Former CIA Operative Reveals Media’s Agenda- Kris "Tanto" Paronto

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we weren't a team that had been together for more than 30 days you realize when we all got there that the mission that we're supposed to be there for it was bigger than us it was bigger than an individual train train train train your highest level push yourself in training get as much experience as you can because when the panic sets in or you can't have the opportunity to panic your body will shut down and you will go to your highest level of training my gut feeling at that point in time that early on is that they just panic and when you panic they went into what we call the black they they shut down they didn't know what to do if 13 hours if the movie would have came out sooner it would add a major impact on my life I think even if we were just said something sooner it would have so many movies in the history of elections have impacted elections because they've taken shots at certain presidents you can think about Black Hawk Down which came out the story of what happened in Somalia back in 1993 when Bill Clinton was president and then you have the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 that came out that kind of took shots at Bush's the administration of what they were doing with Michael Moore and then you have the movie 13 hours that came out by Michael Bay which the book became obviously very bigoted if you go on Amazon right I don't know if you've seen the stats on this about 13 hours it's 3,500 reviews on Amazon all five-star and it's a pretty controversial story but did a lot so it premiered January 12 2016 at the AT&T Stadium here in Dallas Cowboys Stadium you said roughly 35,000 per se 35 37 it was and I know we're splitting hairs there but no there was there was a lot of people there a lot of people there I'm sitting with kris paronto which kris paronto known as Tonto Tonto if you saw them will be 13 hours Pablo how'd he say his lessons right driver Schreiber and by far the best actor in the movie Jon you did good Krasinski but published you got Top Billing I know that was awesome how he's Jenny Jackson's yeah I am too not like Paula Pablo's jack Pablo's Jackie first of all thank you for your service playing thanks for coming out here today walk us through this whole thing and obviously you wrote another book called the de Ranger way that's a leadership book certain things that you can apply in personal life as well to succeed I want to talk about that as well but before doing that first of all the whole Benghazi situation that took place I know this has been talked about many many times but you know it's been past the time where some of the stuff can be talked about walk us through what happened there's obviously a lot of stuff leading up to it we're on TV we're watching a no show this man made this YouTube video and he offended people on 9/11 2012 and this is why they tell you the embassy you would have thought they could have thought of something better than that but that's we'll get into that as a team we've been there now we all for people that don't know the story we weren't military we were all were veterans at the time we all were contract security contractors for the CIA at the time and we weren't a team that had been together for more than 30 days people realized that it wasn't like oh you come in as then you when your Ranger unit or your marine squad a SEAL team you were there for but as contractors you come in every individual you coming in under our guys and I don't wanna get into any more than that we get into tradecraft but you come in and the team just kind of melded then now I'm not saying we all got along either we don't I'll tell this to people when I do my speaking events me and oz we don't get along till today till the day we tolerate each other then you realize when we all got there that the mission that we were supposed to be there for it was bigger than us it was bigger than an individual and in that line of work you find a way to work together we're gonna get in the Ranger way that's one of the fastest errors it doesn't matter if y'all get along you find a way to work together to succeed and in that sort of thing if you don't succeed well people die here at the highest levels of successful people here we got there we've been there for about 30 days together now individually each of us had been there certain amount of times myself and Boone who's sitting over here but he won't be on camera he's still shy he's got the keys cover box cover make him a knight actually were supposed to go home earlier and we extended I don't think it was a coincidence set that team was supposed to be there that night him and I were acts both coma I think couple weeks prior we stayed longer same with Rowan were you guys friends prior or him and I are the only two that had worked together though he's a Marine and you're we had started we had started contracting at Blackwater security in 2003-2004 and I carried him through all the contracting of course I had him drag him gonna shoot me no we met there a black one it looks like he's great we picked you up and he sat back there didn't say single word and I felt this red mark in the back of my head I was like some shits back here I don't know it was heating up and now it's starting to make Senegal is that a laser laser focus thought it was no actually Boone and I hadn't been together for 10 years we'd contracted and together worked in Afghanistan Iraq Pakistan Yemen and so forth in Libya course bottom line is is the night came about there was an attack on 9/11 2012 without getting into any more of the prior stuff which there is more in the book has more of it in there the US consulate was under siege and we weren't US State Department facility we were CI security officers and there was an ambassador by the name of Chris Stevens there and Chris Stevens of course high-level ambassador a very high-ranking individual there were other security officers at his side and they were overrun they were essentially overrun immediately very little security on this facility does that come about yeah it was very odd and that's the part of the story as if people that know 13 hours or if you do start to learn about it that's what was very odd about that particular event and why I think it started to make headlines and climb is because as people found out that whoa we got an ambassador that had worked as a way up from the ground level on up and that's when you obtained a certain and it's not rank but there's a level that ambassadorship that his that when you get to a Chris Stevens level that it's not donating to a foundation and here you're giving an ambassadorship is that you have worked your way up and now you are looked at highly and if you want to put a rank to it if you want to put equivalency ambassador Stevens is a three-star general if that's seriously that's the high level guy three-star the reason I can say that with with some authorities because I work for the State Department and that protected ambassadors before I went to the CIA so I do know the different levels of ambassadorship the bottom line is you leave this guy he's a high-value target they get overrun long story short they're trying to call the State Department guys are trying to call us for assistance we're the only game in town that they know of that can get to them and we are told basically to wait stand down then wait again and then we finally buck orders and we go there we disobey our CIA directives to stand down and how much how long did you stand 30 minutes there's different timelines - 30 minutes because that's what I'm going by my watching I'm not going by some DC report I'm not going by see what somebody saw on Facebook at the end Langley on my watch how far are you we're three quarters of ma so you're hearing everything now we're watching and seeing it and it's I tell it everybody that's out there see it's it's beautiful it's gorgeous when you're watching firefights it's it's beautiful you're hearing things you're seeing the tracers go up in the air tracers are the rounds that burn advantage for US military and US contractors and anyway there is a pair of military military personnel within the United States is that the advantage of night-vision that we have is incredible they still use tricksters they still use bullets that burn so they can adjust fire and it limits them but it leads to a great light show as you're watching it from not afar but really when you were watching it did you know what it was what was yeah you do become acclimated to the sound of gunfire as you spent time overseas no I get it but did you know where it was yeah it's like they were attacking last we heard a little rout of ten not thinking of anything and then there's a call on the radio from our GRS cool that's what we our global response now from our team leader and he says we need your us in the team room and then when he said with a little bit more vigor we need to jerison the team room now that's kind of when you're like this isn't the normal a k47 gunfire in the beer because there's soccer team one sort of gunfire something's going on and when you get out the door as soon as we got out of our front door as soon as you see the tracers bounce up there because of the experienced levels of the guys there is you pieces together like whole crowd that's the consulate