I surprised my 12 year old son with a 1969 Camaro! (He had no idea)

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this here is my 1969 Camaro that I've had for years but some of you may not recognize it in fact you'd have to go back to the early days of vice grip garage to see this car and what I mean by that is the second ever episode of vice grip garage was filmed with that exact car putting a 307 four-speed and front clip on this thing now unfortunately it's been parked for about three years with a blown up engine but that's about to change I'm going to jerk that out and snag in a different Power Plant [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] dig into the Camaro here let's go back in time for a minute I just want to show you how I got this thing in here sometimes it's a fight especially when they run and as many of you have noticed the Camaro has sat under Vanishing paint here for a very long time we've pushed it in and out a couple times to get the VP down and out but basically it sat there I pushed it outside push it as far as I could towards the shop and then I've got just a mix and match of you know ropes and things like that and a tractor to get this in by myself so guys got her pushed in here I got it tied to the axle that comes up here to a snatch block which is ringed in so it's going to double my pulling Force basically got the lift lifted up just enough to slide underneath here and this strap goes all the way under the car and hooks to the Tractor and this pushes and pulls cars with ease so now when I drive that tractor forward that's going to pull the car backwards and even if it tries to move the lift it's very unlikely because the second this rear axle gets on the ramp half of this car weight is then on the ramp and even if it does it's going to pull the ramp towards the car so they're kind of just going to fold onto each other first time I've done it this way but when you're by yourself I ain't going to be able to push this up I don't have a front bumper on here and my tow truck's torn apart currently so this is the best way to get it in here I can think of without causing a bunch of damage let's give it a shot start idling the tractor forward here nice and easy oh I Gotta Straighten The Wheels on the camera real quick this might be in and out in and out trying to keep this real straight I wonder if I could tie it to something quick so I got another strap probably not [Applause] lift this hole in that is unexpected I wonder if the buckles hung up oh that's my bad I gotta reposition the d-ring under here it's snagged up guy's got the d-ring unsnagilized so let's try her again oh put it on here [Applause] well I'll be deaf listen Fellers if it works is it really a dumb idea you know welcome back guys gonna be completely honest with you Fellers as I always am I got a little bit you know emotional rolling in this Camaro here the car has a lot of sentimental value to me just the creation of this channel literally taping a broke a cell phone to a garage door and filming myself working on this car but more than that it reminds me of a time when my children were yay tall we built this car or put it together in my two-car garage back in Minnesota and I spent a tremendous amount of time with my boys doing so and one of them Bailey has absolutely fallen in love with this car that's all he talks about he'll come in here and just look at the thing and I got tired of staring at it underneath the vanishing paint back there with just stuff piled on it enough's enough now some of you are thinking big block LS alcohol blowers turbos maybe I don't know but staying true to traditional routes with this car the engine in there I paid a hundred dollars for it at a swap meet the heads were full of acorns it was an absolute disaster well we're going to kind of stay with that I've got another engine for this that I pulled out of my Bel Air that ran kind of ish so basically it's kind of free I'm going to take that engine put it in here made it to the floor speed and we're going to put this thing back back on the road and go have some fun yeah so here's the thing I had about 500 followers give or take when I put the video out on this car some years back a couple of you have joined since then I think what we should do is go ahead and walk around this thing soak it up come up with a list of things to do and then get after it right away see I'm going to try to keep this a secret from my son Bailey until this thing is running again toss them in the passenger seat local Cruise the hillsides of Tennessee or go somewhere he wants to go we'll have to ask him but we've got quite a bit of work to do so like I said a guy paid 100 bucks for this engine had a swap meet I Craigslist rebuilt it kind of made these valve covers and stuff for it but it was uh it had some issues from the get-go it smoked had low oil pressure and it had a wiped cam lobe or maybe a couple so pretty much when we drove it it was sending filings through the bearings and everything and the oil pressure was getting lower and lower anyway the last time I ran this I ran out of friends property and we kind of did the Dukes of Hazard style had some fun slid it around and everything like that because I knew the engine was pretty much done and I did one last burnout on the way to storage and that was it and that was three years ago it's been sitting here but I've gone through this and put a bunch of brake lines in it master cylinder booster the wiring is completely trashed in this car all hacked up we could try to address that a little bit thought about putting a digital fan on here instead of a mechanical or getting a shroud we could try to fix that as we go the body on this unfortunately is really really bad I bought this off of evil Bay had surface rust the guy said well yeah after I got this is from me with the flap disc you can see here it's already had a quarter panel replacement and this one's completely rotted and it's not as simple as just putting quarters need the trunk inner fender well outer fender well spring pockets rear valence the roof is caved in this quarter again both you know like I say rocker this door is shot Defenders need a lot of work but the only thing salvageable on the car is probably the hood now I did put a new floor pan in on both sides that side's in there the other side's in there as well seats are halfway decent I have the door cards maybe we can slip this door card on as well and missing a rear door card back I think I got both of those maybe tidy up the console a little bit I did put tires and wheels on it right before I put it into storage those actually came off of my 71 Chevelle that I sold