FORGOTTEN 1969 Chevelle Will it RUN AND DRIVE 500 MILES? - Vice Grip Garage EP82

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hey welcome to another episode of I script Raj and here at the Minneapolis Airport a subscriber named Ken reached out to me and said hey Derrick how'd you like to get my 1969 Chevelle routed for me and of course I immediately said yep fell her body on the interwebs and he's never seen it I guess that makes two of us and of course it hasn't run in 20 years great I checked the bag full of miscellaneous tools about an eighty six point seven percent chance that doesn't make it but I do have my backpack here I got a couple pairs of socks calling the town shirt toothbrush and a Waylon Jennings tape that seems like plenty I'm gonna jump on this plane here and fly from Minnesota to Pennsylvania try to get this car running then drive 500 miles to Kentucky and deliver it back to can then get on another plane and shoot back home to Minnesota this should be easy I mean there's a lot of room for error here no no there's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] a guy just landed in Pittsburgh this place has a town of ghosts I've only seen a couple people gotta go see if my tools made it probably not and then I rented like a Yugo or something and I have about a two hour drive to Altoona now I don't know something tuna it's a town two hours America well a guy made her some alleyway in small town central Pennsylvania that right there is a what looks to be a really nice 69 Chevelle guys actually keeping his distance here because she's got some shine on it and quite frankly I'm getting the anxieties already how do you even work on them when they're so shiny but anyway bhadiya fellers are probably thinking let's be something special going on here if you went all the way to Pennsylvania just to get a car running especially if it's not even yours but not really every car has got a story to tell every single one and so does this one it was a grandma's car she's no longer with us unfortunately and the grandson he's tired of it sitting here just rotting quite frankly and he wants to see it go to good use and go to a good home and that's where can the new owner comes in and myself I'm gonna get this thing running put some shine on it hopefully take him for one last spin and then get her delivered to the new owner so she could be enjoy it again I just what do you put bugs over the side of it or how do you even lean on them guys getting pretty spoiled on this one I got electricity I got digital controls I got this nice little lounge area in the back I can just hang out do whatever I want to do and the car here she's even got keys I mean I don't want to knock on balsa but this might be pretty easy it's a 307 car not sure what trans yet we'll figure that out in a minute she's been painted on I think it's had quarters some other work and then it was pretty heavily man tynin stoled it was parked in all three and it's been sitting here since let's see what the plate says I think they got an inspection sticker the state - yep solo three it's been sitting nice thing is it's up on this concrete so that's always nice way better than sitting in the weeds or that grass let's get this cover off and see what she looks like Elvis's hairbrush this is really nice this looks like medium blue metallic I think they called it which is like paint code 52:53 I don't know it's in the 50s 55 somewhere in there well here's a annual windshield sticker I think that's a state thing not a park pass that says old three we got a black vinyl honor and that looks to be in really good shape so far this is in good condition the hind ender is looking good too I was pretty surprised I didn't think there'd be rust issues out here but everyone's saying they salt them up out here just as bad as Minnesota but this thing was obviously really cared for she's been under the old constructions I mean there's not any rust evidence so far the new owner this morning did put different tires and wheels on it because the other ones were just completely shot I had zero chance to drive it on him but I've never really dug into her yet this top looks really good shape back here looks great chrome on the bumpers maybe needs a little bit of lovin but that's a nice looking car door panels look brand-new no carpet a seat bolt floors are in it here you can see the quarter replacement or skim probably you know shooting down right there back of the thief is no there is the other the bottom is on there I might be able to just snip that back there base Malibu 78,000 miles she's got tunes in her she's the deluxe model pretty nice overall couple cracks in the dash but not bad guy always likes to start in the body carrier it just tells you so much about the rig especially if there's parts missing what have you nothing I got a spare I just never seen the lack weight-reduction she's had a replacement pan put in her but nothing oh she might be full quarters actually otherwise you usually see that seam groaning down here up there