they're getting hit and then you start hearing the radio chatter from the State Department the security officers we had same radio frequencies they did and Alec Henderson one of the State Department officers one of the ambassador's security personnel he's calling us on the radio saying GRS we need you GRS we're taking fire obviously we know that we can see it GRS the cost has been overrun within the first five minutes we knew from when we got called we knew that that cost that was getting just hard balls with RPGs Rockwell grenades ak-47 fire PKM fire grenade oh yeah you know you're seeing it you're hearing it and your mindset as a team E and again that's why I say we had a great team there nobody panic everybody was pretty salty all of us in our 40s all of us had multiple deployments all of us of course had great training within our military branches not everybody did their job we all had responsibilities and when I do the leadership talks I tell the people that say you know it's kind of like a lessons learned train train train train your highest level push yourself in training get as much experience as you can because when the panic sets in or you can't have the opportunity to panic your body will shut down and you will go to your highest level of training and again we were very blessed because the team had so much experience and training that everybody just went into what their job was to do nobody barked orders nobody yelled at anybody everybody had a responsibility our GRS guys the CI personnel yeah they're panicking they're running everywhere and you're seeing them oh yeah we'll call the shots and listen we don't we don't believe these guys they're not telling us in let us go to me there was essentially two standouts there was one by our CI personnel our CI chief of base and our CI chief of station and Tripoli my gut feeling at that point in time that early on is that they just panicked and when you panic they went into what we call the black they they shut down they didn't know what to do and instead of making a decision they made no decision I remember that and I've even testified this I don't think their initial don't go stand down was a political I think they just didn't know what the hell they were doing but the egos kicked in and people that didn't know what they're doing they didn't say hey you know what we don't know what the heck we're doing you guys do go ahead out they just kept holding on the ball thinking that either it would work itself out or they just would maybe think of the right thing - how much of it was you know cuz you're here oh we can get her up because she's sleeping and no one's getting a hatch was that propaganda was that actually like we cannot go to hold them in a bow to make a decision I think as more propaganda oh god of course it was I honestly believe that if this story the true story would have come out and we would have found out that it yeah there wasn't a video there was no abbulu about a protest because the election was going on actually Obama was not he was him and Romney were pretty dang tight at that point in time part of his a critical platform was al-qaeda was on the run al-qaeda was part of the attack that night Libya was al-qaida in the Maghreb and I saw Surya I don't think it would have want if it would have been if the truth would have come out like that I really do not think and and the truth didn't if 13 hours if the movie would have came out sooner it would add a major impact on her life I think even if we would have just said something sooner it would have and but nobody did do you think 13 hours affected Hillary's campaign or for not winning I do I think a lot of people started to see the things that they already knew there is a deep state there is people and the politicians change history to fit their own narratives and and the media especially mainstream media change history to fit their own narratives so they can keep pushing whatever agenda they want people started to see that and I do believe that I don't think I'm going on a limb saying that not because of what happened there and and what us coming out speaking out and Benghazi but because it helped other people start to stand up and say you know what this isn't right you know what this isn't right now we sacrificed our careers by telling the truth we were we were essentially fired we lost our security clearances or they were suspended as a contracts all of us as a contractor you get a security clearance suspended you're not working anymore that's essentially you're getting fired we didn't just get our CI security crash you're suspended we lost our State Department one and I lost my DoD one as well my department defense one so of course there were repercussions because of it but you know what we knew that was going to happen not crying about it that's how the government was a lawyer losing their license again practice they can't practice it we can't we can't deploy anymore I do honestly believe yeah that that it had a negative detriment on her political aspirations become president but it was well deserved Hey she made the decision and stand down that the military or now that was a political stand and that was about it's hard to say on time that said about midnight cuz the military guys on the ground whether it was 555th fighter wing and Aviano what it was the Fast Company Marines at Sigonella the tankers that were in Sigonella the attend special forces group that had brief position and had been moving towards us the commander's extremity force those things were all shut down at midnight and we did find out later that that was a State Department call and who was in charge the State Department well Hillary Clinton then you got Patrick Kennedy and Charlene lamb which were the under secretaries that people don't know much about and those two are just directly responsible as well but then you also have to put a lot of the responsibility onus on the commander-in-chief he's in charge of the military why didn't you step in and do something political aspirations took precedence over guys on the grounds lies my friend I was telling me kind of a little bit about when I was at Fort Campbell and he's the guy that went to the channel story I am one and became Special Forces in one time he and I were talking he was in somewhere in the Middle East somewhere in Europe or the Middle East and I said who do you follow on the news he says Pat I don't trust anybody I said tell me what you mean by says Pat and no one is telling the truth I said honestly but who is pretty close and he gave me one name at that time he says you know bill it's a little bit closer what he says you know we were talking I'm not Billa Billa he said Bill O'Reilly a little bit close on some of the stuff that was happened in a war but he says I don't believe anybody else I said so what is your reaction when you watch he says you have no idea how frustrating it is to watch it to the phone we don't even want to watch it anymore is that kind of the feeling you had when you were watching a idea the feeling with Bill well I was on Bill show once Bill's an [ __ ] say he didn't let us say one word it was the first time we were house on TV he was my break into the media but at that time point in time too we couldn't really say too much because it's right at the beginning dang what an arrogant ass at that point in time - yeah he can't be hey he could be he pointed me and he did say things that I thought were fairly accurate not everything because every media outlet has an agenda they do my opinion at that point in time and this is a reason why we did his show and he was Bret Baier I thought he was fantastis being so humble dud to me he come he's a he's a stud and he and his hair never met his hair we were drinking after the show his hair he drank more and I didn't his hair never messed up it wasn't unbelieving he drinks it's good for my gosh are you can't seriously I mean press I'm gonna watch it now from a standpoint of Budweiser this message is completely have a good person but he's an Isis and I just call me by the way just recently I don't know if you saw that he in a week I know you don't we don't we don't need to talk about that I heard you I love Co me if he's Six Feet Under that's what it said is that am I gonna offend people there - there's no love for James Comey here either let me ask you is there no love for James Comey or is there no love for the FBI period the FBI guys on the ground do their job okay our heart and I'll say this from any aspect the guys on the ground do their job even us I mean I deployed for 10 years there were a lot of crooked things going on in the government that honestly I just chose either not to pay attention to or my job is here whatever's going up there if they want to be shady didn't you - let them be shady my job said watch my brothers back and that's how the FBI is the administrator the head people at the top especially at that point in time terrible same thing in politics same exact is its megalomaniacs brother how should we differentiate between the regular guy that works got a family got kids is watching CNN Fox MSNBC where is a source for us to be able to tell the difference versus a guy like you that's on the field seeing it happen I said this when the Bergdahl case came out on Bowe Bergdahl what were his troops saying what were the guys that were with him what did they say about him