Speak English Like a Native Speaker in 20 Minutes

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it's not that difficult to sound more like a native speaker you just need to practice speaking in a different way many students learn and practice speaking english with books and they end up sounding more like a book than a real person well let's fix that right now keep watching and in the next 20 to 30 minutes i will have you speaking more like a native speaker [Music] hello my name is keith and i run the website the keith speaking academy and the youtube channel english speaking success oh as well as a new channel called english speaking success shorts helping you learn english in less than a minute go and check it out now do you know what when i was younger i went on holiday to france right and i had studied french at school for years and i discovered when i was in france that i couldn't understand the native french speakers and they couldn't understand me you see i wasn't used to hearing french sounds and connecting that with the words i'd read in the books at school this is even harder in english because the difference between the words and the sounds is huge in english right i mean native english speakers do all sorts of strange things we we connect words like i get up i get up we use contractions instead of i will i'll i'll go we add sounds drop sounds even change sounds when words come together we even leave out whole words when we're speaking yeah i'm going to the pub coming instead of i'm going to the pub are you coming right so no wonder it's difficult to understand us right now you may be thinking but keith i can understand you yes but i'm a teacher right and not everybody in britain speaks like me oh yes i'm not knocking the presents it's just i've got a wide issue so in this video i will help you hear and practice some of the most common examples where natural native english speaking is different from the words that you see in a book let's go okay let's begin with this sentence right or this question how do you say this okay when we read we say what do you do but when we speak we say what do you do what do you do right listen follow me what do you do exactly right what do you do which is how we ask people about their job or what job they do right what do you do well i'm an english teacher okay let's try another one with this new knowledge you've got how do you think we pronounce this what do you want right what do you want listen that t as well we drop at the end usually follow me what do you want what do you want right which we use well in different situations either if somebody is annoying you and making you angry yeah what are you on stop annoying me what are you on go away often used by bosses around the world or you can also use it right if you're with a friend in a restaurant or a bar and you ask your friend what do you want right what do you want to drink or to eat of course the waiter wouldn't say that the waiter would say what would you like what would you like right but to a friend you say well what do you want i'll have a coca-cola please don't have a coca-cola so unhealthy i'll have a green tea please let's try another one similar idea how would you say this what are you doing right what are you doing listen you're doing follow me what are you doing right asking people of course well what activity are they doing now right what are you doing well i'm giving a class what are you doing what are you doing another expression which actually means the same is this one what are you up to follow me [Music] what are you up to what are you up to nice great right which means you know what are you doing so the next one you should be able to do what are you having right listen follow me what do you have him so this is a phrase we would use again if you're with a friend in a bar or a restaurant and asking them you know what do you want to eat or to drink we can say what are you having what are you having oh i'm gonna have a cup of coffee please let's look at some more present tense questions right now we said what are you doing right the do you there is a different way of pronouncing that right so if we take this phrase do you want a coffee very often right this would become do you wanna joanna do you wanna coffee listen do you want a coffee nice it's the ju sound is is almost like the ja in age joanna so you could practice saying t do you want a t try t do you want a t coca cola do you want a coca-cola great another question we may ask is this one and this is one more polite so for example the waiter might ask you or you could be with somebody you don't know so well right would you like a would you like a coffee coffee follow me coffee would you like a coffee great right we can say tea would you like a tea a piece of cake would you like a piece of cake nice okay so hopefully you're starting to hear the difference between the spoken sounds and what's written up here let's move on guys if you're enjoying this video and finding it useful check out my fluency gym right there are three free videos to say that quickly three free videos um with me where you can practice your pronunciation and natural spoken english to build up your fluency it's it's a bit like i'm in the room with you it's great go and check it out the link is down below and if you like that you can even try the complete fluency course fluency for ielts speaking which will help you sound a little bit more like a native speaker right let's move on i've got a story for you once upon a time a long long time ago there was a little girl who lived in the forest and her name was goldilocks and there were three bears who also lived in the forest and their names were does he was he and has he now these three bears were very curious bears and they were always asking questions right does he was always asking questions about the present right does he like it does he want it does he know what to do the second bear was he right was a bit more focused on the past was he happy was he okay was he upset and the third bear has he right he was kind of connecting the past and the present so he would be asking questions too right like has he called you has he come as he sent you a message yet right three very curious bears does he was he and hazy great what a great story now the reason of course we've got this is to show you how we say let's take the three different bears right the first one questions in the present right typically you'll say right does he like it but the important thing here is with he the