Ringbrothers 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle Recoil - Jay Leno's Garage

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you yeah first gear welcome in episode of Jay Leno's Garage today we're featuring a car well if you followed SEMA this year this caused a lot of commotion people just went crazy for this thing it's a 1966 Chevelle it's built by the ring brothers out of Wisconsin not the Ringling Brothers those are a bunch of clowns the dancing bears and all that these are the guys without the the bear on the tricycle these are the guys to actually build cars let's meet Jim and Mike come on in guys hey Dylan thanks for having my beautiful job gentle thank you appreciate know I know you guys build a Pantera a while back so I sort of been following and you just do just incredible credible work I know GM gave you guys an award for this car didn't I would you get they gave us best to show at SEMA Wow okay I love the fact that you kept the body mostly stocked with just um some outrageous things with it so let's start with us basically a 66 Chevelle how did this come about the owner come to you do you go to the owner what happened actually we met the owners names chris McBee he's from Ohio we met him at a good guy show in Columbus Ohio and he said to look guys I I really like what you guys do I want to build a car I want to do a 66 Chevelle and the only thing that I got to have in my car is metal seats middle seats all he cared about was metal Somoza but that's good then that lets you guy isn't kind of a pain when the owner goes I have a vision and it's just awful you know it's not going to work so when they trust it to you you get a beautiful product like this you know this is the kind of car I like this color what's the reaction been to the color I'll tell you when we first did it for SEMA in our shop when people would walk in they'd say who picked the color and we were like this because nobody wanted to fess up but well did you did you consult the owner did you just paint it we did we sent him some pictures but as you know just small even though we did some spray okay you know we had to convince him to go with it and cuz he really wanted a color it wasn't about color he wanted to be about what we did draw you in well that's why I like about this color because a lot of times when the engineering is not good or something is off people painted a flamboyant color so your eye goes to Wow I love that color you're not look into the shape of the car this this really accentuates I think the design and all the little bits because you'll have to watch this video maybe two times just to pick up all the subtle little little things that are happening here like for example up here what is this clutch brake it's a twin so it's front brake rear brake clutch okay and this is where you check your fluids right that's correct right okay I mean I I walk right by there the first time the hood pins a carbon-fiber accents even this little badge here I'm originally thought that was 416 horsepower but it's not it's 400 no 4 and 15 cubic inch thousand horsepower correct okay very nice and at first I didn't see the the carbon fiber bumpers see this is why unison men go to prison when you I witness is like man I think was chrome hey I was crumb yeah yeah was chrome bumper no no no now the car appears to been lowered and I guess it has but there's some visual thing here that I'm missing we tell me what we what we have here well if you notice that all typical GM cars these years the fenders actually went down under the car okay so you can see we actually extended the rockers all the way through where the fender now sits on top of the rocker okay and then stretching the rocker down an extra inch obviously that gets rid of that pinch weld and all of the stuff that normally you can see the frames on these cars in the in the front behind the tire it's always wraps around right yeah by moving closing the fender up a little bit we got rid of that look you know it's interesting we now live in an era where chrome is sort of not on its way out but just environmental reasons economic reasons like when you do the Chrome on it's a mid 60's Chrysler cost you twenty five thousand thirty thousand dollars so to go to this new sort of look where I don't I don't miss the absence of chroma in this car at all I like the little touches now tell me about this door handle would what is this from well you know over the years when we started building these cars we've we could never really find the right parts to buy just buying them so we actually built them and that's one of the handles that we do for our GM cars we designed them years ago for a Camaro we did and that particular handle fits most of the early GM's oh so anybody has a GM car you could adapt these absolutely they bolt right in the X you know the stock position and I love the little those Phillips I can't in my item Michael they're actually a design that's like a socket head oh yeah I mean they're just beautiful I mean that's the real attention to detail as opposed to just right in making the end I know Ashley removes actually that's actually two pieces surprised part you know you could actually color coat it could be all gloss right right so that particular one