FOUND 100 GIFT CARDS | HOW MUCH MONEY DID WE GET Cashing In? / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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are you ready for the grand total hallo tell us how the Hales are you I'm Jeremy a modern-day treasure hunter and I'm George yes my real name is George it's a middle name Middle Eastern thing long story short I didn't choose the treasure hunting life the treasure hunting life chose me just like man chose her because we found them in a storage unit just like we found all of these gift cards that we're gonna find out how much money we like money is actually on these gift cards today so we want to know how much do you think is gonna be on 100 gift cards found in storage units let us know in the comments below how much you think will be on the total amount of cards and if you haven't subscribed yet George what should they do what the hell's are you waiting for make sure you hit the subscribe button smash that thumbs up button comment like share spread the Hales love since there is a hundred gift cards to go through we're gonna make things a little bit easier for everybody and a little bit more fun and interesting so George is gonna get a pile I'm gonna get a pile and man's gonna get a pile and we're gonna find out who can get the most money on their gift cards down in the comments do you think it will be team George team Jeremy or team man share with a hashtag time for the competition to begin man what do you say ladies first George you get to pick first which purse I'm gonna go with this middle pile right here the winning pile all right man gets to go second I age before beauty oh I think he likes his Happy Meals yeah I guess I'm going with the Best Buy gift card let the competition begin bring it on Jer I know if I'm not mistaken that's three of your cards in your pile so it doesn't count you get no money for those three three gift cards she's got to take him to the gas station to figure out how much is on it that's a big fat zero twenty five dollar gift card George still isn't widget man it's frozen sorry man no subway for you what is that Walmart baby Santa's $7.47 I'm taking every cent this one says $50 gift card I can't believe it did that just say what I thought it said she said $50 can't believe it man oh ho man can't believe it that's straightened his hair right up he's winning 50 bucks I got another winner now some cards you can't do over the phone nowhere near as exciting when you have to go online but this is a local restaurant $5 so five more for team Jeremy hashtag it in the comments cuz I'm gonna win you can't wait wait what did I say $25 in how many cents can you see her it again all I heard was 25 when we started yelling and said cents at the end are you sure yeah they're okay well zero cents she's at 25 that's a Middle Eastern thing Oh feel more confident he got one dollar three said look at man or one breadstick man put the dollar the dollar money clips on him because he was so confident after the $50 and he got one dollar and three cents American Eagle ones American Eagle dollars and forty cents 13 40 cars all bent up out of shape and everything $13.40 I pulled another Speedway gas card because I could always use gas and the last card was a lucky one so hopefully this one is too but the last card had $25 up in the corner that one doesn't say I'm trying to say that has zero what how does he keep winning 752 he just got seven dollars and 52 cents Dollar General is up next here we go big money and we got to take this one actually to a Dollar General Store so you can't let it down yeah you can't even get this one on a website find a store near you please visit our website Dollar General calm and it says they'll actually give you the balance the cashier will give you the balance so that goes in the pile we this is our pile so far of what we have to take what we have to take to actual stores to see what's on it so we got a whole lot more to go so as of today those don't count there wasn't a phone number on the back of this card I had to visit the website Buffalo Wild Wings dot-com to get the balance and there was 25 25 I'm back in the race this card has a balance of seven dollars and 20 cents man scores again seven dollars and 20 cents for wall-e mark I'll take the 18 cents another six dollars and 18 cents 14 Jeremy here's the stache two cards that nothing all garbage the current balance on your Starbucks card is five dollars u.s. he scores again did your car emissions under fire tonight I'm feeling it here we got a TJ Maxx Marshalls now I don't particularly sharp there but we might have a date night so let's see what we got here for balance inquiry you have to check the card and the most recent reason you got to bring the card into a TJ Maxx or Marshalls store and an associate will help you so see right down there this goes into the pile this is another one we got to take into the store all right well I'll be nice and I'll let you do another one oh really yes oh really there's a regal all right she's letting me call another one of mine that was very nice of you I appreciate that it could be nice good sportsmanship let's guess that the pin is one two three four my work back in the rain I think you're taking me out to eat for your birthday now I have one time it was like a year ago another big win for the little man $20.00 on advanced autoparts high five man he had to check that one online it was hard with no fingers but he got the info I'm feeling big money because I got Apple product cards right here on the back it says iTunes here I'm gonna show you what's on the back I got to do this without I got to $25 gift cards so I'm hoping for the big bitty right here so let's see we're gonna get in on here and maybe I can save you some trouble and tell you that you don't have an iPhone you have a samsung yeah we use I use all Google products so droid based and this says there's not a number these actually say to redeem open an iTunes Store scroll to the bottom click on redeem peel off the label enter the code for assistance support itunes WWE don't have itunes you don't have one either right no neither of us have itunes any of you guys know how to actually redeem these and check the actual balances both of them say $25 we're hoping there's a good $50 right there the scratch offs are off on the back and maybe we got money maybe we don't those are going to have to be set aside in a pile to themselves so we can get some Apple pros to help us I have two happy gift cards Jeremy do you remember which unit we found these gift cards in wasn't that was that dead man's parents and then we found the knives and the axes and all that good knives and the axes it was from that unit so you have to they look very similar so you're gonna call them both you're gonna call them both okay what we'll do you know what we should do we should actually we'll put that video where you found those in the comment section we'll pin it if you want to go and see that video as we find these types of things and storage units all the time yeah that's a tough one to beat there's no doubt about that yeah and she's got two of them you're gonna just go and check in the same one on that call okay again I'm pretty sure I'm in the lead I'm pretty sure we better find out who won let's find out all the tallies and the totals are you ready for the grand total now before we get to the grand total remember this whole pile of cards we have to take them into the store and figure out what the actual balances call we couldn't go online to take it to the physical retail shop now that being said remember these are $25 a piece we have no clue how to actually find out the amount on them because we don't have an iTunes account so we need your help let us know now let's get into the actual totals Jeremy came in with five cards with money on them for a grand total of 37 dollars and five cents not too bad and less man pulls up a fifty dollar underarmor card which he did and so man came up in his pile with seven cards with actual money seven cards man pulled ahead of Jeremy easily with the underarmor card with $100 that's really and 75 cents absolutely insane remember this is just all free money that comes from storage units that we buy so the craziest things the big winner of the day we love it when people have cards and they don't use them and George had a pile of them George's granddaddy told roll six gift cards with a grand total of all the other cards were junk they were garbage we didn't show you all 100 cards but grand total up to $200 hands down George is the Wiener you are the Wiener for a granddaddy total of three hundred thirty-seven dollars and 80 cents that's amazing not a bad day treasure hunting don't forget to subscribe and make sure they do what George make sure you hit that thumbs up button smash it leave a comment share this video we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 103,362
Rating: 4.9136896 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, 100 gift cards, found gift cards
Id: aHjhBa3RtdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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