Cattle Rancher Warns About the Meat You’re Buying

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this email we got was from the United States Department of Agriculture and they were plowing up crops across the nation dumping milk chickens and hogs and I believed this email was to prepare us for that possibility with cows why is it such a big deal where people are given a push back of water meters coming from as a consumer you don't know what you're buying it oppresses our prices because there's no competition for it why should the consumer care we are importing beef and we are destroying our harvests at a time when people don't have jobs is it similar to what Walmart did - a lot of mom-and-pop shops and put them out of business it's the same thing who's the Amazon of your world I'm not sure there is an Amazon of our world maybe there's an idea right there we don't want the government getting in on our beef industry sonny Perdue he's a globalist two of our four main beef packers are Brazilian own and they've been caught in these fraudulent cases in their own countries what do you think they're doing the United States Tyson food Cargill jbs national beef those are the four you're talking about there will be a takeover of our industry and then a lot of these producers will become serfs to the Oleg Archy and I think that's where we're headed we have to be able to feed the world at a problem we can't do it at a loss who fills my shoes now in this time and age nobody only multinational corporations you can't tell me what card I come from a family we all work hard there are smart people in this industry they're innovative that's why we have the best product in the world could you easily sell others to consider getting into your industry today unless you marry it are inherited you ain't gonna have it it's financially impossible [Music] did you ever think you will make it I feel like it takes sweet victory I know this slice meant for me yeah why would you bet on Goliath oh we got plenty value Kaman given values contagious this world of entrepreneurs we can't no value the haters honey run homie look what I become [Music] my guest today is an American cattle rancher shad Sullivan who a video recently went viral getting a millions of views were a bunch of people reposted and he said a couple lines that caught my attention juice and ice and millions of chickens dumping milks a depopulating fat you know the cattle ready to harvest and I looked at that stuff and I listened to his message a few times and I said Marty want you to see if he can get a hold of shad and shad and Mario got on the phone together and and shad you is the famous line who was the line he told you said don't josh me not doing that I'm just joshing you that just tells you where he lives he lives in North Texas and we want to kind of find out what's going on industry today so shad thank you for making the time to be on that Amon you're welcome thank you so what what happened from you going out there and giving your message and just assumed some of the people that are watching this haven't heard you what happens to give us an update on what's going on in your world well the reason I did the video was we were working out in the field and we got a an email alert and this email we got was from the United States Department of Agriculture and in that email it said they would be forming a group of people to come out and help with help producers move their animals that were unable to move to a marketing system an alternative marketing system and I told myself right then I'm like well there's not many alternative marketing systems right now thanks to komen and then it went on to say these groups of individuals comprised the state veterinarians and other state officials would help in the depopulation and disposal of said animals didn't say cattle that said animals if the need arose so it kind of set me off and I'm like I don't like the sound of this that made me mad I had just remembered two days before we imported some cow some beef from Africa and I knew what the supply chain in other industries was doing I mean we had seen what what they were plowing up crops across the nation dumping milk chickens and hogs and this I believed this email was to prepare us for that possibility with cow my dad had told me about the 1930s and 1950s when they had to depopulate due to drought and disease now this is a whole different circumstance but it is one that is coming could come to fruition even now because the Komen has created a problem in our processing facilities that these workers are afraid to come to work due to the cocoa bed and so that's creating a bottleneck or a backlog of cattle that need to be harvested and I think right now we could be close to a million head that you know some are seven weeks out from from their original harvest date and that's causing the backlog or the backup of meat in the system we can't get the supply of beef through the system to the consumer there are cattle you know our supply of cattle live cattle is great the demand is great it's getting it through the system that is has become a problem and so that's what really got me frustrated and I said you know we are importing beef and we are destroying our harvests at a time when people don't have jobs and that's not the American Way it does it didn't make sense and they were destined off the books and the protocol was there for that to start happening and so I was just a little bit upset by that I just off-the-cuff did the video I'm not a guy that usually does things like that and it went what they call viral and and here we sit today I told my wife I said maybe I take that off I don't want to panic people our food supply is safe we have issues with it and she said no the American people need to hear the truth and so we have some industries out there that don't want to you know