FORGOTTEN COE Dump Truck, Will It Run and Drive?

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good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another episode of junkyard digs i'm your host kevin and today we're going to be tackling two international dump trucks these things have been off the road for a number of years we're going to see if we can get them running once again let's begin so i know i just said we're tackling two and we are going to get both of these running but i don't know how easy either of them are going to be so they might be their own video each they might be one video altogether we'll find out now both of these trucks were actually previously my buddy denny's who's the one who has the homemade tractor from an episode a couple back and they were sitting out at his property and we're hoping to go do a revival out there but once again jed beat me to something and he purchased both these trucks i believe he has plans for this one and this one i think he's going to move on to a new owner i'm not sure don't quote me so even though they're not still buried in their graves like i had intended they are both still here and the exact same condition they were out there non-running haven't moved in years so we're gonna dig into this cab over engine first and see if we can get this thing running first obstacle is going to be getting that cab up i know i played with it once a while ago and i couldn't figure it out let's see if we can today all right let's see what we're dealing with here i don't even remember um international harvester uh model co 1600 cab over 1600 got a set of keys pto control some lights this is a 1965 international so way older than i had anticipated but that should make it fun right we got a couple pretty sweet gauges here this one says how much you're going and this one says how long you can keep going for oh this is a manual on the column how it moves too what about brakes we got brakes we do not have brakes we have a clutch we might not have a clutch hmm this might be more work than i was anticipating let's go ahead and try to get this cab up now that we know we're dealing with and see what's what underneath oh all right we gotta find that yeah now what a big two by four or some there you go oh yeah regular cab overs have a jack [Laughter] this is literally nothing to like that's how that's supposed to be i don't know back in the 60s people were a lot stronger than they are today that's true this is a simple task this is jed by the way hi he appeared out of nowhere right when i was getting help so that was perfect uh yeah central iowa this is performing diesel performance judy you want to show on the back your shirts think of the phone number for you oh yeah work it these are the guys to go to if you guys need to do some work we took our truck there and i have not been happier well that is indeed an international v8 let's go ahead and get that air cleaner off and dig in and see what the hell we're looking at actually before we do that i need to go find a better safety so i don't can die all right i've got a piece of steel in there our piece of woods up here most importantly i have two ratchet straps tied to a semi-trailer over there so this shouldn't go anywhere i'd say judging by the amount of dust and rust on top of this uh air cleaner 10 15 20 years is probably a safe bet i could call denny he'd tell me exactly when it was parked i don't know how those old guys can do that they always have the ability to be like oh it was uh spring of 72. i can't tell you when i graduated high school it was 15 i'm pretty sure that was 15. oh that's an oil bath air cleaner and it is nasty all right we have ourselves an unreasonably clean holley carburetor looks like a remand yep we've got a hard line for our vacuum advance all our sugar wires are here looks like our fuel lines hooked up got our throttle cable got our throttle rod everything looks to move just fine except for the accelerator pump it's seized there's a big old transmission back there that does transmission things but most importantly oh yes we have a motor that turns over really nice too perfect literally a quarter over full and let's clean so at this point let's go ahead and put a battery in here and see what comes to life i was hoping to like set the cab back down and test what comes to life inside but i'm not doing that all right we got the old walmart special hooked up i heard some things click so i think potentially this might have been a poor decision oh there's a big relay goes click let's see if this thing's in gear i think that's neutral we're gonna find out really fast wow that sounds like it has absolutely no compression oh man okay um did i bring a dead battery let's get a booster pack see if that helps all right our booster pack is hooked up let's see if we have a little more speed [Applause] we really don't okay um that's pretty bad i have low hopes for this motor this is the first international we've ever worked on and things aren't going great all right popping our cap and rotor off there we go we can expose our nice crusty points so i'll go ahead and get some sandpaper and clean those up and it should potentially have spark all right i got my new fancy tang tool stick get that in there oh it broke clean those up nice okay all right our points are sanded now i will spray a little brake clean right by the coil wire where it's going to ground out to the carb i'm doing that because i can't see the spark because they have to stand like seven feet away and reach the key let's see if we got sparked hey hey we do there's fire woo hoo that means there's spark put our rotor back on get our cap back on get some fuel and see if this thing will make some noise you have to excuse the noise they're mowing