her the h usually disappears in the question so instead of does he it's does he does he right does he like it does he want it does he have it right can you say does he like it great want it does he want it nice great now similarly in the past we've got wuzzy right the funny bear was he so instead of saying was he we say we contract the was to was was was he was he happy sad was he sad upset was he upset right upset mean meaning uh angry or sad right maybe cross great the third bear was the present perfect right if we take for example has he called you has he again the hat becomes ha hazy has he has he called has he come excellent great so again these are all very small things but they make a huge difference in helping you sound more natural but also when you hear these sounds you'll know what they are excellent moving on now there's a common question right i get from students which is can i use wanna and gonna in ielts speaking it's a great question and the answer very briefly is yes right wanna and gonna are contractions of want to and going to and yes we use contractions in spoken english ielts speaking is a test of your natural spoken english conversational english so yes use them it's a great question but what you should also be asking me is well what other contractions are there how many are there and actually are there other things that native speakers do when speaking naturally that i should know about the answer is yes and lucky for you luckily for you there's a video up here that i made that tells you all about it so you can go and watch that no not now no later because right now stick with me we're gonna have a look at those contractions wanna and gonna and a few others in a bit more detail all righty let's have a look at these common contractions first of all this one how would you say it of course we read it i am going to go but when we speak i'm gonna go i'm gonna go listen i'm gonna go follow me am gonna go i'm gonna go right i'm gonna go the big mistake a lot of people make is they say i'm gonna to go i'm gonna to go remember the gonna includes the two so you don't need to say two go you drop the two i'm gonna go i'm gonna come i'm gonna visit you right what if you want to say have a coffee i'm gonna have a coffee nice great this one excellent i think you're getting the hang of this i want to go i want to go listen go follow me go i wanna go i wanna go nice if you want to say visit you i want to visit you i want to visit you excellent good now what about this one should we go should we go listen go follow me go should we go right that huge contraction instead of shall we go should we go should we have a coffee should we go out okay try it if i want to say go out should we go out great okay which of course this is used shall we is is a suggestion to people with you to do something together right great we've looked at the gunner the wanner what about this one getting a bit more complicated if we want to talk about regret in the past right we might say i should have gone right the whole should have shoulda i should have gone like gonna shoulda right that's expressing a regret you know there was a party last week i didn't go and now i feel bad about it and you know maybe it's fomo fear of missing out i i should have gone right that's a regret i have now talking about possibility in the past well we have this phrase how do you say that okay i could have gone i could have gone listen repeat with me a coup de yeah right i could have gone that expresses a possibility right in the past but you didn't do it right so there was a party i could have gone but i decided not to go um because i don't know i didn't have enough money to buy all my friends a drink i could have gone but i didn't go for example if you had the possibility to visit paris but you didn't what would you say i could have visited paris i could have visited paris but i didn't right same thing i could visit it i could have visited paris but i didn't excellent moving on next i want to be clear right that your goal does not have to be to sound like a perfect native english speaker right there is no need you can be an advanced proficient c2 level speaker and not sound exactly like a native speaker in fact that model of the native speaker is probably impossible for most students not necessary and often leads to frustration so you don't need to be like a native speaker right phew my message is yes to try and sound more like a native speaker to improve your pronunciation and control the pronunciation so that you can get a higher score on ielts speaking but it doesn't have to be perfect right no pressure enjoy playing with these sounds right if you can hear them that's going to help your listening if you can start to use them and practice some of them fantastic right but do it in a fun way remember it's all about practice not perfection if you found this video useful you should check out this one up here which is an advanced listening lesson which will help you understand fast native speaker english much more deeply do remember to press subscribe turn on the notification button so you can find out about other upcoming videos coming your way right also leave me a comment down below let me know which part of this video you liked the most okay and i look forward to seeing you in a moment in the next video see you soon all right stan what are you up to same old same old and what are you having i'll have a coffee if you don't mind sure and uh what did you think of the video immensely interesting actually well that's good to know um what was your favorite expression uh hands down the three bears does he was he and azzy nice so listen um i'm off now to go and watch one of keith's other videos oh yeah yeah which one the one about um fast english sounds pretty useful right yes it does actually yeah all right all right cheers take care cheers bye you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 306,778
Rating: 4.9625306 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, learn english, how to speak english like a native speaker, speak english fluently, speak english like a native, ielts speaking preparation, ielts speaking preparation and practice, practice your english speaking, practice your english pronunciation, ielts speaking pronunciation tips, ielts speaking pronunciation, ielts speaking pronunciation practice, fluency ielts speaking, how to improve fluency in ielts speaking
Id: Whetyw1aUyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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