Collapse of China Explained By Chinese American Lawyer

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
no country has ever attacked every other country and that's what China has done those are pretty powerful words what you just said right there Beijing has really worked very hard to prevent us from learning what's going on what is the level of accountability to them that all the other countries can come out and say listen you cost us a lot of money Communist Party of China and the World Health Organization helped spread this coronavirus around the world how could they not know about it I mean they're a world health organization they've got doctors what is the motive between World Health Organization's protecting China that's what I'm curious about we need to get China out of the UN out of the World Trade Organization out of the World Health Organization and just start to isolate it we relying on them on Pharma we're relying on them on a lot of different things I mean it's sickened hundreds of thousands of people around the world and it is not done with us yet that is not a conspiracy theory this is horrific did you ever think you would you bet on July it but we got red tape now you came in given values contagious this world of entrepreneurs we can't no value to haters run homie look what I become I'm the unborn [Music] so my guest today is Gordon Chang the author of coming collapse of China who lived in nearly two decades in China you've probably seen all over TV on a recent interviews regarding coronavirus and the reason why I wanted to bring him on board to do this interview many guys requested it you've obviously know a lot of different guests that we've had but he comes from a place of he went to law school Cornell University he worked for two big law firms in China I believe one is in Hong Kong and he has a lot of different experience to his perspectives gonna be from a different standpoint and he happens to be half Chinese his father is from China and so I'm looking forward to going into it with him so Gordon thank you so much for making the time to being a guest with us you're invited well thank you so much Patrick so so if I may get into it this is this is the approach I'd like to take with this on this interview and and the reason why I'm taking this approach is the following reason my Instagram account my messages my email ever since we enter interview general Spalding from the air force which I think you two have worked together on a couple different projects and he knows of you you were recently in a documentary together that came out a couple days ago and he ended up getting seven million views and people contacted us all over the place so then we brought onboard Danielle DiMartino booth yesterday we talked about the effects of coronavirus to the economy and she it's just the amount of commentary and people's interest in it it's whole different place but also at the same time a lot of interviews on YouTube on Vimeo all over social media have gone viral with us you know Joe Rogan did it with Michael Ostra hold or two David Icke with Brian rose from London real that's gone all over the place and the video has been taken down from YouTube from Vimeo from a lot of different platforms or general Spalding or dr. Shiva or foutch or a lot of names obviously people are curious the direction I want to go with this is the following I would like to bring up all of these different conspiracy theories that are coming up and for you to say no there's no truth behind that yes there is some credibility behind that so you can either tell us zero credibility behind maybe 50% and that is not a conspiracy that is an accurate statement so if you don't mind us going through that direction I think the viewers would like to see it from a person that's a lawyer Cornell University who's lived in China for two decades and has been over here maybe gonna give us a different perspective are you okay with that terrific okay so let's get right into it so first of all is coronavirus real does it exist well it certainly exists I mean it's sickened hundreds of thousands of people around the world and it is not done with us yet we tend to think that because it is a corona virus that it will disappear in the summer but we also know that this bug likes hot weather so we're just gonna have to wait and see because it is surprising us day by day okay so yes it is real number two is it a natural virus that came from the you know wet market where it's not man-made it's natural that kind of happened or is it man-made intentionally made to use as a bio warfare chemical to go against an enemy well so far the science says that it is unnatural that it is there it wasn't spliced there have been a couple papers which have talked about it being engineered but those papers have not received general acceptance in the scientific community but one thing though that's really important Patrick is that Beijing has has done it's best to hinder foreign virologist and epidemiologists from going into Wuhan the epicenter and studying this the World Health Organization sent a team into China they were there for maybe about two weeks but they were only in Wuhan for two days February 20th and 21st they only were able to send part of the team and and really they did not have the opportunity to study the virus itself I think these were more or less sort of like get-to-know-you meetings so Beijing has really worked very hard to prevent us from learning what's going on and because of that of course we got to say most everything is on the table we have been able to study this bug because it's gotten out beyond China's borders and so far it looks like it is a natural corona virus it looks like it is a natural corona virus or it's man-made no it is not man-made from most of the science that we have seen so far not every scientist will agree with that conclusion but you know until somebody comes up with a striking discovery the consensus is that this is not man-made ok fair sir by the way that's interesting for you to say that because there's a lot of people that are saying it is man-made and it is intentional that leads me to the next question how much of what is going on right now is due to a president like Donald Trump who's his entire career has been based on the art of the deal to be able to negotiate and strong-arm his opponent based on the kind of leverage he has so he decided to go against the biggest opponent of us which happens to be China and he used every single leverage knowing how much business China does with us knowing how much import we do from they're relying on US economy so the more and more tariffs he put China said if this is a kind of a game you want to play you know China has always been a kind of a person that they don't fight like you head-on they typically fight by using whether it's proxies or you know oh we didn't do it that our hands weren't touching that that's not on us how much of it has to do with them using coronavirus as a method to retaliate to Donald Trump's approach of negotiation yeah I don't think that this is about Donald Trump at all there's a lot that we can say about the origin of virus and maybe we should circle back because a lot of people say well because this probably wasn't engineered it was just sort of like naturally occurring you know it jumped to humans at that wet market in Wuhan well maybe so but there's a lot of science that says that it wasn't Patrick they didn't come from there because there are a number of initial patients who had no contact with that wet market and although if you go back to weeks people were saying you know the idea this came from a lab was conspiratorial this could very well have been the release of the natural virus from one of those two labs that people have been talking about one of those two labs near Wuhan is the Wuhan Institute of virology it's a p4 biosafety lab that's the highest level of safety in China has told us that they stored for 1,500 varieties of coronavirus in that lab and so a lot of people are saying well this is an accidental release this gets to a number of different points that eventually I will answer your question but look at what happened this has been you know a bug which has ravaged China and Chinese leaders have known that what they have done though is really striking so for instance they knew about this in Beijing sometime maybe first week of December probably in November in November the second week of December maybe the third week leaders in Beijing knew that this could be transmitted from one human to the next because doctors in Wuhan knew that by at least the second week of December but China's leaders didn't actually admit this to the world until January 20th and that is that's there's a time gap there now just sort of sitting on that information would have been highly irresponsible but it's much worse than that what they did was in that interim where they knew that this was contagious one person to the next they actually tried to convince the world that it was not human to human transmission and we saw this for instance in that January 14th tweet from the World Health Organization which said you know based on the information from China we see no clear proof that this is transmitted from one human to the next the reason why that's important is because Beijing actually tried to lull the world into a sense of false sense of security and at the same time Patrick Beijing was really working very hard to prevent countries from imposing travel restriction in China the way this bug got out of China was people people who travel Beijing did two things during a critical period it it tried to deceive the world about how this was transmitted and it made sure that countries did not prevent people arriving from China now I don't know what was in the mind at sea jumping the Chinese