Deadly Skills Training for Everyone by Former SEAL

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so what is the right kind of crazy is when you live a life at 120 miles per hour it does take a certain amount of crazy for people to jump out of plane get in fire fights a lot of things up all that luggage has no place to go but hit you in the back of the head whose paper bat like this alright to get hit with something like you just saw a newspaper can be dangerous enough to give someone a concussion certainly not amount how do you view how China looks at us how easy would it be for them to put a hundred million people but parachutes on their back and fill our skies and you've got intellectual property the potential of them being inside your network they've been in there for five years before they were actually caught you think there is the meddling going on with election I think the investigation proved that ads were paid for by corn and at ease eighty-five percent of it was exaggerated wrong or wasn't even close what are your philosophies and views on how to handle active shooters it doesn't take much for some people with mental health to flip that switch trust your eyes question your ears when you fight you're fighting for your life you're going to make the wrong decision and end up dead [Music] so today's guest is a former member of the NSA SEAL team 3 as well as special mission unit he wrote a couple books another one that's coming out here as well called the right kind of crazy and the one book he wrote just recently that's got nearly 2,000 reviews on Amazon called 100 deadly skills we're gonna be talking today to Clint Emerson Clint's thanks for coming out here thanks for her at you for coming out so you know I'm reading this book obviously we're gonna spend some time talking about that one here but I'm going through the hundred deadly skills and you got a chapter that says how to steal a plane which everyone needs to know how to steal a plane robbers you know you got another one that says how to discrete and lose surveillance which is great we need to know that and then you know how to dispose of a body which is insane to me so I looked at this book I said listen it's Clint writing this book for us for for citizens to learn how to do this are you writing this book for the bad guys so what inspired you to want to write this book there was a couple of things all right so first getting out of the military right as you transition you go from hero to zero you look for things to do yeah a friend gave me an opportunity to write a book we were supposed to do it together he'd already published a bunch of books and I said sure well then he's an older guy so he ended up having back surgery and left me hanging and I was left to finish this thing but I knew that when I got out I wanted to kind of go down the path of crisis management and this is a great way an entertaining way an informative way to get consumers to take a little bit more ownership in their own personal security and safety but I also knew there was some tactics that in order to get the attention of media guys like you you've got to throw some taboo stuff in there and certainly the skills plus a couple of others that you mentioned certainly get the attention of people but ultimately I really did want to get a book out there that everyone could learn from I like to joke that it's probably the most popular book sitting next to a man's toilet in America without a doubt it's Illustrated for all of those army crayon then like pictures in the yes I'm just kidding yes but yeah that's that's the shorter that's what makes it helpful them and when you look at it the pictures you know for some of us won't point near GPA folks we need basic illustration you can show know how to do this but it's a tell me let's go through a couple of them before we go into your story here sure with the book so how do I steal a plan you know how do I go about stealing a plan well first you have to not fly it kind guy that's that's that's a big problem but if you do know how to steal a plane and you happen to be on a run on the run in a semi permissive non-permissive environment then you go to a delta airspace Airport which is your smaller airports some of them have towers some of them do not but the goal is that's a less environment for security so therefore you'll be able to gain and get out discreetly and on top of that it's usually the hangars in those smaller airports have smaller aircraft so a single-engine land aircraft is what you'd be going after and a lot of times these things were built in the 70s they don't have like you know these high speed locks on the doors so if you're going after cessna's or Piper's really it's all about the magneto switch which is what gives everything power the prop is the crank and a lot of these we'll start with just that kind of simple knowledge on top of that if it's got an increased ignition system then being able to pick the lock to start and then magneto switches and then pull in the prop and it'll start right out just be careful when you pull the prop you got to get your arms out of the way real quick yeah something could happen to your on disappear let me ask y'all this stuff you learned when you were in as a seal yourself where in case you're in war something happens you got try to get away you have to learn how to fly plane and steal a plane or is it more for entertainment purposes it's a little bit of both in the later part of my career I certainly experimented with alternative ways of getting yourself out of trouble it became really important to think about and think about things you know if hey okay what if worst case scenario what am I going to do I just happen to be a pilot it was something I went my own and and then I yes I did add it to the book for entertainment value god yeah how much how many of these hundred have you actually used in war and experience for yourself where it's firsthand not something you're just writing about probably fifty percent or more of those that's a good amount yeah when you talk about some of the surveillance based uh right um we we get into that in the community when you talk about some of the more personal security and how to be the the grey guy in society especially when you're traveling the globe when I talk about third party awareness personal awareness cultural awareness all of those things are mentioned a book those are all really important to lesson yourself as a target when traveling abroad whether you're a tourist or you're a guy like me it just applies to so many different environments hell in this country alone if you go from one city to the next you can find yourself in trouble because you don't understand that city's culture right so it applies everywhere very true yeah that's good to know because sometimes you know you write a book and hey seventeen keys to success and a guy wrote it he's never done a business before both these are things that you've actually applied yourself and seen whether it's in wartime or in your own personal life as well write a whole bunch I've applied about 50% or more applying to work I'm betting in civilian life you haven't dispose of a body you know I'm a betting man interview mobsters and other guys you're a seal I'm betting that hasn't happened yet so so so I had a captain Duncan Smith on okay and anytime I bring folks from the FBI or NSA or CIA or seal or anything that worked at the highest level and military ask him what do you think the biggest threat were facing today right for you everyone has their own opinion on this you're you seem like the guy that's very astute you pay attention to details all this stuff about where you see it like when you go into a room you know that whole one scene you were looking at where Matt Damon is saying the guy sitting at the you know that one movie scene he's sitting here poor cars park does he like well not to that point but you could kind of pay attention to it right what do you think is our biggest threat right now it's a former Navy SEAL military guard what do you see as our biggest threat today well I think there's multiple threats there's an acronym I came up with called threat thre 80 it's a great way to break down threats in any environment you find yourself the first one is technical threats which is audio video your mobile devices cyber really is the umbrella to that one I think that the cyber front is the wild wild west it's not regulated there's a lot of threats they're both a consumer the government we've even seen at work to potentially sway elections here in the United States along with overseas so I feel the cyber world is the next frontier mainly because everyone has a device in the palm of their hand connectivity is very easy and there's a lot of nefarious characters out there that want to take advantage and exploit everyone who actually has a device so that's that's number one and then you've got the H which is health threats I mean we're rolling into flu seasons so all of a sudden that will be number one in the media within a couple of months so and then of course when you talk about active shooters and under health is also making sure you know stopping the bleeding is something good to know and that you've got to be aware of and then R is really your violent crime raids robbery and ransom I feel like those are domestically a big deal with the increase in active shootings 2018 we had 450 plus workplace related active shooters workplace workplace active shooters 450 plus of them in 2018 having no more employees by the way how many they were from outside I mean there were actual employees a lot of times there's the big three on how you break down active shooters and why mental health right is a big one relationships okay and that relationship is defined as relationships at home or in your private life relationships at work with a supervisor a peer or a subordinate my sense so and then in third place is usually money is the other reason people come and start shooting so you know you have to be you know you have to be aware of that and domestically I think that's it obviously a big threat it's at the forefront of everybody's mind these days and so you've got at least be thinking about