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[Music] good morning everybody so today guys it's going to be an amazing day hopefully guys we can find something great if not as always we've been blessed and we've been blessed with a lot more so guys let's get started with our dumpster diving so this is weird i've never seen a hirsch parked over here before let's see if it's a casket inside nope that's weird i wonder why it's parked on the street like that all right guys so today it's going to be a little bit of a different day the stakes are high here in chicago because for some reason some people decided to loot downtown so a lot of the bridges were up today there wasn't access between north and south um i did manage to get through i was able to get through but i got to be a little bit more cautious today than i was before because a lot of people are on high alert and um you know i gotta remember that i am covered and i look a little strange you know rumbling through people's trash so i gotta be aware i got to be cautious and i have to be on extra smiley face today so i'm going to go ahead and um conti try to do my diving today i did get a late start because i was stuck downtown so i'm not going to worry i'm not going to uh you know act like this doesn't exist i'm not going to act like this isn't happening because it is so i got to be very cautious out here today and hopefully people don't give me you know big problems today because i'm just out here working you know i'm not out here trying to do any harm to anybody just out here working so with all of that said guys let's get this party started all right let's see what we have over here what is this we have a dresser drawer here and we have this white thing here stand there all right so guys so you are definitely going to hear a lot of helicopters because they are roaming around because somebody decided to do something crazy today all right let's move around all right what is this right here what's that oh that looks as if it's some type of oh broom and dustpan okay all right i'm gonna go really quick while the coast is clear and i'm gonna go and look in that can right there gotta hurry up before somebody come outside okay all right what do we have over here we have a few items here we have all right i'm gonna take this entire bag because it's a lot of stuff in here i'm gonna take this entire bag so we have bandages here a old vintage makeup compartment thingy i'm not sure what that is band-aids are you serious are you serious are you serious are you serious are you serious look at all of those 100 oh my freaking i'm going to the car going to the car going to the car going to the car oh my gosh guys i am so nervous i am so nervous i am so nervous oh my gosh look at this guys one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one thousand dollars guys my freaking gosh oh my freaking gosh yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh all right guys i'm gonna sit this here oh my gosh guys i can't do anything i can't even close this i'm so nervous oh my gosh i gotta compose myself i gotta get my composure guys one thousand dollars in the trash can thank you father god in the mighty name of jesus i don't even know where to begin i'm gonna get back out because i see something else guys in this challenge man i'm gonna sit you here okay and i'm gonna be right back i'm gonna take the gopro i'll turn you on right now okay this is what i was looking at here this cord something is sticking out okay a blackened decker look like a weed cutter so i'll take that i can probably sell that [Music] oh my god i sprayed my glass oh my gosh guys i don't even know how to act i don't even know how to act guys i promise you i never thought this day would come when i will find money of that significant amount in the trash and it's definitely a move out oh my gosh guys i'm about to freaking [Music] i'm sorry guys okay let me finish let me call my husband let me call my husband oh my goodness i'm calling everybody guys because i'm so excited i can't even really work no more angela yeah i gotta pull over girl i got it full off i'm looking through the garbage right girl i'm about to count them let me count it look girl watch it was in this little container so i opened up the lid i don't know what made me look in this lid first so i looked at it i was like what is this and i did this girl all i saw was i said that's more than one let me open this up i got to count crispy 100 bills angela all right guys so i got the container here i did not work a full day i just couldn't my nerves wouldn't let me okay so i'm about to go in here and show this to my husband guys oh my god open it smell it smelly whoa and you know you notice it's not that old it's brand new money you still have this brand those are new dollars and then you have the blue line on it the um uh security line on it actually i've never had one of these oh my god so we have to of course pay tasks and i want to donate i do want to donate all right guys so as you just saw i gave up the money to my husband i don't want to be irresponsible with the money that the lord blessed me with so i've decided to let my husband take care of it because he you know take care of all the finances in our home um but i decided to of course pay my tithes i got to pay ties if any kind of money that i get has to go to the lord first and then i'ma donate some money to one of my friends homeless charities he will use that money to get more food and more necessities and things that the people need so i'm not going to just throw that money away and as you guys know i do need a truck so that will also be going on my truck so i'm going to do right by this money because i don't think the lord blessed me with this money just to you know spend previously so i'm gonna do right by it because i know if i do right by this money the lord will give me an increase in everything that i do so it's a blessing to have found this i'm grateful and um i'm excited all right guys so i wanted to come really quick to verify that these dollars that these 100 bills are indeed authentic and they are indeed real how you know that they're real number one you can see the security system right here the blue security system and when i hold it in the light you're gonna see the uh the little uh invisible security system in the inside let me show you see right there see that so these are indeed real all right guys so that is pretty much it for this video i am so excited guys today was just an awesome day also make sure you check out this video right here just the other day i found a box of gold can you believe it oh my gosh lastly guys the charity that i will be donating to it's called a band of brothers they provide food and hygiene materials for the people that's homeless here in the chicagoland area if you are interested in donating i will leave all the information down in the description box and you give as you please give as you will alright guys so as always that is it for this video make sure you like comment subscribe hit that notification bell don't forget to give this video a thumbs up leave comments down in the comment section because i love to interact with you guys and as always i love you and i will see you in the next youtube video [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 346,912
Rating: 4.8553481 out of 5
Keywords: Ifoundlotoflotsofmoney, Dumpsterdiving, Treasurehunting, ihitthejackpot, recycling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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