ruler but he saw clearly what the coronavirus did to his own country it crippled China so if he actually wanted to [ __ ] other countries he in fact would have done exactly what he did so we have to be concerned that this has nothing to do with Trump I think that it's because see Jinping realized how bad things were in China he wanted to level the playing field the geopolitical playing field so he allowed this virus he actually deliberately took steps to push this virus outside of China to infect and hobble other societies that has nothing to do with Donald Trump this was C Jinping taking a bad situation and trying to turn it to China's advantage those are pretty powerful worth what you just said right there going you just said intentional so this was not accidental this was intentional done by them this was an intentional spread of the virus beyond China now I think about certain are you about I don't mean to interrupt when you say that what level of certainty do you have in that statement it's just an issue of analysis that when you look at what they in fact did there is no other explanation for it other than that they intentionally wanted this to spread beyond China because this is this is not just a question of keeping it secret because they were embarrassed that would have been bad enough that would have been highly irresponsible but when they then tried to tell other countries oh don't worry about this this can't be transmitted human-to-human what it did was it actually took other public health officials and other countries heads did not take those precautions that they otherwise would have adopted and we also know something similar happened with their infection and death statistics and we heard the White House coronavirus task force coordinator dr. deborah birx talk about how they looked at the statistics from China in terms of new cases and deaths and they said oh this is like SARS which was the 2002-2003 epidemic which although it had a high mortality rate was not very contagious so basically what aging so what would the White House did was essentially say okay we don't have to take certain precautions it was only after the u.s. saw what happened in Italy and Spain that they realized that they had a far bigger problem on their hands that this would become not just an epidemic in China but a global pandemic it would affect the US and that's why I think the White House took precautions much later than it otherwise would have so you could all that stuff together and the question is well why would they Jing do this I can't think of another explanation other than that they saw that they had an opportunity to [ __ ] other societies I'm not saying that this is a bioweapon I don't think that it was but what they saw after it hurt China was that they decided that they were going to spread through the rest of the world Gordon before I go to the next a conspiracy to ask you about is if that is a factual statement of six weeks how are they held accountable by the world tribunal you know what is the level of accountability to them that all the other countries can come out and say listen you cost us a lot of money is there any way of holding them responsible for waiting six weeks well there's a number of different ways to do that there are some cases in US federal district courts in Florida Texas and Nevada I don't think they're going to get anywhere because there's something called the foreign Sovereign Immunities Act you just can't go out and sue another country in US federal court unless you can get around some exceptions it you can take advantage of some exceptions there's also the International Court of Justice but that won't work because China has to agree to jurisdiction and of course it never would do so but countries are in possession effectively of assets of China for instance China is holding more than a trillion dollars worth of US Treasury bills and and notes so we can take those just with the flick of a pen and other countries can do the same thing so there's a lot there that can be done and I'm not saying that the UI should do this by itself I don't think we should because China would say that that was a repudiation of debt they would slam us for being irresponsible custodians of the global financial system but they would be able to say that if we took this action in conjunction with the issuers of other major currencies so for instance Ottawa London Brussels Tokyo if we did that in connection with them then that's somewhat of an effective measure now we can't confiscate enough of China's assets to compensate us for the economic damage that we've suffered but nonetheless we need to do something to deter China and other bad actors from doing something like this again you know we'll never get compensated for this we've lost lives you can't do anything about that even with the economic damage you know China doesn't have enough in terms of assets but we do need to deter China and one other thing patrick and that is that what China's leaders did is a crime against humanity if it isn't then there is no such concept and there is no such thing so I think countries need to hold see Jinping and other senior Chinese leaders responsible and if we can ever get our hands on them we need the 21st century version of the Nuremberg trials and what does that look like what could I look like that could look like what we saw with German leaders with Japanese leaders after the Second World War and no one of course wants to do this but we've never seen a crime like this in history no country has ever attacked every other country and that's what China has done um it's hard for us to grasp the the magnitude of what's occurred but unfortunately that's the conclusion that we have to face and you know going forward for our children forget ourselves but for our children and for the rest of the world we need to impose a cross on China so that no regime ever does this again there's a big difference between Germany and Japan versus China because neither Germany nor Japan had 17% of world GDP at the time when we did that you're talking about you know what this almost reminds me of when you're going there it's almost reminds me of the whole too-big-to-fail type of situation because on one end if you do anything to them how many economies are tied to China where China definitely knows that because you know there's a game of leverage and they know their level of leverage because as much as we're talking about masks this and China this and China debt what are getting masks from them we're relying on them on pharma were relying on them on a lot of different things so do you think for them when they're sitting in the boardroom and nobody else's around the big decision makers they're saying let it loose relax for six weeks let it get bigger let's hurt some of these guys for them to really know how afraid they are and they're gonna do nothing about it because they're relying on us on X Y Z and because of that if I even think about doing anything to us we're gonna hurt them because they're gonna make sure we have to stay in business to do what we're doing on a daily basis for the world to survive do you think they weren't that deep into processing this before they made the decision to let it relax for six weeks possibly you know I don't know all I know is there's no other explanation from you know there's other than a deliberate release how they got there you know I don't know but you know Patrick I think we have to worry a lot less than we normally would first at first glance thing yes we're critically reliant on pharma and that we've got to reduce regardless of whatever Haiti bushland that's a big No it is a big number but we can do it because they are not the world's only producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients and you know it'll it'll be hard but eventually we've got to do this anyway but the one thing that we always think about we think oh China's through the engine of global growth and so therefore the world is reliant on it that's not true China is not an engine of global growth yes they've got a lot of growth but they're not the engine because to be an engine of global growth a country has got to buy the goods and services of other countries to create growth elsewhere and what China has done through predatory trade policies and through the theft of intellectual property has taken growth from other countries so yes countries have relations with with China Australia for instance sells them a lot of iron ore but that iron ore is put into products that end up Beano in the shelves of Europe and the United States so I think that essentially Australia will be selling to India or Vietnam or someplace else for sales to the US these global supply chains if they are forced will readjust and they're already doing that anyway for a number of reasons you know see Jinping has been pushing companies out of China also president Trump's so-called trade war has been pulling companies out of China I think that that process will accelerate because of the corona virus epidemic we are going to reduce our reliance on China as a producer of pharmaceuticals and obviously medical protective equipment so these things are going to happen anyway but I think that they're certainly going to be accelerated and they should be accelerated I don't think they're the engine obviously I know u.s. is 100 percent the engine there's no question about that I'm 100 percent capitalist I we escaped Iran to go to Germany refugee camp to come here because this is the American dream nobody wakes up and says the Chinese dream they say the American dream it's only one kind of a dream but 1.6 billion is a lot of people you know when you can produce things for nothing by a communist that government ran on a you know wink wink but allistic economy controlled by national I