it when you the rest of the threats e environmental threats you know you've got 900 tornados a year in this country you've got hurricane season going on right now so those are always something that's there and they're very seasonal and so you got to be aware of it a is another invisible threat that we all deal with and we don't even know it is agencies working against us that's foreign Intel services that's law enforcement that may pull you over in foreign lands where bribery is a second form of income and if you don't know that then you'll go to jail instead you believe that I do believe that even in America a lot is happening and when you go overseas definitely buy Oreos the second I think most of them make more mouth from Iran I I know what it is to say go you go into politics to make more money than stay in the civilian world you can do additional ok and then T is the is the one threat that will never go away and that is terrorism so in short to answer your question when you talk about what is the threat that's most concerning are the one that keeps you up at night it really depends on where you sleep each day right so the point being is you really have to know your environments and know the threats that could potentially happen in those environments in order to answer that question accurately and it's the one thing I push all day every day is that hey just know what those threats are in your environment the clues and those cues and then you can elude those threats all together and never have to face them but you got to know about them you got to get educated on them and you've got to stay like you set the beginning you know in the Jason Bourne video you got to be at least 50 percent aware and put your phone away in order to you know know what's going on put your phone away what am you put your phone away put your phone away because we are attached to our phones right we're on oh we honestly would constantly have our head in our mobile devices when in reality we need to get our heads up and looking around simple simple so what is something about many of us are doing to know we need to know so with some of these let's go through this let's go rude a technical with cyber okay I'm in a financial industry and one of the things I'm noticing happen more today is when I'm going to conferences with other CEOs and these large hundred 200 billion-dollar insurance companies five years ago no one's talking cybersecurity but maybe for two minutes okay ten years ago no one even talks about cybersecurity okay we're going into you today everyone's talking about cybersecurity without a doubt would when I tell you everyone every meeting I'm going to indifferent insurance everybody saw my cybersecurity so let's go through the basic stuff of cybersecurity okay the most basic way for me to protect myself when I'm dealing with cyber security password is there any specific rules you follow for picking passwords for your bank account for your social media for your phone and is there anything you recommend on ways to keep your password so because sometime when you have to remember 50 different passwords for 50 different places you save it in a place so you can go to it or do you have something you recommend so let's start off with the most basic thing password how do you view passwords I think passwords still are the number one vulnerability at an individual level okay and because of that that's what makes companies vulnerable and so the hackers they know this and these days hackers aren't usually you know the kid in the basement of his mom's house you know yelling for a cheese sandwich and sitting there trying to get into someone's information a lot of times they are programmers putting together these packets of malware and attaching them to links or trying to you know discreetly inject them into a network so that an entire system is affected but when you back up to the simple stuff like passwords the rule I follow is 24 characters or longer okay and that sounds crazy but the reality is is if you type in a phrase that has zero attribution to you your family your personal life your dog's your anniversary dates nothing personal and you put in a phrase now within that phrase you can have you know changing characters you can add in some symbols so instead of s's you can use the money symbol right but a phrase the beauty of this is that phrase usually you can type it a lot faster because we're used to home keys and we know or our fingers know where they're going and they tend to be able to type that phrase whatever you choose a whole lot faster than some crazy complex combination of letters numbers and symbols right but the idea is is when you go past the 24 character mark what you're doing is actually eluding any of those malware packages that or packets that can run a virus against your username and password they can run at usually 500 characters a second right trying to figure out your password they'll stay on target what used to be my knowledge may be old and I'm not a cyber guy by the way but they used to stay on target roughly 15 minutes before moving on so when someone's attacking let's say a small business website it will sit there and run through 500 different characters but if your caret if your password is 24 characters or longer then it would take roughly 15 to 20 years for a supercomputer to break the code 15 to 20 years right because you're going beyond it's like combination locks right the more numbers you put in the longer it takes for someone to crack it and then it gets to the point where no one can crack it if even the most experienced thief trying to get into a manipulation type lock right so and what is that level to get to that point it's what it's just keeping it even more technical or going more than 24 letters 24 or more 20 orders characters yeah and so now what you're doing is putting time on your side because it can't sit there and run against your it can but it won't run against your password all day every day because then we're if we're the malware comes from or the virus comes from will then be detected and they don't want to be detected so the goal at the end is to run a 24 character password or more on everything you have and then you are defeating a lot of those types of hacks where are you storing your passwords so meaning what do you recommend so nowadays we got 50 login 40 logins right is there anything you're suggesting where or do you suggest same password for all 40 50 do you change a mob because it's a lot of work right there it is so I mean there's a lot of different tricks one yes there's apps out there that will maintain and even create very complex passwords for you and keep track of all that I'm not one of those guys I'm still kind of old-school I keep all of my passwords right here but what I'd have done is in my system I have the 24 character phrase then on the back end of that I will put the word that relates to whatever it is it goes into so if it's my cable provider and I want to login it's the phrase and cable then it's the phrase then Bank I don't use specifics I'm not going to put you know what's a cable company verizon fios right I'm not gonna put it I'm not gonna put anything that specific but I will put cable then on my next one I will put Bank if I have three banks that I have to login to bank one bank to bank three they're all at the tail end of the 24 character that way I don't have to remember so much but yet I'm still bulletproof the other piece of this equation is your username a lot of these a lot of sites will make you believe that your username has to be your email address right but it's worth trying to make it something other than that right because that is typically easy for the bad guys to figure out is the username but it is a crucial piece to them getting into your accounts so treat your username like another password make sure it's just make it something that isn't related to you so that that way now it doesn't matter right if you've got a great password and you're not using your email address as a username they're not getting in and then the other the third piece to this equation at a personal level is two part authentication it's become very popular anytime you have the opportunity on your emails banking everything make sure you turn it on a lot of them ask you hey do you want that sure is it an extra step that sometimes a pain in the ass yeah because you got to wait for the text to come through and you get your six digit number and then you put it in but yeah that's better than someone else getting in I agree you know one of the things that happened to us last year is one of our Instagram accounts got an email saying you're about to get verified okay and click on this and the person clicked on it and then we went to it and then after you went to it it was never from Instagram and so one of our employees that's working you're just basically thinking okay one another account that's getting verified let me go out there and do this and then it was someone else that stole the account changed the password email saying if you want your account back I want ten thousand dollars from you yes and they're doing that now so they're doing that with Gmail they're doing that with Instagram they're doing that with Facebook and one of the ways that I was told is check to see if it's at Facebook if it's coming from Facebook right not Facebook customer service you know Los Angeles that's not Facebook you have to look at that as well that was another area that they were talking about which happened here for us any other item on cyber security that you're seeing as a threat for folks out there to be thinking about on how they can protect themselves you just hit on the big one so passwords being the vulnerability and then of course people clicking on the link that they shouldn't and so that's either spear phishing where they go after someone like you a CEO CFO kind of guide the popular scam a year or two ago was it would appear as an email from the CEO to the CFO saying I need you to transfer that's that's what that's what just happened six months ago right and it's handed multiple times in the last six months we've caught it every single time good yeah you'd be surprised