How to parge ICF walls (Step by Step)

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let it roll okay guys we're gonna park this uh nadura wall underneath this porch so we got some new dura prep coat and you mix it pretty loose it uh when you first mix it it's real loose and then it bucks up really fast it'll harden up really fast so that's the consistency you want if it starts to harden up you're going to want to add more water to it and then we have a mesh product here that we're going to bed into the skin coat so we're going to put a skim coat on and we're going to bed this this is an enduro product too so not sure what they call it but i'll find out i'll give you a link to it but we're going to mash this in or bed this right into it this mesh so i'll put a skim coat on biscuits going to be behind me working this into the wall then you want to let that dry like it's going to look like that get a little close up this is one coat guys and you can see the mesh through it that's not finished that's your first bedcoat that's what it's going to look like when it dries and we're going to put another coat over that um that's not good enough you shouldn't you don't want to see that mesh through there so like i said that's just our our first coat and that's what we're going to do over you're jumping ahead of me [Music] if you're good with a hawk you can use a hawk here but not that good with a hawk be honest with you i just work right out of the wheelbarrow or out of a bucket you don't want to get this crap on your skin because it'll burn you got a lot of uh lime in it it's real sticky that's what makes it work good it's real sticky oh biscuit don't make the old man look bad here i was gonna say biscuits cruising this gets on fire he's getting pretty good at mixing it too my biscuit though let's get some he doesn't get these opportunities he doesn't usually get opportunities like that just put it on there you need to kind of spread it out after yeah i've been just doing like a couple walls at a time depending on how big they are and then going down through after you don't need to put this first coat on real thick either just enough to get that mesh in there [Laughter] i see where he's coming from no if you put it up now if you put it on a tiny bit thick it's easier to put that mesh in you don't have to fight it as much wait whose video is this this is jason this is biscuit bondo's video now this is the little biscuit or the big biscuits video hey guys bondo here i just wanted to do a little more in-depth video on how to parse these uh icf basements this would pertain to nadura or any icf basement it's going to be the same process guys i know there's different places you can get this parge and the mesh product but you know i mean you could get it through new dura or wherever i think they all got their own brand but the stuff we use here was from new dura and i looked it up on the website and the mesh coat that we're putting in here is called fiber mesh and the coating is just called parge mix so it's right on their website i looked it up just to make sure i had the terminology right but we're just me and my son big biscuit jason we're uh pardoning this underneath this porch here we did a lot of this house already but we're kind of finishing up this porch because we we stamped this quartz yesterday guys and uh we stripped the forms um before we started this so we couldn't really do it with the forms all on there so once the forms are off we started prepping this thing putting our base coat in so basically you know i kind of laid it out here for you but just to reiterate you're just gonna put a skim coat over the foam one skim coat you know maybe a sixteenth of an eight inch thick and then here in a few minutes i'm going to show you how to press that fiber mesh in there and press the fiber mesh in and troll it until you really don't see it anymore there's what to do right there youtube that's step one i'll show you step two step two come on let's show them step two all right we got our fancy little mess here we're gonna put it right in there i can find the end of it step two hydrate hydrate hydrate very important biscuit has to hide me him sweating sweating he finishes the whole thing all right you want a moist biscuit you don't want a crispy biscuit keep your biscuit moist hey there's zero foul play in there this is a family station what family channel ain't nobody wanting driving you don't want dry biscuits biscuits so you get this in there boys like this oh is that charlie that'd be charlie i gotta talk to that dude yeah you better go talk to him he's lining up already he he hauls ass in he dumps as soon as he slows down yeah yeah you just press it in like that until she kind of disappears if you take your trowel and you angle it like this you can scrape some material up see so i angle my trowel like that grab some material through it so you're gonna put pressure on it and just wipe it out like that it's all covered and if you need like you've got a hole or something you just scrape up some material and put it on there like that let's fill it and wipe it out see that one there so i'll steal a little like that and then like that like that disappear just like that and again this you want this coat fairly smooth and ain't got to be perfect to get it as good as you can that's pretty good right there it's starting to run high okay guys so we're just pressing the fiber mesh in there and troweling it off as you can see you just kind of stick it to it with uh see i'm putting a little pressure on it with my trowel just to get it stuck kind of poking at it with my trowel and then once it's all stuck on there then we're gonna go back and just kind of press it out and put you know as you put pressure on it it's gonna turn all gray it'll go from that white where you can see the mesh to it'll look just like it's parged it'll just bed it right in there and you won't see the mesh anymore i mean you can see it if you look close but it'll it'll change colors here when you press into it that's what you're looking for you just want to get a full a full embed of that mesh into that product sometimes if it won't bat all the way you can just take a little more parch coat and just skim it a little bit but usually see as you push it in it'll if you put enough on there you can just press it right out and there's enough product there kind of steel it here and there and uh yeah there i just grabbed a little bit out of the wheelbarrow as you can see just to hit that uh little spot i stuck jason on the low spot here he was bragging how fast he was so i stuck him on that lower area it's a lot harder where you bent right over like that so that kind of slowed him down he was he wasn't so cocky after that that's all we're doing guys you can see him putting a little extra product on my trowel here to get that mesh bedding in there and that's what you do get it all about it in so this would be uh step number two guys step one like i said we put a little parge on there about a you know sixteenth to an eighth inch thick step two you're gonna bed the mesh in there and