mean so it concerns me to know 17% and it concerns me to know how many countries are relying on them but that's fine let's continue I'm sure we're going to come back to this topic again next conspiracy the death toll ok the death toll you're hearing some people talk about the fact that look 99% of people that died in Italy the number one cause wasn't coronavirus they were there for another case and two had other health symptoms which they had gone to the hospital before but it happened to be that they also got coronavirus because maybe their immune system wasn't that strong so they caught something so then the hospital had to put it that the reason for the person dying was coronavirus and that spikes up the numbers and it scares the hell out of everybody around the world how much credibility do you put on the topic of the fact that people who have died they didn't all necessarily died due to coronavirus it could have been other reasons yeah I'm sure that in certain cases a corona virus was only a contributing factor you know I'm also sure that a number of people who have died you know they weren't getting autopsies especially in an emergency situation they could have had corona virus and are not counted as corona virus cases so you know Counting of cases in an epidemic where there's a medical emergency you know society on the verge of collapse you know statistical accuracy is probably not at the top of the list of priorities of a government in that case and you know we know for instance in Wuhan you know that was authorities there were being overwhelmed so accurately counting coronavirus cases not not important for them they were just lying finding we were just trying to sweep up corpses from the streets and hospital floors what do you think they are you talking Italy who is they Oh in China in Wuhan in the early days of the outbreak the authorities were just completely overwhelmed you had people literally dropping dead in the streets you had corpses on hospital floors for more than 12 hours so this was a system that was being overwhelmed and the point I'm making is there were a couple of reasons why the statistics out of China out of Wuhan are not accurate one of them is just that the authorities just did not have the capability to accurately count victims but also there was deliberate falsi and of those two cases of those two reasons deliberate falsehood was certainly I think the more important in terms of distorting the death toll and it toll and the number of infections how much do you trust the data that we're getting from us on cases to death toll how much credibility do you get to that data well you know we're doing the best we can and as I mentioned there are a number of reasons why we won't ever get an exact accurate tall as I mentioned you don't do autopsies on people who have died so this is this is a case of you know testing and whatever our numbers I'm sure lagged the real situation but that's true in every country I don't think that there is an attempt to underplay this but we did see that of course in China because there are there is a lot of into a lot of evidence that shows that indeed those death toll numbers could not have been true could not be accurate okay okay next conspiracy is there any linkage between coronavirus and 5g yeah you hear this a little bit I actually I mean I'm not a scientist I don't know but I would be very surprised if there were because I can't think of why there would be a linkage between the two so my view is that that's a conspiracy theory and unless someone comes up with proof and I don't think that they will we can just discard that one who would be the right person to talk to about that by the way that's not politically connected to a organization that's funded by the government or some big name that's funding and behind closed doors that the guy's not going to tell the truth could be the right person to talk about that you know I don't know I mean you have to find basically someone who was an epidemiologist of a colleges and also an expert in telecommunications and I don't think such people exist and by the way you'd have to find someone who wasn't working for a telecom company who wasn't working for you know that person you know I'd love to have that person but that person would be very interesting to sit down with because we you know we want to sit down with people who are promoting the 5g side but they're profiting from it so what they really say anything bad about it and then there are those that are working for a nonprofit that's being funded by some of these bigger corporations that are selling 5g so would they really say anything to the man that's cutting the check I don't know so okay let's go to the next topic fair enough a lot of people are talking about 5gn coronavirus because the whole radiation and how it's right eating up the process next is coronavirus a method of eliminating the older population to save country's money because all this healthcare cost is really coming from those that are above 70 75 years old and maybe this is going to allow us to indirectly depopulate to help the world economy go better is there any linkage between those two no but I will say that there are more than just a small number of people in China who actually think that this was a way to get rid of the elderly but that's complete conspiracy theory and it's just there's that's that's just not the case okay next so far we've got six of them I got seven more to go so okay we already covered a seventh one let me go to the next one okay next one's a little tricky and so it's almost like the next four are combined so I'll kind of say it then in a way that maybe you'll see where I'm going with this so a couple cup of data that shows up the World Health Organization the number one funder is the US government I think the number is six hundred million dollar know the exact number what I think is around a six on a million dollar number this second largest contributor to the World Health Organization is a man named gates okay so this man named Bill Gates if you've never heard of him he's very rich he's very powerful he started a company called Microsoft maybe you used it in the past before windows etc etc Bill Gates in 2015 gave a TED talk regarding the biggest threat being pandemics and how that's something we need to be worried about but also in 2011 he did an interview with dr. Gupta of CNN I think it's February 4th when they did an interview and a lot of people were talking about the fact that Bill Gates biggest messaging is depopulation so what I did is I went on Google I typed into words did Bill Gates say to depopulate the world so the first thing that pops out is Snopes so I go to Snopes and I pull it up and it says inaccurate false then it puts the transcript on the bottom which I have it I'd like to read it because this leads me to a question here the the question asked by dr. Gupta is 10 billion dollars over the next 10 years to make it the year of the vaccine what does this mean exactly Bill Gates over this decade we believe unbelievable progress can be made in both inventing new vaccines and making sure that they get out to all the children who need them we only need about six or seven more and then you would have all the tools to reduce childhood death next word uses reduce population growth and everything the stability the environment benefits from that etc etc so then I went online to look at this video I went and typed them to follow onwards on Google and the words were this is what I searched I typed in I want to get the exact words that I have here Bill Gates dr. Gupta reduced population 2011 those are the words I put on Google the first thing that came at the top was the Snopes that said it's not factual it's false the second link that came up was a CNN link to the article and the interview of February 2011 when I clicked on it the link was a dead link then I tried it on my phone then I tried it on another phone to abed link then i had one of my employers from Norway who uses a VPN from Norway to try to go log in from a Norway VPN he was able to get into the site when he gets into the site his link with the transcript was there but the video was taken down you couldn't watch the video so after I researched him did some research we finally found the video and that exact video between dr. Gupta and Bill Gates where he talks about reducing population growth you know a big part of this when you look at a China buying a big part of Africa because of natural resources this is not something that's private the world knows about this it's not like I'm just throwing a something out there that's a non factual that's factually you can kind of see the amount of property in Lander binder the countries that are growing the fastest population-wise most of them are in Africa not saying all of them but a lot of them are in Africa seven point six percent growth as Siri you know four point three percent a u.s. I think it's at one point three eight some not one point oh eight to one point three eight and I think China's at point three eight right now give or take some time they're saying it's negative an S a number you're seeing how much do you buy into the idea that Bill Gates and the vaccines and the pandemics this was all orchestrated by the powerful people who are kind of preparing for this to come up to introduce a vaccine to the world it's almost like here's the problem the Hegelian dialectic this is the problem blame Johnny I have the solution I am the hero how much of it is that or do you think that's a conspiracy theory yeah I don't I don't think Bill Gates is trying to reduce population by and I can't quite think of the word but I I don't think that Bill Gates's is out to kill people or whatever Bill Gates probably believes that there should be fewer humans and he would like to improve