there's a lot of compile Beth oh yeah because the email address looks like it's coming from the CEO when in reality it wasn't but it's like giving I need you to transfer the money right now and then some of those CFOs listen to their CEO and they transfer the money and then it's gone forever so yes look at those email addresses but I also tell companies all the time you can make your signature block part of your security protocol right any email that comes through make sure there's something special about the signature blocks that all the employees use that way if someone from the outside tries to pretend to be you you can look at a signature block and go nope that's not someone within the company back in the day you could do wallpaper or watermarks you probably still can you know through some of your email exchanges so you can put a wallpaper to that's specific to your company so that everybody knows that's internal email and it is legit whereas if it came with just a white background in the email then you know it isn't the other thing I want to talk to you about is the anonymous emails you said number 58 sending anonymous emails what did you mean by this on sending anonymous emails leave zero forensic trace back this level well so privacy has certainly become a big issue right there is a lot of people that don't want marketing issues or marketers trying to get in and what we hear about it all the time now right that Alexa is always listening here about Facebook is always watching so what it is is that's giving someone the ability in a very simple way to increase their privacy and anonymity when they're online so it walks you through on how to download things properly not utilizing any of your personal Wi-Fi or work Wi-Fi download some apps go through a couple of steps and before you know it you've created an anonymous world that you can now do whatever you want to do without worrying about whether it's Big Brother Facebook Alexa or anybody else watching so it's just to increase people's security based on privacy alone excellent good we'll keep coming back to a couple crazy things you got here that's non-stop it's one after another okay next one so he said technical cyber next one you said health active-shooter let's talk about active shooter right so what is what is starting to happen is we we have increased our security here ever since we've noticed what's been happening you know having a security person now we're training on active shooter what happens when that happens and when we're in a military your your training different methods of what happens and there's a lot of different philosophies with active shooter one says you go the whole zigzag if you see somebody when it happens in a movie theater or at workplace and another one says somebody should attack the active shooter because if you don't attack and they can spray everybody in the room and at least one person can stop them what are your philosophies and views on how to handle active shooters you know it's a little bit of everything you just mentioned so the mantra that's become very popular and it was it started with a video produced by city of Houston then it became the the federal kind of iconic run hide fight video and it's been passed around it's only about five minutes long and I support that philosophy one because it's easy right run hide fight the words define themselves but I like to caveat that there's actually more to each piece of it right one the environment you're in dictates what you're going to do the situation that you might find yourself in also as part of the decision-making process so if it's a run I tell people all the time don't just run like aimlessly right if you see a herd of people go by we all have the mammalian reflex that says oh I should run with them your job is to counter that feeling and stop for a second look listen pay attention to your surroundings and determine where the gunfire is coming from because here's the one thing most people don't tell you is gunshots fired indoors is much different than gunshots fired outdoors when they're indoors there are about a hundred times louder okay that's number one number two the sound ricochets off the hallways stairwells walls you name it so it makes it omnidirectional so a lot of times in an active shooter scenario when the shots are fired indoors people inadvertently run towards the shooter because they think they're running away from it because the bang sound was from their left right but the shooter is actually to the right that's a good point so in those situations before you run you want to trust your eyes question your ears especially indoors okay so that's number one running in a zigzag if you find yourself in the open right and there's no one around there's no cover then ya be erratic with your movements right run like a crazy person because if it's just you and the shooter you want to make it as difficult on him as possible because by running in a zigzag forces him to change his elevation and his windage right elevation is moving that barrel up-and-down windage is moving it left and right so you want him to have to really try and get you but the odds are you're not going to be the only one but if you are zigzagging then he's gonna redirect his attention too much easier targets and as horrible as that sounds that's how you survive then when it comes to the hide I tell people all time the hide should be looked at as temporary at all costs it should be temporary and you should run from cover to cover cover is anything that stops bullets concealment is something that still hides you but it doesn't necessarily stop bullets all of these things you can identify well ahead of time so you mentioned your work environment you've increased security but the best thing every employee can do is identify the things that stop bullets now while you have plenty of time and zero stress the last thing you want to do is make decisions with increased stress and zero time because the odds are you're gonna make the wrong decision and end up dead so it find your cover now which is structural pillars you know dense wood weight before the event happen right start learning about your work environment now right because we all live in a very small pattern of life we're at work or at home our favorite coffee shop the gym whatever in all of those environments that you're at the most those are the environments you should start looking around going okay that 45 pound plate yep that'll stop bullets yeah that granite whatever desktop I can flip that over get behind it that'll stop bullets or that structural pillar that's in my building you know that's dressed up to look like you know doesn't look like anything special because it's got sheetrock it's decorative then you know obviously architects want those structural pillars to blend into the environment but they're everywhere you just got to identify them ahead of time so if you find yourself in a room or what a dead end that is a bad place to be right the bathroom dead end a closet dead end so your movie theater and death situation as well if you only have two exits you're up you're shooters at the bottom you can be in a dead end in that case title right so now it's about getting out of sight so that you're not in their sights but if you find yourself in a room know how to barricade a door properly there's some a little bit of physics and science to it but you stack things in front of an inward opening door linear so it's desk right against the door then behind the desk is another desk table chairs whatever extend that that line of furniture all the way to the opposing wall and let the opposing wall be your brace against the door make sense now no one's getting it mm-hmm if it's outward opening doors and a lot of commercial environments you have the automatic door closer at the top it's like an elbow joint you can take your belt off wrap it around that elbow joint nice and tight now it makes it difficult for the guy to get in but not impossible so you have to keep that in mind what you're doing is buying time and that's why I say when you hide make it a temporary thought process meaning as soon as you get in there you're immediately looking for your next out so if there's windows throw a chair through the window out through the window you go head to the tree line head to a neighbor's house head to you know another business building but get out of the building is the number-one objective because the X it's all about getting off the X you being a military guy you know this just as well as I do the X is the point in which your adversary decides they have the greatest advantage where you're most vulnerable where speed and stealth benefits them most your job is to get off the X as quickly as possible so schools are the X some work some places of work are the X sometimes your home is the X your job is to get out of there and you know to get out of there as quickly as possible into safety the final piece of the equation is fight and a lot of times for the average person that should be the last resort right and when you fight you're fighting for your life meaning you have to increase your violence equal to or greater than your Abbas or adversaries in order to win so fight fight fight fight for your life you know and use improvised weapons if you can if you're at work team up right so if you know he's coming you're in a dead end you have no other outs and there's just two of you you're gonna make a quick plan a little bit of leadership someone's got to find the courage and we all know courage is just as contagious as panic so do not panic because then others will start to panic powerful right courage pick courage every time even if you gotta fake it till you make it yeah ten that you're brave and you will be brave so when those shots get closer and closer to your door and when that muzzle comes through the door number one man the weapon is the priority get control of that weapon number two man is going for the hip to the head if we talk about MMA in the fighting world we know that the way you control a body is by controlling the spine the best way to control the spine is either the pelvis or the skull the pelvis is a bigger target and when you have