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what's going on YouTube talk to stack's hear back from our vlog and as you can see in the title it's not good I will dive into that shortly but on a more positive note I did pick up angle grinder which I know a lot of people ask me do I have an angle grinder and actually I looked around I don't have an angle grinder I have a lot of other tools angle grinder is not one this up angle grinder got at Harbor Freight Chicago electric power tools not her then oh it's not Makeda I know it's not the wall let's not snap-on it's just a junky angle grinder I don't know how well these will work I know Harbor Freight everyone makes jokes the Harbor Freight how bad they are let's be real I'm using this to separate metal once a week if that I thought I'd just be great to have I know I have a cast iron I have a cast iron wait I've aluminum a cast aluminum grills I want to separate and this I think will be great for it yes I picked this up I think there's $20 plus the wheel was like 2 bucks so yeah definitely got that and a lot of people ask me to get one so I got I'll give you a little preview of my warehouse space that I haven't going going on right now reason why I'm kind of investing into a warehouse space is try and use my garage as a garage and scrap everywhere.i here's the driveway I got grill there dog cage I got brass somewhere else this is aluminum so I'm going to use my handy tool on that to separate it the best possible way because I did talk to my yard and they said yes cast aluminum they'll pay you 40 cents a pound for that stuff so definitely worth the strip that haven't gotten on the scrapping because as you can see there's no Vanier which is the main point of this video raj packed to the brim matt had to get this stuff into my my warehouse all this flea market stuff there's some nice things that bob ross if you're watching this video those blow molds saving for you five bucks you can have them both they're yellow I'll throw in a Tonka truck small taco truck or nylons or something like that five bucks they're yours buddy well yeah that that's pretty much my garage space is screwed right now so don't let it down nope that was but here's my new warehouse so far I've done that side over there work on this slide there enough it is definitely a lot of work in here I'm using this as a warehouse for my flea marketing the marketing is a big big portion of valensa income but my work life I do primarily do sell online but free marketing it pays for you know that the little things that side still gotta be worked on haven't painted that wall as you can see this wall has been painted not the best job but try to do my best paint that these red already got about a half of an here junk the top half is just flea market the bottom half is all like Christmas stuff and seasonal stuff debt once November comes around or October I'll go to other flea market in my first videos and take that stuff there because Christmas stuff does sell very well in November you can almost get close to retail from what I've seen in terms of my own experience but you can't get retail and you can always pick it up cheap now July June May April whatever it's not Christmastime you can buy this entire table filled you can buy this entire table filled one box high private for three bucks of just Christmas stuff and then so all that whole table filled for probably 200 brand dollars so definitely good investment if you had the space time why I'm trying to do this now as the years go on as the months go on and such forth I think that's huge an income is you have to invest into your product you have to invest into your service to really get the full picture and I'm a firm believer of that and that's how you generate more sales and generate a happier customer base I do want to address the issue that is kind of circulating a lot of things right now so let's so let's jump to the front forks let's go so hopefully this video is not too close I'm not really sure about the camera angle and whatnot so addressing the issue at hand as you can see I probably haven't uploaded at garbage pick and video in a while will not be uploading a flea market selling video this week because I didn't go last week last Sunday is really really hot it was very humid in the morning and you know I went out garbage pick in the morning I was doing all right picked up a couple cords whatnot went to get breakfast came back and then went out later to go garbage picking and flash back one week ago or now two weeks I guess would be and I was out garbage picking and someone came up to me and said hey look someone took my my sewer pipe snake my sewer pipe snake or something like that and apparently a scrapper stole it from his property that day probably 20 minutes before I got to that area of the town it's a very high-end area it's not you know it's not flowin it's not very you know scummy generally a good neighborhood and he came up to me and he's just like scolding me for you know are you on a scrap run are you doing this are you doing that if you have this is in your van just tell me be honest I don't care I just want it back and I not pick it up I don't know what this guy was talking about I only know there's only one other scrapper in that area and by time actually got that area where this thing was stolen there was actually two cop cars there already you know taking notes and whatnot so it happened before I even got to that part of town after talking to the guy you know and saying you know whatever you know it kind of left an uneasy feeling in myself you know does this guy really believe me you know and whatnot I asked him you know what does it look like how much is away and he's like well you know I can barely lift and this guy was jacked he's like I probably weighs about 