human health but that doesn't mean that you he's trying to improve human health and vaccines to sort of reduce the overall number of people I mean I would disagree with him on certain things but I don't think he's malevolent okay so zero credibility there on you with that 0/0 cape so let's cross that one out okay next the World Health Organization you keep hearing about Ted Rose O'Donnell and you're seeing a lot of friendliness with him in China and he's sat down with Xi Jinping you've seen this before it's now I'm not the first person that's bringing this up how much a World Health Organization is being controlled by the influence of China on what to report what not to report slow roll you know the dates at first it's not that big of a big deal you know it's okay and then US shuts it down and oh my gosh US is racist and they don't care about Chinese people how could you do something like this and then they said no it's a serious pandemic the timing was very often the world relies on this World Health Organization our World Health Organization Ted Rose and China embed together so they certainly appear to be that way Patrick um you got to look at what the w-h-o did in this circumstance and it is there's no adjectives in the English language which describes how bad Ted rose and the w-h-o were so for instance I talked about that January 14th tweet where the WH O's propagated help China propagate the notion that there are no human to human transmission of coronavirus where a wh oh I'm sure knew that there were how could they not know about it I mean there are World Health Organization they've got doctors also on January 10th WH o came out with the statement to support China's goal of not having countries imposed travel restrictions on arrivals from China so you put those two things together and it shows that the w-h-o was very much supporting Beijing's initiatives and Beijing's initiatives had to be malicious also you know Ted Rose did a number of other things so for instance in January he delayed for as long as possible WH OS formal designation of the corona virus as a public health emergency of international concern also he delayed for as long as possible the WH OS designation of coronavirus as a pandemic which eventually occurred I think on March 11th we saw Tedros in Beijing at the end of January talked about how other countries should emulate China's system and talked about the quote unquote superiority of China's system which is thinly veiled that failed attacked on democracy and then of course w-h-o has very much been supporting the notion that China's statistics are accurate none of those route would be I think actions of the organization that really was dedicated to stopping the virus from infecting people so you put that together the one thing you can say is that if you took the Communist Party of China and the World Health Organization together they're responsible for this taking this which should have just been a local outbreak in Wuhan or maybe even who Bay Province and making it first of all a nationwide epidemic in China plus also a global pandemic none of those last two things would have occurred had not these two organizations Communist Party and w-h-o acted together so you can you can argue about who's more responsible and I think of course it's the Communist Party but the point is w-h-o helped spread this coronavirus around the world and so that its actions on balance have been maligned and that leads us to a number of conclusions about what we do you talked about the funding of w-h-o that's right the u.s. by far is the largest funder we put 440 million dollars in the WHI last year you add Bill Gates that's a lot of other money we shouldn't be doing that why why would what's them everything to me is about motive right everything is motive we get married why do you get married there's a motive why do you ask a girl out well there's a motive why does she say yes motive why do you buy a real estate motive why do you buy a car motive why we're closed motive what why do we do anything there's a motive behind it it doesn't mean all the motive is negative it just means there's a motive behind it some days I'm positive okay but what is the motive between World Health Organization protecting China that's what I'm curious about you know I don't know I don't know Ted Rousseau I'm not in his head so I can't tell you what his motive is but you know you can say that China lobbied very hard for his election as director general of w-h-o he has very leftist tendencies maybe there's an answer in there you know it's a question I understand why you're looking at motive but you know loaded is one thing that you know is really hard to ascertain with certainty because as I said I don't know in fact what C Jinping was thinking I don't know in fact what Ross is thinking but I don't really need to know all I can see is what they did and that's really where we can see the crimes of that they've committed so I I don't know motive but as I said I don't care yeah only reason I ask is because if somebody is working closely with Ted Rose and let's just say they're in a meeting and there are 40 50 of them and they're on the inside and they know the decisions that were made there's no way in the world Ted the Rose is the only one that's making a decision I I trust there's another 20 30 40 people that are in the know of why the decisions were made somebody in that group has to be furious because someone in there a lot they lost somebody or it affected somebody or they were affected because their elderly parents were relying on a retirement plan now they have to work harder or one of their relatives lost a bit someone has to be furious on the inside with Ted Rose to be able to come out of salus and I don't think you're doing a good job just like this 37 year old doctor out of a you know Wuhan who came out it was a whistle blower to China and said this is not we're not doing the right thing he ended up passing away he disappeared I don't recall that but I the only reason I'm asking motive is because I do believe everybody at some level has level of decency to say I just don't think we're doing the right thing now we got to do something about this and you know especially this magnitude this is not a small thinker this is a very big thing here someone has to come out of some what really happened well you know Bruce Alwine al Ward who is you know generally been described as the number two and w-h-o his formal title is senior advisor to the director general a couple days ago he came out with an interview where he said you know it was very important for us at an early stage of the outbreak to be able to study this so we needed China's cooperation which is really what his message was so I suppose you could say that for some people the w-h-o they were saying well we got to be nice to China to butter them up so they'll allow us to go to study it but you know as we just talked about WH oh they stiffed armed w-h-o in Wuhan so whatever the motive was and and that's really pretty you just said WH o sniff harm WH oh no no no try to stiff arm WH oh ok preventing them from an adequate opportunity to study the for the virus I suppose you know one could say that maybe that was what they were thinking but you know it's very very difficult to discern motive what we have to do is is look at what they did and what they should have known at the time that they committed certain acts and that needs to very dark conclusions about not only China but about the w-h-o one of the most annoying things that my dad did to me is hold me accountable I hated it I couldn't stand it when I was in the army I couldn't stand being held accountable to formation and you got to get in and four o'clock and you got Iran and you got a report accountability is very annoying accountability also builds leaders and accountability builds trust one of the thing that seems very common here that's missing is accountability it concerns me when I even brought it up to you earlier I said how she trying to be held accountable at the you know a world tribunal and you're like well it's not real we have to figure out a way to get past this I you said we need to maybe go back to wouldn't you know Nuremberg and Japan and you know Germany all that stuff but if there is no accountability why wouldn't I do it again if there's no consequences why wouldn't I it's like it's a slap and a hand it's okay okay I no problem you're okay if I do this again I'm gonna do it again and again and again because you need me so where does accountability come into play here yeah well you know that's absolutely right and that's why I said we need to impose some cost because if we don't do that they'll do this again you know I suppose the one thing that will happen and this is something that is within our power to do is that countries are going to start isolating China for four decades for five decades countries have tried to integrate China into the international system they thought it was a positive good and because of that they overlooked a lot of irresponsible and dangerous conduct on the part of Beijing because they wanted to encourage to entice China so that it would in mesh itself in the you know rules norms conventions treaties but you know it hasn't worked and what we're seeing is I think people starting to understand that china is not reformable and if China is not reformable that needs to the conclusion that we need to get China out of the UN out of the World Trade Organization out of the World Health Organization and just start to isolate it and I know people don't want to do that but you got to remember you know we always think you know China should be moving on the right path if you look at what China did in the SARS epidemic of 2000 to 2003 it was really awful but as awful as it was its behavior in the corona virus