it is up there that's that seam I was talking about so she was skimmed on both sides so she's had quarters drunk obviously paint nice car no engine parts that's always a good sign if there could just be a block in here you know with heads on it the rest I'll figure out but I need at least that please please please oh thank goodness well you got original edge I mean it's this is looking pretty good guy doesn't have any reason to believe this isn't the original 307 I don't see any evidence of a Craigslist rebuild you know no I lost the receipts all extrude factory oh yeah there's a tunnel on a sticker still honor smallest battery cables I've ever seen pulse a later start oh my goodness wonder if she's got any juice left in her doubtful Barry some juice in there that's good you can see the body guy actually took the fenders off before he spray it on it that's a hard to find anymore let's see what we got under here oh yeah this is that looks just fine that's all I need well off to a good start I mean everything is here that a guy needs you know you know for the first time in a long time feller might be eastbound and down by suppertime except I need to go west technically but anyway this isn't a guy's rig so I got to kind of do this differently today I got it you know maybe care on it a little bit normally I just twist them off and see if a fire but you know based on the humidity around I just watched a mosquito pass out 15 minutes ago it's like Florida I ain't kiddin ya I'm gonna assume there's some surface rust and then cylinders there and whatnot so I'm going to shoot some juice into there and I'll let that soak in while I'm changing the batteries out then we'll spin her over free a little bit and get things moving around maybe even build a little oil pressure then we'll see if it fires off how's that sound good yeah I was just pondering on her and I didn't bring any hoses and I'm positive I'm gonna need to sort that out cuz these just these are the may pop hoses you know they made those back in the 70s those aren't going to last at all and I got some plugs and wires and we'll kind of do the typical ignition stuff but first let me get a wrench on there and Oh mom she's got a solid oh there you go she spins I thought she might have a fan clutch on her but she's a direct Oh Drive 300 engine turns we're in business yeah yeah hi hair where did you go I just watched you fly in yep ah come on now well just sit and watch them I don't care I can tell she's been tinkered on the number one cylinder on the old lightning rollers shootin off to the drinker side normally you want to line them right up with the number one cylinder would come Chevy's is up front here but I'm gonna rip all the light new hoses off and just leave the one connected then when I throw the new wires on I know right where to start and it'll be a piece of cake oh they're just hermetically sealed on here yeah off of there these look like yarn don't they yeah yeah hip hips out ouch there's blood Wow this one got so much a lock on it do you think I don't know that didn't go as planned I can't believe I'm already sweating what is this the weather around here we're not that for yourself well maybe we are he's [Music] well I got the sparkle ladders held up in the NHRA 300 folded offer and we've got some issues to work through they're all really running rich carbon fouled with the exception of this one which is really lean so that's a very bad specific intake leak but most likely a burn valve unfortunately and this one is very oil suited probably a stuck or bad ring unfortunately you get similar when you have valve seals go out but you really need a consistent leak to be that gummed up so I mean good news we can get six of these cylinders just firing like crazy this new water displacement on the 40th try has the flex-a-lite juice later nozzle honor you just bend her in where you need her and what a guys doing any sort of fluid management whether it's something like this or ETF or whatever you use you got to remember that these blocks slanted you got to try to get her all the way back like that flew test and that way she runs down across the Pistons not hardly just keeps getting a song let's see a wheelie then well I'm supposing on a guy's check on the dinosaurs before we get to go into town on it it's got some minute I mean it's got some viscosity left good enough to just test fire it and then we'll change on it water pumps been changed on to actually it's just all flash rusted so you don't have any paint on an easy way to tell that she's been swapped well let's go throw a battery in it and spin this thing over and blow that wd-40 out okay this is tangled on this thing now Wow help me understand how this yeah there's a very specific reason I chose this battery and if you're a fan of the channel you just said it out loud she's got a gold handle on her plus it says super start on it that just gives me some confidence you know wow there's that wire again it's back you gotta come up here and then get on this side of it well it's