speak the truth and and that's how I got to you today how does that affect the average person so imagine I'm not in your world know what's going on all I do is I either watch CNN MSNBC or I either watch Fox or I get my news from social media I'm one of those three how am i impacting by what's going on to you well you're impacted through by a supply issue and a food safety issue so what has happened down through the years is our federal government has allowed acquisition acquisitions and mergers of multinational corporations to take over our food supply systems so in the beef industry for example we have four companies that control 85 percent of the beef cattle supply chain okay so they're there we are putting our eggs in one basket so to speak so what happened is the Kovach come in we get these sick people and because our eggs are in one basket we have the inability to process those animals to get to this to the consumer right so the power those companies have funnels down to the consumer you're no longer able to get your product number one number two they the safety they're importing less quality and lower quality beef into our supply and mixing it onto our honor supply which is increasing their profits opressing our profits and kind of gouging the consumer so you don't know exactly what kind of product you're getting that's it's a it's a it does come down to a food safety issue and a Liberty issue as far as I'm concerned so chat based on what I'm seeing there's four different business models here you got the producers at the beginning then you got processors then distributors then retailers right yes and there's even more to that so you have the cow-calf producer that that's the man who owns the cow and they have a baby calf is that what you do that's what you know that's not what I do myself okay so there's the cow-calf producer those calves grow to a certain weight we they wean them off of the cow and then they go to a man who I am called a stocker operator and so I buy that calf and I grow that calf to a certain weight and my part of it I do it on grass so I grow them on to a certain way say 800 pounds and then I sell those animals to what they call the feedlot industry the feedlot industry can be captive supply there's all sorts of different aspects to that industry but they grow them to a certain weight and then and prepare them for harvest and then you have the harvest harvesting side of the industry and then you go on to be on up the chain to retail so so you said the four companies that are on 85% whether is Tyson food Cardinal jbs national beef those are the four you're talking about right yes amar Singh yep okay so those four that you're talking about where did they fall under those processes are data producers the processor the distributors or retailers obviously they're not they're the processors and distributors they're the processors and the distributors and is it fair to say that they're not necessarily the small business owners there - you know too-big-to-fail type of models in your world it's not a pretty - credit okay so how do they bully you around as the small business owner because maybe they can afford to go through six months of bad times where a lot of folks in your world cannot so what role did they play making it difficult for you well they have taken away all competitions so with the acquisitions and mergers over the last 25 or 30 years they had gained more more power and control and that has eliminated the competition so let's say 30 years ago there would have been 800 processors across the United States able to to process and harvest this beef where now there are only four main processors that harvest 85% of that chain so what they have done is they've totally eliminated cash competition right and what that does is that has created their power to go network down and take control of the industry that way again so how does that affect me because imagine the consumer is one dimensional thinker and here's what I mean the consumer says is the meat good is it healthy for my kids is it gonna be cheap check I'm good to go why should I to consumer be so concerned about what's going on because there's a concentration so there's an oligarchy of power and control at the at the top of the food on top of the chain right and that trickles down to you so they are able to eliminate competition in the United States while bringing in Cheaper lower quality meat from other countries eighteen other countries and they can put that on top of our meat mix it in the grind or mix it in you know you can go to the grocery store and you may have you may buy a cut of beef that says product to the USA that does not mean that it is a product of the USA so basically what I'm telling you is as a consumer you don't know what you're buying you don't know the food safety because every country has different safety inspection standards right now they do have to go through a United States inspection standard but it's not up to par as what we have inland here so how it affects you is is you're getting a lower quality product have maybe a higher price because they as a consumers at a higher price but that ability for them to import that cheaper cheaper cut of meat throw it in to the American product it oppresses our prices because there's no competition for it so out of those 18 countries are any one of them China yes one of the 18 is China yes what percentage recently made we we made the trade with China on this and this was gonna this was supposed to have been started that you know during this coated deal the four main trade is Canada Mexico New Zealand and Australia now Canada and Mexico they had a decent relationship with the beef that was coming in until you know the organization which the acronym is cool Co L which some like them some don't like them and that kind of changed again what happened there politically