epidemic of 2019 - you know 2020 is it's been much much worse than it was and so we've got to understand that our idea of engaging China just has not worked and we've got to try something else and I'm not saying I can't hold my hand over my heart and saying that isolating china will be any better I think it will and that's a long conversation in and of itself but we have to say that what we have julie has not worked it's encouraged China to be more belligerent more provocative more hostile more dangerous so we've got to do something else I agree and it has to be some strong measures it can't be light you know it has to be some real measures for them to know we can't keep doing this okay so so the next one here for you this this one's going to be probably a five-second answer for you and we'll move on with this one but some people wanted me to ask I'm asking this for you and is this does this have anything to do with so many powerful people that were linked to Epstein and Clinton and and what happened there to the point where it's a full-on distraction and it has something to do with China or you give it zero credibility zero okay let's move on I told you it's going to be five seconds next how much of this has to do with China realizing because I think they've even said it one of their military leaders has said that we cannot go against us when it comes out to power over military they'll crush us we don't have that kind of a military that US has there's no way more we can compete with them so they took a bigger part of their resources to want to invest not in traditional warfare but more in biochemical drug trafficking poisoning environmental destruction and computer virus dissemination how much credibility do you get to that hundred percent hundred percent we all we have to do is listen to what Chinese leaders have said themselves Chinese military officers have talked about this you know and we had seen what what China has done so I think that essentially we've got to be really concerned about what you know they call three Warfare's or unrestricted warfare which is the title of that book from two Colonels who are now two generals so yeah they have been trying to undermine our society and you know we don't really have to you know we can see what they've been doing but we don't really have to speculate two months because last may May 2019 people's daily which is the most authoritative publication in China it's the self-described mouthpiece of the economy people's daily carried a piece that declared a quote unquote people's war on the United States and Xinhua news agency also carried that the Xinhua is official Chinese government media outlet so they've declared a people's work I mean how clear do we want them to be you know we say that they're not transparent but as you know people have said they Telegraph their punches and that's exactly what they did this time you know we live in a democracy we may not like our congressman or senator or governor or our president but we know that they're legitimate because they were elected in China and so we don't have propaganda but in China when you have an insecure small ruling group propaganda is the most important thing and so they can come up and say these ludicrous things and and we Americans are really good at ignoring it by saying oh they can't really believe that well yeah they really believe it they propagate these narratives because they believe is absolutely critical to the survival of the regime you know we Americans ignored everything that Osama bin Laden said and did in the 1990s we should not be ignoring what those who are hostile to us are saying and so we should be paying attention to what the Chinese have been saying and it is really belligerent Wow okay so I'll follow up with a question on that go to the next one here why why why does it feel like whether it's the media whether it's many of these politicians or even some of the folks who are billionaires from New York or elsewhere why does it seem like there's a underlying level of discomfort with putting too much blame on China and holding them accountable and almost protecting them saying that's not nice you don't talk to them like that these are good people why would you do that why is there such a movement going on and it's very subtle you almost can't catch it if you don't pay attention to that way why is that going on why do you think well here again we're dealing with other people's intentions but my guess is a couple things of all we live in a highly partisan atmosphere right now and so people are just using whatever they can to club President Trump so that's I think part of it also because in there there are elements in American society that have gotten really rich off of China and so they don't want that to change so you've got people on Wall Street yet people in boardrooms chambers of commerce that they may seem much more in common with their fellows in China than they do with other Americans so there's an elitism which you know it's it's typifies of course at Davos so I think that that's part of it as well but you know it's really dangerous Patrick because what we've got right now is we have a common enemy that enemy means is harm and that enemy is attacking us and whether we like him or not we've only got one president until January 20 2021 and that means that we're going to have to rally behind President Trump we're going to have to unify because we've got to protect ourselves because our Republic is at risk we tend to think of America as powerful but you look around America today we've got Americans dying we've got an economy at a standstill in many locations we've got a society that is paralyzed and we have a common enemy China so we Americans have got to sli's up and realize there's some pretty dangerous folks out there and we don't get together we're gonna lose the American experiment I agree question a question for you on the next conspiracy how much how much of this is the media sensationalizing over sensationalizing the credibility of a chronal virus to hurt the economy and lengthen this process the longer it hurts the economy to eventually lead to President Trump not getting reelected is there any credibility to that I don't do domestic politics but you know the media is the media they Wilson sensationalize things and all parts of the media will of course tend to do that I think you know most members in the media are responsible but you know there is that sort of tendency to say this is brand-new or whatever but this is a that where we're dealing with something which creates fear and that is always going to magnify whatever you know irresponsible tendencies there are in human being so we we have fear for a real reason that is that this is a dangerous pathogen and until we understand it I don't get too concerned about overreaction to it I'm much more concerned about the under reaction now we may be able to undo some of the measures that we have taken to beat the virus I mean and people who are much smarter than I am we'll be able to talk about that but nonetheless until we can see a way out of this we've got to be very concerned because this bug is highly transmissible and it's also lethal and it's not just what happened in our society take a look at Italy take a look at Spain take a look at China take a look at South Korea all of these societies have gone through crises and we've got to be concerned what might happen next are we next one here are we potentially at the beginning of a world war three being created and if not will the next World War three be looking similar to what we're currently going through meaning it being a bio warfare type of a thing that we'll be dealing with that's very possible as we started out with your first conspiracy theory I don't think this was a bio weapon but you know and a lot of people you go back six weeks ago you know back maybe last week and people would say oh look you know bio weapons they aren't really practical you know what why have one well what we have seen is this coronavirus probably not a bio weapon but what it's done is it is paralyzed societies and I'm sure that China and other countries have seen what a biological agent can do so this wasn't even a weapon in all probability but look what it did to the United States we have you know we have ace Nimitz class carrier the Theodore Roosevelt now sitting in Guam taken out of action because some sailors on it have coronavirus I think the Chinese have recognized that because they talked about it in their propaganda you know we have a biological weapons convention the United States as a party to it China's party to it but unfortunately there are no inspection regimes in that a convention and we have got to make sure that it does because right now we have seen the power of a biological weapon not a biologic I'm not saying coronavirus is a biological weapon but this is what could be what the world's future bio weapons look like just a simple virus if an evil empire is watching this there's a few then one of them is north of South Korea if some evil empires are watching this this is leaving a lot of strategies for other countries to want to use this as a potential method in the future forget about just being China this is the third it's it's almost as if you know the TV show when the first came out a was it not cops was it not America's Most Wanted what was the one that would show how people were committing the crimes in a way they were teaching people how to become criminals non criminals were saying well that's a pretty good way of going and robbing a bank very creative Oh si si si si yes so this this is one of those things that's teaching a lot of people what is potential to go out there and do here's another exactly here's another conspiracy theory tell me if this is a conspiracy or it's 100% fact factual does