Ludwig reacts to How Ludwig's Subathon Broke Twitch

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this video is a documentary made by upcomer which is a new journalist outlet made by the esports writer on twitter but they made a documentary about the subathon i've never seen it before it doesn't have that many views it only has 1400 views so let's take a look at it today for the first time ever we are going to do an uncapped subathon i'm not milking the subathon it came out today it came out today it comes to drumming up hype on twitch few tactics are as tried and true as the marathon stream from world first races and mmos to charity events marathon streams bring in high numbers of viewers and equally high amounts of money but in march of 2021 ludwig agreed began a marathon that would be unlike anything twitch had ever seen unlike similar streams that might run for a weekend ludwig would end up streaming continuously for an entire month living his entire life on camera and shattering records in the process of speed you know what aiden ross was right i'm a bit of a nerd if the first thing i think of while running is monk of speed ludwig went from a single maybe i deserved a little biggest name on twitch as audiences watched him game cook exercise and even sleep all on stream this is the ludwig subathon this was lost to time i was stuck in this [ __ ] for 30 days today we fixed the fridge at the end of it yeah [Music] that's still out there on my deck i haven't cleaned it up yet [Music] the subathon first came into existence as a fallback it's still there it's been two-minute marathon stream that fell through it doesn't rain in los angeles all right it can be there for a year and it will not change originally back in early march ludwig was planning to do a single 24-hour stream after returning home from a trip to see his family unfortunately during this trip ludwig ended up being hospitalized with appendicitis but i farmed hella likes on twitter i'm such a bad boyfriend because the moment i found out that i had appendicitis and and i got the surgery to fix it the first thing i did was i tweeted to farm likes on twitter before calling my girlfriend to tell her hey i'm all right and surgery went well i'm such a bad boyfriend all right after getting his appendix removed he returned home but was still in bad shape during the time the broadcast was originally scheduled in my defense i did farm hella likes i mean 240k that's peak for me that's a lot of likes this led to him pushing the stream for a few days and altering like if i got 10k for 24 hours he would stream indefinitely with the clock of remaining time fueled by twitch subs this technique wasn't novel it's been used in the past by other streamers but rarely resulted in anything longer than a day or two well that is ludwig and his crew expected no different in that period of time uh we kind of had our own predictions about what was gonna end up happening with this bro your beard is just the top of someone's head glued on your chin that thing goes deep yeti my god leave some for the rest of us basically based off of the longest stream he's ever had and or the most subs he's ever had in one day that it'll be like end in two days we thought that was ridiculous we thought that he was gonna end up going like four days five days our predictions ended up being a little bit off and so on march 14th the subathon began okay so what actually happened is i said it would take 4 000 subs because during the elections that was my most sub day ever literally election day and so i was like if i do that again i'll uh 4 000 subs i'll it'll go 24 hours in the beginning ludwig had set the timer amount for each sub at 20 seconds it might not sound like much but when considering the tens of thousands of potential donors watching his channel 20 seconds can add up quickly within the first half hour of the stream subscribers had managed to push the clock to over seven hours i don't remember that a typical stream length for most large streamers but before long that would seem like rookie no this was a blur for me i don't remember show savathon proceeded much like any other ludwig stream a fair bit of just chatting chilling online and some pokemon gameplay to finish off the first day starting what he called his ludlock run did i start the ludlock the first day of the subathon oh my god has it been two months oh my god march 13th april 13th that's almost three months oh my god by late that first night i got a five people who've been banned for 90 days i gotta finish his ludlock had been pushed all the way to 18 hours and ludwig finally went to sleep for the first time on what would become something of a mascot for the subathon so we have a cars bed and if it gets late we're not going to stay awake for 30 hours straight we're gonna go to sleep on stream this marked the beginning of something that would define the after dark and early morning hours of the subathon the modcast instead of opting for a vod or media playlist to fill his sleeping hours ludwig enlisted the help of a small team of channel mods to help liven up the content i had aspirations to make it bigger for you know the chat to experience something while he was asleep i didn't want it to be boring i didn't want it to be quiet i wanted things to be happening as much as i possibly could and i wanted it's like the same speech steve jobs gave before he released the iphone i wanted to break what we think about when we think of night time this group would become the unsung heroes of the stream keeping the chat entertained engaged and most importantly donating okay unsung doesn't work when their name's literally on the screen with their cash tag half the time and they get paid 10k i'm just saying that's not what the word unsung means i'm just saying on that first night the mods were able to push the clock past the 24 hour mark and somehow got a broadcast featuring a sleeping streamer to be the most viewed channel on twitch 30 0.5 we're so close come on it's through he's the most watched channel on twitch oh my god we did it we've got a sleeping man on twitch we did it these late night modcasts would become a staple of the stream making up