to get a different Camaro I'll put her up in the air here we'll take a look underneath of this thing and see if we could spot a few more things that we could do along the way here [Music] better look at more rust I mean it's it's unfortunately tough and the worst part of it [Music] with age these are starting to go and if you didn't know on a first gen there's not a lot of frame in fact from there to there and well from here up there and this is just bolted in so when those start to go up oh these purple hornies I really like the way they sound they're pretty nice but one of these days I should probably get real exhaust on here I did this just because it was super cheap and easy on a garage floor and you're not running open header that way you can sneak it down the street it's an actual rock Crusher four speed it's worth more than everything that's probably from bouncing around through that field and whatever you can see we bottomed her out quite a few times but it's got all new brakes and stuff like that on it that's neat if I could put a new starter in it boy we got to get the vacuum out again I got spider Edge level 58 don't tell Jessica she won't come out here got a lot of room for activities in this guy I ain't kidding you this is the other floor pan I put in and I have the other one in here I don't know maybe if we got time we can replace this new floor pan with another one I don't know what else we got going on opinion seals leaking maybe we can pop one of them in quick I probably should fix this too I remember I had this plugged off at the sparkle later at one time but I can maybe Bend up a metal line and then just have two rubber transitions you know maybe one right here and then one over here so that's a little more taunt and I can't remember some of you OG vice grip fans might remember or be able to tell me did I put this tank in way back then or was that already in there I'm not I'm not quite sure what the deal was there and that's pretty much the bottom gonna undo the shifter here which is super simple these three bolts undo these linkages they're just Clips in here got two bolts right here two bolts on each side we could take this out we'll drop the Mufflers off we will disconnect the headers and then we can bring the car back down and start addressing everything from the top side there I can't remember where the front bumper went but I think I got one in inventory somewhere see it's all mangled up and it just wasn't fitting right and I kind of like the look first gens without the bumper anyway I mean let's be honest they're not doing anything in a wreck make a quick list here obviously we've got remove the 307 install the other engine which will go get probably early tomorrow morning I would imagine kind of starting late in the day here to inspect the clutch it was new when I put it together but it's lived a hard life gonna be honest there we need to bleed the brakes again been a while since then we're just laid it on or anything like that we've got the pinion seal we have the fuel line to take care of we're going to need the DLS uh header gaskets gonna have to figure out a carb for that other engine and then Cooling may not do something but I might just put together a digital fan for this and get rid of the mechanical fan the parasitic drags and the old death blades you know what I mean that's going to do it let's get the car back up and get back to work well I'm going to go on right ahead and tell you where a guy's starting I got some exhaust hangulators just right in my left retina right here just to swing him I'm gonna blast these out of here get them out of the way and we'll move on to the drive shaft yeah okay Moses this is gonna rain rust or just snap that bolt off immediately either way it's coming out oh two snaps okay what what do these say over here this one that one did too oh being dead it's more glitter nope just shows more rust great so this is definitely leaking not only is it wet on the bottom here where it's sad all these years but look at the floor pans here just a rust proofing back here so we'll get that taken care of when we're in the reassemble processes we'll knock that out right now I'm going to go ahead and pull out these purple hornies get these off so like I say when we drop the headers they're not just slamming to the ground once they're out of the way we'll get to the cross member I got a rod Jack support thing under here so when I take this cross member out it'll hang we'll dip it down a little get all the shift stuff off in a minute but then I'm going to put a strap across here since I'm going to be pulling this out myself that way the transmission will kind of rock on that strap and it'll help us get it out and we'll do the same getting it in fogging up I gotta hurry wow what it what did I do here with this [Music] there we go for the record every piece of Hardware is nothing like the rest it's all mismatched I like it definitely put this together now can I lift this up a little bit you can slide Edge positive slight Edge that is out I'll take a little dip to jacuzzi here bring it bring it down is what I'm saying let's bring it down a little bit there I go looking good not bad a little bit more sure sputo cable that can come off gear input's A little sloppy and we'll start on the uh shift linkage here got three bolts on the side and some Keepers on this other side last thing a guy did under the car there was go ahead and snag the starter out and then I put her back on the ground start attacking the top side sure I forgot something you know how that goes but I think we're pretty well done underneath the rig this is where I just guys gotta just hang his belly over a fender and get after it I'm gonna try to leave some of this stuff on but some of it's just a necessity to get to the motor mounts the fuel pump make it happen or has got to come out probably the charger where there that'll get hung up on something also the bracket rod goes down to the noisemaker pipes got to get the lightning hoses off sparklators the air filtration system got to even take the fuel make it happen or off so I can get a pull plate on that thing so once we get the cherry picker in we can pick it with the cherry picker so I don't know that's just let's do the thing but so far it's been smoother than a criminal [Music] [Applause] well a guy and my youngest human I'm responsible for got this pertin air tore all the way down got the cherry picker on it I think we're just going to give her you know a couple tugs if anything feels hooked up talk a little harder and then if it still doesn't come off we'll scan the peepers what could be snag at us up do got a captain side header