong yeah but i think we had a more personal relationship where he invited me to his home and because he liked you know how how i moved i was quiet and low and making a lot of money for him you feel me so he gonna separate you from the others you give what i mean yeah so and and i think that's how we became like really really close i knew his mom's and you know she let me in the room and you know what i mean in the house man i'm in the house you filmed santa yeah now now where lulu was dominican right um where was lulu getting his coke from was that i couldn't tell you that no idea i don't know i don't have a clue but you know now that we learned you know it could have been the government or through pablo escobar whoever it could be but i don't know did you ever hear uh did you ever hear pablo escobar's name being mentioned during this time no keeping it 100 not really not at that time yeah that came later on yeah you hear you see the documentaries you see the stories yeah you know but at the time not at that time no okay so so lulu was your connect and you were you were getting the coke from lulu and then working with rich to move it i was working for myself opening up blocks and uh you know i was moving it man it's it's like i can't exp because it's like you're moving it the price is so good the quality is so good so now the whole hood coming to you okay because you got a cheaper price and you got good product you understand so it's moving you understand it went from ten thousand a day to maybe like fifty thousand you feel me it's flying you understand so now people wanna come and be a part of what you're doing so i'm getting to work rich might come and i give them a bird or two and that's how it happened man i'm not trying to be like a boss i was never there and i'm not trying to you know sound like that yeah but you're just a business like the rich if if if lulu give me five birth i'm gonna take it to the streets i might get rich one okay give this one one we finished just keeping it yeah doing what it did and a bird is a kilo of cocaine yes sir okay so you're working with lulu you're getting you're getting uh these bricks of cocaine did you actually start building up your own crew of distributors and street guys to you know to get it out on the street at the time or was it more like you're almost wholesaling it like okay you know here's you know here's a kilo i'ma front you bring me back this much and then i'll give you the next one or did you have your own little operation the way the way we did it the way i did it was basically i get a bird we had these bottles right okay you put them in the bottles you sell the bottles you sell a gram for like thirty dollars you understand people before we came in the game grand baby was going for like a hundred dollars you give what i'm trying to say you you you got you got the you know you got the kilos of cocaine explain to me how you actually started moving this stuff basically break them down into bottles she break them down the bottle something that was going for 100 a gram you feel me you selling it for like thirty dollars a gram now everybody come in the coffee you're undercutting everybody not really undercutting them it's just it's what it is you feel me i guess seem like to me after the movie scarface came out coke was everywhere and prices was cheap you understand so well if i got a if i in other words if i get a key low for like 40 40 000 40 right which back before then it was maybe a hundred thousand oh so if i'm getting it for 40 if i bottle it up you understand i could make 10 15 000 you know instead of trying to make a hundred thousand off a bird you give them time to say so if i do it like this my flow is is instead of moving one bird and trying to make a hundred thousand off of it i'll move one bird and make fifteen thousand off of it but i'll move five birds before you move that one bird yeah so that's how that's how i looked at it and everybody could eat that way you feel me now now the one thing about drug dealing and cocaine in particular is that you know you come into it as as a business but you know it's not like it's a friendly you know happy happy environment where everyone's okay with competition and stuff like that so once you start coming in and essentially undercutting everybody's prices a lot of times violence gets involved you know so when you start doing that was there a certain amount of you know pushback from the guys that were used to making a certain amount of money and now you're you know whether you want to under you know it's not like you're trying to undercut them but you are undercutting them seeing harlem back then keeping it 100 everybody was good you feel me everybody was making money you understand if you taking care of everybody and your prices is maybe undercutting people but the connection now is giving it to you at the same price so that you can be in competition okay you understand so it was all good okay nobody had no reason for violence or trouble in the 80s like at that time so it was all good you could walk around with 10 15 000 years in your pocket you could walk around with a medallion on your neck full of diamonds and not have to hide it was all good it was just good your girl making sure she's right she got you know minks we pushing european joints we buying cars like they like we you know people buy sneakers today it was nothing but then the [ __ ] happened you feel me it's like when 1990 come it seemed like it was like a hit okay on us like well let's let's let's rewind for a second because you know we'll talk about that you know about 1990 moving forward okay so originally it was cocaine yes sir but then at one point crack rock started coming into the picture this is the 80s yeah we're still talking about the 80s i interviewed a freeway ricky ross okay who was like one of the kingpins on the west coast respect yeah you guys know each other right we we we talked on the phone before you know he told me originally it wasn't even called crack we don't call it crack we call it ready rock ready rock yeah we never caught a crack that's a government term that was the turn the government used so they could hammer everybody when did crack first hit harlem um i i i believed that crack hit harlem maybe you know around 84. it might have been there before but it wasn't mainstream okay you feel me what i mean by mainstream is like on the corners you know putting in bottles i believe that in harlem you know rich people used to the free base that's what it was called i think free base it was you know with basin before was called crack you know whatever um then it was a spot that was on 145th street and uh that was like the first major crack spot to me that i saw like that joy had to be making a hundred thousand a day a day a day easy but was weird about it when they got busted or raided that spot they get right out because at that time crack wasn't it wasn't against the law of the cell crack because when they tested in the lab it came back as baking soda so a lot of cats flipped from felon heron and coke it went to selling crack because you can't catch get no time for this so this went off for about a year right because the police say until they made a law for because the police didn't realize it was actually cocaine mixed with baking soda yet exactly okay the gut the pol i don't you know i don't you know you know you you know i don't know you understand right so when you look at the effects of crack when you look back at it today the effects were insane for sure when you in the in the mid mid to late 80s when you saw what was happening with crack in harlem what did you see i've seen i've seen rich people doctors lawyers beautiful women become monsters man like fema for this [ __ ] like you see the whole transformation you understand people robbing their own mothers stealing and killing for crack it was a big difference from selling coke you understand coke keep you trying to be a little you know cool about this but crack you just give up you're like you're just thirsty like i'll do whatever for this [ __ ] right so i never personally speaking i never so cry you never saw christ no only so cold okay i mean heroin had but it's no difference because some people would buy the coke and you go crack yeah you know look at the correct thing but but you never actually did was i never crackers so crack physically okay