Trash Picking and Finding a NEW Place to Get Inventory

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alright guys and girls stackers look at the grass it does look very lush pretty high actually right back there there's a stream that I got dug out some guys might remember to have one of the videos I think it was in the spring actually but that whole area of grass right there he's just solid mud right now it's rained so bad for the last three or four days big storms driveways finally try it still still damp and moist there's that word again as you can see it's still muddy but usually there's a huge puddle right here but I need to cut the grass these light chores are catching up to me now we're going however we're going to do some trash picking didn't rain last night so I'm not expecting anything to be kind of to be wet or damaged but we're going trash picking we gotta go to that recycling place again anyways at an auction they're having another tool auction and last time when I was there I left and watched some Lots go online and lots that should go for like 5 or 7 bucks were gone for like 25 30 dollars so I'm not they stick around for that but I think we're going to go to a thrift store later and should be a fun day alright this thing looks really cool I don't know what this is oh that's not gonna work it's plastic that like like a copper like a printed copper that's like a t.j.maxx oh and I was in the recycling thing so I thought I might be metal you know it's not like just fencing kind curious about what this was that thing that looks like it's made out arose looks like arrows like about the arrow part it's abstract cartridge stinks bad you guys I don't know why but some days man the trash picture trash us drinks all righty so looking right and for almost daily garbage men they're out in full force I'm always picking up alright don't know if this is scrap metal is this knots plastic it's not gonna work what's on the other side that's just plastic to all right well we got over here the everyday hangar is this an old one skateboard propane tank and a Sonoma it's gonna stained so I'll grab this grab the old skateboard all right so since I kind of wrap it up for an early-morning trash picks didn't really find much mount a skateboard and a porta potti Kohli's Dillman right out to the auction I'm hopeful we'll grab something today we could spend about three or four weeks that actually grabbed anything but you never know you never know how these auctions are what could happen I realize also I forgot all my packages I had about four or five orders this morning and I left them at all but see we fine this might be like IKEA stuff this looks like quiet where very surprised to see this out here this is a really expensive set oh yes scratches on it [Music] I think pink especially this stuff pyrex really is very very hot this is actually really expensive set I think it's gooseberry could be wrong all right so these are code three police cars I know code three makes fire trucks and they're worth some money so if you ever guys find any code 3 stuff in a case police cars aren't worth that much but trucks are all right these are plastic all right well there seems to be a lot of Pyrex here got a Amish butter person I have to see one this smell a while that's crazy you got some older videogames in television it's got all these games in there as well so I'm like bit on this log bunch of sports cards but they also have more pirates back there is that the birdie set they have the other gooseberry and the primary set in a back so these are all good lots the best ones definite a pink one apply the other gooseberry than the bird AIDS and a primary the primary is the most iconic so made it here made to the recycling center do a walk around how people seem to like it I have no all we do is religious look a garbage but that's about 90% of my channel anyway just look at garbage in one way another a bunch of pizza boxes we have an old Budweiser box down there it's like doily or a pillowcase over there on the left kind of windy out here they got rid of the tires this one's but not much a bunch of garbage or recyclables enjoying kind the scenic route home but instead of going home we're gonna stop by this scrapyard it's kind of on the way it's closer to the flea market is by me but it's on the way kinds of words like lunch and a good friend of mine from the auction tells me that you can buy stuff from this scrap yard where they have like a whole area of stuff that they pick out from the iron pile I do buy anything I'll show you guys what I buy I did want to check it out this is time going to fulfill my my daily dose of social anxiety who knows who might know I'm a huge introvert so doing these weird new things going down random roads like this one for example there we are at the scrapyard is it's going to be an adventure so I really have no clue what I'm doing I'm just going based off of what my knowledge is but we'll see [Music] all right got ourselves a little watering can this small galvanized can I haven't seen lot of small ones this is an older one's a little beat-up but it's alright and this little bait bucket not too bad oh man I got a lot of stuff made it back it's fine let it wrap it up here there's not a lot in here so that's kinds Ryan up terms of the auction but I did