China have a million to three million people at concentration camps in China over there that is not a conspiracy theory they are detention facilities in what China calls cynjohn which is the northwestern part of China the local inhabitants say it's not China that it is a separate Republic called East Turkestan but there are detention facilities there we don't know the exact number of people in those facilities but the lower estimates are 1 million and the upper estimates are what you mentioned 3 million and these are they fit the definition of concentration camps and we know that this is part of China's policy to eliminate Weger culture and eliminate Islam from China so this is horrific is anybody doing anything tonight or can they be held accountable to that to be audited or not really they can do whatever they're doing right now well this is a crime against humanity this is what as bad as the Third Reich did before it started the mass exterminations and what China has done and D Pablito are dying in those camps because Beijing has been building crematorium there's been killing associated with this it just hasn't been the march you into a gas chamber type of killing but it's its extermination of a culture slowly and we know that people are being killed so this this is a crime against humanity and there's not too much that the international community can do is certainly not very much the international community has done but Secretary of State Pompeo to his great credit has talked about this and at some point you know this is one of those things where by itself it's not going to get the international community to move but when in conjunction with you know the initiatives against the Tibetans which are similar you know the attacks on Christian churches you know all these things that are occurring together including releasing this virus on the world these are the types of things we've taken in the aggregate are going to get the international community to do something to start containing China to start not enriching it with trading with the rest so I think that we will gradually I hope sooner but I think that we will gradually see a new attitude on China which is going to be we're going to get to the place where we were with the Soviet Union in the took a long time you know George Kennan had to ride his long telegram of 1946 and his ex article in 44 in foreign affairs of 1947 took a little bit of time for the United States to get to the point where we saw the Soviet Union as an adversary I think we're getting there to China about on China really fast it's actually not a bad thing the fact that that's happened with the majority I think that's a good a healthy level of paranoia is a very good thing for nation like you said I'm not much concerned about overreaction I'm more concerned about under reaction which is a powerful statement you made over here today so okay so look I got a different question for you now we're done with the conspiracies we can go just to some questions for you you're from China you live there two decades your father's Chinese why do you not like the country your father is from what do you have against China I mean you are but you are half Chinese what do you have against the country that you know your family's from yeah I have nothing against China I love China I have a lot against the men and women who rule it as the Communist Party so this is something where it's very different no we talk about China and that's a sort of shorthand but the Communist Party isn't China and the Chinese people are first of all the most direct victims of the Communist Party and because they are it means that they're one of our most important allies because you know the Communist Party is reaching out and causing harm not just to the Chinese people but to us as well and you know if you go back before the corona virus epidemic we Americans sort of looked at what was going on in in the camps that you mentioned it with the Weir's we looked at the Tibetans the Christians people in Hong Kong people in Taiwan and we said oh that's over there but right now we have seen through the deliberate actions of the Communist Party that they have reached out and hurt Americans killed Americans and so this is no longer just them over there this is them in our society you know just to kind of give us a perspective when you lived it for two decades what was the timeline what years were you there okay I lived in Hong Kong from 1981 to 1991 between 91 and 96 lived in California but most of my law practice was in China so across the Pacific an awful lot and then from 96 to 2001 lived in Shanghai so and then after that I gave up practice of law this was my practice was was focused on on Hong Kong China and the region but you you actually said some you said the fall of China is coming you predicted it back in old one I mean that was a I do believe you said something about China in 2001 was your first prediction you made right and I wrote a book called the coming collapse of China was published July 2001 and in it I said that the Communist Party would fall by in a decade so I was wrong on timing I didn't happen to I didn't happen to foresee the 2008 downturn which I think certainly materially strengthened the Communist Party for a number of reasons but I think that it is still coming and you know it's not about me it's about what we can see on the ground in China that there is a fragility to the regime and you know I can't I can't say when it's going to occur but we got to be concerned about a week China which i think is much more concerned in it than a strong China when for for somebody who has never been to China was never lived in China know there's a difference if you've gone there for business trip for a week or two weeks versus living there from 81 to 91 in there from 96 201 you've lived there you have a day-to-day life you're working there can you give us a glimpse of what the day-to-day life of a living in China looks like like the biggest difference between US and China you come home you why sports you watch TV how many TV channels do you have how much are you being brainwashed how are you being brainwashed what do you have access to from China what kind of channels if I'm at a hotel in China do I have access to ESPN can i watch what does it look like what is the what is it like living there compared to us well when we live there there really what in me of course it was different to you it was more prosperous more developed but China was what's going through sort of like a renaissance when we lived there there's a lot of optimism I can remember when we first moved there as August 1996 and ice my wife was said she's on the phone she said mom China's not communist anymore and I happen to agree with her and one could make the case then that a lot of people did that China was moving in the right direction and yeah the China was just different I mean they had better food but you know pretty much it was it was it was you could see the optimism in society as you could see in America these days it's I think it's different I mean China has become much more prosperous so it is more developed but it's it's a debtor place because see dripping believes in absolute control over society so we are seeing things like the social credit system which is going to be nationwide pretty soon we can see extraordinary attempts to control people so it's a it's a very different place and there's I think the the optimism that was there two decades ago is is not there now and part of it that it is going to be very different is that the Chinese economy was not doing well before the coronavirus but was brought to a standstill and indeed is deep in contraction so that is a new factor there and so it makes China I think very different from the US this is a very technical question but probably the most important question I asked you in the interview has your experience with China a totally gone you to a point where you no longer eat Chinese food no you paroled well you know Chinese food is great I love Chinese okay so okay so social media question for you I'm just curious with this one here if Facebook if YouTube if Twitter if all of these apps that we use in us were available in China the last ten years if all of these social media apps were available to the public in China the last ten years do you think the pandemic and coronavirus would have gone to the point that it is today well if they were uncensored like they are holy ah yeah i think i think that the Communist Party would have acted very differently because they would not have been able to hide things like they did I mean they're one of the things that see Jinping has done in the corona virus epidemic is to impose extraordinary information controls now they did that of course when the virus broke out but they also they had a brief period of like three or four days of relative openness from January 22 January 26 and then they went back to controlling the narrative again and we know that because the Communist Party appointed its leading group on coronavirus under siege in paying basically what's happened is he sort of bypassed the bureaucracy and the Communist Party has set up these groups on the economy or whatever well they set up one on the coronavirus and they announced the roster on January 26 and it was a nine person group of the group there was only one person was a public health official and even she I think her degree was not in public health though I'm not positive about that but we do know that it was heavy with propaganda officials the vice-chairman was Communist Party's chief of propaganda the chairman of the leading group was the premier of the country who was basically a political hack and there were a lot of propaganda types on it which showed that see Jennings priority was not ending the epidemic but was