stress right a ton of stress and a ton of adrenaline it's better just to go for the big target because going for the head might seem a really small token in that time in your life right so number one man's going for the weapon total control number two's going for the hips separate the adversary from the weapon and then if you have the opportunity you can use the weapon against him or everybody's gonna dog pile the bad guy and keep him down on the ground and tell the first responders arrive Clint how often do companies call you after the fact when an incident like this happens how often do people hurry after something happened I've had a few but you would be surprised on how many companies culturally won't even let the words active-shooter be said even today why is that they they just still don't want one they don't want to scare their employees so it's a very critical decision point for a lot of your global security directors and Human Resources on whether to really train people on this because they're afraid that the messaging is something bad is coming something bad is going to happen why would they train us on this unless they're not telling us something and sometimes those thoughts of senior HR or senior security is what prevents them actually from making a move but we've navigated those cultures by switching the language and can be a violent intruder it can be aggression so there's a ways to teach a workforce without saying those words that might be kind of culturally scary to really and you're seeing that and we are seeing that even today with the with the amount of media and exposure that active shooters are getting there's still a lot of companies out there that don't really want to say it out loud now let me ask you for company side how many times is it people attract and get where yet you said something you said the last thing you want to do is make a decision during a crisis I think this is something you said in one of your interviews I'm assuming you were saying that because you're trying to say you want to be so prepared that you don't need to make a decision it's just instinct purely acting on it is that kind of what your point was behind not having to make a decision in crisis correct oh yeah you want to basically act out decisions that you've made a hundred times hundred times before got it so is there anything companies can do to prevent any situations like that happen meaning preventive measures not even you know let's prevent any of this stuff to happen that it can never happen at our company or is there no matter what you do can still happen at your company yeah I mean I remember going to this FBI profiler right and a lot of those guys have quite the education in psychology and behavioral sciences and I found it pretty interesting that he pretty much laid out that 10% of any demographic so that could be a company that could be a state that could be a country you're going to have 10% of the population that's going to have what he called dangerous personalities right and so if 10% 10% of dangerous potential dangerous personality traits so that could be someone who's got a little bit of sociopath in them someone who's got a little bit of psychopath in them and there was a long list of what is considered a potential dangerous personality trait so no matter how much you vet in your hiring processes no matter how many screening processes you go through in the military there's a good chance that there's 10% ish of people that you're around that could have those traits and could activate them or they could be triggered whether it's you know their own personal crisis going on in their life or it could be that they went down the path of you know substance abuse it really it really varies what the triggers could be so it's difficult to say hey how do you just prevent it you there is no way to just totally prevent hiring a potential active shooter but what you can do is give your people the emergency preparedness protocol and training so that when it happens it increases the odds of survivability for everyone got it that's that's good to know you know it's uh it's it's coming up again more and more even in businesses where people are asking me about what we can do to prevent this from happening next secure homes okay so you're living in a house I saw a couple of the clips where you're looking at the exact you know format of where the house is this is the bedroom this is an exit this is this this is that before we been going to that are you a fan of safe rooms like you know buying one of these ten $20,000 safe rooms or the underground ones are you a fan of those I would say I think they're pretty cool I think if you could create a safe room then sure why not I'm not and I'm not buy by any means what would be defined as a prepper I'm not paranoid I'm probably somewhere in the middle I would say that anybody getting out of military these days are a little hyper vigilant it's probably the best way to put it but I think the odds real they are the is what you go by right what are the odds of having a violent crime inside your home you know they're pretty slim to none depending on your lifestyle but as a hobbyist creating these safe environments that could potentially be life-saving if one day you just happen to be put in that position right because let's face it the element of surprise is the one thing that we're all never expecting so you have to respect the element of surprise even if it's in your own home and you know why not put something together over time that could give your family and yourself a safe haven if something bad happens yeah I look at a lot of properties here in Dallas one thing California doesn't have is they don't have what do you call it what would he call a basement California doesn't have a basement right Chicago Midwest a lot of the homes right have basements so it's it's you can kind of set up like snow earth exactly I kind of help you to put that in there too you know tornadoes no tornado California doesn't have that either but you know some of the homes you go to in Texas you're like you know we have a safe room here we have this and you're going to you're like well what for incase you know there's a lot of tornadoes so you got to be prepared for it and you're seeing it I sometimes wonder if there's a level of effectiveness to spending that twenty thirty thousand dollars to put that in your home or no real reason to put it in there the other thing would be safe where is a good place to put your safe in your home is there any place you would say is a good place to put it I would say any time you're trying to hide anything you put it in the place where no one's gonna look and for depending on a home or where you live you know sometimes that's in plain sight you know because let's say a bad guy going after the safe you know I don't know what the odds are in that anymore be honest with you most your violent intruders or people that come for your stuff right so two kinds of intruders there's the guys that come for your stuff and there's the ones that come for you the ones that come for you tend to come at night the ones that come for your stuff come during the day while you're at work and most your neighborhood is gone during the day so that's the best time to come take your stuff and they've got more time they've got all day to sit there and pillage through your stuff but if a safe in itself I mean put it in a place where no one's going to look when I think about hiding a safe in a more traditional it's like okay the master room closet no one will look there right or I'm gonna put it put it in a recessed place in a wall behind a picture mmm that might still work these days right I mean especially we got a lot of pictures that's gonna eat up a lot of time for that guy to find the one picture with the same or even better yet put a safe behind every picture in your house but only put your good stuff in one of them so that they are like what the hell we got a hundred safes to figure that budget right there yeah how is easy to break into safes nowadays you see these videos about how to break into safe is it is do you trust the credibility of having a safe where a guy that trying trying to break it into it you know it's very slim to none I think that's an art that has come and gone first of all to manipulate a lock open takes a great deal of skill okay and so that's a more of a locksmithing father this father to son trait that's been passed on for generations so I don't think that's gonna be going on but there are autodialers that you can buy off Amazon that will sit there and dial every combination possible over time and if the auto dialer gets lucky the lock will open early but if it happens to dial the last combination last in the auto dialing series that could be eight hours later so is a bad guy gonna rely on that kind of odds to get into your safe probably not now will he just grab the thing and yank it out of the wall or try to pull it out take it home and then spend a week getting it open yes right so if you're gonna have a safe make sure it's permanently bolted to something so that makes it difficult to leave and then once again make sure the combination on it is more than you know four to more than four characters typically on a manipulation lock these days you've got bio biometrics they can open it which is great just make sure it passes the gummybear test I mean you put your fingerprint on a gummy bear put the gummy bear on that biometrics and there have been some very cheap biometrics that will open their test with the gummy bear fingerprint you know so make sure it passes the vote the gummy bear test but another important final piece to safes is you have safes that are meant to be secured and then you have safes that are meant to protect your stuff during a fire so if something is good at protecting from a fire it's not necessarily safe in a safe that's good at keeping people out isn't necessarily great for a fire right so you have to keep that in mind yeah that's a good point right so if you're gonna buy us safe you have to really go with all right what are the odds we're all together don't put your valuables at home keep them somewhere else Clinton are you a fan of uh