behind closer is that the average person doesn't know about so a mandatory country of origin labeling was implemented I think in 2002 somewhere around in there and what that did was it required our processors to put a country of a rigid label on all beef so that means you were able to differentiate your beef as a consumer in the retail store what happened was is Canada and Mexico decided that mandatory who violated several trade agreements and so they went to the World Trade Organization and a lawsuit came about the World Trade Organization determined that it was unfair trade practices by the United States to require mandatory country of origin labeling Canada and Mexico won that lawsuit and Congress repealed mandatory cruel in 2015 now politically who's behind cool who is behind country of original original original labeling because to me as a buyer I was having lunch today with my wife and Kai and I said babe when you buy the meat do you care where it's from he says oh I I don't pay attention to but it's an important where it comes from she says should I be serious about it I said babe I'm just asking you we buy meat all the time do you ever look at the label you see where it's coming from she said no I don't but as a buyer myself I kind of would want to know where it's coming from I I don't think it's a big deal to say you know if I'm buying a product on the bottom it says Made in China or Made in you know whatever it is I also kind of want to know where my meat is coming from why is it such a big deal where people are given a push back of where the meat is coming from okay that becomes a very complicated issue so obviously the the main for packing conglomerates or that oligarchy do not want to have to differentiate that meat they say it's too expensive to do that to differentiate it in the pack in the packing plant so those processors are members of the board of directors of what they call the National Cattlemen's Beef Association a very strong cattle industry lobbying group and so they have determined that mandatory cool is bad for the consumer and bad for kept the cattle business the organization called our keV us say is organization full or comprised of independent producers across the United States almost 6,000 members and they believe mandatory cool is a is an individual right is a liberty issue and so they're the ones that are have been and I'm a part of that group and we have you know spent years and years pushing that because we believe number one it's a liberty issue number two the data shows that the prime of you know when Congress repealed cool we were in the prime of the industry we had we were very prosperous at the time and then as soon as it was repealed everything fell out of bed and it went backwards so but the National Cattlemen's Beef Association they they are against mandatory country-of-origin labeling they are very Pro export very Pro Packer and they kind of its kind of to me it's kind of a pay-to-play system you know the backers playing hey I'm sitting on the board of directors and then they get to play that they're required to play how the Packers want how much how much similarity is there with your world and big pharma meaning Big Pharma's got the lobbyists were the biggest lobby very similar very similar okay very similar it's a power in control it's all about money power and control lobbying power now shad how many of you are there in America meaning how many people like you cattle ranchers how many of you are there in America 700,000 700,000 what was it before was it a lot more 1979 there was well about 1.2 to 1.3 million in between we went from 1.2 to 1.3 million to 700,000 today from 1979 that's correct what was the biggest drop-off shat from 79 to today was there a single event that got who got rid a lot of people in your world no it was there wasn't a single module it's a gradual decline because of the lack of cop throughout the industry and so we have these acquisitions and mergers take place more power control and you know expenses go up we're not able to create any kind of competition in the marketplace and you know how stuff flows downhill if there's ten business owners that are selling their industry meaning come get involved in my industry one industry real estate one industry is technology one industry is insurance and other industries finance another industry is you know construction then you're standing there and you're selling your industry could you easily sell others to consider getting into your industry today it's financially impossible as an individual it's financially impossible to give you say that why do you say that because the overhead it costs too much to start a there you know it takes a lot of land it takes a lot of overhead and unless you what they proverbial term in the beef cattle industry is is unless you marry it or inherited you ain't going to have it so and that's one of the problems that has taken place as the result of this you know it's hard for family you know everybody's dream is to pass the family farmer ranch down and that's that's totally impossible now you can't do it you know let's take me for example you know my mom and dad had four small nice ranches paid for in the early 80s the early 80s come on and you know if you worry you may not remember this interest rates got up there seventeen to twenty one percent there was a fall out we lose some land well then we basically have to start over and it's just been an issue of that several times since then and it's just I mean these young kids it is impossible to get a startup you can get some government help as a first-time landowner or business owner but the this the the cost of the land it requires a lot of land and the cost of the the inputs are increasing and gaining and it's so it's impossible without a lot of equity or cash in the bank to get a start it's nearly impossible