and there's a highway we have a little bit of gasoline mixed with transmission fluid i meant to grab oil and make two strokes but i grabbed the wrong thing i made um translating fluid it has lubricative properties as well as those which burn and that is what matters here so this should be plenty okay now let's see if anything happens i'm gonna say this is a resounding no what are we gonna do at this point is pull the spark plugs and fill the cylinders with transmission fluid just as we can and while that sits and soaks i'm gonna get a different battery because apparently i think this one's potentially dead i don't know it doesn't really act like it's dead like it's consistently sad and slow but you know who knows this might not make the biggest difference with how uh this turns over but it will tell us one thing uh if this spins at the same speed with no plugs it's a bad starter i don't really feel like doing a starter today come out nice look pretty okay there's anti-seize on them thank you very much denny that was definitely him no idea what size this motor is uh i don't know about internationals this is the first one i've ever actually worked on let me know down in the comments what size should this industrial international be one of the mixed screws is broke off in the oh wait no what the hell there are no mix screws in the metering block but on the back of the carburetor whoa that's weird [Applause] you can't say i've ever seen a holly like that all right all of our plugs are out time to put the happy juice in i said put the happy juice in it puts the funnel in the threads or else it goes back to bed come on there we go throwing a little bit of trans fluid down these we don't need a lot since this thing turns over just fine but it'll help free those rings up and maybe help things move along today we're using come and go super premium dextron 3 mercran automatics transmission fluid probably from like 1993 i think i found this in a car somewhere it doesn't really matter it just needs to be more slippery than rust which is exactly what this is all right got our battery charged up and back in there i'm gonna try to spin this over and gently get that oil out because i don't want to cover jets barn and red trans fluid don't be sad and you probably won't like that triple homicide [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] started slow and got ever so slightly faster now we didn't get a drop in the wall that's a win well maybe it's still very slow to rotate it's getting better but the plugs back in it might not even turn but we'll get to that all right plugs are back in i noticed something you guys probably already noticed and i'm sure it's getting blown up in the comments the first time i tried to start this i missed one major thing um i didn't plug the coil wire back into the distributor cap so we were just spinning it for no reason it could have started this would be healthier for it anyway get a little oil in there uh another thing i want to point out i don't think i have any pictures of anything and how this thing was when it was sitting to show you how buried it was but i can show you this which is the amount of dirt this is how deep it was in the ground so this is how long this thing's been sitting a third of the tire was underground we're on tick tock now by the way you know trying to relate to that younger generation of them there kids out there named whipper snappers all right here it goes [Applause] all right i need a throttle stick there we go that'll do her [Applause] cranking pretty good which is concerning because it has plugs now let's check for uh spark again [Applause] dude we've lost spark all right let's chase that down all right ahead of standard points a little bit it's uh pretty typical you gotta go back and do that now and then [Applause] [Music] oh she tried say it again that's actually running kind of ish [Applause] there we go there's the smokey first start i'm used to sand that was a lot better did you have the old fart one more because it's fun maybe i can kind of manual this choke closed there we go see if that will get to idle there we go now we're running off the ball sounds like we even picked up a couple dead cylinders there started running really good this thing might be better than i thought so we got a look at our tank earlier and it was surprisingly clean inside i can't really show you the camera there's a little rust on the bottom but there's also an inline filter which i'm sure that's still good to go that might be one thing to worry about though that explains why it was so empty huh those are gonna be a nightmare i'm sure those breaks but that would be assuming i get to the point of driving this i don't know but more importantly we don't have a clutch but i found our slave and he looks fairly accessible down there so so far this runs pretty good and if it keeps that up it might be worth trying to make this thing drive around okay let's see if she moves any fuel oh yes that's what we're looking for and as a bonus we were able to shoot some of that nasty out now we'll just hook this up get a towel soak up all that gas i thought that's entirely necessary i think all the uh raccoon is kind of doing it honestly faster than i can but yeah safety you know it's top 14 or something yeah wait for that to evaporate and then uh see if we can fill our needle and seat or see if they're going to be absolutely seized which is what i'm anticipating so uh let's give her a tap here goes it's gonna have to fill that bowl first if it does come on little buddy we're running now we gotta get that choke off damn this thing curves oh see that fuel coming out the top that's a stuck needle and seat which means when your needle and seat stick it overfills your bowl level to come