getting your license to carry the average citizen to get a license to care like actually taking a course going through the process I I am I think but once again it you need to be proficient with that weapon right you need to put yourself through your own personal quarterly you know or as many times a year training hmm whether that be instruction from others you know experts in the community or even just going to the range and shooting but more importantly if you're gonna carry to this day before I walk out of the house I practice drawing because that's the one thing most people don't do and it's literally yeah like you have a mirror in my house and I will like draw at least five times before I walk out the house natural for you you do this every day just muscle memory just get you know making sure that your hands Bioman biomechanics is a big deal and under stress your body's gonna rely on muscle memory and if you've never done that and then all of a sudden you're gonna go grab that gun your guns gonna fly out of your hand or the holster is gonna be on the end of the gun so by doing that allows you to walk through all of those little issues that you couldn't find as you first start drawing like the holster flying off yeah the gun flying out of your hand or your magazine falling out because you didn't have a seated properly I mean there's a hundred things that can go wrong when you draw that it's very true so draw draw draw be proficient if you're not gonna do any of that stuff do not carry a gun cuz no one wants anyone out there carrying a gun you don't somebody who knows how to use it you don't want them out there that don't know how to carry a gun no the right the point being is a lot of people go get a concealed permit yeah and then never go shoot just because you have a concealed permit does not mean you should be shooting that gun and the last perspective yeah unless you are proficient with that weapon once the quarter go cuz in the military I don't remember how often we wanted a range was it once a quarter was it once a year you went to the range I don't remember the exact number but you have to go and requalified regular yeah you should be at the end of the day you should be drawing and dry firing on a regular pace right you can sit there in your house draw that weapon and shoot at the television right no no bullets just dry fire and be in that will do more for you than shooting paper at a range no good places to hide your guns at the house in case somebody breaks in any specific spots or is it the same typical under you know the TV set that's holding it any any specific places you have because especially for a family who's got kids mm-hmm anything you know from experience yeah I always tell people access is the priority not access access is the priority being able to get to it is more important than that actual concealment factor we talked about yeah I got to hide it here hide it there but the reality is when you when you put it all these hiding places that's not exactly convenient when you actually need it especially in a in a you know life-threatening moment you certainly don't want it you don't want layers of things in the way in order for you to grab that weapon so be smart you know there's a lot of quick access digital biometric gun safes that you can actually put right into a drawer you can bolt it to your nightstand at least that way it's right there the safe and then all you got to do is put your fingers on it and it opens and you grab your gun and go I think access to the gun is more important than the concealment part if you have kids then your access is going to be out of arms rage of a child right so I can grab a gun from the top of my dresser on top of it because I know that my kids or kids visiting my home can't reach that spot right so you just gotta it's common sense but you know we both know common sense isn't so common these no no doubt about it absolutely I agree that's why I wanted to ask you do you carry yourself regularly or not you usually carry him I do carry regularly yeah I mean I I practice what I preach as much as I can unless I'm getting on airplanes or you know any place I recommend here any school you recommend to anybody anybody that you would endorse most of the guys that I refer people to are you know all over the country everybody tells me about the Vegas thing that's going on you go there for three days it's real is it hand shooting courses yes out of state yeah there's a bunch I could refer you to there's there's Dom Rosso he is like the owner NRA poster boy he's a former command member where I was at and that guy puts on a great course there's Ronin tactics who was a former CAD guy who does incredible stuff and he's always traveling the country there's another guy up north he's also travelling they all of them come to Texas every now and then so it's it'd be a good idea go to their websites check out their dates sign up for one of theirs but they're all tier one guys that are teaching you you know guys there's no [ __ ] way to do I like that instead of kind of like you know so Clint I saw some of the stuff you had to make weapons in an office if somebody wanted to I know I got a newspaper here I got some duct it was not really the best kind of duct tape I got an appoint and a soft show us a few things on what someone can do to make a weapon that goes quickly out of these the first things that come to mind is a newspaper bat now the newspaper bat was actually made popular by hooligans that used to go to soccer games overseas the security at soccer games overseas have become very very good because those guys like to beat the [ __ ] out of each other when someone loses right so the security is learned to really actually Pat people down make sure no weapons are coming in so what do these guys do they start bringing newspapers because if you take ten pages of a newspaper or more and you you open it up like so we're gonna do this very quickly just for you here and then you roll it diagonally and the idea is to get as much air out of your future bat as possible so we're gonna start and we're gonna get it nice and tight as much air out as much air out all right so get it going we're not doing a good job but you get the point so they literally do this in Europe they're really used to do this in Europe now I'm pretty sure they don't even let newspapers anymore because of this technique and then you give it a good old fold now if you happen to have you know a good old duct tape what's great is it can hold it in place and increase its density for you when we talk about you know arms swinging right an arm swinging like a punch it is usually like 25 miles per hour as soon as you put something in your hand depending on who you are your strength your flexibility mobility and your joints you can now get up to about 50 miles an hour with whether it's a newspaper bat like this right and to get hit put your hand out to get hit with something like there's no joke right holy moley you totally feel you can hurt somebody with this yeah it would it certainly could knock somebody out and it's just a newspaper if you want to take it to the next level roller quarters you know these days it's rare to come by this stuff right change is slowly gone away and cash is not even really available these days right we all carry cards and we pay for stuff with our phones but number one you can put it in your hand increase density helps increase velocity just makes your punch have a little more you know yes or once again if you want to increase the velocity substantially you throw it in a sock and now you can really hurt someone I mean this is an improvised sap really at the end of the day the beauty of this is if you're a traveler traveling abroad it's always good to have change overseas because they're still taking change it tolls overseas they're still taking change at parking meters so it's good to have change and a sock you separate these two and you're not carrying a weapon right bandanna off also something you can carry but if you were to take a fishing weight and place it in the center and then roll it up an 8-ounce fishing weight is great and there's they're gonna feel it you know you're gonna feel it eight ounce is gonna knock someone out so you have to be careful with you know any kind of improvised weapons especially if you're playing around for fun because let's face it you just saw a newspaper can be dangerous enough to give someone a concussion certainly knock them out so but if you're in a bind they certainly could potentially save a life if you're in a bind if you're in a bind taking a newspaper and turning it into a weapon there you go so a couple things with you you you were talked about elections you've talked about some of the hacking stuff with China how are you viewing somebody that was in on how some of these other countries look at us right now if we look at what's going on with the economy I'm on the finance side so I see what's going on with the trade wars we look at what's going on with sanctions with Iran we see what's going on with Venezuela the brexit all of this stuff from your standpoint of regimes and powers how do you view how China looks at us from your experience I think we all know that's a symbiotic relationship right to a certain degree we need them and they definitely need us economically I'm not up to date probably as much as you are on you know the interest rates over there but we know that they are slowly going under I'm talking businesses that were thriving just a couple of years ago but I do I do think that they are still a threat regardless of that relationship of us needing them them need and them needing us mainly because of the numbers right they've got a lot of people and I always think alike the Red Dawn situation right how easy would it be for them to put a hundred million people which is a very small portion of their population what parachutes on their back and fill our skies right whereas 100 million people is a third of our population right that's the kind of that they've got the numbers now do they have the infrastructure no I tell people all the time the easy way to determine the the economy of a country is look at the satellite imagery