not snipping in here like yep yep that seemed to do nothing think we're back let's see the old fire test you just got to breathe em in for a minute when you get a new battery on them well clearly I've got allergies today goodness we got new battery and a nose trumpet yeah well it's layer over and see if the starter works and how good of a spin we get out of her legs I'm stuck under the headlights there no guys legs just doesn't fit without tilt well we got lights let's just check this right now nothing okay she's cranking we got plenty of crank you probably can't see the fan up there whirling away but we got plenty of crank äj-- starter works so let's put some new sparkly durand wires inner news flash Niagara Falls has been relocated it's currently running down the back guy wants to run AC Delco plugs on a Jeb you whenever possible otherwise it's like riding a horse with a shaved mane it's just goofy I run my in a ten hundredths per hundred cubes so I'm gonna gap these out about just a tickle over 30 yep you can see where that juice shot out on the fender wells here and back in there and that's what a guy tries to avoid using that etf otherwise it just looks like a scene from Tales from the Crypt under the car you know all over kind of this region guys got to start thinking about a fuel plan here definitely gonna fire it off a little Jerry can I got get her dialed in that way the fuel gauge said half a tank so I gave her the old jiggle jiggle shake jiggle you sure enough I can hear it sloshing of course that gas is gonna be like deck stain from the 80s it's what I ain't gonna make it 500 miles even on a boat tank I mean I'd be stopping every 80 miles or whatever like there's just math I'd stop a lot is what I'm saying so I might have to just run 97 fuel filters go dump some good gas into this thing and start mixing on it and hopefully put enough premium into just you know flush her out let's see what the Lightning wormer has to say to us hello what are you saying oh this is saying hey I've been replaced not too long ago Derek this looks a little ragged points might even build I got the ignition sticks on the thunderstorm plugged in I got the engine rolled over just right or if I turn the blower here we're gonna see the points open and closed and we should hear and maybe even see the spark in there hear that Shh listen no listen so she's got spark so I'm gonna try to save him money for a guy will leave the points I'll just take my knife scrape the end of that off throw the cap back on and then we'll just put new lightning hoses on it and see if we get her to fire off that guy's gonna probably end up with one eighty four three six five seven two on my tombstone it's actually a pretty good idea somebody write that down longer Irish medium longish than less longer than medium [Music] [Music] that's how a guy likes to do my hoses how do you do yours you should bleep loop that down in the comment it's just curious do you mark the cap or tear them all off do them one at a time or how do you guys do your wires now that that's done we'll move on to a fuel here and I think we'll just cut a chunk of hose run it straight into a jerrican out here and I'm not even gonna put a filter on it yet cuz I know that's good gas and then we'll see if she fires off of that and then we got to figure out this fuel tank I'm just I don't have anything to drain at the end wish I did maybe I can go get something I don't know I don't wanted to check on the fuel situation so I snipped this off and we had a geyser like Yosemite and I took the filter and fitting out we got fuel coming into here so I'm about eighty seven point nine six percent positive the needle stuck I want to take my Tonya Harding and just persuade or about it on the spec on there and we'll see if we could start just getting the squirter to work instead of dumping stuff downer you know a guy did bring a digital pump for just in the cases I might run down the Walley world and just pick up another five-gallon jug although there's probably more in it than that maybe I'll have to get two dang it then like you know pump it out into that and then refill or back up with the jugs that I just bought not a very cheap process but that would give us fresh gas from the get-go you know I usually mix some two-stroke oil in my gas when I'm trying to bottle-feed them that way she don't run on me I didn't just spend an entire day wash and the cylinders down I'll be dipped if my left I didn't hook on to this I can't remember what my right eye was doing but anyway this is 40 to 1 she's already mixed up and she's got two high Octane's and doesn't have the corn in it so I'm going to try to feed this down vent to here and now we'll just splash a little down the throat that should be enough to start a fire well a guy did decided to go on ahead and dump 58 pounds of dirt into his eyelids but I did successfully get my I'm alone with 6000 trigger hooked up and these are handy I'm getting a little nervous here because the last 69 Chevelle rescue I did she just fought