Avoid a Parging Fail with These DIY Tips and Techniques

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hey it's Jeff from home renovation here today I am parking my house which is interesting because my house is really not a traditional house it's not a poured foundation so what I've got on one side is stack stone and somebody's done some Cement work over the years and it's in really rough shape and on the other side I've got stack stone that I had to add a new ledger board to I've got it all sealed up and we're gonna be adding cement board as a facade in order to cement and perch on top so there's gonna be two different approaches a lot of information in here and we're gonna show you why you're purging Falls and cracks off because no one in the market is doing it right stay tuned before I get started we're gonna cut my dear rock cement board and I'm going to install it and we're gonna show you the process for doing that because whether it's an exterior parting job or even in your shower is very similar now I have a 2 by 8 rim joist 2 by 10 sorry and I'm going to be installing a 9 inch cement board on that the idea here is in this situation I'm actually gonna excavate a little bit and then we're gonna build it up about 10 inches of new patio so I'm just gonna bring this down to where the new patio stone will cover I'll get a good look all right so we're gonna go 9 inches just gonna measure down and this stuff here just scores and snaps right and I'm just gonna put my tape on my mark now I don't have to be exact here so I get to cheat if I needed to be exact then I would pull up my skill saw I put on my cement fiber blade and then I would run a dune but in this environment I can just stretch out my tape mumbles use it like a ruler not is almost perfect and then just like drywall all right and then we cut it from the backside you'll notice the board itself is actually just cement Portland cement basically inside a wire mesh I'm sorry inside of a fiberglass mesh on each side right that's all there is to this stuff and that's awesome now when you're working with cement board how do you explain this if you've ever seen old movies with Italian gangsters and they're putting people in cement you'll know that doesn't cement doesn't kill him it's the acidity that does you can actually bury swimming up to their neck and they'll burn alive just from the acidity in the contract so what you got to do is you got to buy the right screws you can't be creative here make sure you buy something that's coated that says for cement board this special tape I know it's white it's not green or blue or something that you might have in your store but make sure it says I like that's alkali resistant okay in the package of the screws comes the special drill bit that you need awesome looks like a t20 No one way you can remember when you work on the cement board which side you go out always go with a company name facing you all right at the end of the day everything is about branding and they're gonna put their name on the side that they want you to see it when the job is done so when you take a picture and send it to your friends you can advertise for them for free now if you remember when I built this house I have the house wrap extended past the siding so that I could get my cement board up underneath it okay and that's really what I'm looking for have a really nice continuity so that any water that builds up behind comes out over on top of it well trim that back when we're done purging every 16 inches we'll be fine and if you really like to attach screws you can go top and bottom this is all about making sure that it's a solid surface I'm like with everything else all of our materials from water diversion system are hanging over top okay so here we are one last step before we can treat this like any other regular poured foundation and that is putting fiberglass mesh here yes alkali resistant okay nice and simple that'll bond the two pieces together and help resist cracking over time now let's just talk about the product we're gonna use today and it is a regular parting mix there's nothing really all that special about it except you have to understand that it is a Portland cement based product it's a non modified and in the world of tile and cements and TV everybody gets confused between modified and unmodified and modified cements basically means with an acrylic latex kind of adhesive property and non modified means good old-fashioned cement now purging mix is designed to go on a wet surface and retain moisture as long as possible in order to get as hard as possible so there's two mistakes that happen in the industry on a regular basis one guys don't wet the substrate they won't wet the cement board they don't wet their foundation at all they might do a quick sponge just to make it look good but it has to be soaking wet and holding so much moisture that it's not drying in five or ten minutes that's the key second step is when they're all done they're supposed to be covering everything up with plastic to create a sunroom kind of like a sauna effect so that any of the water that leaves the cement his trapped inside of a mini atmosphere okay so that the relative moisture of the air between the plastic and the cement is so high the the cement actually retains the moisture level while it's curing over a week I know it's crazy but if you let that plastic sit there for three days you're gonna have parching that's bonded to the wall and is twice as hard as the crap that you're finding on new homes today bottom line if you call someone to parge your house they're gonna just come in get it done get out get paid and next year where it all falls off I guess you're called the same guy again because that's just what we all do right now if you have a smooth surface like a US cedar rock or a poured foundation then you're fine you soak it and you apply one coat if it's really rough like this you're gonna need two coats so find something like this you can really soak that down you want to be careful around flashing and metal and stuff like this because it's really sharp okay and you're gonna want to do two coats so we're gonna soak it down get one coat on it and then I'm going to use this trowel the thin side to apply it and then I'm