FORGOTTEN 1969 Chevelle will it RUN AND DRIVE 500 miles home?

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well you asked for it so you're getting it this is another buy a car online sight unseen think it's in Iowa but it turns out it's in Illinois which apparently is a huge difference spend all day driving there to find out the car hasn't been plated since 1979 and has Iran and many many years and I have two days to fix it and drive 500 miles home great-grand this is going to be really fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we've got here is a 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle two-door surprised right not a four-door give you a little tour and then I've got to start thrashing on this thing interior is in pretty good shape although it smells like moldy carpet and Taco John's it does have quite a bit of weight reduction in the rear it needs quarters on both sides besides maybe not as weight reduced guys really nice and he's thrown in these fenders those are swapmeet fenders 50 bucks he said you got those for windshields in it don't have to do the old cellophane wrap supreme so that's nice let me see if I can find the keys and we'll get in the trunk here my optimism level just went really high it's pretty rare I have keys to anything I own oh boy that's a really really good sign oh actually even trade I get two hubcaps air cleaner which most likely means carbs uncovered great speed hole probably the distributor for it oh boy we might have our hands full when I open the hood here she might even be factory red let's take a look under the hood Illinois 1979 another good sign oh my yeah current situation you've got a vegetable oil or pesticide fuel tank that kind of worries me a little bit although it's not locked up does it have a distributor that's good news water pumps not tore off looks complete ish no water so overall quite a bit of good news I could work from this after looking her over I think I kind of got a list in my head here first thing is we'll roll her over see if it even turns or if it's stuck it's not stuck we'll pull the plugs out take a look at the plugs see what they look like and while the sparkle aiders are out of it we Mazal test the compression see if the motors hurt or if we have any chance at all of making it one of those 500 miles and then from there we'll probably juicer up with a battery see if we can get a cranking and if it fires we'll figure out the fuel issue then we'll move to transmission and I think I'm going to start interweb and some wheels because I really don't think that flat donut from the 80s is gonna make it home and yeah we have like eight hours today so super I don't know how many times they got to tell you guys but any project starts with the battery on the charger and my good Walmart unit here the old negative post finally gave up the ghost but best tool in the world came to the rescue we're talking about a GM here so if I can get this thing to roll over I'm about eighty six point seven percent confident she'll fire so let's dig in here on the old crank bolt I'm getting there just settle down all right yes please baby Jesus Oh turns like butter all right we've got positive Turnage which is fantastic but I did hear the valvetrain and they're just snapping away which is a quick way to know that the engines been sitting a very long long long long long long long long long time step 37 B subsection a is pretty straightforward you guys have been here a bajillion times we're gonna pull the plugs out just try to get a read on them get our eyeballs on those things I could tell a guy a lot you know how to read plugs and then we'll I can't believe I'm saying this twice today we're gonna test on the old compression which is something I usually never do but well I got all the Lightning shooters out good news is they're all firing but the bad news is I have really heavy deposits on 3 & 5 & 2 & 6 so she's probably gonna smoke like a chimney could be lifter could be rings well play around with a little bit more maybe if we get it fired and see and then I get you in here again see this might have to clean some of this stuff out so we don't start one of them one of their fires and don't smell too good when that stuff starts cooking either and then the house silicone on the old water next a nice treat looks factory of course if you're hitting the old peak optimizations you want to do a compression test from the motors hot and what have you obviously that's not going to happen in this case and since it hasn't ran in fifty eight million years we're gonna technically be doing a wet compression test because I'm gonna throw some Marvel mister oil down the old throats so we have some upper cylinder lubrication just in case it runs yeah and for you kids at home don't forget to jam the old carburetor open so she gets proper amount of air see that a lot on the interwebs and as far as actual compression I don't really give a you know what if it's only ninety as long as they're all within ten to fifteen percent of each other I don't care if it makes fire and noise comes out of the tailpipe ready to rock you know the trick here is just to try to get her shot way up in the back you know since the cylinders tilted it's all gonna run off the spark later hole so you want to get it up top so she runs back down that's making any sense