FORGOTTEN Retired Farm Dump Truck, Will It Run and Drive?

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs today we're picking up right where we left off after this truck but now with this truck let's dig into it so if you missed this video i suggest going and checking it out because these two are a package deal these are both international load stars that one is a 1600 co cab over and this one is an international lowstar 1700. now these have both been sitting on a farm for a very long time and i was intending to go get them running at the location they were at but my buddy jed whose house we're at right now he beat me to him so we've had to relocate here but we're still going gonna get them running right away we're on the topic thank you to jed for letting us work on these if you guys need any diesel work done on your own vehicles in the midwest central iowa diesel performance is the place to go all right let's dig into this and see what we're working with so i think this one is actually older than that one i could be totally wrong it is also obnoxiously solid very good metal on this truck cool looking truck uh we've got key a whole bunch of those numbers on the dash again some more switches and things looks like a two-speed rear end oh an aftermarket water gauge that's good to see someone took care for it knowing where it came from this is actually probably a very well cared for vehicle let's take a look right away okay no clutch again no brakes and the the paddle moves okay well i've seen this movie before ah 1964. so they're actually both the same year they're just a cab over and not cab over let's go ahead pop the hood on this thing and see what we're dealing with so same story as last time we have ourselves a two barrel holly on an international v8 this time our master cylinders are up here instead of under the footwell i imagine they're both junk but we'll uh we'll get to that that looks awfully familiar that looks like a gm part let's go ahead and get a battery in this and pop that air cleaner off and go ahead and start moving forward and get it running to help us get all this stuff done today we have our dex toolbox truck system carrying all of our tools and parts and fluids and everything we need to include our tang tools portable tool kit check these guys out [Applause] okay all right now we're getting into the differences between these two videos the other one had a remanufactured holly this one does not list number 2582-1 that's a way different list number but it looks to be the same carburetor with the mixture screws being on the back a divorced idle circuit ah yes the holley 2582 this is a 64 to 70 international has got some pretty good stuff if you need things like knowledge all right we've got oil we've got electricity let's see if we have rotation [Laughter] all right so for those of you at home doing this on your own you're probably wondering where the hell do i start when i'm trying to get one of these running right now we have an engine that spins over that's the hardest part to any revival uh beyond that it's just little bits and pieces that you got to replace if an engine doesn't spin over you got to start at square one which is replace engine or make it spin over i just threw some fuel down the throat we're gonna go hit the key and see if anything happens i'm anticipating since this is a sap for 20 years nothing happens but right now we know we have fuel so if nothing happens that means we're missing either compression or spark well the way the engine's spinning over sounds like it's got great compression compared to the last one so let's go with the key if anything happens everything's happy nothing happens we're missing spark three things you need rotation aka compression and air spark and fuel if you can supply two and you're missing the your third one that one's your problem [Laughter] [Applause] so now just like that we know which direction to go with this engine we're missing spark so we need to find it i'm going to pop this cap and rotor off and uh clean everything up and that should be just about it this thing should be making noise so right away i'm noticing some interesting stuff different between this truck and the last truck this is a gm ignition cap and rotor for that matter where's the other one looked more like a ford let's go ahead and get our rotor off [Applause] the more i think about that the more interesting that gets because uh these are the same motor they should be they're both you know 1964s at least the trucks are that's a four barrel intake on this one someone made a homemade two barrel adapter for some reason probably fuel economy everything's moving underneath nice and free so that's good let's get some sandpaper in there and clean those up as is tradition as much as my back still hurts from lifting the cab on that cab over i am missing the accessibility right now if you get to that engine really nice all right got our sandpaper in there now i don't have a date from when these trucks were last parked actually i might let me look at that paper again i don't know about the red one but this one i was able to find registration says 2011 so it's only been sitting for 10 years that should be about all i need to make this thing fire off points are clean let's go ahead and pop this guy off we'll find somewhere we can put him and spray him with a little bit of flammable liquid and watch for fire all right go ahead [Applause] [Laughter] perfect thanks for your help i'm gonna put my backpack inside and then i'll come back out okay well still no spark [Applause] i don't know why i cleaned our points pretty good at this point this thing is old it's a 1964. holy crap so if you can't test for power of the multimeter another quick way you can always just grab a screwdriver and just kind of ground some stuff out here and see if you get any sparks with the key on there we go yep we got power oh our points seem to be working why am i not getting anything out of the coil [Applause] there we go now we're working you want me to start it not yet trying to practice how to do my hair are you yeah i'm trying to get it right but not all the time i'm still really bad at mine well because you almost fall yeah that's fair it's fair why would you want to put your hair on a ponytail you don't think i