200 pounds look at me I'm a twig I can't lift off that weighs 200 pounds I just throw in my van you know and I just can't it's not physically possible maybe when I was in college maybe when I was someone in shape but I'm not living so I was 200 pounds so the fact that even like thought I can probably lift it it's kind of concerning but you know through my mind I started gaining a lot of stress I started thinking you know maybe next week the cops there will set up you know a sting or something and stage something and flashback to this past weekend well I went garbage baking later in the day was really hot I took one turn a little bit to sharp and I immediately got motion sickness this happened actually when I first got my van and I just like freaked out man I had an anxiety attack I pulled over side a road I get about anxiety attack like once a year once every nine months I don't know what triggers it I'd have Papa John's a day before which is actually weird because the last time I had one I Papa Johnson day before so that might be it so I'm quitting Papa John's I used to get that just because it was cheap it was close it was fat so maybe that was the reason but it was very scary you know I water ball in my hand I was trying to drink water this is on Sunday I showed at the flea market in the morning I know I missed out on that I know I had to get my van inspected it was getting closer to them I knew if I didn't pass inspection what was I going to do so I was kind of concerning I think everything just calm boiled down with the weather and it was scary I had a water ball in my hand I couldn't even open my hand for about twenty minutes with the water ball in my hand I couldn't drive I couldn't feel my body my whole body was tingling I thought I was going to die and it was kind of scary and you know economy kind of made me wonder like is this really worth it is it really worth to get stressed out over you know someone else possibly stealing something and being accused of something or you know is it really worth it to be out there 92-degree weather with 100% humidity isn't really worth it and so I immediately I went home that was it and I came back I went to sleep at like 6 o'clock I took a shower I laid down on my couch and I was just sweating I thought I was going to die so that regard to that was the end of that and then Tuesday came along today I think is one today so it's yesterday I dropped off my van at the shop to get inspected it's like I know you're going to need shocks and new tires other than that I think you know should be fine in terms of inspection wise but ought to go through everything and have to go through everything and anyone who's seen my van before in person knows that I always talk about there's no coolant in the damn thing there's no leaks well apparently there's a gasket problem and there's a radiator problem and that kylie's me to the bigger point this kind of leads me to is this the end of scrapping is this the end of making videos since then I'm YouTube today today he called me as like hey you're going to lot of work done on your vehicle if you want to keep it maintained I can't promise you that the vehicle is going to be a hundred percent perfectly fine because of that leak leaked into your engine which is very possible you're going to have a bigger problem down there on it's like deep are you sure you want to fix this problem because you look at over $2,000 and I was like holy crap I knew in my mind I had to put my $1,000 into the vehicle once I bought the vehicle because base is a used vehicle you probably do a tune-up you're probably need new tires you're going to you think some stupid leak so I thought I'm going to put a grand in so I was fine I put a grand in a year later big deal whatever it's a grand but anyway said over two grand I was like wait a minute what am I missing here I think well you know I need a new mirror because your mirror is cracked that's an hour 95 bucks like can't you find me a use ways like sure we could probably find you use one you're going to save thirty or forty bucks if it's but that's really peanuts compared to your intake system is going to be replaced for the for the leak do I need a new radiator and if you want to do a tune-up because we're already there and you're going to save yourself probably 50% of the labor cost it's going to be another you know god-awful mouth but you know it's gonna be another amount but you know you're going to have your tune-up done and this guy appears to have never done a tune-up so you're long overdue it's up to you if you want to do it but given the circumstances we can check in a system I can show you he's never done it before through a registered you know dealer if he's an older man he prides has never done it done but she was and you know that would be another whatever it was I think it's like four hundred fifty dollars or five dollars for like the mirror and all the spark plugs and coils and rotor stuff it's just a whole bunch of stuff there's a whole list I checked it online you know I was like all right you know not taking me over on this but once you start adding up you know the coolant intake the radiator the inspection sticker and inspection the emissions tests you know the new mirror not on I said that new shocks new tires the total cost came out to twenty eight hundred dollars and twenty eight hundred dollars to fix a van that I run for scrap got a run to the flea market that I beat up is it really worth it um and that's when we're trying to figure out I love making these YouTube videos I love doing the scrapping I love doing the garbage picking I love doing a flea market but at the same time what's really am I getting out of this you know I invested forged dollars into a camera for YouTube I invested you know a whole van across might bleed 