just along for the ride apparently you got to fit that in and then smash it into the steering gearbox I don't know how I got it in there if I'm being completely honest or maybe we dangle it bring it up from the bottom but just write this down we are gonna there's there's gonna be a fisticus when it gets back to that all right let's see if we get it out oh we're snagged up on something see I think that's going to be that header oh for Pete's sake I forgot to unhook the z-bar [Music] delicately got that out you think Bailey's going to be surprised yeah yeah now what can we do backwards beep beep beep you know we're gonna have to do that I completely neglected let's probably take the hood off it's going under this [Music] how come you didn't take the hood off [Music] 14 years later back to this [Music] wow we really did this on a budget there's still a Fram in here filter I can't believe that I'm in trouble anything snagged oh yeah there's cords okay unsnag the cords ready yep good yeah engine is out buddy what's that uh the transmission well what is this part though fly wheel flywheel yeah what Hooks in right here to that no idea how does it start start oh yeah now we go watch out buddy [Music] oh no well we got her out and we're making a mess oofed on me pretty much unscathed we just uh broke the old lightning whirler here but that's okay that's a fairly cheap fix we're gonna separate these two in a minute this is what we got going on in here and see that Jack tips over as you pull it out that strap just kind of supports it then you don't need to be going underneath the vehicle 15 times and it's not doing this jammed up against the wall of fires there I think I should address this a little bit before we stick the other one in and there's some scotch locks and other things in there maybe get these Walmart fittings out the out used to getting fittings at Walmart and still do sometimes they're affordable okay and also see if we can get a thicker gauge wire for the heis if we can maybe doll that up a little bit I think I got an actual plug we can wire in here now clean up all this stuff but first let's go ahead and separate this see what the clutches look like I'll have Bentley take these bolts out we'll get the gear part of it off and then we'll take the balancing off see what we got Brad you want to help too yeah yeah all right let's get that transmission out of there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you let's see all this cheap clutch held up pretty sure I got the cheapest one see those fingers come out when you took that bolt out watch when you take that bolt out what happens well not terribly bad gotta be honest a little chattering but I don't see any evidence of extreme heat or anything like that I think we can just reuse that for sure I might call into the town or get on the line and see just what one of these would cost out of curiosity we're in it should we maybe replace it yeah okay we'll see Pop this off quick and then this can just go away should we use these that I made or the other ones [Music] they're the like I think they're black Mickey Thompsons or something use those ones okay oh I think your battery is dead uh I never got pastries put that one in it well it's been a really good night with the Camaro and a lot of fun with the boys here got the engine and transmission out got the two separated got all the accessorize and all the stuff tore off of the engine and laid out on the table everything that I hope to reuse tomorrow is the other small block we're running out of daylight in fact it's dark right now so for the rest of the night we're gonna clean up this mess we made tomorrow bright and early we'll run out to Rusty Acres pull out some other small block bring it up here and hopefully reverse all of this and get this Camaro running again for the first time and well it's been over three years see you soon ready to clean up well good morning little update on operation hide Camaro I don't know that's all I got this morning everything's going good even though there's literally an engine sitting in the bucket of a tractor my son is none the wiser he didn't ask any questions as to why because well I've this is my third engine swap in two weeks I think so that's good everything's blending in just fine but we got to get right on it today so I think what we're going to do go out and get the tractor go to Rusty Acres dump this other engine off somewhere find a different one hook a chain on that drag it into the shop get everything reassembled snake it back into the Camaro [Music] ah here we go out where to drop this thing well this is gonna have to work for now working hard to figure out a way to get this Studebaker indoors getting close and getting close take this here so what a guy's gonna we're gonna go for let's see so this here is obviously another small block Chevy it's a 98 52 box so it's a 57 to 66 283 two Bolt and it ran pretty good I actually pulled it out of my 64 Bel Air hopped up at 350 and put that in there so I know it runs and I had it running probably two three months ago doesn't have a ton of oil pressure but it's good enough for the kid to learn on it's not a ton of horsepower he can use and abuse it it's reliable it's going to be tough for them and then as it gets a little bit older then we can you know 350 383 400 454 big of the blocks I don't know but this is a nice cheap way for him to learn how to drive manual have a little bit of fun and the biggest most important thing is get that car back on the road well here's where we're at Fellers and fellas the sbc's just swaying in out there on the John Deere well it's up in our teeth you know I think I'm going to go ahead and rebuild the thing it's out you know what I mean and by rebuild I mean Craigslist rebuild you know Mazel do that really quick then while that's drying I'm going to get in here to the engine compartment and start cleaning up all this wiring and everything like that I also picked up attack I think that's going to be helpful well for me so when I know when the valves float I can set the pointer for myself but also my son when he learns I'm just thinking he's got to be able to coordinate the sound of the engine to an RPM it's going to be easier to do learning having attack armored obviously so you can get consistent taking off and doing hill starts and things like that so I'm going to put a little pack in here and I think that's going to help them out so let's go get this rebuilt and then we'll jump back in here and do a little bit of wiring and whatnot foreign here is a perfect example why you don't use these and I've talked about it for years and of course you never have an example