LOCK PICKING Abandoned CHANGE MACHINES For MONEY / Trash Picking For Resale

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you got it yeah yeah okay now we got it can't believe it I'm finally back to the secret location 10 acres under one roof there are 19 yes 19 changed machines and today we're gonna try and find out how much money is in every single one of them [Music] at this particular location everything we buy gets weighed we spend $1 compound I'm hoping that there are tons and tons of pounds of $1 bills in all of these machines and the best part is hey I came ready these are brand new brand stinking new hard hats the brand new brand new they're six six seven eight nine ten ten if I sell these let's just say it will go to minimum $40 a piece brand new hat hard hat ten of them 400 bucks hard hat I'm gonna spend four bucks anybody that knows me knows I want out of Ohio for the winters I want the sea life and look at this I found it I found the sea life there are so many miniatures we've got lobsters we got walruses we got dolphins we got whales how does it get any better than that and the best part is we're gonna wash them off again on our Sunday Night Live auction I've got for a sense of all these sea creatures oh wait come to Papa come to Daddy there we go going in the cart this place is so massive so huge there's bins there's totes I mean literally I mean it's a treasure hunt I could literally just I just stick my hand up somewhere in my something awesome clear clean and clear breakaway blades that's the whole thing of razor blades I got over here oh yes I forgot to brush my teeth this morning great never have enough packaging tape especially when you're buying it by the pound whenever picking remember always look high and look low because most people just look I level these guys they know what they're doing look at this up here something's crazy is up here take a look let's take a look up stuff is falling everywhere 32 famous front pages from history President Roosevelt is dead man for all of you who think that right now you're seeing dead people and orbs it's not the flash is on it's just dust it's always dust oh it will be dust let's see what we have here this so giant front pages from history the New York Times New York Times feature suspect or treachery suspected warship these are giant front-page stories this is wild Dewey's victory I wonder I wonder if this is fake news like we get today that's real Republican National Convention in Coliseum Oh earthquake and fire San Francisco Titanic's final plunge Hindenburg explodes Oh Germany surrenders announced in Europe Nixon resigns there's three more up here opportunities for learning I'm not even gonna look these up it's paper it's heavy but these are super cool with all of the history lessons there these are definitely these are going in the cards ready to cry this alone has got to be worth more than anything else down here do you know what this is you know what this is this is a giant roll of toilet paper for the big ones look at that that is also a tea this is perfect absolutely perfect for shipping oh that's going home with me but you know what Elsa do you know what this is this is industrial rolls of toilet paper that will last me and least half a day there's one look that there's four rolls four of them can you believe the luck we're having today on this big and it's the lucky lotto numbers let's find out what our lucky numbers are okay here we go on the bottom we got the lucky number 40 lucky number invisible forty nine forty five 34 and sixty one or if you read it the right way nineteen what the Hales did you just find cocky well it's dirty and it's filthy it sounds amazing work look at that that's so cool that's amazing that's an amazing piece and he gets to pay by the pound oh it's probably ten bucks Wow ten bucks I've found some pretty amazing things here my friends have found some pretty amazing things here but this liquid gold and we ain't talking oil we're talking Purell hand sanitizer boo boo the very first thing you want to do is you want to shake it you want to see is there noise the door just closed off my fingers wow that hurt not the smartest thing to do there now we know exactly who owned these these were USPS Capital property this is from the post office the post office nineteen of these change machines maybe we'll find some stamps the best part of these playing machines some have keys see just just like that those locks the key will break off in them so today I came prepared glue stick lighter here we go we're gonna heat up the glue stick like so and then if this works we're gonna be geniuses we're gonna heat up the glue stick and then we're gonna here we go we're gonna place it right on the broken key like so and once it dries we're gonna try and pull that broken key out you think it's dry yet possibly maybe maybe does it Adam here we go gently gently definitely oh so close we gotta try again let's try again on the other end I don't think I actually melted enough of the glue stick so I got to get enough of that glue stick melted down there we go yeah oh yeah it's dripping now you see it dripping even so check that out the glue stick is dripping yeah yeah that's that's good that's okay on fire dripping and here we go I have a few ones gone at this time see all that glue drying now okay we'll get it we'll get it one way or another we're getting in there's no doubt we are getting in here we are absolutely getting in here in three two one it's definitely stuck you see good clothes up there see it's stuck on there I mean I can let it go just like that I know what everybody's thinking right now that's not really long blue sticks remember size matters okay so here here we go we're gonna get that key definitely gonna get it just would you just look at it goodness look at that this was genius Jesse with clear riffs came on over with his lockpick now I got a lock pick as well I just have no clue how to be a thief it's just not in me it's not my DNA Jesse on the other hand doesn't know how to be a good crook either but we're trying this is the one that we just took the piece out Jesse's trying to teach me how to actually use a lockpick set I have no clue he's bouncing the tumblers do we say there's five tumblers yeah so there's five tumblers he's bouncing them so you can feel the tumbler and now you're bouncing the tumbler up that's the first one got it okay he's got five tumblers and then you turn right if if your block picking kit doesn't stab you first Jessie why are we flipping it over so if the tumblers are on the top it would flip it over we use gravity and the tumbler should actually fall we should be able to flip it and twist it anybody find a card anywhere there's a waterbed there's a sauna hey there's a toilet too but you might want to be careful that Whitesnake in there sorry for touching your hairdressing hair gold Leigh and I had this one last time so this is this is the bump you using this pieces as long as you kinda like a bump key yes that's important and then this part is your turn put a little bit of pressure on it boy if you get in there this is the one that we heard money in last time the good news is is I got a lot of friends who know how to pick a lot of walks there's some stamp I think one of it in one of the tumblers Lance it's determined you risk it there's 19 total machines this is number one I'll often ask Jerry why do you smash open safes instead of trying to pick the locks and you're receiving the answer right now all right we're getting down to the nitty-gritty this one is and was jammed in there pretty good all right let's see okay it goes counterclockwise if if it pops maybe it's right it goes right it goes right it goes it goes clockwise it goes clockwise alright this is one of many here we go the dollar machine is in them okay dollar machine is here so what happens the dollars gets tacked in through this right here and we have did find you know what this is for us forgetting the hard-to-reach areas in the morning when Russian that's the hard-to-reach areas okay the actual coin this key this key might work for some of the other guys somebody's making money on ready here we go here we go and all right we gotta stick it on there for a little bit get in there it's the thingamajigger this is hot which my logs it's stuck on there look at that guys definitely stuck on there alright see what happens Oh too soon too soon I'm right here now we gotta be careful on this one if you come in close you can see that this key it's already bent over we've got other keys on it we brought it up top it was on the ground so which we said clockwise it's moving it's moving here we go and when I picked it up and brought it up here we heard metal jesse did you get it Jesse got it ok Jesse got into that one anything in there you see this part right here this part right here Jesse Jesse broke into that one right there Jesse put that lever and then pull out there well alright let's try these so with all these keys they got to go to something they have to go to something [Music] that's that's the Hales paw [Music] okay now we get it yes did we hear anything in this one okay the coin heifers one of these to make noise it's a coin in the back I keep wanting to find a dollar bill on one of these things it's like a rubber bands in there though it might be an antique rubberband yeah thanks auntie it's a vintage rubber man yeah he's got money no yes no yes look at that oh is it silver what year is this 79 79 okay but the court record we're good safe to say Jeremy it was worth every minute of pain journey had to go through to give me this corner [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 127,501
Rating: 4.7482519 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 8DFGbd5Zhf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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