but you know granted heroin has some pretty some pretty insanely horrible effects as well for sure you know would you say the effects of heroin were worse than crack um i don't come from that era but you know it was it's still there yeah you know it was in the bronx you know according to yeah you know a lot of cats in the bronx was making money off the herald um but to see a person on heroin like when rich was doing it it was like an early morning hustle what i mean by you got to be up like six seven in the morning when you're selling heroin because people got to get they fixed it's an early morning hustle you feel i'm saying so they'll get up rich rich your job will be done by you start from six maybe all 12 when you finish hustling yeah because people you know it's like they need that it's like yeah well you start to hurt without it right like a pharmacist you need this and people hooked on it they got to have it right okay so that's that's that's a see cocaine is up you feel me in heroin did you ever do cocaine yourself nah nah nah nah never touched it no i i'm not going to say i never touched it you know because to be around a room full of it yeah you're bagging it up that [ __ ] going up there you thought i'm i'm not going to live but you weren't sitting there doing doing this that wasn't that wasn't my thing why it just wasn't my thing i you know i wasn't the type to get hired none of that got you drinking or none of that bro okay so you didn't even drink or anything else like that okay so so as you started to really you know you started to get bigger you know into this game you know you're flipping the stuff and not trying to make a hundred thousand each time you're making ten fifteen thousand so you're able to buy more and more bricks from lulu um so i could it just i wasn't purchasing that he'd give it to me give me what i want right but then you pay it back yes you like give your consignment here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you feel me what was what was like the most you ever got at one time the most i'mma put it like this i could get 50 birds right 50 bricks 50 bricks but it's it's 50 in the apartment if you need them you feel me i could take 10 and there's a hundred if you need them you give them a chance to say that as many as you wanted they were there yes but the most you ever took was 50 50. you feel me at the most you understand i'm saying it's like i'm not stupid like you know i'm not going to put myself in a situation where you i can't explain it man i understand this okay so so 50 50 kilos and they're going for roughly 40 000 a kilo yes sir then the price went down at one time so it went down to like 20 a bird okay so you're in this day so if you took 50 at the 40 000 price point you're essentially taking 2 million dollars worth of cocaine yes sir in one shot yes sir now hear me out though price i hear what you're saying but prices i got birth and one the lowest i ever got a bird was like 13 000. okay that's how cheap big became but you're essentially taking a million dollars two million dollars half a million dollars you're taking huge amounts of money in terms of cocaine at any given one time yes um you know this this is and you were how old at the time 1918 18 19 years old playing with millions of dollars it was nothing man nothing it's just it seemed natural man okay you know i mean everybody was you know it didn't really seem like nothing because it was what it was man what was happening between you and rich well you getting money i'm getting money we we having fun we taking care of the hood we making sure everybody eat and you go on bus rides and having fun you guys are a team we uh rich doing what he do uh-huh i'm doing what i do okay we are one but he got his crew i got my crew okay you understand so if we sat down and talked are you all right yeah am i you good you sure boom you feel me like that but we wasn't you had your own cruise yes sir okay how big was your crew at the time my crew was maybe a handful man not a lot of people i didn't really deal with too many people right you feel me the less people you deal with to me the better you can see okay now at what point did alpo come in the picture alpo came in the picture when rich got locked up and what to get out there for he got locked up he was in the shootout he got busted with the gun he wound up during a year that's it yeah he only got they only charged him with the gun okay you know he got busted with the gun so they charged with the gun they didn't charge him for the shootout okay so he wound up copping out for a year and then that's when alpo came to the spot and uh rich was like that's my man look out for him make sure he good until i come home and then i said set him up right and you know treated him like family yeah so you started fronting him cocaine yeah okay now do you remember what the shootout was over the rich guy got locked up over uh not really but according to history you know l.a was rich man at first he got murdered and from somewhere you hear like these cats was looking for rich the rich kept the gun on them they wanted to get into a shootout it might have been them who knows who knows you feel me but at the end of the day he you know rich wasn't going out like a sucker so he kept a gun on him he kept a vessel on him and um he wound up catching a year behind that now what about yourself now were you were you keeping a gun on you at the time yeah man keeping it 100 uh i never kept a gun on me you were just all in love with me man people did you have people around you that carry guns did you have body guards and stuff like that like when when times came when we felt that we had to go get that yeah we had to go get that but it was never we never was on it like that in other words we wasn't hunting people we were the ones being hunted because we get money so you got to defend yourself absolutely you understand at the end of the day so you know cats would come and be put in that city you got to watch out for this [ __ ] you know i look out but i even want that [ __ ] around me yeah but at the end of the day you just come in for some money man they can take this work and eat and shut the [ __ ] up at the end of the day right leave all that [ __ ] out the door now at that point were you involved in any shootouts or anything else like that any sort of extreme violence or nothing no no you just did your business get money and make sure everybody eat pay to connect ain't by eye everybody fly everybody got cars everybody eating that's how i was playing okay now at one point lulu got killed you lulu got killed do you know what it was over i believe i don't know exactly but what i believe like when i it's like after i got shot you feel me from the story from the movie it looked like lulu got shot first but i got shot first you got shot yes in real life what was the situation around that my situation is like my sister's boyfriend at the time she was [ __ ] with this cat and he had uh he went he went to jail so when he came home you know he stepped to me what's good man here you doing yeah no problem what's good but i know you you know you're just coming home i'm not gonna put you in the game because you feel me i don't know you yet yeah yeah put him gave him some money i think i gave you maybe gave him like 15 000 cash took him to the garage what car you want he took the saab convertible okay take that you feel me you good right then i gave him a cat that that was moving a bird a week okay a block i say yo i'm gonna make sure he you you're good with him right set him up right cause you weren't trying to sell drugs to him yourself not sell drugs you know but not put him in a situation where he get in in trouble yeah and then so you would point the finger at you not even about point it's not even that it's like i don't know how to put it man it's like you're my man i'm gonna make sure you're good i'm getting it here we'll set you up correctly this is what it is you ain't got to touch nothing all you got to do is get money man yeah okay but in his thoughts with his intentions is he look maybe looking at it from a whole different perspective yeah like damn if he set me up like this how much he got okay you understand and who knows what he was telling his homies while he was locked up in jail you feel me in jail as a whole another world yeah he might have been like yo when we get home