was media blasted and then put anodized and of course the the rain gutters are gone gone but yeah we left part of it the bump now tell me about the wheels we we got together with HRE years ago and they wanted to do try to you know obviously a Cherry's a premier wheel company right right they wanted to get more into the muscle car market and this particular wheel we had we had kind of drawn up and sketched on a napkin and and we wanted to add this this ring to this wheel now after all said and done I really do like the wheel the Rings you know maybe a little controversy there but it's kind of growing on me after the back but it's a HRE spent so much time putting this ring together with this right we felt obligated to put them on the car yeah well it looks yeah I like the rear one better because it's recess that's grown a little bit you know that there's so much talk these days about unsprung weight yeah the ring when it's projected outward it gives it makes it look like a heavier wheel right there probably and it is yeah yeah okay let's talk about the rear view mirror what we have a Camry is there is there well there's no screen in the car it's just a recording camera it's the mirrors we're all actually handmade to be honest with you we started out instead of building this particular carbon part on the 2013 mustang gts there's companies that actually build caps carbon caps for the original mirror so you can pop the plastic off and you put these carbon pieces oh cool so we bought them and then basically built the mirrors around them so we built all the mints I see and this camera is like a what a GoPro it's a it's a replay actually it's a it's just a on-board camera to show your wife how bad you've been double yeah and this is nice because they after you get stopped speeding the policeman just tasty yeah adds it to the judge a judge watches it you lay right in jail um very nicely done how big is that tire it's as big as we could get it's a three forty five thirty twenty okay so it's a thirteen inch wheel in the back and well and the side exhaust boy that's nicely done that's really cool actually that's a few different pieces you know we literally cut the quarters off that panel is all aluminum than a major part of the quarter obviously the stack up and then the third black piece bolts into that but it was a way to mount the exhaust better and be able to do it without rubbing and we had much miles on this come curious to see if this will bubble well that's powder coated that part shouldn't it shouldn't powdered hurt yeah it shouldn't do its little bubble okay nicely done alright moving around the back of the car a little spoiler that's nicely done and again that same theme of having these little screws I know that just says quality me when I each one is nicely spaced you know and all the heads seem to be going in the same direction even though they doesn't really matter with the sake yeah but but yeah yeah nicely died of that always looks like quality me whenever I see that because it reminds me of watches yeah it's called the recoil it is and you got your carbon fiber bumper here as well can we open the trunk sure boy inside now what am i hearing that is actually the pull down because it's carbon we didn't want to have to slam it so oh I see so okay cool cool obvious this is your gas tank here standard what 17 Galilee actually that's a pretty small one I think it's like six o 16 okay I like this too so you don't spill all over the place right kind of little the Shelby yeah idea and this is your battery disc and boy that's nicely done to let a disconnect switch is there use a lot of that mcmaster-carr stuff you know all that big yeah that's great here like one day it's my favorite story Alerus because I say I need a washer ok and a truck will come in to heaven tonight yeah is your is your CAD plated washer it is it and this is what a charging port like - it is the batteries actually hid inside so you don't want to get our beautifully done look at the fire extinguisher there and so when I shut this you'll hear me but you just basically touch it on there go ahead go down and click it a little harder there you go it's like the Hulk it yeah very canticle who came up with the name recoil the older are you guys Jim we did the the owner one to call it contraband and I didn't really want to go there so it's like an op stuff yeah so I said how about how about recoil and and he went for it so okay can we take a look at the engine with sure let's go to the front of the vehicle and see what's under the hood aluminum hood with carbon fiber in sets actually the entire hoods carbon oh it is yeah okay well that's nicely done yeah and it's a new carbon it's actually it's copper wire they put in this new carbon and then they actually like anodized a different color these your own put these are pens or this is just all quality stuff oh I see and it's got a detent here in so you can well our hood pins are kind of interesting because most hood pins just had the straight hole through it ours actually adjust to the angle of your hood so I always sit in the saddle the way they should nicely done guys so what do we have here at l7 motor this is a Wagner 416 LS 7 it's got a Whipple blower on it our ring brothers valve covers