me to the last minute on the last day but here we go 17 years fired I think she made some more juice try to get more down the vent this thing is gonna run bring the Thunder come on it's hot in the fire [Applause] what do you want less choke I don't know more choke surely you don't need more juice well I'll give you some more than we got stage 9 smoking in here I mean that's getting pretty bad come on what I'm going to be listening for when this fire is off is we're gonna have some valvetrain noise and that's normal until these hydraulic lifters pump up but we want to listen for any bottom in knocks if it sounds like a B&E in progress we got to shut her down maybe I flooded it now let me get some laughing gas come on now don't do that [Applause] well you stoppin my little devil squirt are starting work that's good news sometimes you just got to rebuild these alright come on now oh oh starter's not happy try the key yeah now I gotta jump on her knees and give the starter a tickle Duncan one tickle to tickle train four or five let's go with eleven that seems about right [Applause] I don't hear any knocks [Applause] stop knocking Beltran is chattering the best normal I'll be dipped 17 years sitting here idling sitting here idling like it never took a nap in the first place little valvetrain chatter but we'll work that out of it with an oil change its run time sounds pretty good she is aggressively smoking but we hope to get those rings worked out I think we'll wait and see what happens there I'm just gonna let it run for maybe another minute or two on this fresh gas and I will shut her down and drain the oil out [Music] probably hard to see but she's 48 gallon smoky in here gotta let her breathe a little bit I want this to cool off too before I dropped oil and burn my face off and I need to go get a belt a hos couple gas jugs anyway and then we'll move on to probably the transmission see if the gear selector works I did check the fluid before I fired on it you don't want to run these dry I'll burn the pump out in a heartbeat and then least important and last worried about the brakes you don't really need dolls they're just kind of convenient well I could tell you about central Pennsylvania so far as there's a chainsaw store every 200 yards most businesses have wolf or bear in the name and I just watched a guy order tacos on a four-wheeler through the drive-through so basically I'm liking it I think I'm fitting right in let's get this oil change the music pipes must have been put on yeah right before I was parked you look pretty good there's a Fram filter up there this thing was cared for there well she's still hot that's fine upper ball joint a shot Tyrod seemed fine trailing I was flying got a leak I'm a time and cover will keep her eyeballs watching on that power steering leak I mean everything else is you know it's good enough I look pretty good I didn't cut the filter open but I didn't see any metal shavings they're ten millimeter sockets I'm gonna throw in this hotel a 1540 diesel oil this flat tappet camden asuras and vitamins we can get and this will do that and I put a wicks filter in there I want to get this thing fired up again later idle basically as long as that jogger let me over there get these head gaskets nice and hot again see if we have any cooling issues and then all the oil gaskets see what's leaking first I had a rig in a little fuel system here used a boat primer draw up the fuel from the tank and then I put this eatle brach a little clicky Clocky in here and then I wired her in you know purple wire for positive and then purple wire for negative does that makes sense and I want it to be running when I do this because this is the only battery I got and I don't want to run this pump and run my battery down so while it's running and pulling fresh fuel from this jug I'll actually be drawing out the bad fuel and dumping it into that jug and then we'll be able to put some fresh fuel back in here and also all this is going on I'll double-check the trans level there and maybe even put a little snake oil in and then we'll test our on the gears here in a little bit by the way this is a little bit of the gas that I drew all the tank and it is nasty alright let's get her fired off again fun's really good actually then get clicky clack pump engage no idea if that feel-good works it says she's got a tickle past half edit place in the templayer dummy late on the - hang on but more accurately I don't have it full of spewing out that feels okay but I think that's fine my bad gas delegate stolle I'm gonna turn that off you know and I'm almost out of good gasoline so now I'm gonna scoot that to the side go fill this with good gas and then I'll get a filter in here and see if it could pull from the tank the transmission showed a little bit low but I had her on an incline so it's probably just about right but I'm gonna put just a skosh of this in there anyway and rebuild the transmission since we got so far to go deep sound and better and better radiators that one nine D