we gonna get this [ __ ] yeah i don't know but when you come home i can fix that thought here here here you understand now if you got a level of attention if you were from the bronx if he was in the bronx and the cast that he was with was from the bronx if y'all seeing what i'm doing in harlem instead of y'all coming with the gun and trying to rob me and kill everybody in the house for peanuts why don't we take what we're doing in the bronx and if y'all ask strong enough to gun people down like that in cold blood let's set up shop in the bronx and let's get money the same way but not everyone why you don't think that way not everyone thinks long term you feel me yeah and that's the problem that's why you got some people that know how to give and sometimes people know how to take so so what happened in terms of the shooting what you mean well you said you got shot i got shot in the head twice man and five people was in that situation with me you know three people died and uh three people lived okay feel me so so what exactly happened in that on that day that day that day i was playing ball on the east side and uh was playing these cats for like five thousand dollars we lost the first game we ran it back we won the second game they wanted to play again but i was like man [ __ ] it i don't feel like playing them up because it became argumentative like well you know that's the stupid [ __ ] so we didn't play we walked from the east side to to our location 130 seconds to where we'd be at my man sharon was like your fan we you know we've been dry all day so i had to shoot to the bronx to where the drugs was at which i didn't have much left that was like you know a little bit maybe like about half a bird left and um i went from from 132nd street to the bronx to my aunt's house and when we walked in to the situation these cats was already up there they had them in an apartment and we walked into it you feel me and they snatched me in the living room threw me on the floor open up the safe bow by bob smacked me with the gun and one thing led to the next man they wanted to shoot me and add it [ __ ] they shot you in the head twice yes sir and three other people got killed yes sir but when they shot me man i was gone my spirit left the body probably i didn't really even know what was going on the three other people that i killed those people that was that people close to you yes it was my aunt my aunt joanne blue uh her friend myra enoch and my man charlie c lost his life there was a young girl that was there named lynette she got shot and uh another friend of my aunt's name michael lamar he got shot and they they live just as well three people died everyone else got shot yes sir and they what they they took the money and the drugs and they didn't really get no money man because i didn't open up the safe because they hit me in the head with the gun and and uh blood coming all in my eye you know you got to be precise to open up the safe feel me so what they took out they took what i had in my pocket which was maybe i think my head like five or six thousand on me and i had a chain on my neck that maybe would cost about fifteen thousand they took that and they left you know okay but um so so who found you in the room oh because well i guess there was other people that were still living no what happened was when i got shot and this is real my spirit left the body man and i guess they i got shot nine times twice in the head left for nine times nine times twice in the head one in the neck one in his shoulder and the rest was in the leg my leg got broke from the gunshot wounds yeah so when i came back into the body i got up off the floor you got out after got up off the floor got into the will of god walked into the bedroom and seen all the bodies on the floor and i felt guilty man i felt like it was my fault like damn man because i'm shaking people nobody was responding so i climbed in the bed put the covers over me my brother and i just wanted to die man i wanted to wake up dead next day you know i woke up i'm in the hospital with my mom and my sister and uh my girl over me saying yo who did this who did this and that's how that happened bro okay so you're in the hospital they pat you up at that point was were you thinking of revenge being honest i mean did you know who who did it at that point i mean i knew exactly who one cat was okay i knew you know the cat kev kevin clark i knew it was him the boy your sister's boyfriend yeah i knew it was him they didn't have masks on or nothing they did have a mask on but you still recognize that yeah to this day i i regret me knowing their voice because i felt like if i didn't know their voice um maybe they wouldn't shout everybody maybe but i recognize him and try to talk to him like yo kev what you doing man that's when he flipped out don't say my [ __ ] name you know what i mean that's when he started walking out snatch the mask off and also he just started acting crazy i guess that's what he said [ __ ] we're gonna murder him anyway right because they know who i am you understand so that's what i think okay so what was your next thought i mean in terms of the situation did you think you got to get back at these guys because you know i mean in the street game if people feel they could shoot you and rob from you it becomes difficult to do business most definitely but with all right let me put it like this i would up with it after that happened when they asked me you know my sisters and i'm they all actually who did this who did this who did this when i'm in the hospital this this is how the police approach me i'm in the hospital the doctor's trying to save me the police come the detectives and i think a d.a or bronx d.a was with them because it was a serious situation man five people found shot up in the bronx three people dead yes sir so when they came in i'm halfway alive and half dead man but the doctors is like telling him we we need to try to save him right now we only he only we but i would call the district attorney or whoever he was we need five minutes alone with him this is what they told the doctors you know and my family um trying to recall so the doctor said i don't think he had five minutes huh but they said well we need those five minutes so my family and the doctors had to leave out the room you know family crying streaming they had to listen to the law so they said well okay we're going to put this tape recorder on your chest do you recognize this as a tape recorder i'm like yes like hurry the [ __ ] up right um so they asked me you know questions like who's the president i think reagan was the president at that time i said ronald reagan you know man and then uh you see what this is they you know a pencil okay he's conscious yeah they had to make i guess that irrelevant was you present at 1295 the grand concourse at a certain time yes you feel me um who was you with you know they're all dead right you know you're the only one that can you know you're dying right i said now i do okay you understand so all these things they telling you i don't know the other two cats you feel me so who shot you and i was like kevin you feel me it's like kevin oh i said my sister's boyfriend i didn't i didn't really think i knew his last name at that time personally speak yeah so um did he act alone i said no he had two others with him dude you know what he should shot you what type of gun i said i don't know man and then it seemed like my you know my spirit again left my body man and now i could look and see from a spiritual perspective like i'm dead so now they asking me questions and i'm not answering they grabbed my pulse and they took the tape recorder and like he's out of here and left so what did they left seemed like my spirit went back into my body the doctor came grabbed me it's like your caster yeah it's like if i didn't my spirit it's like god save me bro not just from getting shot but from the questioning you know it's deep man this is deeper than what people can see man okay so you told the police that it was my sister's boyfriend yes okay did they go and scoop him up after that he didn't get scooped up right after that i think he was on the run and they wind up he wound up turning himself in somewhere in philly i believe okay to my knowledge okay and then he wind up telling on the other two cats i think he told the police he was dead but he didn't do no