and therefore across America we have seen thousands and thousands hundreds of thousands of youth not return to the family operation after after high school or college because of this specific reason correct so based on what you know I mean I'm assuming you're in a community where you're with other people and you're talking to other catholic cattle ranchers because you're in that world I mean insurance I talk to other insurance seals and exec yes how many of these 700 thousand you think are going to be able to withstand the current challenges they're facing that's a that's a good question and I would say that we could lose through this covert situation we could lose plus one-third of those this year you you could lose a third so we can go from 700,000 to 450,000 in the next six seven months it is possible maybe more are you being asked to actually kill the cattle are you being asked no we are not being asked and I and I pray that that we do not come to that and I don't think we will in America you know it's a different time than it was 6070 years ago but you know so to see their Dustin off the books and the protocol is there if it has to take place and and I want the public to understand it we have the cleanest safest most humane food supply in the world but real life takes over and real life has taken over during the Cova deal so what has happened is with the backup or the backlog the bottleneck of live cattle on the hood that and that can actually move around and Moo has backed up to an enormous amount of numbers that is just staggering well they have a life span that must end at some times so when you're when they're in the feedlot and they're getting ready to be harvested at the end of that when they're ready to be harvest there is a period of time where they can go on past for a few weeks and they can get by but there will come a time that those those cattle have to have to meet in the supply chain I mean it's it's an ugly real-life issue that has to take place so we are not euthanizing cattle at this point and I don't think we will the president put in an executive order that was outstanding and required those supply chains to be running so we'll see what happens from there right chef how many employees you have working for you right now how many what how many total employees did you have pre kovat zero Oh pre pre : zero I it is me and my widowed mother we run our operation between Texas and Colorado she stays on the ranch in Colorado I'm down here and I have one older sister that has retired from her job and moved home she's never been married and she's kind of helping with my mom now as my mom is aging and getting elderly and so she helps up there but we don't have any employees what are your long-term plans what you see what's going on right now what do you thinking when you and your mom are having conversation what do you thinking you seem like you're young you seem in your late 30s early 40s what are your plans that's a great question Patrick we you know if this was the year 2014 I would say the future is in our hands right what we're gonna be able to get some of this through we're just going to start being able to buy a little bit more land where we were debt-free all of that came to fruition and then and with the Congress taking mandatory country of original labeling away and there was a flood of cattle on the market due to a drought the prices just collapsed and to be honest we have not made any money since 2014 on cattle and so I don't know what our future holds to be honest with you I you know I own a little bit of land my mom owns the you know a good portion of land she doesn't have any cash in the bank the land is her cash we have equity in the land you know heard my dad started in 1959 and put this all together they started from the ground up and they want to pass that legacy on to their kids and I am Warren Isle I have four three sisters and I have warned my sisters I said you know she has no cash we're not making money we've pulled a rabbit out of the hat to get by the last four years it is the possibility that we could have to sell the land for you know if she was to have to go the nursing home or something like that so you've actually considered now you actually had that conversation with your three sisters we are having it more and more every day it's just a tough industry to be in and if you're not profitable it's not good I mean you know we're we're spending let's say we're spending twelve hundred dollars a head to make nine hundred dollars a head that's terrible business we love the life we love the legacy but at some point you have to draw the line and say okay are we going to be business people and are we going to lose everything we've put together over the last sixty years and go from there I don't know I think you have to be a business person you have to be smart and you have to be real you know they don't see legacy they don't see family they don't see tradition they don't see any of that stuff they don't know the stories you have with your pops and the lessons you're gonna pass down to your four-year-old son they just see profit margin that's all they see you're trying and well one thing our CAF USA did in April 2000 nineteen is we filed an antitrust lawsuit against those four main Packers it was historic in nature and right now we're in the motion to dismiss they're in the motion to dismiss phase of that lawsuit but if that lawsuit goes through that will be historic in terms of the industry and it could change the industry by itself we are you know clamoring and hollering and but you know there's two factions in our industry there's the independent producer and then there's the globalist and those two factions are fighting right now for our industry sonny perdue our secretary of agriculture head of the United States Department of Agriculture has done more harm to the