of the earth at night right the infrastructure is defined by the number of lights on in people's homes and in you look at the earth night all the lights on in Europe it's bright you look at America the whole country's lit up now you go over to China there's not much light right you go over to Russia there's not much light so if you really want to understand a country's economy at its simplest is just look at how many lights on are at night here we can afford to leave our lights on 24/7 and everybody has access to electricity but that's not the same when you look at Africa China Russia so when you get scared about the economics just look at their infrastructure through pictures when a simple way of looking at it though and you look at my books I like pictures right so all my books have pictures because really that's just it and for me it's simple I'm not that smart of a guy but you look at the earth at night you look at the infrastructure and in that self just that alone defines a country's economy but you know how every country has certain a way they were locked for me I was born during revolution so there's a certain level of a rage sometimes that you meet a Middle East I'm from Iran because what they've overcome is the fear of another person taking over control all this other stuff right you see somebody who escapes Russia from the communistic regime you'll typically see them where sometimes they're like well I don't know listen sometimes in Russia you have to break the law to make money when the communism was there because we couldn't tell everybody so it's like you gotta learn to keep secrets you don't tell everybody your business you see somebody from China maybe when they first come here first generation here you have to listen to everything the government's don't push the envelope then do this sometimes these are folks that tell you this is the community I'm coming from but I'm more talking about from the standpoint of their aspirations of who they want to be I heard you say somewhere I think wasn't some kind of an interview or talk you were given where you said they will either meddle with our elections or they will spy on us and then five years later they'll tell us oh by the way we're planning on doing this or something like that what were you referencing with China when you talk about that do you remember that I think what that was relating to is we usually don't detect them in our networks they've usually been in our networks to upwards to five years five years they've been there when you see before we realize what do you mean by that that is I'm talking if you've if you're a company if you're a fortune 500 that deals in technology and you've got intellectual property then the potential of them being inside your network right your cyber world your intranet that is securing all of your secrets as a company there has been times where when the investigation comes later on they realize that they've been in there for five years before they were actually caught and I think that's what you were kind of referring and that's what I'm saying is a lot of times when you talk about hackers in the cyber world you know they are on the offense which puts us always on the defense they are always creating the ways to get in and then we are always playing catch-up on creating ways to keep them out they is China or Vegas hackers they is hacker okay yeah I mean you geopolitically we know that there are state-sponsored hacking going on but at the end of the day it's hacking now a lot of times they're hacking and collecting all this information you're like what are they doing with it right OPM they you know you heard about OPM the Office of Personnel Management for the government you know I was one of those guys that got a letter from the department from the Department of Defense that said oh hey by the way when the Chinese hacked OPM you were one of the people that they collected all your information right my my personnel jacket you know potential medical information I mean you name it it's a fire why do they want to know stuff lon well that's the that is definitely the multi million billion dollar question and I think I mean edit you know in my small little brain it's like well if we just collect collect collect and then they aggregate all that information and put it into all these different little folders you know maybe one day someone that's running you know for a certain political office you know ten twenty years from now well they've already got a whole bunch of information on them that might not be exactly something that person wants out you know do you think it's that you think they're going today I just says that's pretty deep strategically I always kind of think like yeah well what they do with my yeah right I fully get that because there's an aspect of control and influence and being able to sell that to somebody else I mean that's the whole right uh you know conspiracy or hearing about why Epstein was was he killed was he not I mean you know I asked uh Sammy the bull Gravano I said is there any way that he could have been killed he says the section there if he's staying at the place I'm thinking it's very tough to commit suicide it's not easy because the ceilings are not high he's explaining this whole thing but the fact that say pepsin had so much information on everybody else because all the people that would go with him on the island he knew the name so people were not wanting this guy to have access to that information because he can potentially disclose the info to essentially get immunity like hey leave me alone I'll disclose everyone info kind of leave me alone but do you think there is the meddling going on with election you think this is something that's continuously happening I think it's I think it's very possible because I mean I think the investigation proved that ads were paid for by foreign entities in those ads popping up on Facebook and Instagram or articles that weren't real you know that you have a large number of people that leverage social media for news and when they read it they believe it and then the reality is is no it's not and I can only base this on my personal experience when I was in the military and if there was something I was part of that made the news 85% of it was exaggerated wrong or wasn't even close to being accurate and now that I'm out it's all I have to go by I look at it and I go well probably 50 to 85% of what we're seeing isn't exactly accurate right it's all about clicks these days it's all about sponsorships advertising marketing you know we know the deal right but the average person doesn't know that and so their lead astray through what they get off social media when you know they just need a little bit of education that what you see on there isn't necessarily true that is true and and you know you wonder if it's because I think this one's gonna be a very ugly election next 12 months I foresee this one being uglier than the last one and the last one is already ugly and marketers are just getting better and better and better at it so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens with this election coming up so let's let's talk a little bit about your new book that's coming up the right kind of crazy so what is the right kind of crazy you know that's a that's a title we toyed with right there's definitely the wrong kind of crazy which you don't want to be the right kind of crazy I think describes a lot of people who go in the service right they have a taste for risk they know they want to travel they know they want to do bad things to bad people I think there's a lot of reasons especially these days or especially after 9/11 why people join the military and want to go overseas hmm and it does take a certain amount of crazy for people to jump out of planes put themselves in harm's way get in firefights blow things up right so it's the right kind of crazy that is what we need and is what we should desire to go against our adversaries overseas so that's more of an umbrella kind of term it doesn't necessarily apply to me it applies to anyone serving and that's the right kind of crazy but built into that is that even though you have this whole professional life of risk what this book proves is that some of that risk can spill over into your personal life it's almost automatic because when you are living and breathing the special operator life which is nothing but risk 24/7 in training and overseas and sometimes you end up inevitably taking risks in your personal life that you know could be characteristic of not such a good or great guy right and so is that because you think you can get away with it and it's kind of like the itch to say I know I can do this and get away with it it's kind of like another project or is it just the environment of what your Iran for too long of a time bleeds into you I think it's a little bit of both okay I think it is I think both are one in the same is that you are you're living on the edge in one environment and then in the other you're supposed to be this law abiding citizen right and the two really don't match because when we go overseas we are breaking every law we don't stop at checkpoints we do not stop for law enforcement right and we're carrying guns when we're not supposed to be carrying guns in countries that we are not citizens of so when you really look at it that way and now you come home and all of a sudden you're supposed to follow all these rules it can be difficult because you're living and breathing that in order to stay alive and then in your personal lives right you're overseas you're pushing the envelope now you're pushing the envelope in your personal life and it can make for a nightmare in your marriage or personal relationships for some guys it leads to substance abuse they end up going and finding something to fill that void that they're not getting because they're not at work right now and so chance your question yeah it's you end up becoming a risky person but more than likely if you went into that job you already were that way too right that's interesting you're saying that because I I think I heard you saying one of the places we are sociopaths this is most guys who are willing to do what I'm