a third of the overall event runtime and becoming something of a phenomenon in their own right the late shift would include audience interaction commentary on videos and movies and even a mod tournament in pokemon showdown did it hurt my feelings a little bit when i would go to bed and wake up with more viewers [ __ ] no i'd wake up to more viewers the antics and efforts of the mods were responsible for some of the biggest spikes of the subathon and unintentionally generated one of the biggest memes of the event ludwig waking up and realizing how high the timer had climbed don't look it's okay yeah it is at 29 hours that's a that's a good um point chad um what the [ __ ] after the first of these moments it became abundantly clear that the time per sub needed to be changed or else the subathon might never end ultimately the decision was made to cut the amount of time subs added to the timer in half but couldn't stop the juggernaut this event was already turning into what was the vote i told you guys could half the timer or what was the other option no gifted subs yeah that was the alternative chat voted on doing the half time but you could have voted no gifted i wonder how it turned out if we removed gifted over the course of the next three days the timer would continue to jump partially fueled by moderator run betting pools where viewers could bet channel points on where the timer would end up at certain points in the day this led to massive pushes to hit certain miles wait that's no matter how high i even know about that then in the wee hours of the morning of march 17th the stream got its biggest spike in subtime thanks to a stream crash the stream crashed and that uh that timer adder that that that thing that element uh changed from 10 to 15 seconds so it was during one of the nights where that happened and it was like 15 seconds added for sub and it was a whole bunch of subs that got pushed for in that period of time where the where the um betting was being used so it was like this double whammy of extra time being added i got [ __ ] scanned the next morning the timer had effectively doubled from where did these [ __ ] chills cash out ben when ludwig took it upon himself to adjust the timer back to account for the extra five seconds per sub this shaved roughly 18 hours off the stream it's been done viewers refused to take this lying down there was a massive donation pushback skyrocketing the clock and creating a veritable wall of subs so thick that chat could barely get through this organized revolt got the stream to what would ultimately be its highest point with just over three days of stream time sitting on the clock this push also led to another shifting of the subathon rules the mods discontinued any betting and gift subs got hard capped at 100 per account anyone that went over would receive a ban for the rest of the subathon this was intended as a way to curtail people spending money irresponsibly but also managed to catch a few well-meaning and high-profile people in the crossfire dream dream we have a we have a gift cap dream we have a gift cat dream i can't know how much they hack you know he could be broke these days dream could be broke is that too hard you don't know how much dream is and i shot him let's go people in her goddamn career goes i forget by the morning of the sixth day ludwig in the mod should seemingly work is it forward slash b-a-n or b-e-n worked out all the kinks and the stream fell into its status quo while much of the stream remained rooted in the same content ludwig had always created there was also a huge new social aspect as the subathon began to be integrated into more and more of ludwig's everyday life watch those knees watch these hands along with his roommates i forgot i did that that's funny ludwig began broadcasting his daily workouts and meal preparation in the kitchen things that may not have been his forte but had their own charm and appeal all the same one day i went to the bathroom and i had a huge long hoop thick hard you know there's not a lot of fiber in there i feel that way your boner and i pooped so hard in college that i started to bleed oh yeah that happens thanks for sharing these aspects of the stream really tapped into the root of what was appealing about og reality shows like big brother or the real world allowing viewers to take a peek into the personal life of one of their favorite personalities and this blurring of the line between reality and entertainment was not lost on ludwig and his crew because it kind of came full circle when we watched truman show like with the chat on stream it was just like this weird like absurd in like joke of like everybody's basically watching the truman show unfold while we watch the truman show and uh it was it was a funny it was just like a very surreal moment but novelty can wear off fast and as the stream approached the end of its second week the momentum for subs had significantly died down it was during this time that ludwig took his first real break away from the camera this left the stream in the hands of ludwig's roommate friend and fellow streamer anthony slime bruno all right you ready for uncle slime this section of the stream affectionately dubbed slime time saw slime fulfilling all of london's duties including chat interaction and sleeping on stream but the highlight was when he brought in the other residents of the house for a night of american truck simulator complete with a big steering wheel controller and bass pro shop hat like any respectable trucker true it was it was just very spur the moment there was there was a lot of like pretty it was just one of the you know when you're with your friends and everyone's laughing and you feel like you're laughing for like an hour straight because everyone's just on and saying something funny that's kind of what was happening but we were live and it just felt good and all my friends were there and it's something that i would be doing even if the cameras weren't on even if there weren't people watching so are we there yet all right i watched not a truck s as it turned out this break from what had become the norm was just the thing that viewers needed to reignite their