at hand except for now bingo this had a terrible oil leak as you just saw and it's from this rubber intake gasket getting squished out and then oil leak just use the rid of on the on the Block the wall of the block some China Wall on the engine will be fine this must have been freshened up not too long ago it's got all new freeze plugs in it and this is interesting ain't no Bowl oh yeah well while the cam bearings and main bearings are drying in the sun looks pretty good for a couple cans and I also hit it with you know clear that's the warranty on the rebuild well that's strong I want to jump in here vacuum all this out wipe it down attack this wiring might even Spritz a little bit you know a brand new firewall in there 60 and 35 probably maybe 60 and 34. we'll see how I'm feeling when I get there and then when this is all done and ready that should be dry and we could start beep boop and then snip and snag [Music] [Applause] oh guy's got her cleaned up pretty good trimmed up all this relay here took out a bunch of garbly for that stuff not going to use that right now this is so hacked and butchered it's just gonna need a new factory wiring harness at some point in the Futures is what I'm saying not this minute cleaned all of this up got the charging whirler new fittings those look pretty snazzy and also the starter wires cleaned all that up put a thermal shield on there and this is going to be the new plug for the he and I if I can get over here so that's just a bit and then this will be the technometer and I just climbed in here and you wouldn't believe the daylight I got through this firewall there's a lot of it over here plenty of room poor car I it's just been hacked and cobbled and cut into and it just needs wiring bumper to bumper I think I'm just going to mount that probably right up here on the column and then we'll tap right into the fuse panel there just when we get the ecosystem rest s on the ignition stick and then somebody cobbled in the little ground here so I'll take out the red wire which is a body ground I must have worked on this before already and then turn that into a ground round with maybe like a purple wire so it's confusing and then all I got to do is run the green wire up to the tack set the tack to eight the cylinders and we should be good well there it is mounted I think it looks pretty good just the old zip tie on there kind of humorous and unnecessary I use this really nice braided Tech Flex to hide the wires kind of backing through there and just a little tip here is you can uh just slide it down the wire well first of all when I cut it I melt the ends with this fire and then I slide it up as far as I can into the device or sensor or whatever it is this isn't going to fray anymore push it up until it has resistance and then just tape this end which is going to be hidden and then you don't have to try to tape or put any sort of transition or fitting or anything like that but now I can feed this through there and that's going to look a lot better there I'm just going to hot wire the light side right to the accessorize with the key on instead of taking this out and doing all that because this would be the right way so I'm doing it that way so we'll have lips on that all the time well here's that 283 the rebuild is dried you know it's everything is seated the Rings are you know they're they're there they're brought back around all that stuff Bentley's home from school ready to help me Bailey still hasn't noticed somehow which is pretty awesome so we're gonna try to keep it that way now instead of buying a new clutch this one's actually in a really decent shape I spent the same amount of money I picked up a new edel broken intake and gaskets and stuff like that to seal this up I had forgotten until I went to pick this up at the plate this has a really odd intake on it and it requires a spacer underneath the fuel making a happener and I didn't have any of that garbly so let's pick up 3.76 horsepowers change this out pick up a uh provision sure if we want to run a digital fan clean it up make it look nicer also snipped up really cheap chrominium air filtration system because Chrome gets you home nope definitely doesn't so we're going to get the flywheel back on put some never come off juice torque that up go ahead and get the clutch set I got to find my clutch alignment tool great lost that already get all this bolted back on maybe I should Spritz this with some paint let me think about that probably not because then I gotta wait and get everything bolted up again there you go we found some aluminum paint I think we'll try to squirts at least the bell housing a lot better than shaking it huh feeder the onions whoa try to rebuild this too just real quick the Chevy orange would be an oddity now with everything else and natural or black foreign new pilot bushing is in I don't know why I just prefer these old kind of brass bushing style instead of the new bearing it just you know they've been around for 70 80 years they never let a guy down hey the other one's got the needle bearings it's just preference thing this is all cleaned up with brake clean making sure we don't have any fingerprints or oil or anything like that on it now we can go ahead and mate the clutch up to this and we'll use the alignment tool and I'll show you that here in a minute before we took it the bird cages is I don't know if we've ever done a clutch I think about it other than the second episode but I probably glazed over this a lot of people just they got this in here they just torque it down but that's wrong because you have the weight of the clutch disc holding down your alignment tool so if you push the sand Watch What Happens see it move that's actually Center so what I like to do is just run these until they just snug not even snug just touching right so you're ready to torquilize them then I'll push my tool in then I'll do opposites one two three four and then I'll make sure that this slides in and out nice and easy then I'll finish it off I'll show you Bentley's going to do this one up here it's got another one down the bottom you don't have even have to run it all the way in just snug that's good and then three o'clock this one yeah it's good and then 10 o'clock whatever clock that one is good all right see that nice and easy so I know that I'm right on the money so now we can go around and torquilize all these up go ahead buddy so to test this I'm going to have Bentley try go ahead see how it moves what do you think super smooth and easy you don't want that binding at all if it is don't panic just loosen up realign it and try it again okay go ahead pull it out we're good brick and I will