thermostats open [Applause] so it's cooling and I ran her down all the cylinders they're all a door banging away in there so now I think I'm gonna tune up the carburetor a little bit we know from reading the plugs earlier and she was running really rich and well basically my eyes are on fire so I can confirm that these chevelles could be a pain in the tail to put fuel in unless you're at the pump with the old nozzle later I got a funnel in here but I just ain't got the angle I need so I screwed this hose on my gas can here this will work just fine and then I'll convert it to an upper radiator hose here in a minute some folks say I'm a little bit old-school I'm not a too and honored by ear and then a fydd don't sound right to me I'll hook the back can gauge up after that [Applause] got my turns here and we'll bring her in the other side I got a vacuum leak too many turns let me sniff around for a vacuum leak and then we'll try her again well I found it it was a vacuum line snipping up to the old air purifier disk and I threw in a 5/32 allen key and shut that right down so let's try again so the left screw originally must have been five six turns out and the right side screw was only one turn so that's why the engine was doing this and also had fouled plugs so I twist on the key now should run good yeah thousand times better Oh beef tips yeah see now I got to bring that Idol back down [Applause] I'm not even gonna put the vacuum gauge on it I know that's right some of that smoke earlier was from that pre-mixed fuel I was dumping down her but not all of it that she's still sitting back there smoking so I'm gonna give her an Italian tune-up dump a couple cans of barium and b12 donner this stuff's great cleans up the valves the combustion chamber and I've even had free up sticky rings so I just like dumping her right down the throat now I wanted to move down south it's so hot it's like breathing fire and you know I wonder if a guy can just shoot the back end up on jack stands and then I'll just twist her down into a gear see if the transmission turns the tires what have we got here for a flavor drive low so that's a power slide to speed okay I'll do that let's do that Oh every time my leg just gets it's bound up in here oh here we go metric hey Bob Liz I think I'm gonna skip getting in this time battery cable torqued here we go different approach reverse I hear stuff moving and it's just not sounding very hot yikes drive oh yeah most of the letters sit like that do its thing she's got an open diff on her well it's finally that time break check I got like nine percent great you hear any fluid shooting out so well doer is there something in the front been in this position a hundred times I'm just gonna drop some juice in there I really should bleed the brakes so I'm gonna do the right thing and not do that and here's why I'm just gonna strip the bleeders off and then I'm doing wheel cylinders in the wheel cylinders I'm going to snap the brake lines off cuz those arrested then I'm patching the brake lines to the centerline and if I'm lucky that t-junction won't be rotten so I'm just gonna have to take what I can get and go with it she's topped off let's see what we got yes hey it's kind of issue working that's fine front brakes do 70 percent of the stopping anyway well I think the guy's going to go ahead and take his gas funnel and turn it into an upper rad hose now it's just easier to do it here then on the side of the Blue Ridge Mountains uppers on I went ahead and replace that as well that I replace that belt while I was in there and then I also worked on that water pump a little bit and the snow it's got some wild aligner but it's not weeping out of that hole yet so I'm just gonna run that one I think this is pretty much buttoned down and I'll throw an air cleaner on it last minute but we're good here we got about forty nine percent brakes it's shifting in the gears so I think it's time to turn the wheel bearings learn my lesson on that a couple times and those are not fun to do on the side of the road and it seems like with these a body's you go through the bearings really fast and then you're into the spindle then you're doing a whole spindle replacement and that's no good so I'm gonna bring her up and we'll just pop all this off quick and inspect them and maybe repack them quick hopefully they're good because I don't have any bearings with me and well it's getting pretty late I think the parts store has been long closed well good news is I can tell someone's been in here before cuz she's beat like a cab and screamed or I don't have any more dust cap so I gotta just take all this off come on now let's go this way there you go so all these on and just give her a twist there lots of grease cotter pin looks pretty new Cotter key Cotter key way nail I don't know I think I'm getting tired what do you call them put it down there in the comments straighten me out I gotta get this out of here without snapping it because I don't got one of these either should probably get some red eggs ready