shooting but the police they took three different bullets out of me and took different bullets out of the rest of them so they basically said okay well you feel me you didn't act you know somebody had two guns you know yeah that's how that went down did you have to testify against him or anything else like that yes i did okay yes i did now when you look at like like the street code about you know snitching and working with the police and everything else like that was there was there any sort of repercussions in terms of that repercussions physically no but verbally yes because you hear little things and the person that you hear it from that's a part of you that hurts more so than cash that you don't even give a [ __ ] you don't even know yeah cause they gonna be talking because they don't know the situation my situation was that situation and i don't regret my situation yeah you understand they tried to murder me and they had no reason to do that under no circumstance yeah they just didn't try to take my life but five other people man cold-blooded murders for what for no reason right for some money anything you you would ask me for all they gave it to you so with no reason for that and to me to me now people might feel another way i could have paid someone to retaliate cash was coming all day yeah but i know the police was right there waiting for that waiting for you to waiting for that yeah so i'm not going to put you in this situation because you were just thirsty for some money you would have to i'm looking at the big picture like now i'm gonna let the universe deal with this right because you would've had to do it yourself essentially you understand and then the police are waiting for that too i'm not no fool here yeah you understand so at the end of the day i don't care what no one says and to me i did not snitch on rich i did not snitch on our paw or anybody lulu that we was a part of getting money with right that wasn't my situation man and you weren't trying to lessen your sentence it's like you got caught with drugs with no drugs and none of that was trying to lessen it by telling another none of that it was just over the murders and the situation was like this i didn't want to take the stand personally speaking yeah you feel me but my lawyer advised me to do it because they're going to be on you afterwards you're already on the radar now who is this [ __ ] kid you understand because when i got shot it was like a thousand people were more at the hospital outside like so that raises curiosity yeah so my lawyer advised me to like yo you should but this is what i'm gonna have them do i'm have them grant you immunity anything that they question you about or understand cannot be used against you from this point on on back to implicate you in the drug deal from august 20th or back you feel me yeah so good because you know they really wanted to know you know these dudes and one of the cats that shot me this is real tough was one of the cats that they first brought up you know juveniles could get locked up when they fifteen he was one of those dudes he had did this time and he came home and he did this situation did this so that's what they was really trying to implicate the reason why they put this type of people away you understand so it was weird man okay the situation was really weird so the the shooting happened you get out of the hospital you testify against your sister's boyfriend uh he gets locked up yes sir the other guys get locked up yes sir also you go back to drug dealing or i don't dive in the game knee deep okay cause lulu's still alive lulu's still alive yeah lulu's still alive they're watching you they're not watching lulu no but but they're watching you watching me now this is real too this is let me say this and this is real talk when i was in the hospital in order to come visit me in the hospital you had to go to the present get fingerprinted and get a picture talking of you wow to come visit me okay rich didn't come and i understood yeah alpo didn't come and i understood my family came yeah but lulu came really lulu came that's how much love that he had for me so i respect luke so he's putting himself on the police right here about none of that bro it's my man they they kill they try to you know you want to deceive me and i respected that okay when he when i came home out of the hospital he came to the house you're here i know they took this from you here he gave me like some birds for free i'm like yo lulu not now i can't go back they know when you get right you go do what you do i'm gonna make this move and i'm gonna leave it alone this is what he told me you understand he made a big move and he gonna hit the streets and he won't leave it alone he made the move but i guess he may be thinking everybody's like me you could just give a person some some people ain't like me man some people look at this as an opportunity if they give me 100 birds i could take one and give it to a [ __ ] to kill lulu and i think that's what happened to louisville you understand what i'm saying well okay i'm a little confused so so lulu gives you a bunch of bricks of cocaine yes sir do you remember how many it was it was a lot five five weeks okay so for you that's not a lot it's not a lot but come on man right that's like somebody giving you 20 000 okay and then people saw that as a weakness with lulu nah people didn't see that as a weakness with lulu nobody saw that nobody even saw that that was me with him nobody knew that we're not putting that on glass yeah what i'm saying is here i am i'm lulu i give az what he want he pays me it's nothing so that's my mindset now if i meet someone else it could be you if i give you 100 bricks you thinking like you're going to pay me you have a different attention you have a different agenda wow 100 bricks i got to give him 2 million [ __ ] that i'll give this one kid one brick have him kill lulu and i get off with the two million yeah and i think that's what happened that's what happened you understand what i'm saying so lulu gets killed did you actually i remember in the movie they that you came to his house and you found him dead and everything else that's not true none of that took place but then you find out that lulu's gotten killed yes sir now i think in the movie you end up going to his connect and that's no that's not true not true that's true no that's the movie after lulu get killed you know there's other players involved other connections matt connects running around you know not you know his man connects but after after lulu get killed i'm not playing that hard no more so i'm not even looking for that world rich more so got to connect now you feel me he met this cat from 12th street fritz now fritz was a black guy and he he got a lot of drugs so he hitting rich now and rich rich was selling crack now and the crack game is much faster than the cocaine yeah you feel me he's selling bottles this [ __ ] bag for like five dollars all night and day that rich making a lot of money a lot of money you feel me maybe double the money that i was making with the coke you understand so we ain't a whole nother bracket now so that's that's so i'm not i'm not even looking to get five and 40 breaks out just i could go buy me one or two from somebody that got it and just hold down my little situation i'm not trying to be you know what that was no but why not just get out of it all together at that point i mean you because you almost die people close to you are dead clearly this is not this is not a fun and games anymore you know it's it's more like how would i put it man you still like nice things and [ __ ] keeping it 100 you film you still want the latest car right you're still trying to keep up with that [ __ ] so there's no plan b yeah and then plan b you got people robbing you if you try to take your money and open up a restaurant or skating rink those people are worse than the streets because they know where you're coming from so they they they ask you well you got to do this and all that should be [ __ ] but you're giving up your money so it's really hard to really even um get out the game okay you really got to go cold turkey get a job this [ __ ] and say [ __ ] it right you understand it's not like you had a whole bunch of money you didn't have millions stashed away where you i was good keeping it 100 but your bills is high yeah you feel me my mortgage and