which takes care of all the coils obviously they're right kind of MLS voters always had them hanging out there runs on pump gas and runs on 91 pump gas Wow mix right at them right at a thousand horse nine nine eighty and this is a air cleaner cover it is you know the it had a big old air cleaner hanging out there and we didn't like the way it looked through the hood so we wanted to kind of come together as the hood was closed and it kind of mimics the blower race I see I see that point Jesus just just beautiful work guys what and Nutkin says her just just that tell me about these pieces is something you sell as well we do you know years ago we obviously we were big Mustang guys and we wanted them hinges were just so horrible so we said let's just design a hinge that works oh right we'll see that's why I like this color because I'm focusing on the build and I'm not overwhelmed by the color I don't really like the ones that hitch in the face I like that subtle because this could pull in somewhere what size Chevelle and then uh I like the little latches yeah you can what happens in here just sort of you pop that up to change the air filter now the the little pan in the bottom of the hood I have to admit was a standard where we look at mistake this this piece here oh yeah I wonder why that was in its it's there because when the car was all done and assembled right before SEMA we figured out that the Whipple stamp on top of the blower actually was just touching the bottom of the carbon hood right and we're like God why would I do so we ground the Whipple off thinking that would take care of it well it didn't so then we were panicking and we had to put an insert in the bottom of the hood to make enough clearance so it didn't rub but I think that's great cut it it's amazing just and y'all all done in-house huh we do everything in-house the interior we get some help outside but everything not much on this there's more bolts than than stitches inside that car because everybody thinks you know you got to be in LA or New York of these major markets or all the suppliers are you guys are just about the middle of the country as far away from middle of the cornfield in Wisconsin yeah it's completely interior of the car now why did the owner want metal seats as he spent I mean electric chair what was the reason for that I think he just wanted the simplicity you know of even though there's a lot going on it's just very simple it doesn't look like any metal seat I've ever seen because not being a designer myself I would have thought well I'll get some kind of metal chair and perforate it like the old Ford GT and put it in but you this looks like it hangs in a cradle sort of but it doesn't you have this outer piece here that holds roll bar and then your seed in here okay we tried to make the seat really the leather portions of the seat in only areas where it actually touches your body there's kind of the idea easy enough to get in to just kind of fall into it here and yeah you think the seem to be uncomfortable but it's not and this is adjustable right right it is right here oh I say yeah just pull it forward yeah yeah there you go you probably see something against tilt wheel I don't know to me it always should be straight ahead you know whenever I see a 32 for something with the tilt it always looks weird to me because I just like a regular steering column very nicely done let me move my mic here okay let's what does a transmission we haven't discussed that it's a six-speed what makes a Tremec Otte Remmick okay that's what we use the Tremec SAR unbelievable yeah it's a i'll tell you what it shifts really nice that's yeah nice shifty transmission and i like the fact that the owner chose to go with a manual transmission uh let's look at those door handles now this is what these are bicycle yeah it's a mountain bike handle huh very cool and you kept this round theme with the well I know what they're ready isn't it yes the it's the power window switch yeah yes you just sort of touch it one way okay oh very cool very cool okay now your race pack is right in front of your steering wheel let's get to it I guess a good low in the oh you can lower the wheel egg oh there you go let's see the race pack not only I mean we wanted a race back in it but we built that whole housing you see around the race back to hold the actual respect what we got here this is that's actually the headlights that is the valet switch for the start system which means if you lose your key fob yeah you can flip that switch and go and then the three holes in the top of the race pack are right or left turn indicator right turn on high beam and this is stuff to start okay and then radio sounds what we have here is this is a break that's a bias adjuster for breakups okay and down there what does that all add at the boost gauge a boost gauge of course okay and what is this little uh what is this justified to control the radio so you got to reach will have to go like this oh thank you I'm so rich it away from here god that's a big rear view mirror let's up on the JC with it yeah yeah JC with it looks like it yeah it's a Winston so I they say my this is the yeah the funny part of it is is you can't use glass in them cars and I didn't realize that when I bought