agricultural industry as a whole than any other Secretary of Agriculture in the history of our nation we have lost over 50 percent of our net farm income under his watch he's a globalist and we're working hard to get president Trump's ear I mean every day we got letters letters letters we're calling and calling we have people on our side and after my video I'll tell you I think the video changed a little bit of the mindset of the American consumer they they now see they depend on others for their supply right their food supply and I think now with the Kovach deal and the backlog of Prout of product across the nation they see that they need to take more responsibility in it and I think it's a great thing you have kids yes I have one stepdaughter Lindsay and I have a four year old little boy any plans of one day one and to pass this down to your stepdaughter on your son absolutely that's the goal you know we that is every ranchers dream is to be able to pass these this business and this lifestyle it's a tradition it's something that we love it brings a lot of hardship that it brings a lot of love to the heart too you know that there's a lot of rewarding experiences in this life and it's more it's it's I shouldn't say it's not about the money because we have to be able to feed the world in a profit we can't do it at a loss and in order to you know send that dream on down the road we have to be successful and you know we do want to want it as our legacy that's what it's all about is your legacy we're proud to be multi-generational operators but at this point it's not looking like it and I'm telling you why why did it why would I want my son to go through a life of misery because you know as a very competitive person we're very competitive people but at some point you have to Wyn and winds are coming so few and far between because remember the cattle producers are not just at the mercies of the market and the corruption there at the mercies of the weather they're at the mercies of droughts and floods and blizzards you know take for example those producers up in Nebraska and South Dakota in the in the winter of 2018 19 went through blizzard after blizzard they lost a million head of cattle well when you're losing your livelihood and then they gut punch you with market collapses it's hard to take so you know sure I believe the future is is positive I want to believe it is positive that you know the route the reality is is there's not a great future for independent producers across the country Chad how much of your fondest memories of you and your father has to do with you guys working together on the ranch I you know I I've been here I'm 46 years old I went to college for four years and that's the only time I was ever away we us we were a little different my mom and dad were putting all of this together took some hard hits in the 80s again in 1990 kind of set us back we recovered from those but me and my siblings we were all a part of this we helped build this and my dad's dream god bless him was to was to allow us to capture some of this pride you know some of this success so yeah all of my memories I mean he taught me everything I know we went through good and bad we you know I that I could tell you so many stories and make your head swim right that's a that's the beautiful part of our legacy business you know when you get to work with your data and you share those stories with your son and wonder your four-year-old son runs this and your father essentially is living through you know his grandson so no couple questions on the complete opposite side some may say the consumer may say you know the price of beef from 416 and 2015 to 378 today which is a 10% drop-off right and remember the consumer is very one-dimensional the consumer doesn't go to the stories the consumer doesn't remember what you and your father did the consumer is thinking about if I can send 10 cents or 10% I'll go to Target over Walmart I don't care who's getting my business I just need to save my money but you guys lost 40 percent during that period so again the price went down 10% but your business margins went down 40% correct well I guess the question becomes the following why should the consumer be concerned about you losing 30% to want to buy the product from you versus going and saving that 10% that they're gonna get themselves because if as an individual producer I go to out of business that makes them rely upon the multinational corporations to provide their be their food supply not just me that their food supply all around and we know what they've already done is lower the quality of beef coming into the country being imported into the country and the consumer doesn't know where that food safety issue lies they need to have the choice to do that and if I'm gone as an individual Perdue yes sir who's who fills my shoes now in this time and ain't nobody nobody only multinational corporations the conglomerates the control why should the consumer care because it's a food safety issue okay so that's what I'm going okay so if it's a food safety issue if it's a food safety issue you're saying buying meat from outside of the United States is not as safe as buying to me that's a mini United States I would say that as a personal human being absolutely we have the highest quality beef supply the safest beasts employee we've we've spent the last hundred and fifty years improving our herds we have the best beef available on the planet we want that to be differentiated from those people who have not worked so hard to be to be in the US market you know USA beef is the best product in the world there's no there's no other is comparable we have the safest and the the highest quality beef in the world and I I hope the consumers realize that and I hope they choose that and will pay a little bit more money to local people to do that I'm afford to small