or something but there is a lot of dirt and stuff in here I think we can clean this up and improve on it a little bit these look brand-new I'll be dipped oh that explains it I just can't believe it well I guess I got to I'm looking right at it guys that was a pretty good luck here you might not be able to see it but you're still cross-hatching in that race so that's brand new and then I figured it out here this wheel cylinder looks new so someone put that and probably brake shoes yeah while you're in you miles we'll put the bearings on so this is all good er well I'm going to clean these bearings up I mean that's pretty grody clean them up and repack them and just reassemble it and I'll do that on the other side I'm assuming they did the other side as well so that's great news guy likes to clean on these too I can see the rollers on the top and bottom not sure what brandis's says made in USA though so I'm gonna run them then I'll just pack some new grease in it we got fireworks my phone died about 90 years ago I'm not even sure what time it is to be honest but it's it's late and I'm running out of steam and it's time for a cold snack or two tomorrow I think we're just gonna do a couple quick you know look overs and it's test-drive time okay see you in the morning I just bring it back I think it's gonna be too heavy sure why not eight million early o'clock I like it but sis away she is did a few things off-camera got the air cleaner back on put together the back seat checked out the u-joint packed up a few things clean because it just got it escalated quickly last night apparently but I think she's ready I'm gonna fire it up and just send her down to the fuel station see if we can get some fresh gas in this thing and if it's running good and she kind of stops I think we'll go wash her down and then I plan on trying to grab Robert the previous owner and maybe we'll go for a spin together and he could tell us about the history on the old girl cuz there's a lot of it so let's uh see if we can make it down the hill here this headliner is in really good shape first drive 17 years well I guess we should see if it starts this morning like a brand new chokes on works great kind of let it warm up for just a minute we got dolmage all right first drive in 17 years when she wants to go right now stops they're coming to have to bring that Idol down just tickle well no weird thongs sir bang who breaks just they're not very good anja does have a little shake in her almost like she's banging on seven but I mean that's you know 80 some percent good it might come around as she warms up steering wheels crooked but she drives straight we got bling courage I gotta laugh we got a write list out here I don't know if this fuel is non ethanol I just hope it is the guy did adjust idle down just a little bit that's it's better and I found a custom Car Wash detailing center about two miles away I think that's one of them fancy units that just kind of pulls the car through I'm sure all these seals are fine and it won't leak at all so let's go do that it's definitely got a mess maybe it'll come back they're not I've only seen these on the movies I really don't know what to do at this point you just keep driving hello help oh here we go hi nothing I don't have carpet or cheese yeah sure now what happens didn't get much of a test in the CSU you know overheat so if we're gonna do that let's do it in a car wash you know that seems that seems fine eighty-five degrees in here and I wore a long sleeved black shirt oh this is gonna take too long we got it let's go let's get going no I don't need bug spray just what does he squirt on the wheel I just want the salt give me the salt thing I don't think I'm gonna make it until the end it's time to check the light Bruce I guess all they work I just can't believe it you can the fast speed works when the blades are shot you don't really need them thick the roller machines busted okay take two well just hook a team on it drag it through what do we got here triple foam okay that seems like a necessity though hey that's not a lot of foam for 15 bucks I don't know if it says well we got a bacon or got some sort of squid thing going on that seems to do now these things are mere vendors okay and we got disco lights so Paul that seems like that's Oh two bucks back I need this blu-ray next out dump that on they need that you know what's not thinking not bad at all I got a little bit leak right here looks I don't know say it doesn't leak hey going good checked out of the hotel yeah change my shirt and I picked the one without wrinkles unless you come you know we're just we're gonna go for it easy there we go yeah alright guys so I'm here with Bob who's actually now the previous owner but his family out the car for many many years yeah and what's it like seeing the car all cleaned up and it's it's great it looks wonderful I'm glad it's going to good place couldn't ask for anything better it's a good situation yeah that's great we were just talking about the paint on this thing a