uh get the bell housing on should be dry by now make sure the fork and everything is forking looks you know it's doing the thing and then Jam that in [Music] okay how that is you know that's there taken care of you can see this is a pretty darn clean motor suspect it might have been gone through right before I picked it up but it's hard to say anyhoose I'm gonna go ahead and ditch this old intake here we're going to put a needle broken on it and that has a Square bore pattern for the edel broken fuel make it happener so we can get that on also we'll be able to get in here and inspect the valve train a little bit closer seal everything back up that gasket back there is blow it out that ain't good either and then we should be ready to go ahead and hook back onto this start working it back in the Camaro well I don't know how many hundreds of small blocks I've seen fillers it's a lot I'm telling you right now this is all brand new valve train um Springs no but rockers rocker nuts push rods lifters all new I would assume the cam is probably new no idea on the bottom end we'll say it's brand new sure great time to talk about rocker adjustment some of these are just they're not even nope that's not right these are going to be hydraulic flat tappet it doesn't have a roller retro kit or anything like that so if you watch down in there watch that cup in the lifter I'm depressing that so that's that hydraulic cushion that gets taken up with oil pressure keep these from clanking and that's why you don't have to put a feeler gauge or anything like that you're just setting zero lash preload I have a full video on this in my playlist about how to set hydraulic lash basically the easy way and pretty much all I do go through it quickly here back this guy off as an example see how we got vertical play well I call it vertical but Play Between The Rocker and the lifter down here that's bad we want to get to zero lash and all that means is there's no gap between the rocker or the push rod tip and The Rocker and the push rod tip and the cup and the lifter and you can do that by pushing back and forth like this and also spinning this with your fingers see how that's rotating it is actually rotate naturally when an engine is running they do this and that's how you know that they're not bent you could pull a valve cover off of an engine put a mark on here with the paint marker these should be rotating very quickly as an engine is running if they're not this puppy's bent but anyway back to this all I do of course I got my left hand in here as well is I'm slowly tightening this and as I am I'm going back and forth and rotating and I want to take up cushion between the two and you can also feel it when you're rotating a little bit of resistance in there and you got to be careful with your socket you don't want to be pushing down on the rocker or prying on The Rocker because you're going to get a false positive so come up on the knot a little bit quite a bit more and you don't want to be pressing that cup down because when you fire up your valves are going to be opening too far still got to go a little bit more getting close see now I don't really have up and down movement there we go now I'm going to go just a hair more until I start to feel some resistance between the two right there this is zero Lash see how there's no slop so you can do this by just doing the loose ones I can adjust that one I can adjust this one that one's on a lobe I could you know go around these are on a lobe rotate the engine a quarter do the loose ones quarter loose ones quarter loose ones quarter loose ones you're done but if you watch the full video on my playlist it'll give you a full rundown on that just kind of wanted to give you a highlight I guess if you will this is pretty good I'm going to come through here with a Roz or blade clean this up real quick and get that new intake put on here's another look at the blowout we had two different types of silicon in here Plus this thing don't please stop don't use those thanks and oh I gotta get off that other engine my oil pressure doodave fitting upper and then we'll put a filter on that we should be good part I love about the country just dark quiet okay I need this little filler for the oil pressure uh you know does the gives you hot readings that little guy got the intake gaskets laid in here just kind of drying I'm using this gas Gus this is the scent maybe it's yeah it's a gasket sealer works really good if you see this in town and you do this a couple times a year grab this stuff so you won't be sorry but if you're on a budget or you're just doing this you know for a repair or something like that any kind of you know rid of will work or axle grease or any sort of Grease or paste or whatever just something sticky on the back side in here and a couple spots maybe right here just to hold these in place so they're not slip in and sliding then you can get your silicon on the walls and drop that intake in without these shifting around and then you're not going to be fighting to get your bolts in and just making a big mess in here basically run a quarter inch bead here but before I start I like to do these Corners because this is where it always leaks so I just kind of peel off Boop Boop I haven't had a gasket leak since 1969 and I ain't kidding you now this is the important one quarter inch bead right across the back oh air bubble messed it up looks pretty good Fellers I ain't kidding you see if we can repeat it oh yeah look at that rid of layer champion 99 2000 to 2003 again in 2007. that should do the trick we want to see a squish when we drop the intake in here that comes by the way thanks to that shellac we don't have to worry about these gaskets moving so we're just going straight down with this applying some pressure a little bit of a Tamp okay I see compression on the back compression all the way around the front she's good okay so a guy did go on ahead and decide we're going to put a digital fan on here I don't have a shroud or anything like that and a mechanical fan way back here isn't going to do a whole lot unless he got a wind just constantly you know going through the teeth plus we could free up five to eight horsepowers by getting rid of that parasitic drag sure let's do that so we're going to need a relay this is just a regular old relay here uh we've talked about this in the past and you don't have to be scared of these fillers they're actually really straightforward I'm going to mount mine over here by all this other garbly and voltage regulators and whatnot because it'll kind of blend in I've already drilled a hole and put a grommet in here but basically we're going to have