How to Parge A block Foundation

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what's going on guys pretty crazy time in the world right now with code with 19 outbreak going on at all everybody's kind of forced to be at home I on the other hand I'm looking at the bright side of this situation because this is a lot of time for me to do some much-needed repairs to the house in today's video I'm going to show you how I repair parking on a block foundation a little bit about my house it's cinder block foundation and when I was buying the house I was looking at the foundation and I noticed that some areas of the parking on the the foundation had been failing and we're starting to crumble apart so in today's video I'm gonna take you outside I'm gonna show you what I do to repair the parking I'm gonna show you the tools I'm using how I mix it the mix ratio how much water to add to the mix and I'm also just gonna show you some of the challenges that you may encounter because I did a small section of the foundation yesterday and I came across a couple problems and after doing this for a day I think I have a pretty good understanding of how everything goes down first off before we get started just a little note about what you should wear definitely wear a pair of work boots jeans long-sleeve shirt I say long-sleeve shirt because yesterday the section of the foundation I was doing there were a lot of shrubs and I was constantly rubbing my arm up against these shrubs and it scraped up my arm pretty good so long sleeves also an important piece of PPE that I forgot yesterday rubber gloves yesterday I was working all barehanded and I got a lot of this material on my hands and at the end of the day my hands which is so dry and cracked just rubber gloves are a really important thing to wear so let's get outside and get started all right here's a section of the foundation of I'm gonna be focusing on today so first thing you're gonna want to do is take shovel get through a material away from the foundation go a bit below great after you've done that you want to go on your PPE so pair gloves safety glasses a good idea to wear a respirator I'm gonna throw one on in a little while here but next thing we're gonna do is just start chipping off yeah good idea to have a masonary hammer too and you can hear a distinct difference between stuff that has no backing and is literally falling off versus material that's stuck on the wall like that's a pretty solid sound as I get down here see how that hammer sound changes so all this stuff that's all too loose that's crumbly and you just want to take off whatever is loose if it's solid really no reason to take off can kind of relate this to dental work you got to pick out all the rot before you can start filling in the tooth so now that I've gotten pretty much just loose stuff out of there what we need to do is take a wire brush and this is a good time to start wearing the respirator brush see all that dust that thus really isn't good to breathe in good idea to wear a Sun Hat if you're gonna be in the Sun all day right now it's not the ideal time to be doing this because it's hitting direct sunlight but as long as you keep the surface wet I think I'll be all right you just don't want it to dry too fast but anyway as you can see I chipped off all the loose and crumbly stuff and what I'm doing now is just kind of cleaning it up so you just want to take a garden hose spray it down when it try and clean out any dust that you left behind after you gave it a good wire brush and before I apply the new stuff on here I'm gonna have to come back in here with a bombing agent or some Portland just mix it up like a paint type substance painted on it just helps the the new mix to adhere to the block and the you know whatever still left on the foundation so all right now we can start mixing our mixed dry and we'll move on from there so first things first what kind of mix am I using according to my research for the Northeast I think the best mix would be one part Portland cement - two parts masonary cents for every bucket of Portland two buckets of masonary sand make sure it's Portland cement you don't want to use type s mortar I believe that's gonna crack and what you're basically doing is you're making kind of a sand mix which is going to be resistant to cracking it's not going to be that strong but it's again you know it's a decorative mix and it's a protective mix for the block foundation I would recommend that you have two buckets one is going to be for measuring the second one is just going to be a water bucket which is very important I'm gonna want a sponge coffee can or something to mix up some Portland cement we're gonna use that for a bonding agent also some concrete bonding adhesive that's helpful to have as for the tools I'm using the main tools I use the other day margin trowel this is very important small trowel I bought a cheap one as you can see that weld broke on it and I had to prepare it I got a little bit too hot but a couple different trials flat trowel like this about 12 inch this is one of the main tools I use yesterday really important a rubber float I use this a little bit yesterday this may help you wire brush that's a necessity you're gonna need a what is the name for that Hawk you're gonna need a hawk definitely a couple different pairs of gloves work gloves for when you're chipping out all the loose stuff and also a pair of rubber gloves for when you're applying the new stuff so you don't drag your hands and also I'd recommend a respirator some safety glasses because when we're chipping off the old stuff it's going to get a bit dusty and you don't really breathe that in all right Ella we have our mix of two parts and one part Portland