controlling the narrative and since that time there had been evidence of this extraordinary secrecy campaign so they've just gone back to the old way of doing things so yeah things would have been a lot different if there were Twitter and Facebook and and there was just an open and free social media but unfortunately that's not the case I I think if US was to negotiate now with them and if China wants to do any kind of trade deals do you think it'd be a good idea for President Trump to say you got to have Free Press and you have to allow every single one of our platforms in your country with no censorship or else being doing business together yeah I mean that would be a good thing to do but see jumping would never agree to that because he does believe he believes that he should have absolute control over the party that the party should have absolute control of her society so he's never going to agree to that you know we've got a face one trade deal sian January 15th I mean who knows whether China is going to adhere to its obligations but phase 2 is just not going to happen largely because it is they they kicked the hard issues down the road and see Jinping is just not going to give up on them and the issues that that they kicked down the road like state subsidies or a lot easier for him to deal with and what you just talked about which is open and free media that is just completely antithetical to cecum Kings conception of the Communist Party I'm from Iran I'm born in 1978 I was born in Tehran at the peak of the revolution when it was taking place with scene Omar Xfire were three months after I was born the Shah was in exile and it was the largest coup you ever saw nine million people revolted against the Shah and a lot of the things that you're you know seeing you're talking about the kind nothing was happening to this extreme extreme in Iran at all the economy was doing better women were free they could go out there and you know vote they had freedom they could do pretty much every courier they didn't have to get married you know 13 years old he had raised it to 18 years old and then Khomeini comes in and threw a rebel spreading tapes the people revolted against the regime until it eventually flipped wasn't the best thing for them that's why I got this guy's picture in the back obviously there's a reason why the showers and my painting in the back what are the chances of the people of China getting so sick of it would they create their own cool and go against the regime and if they do how likely is it that they'll be successful well you know the they did they were they tried that in 1989 in a sense they didn't actually in 1989 the genesis of this was basically unhappiness about the economy which then was booming but there's a lot of inflation but what happened is through Communist Party hardheadedness people that started talking about the big issues about democracy about freedoms and that's when you know we saw not only in Beijing but in 370 other cities in China people took to the streets right now we are seeing some really interesting trends and developments so for instance you were talking about the death of dr. Lila when long was one of the Wuhan eight when he died there was white-hot sentiment throughout social media in China people were you know they started that hashtag I want freedom of speech and also they started to adopt as their anthem that politically impactful song from lame is Arab do you hear the people saying and that was a clear message to see Jinping especially because the kids in Hong Kong had adopted that as a protest against China so it was unmistakable what people are trying to were saying now there been a lot of times where people in China had gotten really upset the Communist Party and that anger for one way or another melted away but what's different now Patrick is that you've got an economy which is basically collapsed if their word isn't a perfect timing bill what you're saying right now when do you get the job that's the best time to do it it's a time where I think people are not going to the argument that the Communist Party is the one to ensure prosperity because there's no prosperity you have you know you can see what's happening in our country the same thing is happened in China only earlier but you know you've had an economy which is probably for the first quarter this year down 25% maybe thirty percent year-on-year which is an enormous number they won't report that of course but you've the people's livelihoods are at stake you know so many small businesses in China have closed like they've closed in our country so this is sort of like the tinder for an explosion whether it happens or not I can't say at this time but people in China have been talking about quote-unquote China's Chernobyl and and that of course is the reference to the nuclear plant accident in 1986 in the Ukraine which is generally thought to be the event that sort of triggered a long slow burn to the fall of the Communist Party here's a question for you how much of exposure or presence do we have with the CIA in in China right now do we have a big presence there or not really I don't know but I think the answer to your question is not really about at 18 months ago or so trying to execute it somewhere between 20 and 30 CIA agents I mean first of all you you had a number of presidents before Trump who just put China very low in the priority so the CIA just didn't have that much in the way of resources and China to begin with and then China goes in and just kills literally kills on dozens of them and so I don't think they found that about well is that verified of killing bezants it's been widely reported in a Wall Street Journal and the rest of it so how did we beat ali-a towards that no known retaliation why don't ask me I mean if I were president there would have certainly been there certainly would have been costs imposed on China for doing but you know China's occupied a special place in the American foreign policy establishment which is the reason why we're in such trouble as we are but you know I don't think the CIA dancer your question I don't think the CIA has had the opportunity to rebuild in China and you got to remember that China's been tossing out Western journalists who aren't CIA but that also reduces our ability to look into the country I mean sorry go ahead so you know our visibility of the China right now is not very good which should lead us to believe that if we can't understand what's going there then why should we have you know robust relations with them here's where I was going with this if we have the right CIA agents there by the way we need to really invest in a major major major I would be recruiting agents left and right to send them there and I would do it in the most strategic way and start them early and have them go through the educational system etc etc I mean you have to be doing that right and a way to protect yourself long term and I would do it in a way to get them involved in the executive side to have a lot of involvement there but that's a complete different side long term wise here's the question I'm asking about the CIA technology is more advanced today than it's ever been before right if these folks say the Millennials the Gen X is because that's really the best foot soldiers you're gonna have to update us on what's going on just like today if you do something nowadays it's the Millennials and the Gen Xers and a founder generation they're the ones that are telling us what's going on with the camera being on and you know tick-tock and videos everything right if technology is as advanced as it is and we have some presence there with CIA how hard would it be for us to bring a OpenVPN line and spread that amongst everybody there to have Facebook YouTube Twitter I mean we have some of the most brilliant minds in the world you mean to tell me we cannot get Internet there and fight it so quickly so if they're doing what they're doing we're gonna put millions of cameras to work by having this younger generation who will revolt you know the older folks will not remote because they have more to lose younger generation they've always been the ones that have been able to create the revolution where there was in Iran whether there was any kind of a movement you look at it's always the younger generation that's well even if you look at Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders their biggest momentum creators for who younger generation right if we can get technology there with the right VPN whatever measures it takes to start kind of seeing what's going on I think that's going to piss them off the cuff' government's gonna piss them off then it's gonna get the people who are skeptical whether the government's doing the right thing we're not off China and maybe they at least do the people saying we're just sick and tired of it we got to make a change here and yeah that's the only way I feel safe for long term of doing business with China that's the only way I would feel safer yes and and there are NGOs that have talked about developing the means the technical means of jumping over what's called the Great Firewall and so there there is some effort there could use a lot more push from the federal government you know there's something else that can be done and that is shortwave radio which is what we used against the Soviet Union China can can because it's got the Great Firewall can block the internet but they can't block shortwave radio as a practical matter so there's a number of things that we need to do to be able to get through to the Chinese people because ultimately the Chinese people are our greatest ally because we've got a common interest we've got one group that is oppressing them and causing death in our country and that's the Communist Party of China so we should be looking