look good with a ponytail no you would look like a grunt everybody would call you a girl that would not be funny all right played with our points gap let's see if we can spark [Applause] finally okay after all that we have spark will it lasts man probably not it's being pretty finicky but uh put everything back together and see what happens [Laughter] yep she lost spark again man this one's being finicky okay so just like that it's been like a week or two last time i was here i was having some issues with getting this thing to hold a constant spark and it was getting dark already so i decided to call it a night and head home bunch of stuff got in the way it's been two weeks whatever we're back to make this thing run finally so like i just mentioned when we last left off we were having some ignition issues where i could not get this thing to keep sparked i uh cleaned the points once again with some sandpaper got the hold spark for a little bit at least center point gap and got it to make spark again so we're we're just going to try this again just throw a little fuel at it and see what happens all right let's see if anything happens today got our fuel line disconnected so in case it starts spraying fuel out it's not going to put a bunch of crap into the carb i imagine the tank's empty but i have no idea here we go [Applause] come on i heard you pop once [Applause] don't tell me you lost spark again god this thing is annoying all right we're not going to crank this and see if we have spark to the plug we do however it is very intermittent and very very weak so it looks like we need to diagnose a poor spark if i had a guess that's going to be the uh dwell for the or the points gap is not set correctly so i'm gonna redo that and see if we can change that to be a stronger spark i'm gonna go ahead and fill the gas tank quick so that while i'm cranking on this to get better spark we're simultaneously priming our fuel system you know two birds one stone as some of you may have noticed the red cab over from the last video is no longer sitting beside this truck that's because it sold someone showed up with two grand and away she went but worry not you still have a chance to own one of these i just talked to jed and he said he wants a thousand bucks for this truck so if any of you would like to buy this truck hit up cyclone repair all right back to working on spark well adjusting our points didn't change much at this point i'm going to go ahead and pop open our cap and rotor and take a better look our pins up top are kind of crusty but not terrible one thing i am noticing is that there's a ballast resistor on the firewall over here and someone has gone ahead and bypassed it and just ran 12 volts to the coil so there's a chance that they were already having issues back when this was running with this truck having a weak spark so instead of hitting it with 9 volts they hit a 12. i'll get this cleaned up and we'll see alrighty so after a bit of playing we've cleaned our cap and rotor and seen no better spark i mean i mean very very very lightly better spark but not enough to make this thing run so i've begun to suspect our power source and i've wired a wire from the positive side of the coil to the positive post on the battery [Applause] as you can see it's closing our voltage regulator contacts internally so that should all be working that's good to know uh get this hooked up and then we'll see if we can spark all right here we go same test [Applause] we have ourselves a nice yellow spark down the truck even tried to run off of what was in the intake so let's go ahead and get that hooked back up get some fuel in it and see if this thing takes off all right that should be plenty let's see what happens come on yo girl come to life hell yes finally that's what i want to see heck yes and as a bonus we got fuel coming out so the fuel pump and everything's working oh man this thing fought me and fought me but we're finally making it somewhere all right come on girl fill those bowls [Laughter] [Applause] accelerator pump works [Applause] even almost kind of idle god damn so we got a fuel leak right here i need to take care of but there finally this thing fired up i'm going to get a new piece of fuel hose from that filter into the car but we'll be right back that is not at all where i thought the fuel leak was i thought it was that hose but it looks to be the front of our carburetor bowl is leaking probably if i had to guess the accelerator pump but we talked about that in the last video that this is exactly what happens so this is a perfect example of that i guess at this point i need to go get us a carb kit and rebuild that carb so let's do it so at this point we need to take ourselves a little trip in the town and get some parts for that carburetor and while we're there we're going to be proudly using the sponsor today's video current to pay for said parts so what i hold in my hand right here is banking modernized this right here is the current debit card current has brought banking into the modern world by allowing you to control all of your finances directly from your phone current allows for faster banking by letting you deposit checks online through your phone using your phone's camera features of this card are basically endless if you sign for direct deposit you can get your checks up to two days faster than traditional banking that can be a big deal when it comes to paying bills on time just like this oil purchases made on current can give you points for cash back it doesn't matter if we're buying anti-freeze for winterizing or another case of brake clean for the shop holy crap that's on sale right now maybe two cases current has some neat features that no one else has such as setting up savings pods within your accounts these can be great for saving up for project cars or emergency repairs this is a card i really wish i had when i was younger you simply sign up for an account receive your card and then manage everything from your phone so if you guys are ready to move your banking experience into the modern age you can check out current junkyarddigs or head to the link in the description below all right let's get back to work that is ready to come off as you can tell that right there if you've noticed is a homemade four barrel to two barrel