FOUND GIFT CARDS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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oh and gee I just found out Tony gift cards George what hails of a hall you found yesterday all that money and that was the cheapest unit I've ever won $25 $25 just think of what you're gonna do once we get out to the West Cole's out on the west coast you're gonna slam them you gotta jam them you're gonna crush them smash them you need a bottle there just like on my head all right let's get back to the unit today because we're not done yet are we George no we're not what are you gonna find more than we expected so hopefully we find more rare foreign coins that are worth this unit has a couple if not a few boxes of national Geographics unfortunately because they were in storage a lot of them smell like wet mildew mold a lot of these can actually be worth something if you have the right one that's collectible but for what I do on a daily basis what George does on a daily basis is just not worth it for us to do anything except check the pages for money and then we'll recycle all the paper open that box George it's lying the plastic look look at this you know what this is oh I guess you're working with a horse but do you know what this is oh you know what this is this is a boomerang look at how cool that is we have to have a boomerang competition one of our subscribers that lives in Australia Sunday Oh many many right now we got a huge one Hank said that is cool I wonder if I wonder if this is baby look at this look at this Travon pipe for the best Virginia weed there is oh my I don't know how to get it out it's in here more horse I don't know how to get it out it's in here but the ends are like this so that's not the gap it's actually in here did you I met her and get it out do you want to try and get it it's brand new no I can see it you see you guys you see the end right in there it's brand new it's never been out look here's another here's another boomerang nice that's man size little wooden figurines huh this should say Cooke soprano recorder is this one made out of stone the instrument hated by all parents in the United States for school systems teaching kids how to play it in two three maybe this guy it must have been all over the world it ain't a peace pipe this is cool what is a wiener dog - pound yes is that pewter here's an ostrich egg yeah baby they don't make eggs this big out of chickens he must have been all over the world that camera oh that's not AM AM radio AM radio whatever this is it's broken what's the mess I'm doing he sealed all this okay there's a latch on here here we go in three two one what do you think's inside oh it's a stamp collection part of it definitely part of it huh their stance from all over all right we'll have to go through that better those little buff shoes maybe maybe what I think there's a lockbox down here what look look is that a lock box it says France on it okay I go I'm gonna grab that thing out look at this thing real cool see that that's what West Coast is gonna be like once they meet up with East Coast run they're scared like a chicken it's heavy do you know any French okay that's all right all right don't know what that is his name was on that looks like there's some stuff down here okay I mean just this so they can see better if they just keep holding it right there here's another pipe oh we found a gun look at that we found a gun I found a gun and I'm pointing it right at George okay whoa George look at this all right there you go looks like it looks like a clock that tells you what time it is anywhere in the world any time Wow what's in here nothing in it not sure what that goes to it definitely went to something look at these little spectacles put these four man yeah look at this [Music] we animal eats your eye like a big pizza pie that's the male Wow dude has everything all right Romeo Milano and okay and there's more maybe I think I found something I did look at this look at this look it's an entire stamp collection from around the world Sweden Indonesia Poland Hungary Australia Australia India look wow your $25 is going a whole lot further than I thought it would look I just found this crazy pipe from Holland look at another sword a Toledo Spain sword oh we can no way all right this is the top this is the top of this pipe from how and this guy it's like this guy was everywhere please wonder that meeting most of those heavy look at that brass horse wow you know what this is you don't know what this is do our viewers know what this is if you know what this is check that out then put it in the comments below if you don't know you bout to find out here we go George you ready for some music yeah ha ha ha I'm not very good at playing the mouth harp but this is the mouth harp let's see if I can get it to go I'm not very good at it is you just find gold this looks like a classroom I just found another I just found another East East Coast making the West Coast run scared like chickens George how in the world did you know set of binoculars BAM another one planet well I guess the lesson here is if you see a sword in a unit make sure you buy the unit how much stuff do you have in there his name was on some of this stuff so I did want to do it alright let's just move on to the next box since his name is in here open that box and okay George will you give me a nickel for my pickle look at this that's for storage option pirate right there you Mike Oh for your birthday at Ponemah crude and lavish Eve matey's would find pirate booty let me make sure the opening is we're good okay and here you go there's your pirate booty a storage option pirate that's the East Coast giving you your pirate booty got any sunscreen is this poop dick uh-huh there you go oh look at that money that's East Coast right there money hmm go figure here oh oh I can't wait to check this baby we're gonna check this floppy disk just like we do all of the flash drives the memory cards mean Jebus gonna check this floppy on the old TSR that we just found that tape holders what there's nothing in them we've got stickers and postcards and German on hey here open those up show those I'm not good at opening these because they all have a button on top baby you have to just press the button and it does it for you oh no way baby did you see this one look there's a 50-cent piece in there I never seen that before okay 50 cent piece in there you could just call me had balla you know what I'm saying alright and look at this woman this one has three horses on it says Remington I've got outdoor woodsman hunting with his dogs and that is a cadence cadence and we have an eagle this is a brute I believe it's a brute and we have a bullseye bullseye there you go if there's hardly stuff a hardly paper pad hardly Davison again there we go more Harley sells as soon as you can post it it sells these these are Harley Davidson glasses they actually say Harley Davidson Turkish gold cartoon stuff I feel like doodling this is it more Harley ah it's not in there Harley's if Bo thirsty I can't see it what's this a I can't read it can't see through the thing right now we always talk about sighs hey yeah there you go West Coast there you are right there all right just covered up the light 1912 Titanic sinks 1500 died yeah that's what I just know it's a triple KITT it's a triple KITT this is some kind of wind-up cuckoo clock I think we saw the key to that bingo ball is that the official word look at that stuff I bet you there's some silver in there I betcha there is some silver what's this three pouches this is this for the old school flip