above these boosters you will see fuel pouring down into the engine this is also exactly what happens when you shut a car off when it's hot it will uh boil that fuel and the fuel expand and then go out the booster into the engine not really any way around that it's just that when you drive your car into town and you park it and you go to restart it just open your throttle up about that far or all the way down if it floods really bad crank it and she'll fire off a lot of people don't know that and they're like man my car is hard starting when it's hot no that's just actually how carburetors are and because fuel injection has become such a mandated thing it's what it's the normal we don't know that back in the day that's how you actually start your car and you can do float height adjustments to help with that but we just opened the throttle it's probably flooded to hell and beyond right now kind of kind of fish still just pour and feel down in there i did get a glance at the gauge and we've got good oil pressure [Applause] yeah she's about to flood out again so what's happening is i'm opening the throttle when i'm cranking it to overpower the amount of fuel with just vast amounts of air and it's able to fire up and run at high rpm where it wants a lot of fuel then as i bring my throttle closed because that needle and seat is not working it's filling the bowl all the way up to the vent tube you can see it coming out up top and just dumping fuel into venturi so unless i'm at like wide open throttle i close it down and it just floods the motor out and dies so we need to pull that carburetor off and uh do a needle and seat and while we're in there we'll probably put an accelerator pump diaphragm in and we should be good to go should have an engine that sits here and runs and revs and idles beautifully there we go take this over the truck and rebuild it all right so we're opening up a carburetor which means this has turned into a full-fledged video at this point which means this is going to be a two-part so please if you're new to the channel subscribe so you can see the other dump truck come back to life in the meantime we have our decked truck accessory box back here and in that our tang tools portable tool kit and speaking of names we went down to o'reilly's and got ourselves a holley rebuild kit which should be more than enough parts to put this two barrel back together it was actually like 20 bucks cheaper to buy an entire kit for a four barrel than a needle and seat accelerator pump power valve and bolt gaskets the needle and seat alone was like 18 dollars now that i think of it it's actually been a good while since we last rebuilt a carburetor on the channel we've just been pumping videos out with no time to make them so i haven't really been able to sit down and do a lot of tech which is what we're gonna do right now let's tear this thing apart and i'll show you guys a couple tips and tricks along the way all right so here we have our mostly typical holley two barrel carburetor this right here is our list number this tells us what this is and specifically on this carburetor tells us this was a stock carburetor for a 304 international v8 i don't think that actually means that motor over there is a 304 because this is a remand so this is probably a much smaller carburetor than what would have been stock on that dump truck but that's fine we're not trying to run quarter miles today now before we open this up let's look at a few symptoms that we were seeing with this carburetor obviously our needle and seat is dumping fuel down the venturis and overflowing our vent tube so we have a needle and seed issue where gas is getting into the carburetor by overfilling the bolts basically it's not holding back pump pressure other issues this thing's been sitting for probably 15 years what this means is that our accelerator pump is probably seized in this case it seems to have come unseized i must have bumped it at some point and actually i did bump it i remember hearing it crack and now i know what that was that was this diaphragm going crack and opening up so when they're seized they'll usually hold fluid like half the time until you unseize them and then they will not hold fluid anymore because you'll crack that diaphragm and all the fuel in this bowl will run right out and that's the big sad other issues we're going to have from this thing sitting for a long time our power valve on the back of this metering plate is going to be junk it's going to be seized solid or leaking at best so we're going to have to replace that which means we have to go all the way to the car body itself and replace this gasket this gasket these gaskets on the outside these screws our needle and seat probably this base gasket any rubber caps we have on vacuum ports but uh yeah replace all the rubber this is a weird holley carburetor and the fact that the mixture screws are on the back instead of here where they normally are so not sure what that's about i've never seen one of these before this is old enough though to have the patent numbers stamped here on the bowl which means it's pretty freaking ancient probably about 1964. so let's go ahead and pop this thing apart and see what we got all right starting off four screws up front these seals are going to need replaced or you will leak fuel out of these holes in your bolt [Applause] all right this is our float assembly right here it's got a spring and a float it floats on the fuel that's why it's called a float it pushes that little brass needle up and down which is interesting that that's not stuck it's moving just fine that is our needle it has a rubber tip that sits right where it's stuck right now it sits up in a seat up here and stops fuel from coming in you can adjust the position of