to you guys and I like to give her just whatever anywhere between two and seventy four pumps of the old oil can hear whatever you're feeling unless it's a Wednesday you want to go a three the only reason I brought this battery she's got a gold handle on her but you know what I should have done is probably tested it to make sure it was a good battery and then I brought a extra battery post clamp with and I'm glad it did because I'll be dipped if she ain't missing one so you just ease the new clamp on here even after two new battery clamps are you getting any juice I gotta get out one of these wizard machines figure out what's going on I'm gonna be here all month I forgot digital's going down on this trip hazard these are really nice machines for dummies like me Hulka mana ground and the old light bulb comes on you got juice and what I like to do is just come down here to the fuse panel and if I don't got electricity on one side of the fuse I know I got an issue at the starter because the power comes from the battery down to the starter from the starter up to the fuse block let's see what we got got no light bulbs kneeling on rocks is probably one of my most favorite pastimes well nothing makes me feel more alive like sketchy jack stand work kids don't do that but [Music] this is enough to get reset and get them under the frame so I get my belly under there well I used up every foot-pounds of diagram achill engineering experience I have and that's leading me to believe that the ignition cylinder is bad so I'm gonna snip this one out quick 'über down to nap and down the road here get that one there I'll blow some money on some other junk might actually buy a new battery cable write that down that's never happened before and then we'll see where we're at and it's already two o'clock and I've got nothing done all right if I did my digital geometries right I think the starter solenoid was bad so a new starter negative cable positive cable both of which are way to shorten the battery's hanging out incorrectly yeah did confirm there is a neutral safety switch and I check that it was working so if all goes well we're gonna get a crank here it's cranking definitely probably needs these things but alright let's click it on the compression test and throw some plugs in it see if we can get this thing firing I'm losing light fast so had to go find a throttle opener 200 something like that got my hooked up and crank on it a couple times 150 planning so the number five cylinder was a little bit low and that kind of correlates with the sparkplug if I'm reading them right this one should have plenty of compression yeah I was almost 180 well I went ahead and finished the compression testing and we definitely got a sick motor we've got variants from 140 all the way to 180 which is a little too extreme I mean it's gonna run but we definitely have some rings or valve train issue and I've got it scribed into my fender here so I don't forget which ones which cylinder but it did correlate with the spark plug so this is gonna get really interesting 500 friggin miles I'm such an idiot now it's time to throw some spark laters in this thing yeah and see if it can fire not a guy on the face spaced page asked me if I got my spark plugs after watching that dodge video of course I do I just kind of kept no you go on to the next gapped know but in all reality Chevy small blocks like it at about 35 but every single engine is different depends on your compression ratio and your cam lift and duration and all the other diagram local stuff I'd be really curious how many of you guys know more than one firing order off to talk your head other than the old one eight four three six five seven to put it down in the comments box down there while you're clicking around navigating them what have you Mazal go ahead and click the old and subscribe button for me I'd surely appreciate that torqued the guy went ahead and installed the I'm a lone wolf 600 trigger these are really handy if you don't have one good one ah we need some fire maker when I know I'm most likely gonna be cranking on something for 50 days I add a little to cycle oil into my gasoline or just run your chainsaw mix whatever works for you but this will give you some lubrication on the old top-end while you're getting the motor sorted out well I'm kind of thinking I typically have a priest started up checklist but drawn a blank so I'm gonna throw some of this down the throat and at least see if we can get it to fire and then I'll try to figure out the more important stuff kion and I need that mission wire got to have battery to the distributor we're in business tons of smoke that's the Marvel Mystery Oil or a bad motor or both the other way she makes fire yes fuel tank on this was bypass which probably means it's rusted out full of junk or leaking or all of the above but I can't run it on a boat tank 500 miles well I mean guys Rob Lee good well we're gonna test on it so I'm gonna put this filter before the fuel pump in hopes that I can get 17 miles out of it and then we'll be able to see if it's coming up from the tank as well I'm gonna have to do a loop like that she's getting nipply out here there's some of the gas that she was running and unfortunately we probably just filled the gas pump with that but there's my new we're gonna give that a shot instead help me that