certain things is high you feel me so you you maybe got a mortgage of 5 000 a month so you don't want to you know but then it came after after rich died that's when i you know like i'm done i don't give a [ __ ] okay so how does uh rich porter get killed uh rich poor to get killed let me share this with you i remember the night i remember the day i had came to my mother's house and uh rich sister was there with my mother my family and uh she told me that her brother this was my girl at the time pat she said my brother my little brother didn't come home from school yet it was like six or seven o'clock i'm like what she said i'ma run to my mother's house and see what's going on i was like man that's crazy i'd be there in a minute i had to do something and when i was finished i went over there rich was there and his sister was there his mother was there and i remember rich his leg was shaking like like like he wasn't saying i feel like [ __ ] going on and then the phone rang and he told me like yo come in he was talking he was they were saying like yo yeah we got your brother and we want a half a million bomb boom boom rich porter's brother yeah this is his little brother how old was he at the time 13 years old so um richard's like man i ain't giving you [ __ ] or whatever i ain't got it man and they hung up richard's like yo you heard his voice and i was like i don't know what the [ __ ] that is he was like you know like upset then you know rich being rich he mad and he really want to find you know who the [ __ ] is behind this and um start calling cats i think he called his cat and at that time they didn't have um id for the phones but this cat had one you know i think like when they first thought he had one so he bought the odd d to the house and we they would wait for him to call back but to sit didn't register and uh when they called back they say you know you think it's going to be this you think you think you're playing whatever go to mcdonald's on 125th street [ __ ] the package there for you in the bathroom so rich sends somebody over that belief and they came back they didn't see anything so he said somebody back over there they came back i think with a coffee can with rich little brother finger and a tape recorder with a little brother crying and pleading for his life you understand i believe pat rich sister she ran out the door [ __ ] everybody to the preset and that's when the police got involved and they sent people over looking like me and you walked in i think whatever they did to tap the phone wait for the phone call but they never called back to me i felt right then it was somebody within the circle yeah because they know exactly every move you understand and which we find later on it was rich uncle that kidnapped his little brother rich's uncle kidnapped his nephew yes sir his mother's brother yes sir in order to extort rich half a million half a million dollars because he's there on the set he see how much money he's being made yeah so you can't lie to him that they did so he knows what's going on why didn't rich agree give him 50 000 100 000 something he did after they called back again all right we're going to get the paper for you no problem if the police is involved now okay after the finger so there is there is no you understand yeah but he knows now so to me personally speaking i don't know but after the police got involved they might have panicked and they had to kill a little boy now yeah but rich man fritz he come to rich rescue light here boom give him this if they call back give him 30 birds right so he never called back but the uncle's on deck he's seeing this so now he maybe act like a letter came to the art house because he wrote those dirty birds man so the letter come your look he sent the letter rich read the letter but rich that's a letter to the fence to the police so now he was supposed to meet at a phone a street phone and they were going to call this street fall the feds rich don't want to go you feel me they dress up i think i think it might even have been packed to go to the phone but dressed up like a boy i believe i'm not to go answer the phone but the uncle on deck he knows the phone never rings yeah you understand what i'm saying yeah that's how wicked and how deep the game is bro but nobody noticed but in me i felt i didn't know it was him you know someone with someone right there so so the uncle was it's we count you know every move right so the uncle's hanging out with y'all watching all this happen didn't mess with them yes sir and what he had like what a group of his guys basically with the little boy yes sir and he's going back and telling them like okay this is going wrong the heads are involved we're gonna have to kill the boy i think he was already personally speaking i think he was already dead are you dead killed them wrapped them in 14 garbage bags and left them up in orchard beach so now rich got the 30 birds he called on pole because he can't move he can't touch nothing to help him get rid of it right because the fans are already involved you feel me and they find that the police find the body they didn't find the body yet the boy missing nobody knows with donna out for about a month oh okay about a month nobody knows so um he wound up calling a po help me get rid of these joints um how would i put it the situation is nasty pono is nasty everybody on panic mode fez involved they question it who's who what's what it's coming to end game over it's coming to end yeah i guess so everybody looking like yo i'mma get out of this [ __ ] i look at it like here's the opportunity for me to get out of this [ __ ] rich gets murdered paul get off with the birds rich gets killed yes sir po kills rich po i believe walk away with the birds you feel me at the time how much was a was a brick of cocaine going for at that time i believe the prices had went up to about 25 around that time okay so let's just do some math here 30 bricks times 25 000. 750 000 yes sir so you're talking about maybe a million and a half two million dollars yes worth of worth of cocaine in terms of the street value alpo kills rich you know how he kills him i don't know i don't even know he did it at the time personally speaking so but rachel what rachel's update this is this is what happened um we was playing ball on the east side the night that rich died me and my friend late at night we playing ball for a few dollars and uh we hear some gunshots because of the highway but we don't think that is really it's like damn somebody just lost their life this is what we just say while we're playing ball all right so we come back to the block go to the store get some water it's like two o'clock one o'clock in the morning and the suzuki jeep was creeping down the on the opposite side of the street now look i'm like damn i look like i'll pour in that car i just waved my hand he waved swung you came around the block came pulled over and he was like what's up man he has scratches on his face like deep stretches in his face i'm like damn what the [ __ ] happened to you well the scratches look like he would still bleed and he was like um got my girl man dc man we had a fight [ __ ] i'm like wow damn you you don't heal the easy thing because you look like you still bleed but we you know i'm blind to the matter of what took place so this cat had drove fast he was like oh that it was this cat he's all right then they owe me some money i'll be back so he jumped in the car he had some other cat with him i didn't even know who he was he jumped in the car and he drove and he followed the door so um after that this girl had walked up on me she was like what's up i was looking for you are you so scared you go hang out with me i said all right no problem but i said let me go home and get a change of clothes first i said you're driving she gotta give her the keys at the car so she drove i lived down the block at that time so she drove me she drove down the block my man and they got an eight cars they pulled off and they left and um when we pulled up in front of the building i got out the car about to walk upstairs our po pulled up in the car like yo hey come here for a minute and one of my friends had pulled up on me say oh hey he was like calling me both of them was calling me at the same time and my man was like yo hey it's important it's important so when i went to him first i told po i said one second