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gun meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers you like the new digs yeah sorry gun meme review was a little late this week i was actually moving i decided to move out of the city of san antonio a little bit and move to bernie texas the home of demolition ranch matt best and george strait but i didn't want to do a gun meme review with an empty wall behind me because that just didn't feel american so i think you guys will agree that my new studio setup here is a bit of an upgrade and since i know some of you guys are going to be saying oh he's filming on a green screen it's all fake it's all real touching it but this isn't gun wall review this has got a meme review so let's move on to the memes so something you know that we just had to talk about in case you've been living under a rock the oscars happened now usually i don't give a flying [ __ ] about the oscars or the grammys or the emmys or the commies [ __ ] the commies but this time around something kind of interesting happened it's a long long story short the fish from shark tale slapped the [ __ ] out of the zebra from madagascar for making a joke about the hippo from madagascar funny enough this is probably better entertainment than most of the movies nominated for an oscar in the first place and all of a sudden the memes were everywhere my wallet the gas pump i definitely feel this one the raptor gets kind of hungry okay that one's technically not a gun meme but there were plenty of them for sure and i'm not gonna go too long into this because i know you guys are sick and tired of seeing the will smith memes but come on we had to talk about this at real brandon herrera people asking where the ak-50 is i [ __ ] wish come on we literally did an update video like two videos ago which you haven't seen by the way you can watch there this next one actually came from scott from kentucky ballistics donut operator and brandon herrera morning mimosas okay for the record that's morning man moses there is a difference amanmosa being our signature bro brunch beverage say that 10 times fast a man most says a regular mimosa but with a shot of vodka this meme should really say donut operator and brandon herrera's productivity for the day morning mambo says we're creatives we like to drink and ideate and get kicked out of applebee's me going on a rant when somebody says i think we need more gun control the waitress at chili's bringing me another margarita and that's how we got kicked out of applebee's and chili's i would like to know the national amount of arrests that have happened at two dollar margarita nights just for statistics sake and my personal favorite the mp5 charging handle i mean you have to i would do it now but the mp5 is downstairs i know it's overused that's the last we're gonna talk about the will smith stop for this episode but come on it was really [ __ ] funny if you're as tired as i am of these will smith memes don't worry you should just go ahead and subscribe because i promise you we will never do one of these will smith memes ever again unless it's funny then we might do it okay we might do another one but we won't be happy about it but in order to properly transition into our regular gun memes marty robbins meme how about another joke marty what do you get when you cross a beloved meme format for marty robin's album covers and one of the best movies dc's made long so as of april fools henry rifles has thrown their hat into the ring for gun memes weakest lever gun enjoyer strongest exclusively semi-auto fan they posted this series of memes to their instagram page on april fools with this caption important announcement for all of you in the henry family effective immediately we've canceled all further photo and video content production this is now a low quality meme page i'm not even kidding henry rifles might have more followers if they just decided to [ __ ] do that high quality photos are how you make a magazine or a website look nice memes that's how you grow on social media they posted this and a couple others no you should have bought a semi-auto lmao cowboy gun goku chunk chad lever action owner thinks that saddle rings are better than qd points only listens to marty robbins you shouldn't have the gun that won the west knows that modern firearms are more versatile doesn't care prefers leather to ballistic nylon shie now the only lever gun that i currently own is my 44 magnum uh lever action rossi which i am now regretting uh not buying a henry and when i did buy that lever gun for the first hour you know just kind of sitting there on my table just pick it up every now and again it's just new [ __ ] okay i can't really explain why we do it it just you have to all in all way to go henry rifles i hope you do embrace becoming a [ __ ] to your meme page so i have a feeling some of the stuff that you guys might come up with is going to be [ __ ] gold like meme gold not literal physical gold although if you are looking for physical gold i would recommend checking out acre gold anchor gold's been a long support of the channel and they're a bit more relevant these days than i would feel comfortable with especially with some of the economic ramifications due to the sanctions because the whole russia ukraine thing gold is a pretty decent how would you put this weimar republic insurance plus you're not just looking for gold they've got cool merch and everything on their site available now so if you want to check them out go ahead click the link down in the description and in the pinned comment we appreciate them being an awesome sponsor of gunmen review me looking at cool rifles as a teenager me ordering those cool rifles as an adult congratulations you have summed up my entire youtube career in one meme seriously it is kind of dope to be able to use this whole youtube gig as a a way to pick up a lot of the guns that i've wanted since i was like [ __ ] seventh grade playing call of duty and thinking like oh my god the scar is so [ __ ] cool and like now having a couple of them it's just it's kind of neat it's it's cool and i i guess i just owe you guys another thank you for that i may not be here for a long time but damn hasn't been a good time another way of looking at that is my internet success has turned into a crippling gun broker addiction guess who spends way too much time on gun broker it's me it's me i'm in the picture yeah between this wall the shotgun wall all the stuff we have working on at the shop all the guns on my [ __ ] floor i might have a little bit of a problem i kind of take the surplus arsenal approach to gun broker i'm sober enough to know what i'm doing and i'm drunk enough to really enjoy doing it me walking in with a new gun my girlfriend alright alright listen up i see a lot of variations of this exact meme oh i bought a new gun and my my significant other tore me a new [ __ ] if that's the case there's one of three things going on here one you are not in a financial position where it is smart to be spending money on guns two your girlfriend or wife is the breadwinner of the household and you're spending their money on guns without asking them in which case shame on you third scenario you're a grown-ass man and your girlfriend is giving you [ __ ] for how you spend the money that you earn in which case you might need a new girlfriend fella after all do those new guns make you a little happier than your girlfriend makes you ask the real questions kings i guess the fourth scenario is that she's got you completely whipped and so you have to go up on stage and slap the [ __ ] out of a fellow comedian for a joke you kind of thought