came off now usually you got a fight on these filters this sucker wants out that's actually a good sign and built pressure if it's billowing out of top and there's zero viscosity left in that like it wets and paint with that pretty easy don't get the right wrenches just get up crescent wrench don't do about anything don't even hammer for you if you want I'm still in shock this motor after who knows how many years since this last start fired right up it's probably why I'm a die-hard GM Buick fan not to say I don't like Fords or Mopar stuff but just they never quit wow this just got really interesting sun's about to go down and was gonna bottle feed it some more get the oil pressure built back up after the oil change and I'll be dipped to field started and just quit on me so I'm pulling this one out again and gonna run down to autozone and grab another one I guess and hope that that one lasts more than ten tries great grand can I tell you about Illinois part stores are a million miles away it's cold someone's burning grass and bush at eleven o'clock at night and I keep hearing a circular saw so you guys know how to party second starters in I think the plan is just a bottle feet on it for a while and see if we can get at the pole fuel from the tank I've got three point two seven gallons in there probably not enough but I want to get it running anyway bottle feeding so let's go ahead and work on that see what we get Jim again hmm I'm gonna try to fill the bowl again [Music] Wow well the fan clutch is definitely shot sounds pretty decent I don't hear 1 or 16 lifter sticking so that's pretty good but I need my carburetor adjusting tool here it is and we're just gonna just tap or on in there just tap it around [Music] I was pretty good yeah runs like a champ well now that she's running somewhat I think I'm gonna go ahead and get some gauges on her so I can keep track of the vittles so I'll get a temp gauge on her and at least an oil pressure gauge that'll make a guy feel a little bit better well now I've really got a problem I went ahead and torque that off and now all the coolants run on the side of the motor I'm sure that's gonna pull up right where I don't need a - and I replaced the starter for the third time tomorrow great hello guys starting to run out of steam and it's really late the cold it's like I'm gonna put the wheels on it that'll give me some motivation and now I have to go to a hardware store to get some easy outs that brass fitting I've broken off in the head I've never done that and I've put fifty eight million pairs of gauges in but of course it's this weekend right and I don't know I think that's probably gonna be it for tonight we'll have to hit it early as we can tomorrow morning got some old-school craigers we're gonna go with 2:15 up front and that of course the rear we're gonna go at 255 they need cleaned up a little bit but I think they're gonna look really awesome on this car so I'm gonna throw these on super quick this'll be really good for the neighbors [Music] boys I should learn my lesson and look at that wheel bearing get your dust cap opener well this seems to be a common thing for me in Chevelle's for whatever reason you ever have days when you just wonder why it is you're doing what you're doing this has got a broken stud on it but we're gonna let that ride I can't see nothing oh that ain't good guy didn't check the old thing called backspace and that's pretty much it for me tonight I am exhausted and I needed um beverages car looks awesome with the wheels on it boom they're tight they're gonna work so go eat some tackles sleep for about three maybe four hours I'll be back in the morning well I've already dug in this morning with a lot of little things stuff that you guys probably wouldn't want to see anyway like using easy out on the broke of brass fitting got the broken piece out at new temps under in took out the old dummy oil pressure switch put in a new brass one the plastic line hate the plastic lines what they didn't have any brass so is what it is blew off all the junk off the motor repaired the gas gauge sending line which is probably a moot point because I think the fuel line's stuck so we're probably gonna end up running the old boat tank see how that goes and right now I'm gonna put a tachometer in it so we know how many digital's she's spinnin have no idea what the rear-end gear is on this thing [Music] probably run it at 2,500 just to be safe so if it's a motor I built I run him at 3500 all day but I'm in uncharted territory here I always mount my tacks with zip ties but apparently these here hose clamps just and you can mount him like this says the interwebs so I'm gonna give this a shot I'm gonna put it right here in my teeth so a guy when he's driving with one eye fallen asleep and I was keep an eye on his engine digital's I got it I got alright I think I'm back to a point again this morning where I'm gonna see if she'll fire off I'd really like to try to get to just sitting idle and then I could start testing things like the alternator see if she's putting a charge out then I also want all the seals and gaskets and everything to get nice and hot see what kind of leaks we come up with and also I'd really like to see fuel pulling from the gas tank which would be spectacular and I could try to avoid deathtrap 600 by putting a boat tank in the