i went to he said yo don't go over there i said why you say ceo that [ __ ] was in the cut like land i like for real he was like yeah i said all right so i said give me a minute before i went upstairs you understand and i came back down i didn't know what was going on but when i came back down he wasn't there so i got in the car with the girl and we drove to the bronx and when i drove to the bronx we said we had beepers back then my beeper was going off 9-1-1 9-1-1 and it was my mom's calling me so i went to the phone left foot in the car went to the phone called my mother she was like you know they found pat brother i'm like damn that's [ __ ] up but in my gut i already felt that danielle was dead so i'm thinking she was talking about darnell at the time and and i was like damn so right after that my beeper went off again it was back calling me and i was like i'ma call her right now i'm all hung up called pat which was real sister she's she crying right i was like i heard and she was like yo they killed rich i was like what and like the phone dropped and you know i don't know man it's like i seen outpost standing right in front of me with scratches on his face and [ __ ] and i didn't even pick back up the phone bro i got nick i walked to the car got in the car with the girl she was like everything i said yo let's just go to your house she said i'm gonna go get something to eat for i said all right and i didn't say anything went in the house got into bed you know she you know wanna listen take some money just leave me alone here let me sleep st let me stay in this room because my mind was i'm i'm crazy like what the [ __ ] is going on you're paranoid i woke up i went to sleep i really woke up like about three o'clock the next day drove to the block block crowded everybody crying and [ __ ] i'm like wow hey this is really soon as i pull up out alpha pull up like he crying what happened and i looked at him he looked at me and he he like he just went back to his car got his car left and that's when i knew like wow you know like that's when i knew before people knew that's when i knew like that he did that to richmond you understand what i'm saying so after that alpo gets caught he didn't get caught for the murder he didn't get caught for the murder life went on life goes on okay nobody knows but in my spirit i'm thinking like homie did that you know we don't know nobody knows for a fact it's not a fact and i'm not putting it out there like that yeah you understand but when i was talking to pacquiao the pheasants involved you know they found rich i had told pat keeping it 100. i said yo pat if you tell them to look under rich fingernails and [ __ ] and see if he was fighting for his life you might find who did this to rich yeah you understand so i don't know what went on after that because people was getting murdered in the streets left and right left and right and um i had that has had i was living in long island then and people were getting murdered so much i said i'm just going to stay in for a minute man and let this [ __ ] just bubble over because it was crazy man people was getting murdered in cold blood in the street seemed like how everybody that was in the game was just falling like flies that was somebody that was amongst us you know i was getting murdered i couldn't understand it so i just stayed in for a minute and when i did come out i had a car that i had parked i had a house in long island and i had the apartment in the lakes terrace in the back of the terrace i had a parking lot and i had one of my cars then it was dirty because you know but in dust someone wrote you next [ __ ] understand so i'm like wow wow maybe if i went to that car that night and my man didn't come and holler at me i might not be here doing this video not be able to write the movie not be able to tell the story yeah you understand so that's how deep this [ __ ] is so at what point did did alpo get arrested after he after he was in harlem he went out to d.c doing what he do whatever whatever whatever out in dc and um i think you know according to what they say on these documentaries and reading a lot of people lost their lives just laying down a lot of people you know and i don't see to me personally i don't understand the reason for murder murder it murder about money money money everybody getting money yeah now that's just something other hidden agenda that you know i don't know man i don't know but it's deep to me fam and i still believe that when you learn about situations how the government set up people like the movie um what's the name of that film deep cover yeah you don't know if these people with police all alone man undercover and they can't blow they cover but they got a badge to play the game man that's how wicked this [ __ ] is you playing from a street point of view breaking the law and you got to dodge the cops but you might be working for working with one of them dude they could take your head off at any given time legally legally with a badge go any more [ __ ] where they want to go and do this so that's the question that that lurks inside of me is like damn who is this dude you mean alpha whoever okay cole and many others alpo's out in dc selling drugs it's even like in the gangs today man you know like all these young kids getting murdered and it ain't really no money in the streets but people are getting murdered they co-bought every [ __ ] day right from gang violence for what so at what point does does all alpo actually get get arrested uh dc he get locked up i think in 93 okay for what for bodies for murders uh do i think wayne perry or something like that he pulled the toe on wayne perry you know i don't i after after rich man i pull out but you hear the stories you hear all the crazy [ __ ] and it just makes you wonder why and i just can't see it being about money man i think it was a deeper agenda bro according to what i hear he told on a lot of people because they were going to give him the chair so he said [ __ ] that you know this is what i hear does alpo officially get connected to rich porter's murder he admits to it he admits to it yes sir so he said i killed rich porter he admits to that that's where the scratches came from i don't know if he's saying that's where the scratches case but it doesn't matter but he admits to killing rich but he did that he didn't do that to the little boy yeah you understand so eventually i think maybe like in 95 they caught that crew that did that uncle they wanted the uncle but he was working for someone and i think he told on everybody in his organization and he said that he didn't have nothing to do with that situation that was called by the uncle you feel me what do you mind they had was murdered a lot of people in harlem just as well starting cats and doing that so that's what happened with that situation okay so alpo gets locked up in he admits to killing rich porter yes sir that just send shockwaves through through harlem or did people already put it like this you see your scarface yeah that sent the shark wave through harlem and through people like when scarface killed this man you feel me like damn why you do that you feel me because they was like that it was like if rich bust out with the m3 pole would bust out it was a thing like you know from it's like we was on a stage and the people looking at this performance how do you kill your man that's how it was like oh baby that's how that was and people maybe still don't accept that like it's incredible okay so alpo admits to murder and he missed multiple murders i believe so okay but because he he tells on other people they they lower his sentence i'm not sure because you hear one thing you hear another thing you hear this you hear that i don't know i don't have the details to that man but there's something shady about all that to me so i just don't but alpo gets out i don't know this is what i hear i heard he's home now a lot of people say i'll post home i'll go home but they've been saying this five six years ago okay because i had heard that he's in witness protection that that was the word i heard but then again i'm not very connected to this whole thing i don't know i haven't seen him okay and you never try to reach out to him in prison no no no we spoke you spoke we spoke a few times when he was locked up really spoke like twice and what was that conversation about the first conversation