a race mirror that it's as polished stainless and not glass right but you know it works great well I like it it works perfectly you can't see yourself it's kind of good yeah and and the seat is adjusted yeah and what do you call this color this liquor SF what is it we call it a Desert Storm color you know how to say it was almost military yeah um but I thought well that doesn't sound right but I guess that's true isn't it it wasn't yeah I mean is it a color you guys mixed yourself no something it is they have a system called the color Mac system which allows you to look at chips but it doesn't allow you to revert it back to what it came from and not being with tile like I mentioned easy watch if you get a scrape or cut it so it is except it shows any dirt that you would get in it while painting but yeah you're right to Ribery impressive now the back is not those are not jump seats or any kind no it's a the guy wanted a stereo in it and them are actually subwoofers that we tried to make go away and just be part of the theme yeah yeah yeah so it's a really loud radio yeah yeah yeah I think I'd rather listen to the engine in fact let's take it for a ride right now so what do we do Barry the clutch put a foot on the brake and then touch the red button do what the ringmaster says so you need your foot on the brake too sound good power-steering it does what's the way around Rachel honey you know this has got a 411 it as that long hair it starts : there it's a funny ology to make a 454 Chevelle most cars are so fast where's this just just dust them against their lunch first gear is useless well that's really amazing for second gear yeah the next leg is a bit of a lag you know third gear is even more impressive yeah right here's a good third year spot sounds violent I mean this is their gear at what 3000 rpm it's got a nice feel just perfect I be honest at 16 a lot of trouble this is not a car you buy for your kid yeah what's the name of the engine builder again Carl Wagner Wagner Motorsports our Wagner nice job girl help me hear from me I'm going to be calling yes you know these Chevy motors are just incredible yeah everybody goes crazy group for cam whatever European stuff but kind of torque and power you know it's nice to see a SEMA car you can actually drive because a lot of times I go and I appreciate it when I see chrome rotors and things like that I go we've always build cars you can drive yeah that's what they're meant for first gear is so short on this thing did you need to get nothing but wheel spin but it's just the power just unbelievable we got a cop sitting up there so I think we need to get out of here pretty quick it's time to go yeah getting on the on-ramp and let's step on it you're the first guy to ever put this in sixth gear there you go it with 411 60 miles out we're talking about 18 have an RPM I'm gonna to speed in this thing and still be crazy given a power glide nice and stiff but not uncomfortably so it's firm steering is very nice brake master cylinder it takes a lot of gretchen to stop it just takes the slightest a lot of pressure mostly light bulbs remember how it takes that little bit to start building that boost and then it really just wants to propel you you get a lot of trouble with this car you know I drive cars all the time where people say oh it has 800 or Zowie up and you go yeah okay then you going to go that feels like 450 500 this feels like a mouth Wow what incredible car I'm gonna I'm not going Chris I'm not gonna do a Burnout in your car yeah much as I'd like to this thing's got such an incredible power but you know it's fun to see a SEMA car a show car a concept car that you can actually drive on the street you know because when we finish con we take out the first time we're heating issues brakes as always something well I guess our only complaint and not even complaint would be a little more pressure in the master cylinder right we need that yeah but heating everything nothing rattles nothing bangs handles incredibly well and Jesus fast but I would probably go what 323 350 355 would be a good gear I mean that first gear is so sure right now you're at a first gear before you even let the clutch out almost so but Jesus just pulls so hard I want to thank Jim Jim thank you thank you Jeff Mike thank you very much guys he's a he's ring boys up there Wisconsin man I tell them bib overalls they build good cars yeah so nice job guys really impressive really impressive and congratulations I'm winning the awards at SEMA it's really it's really keep an eye on these guys they do do great stuff and all your stuff is available right all it is if you you know go to their website and all their stuff is available and I gotta order some of this stuff see you guys next week yep
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Keywords: Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay lenos garage, nbc jay lenos garage, jay leno, jay leno ringbrothers, ringbrothers 1966 chevrolet chevelle recoil, james ring, mike ring, jay leno 1966 chevrolet chevelle recoli, 1966 chevy chevelle, ringbrothers recoil, watch jay leno video, watch jay lenos garage video
Id: GTQoiYY9_yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2015
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