gonna use the grooves to create little ridges so it'll hold the bond for the next coat even better and then over here so you think soak down that cement board I know it seems counter counterintuitive the soak down something is designed to keep your house dry trust me you want your cement to bond it's gotta be wet not just dip we'll give that a couple minutes and then we'll soak it again I'm gonna warn you there's no such thing as too wet with cement board okay but don't be shy make sure that's soaking wet in order to make sure purging what you're gonna need is you gonna need a mixing drill and a concrete bit something that looks sort of like that there are options so don't be too worried about it if yours looks a little different you're also gonna need a trowel a great trowel for purging is actually not a cement trowel it's one of these cheap little tile trowel quarter by quarter inch this gives you the ability to do a scratch coat and then a finish coat right it's everything in one this way you hold onto your tools when you're done a tile job you can do your parking next you're also gonna need a sponge this is for later a little corner tool like this for finishing up in detailing your corners it's a little easier to work with than a big trowel but if you only have one get the big one and then a wooden float this is another option instead of the sponge this is kind of like a personal thing the wooden floats more traditional but the sponge seems to be more popular I'll leave it up to you if you want to buy a new tool or reuse an old sponge now this party mix tells you how much mix goes with how much water ah generally this will do these at 40 square feet right which is a fair amount if you think about it that's one foot high for forty feet of wall it's a lot of project you can mix it in half bag at a time so it'd be one gallon of water for a whole bag or a half gallon water for half bag I'm gonna go for the half right that feels about right remember always add your cement to your water [Music] that's a little bit loose that's okay it's easier to add the Smith if you need it [Music] really this product operates on a lot like tile cement in the fact you got about an hour to work with okay and when it's mixed right it sets up a little bit stiff like this which is nice because then you can hold it on a trowel kind of a lot like a mortar so I guess I'll start back here with all this mess okay and you can just stick it in there kind of like patches up all those big big holes okay that's close to where I'm working fill it in with that grooved edge okay and that is how you'll set that up so the next time you come by you can finish a nice and smooth okay yeah you can go over it your spray foam with anything the other thing you can do with the scratch coat is you're going to fill all these gaps and set that up so you can add mesh tape into the inside corner afterwards our scratch coat is done come into it now we're gonna switch it around and we'll do the smooth side now you can put this stuff on up to about 3/8 thick remember the goal isn't to it's not like drywall taping you don't put it on the take it off you want to put it on press it in and leave it in place okay you can see how much this kind of completes the look remember I'm working on an 1880 farmhouse here and then transferring this transforming this into something that's very new and modern if you want to see how we installed the siding on this house then click the link up here but this is a complete restoration project now my mix is starting to get just a little bit dry we'll fix that just a little bit of water and we'll work that into the mix you also want to keep wetting your cement as you go really all we're doing is trying to just get rid of all the have a warps in the bumps okay and the goal is to get it to 3/8 thick and then smooth it out we can use the trowel to get rid of the bumps this would float that's really nice when you got lots of room sponge works amazing in those tight spaces he just has a really nice little texture to it I have about another 120 feet to do so what I'm gonna do is a there's called my son Matt out here to finish off his work he's young he's got a strong back and he'll love doing this but really all we have to do now is just show you how to set up for overnight okay okay so this is super six plastic and if you want you can cut it down to fit you can even staple it to a piece of wood and you can create a little trellis and lay it over top I just usually stick mine in the corner grab a couple of pails as I go and drop them in place that holds everything nice and tight what it does is it gets rid of the wind the direct Sun and it helps to trap the moisture and as long as you're doing that you're gonna have a nice strong bond you won't have any cracking down the road remember if you're doing purging your house make sure it's wet make sure you're comfortable make sure you keep your your your mix really easy to work with so it's getting too dry add a little more water water is your friend here not your enemy and most things in construction we look at water like our enemy but when you're parking it's your friend don't be afraid to get soaking wet and have a lot of fun doing it and for anybody who's curious as to why the door is turning brown we've got a special project video where we actually cut the light into the door and saved a ton of money making a custom brand new front entrance we can show that video right here click the link if you're interested because if you can part and you can do siding and you can change your doors well you can fix up the whole outside of your house which is the biggest return on investment
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 184,368
Rating: 4.8999157 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, foundation parging, parging, how to parge a block foundation, how to parge a concrete block wall, exterior parging, home improvement, do it yourself, diy, concrete, cement, parge, exterior, diy parging, how to do diy parging, diy block foundation parging, diy concrete block wall parging, parging fails, parging 101, parging nightmares, diy foundation parging
Id: Q1O6-B0ooW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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