family friend did the bodywork and the paint and it it it's really sharp cleaned up in Tucson it's it's I would say flawless I mean it's in really good shape all the way around he did a great job on the quarters yeah it looks really nice cleaned up so I think well you want to go for a spin drive it around okay alright you're driving all right shotgun are you sure yeah okay yeah I don't know the pedal feels tight but you really gotta put your back in it to get it and I think you had the carpet in the trunk yeah he has it yeah that's great yeah and it's in good shape too that's why I kept it actually I kept that in my house so it would stay in good shape put that in the floor got to about 180 degrees and I was driving around oh hey I'm glad that this is wonderful to see it running as concerned you know what I could do with it or what to do with it and I needed to do some things yeah I think I'll take really good care of it yeah and that'll be great I know for my family this to have it taken care of it you know it's going somewhere so your grandmother bought this in 74 I believe it was 74 yes she bought it from a neighbor up the street he was getting a new car and she got this and she had it brilliant about 95 I think she passed away she had it all those years and never driven much you know took it pretty much to church in the store and pretty much so when she passed away my dad wanted you know wanted to go to someone in the pale and so I I took it thinking he would enjoy having it you know I would I was gonna pretty much about it running thought he would wonder on it yeah but after I had everything done he really never seem that interested and then once he had he but he had a stroke and after that that's what I I was too busy I didn't have time kids and take care of things I didn't have time to take care of it so then it's at since about old 3d you figure when the inspection ran out runs pretty good though it's great to get them under so 78,000 miles that must be original mile they are original that's a that just shows the salt States even low mileage you get rust and rot you do how do you do bodywork and she had a garage but it was too small and she just didn't you it sat out it she left it out by the house and so okay it did not get stored in the graph it had gotten into her garage I think would been a much better shape see a car this old only have two owners and have original mileage like 17,000 that's yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun driving I'm sure can it'll be good well thanks for all the hospitality if I'd be working to garage I'll help you I'm happy to see you do it that's great all of the parts that i pre-ordered about two weeks before I came up here you know I'm trying to ply on ahead he went ahead and sent them to the wrong store so I've kind of just been peace and stuff together and I've went to every auto store in this town and no one has a brake master or a fuel pump which are two things I'd really like to carry with me on this trip I did pick up an extra water pump cause the train out here it goes up and then it comes back down and it keeps doing this thing and breaks I just I'd like to have some parts with me we're just gonna keep stopping here and there and see if we can find them I think I'm gonna do this hundred mile glass at a time we'll go about a hundred miles hop off the tank check everything over check the lug nuts things like that and you know jumping on the highway up here we're gonna find out real quick what the steel tanks looking like we might take a exit here in just a few miles see how much the jump gets going under that filter [Music] bourbon flavor you know rejuvenate as we drive all right here we go luckily for some reason the state speed limits 55 everywhere and to get that the same as 1952 it's gone 550 probably gonna stay right around 50 it's just crazy to me that you could take a car that's been sitting for 17 years that's older than me tune it up and just throw her back on the IOA and start a 500-mile trip with twenty three percent confidence I got some sort of a metallic clanking shake and going on back here I think what I'm gonna do is just convince myself that it's tough the trunk could just forget about it I don't like traveling this fire without some gauges but it's not my rig the cobble stuff in here I don't have a temp gauge but I can tell it's getting hot because I'm smelling burning oils that I've never smelled before climbing this huge hill coming out of town down the other side I'll throw her up the neutral let her breathe [Music] hello guys about 75 miles in filled up I'm doing a math right which probably not good about twelve point seven miles to the gallon torque down all the lug nuts again and then I'm checking hub temperature which always changes the speed nambia what you're looking for is one that's significantly higher the other line check the oil that's fine I don't see anything new leaking out of here the fill filter looks fantastic did not expect that I bought about 94 million of these because