and they all came back negative that that's who you're listening to it what were the media saying don't worry about the media saying what are the guys that are around him saying I guess you have to pick and choose I'm not going to tell you how I listen to listen to Brett barrel down even though I like him I thought was great with us listen to Sean Hannity or listen Anderson Cooper I'm not gonna say that see just watch see who they're interviewing now that's talking about troops on the ground yeah it's hard when you get into the politics because now that you got both them playing the the cloak-and-dagger sort of thing where you got a supporter for Trump then you got a supporter for Bernie Sanders on if there's stuff that goes on where you have guys in a unit that have been working with them like the FBI and they're saying one thing I don't care what the media is saying if they're all saying the same thing those guys that worked or served with this gentleman especially at the ground level then you listen to that but I don't watch the news either I'll read a little bit every once in a while you never know which way you're gonna get slanted whether it's left or right so it's first to say you and Judy are now going on a campaign trail to help promote the book you know loyal hire I can't wait that was a perfect title for us but a higher loyalty had a higher loyalty to himself that's basically Comey a higher loyalty to himself and whoever else that asked us he was kicked kissing before she didn't get elected I did that was that too obvious now we're gonna go back and walk us through where you were at so you're there you're seeing it you're saying on your watch it's at 30 minutes I watched every calling in you guys are saying let's just go all the other Marine units they're kind of hanging time I have all these other military units we didn't know they were getting spun up we found out after the fact Trey Gowdy's committee actually did a good fact-finding or yeah I wish you would have his job wasn't to find fault but he had enough information to find fault but he didn't he didn't pinpoint anything even though his report was fantastic what he did with Hillary Clinton on that one trial like the way yesterday it was good I think he could have taken it farther where he could have said this is your fault but he didn't but you know why do you have an opinion why his job was job Wooden to do that his job was to collect information was the job was to take it further FBI well who was that they're combing there you go god this all comes back to where you're at and this is this is why for you feeling toko towards Comey is from and at that point it wasn't just something that came up where I decided right then and there I'm gonna know I've been letting this go and I've just been paying attention and collecting information over the last what now has been six years you were talking about math hey when the numbers add up then that's what the answer is gonna be and if the numbers don't up within its nut but the numbers have added up that this is what's just too complacent and that she was being protected but yeah get back to what was going on that night we finally got a call from Alec Henderson saying GRS if you don't get here we're all gonna f and die the movie is very awkward that's exactly what he said and we just took them ourselves and we left we left without orders the CIA our space chief still stands - oh I told them they could go they could go assuming with our team leader but not we in fact I remember Boone and I were in our car trying to get our team leader in the car saying get in we need to go get your and I'm I don't know for we had a Juris team leader and he was a sore throat God and we had a chief of Base yeah why we're trying to get out of there he still wouldn't get in her car and we're you know it's time to go and we had to basically cuss his ass out to get him in the car and I remember saying get your [ __ ] ass in the car and then we shut off the gate and because of that 30 minutes that we waited as Austria in a queue I am al Qaeda were able to basically get dug in in their positions and we had actually fight the next 400 meters we got close it was about 400 meters away we had to stop Park and then we had to fight our way on foot which took us another about 30 minutes to go that 400 meters which we split up and tease me and boon to two Libyan guys I don't know how I could trust my just thought I could grab them and then tie and Jack and John went down another right and we split and far away on foot the rest of the way to get in there so by the time we actually got into the consulate from the first call came to us about an hour and then we get in there and it's people have seen fires when all that's going on and you see that it's it is beautiful I think I said I've been asked that's the most horrible express that all these if undutiful to you what do you mean by beautiful stick colours oh the colours when stuff like that happens you have the option to either the journal on over takes shoes give this tunnel vision but everything just kind of comes in like this you can slow down for you or do things go faster from honestly things go open it's think of a horse with little racing button things go like this but that was from experience over time those from different situations that's from being overseas so much if that would have happened earlier in my career yeah I made a state like this but because at that point in time and I was happy to be there so I was like God thank you for putting me here whatever happens happens but I'm gonna have fun and fight my ass off while I'm here and make sure my brothers go home and there's actually a psychological or physiological response is called the and your wall just go people that doesn't slow down to the speed up no it doesn't do any of that it's just you're just able to see everything and colors just pop they're bright sounds just incredible I see you smile thinking about it so I remember seeing that fire and seeing the believin that diesel smoke in the dark it's just still blackest night it's just it's it's unbelievably awesome either in your element or you're in the fetal position and it doesn't mean any one of us are superheroes it's just that that's our element what all of you like that all six oh yeah I would honestly say all of us were like that because of the actions nobody took a pause when we were moving that was what was so impressive it was like a symphony that night whenever a decision needed to be made a guy made it and there was no argument and it was generally a decision that all of us agreed on like that wasn't need to be talked about like when Boone said hey I'm going this direction I'm gonna go pull security Roger that Rollins I'm going in the building to check for the ambassador cool gotcha I'll be over here I'm pulling security this way it was no argument just was but that says a lot for the Special Operations community and that says a lot for the Marine Corps so even though we're at different branches of service you get put through a lot of the similar training and you're able to work well together it was amazing all guys there was not one guy there that that locked up which I was saved like froze through but again like I said in the beginning I think there was a reason that team was supposed to be there I've been on teams where guys have frozen and this team did so for the next hour so we're on the in the compounds of nine acres for those that don't want to get in relative size that's three football fields that's the size of the US consulate there's six of us trying to clear this nine-year compound nobody wears uniforms you don't know who Friend or Foe is you have no clues you only know what is they shoot at you and it's a pretty intense I mean you're clearing out I was tired and I remember a fact I'm sitting here with Mel tell story about Boone right now he jumped over that back gate I remember and I said when you go this back gate please open it so I don't have to jump over because I'm hey I'm Keri little bit more weight than he is I'm carrying a machine guy I was tired we've been jumping over walls and this point what time is it maybe about 11 o'clock got it he jumps over the back gate and I remember all I seen was take off running and I'm like open it because I had to climb it to me was unsafe so he's clearing it and all I could think of was get your head back ass over here self enough to climb but had to climb it anyway so we get on that gate in this just funny things that you remember that happened we get in there i clumb over the top and I remember I pulled a blocking position I later said my machine gun I lay down the prone and got behind it and TIG didn't think I was in the right spot so he said I can you point your gun that way I'm like you hey [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] tired no I'm not doing then I moved over a little bit and then I remember he started moving and he says Tony we got to clear this and we just started clearing the compound ourselves we had to clear two buildings that we still hadn't cleared to found survivors because we didn't know who was alive all it is is essentially moving through a compound moving through they had a vineyard there you know they had buildings that are burnt and there's fire everywhere then two vehicles that were on fire it's chaos but it's it's what I call I