that whole rod with this lock nut and screw right here you loosen the lock nut turn the screw in or out which is actually just the body of the needle and seat and it raises it in proportion so what we can do to test this to make sure it really is bad is i'm just going to blow air right here and see if i hear air when i close this [Applause] interesting it appears to be good um i have seen this before and i bet you i know what it is this is pretty rare but i've seen it happen before on cars that we're running and driving just fine and suddenly this occurs there is a gasket up in here an o-ring that can go bad and let fuel go around the outside of the needle and jet instead of down the center so this might be working properly but there's still fuel getting around that o-ring so you actually need to replace that o-ring and sometimes you can get away with leaving your needle and seat if you have a whole kit just replace it oh yeah that's absolutely what happened see that o-ring it's supposed to be bulbous or protruding from the side here because it's supposed to be round supposed to stick out and get smashed into location and seal but when they get old they get hard and when they sit for a while they shrink and then you hit them with fuel again the fuel comes in and right past down into our bowls which is why it was probably taking so long for it to flood out so yeah if you're experiencing a slow leak and you can look down into the running engine and see fuel dripping not atomizing dripping into the motor that is either a bad needle and seat or this guy right here goes bad and we and this one's kind of harder to diagnose because you're like well my needle and seat works fine it's a very very slow drip it's that o-ring all right moving to the bottom of our float bowl here we have our accelerator pump we'll pop these four screws out get that cover off and see exactly how bad that guy is all right there we go this is an old one it's got metal twice oh uh i forget sometimes there's a spring keep counting that spring they like to go away i have to go find that now yeah little buddy all right where did that go okay that took like 20 minutes but i found it in the rocks uh i misspoke there's always this spring sometimes i forget that's what i'm at but this is the accelerator pump return spring what i've never seen before is this metal plate so that's kind of neat i hang on to that guy there's a few things on this car but i've never seen before but it's a like probably factory remand and i'm sure every carburetor i've ever touched on a car has been someone's been into it like seven times little check ball in there make sure he moves around make sure he's happy on newer carbs that is a rubber nipple for lack of better terms an orange rubber nipple replace that should be in your kit actually that little guy right there i'll show it to you if i get to it i should probably replace this seal right here if i have one in the kit that'll be the big if now it is time to get to this guy so this right here is a perfect example of why rubber uh vacuum caps need replaced often the rubber gets hard especially when exposed to gasoline and it cracks so that is actually a vacuum leak that will need replaced if you can find the nylon caps those are the ones to get they last forever so this right here is our power valve and surprisingly enough it actually moves but what that means is it's probably blown and letting fuel slip past and flooding out the motor really good example of that best one we've had was the 68 f-250 revival there's a clip unclear right now yeah you can see it's just chugging black smoke that's that power valve being essentially stuck open and just letting extra fuel in what this guy does is it routes fuel from here to behind the jets so it acts as an enrichment when you start your engine the vacuum pulls this closed then as you floor it and you pass the value of the power valve the spring overcomes the vacuum force and opens letting more fuel in an alternate path behind those jets a side note the value of a power valve does not change the amount of fuel it moves it moves the same quantitative amount of fuel no matter what it just changes when it opens in relation to vacuum we'll go ahead and get our screwdriver in here carefully and try to pry this guy open this sucks i hate doing it it's always sketchy but you get this guy in there oh this one went really well actually new carburetors that's like nearly impossible we can see that there's fuel in this power valve cavity and that the back of this was wet when i took it apart that means that it is indeed leaking fuel past and flooding out our engine so our work was not in vain we will need to replace that at this point we have everything apart so i'll get a can of brake clean kind of dust everything off make sure there's no gunk in any of these passages blow through all of them make sure they're all clean get new gaskets put everything back together put it back on the car truck whatever the hell this thing is we'll be good to go uh one more thing worth mentioning before we put all this together i never catch this on camera let's see if today's the day when you take your power valve out and this is even if you're changing a good power valve it is very important you get a new gasket pretty sure you can go to holly or maybe even o'reilly's and buy a whole pile of these gaskets this one did it but in a very dramatic fashion a lot of times when you take these out they will split perfectly in half where it will look like there's two half size gaskets and you're like oh what what did it put two of those on those big dummies that's not two gaskets it's one the way these are made they shear perfectly into two pieces and look like two halves make sure you replace that gasket