2,800 or three guys they cost me twenty eight hundred dollars plus taxes everything's like three grand for flea market you know the scrapping the sister that the gas I did all my money I did all my research I keep track of how much I make at the flea market if I add up every single week I've done a flea market video which is actually every single week they've done a flea market this year including the other flea market I started out doing began these YouTube videos add that with the scrapping videos add that with the amount add that amount to all the money I made from YouTube and I break pretty much exactly right on the spot even I didn't make any money that means I pretty much made zero amount of money for hundreds of hours worth of work hundreds of hours worth of labor I made nothing and do I really want to continue if I fix this problem which there also could be this thing where it leaked into an engine and a year down the line or three months online or two weeks down the line I'd have another problem what do I do so I'm kind of lost of words I was very distraught over it I love making these videos I love making these videos i love doing scrapping i love garbage picking a lot of flea markets i love the social interactions i think that it's come it's it's coming to a point where it's like you know what's next so it is very stressful i'd like to think about you know i don't want to essentially blow away everything ever you know everything i've earned this whole spring whole summer you know I put a lot of time into flea marketing I've put a lot of time into scrapping I put a lot of time into editing I know if you ask any other youtubers and a lot of people say it's a lot of time to edit it's a lot of time to do this it's a lot of time to do that the whole YouTube thing is a lot of work to create videos and create content but it's fun you know it's fun and I enjoy it and it's exciting I like the response and I appreciate all the support it's definitely been a great time so now regards I do want to continue doing videos I do want to fix my van I just have to ask myself what is the next step do I look into being a completely different bed I don't have the money to buy a new van obviously I don't have the money to really even just blow on replacing parts that I don't even know who actually fix the van you know I don't know I don't know what the next I don't know what the next step is the guy there was like hey look I know you do the flea market stuff you should maybe invest in that trailer just because a trailer you have no maintenance you you know you do this you do that and that's that you park it you leave it maybe you should invest in a trailer and that's what I was originally thinking of of doing but I decided against that because it's not having another vehicle and you know in terms of emergency it's not you know having the luxury of being able to just throw stuff in it and driving along you can't garbage pick off a trailer or an enclosed trailers weather's talked about there you gotta look around the damn trailer all around not going to get trailer so if you're still watching this video you just watch me rant about everything you're still wondering why I haven't come out with videos this week and then go flea market Sunday I'm not going to post a three-minute garbage picking video because I'm a firm believer of you know delivering some sort of content to your subscribers and delivering content to YouTube I'm not somebody's going to say oh I had a great garbage day picking blah blah this and 20 minutes of the videos me talking five minutes of it is me doing my own thing and three minutes of it is actually garbage picking I'm not someone who does that I don't believe in clickbait from that way of deception align couldn't come out with video in terms of flea marketing or garbage picking this week I don't know about this weekend he said probably if I even got started doing the repairs it wouldn't be ready it's currently Wednesday night and when I get this video up tonight I know it's not gonna be a lot of editing because it's simply just me talking so I'll try to give this video uploaded on Thursday hopefully you're watching us on Thursday and now and yes so you know fortunately this is just a monetary thing it is not something physical harm it's just a money issue and it's kind of upsetting but at the same time it is what it is in conclusion don't know I'm doing don't know if I should fix my vehicle always still keep on producing more YouTube video I might keep on producing more YouTube videos don't know how when we come out in our garbage kitchen videos shortly depends on how fast I get my van fixed don't know when I'll be coming out my next plea market selling video that also depends on how fast ik in my fanfics and you know we'll see how the rest of the year plays out we'll see all the rest of week plays out you know we'll take it day by day if you're still watching the video you're probably wondering why I'm even ranting about check out my other videos and a bunch of videos on scrapping garbage pick and all this great stuff thank you guys for watching at home I hope you guys are having a great day yeah till next time have a great day keep living to drink please [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 103,040
Rating: 4.890192 out of 5
Keywords: Scrap Vlog, Vlog, Life, Daily Vlog, Daily Vlogger, Inspiration, ASMR, Car Repair, How To, Repairs, Chevy Van, Van, Scrap Life, Scraper, maintainece, body shop, problems, fixer up, fix it, fix, pass inspection, emissions test, mechanic, mechanics, automotive, auto, flea market vehicle, flea marketer, reseller, warehouse, inventory management, ebay, harbor freight
Id: v5pLdzJC464
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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