like enjoyable chaos and the rest of us wanted to be there and what you're doing is you're just okay what do we need to do let's move forward we know how to move forward guns up okay there's a building let's clear this bill clear the rooms you you're CQB that you've been trained find the survivors okay now what do we need to do okay keep looking over your shoulder make sure there's nobody pointing a gun at you you look and you check in my cell you got getting shot this entire time that point in time we did actually TIG and why we were able to get on and onto the consulate is because TIG we had a 40 millimeter grenade launcher and TIG was hammering them with this 40mm grenade launcher and that thing that will tend to disperse to bad guys it will get him off there at least initially but they're gonna come back which they did and about 11:30 we had found there was five survivors and we're getting State Department guys collected to get off the objective to get a consulate and I remember we were pulling security I remember Boone he came up to me and I said we lost one if anybody's ever met him before he doesn't get angry very often at all and I remember it kind of worried me because he was angry I mean he gets angry but not [ __ ] that son of and that's how it was I'm like what's going on go sleepies and I remember I do remember distinctly saying if he just would have let us leave on time and then I knew exactly what he was talking about he was talking about Bob keeping us they're telling us to stand down and when he said that my heart was like we lost him by somebody just died he didn't even need to tell me I said what do you mean and I go what happened he goes we lost somebody and so I thought it was a Tyrone or take or Jack and I go what do you mean he and he said the IT guy and at first I didn't remember who it was because he hadn't been there for that long Shawn Smith and I remembered it was Shawn and like you go through these centers you deploy for so many years you know I've never been shot but shot at never been shot Shawn had been in Libya for what two days and he's dead you know and that's justice but that's war you know I remember looking I said sergeant I go what's good and he locked it back on he locks back on we're back on mission and I'm gonna run back for Anna compound and I saw Jack Silva with Dave Rubin over Shawn's body and Shauna's dead smoke inhalation yeah you're watching but you have to fight through it we don't know what helps come and we still got to find the Ambassador we're on this nine acre compound it's a freaking block party now there's Libyans everywhere you don't know people how many people there Ghiberti when we first got on the compound we'd push the majority of them off I think maybe saw five or six and when that happened I think there's probably 20 and I could my numbers could be low at 2030 they're just everywhere I remember just seeing all seeing Sean's dead body I remember seeing Scott Wicklund rocking Scott was with the Ambassador that night you lost control of them I can't condemn him for that I mean he doesn't know if he's gonna live he's watching himself get cooked alive in that safe room I do remember I me going and pulling security and then a big explosion going off I'm going I went the corner of the villa and somebody starts shooting at us first an RPG hit blew up didn't it was an RPG because I didn't hear the first explosion and I had just got reactivated to my position and there was a Libyan that rahem by for me and he has no hand as he wanted by me like so my gun comes up I see him he goes in front of me he's holding his arm and where's hands should be issued not it's not there and it's funny it actually quite funny not because of that in the interviews now he's an [ __ ] that what was funny is his buddy will ran behind him after him so this guy runs by think of a carnival game guys coming by you you know you're shoot the car things go my gun comes up he runs by go what happened guys remember he's got no hand his buddies behind him he has a piece of his hand and he's chasing them with so mine this is what you're trying to figure it out I like you dude he's got your hand go back and get your hand here that's what I want and I'm laughing and all I can get out though is I go what happened I don't know if even the guy speaks English and the guy goes grenade so what he says that I remember I relaxed I put my gun down a little bit because I thought they do try to throw a grenade at us basically you don't cooking a grenade off I thought he pulled the pin held for three seconds he held for too long when you cook a grenade off you do it so your enemy can't throw it back well I thought he pulled the pin and he instead of counting the two he counted two three as he threw it he blew up because he was throwing it at us so I'm like well Sergey right don't throw grenades us anymore so I'm thinking in my head then you should we start getting shot at getting shot at when high velocity rounds are pretty close there's not really a whiz when they get close to your head they break the sound barrier so it's a snap and it's pretty he's pretty awesome oh the whip it sounds like think of somebody cracking a whip somebody that's what it sounds like it snaps up and that's when you know we're getting shot at and Boone still gives me [ __ ] about he goes that was a terrible tactic I like I know I wasn't thinking tactics all I was thinking of I thought about Ranger history I thought about when the Rangers jumped into rioja tow and Panama they landed on an airfield no cover when they had they get off it they didn't go run and try to find cover they just started shooting back I did Finchley find cover behind a Land Cruiser he did as well he took the back fender I took the front fender but we didn't realize we had taken cover behind the State Department guys vehicle and they didn't want her to leave they wanted to leave we wanted them to stay cuz we needed their level seven armored vehicle to cover us they left and Scott was driving he kept honking to me to get to get away from his vehicle because I was shooting over the hood and booms on the back fender he just kept going like this honking at me you know so there's mass chaos already people shooting he's talking to horn at me and I'm just like can you give me a few seconds dude were getting shot at and he won't have it so I just say hi remember to step back and I go come on well I didn't tell Boone they were moving so he they start moving in I'm seeing him sidestep a little bit he's wondering where the hell is our cover going and they left us and they butt and then they went left and then they went left again and the movies accurate they got hammered what we see in the movie that is yeah they they actually ants Austria had a safe house right next to the consulate so the group that attacked the consulate was their neighbors State Department and I'm gonna even go any more net where we kind of beat that dead horse but State Department wasn't very good at deciding where they should put their consulate or they basically took it over right next to the terrorists the terrorists did try to coax him in to get in there like they did the movies and at least Dave Ubben and Scott and Alec had the worth all did not fall for it they punched it but they got hammered at least all the way back to but we were under attack and I remember I took Annie out in the open and that's what I'm doing gives me [ __ ] about he goes now as terrible attack I'm like dude I'm just trying to show keep shooting but he's right but I want there was no cover I could find anywhere little Libyan took a knee next to me he started shooting with me and then boom he saw I actually did to my m4 at that point in time too and he saw was running out of ammo and that's the beauty of working with somebody who's worked with forever I don't need to say a word he already has a magazine in his hand I mean he slid across the road I reinserted he shooting next to me and there's three guns and we're just making sure nobody can get through this bad game are you guys all communicating the entire time yeah we are community sort of not really so much voice commands at that point in time and you get you get along enough far enough down lines it's just really visual or you're seeing what does he do okay I know what I need to know it's a big compound so you're hearing some contacts on the radio but when the Bulls start fun there's no there's no time to talk on the radio I'm watching him he's watching me I see tick tickets actually upon that Villa the the master Villa that's on fire he just started shooting it off that Villa I mean that's pretty ballsy right there long story short Rina fighting them off and we have to make a decision because we do have and we talked about DC see what was going on the rest of the country this yeah they were seeing what was going on at that point in time because we had a drone a drone was overhead at that point in time watching it in real-time everything that was going on and we had a drone us had a drone from Derna that was overtop of us at that point in time watching us at 11:30 Benghazi time 11:30 11:45 seeing what was going on and every place the United States had a drone feed from DoD AFRICOM which would have been seventh floor of the CIA seventh floor of the State Department which is the high level floors at your directors and you're also your Secretary