Conrete Repair Segment 2

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hi welcome to the old farts fix a corner you guessed it I'm the old fart to fix a corner what it's all about is using some of the things that I learned the tricks that I learned and the experience that I got through 20 plus years in the construction business to help you fix some things at home when you see me holding in my hand here is a piece of half-inch rebar this next step that we're going to do a lot of people might say is overkill but my dad always taught me that it's better safe than sorry so what we're going to do with this rebar is I'm going to use some bailing wire which is a just a small thin wire like this that they use for tying rebar I'm going to use it to tie the rebar to the tops of each one of those lag bolts that we installed and this will just have be something for the concrete to be around and give it a good sturdy stiff anchor I guess to to hold on to and also this will help hold the concrete together keep it from cracking and falling and splitting and pulling out so all I really want to do is attach this to the top of those bolts so that it'll be up off the ground and that concrete will be under it and over it and all around it and that will help by keep that concrete good and stiff what I'll do is I'll take this bail wire and I'm going to take this bail wire and I'm gonna wrap it around the the top of the the bolts that are down there those lag bolts and then I'll hold the rebar on top of the bolt with one hand and pull the wire up around it and then twist it to keep the rebar in place so that's what we're going to do next so as as I was saying what I've done here as you can see I've wrapped the wire around the top of the bolt and I have it ready for the rebar now I've done it to both of my bolts as you can see so that I can just set the rebar on there and twist it on each one and and it's taken care of so here we go I'm gonna go ahead and start putting it on now all right you can see I'm holding the rebar on there and I just pulled the wire up over top of it and I twist it and wrap it around and there we go good solid good solid hold and now I do the same thing to the other side and then I'm gonna go around and do do the rest of them so I'll show you what happens when it's all finished all right now it's time to mix our concrete probably the easiest way to do this is in a wheel barrel using a hoe this is just your typical garden hoe there's nothing special about it but and we're going to use just regular concrete mix this Punk it's just a regular 80 pound bag of maltreatment so first we're going to start by opening this bag of concrete mix and I just use the hoe to rip it flip it over and dump it in there and as you can see it's got a little windy here today I'm gonna make a little hole in the center of it with the hoe and then I'll take the bucket of water here now I'm going to dump about a gallon of water in it there's really no exact mix but I'll dump it down the water in there like that and then I'll start at one side and taking little bites I'm gonna hold the concrete mix into the water like so now come around over to the other side and we'll just do the same thing we're taking off little bites and pulling it in here trying to get her all mixed up [Music] and there's really no exact mix on this you just kind of have to kind of fill your way through to add a little bit more water as needed what we want for this particular case is we want to be liquid enough that we can work it in get it around our rebar and back into the holes and so forth but get stiff enough that it's not just running out and we do all right now it's time to fill in our Trillian our gaps and we're going to take this concrete that we just mixed up and as you can see this is about the thickness of it you can see it's liquid but yet it's staying on top of my trowel and that's really the easiest way to get it out of the wheelbarrows just that take the triangle trowel concrete the cement trowel and just grab a scoop of it like that now we're going to take it over here we're going to start working it in okay and as you can see I'm taking it and I'm putting it over top of the rebar and I'm pushing it back into the to the gaps that we have I want to get it all the way back in there and I'm pushing it all the way to the back first and I'll work my way out to the surface see the weight keeps falling back out there that's why we have a form so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take the foreman I always like to wet my forms with a little bit of water before I use them because it helps to keep the cement from forming into it and also if you're pouring one it helps to keep this the surface of the concrete smooth so we're going to put this in here I'm going to use a hammer to try and get it to push in on the bottom a little bit I'm going to try to sneak a little bit more concrete in here on top now that don't matter if we have this perfectly smooth because as you remember we're going to put a surface over the whole thing so I put that in there just going to use a hammer to try and tap this in flush and I'm gonna put the cement block up against here to keep it in place alright so we got that there done and now we're just going to work our way around the front we're gonna do the same thing in the front and we'll get back at you after that all right well as you can see we've completed at all we have the forms up here again I'm using these concrete block and so forth to hold deform in place there's not a lot of pressure behind there that we have to worry about typically you wouldn't be sitting in something up like this on a cement slab you'd be setting it up on the dirt where you could pound stakes in to hold the forms in place but in this case this will work for us Mal's time when we get to take a break because this concrete needs to set up overnight somewhere between 16 24 hours before we can move on to our next part so we're going to take a break and we'll meet you back here tomorrow you
Channel: How2BeReal
Views: 980,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conrete, Repair, Segment, How, to, concrete, repair, home, fix, it, remodel, steps, stuco, construction, howto
Id: A2uGtt4SwRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2011
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