grab one box and the reason why I got this box was I didn't actually see it but there's a football jersey there I saw this when they're doing the row I even get to like look at or anything this is I guess Lawrence Taylor let's talk to another guy there and he he said Lawrence Taylor now what's weird about this is we have stains on it yes staying there staying there this one's got a stain over here oh we still got the tag brand-new with the tag but it's got defects it's all soaked like it's been thrown in the wash because the red has bled into the white but if has tags on it it's got stain on the way I don't know think about it I don't know what it's worth in this condition I don't know it's worth football season is now approaching so that's a good fine I paid five bucks for a box it's also wet suit here but I didn't really look at or anything I figured five bucks for a vintage brand new with tags football jersey it's definitely worth that I'm not a football guy so I did ask another guy that actually asked the guy who told me about going to the scrapyard and trying to buy stuff there okay so yeah I don't worry about it it's it's alright he just pulled her to the side you talk to the person you get a hard hat I had to get a hard hat because they're shredding metal which don't do it my yard this yard is on the way to flea market but it's not buying me it's kind of out of the way so it is on the way from from the auction so do you want try it get this little bait bucket here it's in really good shape I think it's an older piece has that vibe the hardware as well it's got cobwebs on the inside which can happen anywhere but I think this is an older one I don't know what it's worth I know at the flea market I can get anywhere between 5 to 15 4 it is a small galvanized little bucket this is also an older one I kind of just got this not because it was good in anyway one thing I realized this is all galvanized galvanized right now it's not hot anymore it seems to just like have died off over the past eight or ten months but there is certain galvanized things that seem to always sell that's unusual galvanized buckets the square ones sell very very well the circle ones are a little bit harder but if you don't come across one that's like really large or really small so this is pretty small then they seem to sell but most important the one that sells the most is galvanized watering cans so this one still has the end on it I've got some marking over here 2:39 might have been the price of it and like a thrift store or something but usually these I get ten or fifteen four depending on the condition depending on if they're straight on the bike right at that alpha-a hammer flying that out at those sits pretty flat it's got a little wobble but it's still in good shape so overall I'll probably make another ten bucks on top of what I spent I spent ten dollars on these three pieces he said fifteen I had a bigger bucket in my hand I said you know what if it got rid this would you do ten bucks on these three pieces things like that works for me so I guess there is a little wiggle room and negotiation I don't know if he was expecting me to negotiate or what that's kind of like the weird thing about flea markets and everything some people think that you don't negotiate some people think you do I kind of just paid what I want to spend in terms of what a realistic number would be at an auction or at a yard sale maybe not because the stuff will sell for ten bucks at auction but at a yard sale you can sometimes come across these cans for one or two bucks these are usually a dollar or two dollars or maybe three bucks and that's usually like a quarter so you're really only looking like five bucks here but I understand they got make money it's definitely more money than ooh I've got in scrap this is probably less than that dollar and scrap but watering cans always sell bait buckets sometimes selling these things sometimes so as well I figured you know what someone's gonna want so somebody's going to want to buy it they have lots of galvanized there if I did look for galvanized I definitely grab a bunch of buckets but galvanized just isn't selling as well as it used to so this is what I got I think this is a a new avenue of sourcing there was an opportunity there to pick up other items by the endow the pricing how they time what about pricing or what what not so great items awesome very very excited hopefully as a new way to source some inventory for the flea market maybe online hopefully guys have enjoyed the video if you did make sure to smash that like button until next time have a great day keep living the dream Hoos [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 72,063
Rating: 4.9072847 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Scrap Yard, Resell, reseller, ebay, ebayer, ebaying, sell, buy, sell on ebay, trash day, garbage picking, dumpster dive, Found in the trash, auction, auction house, american pickers, pickers, antiques, antiquer, Inventory ebay, warehouse, amazon warehouse, ralli roots, raiken profit, how to make money reselling, how to resell, how to sell clothes, thrift store hauls, thrifting, treasure hunting, treasure hunt, scavenger, vlog
Id: QQaZt3yWfxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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