I thought I was going to be swapping them out or putting a couple of mine but so far that looks fine I'm gonna run radiator right now is 146 we're in good shape gonna load everything back up and I don't know now that I know my field my lights maybe we'll try actual 100 miles 140 this is all I got in the trunk just a bunch of junk miscellaneous parts all-in-one tool kit little Jack that barely works gasoline that's it it's good rolling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we gotta pull over here for a minute someone said do the dew so I did about seven times and not my teeth they're just floating you know what I mean and then I suppose we should probably you know check the car kind of run a little rough here actually and get some fuel yes few things here feel filter looks fine I thought maybe this was plugging up and it's not vapor locking so I'm willing to bet that she's probably the points but took my file on the old other man and replaced the points you know then I'll file up the lightening rotor jam that all back together and you can take the flap in there and just kind of scrape out the lightning cap but more importantly found a cooler it's mice it some arizona sweet teeth there's just something about that and some big league bubblegum chew so I'm set I am I have no idea where I'm at but I am more than halfway there which is great fuel prices amazed goodness blow it up button her down again and hit the road fuel mileage is just getting better and the smoking is basically gone away I think when I get there and get it all cooled down I'm gonna pull these two plugs again and just read on them see if I got the same results as we did last time we looked so anyway I'm gonna button all this back up and just get on the road [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys stop get some fuel and stretch the Honda Maximus is out thought my rear end was falling asleep on me and I maybe I was getting sweaty but turns out my soft cooler is a little too soft and it leaked 914 gallons of water on me over the last two hours so I'm just soaked from the waist down that's fine topped her off on gas here seven gallons is all she's just sipping on the fuel a lot of people dog on these 307 but you got to remember they had a whole host of engines if you want to go fast and recycle tires this little guy is doing exactly what it's supposed to be reliable and just sip on the fuel and it's doing just fine I'm gonna pull ahead and just check everything I'll check the oil again check that fill filter check on the hubs I think we got about 50 miles left is all which is great I think we're gonna get there before the Sun shuts down which is great I didn't really do the old white checker Unni I don't even really have a destination picked out yet I just typed in Florence when I get there I guess I'll figure out a motel or whatever 45 miles that ain't bad this left arm is just feeling like one of those turkey fires and people try to fry them right one more little blast we'll be there I'm mad at you cooler here we go now let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] well I made it supposedly I'm somewhere in a little town that I'm supposed to be in but I'll figure that out later no tickets no major breakdowns no issues at all really that misses back that was always there and a little fan belt squeak but she just wore in that's an easy fix man it really helps starting out with a car that just isn't rotted to the ground entirely you know what I mean I think I'm gonna find a motel three and a half somewhere around here and a cheeseburger and a wobble pop sounds really good right now big THANK YOU to kin for letting me be a part of your adventure and well you trusted me with your really nice car that's just mind bottling and also a big THANK YOU to Robert and his family some of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life and it's been a blast last few days tears of joy laughter even snuck in a hug there with mom it's been a lot of fun and this is exactly what feels me to keep doing it so thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed the adventure very much if you're not subscribed I'd appreciate that and jam on that little bail thing down there too would you see you next time [Music] know what kinda tires are these stay long time get out of here smoke [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,165,478
Rating: 4.9455237 out of 5
Keywords: Will it run, motortrend, roadkill, abandoned, revival, rescue, will it start, cold, start, classic cars, chevrolet, chevelle, barn find, farm find, will it run after 30 years, will it run after 30 years?, 30 years, abandoned car, abandoned car saved, will it run old cars, will it run car, barn find cars, rat rod, rust raid, car runs after 30 years, car sits for 30 years, abandoned for 30 years, vice grip, car abandoned for 30 years, car, cadillac, deville, forgotten, sitting, parked, 1969
Id: cW7xy3rdeBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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