or you're gonna go fire it up and this will seat before this seals and sadness will ensue because your car is gonna run like ass because it essentially has no power valve there it's just chugging fuel it's like leaving this hole pretty much wide open so replace your power valve gasket every time all right at this point we have our metering block stripped down to a bare metering block and remember don't throw any of these gaskets away until you're done and the car is running properly because you can always go back and look hey maybe one of those was slightly different there's a hole in a different spot that i'm missing or have extra now and that's why this doesn't run right anywho we're gonna take our favorite can of solvent put our safety squints on and blow out every single hole on this metering block there's a bunch of them and some of them are absolutely tiny do note there's two tiny tiny holes right here in the power valve that you gotta do as well as well as these air bleeds up here the emulsion holes uh just just everything clean it out really good and we're finally ready to put gaskets on make sure you pull the jets out of your metering block i forgot to do that while you're here and you got a rag and a can of brake clean a little screwdriver go ahead and just clean off the bowl this kind of helps me remember that i've been through the front of this carburetor i'll just dust this off but when i see a nice shiny front end i'll be like oh i've been in this one before we're good to go it should be mentioned that there's a hole right here you need to clean out go ahead and clean out your fuel inlet as well and then we're gonna do the same thing we did on the metering block but on the carburetor itself make sure all these passages are flowing properly [Applause] once we're sure that it's time to finally rebuild so is this an absolute thorough put this on my restored car that i'm gonna daily drive every day forever uh carb rebuild no it is not this is a let's drive this sunbitch out of the field maybe 100 miles down the road rebuilt in this case it's probably actually going to be completely good to go because this carburetor was again basically new but if you want to rebuild the car properly you strip this down way farther and ultrasonic it and then hope for the best truth be told most rebuild carburetors will not work properly because they've just been worn out be it in the throttle shafts right here uh they get worn out and they move up and down and there's a big vacuum leak here people like to jam these all the way into the base and round off the heads and screw up the mixture screws these can become warped these can become warped there's just a lot that can go wrong and wear out over the course of you know thirty thousand to a hundred thousand miles that a carburetor lasts most of the time it's worth spending 350 bucks and just getting a new carburetor and bolting that on dialing in the tuning settings and being done it's faster and more reliable with that being said we're not driving this anywhere so good old tailgate rebuild it is we're gonna start things off on the back side and work forward item number one a power valve this is a six and a half unit little low should be just fine though once again it's a dump truck i don't care note the thickness of that power valve gasket it's a thick boy it's supposed to be you turn it upside down that gasket will stay in place on the power valve until you're all the way tight which is right there get a one inch wrench and torque that down i don't have one with me so i'm gonna get my one inch pliers and torque that down being careful not to mar the surface all right power valves on next up backing gasket it goes this way kevin you're big idiot it goes this way kevin you're a big idiot there we go make sure all of our holes line up compare it to the old gasket make sure everything matches where there's a hole there's a hole where there's not there's not we're good to go flip this over jets these are 52s they're tiny but this carburetor is tiny and it's a dump truck so it's not doing a million rpm it's just lugging around it high torque low rpm at this point we can go ahead put this back on the carb this is why i said it's important to match up your holes there's a hole there but not here keep that old gasket until you're all the way done all right front bowl gasket get in there just gonna ease them on to the pins no need to go crazy here there we go is looking good nice and happy let's move on to our fuel bowl you're going to need a new accelerator pump make sure you get the spring in don't be me and forget the damn spring every time and make sure you get that rubber nipple if you need to or check ball if you're taking that out for some weird reason um one thing to note about accelerator pumps is there's two sizes there's a 30 and a 50 cc this is the 30cc if it's like twice that tall it's the 50cc you can put a 30 or 50cc on any fuel bowl as far as i'm aware but you have to match the cap and the diaphragm you can't have a 30cc diaphragm and a 50cc cap tried that once didn't work get all this tightened down you're not going crazy on torque with a carburetor on no part should you be going crazy this is all cast metal you will rip threads out you will warp stuff just tighten it that's all it needs if it leaks tighten it a little more but don't go nuts nice smooth action on that guy that's what we want to see you can hear it moving air [Applause] all right time for that needle and seat this is a quick comparison look at a good and a bad o-ring see how the good one is bulbous and the battle is flat that means sadness isn't suing nobody likes sadness we may have a bit of an issue this may not be the right needle and seat type i wondered about that and looks like i was