yellow that's going to come over to the battery that's power we'll put a fusible Link in there red goes right to the fan that's the power to the fan fan will then be grounded you can go to the frame subframe straight to the battery whatever you want to do orange keyed 12 volt I can get that right here and then this is going to be temperature sensor so I can run that along this harness that's going to go over to the charging whirler tee off hit my tap sensor I'll have to look at what degrees I'm going to pick up probably 185 once that hits 185 bam fan does the fan thing so I'm gonna go ahead and just knock most of this out quick you guys have seen me do this a thousand times and then once the engine's in and everything I'm just doing it now because obviously there's a lot more room I can plant a little bit get some of this little stuff knocked out [Music] well here's where we're at with this little bugger pretty much got everything bolted on that would be easier to do out here than in the car we flush the coolant system here we've got the old water pump on that's a short style we change the pulleys on the bottom that's done obviously the intake is finished got everything plugged off got a digital sensor in it new water neck and seal there no thermostat for now put the motor mounts on that were on the 307 because the ones that were on this were already trashed and I know these fit they're already bent up and everything the way that we need them I guess in a sense once I get it Cherry Picked in the air I'm going to put the starter on and then we'll go ahead and dip this thing in this is pretty well ready and then we can come around and figure out the accoutrement I should pull that z-bar off really quick actually and then we'll try to stab it [Applause] [Music] thank you engine is in went ahead and snagged him the captain side header because well it's just it hits the steering selector go left or right machine down there so it's easier when it's lifted up now the other side was gonna put starter on and I remembered guys should probably go ahead and get the header on first and then we'll plop the starter in from down below what big progress that's the hard part the rest of it's just accessorize probably first lift it up gets transmission cross member in miles will throw the shifter in finish all that so we could just say transmission done then we'll come back up here and you know this stuff you Fellers of fellas often ask me to do this and I need to get better at doing it but we're going to have a little bit of fun with the valve covers off of the 307 from the 69 Camaro here these are the original valve covers that I made that went on the 307 and the second ever episode of vice grip garage I kind of petined them just sanded them down and there's like a mat clear on them I've signed both in yellow marker and you could potentially win these we're going to give both away here's how all you got to do is go to vicegripgarage.com purchase any sort of merchandise whatever you want a flannel a hoodie a hat a shirt just something where we have your name and address and we're going to pick two random winners we're going to do sales tonight through the weekend and then they'll be gone we're just gonna have the guys in the warehouse pick two random orders throw them in with you you might get one of the original valve covers off the 69 Camaro I think that'll be fun the rest of the engine is going to be scrap pretty much but I really like these good luck and thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got her back together I got to get this other header up in here got all this adjusted ran through it seems to be pretty close we might have to make an adjustment once we get on the road but got the starter in that's all wired here's the original routing there this is where my starter wiring is going to go here and it's got that protective sleeve on it a bunch of new fittings there went ahead I know went ahead and greased everything I could service the transmission got that oil changed I don't know if you noticed but that dumped out 94 water I was actually flabber plus gasket I couldn't believe it but I had to I was looking right at it so I went ahead and put a Wix racing filter in there and this time we're going to be running I'm going to use this uh 2050 I need a heavier oil this was already kind of low in oil pressure and then a SAT full of water for a while that ain't good so I'm gonna thicken it up and do 2050 instead of the usual 1540 this also has a bunch of zinc in it and stuff like that the other stuff is just tremendously cheaper than that so I'm going to lower this back down get this other header in and then underneath the car all I have to do is one more Muffler later uh this pinion seal maybe get to that fuel line and we're looking pretty good but I got a lot more to do upstairs so I kind of want to get started on that all the little stuff I gotta run down to Rusty Acres pull that fitting out so this can go on there I've got the oil pressure hooked up back there already I'm gonna wait to drop the lightning wheeler in I got to get the loan with 6000 on this spin this over make sure we're on TDC I put a yellow mark down there for the timing tab just so I can confirm that so working on this right now I've got the fuel pump in that makes the fuel happen up to the fuel make it happener this was intentional I rolled it over on itself because it's siphoning fuel itself which is great there's obviously no restriction but I didn't have a filter in here which is really odd for me so I'm really starting to think that tank is in fact new in the back I'm hoping somebody you know commented down below I'm gonna have to come back and check that out but I'm going to pop in a 33003 Rick's flavor uh just so you know 33002 is 5 16. 