was funny at first sorry will realizing i'll never be able to afford pbs 31a eating carrots can't afford night vision starts eating foods that are rich in things that help your eyesight poor maxing now the real big thinker move here is if you can't afford ten thousand dollars out of you know dual tube white phosphorus and vg's invest in a 100 parachute flare now for the next six minutes it's [ __ ] daytime no matter what time of the day it is world war one tech coming all the way back around when you realize there's a prohibition on russian ammo yes for those of you who didn't see it we finally made good on our promise to do the saint petersburg typewriter or the kami tommy god i was excited to finally have that video done now the comments of this video were full of people asking will you be doing a production run of these now the answer that i've said multiple times and included the pinned comment is no no this was a very very intense custom build there was so much that we had to do from the ground up on this gun it was a total pain in the ass we'll never be selling these but what we can sell instead are these kami tommy t-shirts now available at bunker branding i i think they're kind of neat you can't own the kami tommy but you can own a little reminder of the piece of history where i promised i would do something and you guys bullied me for the entire nine months it took to do it channel history not for real guys it was cool to finally make good on a promise of a build that we said that we were gonna do for a long time so once again promises made process kept now if we could just get this v3 ak-50 [ __ ] made i am liking the direction it's taking though now that we've kind of gotten the function more or less dialed in we're still trying some different stuff but i think this v3 ak-50 is going to finally look like a complete production gun complete with a couple of little sexy design features the sexy dimple reject woman embrace 50 cals including the akm magwell dimple on the ak-50 is that's just pretty cool did we have to do it to make the gun work no probably not is it cool because ak yeah speaking of 50 stuff your cam log the cam lug she told you not to worry about yeah this cam log is going to be kind of big chungus hopefully that's for the best but enough about ak-50 for now onto the price of gunship going up reasonably priced zenitco as if it wasn't hard enough to get cool [ __ ] out of russia before seeing what people are selling xenico stuff for now is borderline nauseating but i have faith the market much like life finds a way whether that be a new outlet to buy real zeneco stuff or maybe us-made zeneco clones i don't know what shape that's going to take but i'm sure [ __ ] not paying 800 for a pt-1 stock just like that ammo is cheaper than gas so ammo prices went down they went down right i mean at least ammo is not where it was in like the height of the couf but it sure should ain't great and now of course i'm sure you've heard everybody complaining in the u.s about gas prices being through the roof because of putin yes i remember when vladimir putin decided that the u.s one of the most oil-rich nations in the world would no longer be energy-independent putin did all of that i don't know you know i don't like getting into politics too much not because i'm worried about you know blending politics with my work because honestly if it offends you i really don't give a [ __ ] it's really just because it doesn't make me feel good and i think a lot of you guys probably share that same sentiment i'm pretty sure when you guys at home think about the state of the world at large it doesn't make you feel very good inside either which is why i try to focus on the things that i can change and the things that you know i can actually make a difference in and try not to think about that stuff too terribly much because really it's just not good for the soul and i know i'm guilty of this too but i'm sure if you took 50 of that energy that you put into things on a global scale that you have no hope of ever changing bring it in and put that energy into something that you can change in your own life probably be a hell of a lot happier but that doesn't also mean that you can't be prepared for the worst just in case i know personally i've been getting into i guess disaster prepping or whatever you call that not really for the doomsday because i highly doubt i'd want to live to see that just basic disaster preparedness knowing that if something happened and it can the grid shut down tomorrow that i wouldn't be [ __ ] if i had to spend more than three weeks completely independent from the outside world and i talked about this in a prior video and angry cops immediately was quick to jump on it ak guy i'm starting to get into prepping 60 year old boomer in the arizona desert with 30 years of rations and a mobile school bus compound rigged with explosives oh man isn't that the dream but i know i asked you guys in a prior video if you'd like to see some v channel stuff of i guess some of the prepper stuff that i've just started to get into some of the the food storage uh you know just different things that i've started to kind of get prepared for in my own life some of you guys seem to think i was talking about starting a b channel uh for prepping stuff no i'm first of all i'm not that into it second of all i already have a b channel that's kind of what i've been talking about i know the list of links is getting kind of long but if you want to check out the b channel i'm going to include the the links in the description and in the pinned comment it's basically just a bunch of like behind the scenes videos and just some other videos that i guess i just didn't feel like posting to the main channel or it didn't fit the schedule the content whatever it's just the other stuff that i didn't feel like putting here so if you like this channel and you want more i'd suggest subscribing down there but yeah if you guys would like to see my prepper setup i guess what i have so far probably going to be doing a video on that here in the next you know a couple weeks because in reality you want to be prepared not rely on somebody else who is i'll just go to your house when the [ __ ] hits the fan i volunteer to be a human sandbag because remember at the end of the day if your disaster preparedness plan is to show up on the front door of your prepper friend's house with nothing to offer you're the guy in those apocalypse movies who's wearing all leather and is on a leash uh being held by the warlord hey what's up guys but guys that just about wraps up this episode of gun meme review and it's been awesome this this is the first episode of gun meme review in the new office this is a momentous occasion for both you and i if you're not subscribed already you're gonna want to go ahead and subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the future content again we do gun meme review the first and third thursdays of every month except for when we're moving and we miss thursday and we have to do it on friday but i appreciate you guys staying all the way to the end and as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video funny enough this is probably more entertaining than half of the movies navigate nominated high quality photos are how you make a night high quality focus [ __ ] and if you're as tired as i am of these gunmen these guys interviewed oops
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 757,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, will smith, gun meme review
Id: UTxjELVOzdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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