adapter this truck unlike the other one has a four barrel intake at some point someone came along and said enough of that four barrel nonsense let's convert this over to a two barrel that's exactly what we have here which is very interesting to say the least and that right there is the perfect example of a broken accelerator pump diaphragm leaking fuel out just like i mentioned in the revival of the other dump truck all right let's get this torn apart get those new parts in it and get ready to put it back on starting off we have a huge mud dabber nest on the back of the car look at that perfectly perfectly formed to the carburetor that's cool and now it's gone this thing seemed to run pretty good so we're not going to go all the way down to the power valve which we absolutely should be but i am short on time today because i got to get this video out tomorrow but uh we're just gonna pop that accelerator pump off the bottom and get a new one in there and move on with seeing if we can get this thing to have brakes or clutch or any of that and try to at least drive one of these dump trucks all righty there we go we have ourselves a new accelerator pump here's the old accelerator pump diaphragm and it is jaunt you can see it's kind of torn right here and that was what was letting fuel run out the bottom of the carb through this hole right here so get this sucker back on there and see how well she runs a little bit of a cracked line here now it's always important when you're putting your carburetor back on inspect everything as it's going on as you can tell we have a severely cracked line right here for the uh reported vacuum so we're gonna snip him off and get him re-situated further down line so that that's not a vacuum leak but it's just a good idea to keep an eye out on everything you're doing so that you can identify any issues that you may not have seen with the carburetor on or off in the first place all right let's see how she does now it's going to take a second to fill the bowls [Applause] that runs pretty damn good now our accelerator pump is different so i'm anticipating it to stall here when i go rub it but we'll try it hey manny can't complain about that at all this thing runs great even idle's down well hell yeah we got an oil pressure gauge we do indeed we're at uh run that's good looks like we're charging the battery up i finally figured out what these are these are the oil changes their oil and filter was last done at 1116 so you know 500 miles ago hell yeah gives you guys an exhaust clip so you can hear it from behind all right wait a minute i just saw this button right here i know exactly what that is please work oh yes about damn time we got something with a working horn i wonder if any of our ptos work there we go yeah finally oh well it didn't quite go in the right order but whatever power lines up here right [Music] we're good everything's okay that is pretty badass at this point i guess we see if we can bleed the clutch or the brakes because i really doubt either of them work but yeah why not give it a shot you know well figured out where all the coolant went turns out this thing's gonna need a radiator that's not something i'm going to touch at all but for any of you prospective buyers out there know that it needs a radiator um bone dry i'm assuming that this is no good but we'll give it a go anyway see what happens thankfully the clutch is not stuck engaged unlike the last truck so even if we don't get a working clutch or anything i should still be able to drive this all right let's see if we can at least gravity bleed these down to their respective uh slave cylinders so that you know i can maybe have brakes or a clutch all right so here's what we've got any attempt to uh you know bleed these would be pretty much useless as i've discovered when i was underneath that uh there's a line for the clutch that's completely blown out and just missing so it's already dumped all the fluid on the ground and the brakes are the like you know giant boosted brakes of doom and sadness that i would need two people to bleed and i'm sure from the way this feels this isn't really doing anything anyway but more importantly we got one of them which means we got brakes as long as that handle moves so not going to have any form of a clutch but we have a hand brake and if you ask me that's good enough to try to drive this thing around so let's get it fired up go that way in the yard and then do a loop around that building all right i'm going to hop in this and figure out which gear is which and then we're going to fire this up and go for the first drive in 10 years let's do it [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] uh let's get this facing the right way now already help me jesus ah it worked we're moving and the rear end even works hell yeah we're doing it we're driving a dump truck with manual steering i don't know if it's supposed to or not but holy hell it sure does [Music] oh we gonna make it all right avoid the trees that's just fun put her back in the in the granny gear look at it just idling what a champ hell yeah we got one of the two dump trucks to drive that's a win all right so there you have it that is the revival of our second 1964 international lodestar i don't know if this is a 1700 or an 1800 because it has both badges but regardless this thing hadn't ran in 10 years and now it does thanks to kurt for sponsoring this episode and i hope you guys learned something throughout this episode if you did or enjoyed what you saw make sure you subscribe to the channel to help support us doing dumb stuff like this for free here on youtube there's another dump truck over there no you know what i've had enough of these for a bit for episodes between episodes check out all of our friends here on youtube make sure to subscribe to them and support all their work as well we'll see you guys right here next week peace all right now i gotta figure out how to get this back over there
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 200,339
Rating: 4.9595985 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, dump, truck, international, harvester, farm, farming, equipment, IH, loadstar, 1700, 1800
Id: GAhnCwM2Ugo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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