right yep there's an o-ring up top and only like a tenth of the threads all right i had to steal one of the o-rings off the new needle and seats because those were different this whole assembly back into here put the new felts right here put everything back together get our screws back in and our carburetor is done also make sure you plug all of your uh ports on these so i'll get that done and then we'll be back to see how well this thing runs all right let's get her hooked up we have an accelerator pump see if she'll run like a champ molds are still filling still filling i think our needle and seat's working now it's probably just a matter of tuning to get this to run right just a little choke to open up that throttle take a look and see if i'm still dripping fuel oh well i can't if i cover the van oh it's pretty damn good that's really damn good [Applause] just trying to get the idols off a little more transfer slot actually if i oh the transfer slot is completely undone that'll do it screw came loose now she's happy the oil pressure game says all final run is above idle so it's really healthy that's what i like to see i had to put like two and a half gallons of water into this thing and i was wondering where the hell did it all go and i found my answer all the rubber is missing off this thermostat and when that's gone anything that boils doesn't seal and stay under the pressure it just goes right on out i stole the thermostat cap off of that dump truck for now you can see how much it was already pissing out that'll get them rings freed up don't worry that's not cool it is smoke because it carries all the way way over there instead of evaporating so i don't think that's head yet issues meanwhile up front uh we're burning off the lasting oil off the headers just idling right along happy as hell oil pressure's looking good oh we're out of gas all charged up you can't see the damn temp i'm sure it's fine i know it's moving coolant so she should be well enough to tap so let's go ahead and shut her down and see if it dies not even a little has a good tuned carb good well set ignition everything's happy well at this point we have ourselves a running motor the air filter is back on everything's hooked up and it will fire up from the cab and run off the gas tank so i guess time to move on to things like brakes which is going to require me putting the cab down because i need to climb in and have the reservoirs level to fill up so uh yeah let's do that please let me live [Applause] a little bit now [Applause] and there we go that's all it takes a little brain power all right so at this point i need to fill up these two reservoirs at least this one because we can't go anywhere without a clutch but we can potentially make it places without a break as long as that emergency brake's working these both move freely like even the brake moves much better than the clutch one if that's one kind of stops so it's supposed to go to there it don't i don't know what that's about but there's also some goofy welded stuff up here who knows i'm sure that'll be okay i'm gonna top these off and figure out how to bleed them by myself and we'll be back well this is a new one i tried my best at getting either the brakes or the clutch to work but i think the pistons are seized down in the bottom of the slave cylinders so nothing's working on either to make matters worse for the brakes the emergency brake is no beans because the cables are all seized and for the clutch um it's seized open or like someone stomped on it once and somehow that's where the slave and the master both seized now i know this simply because we can jam the sucker down into a gear and you can hear it going gear we can fire up and run it and it doesn't go anywhere on top of that i can engage and disengage my pto all day long as well as that's good to go up or down and it won't do anything which means the transmission is not spinning not even in neutral which means that our clutch is engaged so i guess we're going to end the adventure of the co 1600 international with a truck that runs fantastic off its own tank charging system starter everything turn key truck that will not move and you could say yeah kevin you could get a slave and a master but that would take me weeks to get those parts found ordered and installed we're going to leave this just like it is as a really well running machine that can still be towed we will however play with some of the knobs and switches look at that oh got a fan i think this runs the solenoid down here on the uh the speedo cable because this truck has a live rear end and you can change the rear end ratio so that probably switches from high to low on the speedo and yes before you ask i looked into if the rear end was just in neutral and the trans was engaging and it was not because once again you can engage and disengage the pump right here and nothing happens which means even in neutral there's no rotation coming out the back of the trans so like i mentioned at the end of the day this leaves us with a 1964 international lodestar co 1600 that runs and that's it the wipers work i hope you guys enjoyed this episode maybe learned a thing or two uh make sure you subscribe so you can see this episode which i'm about to dig into right now go check out all of our friends and check out everything they've been working on junkyard mooc dealing with cool cars and cameras thunder 289 the whole gang we'll see you guys right here next week peace
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 676,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, dump, truck, international, harvester, farm, farming, equipment, IH, loadstar, 1600, coe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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