passenger seat with me so let's see what happens nothing that is quite different from yesterday so I'm gonna make sure I still have power to the distributor if I could find my magical jab stick it's been sitting here idling for about five minutes see she smokes like a chimney I'm really watching the temperature close I'm thinking the thermostats definitely gonna be gross but I really don't want to take that apart because one of the bolts holding the thermostat housing gasket on is about to break off our felt mic so I'm going to keep wrapping on this water neck here try to loosen up that thermostat [Applause] you'll notice when I tapped on the carpet immediately idle down definitely think the needles gummed up in there says it's at 190 but typically when you don't have water moving like this it's probably even hotter than that I'll put my hand on the front of the head here I will be okay for a little while still there must be charging I haven't put the meter on it yet but if it's been running this long [Music] [Applause] still in the water I might have to shut it down getting in the danger zone it's got oil pressure anywhere it's it got another mosquito car-like to keep them down drive this through the neighborhoods no more water flowing [Applause] [Music] well it's definitely the drivers site that's smoking so I'm going to give her a one-two punch here we're gonna let it eat on some Marvel miss Roy and then I'm gonna follow it up with some Barry money I'm gonna favor this side of the engine see if we can I'll follow it up with Berryman [Music] that's how you make them eat a little bit maybe she'll come out of her so I think it's time we tried the transmission it's gonna let it sit like this for a little bit let the transmission get heated up definitely have reverse and drive but this was a quick way to tell I have zero back brakes and about 4% of front brakes I'm really thinking about changing the name of this little channel the no brakes garage well I pulled her out about six feet and I'll be damned if the old front brake line didn't just explode on me of course no one has anything near stock so I bought these little short lines here and I'm going to work up some sort of ghetto replacement mine and it has now become extremely dangerous to drive because I'm sure all the brake lines are in that condition so that is definitely not going to stop me from attempting to drive 500 miles also I came up with the name for this car I'm gonna call it rocky because it fights me on just everything know I'm stalled well that's not ideal or pretty but is it gonna work yep well here we go first time this car has been out of this driveway in 40 years for what I'm told still trying to wrap my brain stem around this is just nuts all goes well do a little shakedown drive see of a kind of issues we come up with then I got a hit throw it I got 500 miles to go [Music] a couple last-minute things we're hitting the road through an air cleaner on it swap the battery around rigged up some grounds got one headlight working over there ran into some rust issues screws were hold so that'll do for that master cylinders leaking horribly bad will just keep pouring oil on it added some zip ties to my fuel line this stripped out went ahead and fixed on that so this is it I guess oh yeah all right hit the road I suppose my first deal stopped I should check and see if there's a seat belt I know I'm good over so far fingers crossed it's got a little bit of oil pressure and just enough temperatures [Music] I've got about a hundred miles in I am clearly poisoned I have a severe headache I can't see out of my right eye but I figured I better check the lug nuts on here and I left my breaker bar at the guys house I got this cheesy little guy here but it's better than nothing so I'm gonna torque these down [Music] about a hundred and seven miles left gonna fill the oil and check the gas I don't see anything leaking at all actually and it's running knock on wood fantastic it's not heating up or anything [Music] a lot of stuff I did saying it burns oil I think is putting it lightly she is bone-dry well I'm gonna put a little snake oil in it some diesel oil not lead [Music] 500 miles we made it this is crazy still running driving probably too good for me actually zero issues on the way here other than burning oil I am still always so across with Chevy's sitting for 40 years 1979 give me a little trouble getting or going but heard like a kid the whole way here yeah I don't think it's got enough break in it the power break but we're gonna find out well thanks for watching heck of a trip make sure you hit that button down there
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 2,405,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto rescue, car revival, roadkill, 1969 chevrolet chevelle, chevrolet chevelle, 1969 chevelle ss, 1970 chevelle, 69 chevelle, 68 chevelle, chevy chevelle, muscle car, hot rod, hotrod, american muscle, classic cars, cold start, 69 chevelle ss, Virginia man strikes gold, motortrend, chevy, chevelle, abandoned, jay leno, jay leno's garage, chevelle ss, classic, car, road, kill, vise grip, vice grip, first, start, in, motor trend, 350, 383, 396ss, 427, 454, 502, 572, challenger, chargers
Id: d8ZuB8Go7eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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