How to WaterProof your Basement walls

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[Music] but seriously this is seriously just as easy as painting a wall i'm not kidding what is happening my name is michael and i am i'm in between sheds at the moment which is a good thing because the floods have come again [Music] but with that being said today would probably be a good day to do a waterproofing video so uh let me show you what we're going to be working with today this is the rapidset waterproofing mortar mix and we're going to waterproof this basement wall brand new to the home depot i'm going to tell you all about this product and how to apply it so let's work with something cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now first of all i just want to thank my in-laws for letting me borrow their leaky basement because i don't have one i don't mean i don't have a leaky basement i don't have a basement at all so thank you guys but as you can see every year around the same time when the torrential rains come moisture seeps through this concrete black wall all we're going to have to do is put two coats of the rapid set waterproofing mortar mix on and that's going to be a thing of the past now just like with any project it starts with good prep clean free of loose debris free of paint i got really lucky with this wall this is not paint this is a masonry coating that was put on by the builder and uh it's very sound it's not flaky so we're good here but you're also going to want to tarp the area because this is going to get messy [Applause] one of the many reasons why i'm doing this video is because do you remember the parting videos that i did on the mortar mix and the cement all well i got a lot of questions about does that actually waterproof the wall as well no it does not but that's what this product specializes in doing so let's go over the specs of this product and what it actually does so this product goes on 1 16 to 1 8 of an inch thick and you got to do it in two layers for it to be waterproofing but what's extra cool about this product is that not only does it go interior but it actually goes exterior as well and goes below grade and that's a big deal because since this product is polymer modified not only can it take hydrostatic pressure from the backside but it can also take hydrostatic pressure from the outside as well that's why i can go interior exterior you can do basements foundations retaining block wall tilt up concrete i don't even know what that is cast in place concrete pre-cast concrete it does it all the stuff is pretty amazing now you can actually apply this product in three different ways you can actually brush it on with a masonry brush you can trowel it on just like any other mortar mix or you can do what we're going to do today and we're going to apply it with a paint roller you just use a regular paint roller but you want to use a 3 8 inch nap now one thing i did do is i bought a regular hair roller and i also bought a microfiber roller i'm going to try both to see which one works better now the mixing ratio with this is five quarts of water to seven quarts of water per 50 pound bag so if you're planning on trolling this product you're going to want to be closer to the five quart mix and if you're going to roll it like we're going to do you want to be closer to the seven core mix but basically you mix it up to whatever consistency you want as long as you're within that ratio now before i mix this up this does have one limitation and that is you cannot add any admixtures to this so you can't add like say the flow control or the set control to get some more time you got about a half hour work time with this stuff so make sure you have all your mixing equipment ready to go near the workplace i can't stress that enough [Music] also don't forget to put your drill on low speed i do that all the time i forget and uh makes quite the mess [Applause] no this is not dry lock this is actually a cementitious material but you apply it much like dry lock and of course wet the surface down first just apply it on like you're just like you're applying paint [Applause] now if you notice i'm going on a 45 degree angle that's very important but i'll tell you why we're doing that on the second coat [Music] so um full disclosure guys never used this product before in my life but i cannot tell you how simple this this really is as simple as painting a wall but no lie [Applause] [Music] all right well the first coat is cured um you do have to let the first coat cure for a minimum of three hours in order to do the second coat um i left this overnight just uh well simply because i just didn't feel like doing another coat last night now before we mix up the second coat let's talk about direction remember how we went on a 45 degree angle with the first coat with the second coat we're going to do a 45 degree angle but we're going to do it in the opposite direction now when you read the back of the bag it talks about horizontal direction in a vertical direction it doesn't matter as long as both of your directions are perpendicular to each other it doesn't matter i choose to do it on a 45 degree angle because it's so much easier to apply this essentially locks the layers together almost mechanically to form a better bond and to get a nice consistent coating for the second coat i'm going to use the microfiber cover and see if this loads up any better or coats any better we'll see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's it installation was super easy and this is what it looks like 24 hours later [Music] so you can paint this two days later after installation and then it will be able to take hydrostatic pressure after three to five days depending on temperatures now i struggled to figure out how to take this product one step further but uh i got nothing but i do want to put this product to the test all right so here's our fun little experiment i've stacked up three cinder blocks i've glued them together i've sealed one side with a waterproofing mortar mix the other side is not sealed i've got two cameras set up over here to get some really good vantage points of both sides i've also glued this pvc pipe at the top now it's only six feet tall so i don't know how much hydrostatic pressure i'm really creating here but this really should prove our point so uh let's fill this up with water and see what happens [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you guys got to see this come on [Applause] so on this side completely gushing out i don't know if you can see this very well but this is just gushing out of this side this side dry as a bone [Music] check that out that is crazy now it looks like the seal did break over here where the concrete meets the plexiglass on top well concrete doesn't like to stick to plastic so that's where that's coming from and it's just running down the front but that's all that is otherwise check that out that is just crazy well i ain't no scientist i ain't no geologist but i think that was a pretty successful test and seriously this is not even five minutes later and i'm already noticing that the water on top here is already starting to dry which proves to me anyway that this is just water on the surface so take that for what you will my final thoughts on the product phenomenal product very very easy to work with the wall we did was about 100 square feet took me one bag to do that wall 25 a bag not too shabby although it's not in every home depot yet so get with your local rapidset rep and they'll direct you to which store is closest to you that does have the product if your home depot doesn't have it get on the horn tell them they need to stock this in your home depot one of the things that i really liked about this product even though i'm not allowed to use the set control to give myself more working time i still found that i had plenty of working time i didn't feel myself pressured to get this stuff done right away even in spite of the fact that i had to film the whole process so that was pretty cool oh and i forgot to mention that since this product is polymer modified you don't need to use any kind of bonding primer for this product that'll save you time and money right there and headache quick update on the shed situation so matt has got my shed all designed ready to go he says it's only going to take one day to build this thing right now we're just waiting on the city to approve the permit and of course i've got to lay down some gravel and bring the earth up a little bit but so we're looking at about mid-october to have the new shed built i'm so excited that's it for this video if you liked it please give it a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed yet please think about doing so i promise you won't regret it and i'll see you in the next one pretty cool right thinking about letting it dry out and do it all over again because uh well that's what we do for fun around here you
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 207,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete counter top, how to, diy, tips and tricks, do it yourself, concrete countertops, rapid set, mortar mix, flow control, set control, pour concrete, Michael builds, concrete mold, coffee table, diy concrete, advanced concrete, diy furniture, home improvement, diy concrete countertop, epoxy resin, how to make, diy concrete countertops, waterproofing, waterproofing mortar, leaky basement, leaky basement walls, basement, seal leaky basement, roll on waterproofing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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