HCC 55: Foundation Parging

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hey guys tom here if you remember from the summer project tour one of the big ones I had to do was repart the side of this house it was just flaking off peeling off and I really wanted to get it taken care of so today on the home craft chronicles I'm gonna show you what I did to get this project taken care of stick around so we started out by clearing away the mulch from the bottom of the wall and then we went behind and dug a little trench we wanted to make sure that after we were done and had it back filled that the new pardon was way down below the grade level so it just was a better finished product at the end Lisa went along and scraped out the mulch I dug the trench and then she went behind me again and just cleaned everything up next was the real hard part chipping off the old par gene there was a layer of paint on top of there and I didn't want to take a chance of anything not sticking so we just went along and just chipped everything off down to the bare foundation now this was a thankless task we tried everything flat bar scrapers pry bars hammers chisels grinders and geez I don't know what else but we just went along chipped along the siding line on the top pop everything off we could think of or that we could not everything that you think that we popped off everything some sections were easier than others some like right in here it was just a total pain but after a good probably 3 4 hours of work at it over the course of a couple of days we got it all off next thing we had to do was repairs as part of the shipping process we discovered some voids in the block some places where the mortar between the blocks came out some cracks so we had to repair that I just took a brush for some water and wet the patches because I wanted to make sure that the cement could cure and dry before for the dry block around it beached out all the water now this is just some Mason's mix that I did I mixed up to the about the consistency of peanut butter and then I just took my trowel and worked it into all the voids this did not have to be pretty this was not the finished coat so I just wanted to make sure I got it packed into the voids and the cracks and the empty spaces and just made sure everything was structurally tied back together with no spaces of gaps so we get a good finished product yeah filled it in and smoothes it out so now is the part where we mix up hardly this is just quikrete surface bonding cement and then I added acrylic latex bonding agent and fortifier fortunately for me my neighbor had a small electric barrel mixer that I used to whip this all together this was so much easier than having to do it by hand in a pan I wanted to mix to be about the consistency between like mayonnaise and peanut butter I ended up using about like two-thirds of the bag of mix and then probably 2 or 3 quarts of water and Pat ative mixed together until I got the right consistency and then again I wet down the wall just to give the charging stuff a little something to stick to without sucking all the moisture out into the wall again and then it's just putting it on I'm not worried about fancy right now I just wanted to get coverage spread it on the wall with a trowel just picked up scoops of it onto the trowel spread it on a lot of it fell off but hey that's the price still business I guess so I just spread it on I'm going probably about a quarter to 3/16 thick the goal was to get it on to smooth it out let it dry and then go back and put another thin coat on to smooth it out you know like a finished better looking coat but you'll see at the end it didn't quite work out that way when I was putting it on in the beginning it wasn't as easy as it went along you know you kind of have to get the hang of this kind of thing I have not done masonry work probably in 25 or 30 years since I worked at a swimming pool company in my youth so I was way out of practice but as you can see you know you get to hang in there pretty quickly and after I put a little bit on I'd let it go and then I would go back and try to smooth it out somewhat with a thin trowel now I did this I kind of gave up on this pretty quickly because it just wasn't working out the way I hoped I decided it was much better I went back and I just grabbed a big brush with some water and I just smoothed it out that way that knocked the high edges off the little inconsistencies the swirls and it just kind of evened it out a lot better than trying to do it with the trowel because that takes a little bit of finesse and I just but this worked out well as you'll see I would just put some on put a section of the mix on the wall spread it out and after you know maybe two or three feet then it would go back to the previous section because it had set up enough that I could then take my brush and smooth it out previously you saw so I just did that the entire way down the wall spread it out smooth it go back smooth out the previous section and then it has a stop everyone that's once in a while to mix up a new batch of mix so this whole process took me probably about probably a couple of hours to two and a half hours three hours maybe to do the whole wall now this is the only section that requires a little bit of finesse as I would say because you have the wooden window frame there that you didn't want to glop it up on the window frame because that would look junky and down on the bottom it was angled and you wanted to make sure you kept that section angle because you want to make sure that you have it so when the rainwater comes down it's gonna shed off that window and not build up there to rot out that window frame or worse yet back up and get into the house and also you'll see up in the top corner like along the edges of where that corner is you'll see a bunch of like hairy looking stuff and all that is is the fiberglass fibers in the mix and that's what holds the surface bonding cement together gives it structure and strength and kind of keeps everything intertwine and makes it work and that wasn't really a problem because after the wall dried I just went back with my hand those little hairs dried up and they came [Music] you so as you can see this was not a simple project but I think it turned out well obviously from the growth of the plant you can tell that we did it a while ago but we got it taken care of and is it perfect no it's not perfect but I would like to do another coat but just the growth of the plants wouldn't allow us to do that plus I have four more sides of the house I got to do is this the perfect tutorial probably not because I've never done this before but it's it's it's not a difficult project I'll be honest with you you are going to work like a dog on this project it is back-breaking it's labor intensive are there other ways to do it that might be easier who knows could be I'm not a professional mason but this is just the way that I did it and the way that was best for me to do it so it turned out well and we're really pleased with it if you got something out of this project and you like this kind of thing and it helped you realize that you can undertake a project just like this please subscribe to the home craft Chronicles I got happy hour home-improvement DIY anything else I can think of to help you get the most out of your home and enjoy living in your home and make sure you hit the bell that way when something new comes along you'll be notified and you can catch it right away so that's it for me I'm on to the next one so until I see you next time remember take care of yourself in your home I'll see you soon
Channel: Home Craft Chronicles
Views: 205,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home craft chronicles, hcc, masonary, parging, diy, home improvement, home repair, cement, foundation repair, quikrete, home and garden, do it yourself
Id: kuWoH-GjNiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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