business owner but I also know you know Tyson JB these guys are gonna come out I'm you and her JB us was trying to buy national beef back in Oh nine that would have been a whole big monopoly and Jamie the Brazilian based company which makes no sense for let's talk about that Patrick because jbs and national maar Frigg are both Brazilian owned jbs is both owned by the paddy Bautista family Jos Lee and Wesley are the two brothers that are heads of that corporation and those people those brothers just got out of prison in Brazil for fraud and unfair market or trade practices in their country they just got out of prison both of those boys spent two years a year in prison for fraud they in 2017 jbs if we were importing Brazilian beef they said not us they sent it all over the world rotten meat they got caught in a scandal it is a food safety issue like no other and when you have to I mean we're selling our souls to other countries we're depending on other countries the same way with China everybody's talking this week about all of their medical supplies coming from China right nobody knew that I didn't know that I tell you I I'm on a weekly regimen of chemotherapy and have been for a year and a half we don't I don't know where that comes from I never thought about it right so now we have all these people don't know where their food supply is coming from and there it's all a safety issue right I mean when two of our four main beef packers are Brazilian own foreign own and they have that much power and they've been caught in these fraudulent cases in their own countries what do you think they're doing the United States right they don't care about the American consumer and I'm not against the American dream I love this guy gets art out small gets big and grows big I think it's I think that's awesome but this isn't that this is this is a corruption and when people say shad what would you do to change the industry I start at the top and I say we gotta end corruption we have to we have enforced the Packers and stockyards act of 1921 which guaranteed a level playing field for the producer cleared of the pattern we have to enforce antitrust laws that we have on the books that keep these acquisitions and murders from happening we have these laws why aren't they being implemented why is the federal government allowing the acquisitions and mergers to gain control because it's a part of a globalist economy a global economy and I'm fine with the global economy but it's got to be fair for the producer it's got to be parrot fair for the independent producer of the United States any producers whether you're pretty missing rocky chairs or counts right the American Dream is about private property rights without your ability to own private property rights or to own private property whether it's land or a business in town you don't have the ability to be a part of a free market system capitalistic system and these are all private property rights that are being taken away from this day by day how Howard Howe well let's let's let's take for example there's in production agriculture there's these new measures called the global roundtables and let's take the specific one that I know deeply about is called the global roundtable for sustainable B and what that is is that is was created by the United Nations it they implemented this control mechanism called the global round table for sustainable beef they implemented it across the world through the World Wildlife Fund the World Wildlife Fund is a environmental organization that does not believe in private property rights they're they're a very enormous lis money driven organization that wants to take you off off your land so they have implemented this deal called the global roundtable for sustainable beef and it controls production standards from top to bottom so what it does is they they come in at the top of the chain the supply chain and they say okay you're gonna produce this this this at this cost you're gonna implement these production standards you're going to do this to your cattle you're gonna do this to your land they're gonna have third parties that come in and audit it and then and then and so then they have you captured and it creates bottleneck and if you don't get on board you you are not allowed to play in the market and that has already come to fruition in Brazil under the global roundtable for sustainable soy in 2016 they implemented that and a whole host and I won't say how many of those Brazilian soybean farmers declined to be a part of the global roundtables for sustainable soy they were kicked out of the market and many of them committed suicide these are control communistic methods that have you embrace you buy the net they take you by the neck and you are going to adhere to their production standards from top to bottom or you're not going to be in the system so question for you there are three organizations it seems like in your world I don't know if you can see it or not WTO cool and USDA right USDA's and you got cool which is the country of origin of labeling those cool is not cool is not an organization cool it means country overage and labeling that is not an organization at all job yeah correct okay so if you have the USDA and the World Trade Organization correct can you give us in another industry like World Trade Organization I get it so World Trade Organization fine we kind of know who to compare them to World Health Organization WTO wh I think they're pretty Iran in a similar way right let's put those guys aside right there's USDA and other industry if you were to say USDA in a different industry as such and such and such organization so we can kind of have a parallel well the USDA is is head over the agriculture industry right it's the government CSEC for financial erect that's correct our did politically driven or not at all well they're not supposed