33001 is quarter and 33033 is 3 8 but Chrome okay so I'm going to pop this in here hopefully I don't even have to use any more lines and I think I'm going to start probably getting water pump pulley alternator charging wheeler bracketries all the stuff lined up I got to pull these two bolts back out put that bracket in there do some magics belly just got back from school he's going to help me out tonight we got just a few hours before supper so we gotta hurry don't we yeah when did you say we had to have this running by tonight oh boy all right well he just helped me bump the engine over we're very close to TDC I just stick my finger in the spark lighter hole and he tapped on her and we're very close also we spit I put some uh WD-40 in there water displacement on the 40th try but all the cylinders it just felt terrible about that much water being I don't understand that that's I don't know not any hoose that's a different day different conversation feathers and what I'm saying is we're moving along I think we're going to go ahead and why don't we put the radiator in get the hoses and everything on then we'll do the charging roller and then work backwards this way Plant yeah all right I want to get the lightning roller stabbed in but the rotolyzers busted pulling her out she must have got pinched or something I'm not sure I wasn't paying attention everything else is good boy nowadays do you get an old school ignition module hang on to it because it is worth its weight in gold this one is off the Evil Base I put it in my 64 Bel Air I got about 30 miles out of it immediately failed that's weird probably the pickup and or the repeats come on here probably the ignition module it's uh most likely a mobile Tron but anyway all I need is this doodab off of it save a few bucks plop this onto here and then we'll go stab that down and we've already got a gasket on the intake so should be able to plop it in maybe I'll clean that up a little bit taking a quick break from the Camaro Bentley got us Tire office dirt bike is 110 you're moving up a little bit aren't you uh we got to put a new tube in it so what I like to do is use a vice grip and clamp the valve stem so when we're putting this together uh this doesn't walk away from us basically apparently he's putting the lightning hoses on here just going through firing order showing um that it's clockwise and odds and evens in the firing order and stuff so now he's going to apply it here that's eight yeah way back good job bud keep working your way around this is all in most of the plugs around I think I'm gonna have to raise it up try to Snug a couple of these up quick that's wired in um she won't make it happeners on need to find a split pin or Cotter key or whatever you want to call them pirate leg sure hoses on here got to do fuel still but we're getting really close to being able to fire this thing actually got oil in it batteries in obviously because we were firing it over for TDC so we're getting really really close here number six up there has been a tricky little devil I can get her from the bottom make it happen there we go 38 foot pounds another successful day on the marrow it's not that late I'm gonna be honest but we're going to help the boys with their homework spend a little bit of time with the family tomorrow we'll certainly get this thing fired up and back on the road see you bright and early tomorrow morning good morning they whatever it is now on the camera hey I got to looking this morning picking up some tools and miscellaneous stuff sweeping a little bit you know I think I think we're there I double checked mountainous firing order nailed it did some notes and stuff on the glass up there for him boy here he sure likes to soak her in you know what I mean so I think we'll go ahead and just uh Twist on the key I already got the timing light set up here this is absolutely Stone Cold grabbing the header right now and I don't have a choke hooked up we got squirter action don't have a return spring timing should be rough ish should be enough to start then we'll throw the timing light on it see what we get from there all right fingers crossed are we in neutralis we are yep ah flip the toggle switch I got her hot wired that's weird why ain't I oh guy unhooks his batteries in the evening just to be safe I Don't Want This Barn to burn down I got my good mug in here and my hat bringing the Thunder again yeah oh yeah it's gonna run yes it sounds just like I remember it it's about 14 degrees initial right there oh oil pressure it's got it I mean the lights on but it's saying we got it [Music] 34. good enough it is once again alive first time in three years maybe over three years not quite sure second engine I've ever had in this car and we've completed our second build here on vice grip garage with it pretty awesome that's pretty near we're there Fellers I'm gonna finish with the throttle Rod just needs a pin and uh looks like I'm gonna need a spring in here get a spring set up off of something maybe the valve cover bolt or something like that and then we can lift this up we got a pinion seal to put in on a drive shaft and then we can no it's going to be more like wow but still fun you know in your head you can make you know NASCAR engine noises but we got a 283 guys drilling out the throttle Rod here to accept a newer style pin and then we'll get some washers on it there was a lot of slop in this and then I had to rearrange well I'll just show you a quick so this Rod was on the inside and by inside the hooky see it was this way and I'm not sure which way it comes out of the old car maker machine box but any hoose I'm using this spring bracket which I think is supposed to go off the front of a field make it happen or something but this is the only way that I could get it that you weren't going to need 723 pounds of force on the onion pedal to get this to do the thing well then this impeded anyway I just it's all trying to make this stuff work here gotta run into town and get some actual vacuum iron instead of you know chainsaw fuel line and get a new air cleaner for this as well and then I need to get the zip ties for the cooling fan you know this things that we can finish that up as well still ain't got a fan of course you know we are just talking about that but I am going to put some ice cube juice and uh some water in here just so I can run it for a handful of minutes and get the fuel make it happener dialed in now I did already adjust this I'm leaking all over the floor whoops I didn't already adjust this fuel make it happener to this exact engine what I'm saying is that's the one that came off of it before that was in my Bel Air but I did adjust that in a hay field during a tornado literally so I was a little bit rushed you know so I'm just going to go over it again really quick make doubly triply sure idle circuitry is good we'll just pull vacuum off the front those are full of water guy doesn't like the waste dogs around here you know what I mean foreign sure yeah missed badly we're just gonna come in here on a vacuum source right here and then we're going to turn these idle mixture screws about a quarter turn at a time I'm gonna go in first and watch it for the vacuum to increase which it is that's a cleaner better burn starting to stumble come back out right about there I don't even need to go back I know that would not be right so that's it now when I shut it down I'll count the turn to one screw and back it out I'll count the turn to the other screw back it out I'll take the two and average them and set them both