of State the Pentagon White House and then every military facility that has that capability which command structure they're seeing that we're in a firefight at that point of timeline under siege so for when they first came out said well we weren't sure what was going on I was [ __ ] they knew because they were watching it and that drone was giving us information that was a drone that told us hey we're seeing what's going on guys they're going to attack the annex you got to get back from the annex who's telling you this we're actually getting word from our chief and our team leader which is getting word from the command structure there in Tripoli and Tripoli which is getting word from either AFRICOM or they're getting word from the 7th floor in Langley so everybody's seeing everything that's going on and all the radio communication is being heard on everybody's radios that has a SATCOM radio everybody that's fitted into that channel which is every CIA base in the world is hearing everything that's going on every CIA base in the world is hearing that happened that has a particular SATCOM radio and it's with tuned to that channel again I can't get any more than that but that's what it's what time is it over here it's 11:30 our time night time so it's the after it's afternoon it's not not like everybody's sleeping now it's 11:30 p.m. and would be honest this is this is not we're still in 9 9 11 2012 it hasn't even got to no I know it's not no mm but what day is it is it you know what that's a good question you have to look that up I don't remember I honestly say I can't remember I mean we'd have to google it what 7 hours ever so so it's it's seven hours and we're actually ahead so seven us is behind that's right right so it's afternoon yeah I was definitely I mean it was staged no everybody was up it's dinner time it's it's it's happy hour know everybody's seen it and the drone says you guys got to get back to the annex --an I do this as a lessons learned to when I do the leadership talks as well as a leader sometimes you have to make a decision and it's the decision that may haunt you forever and it does we made the team made a decision and we made a decision get back to the annex even though we hadn't found the ambassador every branch of service has it you know never leave a fallen comrade Ranger creed part of the fifth stanzas you never leave a fallen comrade to fall as the enemy but we did we left the master we left him there we didn't know we tried to find him and I'm telling you I remember taking my turn to running that Villa that was on fire it felt like hitting a pizza oven hitting that door and all that heat and fire and it's unbelievable how bad it is but bottom line is is that when we went back to our annex to protect it because the ISR the drone was telling us to get back to it to defend it because there were people starting to mass nearby to go attack the CIA annex we made the decision to leave and The Bachelor was found in his safe room 1:00 in the morning or so when the fighting moved from the consulate to the CIA annex he was found in there when the fire died down by locals I believe he was already dead from what I understand and I I do believe that he was already dead a smoke inhalation there's no way he could survived all that I mean just by me running in there when I could and trying to get back to where he was at there's just no way you hear some vicious things what they did to a mother which may be ugly things and you have to do a fact check to see I don't believe that and I've seen that before too when I was in Iraq they can do some pretty me and they did me stuff to kick in when they Kaka Davi same thing yeah unless you do falling off so he will say of his anal cavity yeah you'll never know yeah I did inspect his body the next day when they brought him to us to get him on the plane when the militia had him at the air at the hospital Brock I did not see desecration I didn't see drew you know like he was dry like Black Hawk Down I didn't see some rapes I didn't see anything like you didn't feel but also he also had his you know he also had his his clothes on so and I didn't take him off to sea but as far as face Nick and the little piece of his hands that I didn't see I didn't see like you know even if somebody's been drugged everywhere you're gonna see it and you're gonna see the scrapes you're gonna see the blocks a hair out you're gonna and I didn't see that but as far as the sodomized ation that makes aye-aye-aye no one would know I don't know it's amazing that you say what you're saying and to you we watch it and you're kind of like oh my gosh this guy really that can't be real did you really go through that and to you that's your job to do that Michael Bay did a phenomenal today and not making it a political mess I'm not putting so not putting the Transformers and it's all that CGI in it but we talked about like okay when he got picked as I go you can get a some is an amazing job from the beginning to the end it was 133 minute video it's not heavy it was no it was two hours in like two hours and 13 minutes yes it was a long movie with and you're sitting you're watching but he really goes why so quick you pop all of a sudden you're done with it you're wondering what happened with it so when this thing came out and you're watching it prior to that what happened with you you were asked to go to trial and you decided not to show up did that create a lot of a better when we were first asked to to testify I said no we're not I'm not going to and it would have been closed door to for Mike Rogers house until house and tell subcommittee I didn't I was like no I'm going back to work and the thing is is it wasn't ever pushed I guess the CIA figured as long as I was deploying then I'm on control boy he's not gonna say anything he's still deploying so you were epic and I was that was that so it was never pushed when we as a team decided to finally tell the truth and write the book and the reason we did that but it wasn't monetary well it was what medium can we get it out where it's not slanted we just talked about the the news you know you don't watch the news because yeah you don't forgetting the truth we did thing you know what do we do Fox would you seen it no you know how can we do this where it stays a political we're just telling you what happened book by though many years that we had contracted we'd make contacts with people we knew people that had written books about influential figures and working at Blackwater you know I knew the author that written the book about Eric prince so we had opportunities to do that but we also saw what had happened to a gentleman that wrote new easy day in that book there's there's nothing the pill killing of Osama bin Laden there's nothing classified in that book but he didn't he got heat for it he got heat because he did not he didn't go through the proper channels okay so we added the proper channels first channel is to hire a clearance lawyer and make sure security clearance lawyers that specializes in dealing with books to work where you have a security guard so that's why Comey said my book had to be cleared before I can publish it yeah that is the project that is the process and that's what we did we hired a clearance lawyer by the name of Mark Zaid and we just started doing it the correct way what does he do does he tell you you guys can't this is this is what yeah this is what he does and then he also goes to the agency and says this is what they're gonna say this is we're gonna do what is classified what is not and it's not do you want them to say it it's is this classified or not that's it because there was a lot of things booked they didn't want to say but it wasn't classified in fact the majority read our but there's nothing classified the decision on what is classified the the agency has a clearance board and a lot of them aren't even from CIA they're they hire from out cities they're like it's like a contract in fact this clearance board that we dealt with they were a contracting company hired by CIA they weren't even CIA personnel which shocked me I didn't even know that for the first till the book was almost done and that's because Mark told his aide and uh but yeah he's the one that does all that and in the meantime we just we continue to put our thoughts down and continue to do what we need to do to get the book so when we say go you guys can write it then we're we're off and running as far as being able to say anything at that point in time we have to get the okay from mark and Mark was giving us okay our clearance lawyer this is what you can how much was taken out what percentage was taken out actually there was there's nothing classified in the book the only thing that we couldn't do in the book first came out was we couldn't put our true names when you see the title where it says written by 13 hours of the what really happen in Benghazi written by Mitchell Zhukov and the annex security team that's what I we had to put Deanna security because we got our names cleared yet got it and when we finally got that okayed argument was there was wait a second you guys gave Tyrone and Glen's name out first thing first day when they passed you said these are the CIA you didn't even say Tyrone and Glen State Department you said CIA security died in the next day so yeah and now you're telling us you can't we can't use our names and