was i'm trying to write a movie about this [ __ ] okay and um he told this girl i knew knew where he was at and we met we posted me at his i met at her house he was gonna call at a certain time and he called and uh i told him and i asked him like yo why man and he was like yo man [ __ ] rich live man about connect and i'm like okay cool but um he was like rich gave him gave him the birds at a certain price and he should have gave it to him at a different price this is the reason why he did that he rich [ __ ] them at about two or three hundred thousand you know whatever whatever you said but i'm like okay cool but i'm trying to do a movie that was my whole issue of speaking to him because i didn't want to just write a movie in and not you know have him co-sign he's like no problem man whatever whatever i think he had signed the paper when he needed to sign and the movie was we wrote i wrote the movie which was entitled trap and trying to steer the generation that was i saw following us to a different direction but it came out of spade and fall that's another story within himself okay but um at the end of the day i spoke to him then then i spoke to him again kate slade wanted us to do something called face-off on one of his mixtapes yeah and we spoke then and uh troy reeds had set up a situation one time when we spoke then because we were doing the documentary the game over yeah and that's the times we spoke and there was no no hard feelings in the conversation you understand it was like all right they okay man we gonna do this we're gonna do that and that's that you feel me and it was no hard feelings bro and you never ended up going to prison nah okay not for that i i didn't i didn't really i didn't really never go to prison i got locked up before a few times but uh not for for drug dealers and all that like this so you essentially were one of the ones that actually got out without being dead or locked up forever yes sir but but you did hit me out my brother but you did get shot up pretty badly you got shot up pretty badly lost family members lost family members lost friends lost friends constantly being looked at as you know a drug dealer that's it that's all that hurts you feel me when you move into a community and when you first get there you like ah cool so with peace but then when someone in the community find out who you are now the whole community signed a petition to get you out of there and fear their lives people don't see that part of the game you understand so it's weird bro it's weird you're looking at a lot of cats y'all i'm eight somehow you know but you're not really seeing like damn bro you gotta stay low you you know your life is in jeopardy every [ __ ] day yeah cause you don't know who's who right old beefs not even not even old beefs man it's like you don't know man you don't know because truth alone can get you murdered bro people don't want you to tell the truth man yeah and you're trying to do it to help save a generation they don't want that so so you wrote the story that eventually became well first it was trap i wrote this you wrote yes sir which eventually became the game over came paid in full in the movies yeah yeah well but game over was like the dvd game was a dvd that me and troy reeve put together yeah which was big in new york yes sir and then that became the major movie paid in full yes which i think what dame dash was involved in steve rivkin i think was involved in yes rockefeller max yes when you look at the depa you know the final product of paid and full are you happy with it good movie don't get me wrong it's a classic good movie man excellent cash everybody play they rolled to perfection cameron did a good role playing out for wood harris didn't played a good role playing me yeah lulu good road good movie man but at the end of the film why do you make it look like i was wearing the wire and told on the outfall which that that never happened never happened bro so here i present a film to them trap to try to save a generation like wake up man why do you all destroy my character to the streets to who i'm trying to talk to to make it look like i was a snitch so that they can't hear the message because who want to listen to a snitch yeah so that's when i've you know questioned who are these guys maybe they're all one trying to solidify what they're doing is right and we're wrong huh now if this is true how the government was using the game to finance a war we was making so that i could finance the wall so are we guilty if we were set up to do this because in in those days man we had cheese lines wrapped around the block people all you know buying police ride right by like it was nothing right from about 84 to 90 and that's when after 90 they came in right well we we interviewed uh freeway freeway rick ross and uh you know it was established in terms of how he was used in the whole iran contra thing well my role was that blandon would bring me drugs to sell to raise money for the contracts the contract was backed by the cia which was ronald reagan and george's bush and george bush is pet pee george business pet pee they felt that if they lost nicaragua that russia would be marching down the streets of the united states okay but where is the iran party well they sold guns to iran and took the money and gave it to the congress but then they were also selling drugs but they're allowing drugs to pass through into america and using that money and putting it to the contras as well yeah yeah okay but the initial money come from iran because the congress had said that they couldn't give the contract any money so they had to get it from a source that nobody would know about it i mean it's it's so much there you know you really got to do your homework and then you know he also had the hostages in iran that ronald reagan was able to get him loose because he was going to give him weapons for the hostages along with getting some money how much of this did you actually know about none i learned all this while i was in jail okay so when you were actually selling drugs and so forth did it seem i didn't care about iran yeah you didn't care about none of that stuff the contras in nicaragua nothing you're just you're just selling drugs to me and that's make some money all this is happening and the cia is actually overlooking this whole process right from what i understand what you understand yeah i didn't see the cia doing it but you know they came back and said yeah we were we were watching them and you know there was there was the whole thing of like you know we'll run the drugs into these black communities where they kill each other but no one calls the police things you know the murders essentially go unsolved nobody cares exactly and and here's a great way for us to basically make our money without without raising too much media attention but in the midst of that right this is what i look at in the midst of that you're going to have to have your players planted in there so that you can know who's who you understand so these are the cats that like wow you feel me so but i'm new to this at that time but i learned like oh [ __ ] like okay now i see who's who was what man yeah but that's a danger to know you understand sure that's because they they once they go on you can't expose these people you ended up starting a rap group yes sir mob style yes sir it was you and who else um i started it after i got shot once again i was trying to tell my story like look man yo shorty this ain't the way to go but everybody love a gangster everybody love scarface everybody love you know this this street star [ __ ] yeah so i said to myself okay rap was the next thing popping is ain't hustling if i want to be a rapper so let me try something i didn't know how to rap i was just popping [ __ ] but i wrote a song called mob style but if you listen to the song it's telling my story you feel me and at the end of the song i'm telling you give it up it ain't no use this is not the way to go right the people loved it just you know harlem loved it so my thing was to like okay we don't have to sell drugs we can make money off of freedom of speech huh make more money that's why i started the group mob style with who was around me my friends lou pretty tone and my man whip we wasn't no rappers but we knew the lifestyle hustlers we was hit we was involved with it so what we're telling you is real [ __ ] and you guys were sort of the the original east coast gangster rappers yes sir we started that [ __ ] you started gangsta rap on this coast on the east coast on this out there you had iced tea i think ez might have been the father yeah what year did the did the mob style come out 89 89. but the song didn't come out in like 1990. yeah so it was right around the same time as nwa maybe a little bit earlier but right around the same time let's see what eventually happened to mob style mobs doubt all right we had a situation after we did the album the good the bad the ugly because that's what we titled it you name it that it was good bad or ugly but the name of the out being honored that was the name of our clique was going to be called the good the bad the ugly but when the people bought the cd or the wasn't even the cd name with cassette tape when they bought the cassette tape everybody was calling us moths down and how good the bad and ugly so we just ran with mobs down because that's what the people named it yeah um a situation this cat was working for bls my my other sister's boyfriend and i play i gave him the cd he played the song on the radio and um you know you look out for certain dj's give him some paola they spinning it yeah and the streets was loving it and people was buying it in the streets but we never had a deal but columbia records i believe had stepped to us and they gave us a situation where we were going to sign with them for about 300 000 and uh guaranteed two videos or whatever so the day of the signing one of my man like tone he didn't show up because he had a situation with uh what's the name of that label death capture death america or deaf america oh yeah rick rubin's lady rick rubin i believe stein tone on the side but he gave him some peanuts and [ __ ] so colombia was like now we wanted the whole group so that [ __ ] up that situation which to me was them saying yes for saying no because who we was you understand yeah you understand but they i believe and i always say that we never got a deal and we didn't sell millions of records but our [ __ ] was bootlegged and the hoods in the streets people making money off our cds they selling that [ __ ] like drugs 20 hours of cassette you know in certain record stores and [ __ ] and um it wouldn't hurt platinum to me right so this was your label your your own thing that came out it was never anyone associated with it no but at the end of the day i'm saying this to say uh it never blew up but i know for a fact a lot of these cats maybe the best rappers out there today they took our troop prince to create their blue friends true prince to create their blueprints yes sir because this was real and everybody knew this story was real now the rapper a-z came out yes sir you ended up suing him let me fix that let me tell you to read how that took place a friend of mine from sugar hill records um i think his name big scotch he was with sugar hill records he came to me one day hey man i heard you got a got a song out at this time i'm i'm i'm secluded i'm in the house every day writing trapped which eventually was paid in full so uh i'm like what so he oh yeah listen he played it for a while listen to the song az for real and sugar i'm like wow show me the album covers right and az's first single was called sugar hill yeah and that's where i'm from i'm from sugar hill which is harlem harlem i'm like wow [ __ ] i don't know is daisy from harlem brooklyn yeah that's what i'm saying right so when i look at the situation scotch bring it to me i'm like okay so i call a lawyer like listen man i'm trying to work on a movie about my life and this this song out right now called az for sugar hill and he's basically sound like he's talking about my lifestyle who i am come on down show it to him he looked he don't look at a z he looked at the company emi right in which we had a situation with emi i believe on the table just as well at a point so he like oh let's sue the label so he's looking at this kid ain't got no money we're going to sue the label for 10 million you know lawyers hi whatever you say because this could [ __ ] up your situation of you trying to get your movie deal right let's do it so basically in a deposition they see that i was right and they uh did out of court settlement which was which my lawyer told me it was for 50 000 let's take it but in the newspaper the daily news what's in the name they print 450 000. but all i got was maybe a third of fifty thousand dollars you only got a third of fifty thousand dollars should it be two-thirds if the lawyer is the lawyer supposed to take the third it might have been two-thirds two-thirds yeah of 50 thousand dollars right 35 but the paper reads 450 so did the lawyers didn't get that much money and told me this i don't know man yeah i don't know how these people play from it's wicked it's more wicked than the streets did you ever run into the rapper izzy i ran into him one time and uh he was like yo what's up man your respect you know respect brother i'm not that type of person i respect man because i understand man i understand it's just like it was it's a way to eat man i'm not it's i'm paying homage i understand that but at the end of the day bro break bread yeah that never took place that never took place but i'm still not gonna you feel me because i understand i understand but the average person they might take it a whole nother way man we should do this yo let's go get out leave me alone yeah get away when you look back at your life and the decisions you made and the decisions in your decisions the way they affected people around you do you have any regrets i wish i never left the cleanest man and maybe none of these stories would have to be told but that's a if you know me and if don't live it don't make sense but i wish if i could replay it and i could for the future hell no i'm gonna stay right here in the cleanest and like rich said in the movie i'm gonna be the george jefferson of the neighborhood man for real when you look at the the kids that are coming up these days who are selling drugs who are trying to be the next a z trying to be the next scarface trying to be the next freeway ricky and and thinking that they're going to get in make a billion dollars and hop out what would you tell them you're full and the game bent over since i believe 1990 when the government wasn't allowing it to happen no more um we did it because we was in a struggle we were poor we broke to me they're doing it because they fell in love with it you don't have to do it there's many opportunities other ways to make money man yeah you understand so you're doing it because you want to be one of these characters man be yourself bro be yourself game over man say yourself it's over you feel me you put in yourself you like you like you know jumping in a costume that's already dead man you know it you got to be original if it's over it's over man the drug game is over yes yes that's from my point of view so some people might not feel feel like that but to me man it don't make no sense after you see all the elements that's involved this cat could be this that you don't know who's who so it makes you say if you're making money in the draw game today you got to be connected with the government so that's the chance you take it now i can do what the [ __ ] i want you i got a badge to kill you get you locked up or whatever so that's that's the chance you're taking trying to get into the drug game young man or even joining any gang that's how wicked this [ __ ] is yeah it don't make sense at all look i work with them or mad good guys good heart good guys give you the shirt off they back is it is it ironic is it a coincidence that they both most of their friends are white and got white wives they like white women i mean and they develop envy because they go home they get out the car with they with with their friend with their other partner he listening to your music they walk in the house they girl listening to your music they go downstairs the kids doing a dance to your music now they are hypnotized with hatred you
Channel: djvlad
Views: 3,179,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, The Vlad Couch, Loud Speakers Network, Podcast, Azie Faison, Paid in Full, Rich Porter, Alpo
Id: KKtCw2Thnvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2016
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