FOUND ABANDONED VENDING MACHINES FULL OF MONEY! Breaking Open 3 Abandoned Vending Machines!!

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oh my god dude are you kidding me [Music] stripped it out [Music] start out oh we're in quarters on the bottom all right what's it like a dollar no cash yeah so no actual money here's the money pull to the top oh really oh my god look at that see where's the bills go up here somewhere holy crap oh my god dude are you kidding me holy what the hell let's see all right now i'm glad i videotaped this holy crap that is a huge stack of money they never emptied this thing out i swear to god we cannot make this crap up this is like a change or thing a quarter comes out nickel yeah and they're full of the top too they check in there all this money in there too oh my god nice all right we just hit the jackpot so i'm gonna guess 50 what do you guess 60 60. there is a crap ton of money in there you gotta get it popped out i don't know if i don't want to broke it out of there it didn't pop oh crap we're gonna do now wow that was quick the other one took like 10 minutes and we had to go through like 20 drill bits the other one had brass in it so the screw was just stripping out in the middle this one doesn't have the brass in the front so it held tight probably an older lock so it's a lot weaker they must have changed them because people were getting in them too easily let's open it up you can have the iron hey we're in all right where's the money thing's old where would the money go for a door like the other one oh dude there is a crap ton of money in there holy [ __ ] no [ __ ] way check this out come over here oh my god nice all right can we just pull this whole thing out there can grab all this different than the other ones oh my god look at that it's gotta be at least like a hundred dollars right there this is unbelievable a little more i can't believe they didn't empty this out oh my god it keeps coming damn we just hit the jackpot oh i see some change in there too look right there oh that's loaded to the top grab that oh my god it's a good like 20 pounds of change right there oh dude it's loaded oh my god what's that one no quarters nickels dimes and it's full the top as you can see or almost hold the top yeah this one's up to here oh it actually says the amount too that's almost at 15 bucks yeah look it's about i'm gonna say 14. that one's at like uh that's all the way over the top that's about three dollars and uh that one's that like i'm gonna say 10 if you guys can read that but yeah that is loaded to the top okay let's let's actually count this up i don't know how we're gonna count all this change but i'm gonna say we got easily over a hundred dollars in ones right there this looks like more than last time all right so i'm gonna guess there's probably a hundred dollars in singles and then maybe 50 and change that is at least like a good 20 pounds of change right there plus all the money inside there's still so 200 what do you say i guess 80 80 all right how much change if you pick up like a handful this is like 50 bucks yeah that's like four bucks in change right there i think it's mostly quarters all right looks like i was wrong 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 and three damn i was right on the money let's check out the change how much wasn't it last machine you remember oh like 110 a little bit more looks like more change here though yeah for sure plus all the changes still inside there's a lot of quarters yeah the majority is gorgeous oh that's that's probably more than 50 honestly you know so it's probably close to 100 what do you think yeah we'll probably take the bank though to get it counted up man what a nice payday oh yeah show me the all money what do we got oh there's money in there look at that take a look at the tools we're gonna use this was the dent puller that we used in the last video but this lock looks like the lock out of the first machine that we did it was really tough these drill bits drilled it out broke a bunch of bits this time i'm gonna use this air grinder and try and grind just the lock out so i can still sell the machine because the machine has value [Music] got it popped open all right see what's inside it's pretty hot oh yeah show me the money what do we got oh there's money in there look at that open that up open that up yeah oh my god that thing is full of the top oh that's way more than we've ever found dude oh yeah there's gotta be at least a hundred right there easy oh my god it's way more than a hundred seems like a lot more than the last one yeah that's insane let's keep going oh i see change in there too look oh that thing is almost full someone grabbed that out of there let's do that oh bam check that out that is super heavy too feel that yeah those are all like all quarters too most of them see it's insane oh look at that there the changer is full too look we got like 20 quarters and almost three and uh nickels and then i can't even almost 10 in dimes pam we hit the jackpot it's beautiful too bad it wasn't money baby yeah that would be nice but money's money right even the change wow it's gotta be over 15 games right now it's time to count up this money and see how much we got i'm gonna guess we got about 150 what do you think i'll guess 151 and whoever's closer gets it 151 really no make a real guess all right 175. all right let's see who's closer and guys leave a comment down below taking a guess too and we'll see who wins so so 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 200 215 that is way more than we've ever found in any other machine it's not bad for like 10 minutes of work right right plus all that change true so this might not look like much but i guarantee you in this pilot change right here just got to be like 100 or more i mean like right in your hand that's got to be two bucks and then instead of how much is on the table it's easily 100 bucks
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 76,982
Rating: 4.8760281 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned vending machine, abandoned vending machine full of money, abandoned vending machine with money, found money inside abandoned machine, opening abandoned vending machine, breaking into vending machine, bought abandoned vending machine, vending machine business, making money from vending machines, abandoned atm machine, abandoned atm, abandoned atm with money, breaking into abandoned atm, bought abandoned atm
Id: AmAGVqwGB-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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