troll it off so you can't see it no more just like that that's what she's gonna look like then we're gonna come back and broom this guy stay with us we gotta we're gonna put a little broom texture to this thing i mean you can do a lot of different textures if you want but we're gonna use a broom and it's kind of nice hides all the little trowel lines and it's a lot faster to do so we just mixed this guy's not already stiffened enough it's a little thicker it's only been about two not like that on yourself this is coat number two [Laughter] what'd he do here jay it unfucked me went about a quarter of the way and then ran out stopped product bud sure i had to mix up i had to mix them up yeah that's all that was i wasn't saving that i wasn't saving that real low area for him to do or nothing no no i wouldn't do that to my boy i would never do that to my boy i'm not your boy he's the mailman son ron yeah wouldn't do it dear boy you do it to the mailman yeah okay guys so here's the final coat and uh we're just going to part over the meshes somewhat dried underneath there that first coat after we press the mesh in kind of let that dry enough where you can hard dried over it with this final coat coat number two is what it is but you only need two coats if you put it on right and like i said i'll show you guys stay with us i'm going to show you how to broom this thing which i think is a lot easier to broom it out scoop boom oh just like that that's what you leave it like that you push it around like that i'm getting a stucco look how's that yeah the gold stucco look at that huh he's quite literally having too much fun having fun because this job's coming to an end that's why i'm having fun what is the lunch screaming your name what's that what is lunch screaming your name yeah yeah lunch [Laughter] big biscuit likes to eat he should be on lunch number two he hasn't even hit number one or this i have breakfast couple pretzels biscuits hungry you ain't careful he'll eat you that boy is going to eat me all you got to do is promise some lunch when we get this done we're going to eat lunch and it should go on real quick we're getting done so fast give them a little water too moisten them you gotta have up hydration biscuits you can't have a dry biscuit you already said that you gotta have a moist biscuit yeah i have a moist biscuit i like our biscuits moist so guys if you're new to my channel my name is ron bond i got a company called bundle build construction and we do a lot of this kind of stuff guys building basements out of these new dura blocks these icfs and we pour a lot of concrete we do stamp crete and pool deck sidewalks you name it um all kinds of stuff like that we do radiant heat work underneath concrete light excavation i try to get everything i can on on video for you guys try to help you out i've been doing this stuff for like 30 years so um if you like it you know check out my channel guys and think about hitting the subscribe button and uh if you like this video or any of my videos make sure and hit the like button because that'll help me out on youtube all right okay guys so we put our second coat on this is already done this here i'm going to show you how we did it so we had our first coat on with our mesh that dried we put another skim coat on which is going to look like that and it got to be perfectly flat but get it pretty good and then i just got this old broom you can use different textures of broom but this is just a kind of a stiff bristled broom get yourself a bucket of water get your bristles real wet like that and just brush it out like this so i'll take all those trowel lines out get real wet again try to get your lines as straight as you can you want to do this pretty quick after you parse it because it's not as fast if it starts to get away from you just hit it with water like that that'll it'll bring it back to life i just we parred this about 15 minutes ago so it doesn't take long before it's ready to brush well i mean it's fairly warm out today it's probably in the 70s this is kind of in the sun so you can use a not quite as stiff a bristle it won't leave that as much of a texture to it so it's all what you like try different brooms different brushes you can swirl it if you want or you can just smooth trowel it if you want to mess with that i think this is a little faster but they're doing a lot of it we're doing a lot of it today foreign so um looks pretty good once you're done right now mm-hmm looks pretty good i think that's a nice fast easy way to do it doesn't take long guys where you can smooth through it if you want whatever it's kind of a smooth trowel if you just left it like that you could take uh say you want a smooth finish i'll show you how to get that so we just charged it i waited a little bit i just missed it a little bit with water a little wet like i said this is only about cards just about 15 minutes ago but it's right in the sun and it's windy out today warm windy and sunny so she's drying pretty fast so that'd be your smooth finish guys if you want to mess with it i think it takes a lot longer unless you're really good with the trowel better than me so we're going to go back to the brush finish but that's your smooth finish i think this is way faster you're doing a lot of it like we are you brought that right back to life with a little water [Music] ta-da it's magic hub magical it's magical it's magically delicious that's the way we do it um well guys that's pretty much it that's how we parse these icf basements um pretty easy i think you know you don't have to go that fast with the trowel if you're if you're new to this just take your time try all that stuff on there follow the steps that i gave you in this video guys and again if you like this stuff make sure you hit the subscribe button we're putting out a lot of videos for you guys i'm trying to help you out with this it's a real user friendly type of building system you know i've helped out some people building their own foundations for their own house so uh you know you got you concrete guys that are just getting into this you know this will help you out too i used to be a block guy myself you know just a concrete block basement guy so thanks again guys you supporters you know you uh subscribers that are supporting me thanks again you know all the comments and questions good stuff keep them coming i appreciate it and uh i'll be one more thing guys before i go this porch that edge of that porch i'm gonna i'm gonna stamp the edge of that porch so i'm sure somebody's gonna say that's ugly and i agree the edge of that porch doesn't look good so we put a stampable product on there and i'm gonna do a video on how we did it guys so um see on the next video guys thanks again for watching take care
Channel: Bondo Built
Views: 29,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ICF wall parging, plaster ICF, parge coat ICF, Nudura prep coat, Fox block plaster, Logix wall plaster, ICF wall coating, above grade ICF prep
Id: 0mmRAAQBP-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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