we're gonna mix it up dry so just take a hoe and mix this real good yeah you I don't know whose dog this is yo yeah now that we have that mixed up dry before I add water to that I'm gonna mix up my little can of bonding agent and what a bonding agent does it just helps with the adhesion of the new stuff and the old stuff so this will just help this stuff then I'm mixing up stay on the wall a bit better and it's pretty simple to make you meet some earlier so basically what's in here you just want to take a little bit of straight Portland great a little travel throw it in there and take some water you just mix it up mix it into a paint I really should be wearing my rubber gloves right now my hands are gonna hate me later I'm also just throw some bonding agent in here doesn't hurt okay now we're gonna start adding some water to this yeah when you do this you don't want to rush it you don't want to add too much water it's important that you get this mix right if it's too dry it won't really stick if you get it too wet it's gonna slide down when you throw it on the wall so just take your time and I'll try and teach you how to get the right consistency a good quick test you can do to make sure it's very consistency take a little bit on your trowel slam it down and if it sticks that's about the right consistency good idea to wear a Sun Hat if you're gonna be in the Sun all day right now it's not the ideal time to be doing this because it's hitting direct sunlight but as long as you keep the surface wet I think I'll be all right you just don't want it to dry too fast but anyway as you can see I've chipped off all the loose and crumbly stuff and what I'm doing now is just kind of cleaning it up so you just want to take a garden hose spray it down when it try and clean out any dust that you left behind after you gave it a good wire brush all right here's how you apply this stuff you want to take your paintbrush this is your Portland and bonding agent mix and you just want to give this a good coat I painted this a couple times it's a good idea to make sure that it's wet it's dry won't stick push it in make sure you push it in see their spots a little low take some more material push it all in there just move it out roughly right now I just want to show you a couple of the techniques that I have kind of learned through watching others and being out here and doing the job myself I really understand the importance of having a proper technique like when I first started I was just using the finishing trowel that rectangular trowel and I was having quite the time trying to get the material on there and it just wasn't going too well so I went back on line and I watch techniques of some Mason's on how they applied is pardoning mix and it really makes all the difference so first things first take your mud pan or your Hawk and just set it up somewhere so you don't have to hold it in one hand if you hold it in one hand and you lose the function of that hand so I've decided to keep my Hawk on a bucket and it's been working really well you want your consistency to be right this is a little worried little work so what you need to do I'm gonna call this the finishing travel not sure if that's the proper name for it I guess this is one finishing trial because it has rounded edge the rounded edges when you go over your finished surface it doesn't leave as many more for the sake of this video alcohol is the finishing trials to take your finishing trowel almost back in here will take out take your small trowel material here so after you get it on here and then you just go up to the wall I like to start at the bottom push that material in there just like that spots a little oil stick some material fish it in there see another blue spot right there take some material push it in takes a lot of practice I'm not the best at it but I'm definitely starting to get the hang of it start at the bottom here push it up the material can you up push make sure you push this stuff in there use a little more on the bottom push it in so the little tricky cuz I started on the top and I gotta fill this spot in it's not like I can just keep going up so technique that I've been doing this alternate it'll kind of work it back into itself itself take my material so see how I can use my other hand now if you're holding the hawk the whole time it's it's a lot nicer to have two hands to help control what you're doing technically this is called a pool trout so you can take this now just go over it once more and this just helps take out some of the lines or some of the high spots once you've gotten me pretty close just take your sponge wring it out and just lightly go over the surface and you can see it really brings out the sand this will help hide all the little imperfections this really does a nice job of blending everything together it's a little high and just take the sponge work the material a little bit just like that and that's pretty much that don't be afraid to take on this project by yourself when I first started this project I got really frustrated but after pressing on and and just persevering I've slowly but surely gotten the hang of it along the way and this is a skill now that I can carry with me the rest of my life so thanks for watching you
Channel: OldSoulMillennial
Views: 195,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to parge a block wall, how to parge a foundation wall, how to parge and sculpt with rapid set mortar mix (part b), how to parge a basement wall, how to parge a chimney, how to skim coat a block wall, how to mix parging cement, How I parge or plaster a outside wall
Id: lCyjy660fVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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