then Boone and I didn't go the award ceremony I didn't go to the joke CIA war ceremony it was ridiculous but AHS and TIG and Jack ball went when they left that a war ceremony the see I gave them bags it said CIA on him with their true names on the bags to leave Langley so that guys don't even they were they didn't wants to choose our true names because it would have made it they could have disputed the book or discredited it even more so they tried to get us to change our names and not use our real names in the book itself in the book your name yeah that was one of that was one things that held it up for a little while longer and we fought it like no and this is why let me ask you what's the 30-year rule is there a 30-year rule you know I I know which one of them yeah you know there as far as where there's a statute of limitations for 30 years you can say all you want the government can do whatever the hell they want if they want to come after you in 30 years they can come after you if you write a book and you don't get it cleared if anybody hasn't found out from all this craziness that's gone on all the all the deep state stuff and there yes there is I do believe that all the government can get away with murder literally and not get tried for it the government can do whatever they want you have 30 years and then you write something and they want to come after you they're gonna come after you regardless so you have to protect yourself and they can still come after us they could come after any of us in hammer assay how much did life change for you after the moon after the after the book came up and after the movie came out well after the book came you see what am i doing now nobody knew who the hell I was I live in a Brassica for God's sake that tells you how much I want people to know they're very good the jumping guys jumping and my two ex-wives volleyball players I'm just saying you guys you guys that date ball about players you know what I'm getting at awesome she's gonna drive in the car that if that would have been recorded they waited with it itself man abrasca I've been to Nebraska have you been through Nebraska you saw cornfields you saw the Nebraska volleyball team that is outstanding that they are I mean they're the best in the country yeah outstanding when the book came out it's just like anything else it's like a new toy this is new to me okay you know how do i how do i rationalize this to do it it's new okay I get to be in the spotlight people are starting to know who I am isn't that's what everybody wants that's why we have social media is how many freakin followers you have it's who who's following you now who's liking your pictures in that first year you're getting into that like wow this is people recognizing me but you're still trying to stay within yourself because way say I didn't do this to be recognized were doing it to get the story out and I don't really to honor Tyrone Tyrone and Glenn who gave everything they died that night so we all can and they were our two medics if that tells you anything about their character they're not only shooters they're also lifesavers we lost our two medics right there off the bat and I remember Roni right before he died he I'd cut my arm up pretty good we went over a wall we were jumping over at the beginning and when the walls fell um I fell down and I just hammered my arm and he had just come up and wrapped me I'll rinse it out with saline and wrap my arm before he died so that was one of the last thoughts I remember Ronis he's coming and taking care of me he's running from every evil every building taking care of everybody and also fighting but you're private but you enjoy that you try to make lemonade out of lemons the daddy's home premiere yes that was fun got to go hang out got to go see paramount gotta see the studio's right in the book the books out got to do all those book signings yo you see you're meeting people and they're thanking you further served there you're seeing the positive side of people you're also starting to seal it with the negative the real big negative side of being called Liars being all you're doing this for money even even public holiday actually the house until Select Committee Mike Rogers actually that was one of the one of his questions to us was yeah it was worth as it's just doing us to make money with your book because like that's kind of importation it was I'm saying it in context it was a little bit more eloquent because it was technically what they say that comes out it's like the first thing that comes out and they don't make money make yeah I was nearly its newly divorced at the time so yeah come on I'm having a I'm having a good time I'm enjoying it but just like any a psychic toys not my life so it starts to get empty then the movie you know then we start pitching the movie so it's into something else new now I'm getting to okay this is quite one incision what you're a pigeon when the movie came out 16 January 12 to 15 2015 we're starting to pitch the movie how long did it take to make the movie actually Michael did it he filled it in three months nine months told her I want to say from when the pitch came out scriptwriter Chuck Hogan averse for those who don't know Chuck Hogan is we had an all-star team for our movie people that's how I got me I mean three hours to entertainment with earns her one star for me come on her when stuff started as Keanu Reeves agent he's blindside broken he said we got him him in our corner Richard Abadi who's who's a huge book agent he's in our corner he's part of three arts as well then you get Chuck Hogan who wrote the strain who wrote the Prince of Thieves which is was made into the town which one in osceola he's he's our scriptwriter and then you come in he got Michael Bay and bass Studios behind it did they all say we want to be part of it yeah it was like I want to be a part of how that that was it we didn't go ask anybody did you pitch Michael Bay who did you pick we pitched the studio's we never pushed this let's make a movie out of this we let everything come to us we didn't and if it didn't it didn't it wasn't all we're gonna make this into a movie people approached us it wasn't us trying to reach out to a to agents and I think that's why it did so well is because it wasn't us trying to find somebody that reluctantly I'll do it it was hey we want to do this and when you got Michael basing I want to do this we met with Michael had dinner with him and you know we got me first of all he loves veterans huge military support of people I don't know that was all he's awesome but my thing was I go you know this is gonna be you're gonna be hammered from the left and I said you know Hillary might come out you know he said and he may not he remember he said but I remember him saying this was [ __ ] Hillary I don't care he's Michael I said it wasn't like I'm Michael Bay who's gonna come but that's how I took it it was I'm not gonna Bay he's gonna mess with it he's right who any doesn't give a [ __ ] you see what movies him he he makes what he wants to make by the way I don't think it was politically Lana for him no cuz he's very quiet about his political Louie he's just like look I want to make movies on movies and he kept it he kept it to the story he didn't make it for the movie isn't political it shows it shows what happened to us whether it didn't help local candidate will so be it that's the political mechanics think one time Hillary or Obama was mentioned in the medium parameter and they weren't going to be because was very smart to do that because if you would have been it would have been like look they're really reached regional yeah yeah and and but it still was still deemed as a right-wing movie and there's a lot of theaters that didn't play that movie I think it could have done a lot better it did do well it didn't get maximum exposure even though we did at AT&T Stadium you a lot of theaters especially anything you do box box office with what 65 million years 50 million made 65 million and that doesn't count that didn't can you know they did all right of course not that movies gonna do all right for a once I told Mike ever this thing's a marathon this thing's not a sprint even if it gets cult status but it's gonna give every 9/11 this thing's gonna go Blackhawk down became a cult today and that's a great movie I was very blessed from my father my father's are very here's a football coach we talked about that I'm he coached at Brigham Young and that was when they were national championship when they had the Steve Young's and then Jim McMahon's at Robbie Bosque and you don't make coaches like lavell Edwards anymore you don't have orbit Marla they don't make classy guys like that anymore and for me to grow up in that environment very charismatic and my dad is very charismatic very good speaker very well in front of the TV and I would just I watched him and also when you don't give two shits what people think about you it's very easy to get in front of the camera don't care people think and my dad having and seeing him how professionally he was on camera as a coach or talking in front of a group to leading men because he was a head football coach as well and then not giving a crap what you what people think of you it's very easy to was he always like that now my dad is professionally my dad right now here what did you just say son on TV he's from Lubbock