to be politically driven but the fruits of their labor has showed that they are a bit politically driven you know we have we have screamed and yelled for mandatory country-of-origin labeling and they have gone against us we have screamed and yelled on August 19th 2019 there was a fire in a packing facility at Tyson meat packing plant in southwest Kansas it decimated our markets overnight overnight we were in trouble we asked the usda and sonny perdue who is the director you know Secretary of Agriculture to investigate that price collapse due to that fire one fire in one plant decimated our prices in one night overnight and we asked for those investigations to take place and until we the independent producers put pressure on sonny Perdue the Secretary of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture nothing happened there was no action they are now now because so many people have spoke up they are now supposedly in an investigation but it's been nine months and we have not heard one thing about that investigation where it stands or anything largest contributor to World Trade Organization is USA but we give the most first place with 11% second is China with 9% how much similarities is there with WTO and W in a World Health Organization with China trying to also control some of the decision-making to get more business funnel from China coming in to us I don't know I can't answer I was just curious if there's any kind of a political move being made there on that side so you go out to dinner this Friday night let's just say the market opens up restaurants open up you go to dinner you're ordering steak what kind of steak are you ordering I'm ordering a filet mignon or a ribeye and do you ask specifically about the meat and equality to meat I asked specifically what country it originated and most of the time they cannot tell me you're being serious yes Wow and if they can't tell you what do they say they say I don't know most of those good cuts hopefully are you know let's let's take for example you go to a high-end Steakhouse in Fort Worth those that that's gonna be American beef I mean that's there's probably no questions that but then if you get down into the chain steak houses there might be a question to it I'm hopeful that that is all American beef and I think it is yes but then when you go let's say you're ordering a hamburger for McDonald's likely it's not it's not American beef you're not in let's just say you're not in your world you're just an advisor to people I want to eat healthy to help me is you want to educate them to ask the right questions what questions should we be asking us consumers well I think the consumer is if the consumer is going into a grocery store or a steakhouse I think the first thing they should ask is where does my meat you come from where does this beef come from I think that is so important because it creates Liberty in for the consumer people often say we don't want the government getting in on our beef industry okay well we are already taxed one dollar per head every time we sell an animal we have to give the government one dollar okay her head we have requirements they're trying to implement what they call the radio frequency identification system into the beef industry that's government involvement but the difference is is mandatory cool becomes a little-bitty issue because it's a law that provides freedom and liberty to the consumer to make a choice that we've created law from the beginning of our country to enable the consumer to have choice right so that's that's a good law but these other laws that they want to implement such as the beef checkoff is the one dollar text that's taxation without representation as far as I'm concerned radio frequency identification tags in these cattle what that is is the chip that goes into the cow they want to know about from birth to plate that that actually inhibits liberty and freedom to the producer because it's a private property rights as she right so they they want to know everything you're doing well in America we're supposed to be able to produce how we see fit and and let the consumer take that choice out move that choice down the chain very very interesting so last question here before I go to a comparison I'll make an and we'll wrap up is say you leave the business let's say you leave the business you're not in the business anymore and there's a couple hundred thousand other people that also leave the business where do they go to what do they do next I don't know you seriously don't know no a guy like me um I can get a job somewhere you know it's not the job you're gonna want but we have to do things we don't want to do because we have to put food on the table for our family and most people are like that but what will happen is there will be a takeover of our industry the property will become under ownership you know some of these guys might not lose all this property but the ability to produce on it is lost because it's unaffordable so what happens is the Oleg Archy takes over the industry down the supply chain and then a lot of these producers will become excuse me will become serfs to the old oligarchy and I think that's where we're headed you're out of the industry you're speaking out of conference there's 10,000 people at this event they hired you to tell them what to do for them to separate themselves from their competitors to make it in your industry okay again you're a consultant you're no longer shad Solomon the American cattle rancher you have decided to go be a consultant for your industry okay and you're talking to a convention with 10,000 of these guys that do what you do and they're asking you chef how do I differentiate myself against my competitors right now to have an upper advantage what would you tell them hmm well I go back to what my mom and dad taught me that was to work hard and never