cellphones right here one for mom and dad one for the significant other one for work this must have been for the old flip phones would you like me to connive it open can I fit man yeah I'm conniving it you know who I'm doing this for too tall a knife that one right up your favorite too tall all right Kodak Pocket Instamatic 100 yeah taken out by an old school tonight Oh a ball just follow this do you think no I think that's actually a drink all right I just found I just found some West écoles I found some West to Kohl's wait there's some locker nuts right there if you don't know what we mean by locker nuts check out Locker nuts on YouTube he has a channel and does storage units I'm I don't know where these things have been but I'm gonna put them back in the box look at this is it a mirror yeah it's a mirror how beautiful you guys are yep this is how we this is how we film tripod and a cell phone everything is done with a tripod and a cell phone this is interesting the old Zippo and whatever this is pan there's so much dust and the stuff has been in there forever some kind maybe a perfume bottle I don't know Hosanna Hosanna David it's all in French Sheffield knife we got a lottery ticket is that a winner I've never played to scratch off is that a winner not sure I wouldn't even know the first thing to do except scratch it off I've never been a gambler have I i I've always just been making my money and keep my money and make more money although I did gamble on that one unit last weekend Boyd was the one we had to take all the cocaine yeah this just all looks like random it looks like it's like a religious relic looks like a golden idol yep golden idol right there ladies and gentlemen George just grabbed a bag let's see what you got sweetie duffel bags and good bags are one of my favorite stuff every time I open them they're filled with dirty laundry that or Christmas or porn and oh oh there's Arizona Petrified Wood we recently had a unit with yeah we had a ton of it the guy was a Napper yeah it's not like a yuna but he was like a Napper you're kind of napping different kind of napping is that uh is that bone or does that's made out of a horn isn't it I think that's made out of a horn a scooper a little leather pouch it's broken though see that they're nine times out of ten they're broken and you know oh no I guess it wasn't broken it was actually inside it's right there oh babe we got more more yeah we got more no is we got it we got arrowheads we got an actual arrowheads that's a poor mouth for you guys there's a little bit of a look what's that looks like I think he was carving it don't you carving it into a knife see this I think it was carving it uh to connive someone did you check this here let's check that why you got it nothing and junk wood pieces Oh mother lode of smoking holy what we the stands for this what the Hales what the Hales I have never seen so many pipes in one place in all my life unless it was the hookah bar and it wasn't really in here what is this whoa we know nothing about pipes we know nothing at all look at how cool that is we definitely got corn cob here baby I don't know anything about pipes I think we might have to go get an education though no stinking way look there's baby pipes there's like there's like Jordan there's George sighs pipes look there's another yeah there's another pipe there for man this is much better than the kind of pipes that we found last time look at this there's got to be ten 20 more down here I don't know who there's much of a difference it's in the next one I bet you this one's tobacco yeah we got a box that says do pork and butcher string on it don't you anyways oh yeah you know we need to send those off to the west coast they need an education all right here we go in the back what do you think's in the box I don't know maybe billiard balls no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa George George George look at that and look it's my Toledo Spain so you know that's so cool look at that oh you got a little sword how in the world do you buy these crap units and make money what kind of case was that hey old some kind of no it's not marked I'm I set it over there old master keys and this would these be I don't know what these are any of you guys know what these would be here some kind of film calamy old film here we go we got a 50-cent piece so where now she put $25 into this unit we're now at 24 50 what we need to make back I'll set that aside LAN LAN VIN Lanvin oh we got some stuff and it might be gold where does that say we're inside the trailer right now because the wind is so bad outside it was beautiful out earlier and then it got and you're seeing the dust fly by as well because we're in dusty dirty stuff that we get out of storage units so all of you orb lovers it's dust don't worry the trailer isn't haunted I don't see I don't see any gold stampings it's from Paris though here's this Passport we got multiple passports you think he had different identities I'm three nine six one oh six two well maybe he was just working we need to find out what that conviction was and see if you went overseas because of it you know what I mean yeah here's keys who could we send this to I don't know either here's this karate moves I better be careful that's hauling it's on French they can't read that why I mean look it's a dollar sign that's what the Hales dollar sign right there with the Wyoming I wonder if that's silver no markings that's one with the other dollar signs we found we've got a needle repair kit got a necklace it's got a big a four can you guys read that I can't see it something I don't know what it is pocket microscope it's in there this is this a pocket lamp look at this oh this must be an old style book lamp that you can clip on a Swiss Army knife so there's one of those big Swiss Army knives I forget what they're called is this money or just random known just randoms all right that's kind of cool nothing on the side over here yeah you do that I got matches oh um gee I just found out Tony gift cards no freakin way yeah hold a second hold us look at that these actually have who it was - who it was from in the amount that's a $25 babe babe there's another $25 all right we're gonna have to reshoot you guys the gift cards because some of them had his full name and the gift card name so we don't want to show that to you guys so we basically have to record this entire showing because I flipped them over and I showed the actual names and numbers and all of that so there's five dollars there there's five dollars here and there's 30 bucks here's the cool stuff so again I did it again didn't I all right so for example he's got all these gift cards and the monetary amounts are still in there just like that yeah looks just like this the amounts are there the amounts are actually there 25 there's another 25 for Dena toes look this is amazing I'll show you that this is a $50 Home Depot gift card oh it doesn't matter they can't see the pinches this one's a scratch-off so we're gonna so this one's a $50 Home Depot that obviously wasn't used Duke and Duchess we got Verizon we got Kroger I can't wait for our next gift card battle so this one's $25 so all of these are gonna go in the gift cards that these will go in the gift cards that will do it giftcard unveiling in the next video sorry I was reading that [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 48,236
Rating: 4.9044228 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, found gift cards, gift cards
Id: VWx3C6Aw41Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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