doing as a Navy SEAL most of us are off a little bit how did you describe that like yeah I bring up I I did and a joke at a manner I do think we you know you you have the traits of a highly functional sociopath that was the word yeah meaning you know you're not gonna have remorse about some of the things you do really what that means is hey I don't have an emotional connection or a feeling of consequence to the things that I'm doing right I'm gonna go do it and I'm gonna succeed I'm going to win and there are no other options and I'm not gonna feel one way or another about it and so whether you're born that way or their traits that you slowly start to inherent once you're in it in the military or in the Special Operations community it's really boils down your way of compartmentalizing the things you're doing so that they don't affect other things in your life but some guys have harder times of compartmentalizing it than others favored military movie I'm curious I gotta say man Full Metal Jacket that first half still just it makes me laugh it makes me like I mean there are so many parts to that first half that I kind of relate to I admire the the verbage the fact that every other word is [ __ ] because that just takes me back home yes as you know as a sailor and as a seal especially that is note that is definitely part of our daily voc vocabulary so I yeah I love that a lot of hard was it for you to stop saying it I mean when you became civilian was it was it hard to count cuz you know when I got out my buddy when I started working at Bally's manager pulls me said it says listen I got to tell you you can't curse this much so what do Thomas is I'm telling you cannot do this is non-stop I said I'm not cursing anybody it's an adjective this has have been speaking for the last three says you can't talk like that in this place here you know you're not gonna have a long career with them but was it hard for you to adjust from it was it just kind of a you know natural turnoff to cameras on you know drop the f-bomb it yeah it does come a little naturally when I find myself here with you I'm not saying it when I'm around my daughter I'm not saying it yeah but every other aspect of my life it just comes out as not real as the word though yeah yeah it's it's almost like a I remember when we joined the Army when I went to my unit I became the guy would initiate new recruits and it was my favorite thing to do some of the stuff I did was just terrible but it would they knew it h1s one would tell is it s one s one would tell me that new recruit is here perfect chow hall sit him right in front of bed David it was sitting in front of me and we would start with all these pranks and some of the pranks we pulled on these guys were absolutely terrible to do that till today I get messages on Facebook saying I don't know if you remember this or not do you remember that one time you did this with the Playboy magazine to me it took my clothes away and you and I'm like I'm so sorry buddy it's been 22 years but I remember that I apologize but these are some things we did back then but you know that old culture of camaraderie pranks you know it's a culture you miss when you leave all right it's tough to kind of find in the civilian world did you ever have any challenge about the PTSD yourself or not really that didn't do that had didn't have an effect on you you know I I dedicated a chapter to both hazing and also PTSD which you could get from the other but uh you know I was one of those guys sitting in the squadron space when I was in and I was making fun of the guys I would definitely call it a crutch for a very long time like all these guys whatever you know they're just trying to basically get a hundred percent disability collect a check I felt like it there was a lot of financial drive behind claims of PTSD and I shouldn't have because I had a grandfather with it and uncle with it and I shouldn't have looked at it that way but for some reason when you're in and your active duty you tend to kind of look at things I would say far more aggressive than when you get out but it wasn't until I got out that I found myself on my you know runs you know as a I like to run so but I would find myself getting lost in thoughts that would drop me on the spot emotionally I would stop I mean because I would think about things that I had somehow once again compartmentalize put it away and just did not think about it and then it started coming more and more and more and the reality is is when you live a life 120 miles per hour and you go from a hero to zero when you retire right and you come to a screeching halt all that luggage has no place to go but hit you in the back of the head right and so it hit me like a freight train the buddies that I lost and never went to a funeral you know other tragic events that I had forgotten up to the point when I remembered it right years later I'd go like crap I'd totally forgotten about that and but the bottom line is I think that hero to zero that transition period you're very vulnerable and if you don't talk about it and and let it all out to someone it doesn't have to be a shrink heck it can be you know during an interview on a pond yes but get it out so that you can continue moving forward and reinstate your hero status even though you're a zero at that moment in time yeah I mean is this in the last four years when you got out yeah oh so post when you got out as a moment you're running and you get emotional right thinking about some of the stories right you all of a sudden find yourself thinking about a guy and then you realize wait he's dead yeah or it could be you know to this you know like a lot of guys you know our cell phones we have you know a lot of guys in there and you're scrolling along and all of a sudden you see that name of your buddy that you can't call anymore his phone number is still there his name is still there but he's dead you know so it's weird those moments creep up on you when you least expect it and then but I feel like you know talking about it goes a long ways yeah I I agree again my buddy called me told me says Pat I'm telling you I'm dealing with PTSD and that for some like what are you talking about you know you're a tough guy are you serious Pat I'm telling you this is really messing with my head and then one day I had a commerce it was late at night I had a conversation went for an hour and half I'm like he's really having a tough time with this you know I kind of put myself in his citrus and now I get it he saw some stuff somebody some things like maybe I could have done better you know because some of those situations like the regret of saying what if I could have done this better what if this what if that but you know it's interesting you describe it the way you do I definitely do know that there's a lot of good guys I was asking you about the local guys elite meet what they do there's a did they're heavily involved with Navy SEALs guys to help out with it any other movies where you said this movie really you know is believable in the life of who you lived and what you did oh for what I did yeah oh yeah I mean Charlie Sheen and Navy SEALs I mean come on you go you know it's pretty funny there was a lot of seals that advised on that movie and I think a couple of them were jumping out of the plane you know for some of those scenes it's it's it's funny when you go back and watch it now because that was coming out I believe I was in high school or college when that can't can't remember and I went we gotta saw it and I was like wow you know because I wanted to I've wanted to be a seal since I was 10 years old you know it from Ted yeah I'd met a seal in an airport you know try it when I was traveling abroad it turns out he wasn't a seal he's a total fraud and that's why there's this I guess who I don't know who came up with it but at 360 to one fraud versus real right so for every 360 guys out there saying they're a seal one of them is actually legit yeah it's probably one of the most fraudulent occupations on the planet and it didn't help for a time there Maxim magazine was putting in this who do you want to be at the bar thing I don't know if you saw that and so every month an issue would come out and they'd have a full-page almost like info graphic write it have a drawing of some cool guy and I'd say this month when you go to the bar to pick up chicks you can be whatever I one of it one of those months you was you can be a Navy SEAL make up who you are essentially right what you're saying right it was all about it was just these short little things about how to pick up chicks and this is who you are and I have to think that maximum magazine spawned the fraudulent guys that are out there these days because you'd be surprised how many texts I get from people ago hey is this guy CEO hey is this a guy seal and what these guys don't know is that we have a database that we can go to and search them right and nine times out of 10 not in the database Wow yeah and that's the guy who inspired you go but it was a guy he was totally fake and then it was until once I was in the military asked around did some research and turns out that everything he told me was just all [ __ ] yeah so so we're on a flight and Marr you remember this and this lady sits next so did you go there as well or no marios sitting this lady's like so what is it cuz we're going on the flight and it was one of those flights where you have to get down at the tarmac and you walk there was two planes okay so one is going to Santa Barbara one is going to Phoenix so we know we're going on the right one to go to Phoenix area so we go to the one in Phoenix and there's a lady sitting next to me and a lady sitting next to Martine I said man I can't wait to get to Santa Barbara this is gonna be a good trip and the lady's like what do you mean this is gonna sound a Barbara Mario but that hesitation like he had this one going to Santa Barbara and she starts talking so so what do you do for living it says I'm military and then she became all emotional like listen thank you for your service you know such any Mars I'm feeling bad I'm not experienced it well that was a whole different prank situation that led to Mario said I got