People THROW AWAY Some Amazing Things - Trash Picking Ep. 434

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all right everyone good morning welcome back another day another day out here in uh allergiesville um that that honey i've been using now for a while it's not helping um i don't think it's instant but i also don't think it's supposed to actually work maybe maybe it's a long-term thing i don't know anyway it is allergy season that was an hour it is allergy season but it's also trash picking day so let's add to another uh let's add it to another let's add another episode to the record book and uh yeah try to find some treasure what do you say early morning eyes hurt doesn't matter we're getting out there we'll find some treasure let's do it we have here two like metal screens get some glass on it but it's always amazing to me these metal screeds are such different in their size like some fit really small windows some fit awkward i don't know what that is i don't know if that's trash or not trash someone leave that there probably isn't uh well probably is trash but not close enough to the curb for me got a small basketball and a larger basketball that volleyball looks a little dirty for me oh you know what it's a nice color but some people like it for uh for dogs like to throw for your dog i had somebody at the flea market who always bought always bought my basketballs let's see what's over here not hopeful but we'll see free oh this is kind of cool survey sauce is it broken no just interesting some scrap maybe scrap i don't know that might be plastic that one has way too much plastic for me i don't see anything over here all right so you guys that's a little sign the old beverage sign oh well it shows up this one looks dirty oh yeah all right finds its way it finds its way he's got to go somewhere else oh my goodness this thing got stuck underneath here oh that's like really stuck wait is our dorian on this side all right i'll work on that oh all right let the car go first it's this this ain't gonna be good just i don't know what's going on here can't i can't open the door let's either stay there all right it's quite the uh oh this is interesting oh seen better days but make it into something new was a nice bird bath at some point all right so hit a warm streak here i think we're gonna start seeing these pop up is actually at a i was at lowe's in home depot recently and uh they have their air conditioners out right at front right my best friend let's see how uh huh we got room today i don't know it sounds like a loud truck oh it's a school bus all right well ideally here i can fit this right here but knowing my luck somehow it will be unfittable all right all right oh wow so i took off the camera took off the camera and put it over here this thing was a thousand times easier to lift amazing oh no it barely made the top so i ended up just passing two garbage trucks we just saw the school bus um but yeah it's uh it's fun getting out here still treasure hunting kind of sad today i didn't see any was that down there i can't tell if that's like a fence like i don't know how i'll get there oh i just missed metal great um all right here's what we're going to do we're going to run up here and i'm going to do a loopty loop uh but kind of crazy today there's a lot of people who usually threw out garbage in the past couple weeks and today it's not thrown out which is really weird one guy who threw away that television i was there forever and like usually has a couch out i think he had a pant piano one week just nothing um and a couple other spots so i don't know maybe people just ran out of good stuff to throw out or ran out of bulk trash probably feels good because they've probably been cleaning out their house forever now like a tool box that goes on the back of a truck got some dirty chairs over there but just kind of crazy to me and the only reason i say it's kind of crazy is because i know personally i don't like going to the landfill and getting rid of bulk trash and seeing that probably a lot of other people here feel the same way and all great this is a do not enter that's the one that i want to go down so what we're gonna do is we're gonna enter i'm just kidding turn around far away you know what i was going to park on this side because i felt the trash stuck out enough in the road where you probably couldn't pass me on this side all right what we got here what's one of those for some reason i feel like this one had a uh a like one of those i call them triangular radiators i don't know why i think it'd be like right here and then this fan down here would spin cold air or hot air colder i guess to wherever you want kind of like a ac oh man this thing's everything i thought has to be this was the spot that i saw that i didn't know if there was a fence or what i had a yard sale two dollars for the bar stool this was one dollar i've seen no one wanted and then the good old or wreck was also a dollar so i missed that yard sale but looked like it was probably a good deal yourself vacuum cleaners for a dollar oh that's not a gossip chair i don't know what that is it's not a gossip table with something else a uh phone table maybe or a phone seat it's a phone table phone chair it really is shocking to me how much metal we pick up in the trash it's not that i think more people should do scrap like this but i just think that's crazy how much metal is thrown out and i don't know it just it's weird we rely a lot on metal in society with that said it's good to pick it up oh this is nice see it has a name on it it's kind of it does not oh sorry bud i don't know what i do with just one chair but your nice chair oh jeez i do like that chair what the heck am i going to do with one chair i think i would probably grab if there's two definitely there's four but there's two maybe the garbage truck is one street over oh oh shucks just gonna say this uh snow emergency sign would have been really cool but it's bent in half bent in half what if these people are cleaning out what's in there what the heck are these women's day 1973 family cycle uh i don't know about those work basket so a long time ago i picked up something in the trash i think it said basket on it was like some sort of magazine apparently it was worth a decent amount of money so we'll play the odds and see if these are [Music] these look like they're in pretty rough shape though they don't smell the best i don't know what the heck these are but they're all not great one thing i do regret not grabbing i think it was last week a ton of planters there were a bunch of them i went to lowe's there was like none in stock none went to home depot none in stock so i kind of regret not picking them up because i feel like somebody needs them i can't really go out and just buy them right now it's kind of neat maybe i can uh get the eagle off it somehow neat lamp giving me a very strong 1976 bicentennial vibe to it hey look garbage truck straight ahead all right so an interesting day uh to top it off i literally just parked here had breakfast you can still see the tire marks a car literally just drove right here drove off the sidewalk and onto the road like the exits right there so try getting my camera in time because i saw him like pull next to me with his brake lights he put his brakes on and i had an idea of what he was gonna do um but aside from that aside from a wild end we found a lot of stuff today if i sound rough or my eyes look glared over in the beginning see allergies surprisingly being outside makes it a lot easier for me i probably sneezed like twice this morning but when i sit inside and do like editing uh it's it's brutal so maybe that's a trick but there's no trick in finding treasure there's a lot here lots of metal with scrap price going up i would like to say this is probably around 40 or 45 dollars in scrap metal not including whatever else i found i know i found a basketball a volleyball i might try bending back that sign and seeing if i can sell it uh and i picked up all these all these magazines women's day 1974. man taco stacks wasn't even a thought back then what was i thinking about there was something i was thinking about some sort of idea of a video that had to do with advertisements or something i can't remember it wasn't a video no i was thinking on ebay so like my generation the 90s and 80s there's no advertisement on ebay from like magazines and catalogs from the 90s and 80s but if you look in these magazines you'll see a lot of advertisement for whatever product it is and i don't know it looked like nice wall hangers i know from like the 50s people used to cut out things and then put them into sleeves and then sell them at flea markets but you don't see anything from like the 80s and 90s like that so just another random thing that noodle brain is going off of but aside from that another fun day here hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button and subscribe down below for more trash picking videos there will be plenty more to come if you haven't checked out my trash picking playlist check it out as well and i'll catch you guys next time for next adventure hopefully you guys enjoyed it until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 21,552
Rating: 4.9322515 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, found in trash, scrapping, scrap metal, trash, garbage, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster dive find, found in dumpster, garbage truck, bulk garbage pickup, trash picking in rich neighborhood, taco stacks trash, best trash picking finds, best trash picking, scrap pallet man, thrown in garbage, landfill, recycling, recycle aluminum cans, soda can deposit, aluminum can deposit, found gold, found money
Id: kU0ucwzJC18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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