give up that's what I tell them because it's all about work we work hard every single day we take the good with the bad I can remember my dad telling me shad you got to take the good with the bad and that's what I I mean I asked that question because you're saying spent twelve hundred dollars to make nine hundred dollars that's not a business model no that's not a business how do you I'm a guy that's spending to a hundred to making nine hundred what do you tell me shad you can't tell me what card I come from a family we all worked hard what the hell so then guess what happens do you have to make choices you have to you know think outside of the box there's a lot of people in this industry that have great minds but ma I'll tell you a lot of this industry are two or two income families I mean the wife is gonna have to go to work in town to pay that just to pay the bills but you see we're losing so much money now used to that would work a little bit but we're losing so much equity now that that even with the second off farm job it's not working so what I tell people I would tell people I see you got a word you've got to get faith and you never give up you never give up there are smart people in this industry incredibly smart people they're innovative that's why we have the best product in the world it says these people are innovative but not everybody can produce the same right everybody's gonna produce different everybody's gonna have a different idea so my dad always said if it ain't broke don't try to fix it you know if it's working keep doing it and we've been at that we've been at this exact same operation for the last 4050 years and haven't changed but it worked up until 2015 and in so I don't know we're gonna keep we're gonna keep working hard we're gonna have faith in God and we're not gonna give up because that's what he asks us to do you know you know what it reminds me of here's what it reminds me of it reminds me of when Walmart first came out in 1962 and a half with target and when all these Kmart it was the super savings center nineteen sixty two and a half and Walmart started getting bigger and bigger and bigger and a lot of the local small mom-and-pop shop in a small city you know that no one knows about Walmart came in and they're selling milk for price and Walmart's got a 20% cheaper and and we started saying honey why are we going to mama shop well instead of going to Bob's spot let's go to Walmart no this is a lot cheaper place is it similar to what Walmart did to a lot of mom-and-pop shops and put them out of business it's the same thing it's the absolutely and you have to remember 80% of rural America is is a no stoplight town right these cities these rural towns the flower shop depends on the farmer and rancher the tire store depends on the farmers ranchers the school especially depends on the farmer and rancher and when these people leave this lead production those things in the grocery store ends everything ends in those small towns and that's why it's so important that we get competition back in our business who's the Amazon of your world who's the Amazon not the Walmart who's the Amazon of your world I'm not sure there is an Amazon of our world maybe there's an idea right there you know maybe there's an idea right there I don't know if you're talking about there's a lot of innovative guys and you got to figure out a way to pivot maybe I'm changing my business model and seeing because when Walmart was bullying everybody and nobody thought anybody could go after them thank him a guy named Jeff who said hey I'm gonna come after in a different way and he did and now Amazon is scaring the hell out of Walmart along with Nestle people to compete with Amazon so I just think there's an opportunity for some like this to decide to pivot and go in different in your world to give you counsel I'm just kidding all right where you were gonna go with that shat we wish you nothing but the best thank you so much we're spending 30 minutes here with us thank you so much I appreciate the time and I just wish everybody go to us demand us a beef com sign the petition to enforce mandatory country-of-origin labeling I'd like to tell that tell your listeners since my video I've had hundreds of thousands of messages asking where can we get our beef on a local level well our CAF USA has come up with a website called USA beef org and you can go there and it will commingle you with producers all across the nation there's 350 producers from 40 states you can get it there and to learn more about mandatory country of origin go to label our beef calm and you can learn more about it there we're gonna put both links below I actually went on the website with the 350 different of them and I saw how it was it's very user friendly again we'll put the link below for you to go visit it shadow one so much for being a guest Thank You Patrick he's buddy cattle rancher shad Sullivan did he influenced you to ask the question of where is this meat from I'm actually curious to know if it's gonna change your way of buying and shopping when it comes out to me comment below and if you enjoyed this interview I did another video because I talked about Walmart against Amazon the award that they have the five trillion dollar war if you've not seen this video it's very very interesting why some believe Walmart is going to come back and compete with Amazon if you've not watched it click on this link to watch the video and if you're not subscribed to the channel please do so thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 2,295,544
Rating: 4.8885784 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, beef industry, meat industry, shad sullivan, cattle rancher, viral farmer video, viral cattle rancher cideo
Id: m8ioFjN7viY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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