to our friends the Chinese people look when we lived in Iran we had two channels right and the rich people had a satellite and you would always oh my gosh you have satellite and look at this you can go watch movies and there's kissing and there's this it was like oh man rich people can watch crazy movies you know poor people cannot you know and you go to your friend's house who had satellites and they lived in this city called GaN bead there was a city in your own called Gandhi which is pretty interesting that was a rich people city and we had a friend that lived there we go there's a look at us we have a salad don't tell anybody because we could get in trouble and I think I think that's you know I think that's which whatever we do in China whatever we do with Russia I think that people need that because we need to get more documentation of what's going on we're getting a glimpse of it right now but not at the measures that we need to to get that back to what it needs to be so final exercise here with us but before I go into this final exercise is there a what do you see with the foreseeable future how long does this isn't going to last what do you when do you see us going back to work and is there any positive outlook you have of how things are going to turn out the next three six nine twelve months well I sort of think the virus does burn out during the summer and you know as we're talking about it might not I mean this is a bug that likes hot weather so who knows what it's going to do you know what I think that we can see a couple things that are occurring in China because they're obviously ahead of us so for instance in Wuhan where this thing started that's sort of the bug has burned itself out and so lot is just slowly getting back to normal and you know they just opened up the barricade so people and move on can actually travel to other parts of China if they've got a green code you know they get green yellow red depending on their health so if they got a green code they can they can actually leave so it's sort of getting there but the problem for China right now is that the bug has I think jumped to cities on the east so for instance in Shanghai at the end of last month they started closing down tourist venues that had just been opened a few days before so there's a real indication that they have got a problem there and you can sort of see it in their statistics which they're issuing on daily infections they seem to daily infections both all of them basic and asymptomatic and and symptomatic are going up so I think that there's a second wave that's hitting the second and third wave they've been hitting peripheral areas to China Singapore Hong Kong Taiwan South Korea so it's probably going to hit China as well it's probably well developed there so China is sort of where the rest the world is going which means for us it you know New York the bug will burn itself out I mean coronavirus will jump to other cities like it's doing so it'll burn itself out in those other places as well you know I think that maybe by the middle of June we'll be through this but God help us next fall that that was your attempt at giving a motivational speech which maybe you need to listen to a little bit more Tony Robbins to pick up some abilities on how he does it I don't know maybe you need to kind of work on that so by the way just something for you to be thinking don't let your wife discourage you from what thinking about the comedy said because let the jokes come out don't don't let her to see you not to let the jokes come out okay last part here I'll give you some names and give me the first word that you think about whatever would they think about give me the first what we call this a speed round Bill Gates Oh too much money Elon Musk too much idiocy idiocy yeah I mean the the early Elon Musk you know great man going into space Tesla I think that's terrific the problem though is that I think fame has gone to his head and you know it was typifies what we saw two three months ago with that dance he did in China I mean it just shows you that I think he's going too far I I don't think he's gonna make money in China with electric cars for a number of reasons I think this could be where he really gets a real lesson you know it's like sort of famous gone to his head so you were really frustrated with his dance moves so yeah if he improved his dance moves would you not call him an idiot so or would you change no it's still going to attend okay got it maybe we need to recommend some nice choreographers to hire he can afford it so Ted Rose odd-odd hanim yeah I think that he needs to resign if he doesn't resign we need to defund the w-h-o what he did was despicable so I don't have a good word to say about him and I had times I'm not able to think of I don't think there you know he leaves me speechless so is it fair to say you don't have a picture on that bookshelf of viewers behind you of jedrus yeah you're not gonna have it open but it is my daughter my wife my in-laws a couple of me you know friends from college no Ted Rose no Ted Russ well it is what it is Margaret Chan ineffective ineffective gchem Bing criminal analyst on Steam and I spent Anthony Fawlty uh hero you know moon jae-in another criminal Mujahid wants to he wants South Korea to be merged into North Korea and probably on North Korea's terms so he wants to end democracy in South Korea I mean he knew jayan is one of my favorite topics actually so it's hard to come up with just one word for him but I think that he's dangerous he's no friend of the u.s. he would love to be a totalitarian he is moving China and moving south korea away from a liberal democracy back to an authoritarian state so what nice things can you say about him ranging theme liar I mean he keeps on saying oh you know while we would never spy for Communist Party well I Got News for you the 2017 national intelligence law of China requires every Chinese national every Chinese entity to spy if demanded and besides in the Communist Party's top-down system you can't resist a demand from the Communist Party Brent himself is a member of the party so you know I put him into the basket of dangerous individuals last but not least Lee wen Liang Pierrot people hear it clearly hero and he sacrificed his life to try you know he went to the you know he went to everyone talking about the disease he did that a great personal risk to himself eventually as a doctor he lost his life treating coronavirus patients I mean it's just sort of brings tears to your eye 12 third this has been a very very insightful and hopefully the viewers were able to look at some of these different conspiracies that's being tossed around and getting millions of views and getting people's attention and quite frankly as a putting a lot of fear in people I got a call the other day at 11:30 at night one of my friends was a very successful businessman called me and him and his wife we're on the phone I had to have an hour and have conversation with this person because they were buying into some of these conspiracy theories that really were messing with their heads and it's not just getting naive people it's getting everybody to start kind of questioning some of this stuff because the way it's being sold it's very convincing so again at the end here's what I suggest to all the viewers we're gonna put the link below of following Gordon G Chang Twitter handle you can send them a tweet after watching this let them know what you took away from the interview as well as any questions you may have and we're gonna put the link of your book coming collapse of China the link below as well for you guys to purchase any final thoughts with you before we wrap up the interview you know our society let me let me just repeat something that I said that we're really at risk we are going to have to band together because you know as Ronald Reagan said you know freedom is only one generation away from extinction well now it could be a couple of years away from extinction so we've really got to get together and as Americans defend our society and our way of life Gordon thank you for being a guest thank you so much Patrick I really appreciate the opportunity absolutely thank you well bye so look with all these conspiracy theories who kept asking me Pat do you believe this stuff now it's on you to process it for yourself this man Gordon shank seems like a reasonable person he doesn't seem like he's sensationalizing either one you can process it and comment below which one did you believe it which one of them do you still have your own doubts and if you liked this interview have two other videos I want you to watch one of them was with dannyelle DiMartino booth economists nine years with Federal Reserve Dallas who has a lot of insider info on what's going on with the economy and the Fed she talks about the aftermath of the economy post coronavirus must-watch and the oak but the other one is if you haven't watched it with general Spalding from air force who had some insight dealing with China he lived there to find out what their world is like if you haven't watch this one it's a must watch as well click on either and if you haven't subscribed to our channel please do so thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,411,302
Rating: 4.6206584 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, China, Fall of China, Economist Destroys China - Calls Coronavirus An Act of War, Gordon G Chang, Chinese economy, How China is Stealing Growth From Other Countries, China’s Silent Takeover While America's Elite Slept, Total Damage China Caused The World, Collapse of China Explained By Chinese American Lawyer
Id: IYjeO_n9vQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 32sec (5192 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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