Texas very disciplined but he's very also a very very good father understanding you got a good relationship oh no I love my dad my dad's my hero people ask me who's my heroes my dad no it's nobody else my dad's my hero what do they think about the whole thing that took place they're very proud that I meant spoke up especially when I when the allah and we're getting political game but i use that as an example because my mom was very adamant about it I remember when Hillary was saying you know women don't vote for Trump and on it and my mom was like and women don't vote for other women that leave their sons to die in foreign countries so my mom is extremely supportive of what we did in speaking out my dad's proud of me speaking out he does which I wish I clean up my language a little bit more they're very extremely supportive of me they also understanding that I wasn't raised to do what I'm doing now but they're very proud that we taught her son that when when things change that past change we can he can adjust to it and continue to excel do I enjoy it no did I enjoy it in the beginning it was new yeah I learned from it do I enjoy it now being public figure where the hell you want to call it no I don't if you're gonna do anything and that's why you become a ranger marine or SEAL you're gonna do I do it 110% you're gonna do it the best that you see at your ability and that was started for my father and then it was just hammered into me and multiply times a million become an arranger if I'm gonna do it I'm gonna be good at I'm gonna be the best at it so let's transition into that book with arranger ways yeah so I was looking at the the book in the reviews I mean it's remarkable reviews you got with how people are talking about it and it's great when I was just telling you about Jocko willing with yes Dylan held a Navy SEAL and I was sitting with him and he came out with the book extreme ownership and we're reading it our entire company read it and you're sitting there saying these principles apply to business talk about one what inspired you to write the book and what are some of the principles in that book that we can learn you know what I wanted to do I didn't want to do it Jocko it's a great book and B you see a lot of those military books how you how do you apply Ranger School to everyday life how do you apply seal training to everyday life I didn't want to do that I wanted to say guys I'm like everybody else I failed just like everybody else's so it's more of failing even when I was a kid what did I fail at what did I fail here how did I got kicked it I got kicked out there on my first time I was in first time I was in I got booted out of the army and what did I do I went to grad school I took my Giri and I went to grad school because I had to take two years off I couldn't reapply for the military how do you understand I was 27 at the time I went to grad school got my master's degree I were enlisted back in and because my my dad yeah my dad's voices saying if you start something son you finish it and I really listed back in so there is some military stuff there there's some places from some some examples of other places I've been to as far as Iraq and Afghanistan but the book is about how to succeed you have to fill and you have to learn how to fill and you have to be able to pick yourself up and get back on that horse and continue on and it's it has actually stuff about not just military but just failures in my life that everybody goes through I said we aren't superhuman we're not any different anybody else we failed just like everybody else the only difference is we don't know how to pick ourselves up and to continue to keep moving that's it all that just take one step back go to so that's that's what we do and that's what the Ranger Way is about it's about learning how to fail which today's youth actually needs that today's youth doesn't we were common core they say they don't want me the best thing that happened to me is join a military was a one-point a GPA kid I went in I came back and I think a lot of undecided eighteen year old boys today meet the army for a couple years to County whatever branch it is to go through I don't think most people know what is Ranger school like what is the time line up so talk about like because I know what it is but this is not like a a I'm Airborne School you see guys that have an Airborne badge I was Air Assault Ranger is like one of the top four most difficult things to go through in Mittman Navy SEAL Ranger Special Forces once you talk about the Ranger and first so it's being Ranger qualified having the Ranger tab gun range school doesn't mean you're a ranger you're Ranger qualified it was it was something you earned going through what we had we call the Ranger and dock Ranger indoctrination program which is three weeks of basically just hell it was just a nut check could you do it then you get to your battalion then you have to prove yourself again you have to be a private at your and being a nun tab private at the 7/5 Ranger Regiment at least when I was in I'm sure it's the same now it's awful you're getting and I got like hey Nancy Pelosi all them we got hazed every day hazed we got it was it was awful they have to see if you want to be there because if you can't take that in peacetime you can't take that when you're back in the States how you gonna take it when you start getting shot at and that was the best thing that happened me just got you get you to level knock down but you have to prove yourself physically and with your weapon systems and mentally and emotionally and then you can go to Ranger School then after all that then you get to go to Ranger School and Ranger School is if you can't rap a rap rasp Ranger assessment which is which is where you go through to get your pre training for range goal of basically Spri Rangers what it is pre range you go to pre Ranger for three weeks they're teaching you the small unit action teaching a few tactics you get to eat a little bit but you're not a sleep that's three weeks then you go through zero week which is based your pre reading for all the infantry officers to get there see the base is just another week a hill at Ranger School and then I OBC guys entry officers come in and all the officers come in and you start actually doing a Ranger School that's two and a half months if you go straight through you may recycle give me some of the crazy things you guys were doing well you're not sleeping if I got four hours of sleep and one night that was good I do remember specifically you got four though if you got four I do remember specifically one time we were walking and we were at we're at Benning phase and I remember and we saw the old nods at the old they'll buy they'll the cycloptic seven deltas they don't single and they're heavy I remember we're walking and we're and it's starting to rain it's just like can this get any worse it's already we already messed up our OP we already didn't get our goes I was on the team leader I didn't get my go my station where you have to get graded and I'm walking up the hill and then it starts pouring on us and then you just start falling over each other and I'm like holy crap I'm like a weekend of this [ __ ] Cup and then I fall on my face I remember that I think that the seven deltas imprinted themselves a serial number imprinted itself um even with my I had my Kevlar on it still went smack and it's just little things like that that's what range go I tell guys Ranger school isn't it's like a little hits every day until you just want it I want to quit and then towards the end of it I remember Florida face there was one specific I did Avery actually talked about this in a ranger way it was our last humpback it was about 12 13 miles there one more hump but we've got to do a ruck march back and then we're done I'm done how much you carry me at this point time actually I I was carrying it was about 70 pounds and I had that 240 but we also had a sleeping bag we care because I went through in the wintertime winter time is still cold I'm a winter Ranger is miserable we're at this was actually an Eglin Air Force Base in Florida Hurlburt but it's holy [ __ ] it's colder I know I just got out of Dahlonega so I was getting out in the snow and sprinting I'm like oh [ __ ] I could be in Florida and I get to be warmed up no it's not one in Florida there's the last pump and I'm coming back and I remember that I started to fall behind and I'm strong I'm a strong ruck March or at least at that point I don't fall back I don't ever have pause ruck March in and I'm falling behind everybody and we're at six miles in we guess I got six miles to go and I can't keep up yeah no you're going hilly and my shoulders are screaming it--and never feel like this and there was this one guy from I owe BC that I had help through some extra stuff when he was falling behind not that you our eyes know this but I would smuggle a couple cool bars everyone salon I knew this apply started in Florida and he would kind of so I but I gave him to the squad so I fed him a little bit wasn't physically strong just could push himself and there was a couple times where I just like you're an idiot you're Nate I would talk down to him because I you know you you just get mad you get angry especially when you're hungry and you can't sleep and you don't sleep well I remember he just seen me falling back and I mean