to you know I'm not I'm just I'm in marketing I run an insurance company anyways yesterday we were sitting there watching a few good man you know the scene where he's like eh tell me the truth etc etc and you go back and forth and Jack Nicholson said if I told you the truth you wouldn't believe it in my nor orders you can't handle the truth that whole scene I asked my dad this question I'm Kherson of what you say about it do you think he had a point to say you need somebody like me to lead the military because if you really know how ugly it was you wouldn't be able to do this job do you think partially he is right to do the job that Jack Nicholson was doing essentially being a commander of marine there are some decisions you can have to make that's going to be tough do you agree with that part of it completely yeah yeah I think you need guys like that that make the hard decisions like he said and on top of that act on them right and that's the part that you know a lot of the people on the outside watching you know kind of is the fishbowl effect and armchair quarterbacks that don't get that part I mean there are a lot of decisions that you certainly have to make a lot of times under stress that you at the time are hoping is the right one and then when it's all said and done you go okay good that was right there's always the potential for it to be the wrong one and it can't necessarily always be you know that person's fault because let's face it I mean the circumstances sometimes are overwhelming and you're just happy to have gotten through it you know and gotten through it alive but on the battlefield I mean for a long time anything goes and then and then a jerk and then and then attorneys got involved right attorneys play a big role on what you can and can't do now no matter what the operation is unfortunately and so the movie wasn't all that inaccurate because it's an attorney right putting this decision maker that makes decisions under stress and in war on the stand and in reality it is attorneys that drive rules of engagement and what we can and can't do overseas in real life yeah I mean it's when I would talk to the old-school guys in the military you know guys who had been there for 30 years and I'm 18 and like yeah let me tell you how this army was you know it's for sissies today when I ran it was this and it would tell some stories we're like wait a minute literally like this is yeah that's how it was before so Wow I mean that's it's tough to believe on how much tougher was partially some of the stuff that they're doing probably is good today to make it what it is but some of the stuff they're doing you can't really toughen up I believe you can toughen up soldiers like you once did because you got to be very careful what you tell them now it is because if you don't you know they could come back and say wait a minute this is he made me feel uncomfortable he made me feel unsafe there's some of that going on today which I don't know how you can control that but you know sometimes you need to give the drill sergeant the flexibility to be tough on people but it's not as flexible as it wants to I agree which are fortunate we talked about this briefly Joker what was your takeaway from the movie Joker Joker I thought as a performance man I thought he did a great job performance wise did he bring to life into art into today's reality how mental health can certainly go from something not that aggressive right his mental health issue wasn't something that was threatening until people started pushing certain buttons and then it flipped and he became a murderer right so I thought it was good in terms of shining a light on how mental health and the people that have it can certainly be triggered or flipped by a lot of people you know that they're by people they're surrounded by that could potentially be rude be inconsiderate or just not understand I think we just have to remember that and I think that's what the movie shined a light on is you just never know what a person is truly dealing with right and it doesn't take much for some people with mental health to flip that switch all of our jobs these days especially is we don't necessarily need to flip somebody's switch just because you need to say something rude or you just need to get it off your back but you need to have the last words or you just feel like insulting someone whatever that is and trust me me being from an alpha male world we all want to say stuff do you have a routine nowadays now you know you're a different age today than when you were first and I have my own system that I try to tap into it what's your system to kind of calm your nerves down in that moment um I think it's it more of an internal de-escalation it's like I asked myself really Darkman is it worth it am I being a good representation for my daughter you know by acting like an idiot no so I usually if I think about you know my daughter or the people I care about most Kazu demo brings you down a couple of notches because it or is it worth going to jail for because these days we know that even if you do the slightest thing that comes off potentially go violent yeah yeah you're gonna I mean I'm a big walk in Phoenix guy I think he's one of the most incredible actors we have today I like his interviews when he does interviews with David Letterman said I'm gonna go into hip-hop or if you if you ever want to entertain yourself you just gotta watch Joaquin Phoenix's interview he says the most random things I was confused whether he was aligned with Heath Ledger that's the part that for me was a disconnect I didn't feel that a brilliant mind like Heath Ledger who can run the underworld the way he did who could put strategies together I didn't believe the Joaquin Phoenix Joker could be him no I didn't think he was that guy where I'm like this guy's a genius because Heath Ledger to me comes across as brilliant as a genius and walking then walking came across to me as watch what I'm gonna do to you revenge fine but to take you to that level I didn't feel that strategic part of it and then I also thought it was a very divisive message I think the last thing we need is a message like that today in America was all about dividing the rich and the poor we're you know some of the theaters in New York where the rich people were getting shot that people in the theater were cheering them on and they wrote an article about it well you guys got to kind of calm yourself down I thought it was a device it was a movie that divided the nation more I think we need a little bit of more Rocky movies today you know rocky boy where rocky said look if he can change I can change if you can change we can all change we need a little bit of synergist today we need a little bit more Rocky today and little as a joker today that's my opinion though I'll leave it at that final thoughts here before we finish off the interview here with you what are your final thoughts with your book with your next projects you're working on with how people can find you what projects you work on with CEOs executives companies who hire you tell us a little bit about that yeah I think I try to maintain one lane and that Lane is crisis management yeah emergency preparedness that's it and so a hundred deadly skills like we've touched on certainly gives good people what you would call bad guy skills right it's important for people to know how to be more self-reliant more self rescue capable and that's ultimately the goal now with my company escape the wolf that is really going into corporations in building OSHA compliant policies that also hold up in court that proves that they are providing a safe work environment and acts as an anchor so that you can train the workforce so we build custom videos we have already pre-made packaged videos that can deploy onto their servers and they can get their people trained in a smart way giving them just the information they need to know and not without all the other you know data that that is the reason why people get bored during their online training at work we try to keep ours very entertaining but yet informative so in a nutshell you know it's all about getting people to take some ownership in their own personal security and safety both at work and also at home and that's really that's really it in a nutshell and people can go to escape the wolf comm if they're interested in us coming in and helping them in their organization or they can go to Clint Emerson comm for the rest of my ecosystem of things I'm going on so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put the links below to everything he's got going on links below 200 deadly skills also links below to your book that's coming out the right kind of crazy and a website Clint Emerson and the other website you mentioned we'll have that below if you want to get a hold of them contact them on any of the information that we have below if you have an order to book order the book as well and with that being said brother thanks for coming out and doing thank you with us but I really enjoyed it thanks for having very insightful great hanging out I cannot be a bad guy if I wanted to so if you enjoyed the sit-down with Clint Emerson I got two other videos I want you to watch one of them is with Chris tanto paronto the real life character from the movie 13 hours which is absolutely hilarious you know this guy was actually one of the guys at the Benghazi issue that took place at the embassy he tells you the story his version of the story then another video that I did titled 19 military lessons that helped me become a millionaire very deep content I sing in this one I cannot believe when I watch it today I did this two years ago saying what were you thinking when you were singing I was trying to sing R&B in this video so anyways any one of these two videos that interest you click on them and if you haven't subscribe to the channel yet please do so thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 354,082
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david
Id: N-pF9PajyJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 13sec (5053 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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