the same whoa what was that that was weird they just growled up well maybe that was charging where they're taking off which I should check that what are you gonna say to me 13.35383436 charger lady good I didn't mess that up this engines actually got a little cam in it [Music] sounds good [Music] letting it warm up a little bit it's got about like 5 30 35 35 36 pounds of oil pressure at idle that 2050 definitely helped yep yes [Music] I don't know this way that's what I'm thinking let's go something like something like this how's that look what do we got oh just nailing it right out of the gate one of the most painful feelings ever doing this when you have a brand new rad oh I guess where that went yep I like to get all four of them jammed through get the destruction of the radiator to a maximum then drop all your biscuits on the ground get the only one you can find and put that on the top the other three just kind of float this little mouse sounds good [Music] got the panel wired in what I have with constant 12 volts at a switch with a fusible relay on that as well all that's going to do is if you turn the ignition off and it's hot the Fan's going to run until it's cooled down then of course power directly to the battery fan connections are here no leaks looking good still got to replace this I'm going to do that quick and put the air cleaner on while it's warming up here got to make sure this kicks on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just kicked on it's called 185 just making sure that I got it I'm pulling and not pushing and I do so now I'm gonna let it sit and idle you know traffic whatever scenario see if it stays cool is what I'm saying well it's sat here and idled on bad gas for a long time it's cooling down it's like 175 or so and uh this should kick off here pretty soon everything's looking pretty snazzy pretty snazzy we'll find an air cleaner for this we can get it up and put the pinion seal in that I keep you know procrastinate mom guys got to stag this out quick inch and an eighth impact pull it off give this just a tickle back here on the earlobe and that'll pop off and then I can make sure I got the right seal before I take a chisel to it and just cut her down like a pine tree oops oh yeah that thing is just she was gone how's the bearing look I don't know how does it look what would you guys do replace this pretend he didn't see it test it clean it I don't know comment below what would you do in my situation just throw the new one on yeah I think that's what I'm gonna do but you let me know what you do I use this Ford 4wb hub socket thing and I'll be dipped fifth perfect drove that in nice and flush gonna wipe her down snag this back on all the torcuses and then we'll pop this out fill it back up get the drive shaft in very expensive but easy to use really easy to use on sale difficult to use so what a guy does just buy one of these filler just just get one and then what you do is just keep refilling the bag keep this around and then use the bag to fill the the rear end since the other stuff see yep yeah drive shaft it's nine thousand yeah yep okay all the way up top bring it down no all the way over here ease it in this nope bring it forwarder bring it up then then back itch Maybe the tippy Tapper David it down it ain't like a lot careful with the caps there we go she's home Fellers welcome back well it's quite a while later luck would have it we fired it up I went to adjust the clutch throw out bearing done I didn't remember that at all then again the last time I wrote this I was just thrashing it through tree rows so I probably wasn't hearing the throwout bearing so much so literally pulled the transmission out put it back in with a different bearing adjust to the clutch and it works doesn't it little man was helping me doing the clutch pedals and I was doing the wrenches but it is late I can't read that clock it's way too late for him to be up so we're going to go clean up get some sleep tomorrow we're going to surprise Bailey with the Camaro and I know he's going to be so excited see you tomorrow morning Jessica just went to get Bailey and uh she's gonna blindfold him bring him in the door and then I'm going to fire it up and see his reaction and then we're gonna go to lunch I think foreign [Music] you want to take this to lunch yeah maybe go boot shopping yeah yeah remember how the old engine was blowing up yeah you tell the difference everything's new so this is a 283 and cleaned it up quite a bit and a bunch of the wiring and stuff put an electric fan on here for you now get a little bit more hp's out of it it's got an Edelbrock Edelbrock intake there's a cam in that engine performance camshaft brakes work good it charges be just enough engine to learn on have a little bit of fun but maybe you won't put it over the curbs like those Mustang guys you like that yeah you're very welcome buddy everything's looking fine [Music] we think so far but let's go [Music] a little loud in here [Music] [Music] we're grabbing some no ethanol 93. Jessica's got Vanishing pain out yeah 93. good uh some fresh feel on this it's been sitting a long time how's it running is it good miss this car needs to get a wiring harness in it the wiring is well a little lackluster let's just say that it's missing some side markers back here by the way I couldn't find the regular Band-Aids I got Toy Story going on today tail lights are questionable having fun guys yeah you guys hungry me too threw some PS into the PS pump here this one leaks like crazy so right now Jessica's been fighting it because it'll kind of grab and then come back when I'm not turning I'm gonna try to turn it's like all over the place so I got that and I need to adjust the clutch a little bit more on this but it's good enough to cruise we're just gonna hit the highway have a little fun here foreign [Music] well we made it to town you know what that means the 1969 Camaro is officially a goal in the town rig Vanishing paint zero issues great oil pressure staying cool doing the thing looking and sounding amazing Camaro same thing actually we need exhaust Bailey and I whilst screaming at each other decided it's going to need an exhaust system we got to plug the floor up there's a lot of engine heat and stuff coming up but maiden voyage a very very successful thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we're gonna go grab some lunch relax a little bit but we'll see you very soon [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,967,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg
Id: NXB5wjzKwtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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