come on I'm almost done six months I'm not gonna make this and I don't fall out of ruck marches I can do that this is our easy and he came up to me and he goes hey man can I take that from me it humbled the hell out or makes him I holy crap this guy said it to you he came to me it almost brought tears my eyes like holy crap I've been giving you [ __ ] dragging you along gonna get your ass up and then you're gonna actually be a bigger man and you're gonna come and say can I take that from me and he traded me he took the 240 and I had the only sleeping bag that the squad had we carried the sleeping bags just in case somebody got hypothermic we never got to use them we just got it I just had to carry it so I had it all discombobulated on my rug so that's why my shoulders were all screaming because I wasn't sitting right and we got he got a fix for me and I made I was like oh okay and I took off and I was fine that was it but it was just one of those things were and that really showed me even though I passed and I got through and I was miserable and it sucked and we were freezing and he showed me character he showed me that sometimes you know the guy that you're thinking not gonna make it the guy that you're giving crap to that yes you're helping but really you're helping him maybe out of pity one anything else he's the one that's gonna come in you know he's gonna be able to take the illnesses and he's the one that's gonna get you through that's a trip it was humbling it was amazing I wish I remembered his name - I just I remember specifically because I really thought I was done I thought was like crap on through I've been through all something afterwards you're almost there you're you're wrapping it up yep six miles Rama I'm like [ __ ] I'm gonna have to do this all over again and he just comes out of nowhere hey hey man hey and he could the way I acted turn he could have said you know f you dude is the 242 saw what would that's the big machine gun the old end 60 is now the 240 so it's the big seven six to belt-fed it's it's a lot it call it a saw or no no I saw as a smaller one saws also too fun I used to carry the saw it can be single person but it's usually you have a machine gunner then the ammo the assistant gunner than the ammo bear that's not a like what no no pretty now is that was a lot in because I was one of the stronger guys in the squad honestly I think God said you know what we're gonna humble you you've been an arrogant sob getting through this thing straight through we're gonna we're gonna scare you a little bit humbly and we're gonna say yeah I do or always think that because I I never fall out I was very blessed to have good leg strength be a good runner and could carry a lot of weight and yeah he humbled the hell out don't be that arrogant leader anymore well I tell you not a lot of people would would be Ranger every time you saw somebody that was range or Special Forces the level of admiration was at a whole different level you see officers and you have to salute him but when you see an enlisted guy who is a ranger and he would tell the stories we had the utmost respect for him I remember that for that two and a half three year period being at Fort Campbell how it meant to us to see another person there was a it's Ranger sorry freezing out there nicely yeah but I can I can see having a blast with you I'm sure anybody that was at your unit with your level of sarcasm and jokes and all that there is a level of camaraderie in the military that till today the amount of pranks and jokes that it's if the world knew about the pranks that are pulled in the army you would create the number one youtube channel in the world with the pranks in the Chapmans just adjust the monitor i used to chop [ __ ] all the movies that's right Kevin guys that's where you rub your dick on some if you leave it out I'm rubbing my dick on it that's what it is alright I know where you lost all our Christian sponsorships right there my bad guys reach other young people say chubbers you know we sit we founders Britain the movie or apology that's right that's what I said I found I remember guys with their mouths open that was answers were all over the map you requestor damn right you're gonna get this use your visualization with it would you know teabag teabag without the teabag yeah yeah it is what it is this message is sponsored by US Army you know yeah be all you can be in your life who thought of that slogan we're supposed to be all that you can spit all over so I'm getting all motivated getting all excited not shoving and she know what was crazy something that's couldn't handle it some guys who couldn't handle it but that's that's what was so hard right because again if you can handle those little jokes how are you gonna handle more overseas together for six months to a year how are you gonna handle if we get in combat are you oh man I had a plan yeah that's all I can say I had a flippin blast with the time that I was in it's probably one of the best memories of my life being in a military school I got one more I got one more we're at the beginning of range school I remember at the beginning we're at we're at Benning face and 70 bad boy that calls bat boy 75th guys are called masturbating phase here in Georgia or Georgia okay a fourth where it's new call it banning phase it's not enforced fates not swamp neon swamp phase they're gonna mount phases Dahlonega thinning phases bank so we're at being at all the bat boys all the guys from the same fourth Ranger Regiment you can't smoke us and be and we're going we're gonna make fun we're gonna have joke so we're gonna laugh it whenever we get sucked up we'd be yes give us some and you hear everybody that wasn't a bad boy especially the officers it for Memphis our officers basic they're like shut up they're gonna keep smile like they're gonna keep smoking us regardless just have fun with it embrace it and break and you would see bat boys just it was move everybody else is been crying but else was the benefit of being a bad boy too is also you being at battalion you have to be pretty physically fit you have to be able to run you have to be doing I mean doing the the minimum one or two miles well I'm actually and this isn't this is I ran my two miles in 1115 I could do a hundred and nineteen push-ups in two minutes and 120 sit-ups in two minutes oh so you're 300 plus three yeah it's very odd I was blessed with good genes I was good for you 119 and to me and I were there 82 was the number 422 and I think my highest PT score was 387 no 87 388 you know that has a 27 28 years yes not even yes and that's but thing is that in the military especially Special Ops that's that's the first thing you see what's your PT school and you can gauge a lot of people's character off their PT score and then when you come in and they find out oh my gosh II can actually still write a complete sentence - then you're like you're like oh he knows how to use that he diligence but we can use a meal kiss that was fun I mean I just remember all the other people crying on the crying in you know you guys shut up she'd be like stop whining your little it's not many little [ __ ] is you keeping it they're gonna smoke us anyway enjoy it and that's why we you know and that's why we fun that's why even that night min Ghazi I'm telling jokes oh we're enjoying it how do you you make fun you just gonna bring your morale das gonna bring your motivation down you're a better fighter when you're loose and happy it's my opinion maybe I don't know it but I'll see you gotta be able to turn it on but it's motivating turn it on not no no keep fighting have fun with it so listen book the Ranger way we're gonna put the link below I'm sure the pictures up right now if you go on the description section it's gonna be below what's your what's your handle on Twitter and Instagram actually it's just my name if you just search Chris with a K though kris paronto PA ro NT o the twitter is I mean at Twitter just kris paronto just search kris paronto and i'm gonna pop up it's a crisp okay you have to handle right here um and then the Instagram is actually Chris likes it Carol underscore paronto PA ro NT or underscore Tonto and then Facebook I do but honestly that lady over there Judy I don't even guys I don't even mess with face so on my facebook his name is really Judy it's really if somebody messages you with no curse words it's not it is maybe then if it's all oh hey this is sweet all hugs and kisses that's so so send a tweet at chris chris paronto again handle will be right here let them know what you took away from this episode if you watch 13 hours and it made an impact in your life when you were watching it and you have a certain level of respect and admiration make sure you let them know and if the book if you if you are somebody in the leadership business and that world go pick up the book as well the ranger way there's a lot to be learned from anybody that goes through that school and a guy that makes it at the level that he made it so with that being said brother thanks brother so much really had a good time
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 1,431,165
Rating: 4.8437772 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Kris Paronto, kris paronto interview, benghazi, army ranger, Army
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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