excitement for the stream and with ludwig's return the following day donations spiked once again kicking the timer back into the double digits despite this momentary boost it wasn't long before the timer began to wind down once again and soon it looked as though the end was in sight as the clock entered into the final hour the final hour literally became this undying zombie personification what did the final hours desire to just watch ludwig suffer in that period of time but the final hour turned out to be anything but with the clock sitting under an hour for the next week but yeah it looks like 18 days in only one hour left on my subathon i tweeted march 31st which i think i tweeted day after there was actually one hour left about 17 days despite the constant subscriptions coming in to save the stream the threat of it ending always loomed and the growing stress of this existential dread brought out a toxic element in the fanbase who began targeting the donors keeping the stream alive the true why of it can only be speculated the viewers themselves claim it was for ludwig stating that they just wanted to let him get back to his life others think he can be chalked up to the toxic nature of the internet but for the mods whose job it is to keep a finger on the pulse of chat there seems to be something more to it at this point the stream had already cemented itself as a cultural phenomenon not only within gaming circles but pushing its way into the mainstream the subathon meant something special to hundreds of thousands of people and many desperately desperately wanted to be there for its final moments this desperation led to increasingly intense behavior including fights and death threats leveled against donors necessitating an abundance of bands soon it became clear that despite the low number on the timer the stream wasn't going to be ending of its own accord anytime soon chat was so bad like i didn't deal with it because i just actually stopped reading chat i unironically stopped reading chat i forgot how to read chat for like a month after the subathon i just forgot what it was like because i just didn't read it at all it was terrible chat's back to being good now i think chad's been chill beefing with aiden ross hasn't helped it over the past month but generally chat's good now but back oh my god it was terrible if that was what my stream was like forever i don't think i could do it which maybe sounds like i'm just trying to make good of a of a of what i have now but if i booted live every day to 30k 50k with that chat oh miserable ludwig made the decision to hard cap the stream at 31 days announcing that on april 13th the endless stream that had captured the hearts and minds did that we tried to get lily peter to get a [ __ ] ace and we try to really sell it so i blast packed this vlog hard capped the stream she [ __ ] updraft with her all and missed every shot on me she missed every shot dude how do you miss every night the endless stream that had captured the hearts and minds of twitch would finally and definitively come to an end with this announcement the tone of chat began to stabilize and return to normal securing the knowledge of its end and unified by a new goal beating the all-time active sub-record the 31-day cap is in place uh it's it's not really a cap it's more so that i said multiple times if i hit 31 days i would break ninja's record for the most subs ever all time on twitch and if i ever hit that record then i i mean like i don't i don't see it you know it could just repeat i guess but i i don't care to do that and so if it gets there i mean i'll go out with a bang the record at the time was held by ninja with a whopping 269 000 subs it felt like an entirely unscalable peak with the next closest streamer pulling in less than half of that do they think this is me they know this is xqc right but as the ludwig stream edged closer and closer to its final day the summit of that particular mountain came into view on april 13th ludwig finally did away with subs adding to the timer instead setting it to countdown to the predetermined end of the stream and adding a total subscriber count allowing fans to see how close they truly were to their final goal at 1 30 that afternoon the moment of truth finally came we did it we broke the record this is us i get all the money i just got so much of it we did this though you were here this is your guys's record my money your record though the last goal of the stream had finally been made imagine if i boot up and i on ironically go this is us boys we did this we did this for [ __ ] record that has my name on it i got all the money for god i hate when people do that the record was broken the month was over and all there was left to do was take a victory lap which the house did in destructive style as a final farewell ludwig and his roommates demolished the car bed that had been the centerpiece of his stream for the last 31 days an experience that proved to be nothing if not cathartic i was stuck in this [ __ ] for 30 days today i win the war i never saw better in my life than sleeping in that bed i miss it to this day but as the stream drew to a close in its true final moments i sound like there's more spectacle no more posturing just raw quiet emotion from i know we're getting emotional but i never said this on stream i had a wet dream in that car's bed during the subathun dead ass that's why that's what happens when you spend a month in front of a goddamn camera i woke up and i was like oh i splooged in my pants like a 13 year old and so one morning i got up and i put my towel or my uh blanket around me i just hottabled over to the bathroom as ludwig's stream faded to black for the first time in a month he shared one final salute with his audience did i tell you guys already which is greatest events i share too much with you guys sorry this guy who made this video is having a very beautiful video with a very emotional part that i'm ruining by talking about splooge and with that one of twitch's greatest events had come to an end ludwig's subathon managed to bring in over 282 000 subs worth around 1.4 million dollars before any taxes or payouts to twitch as he promised earlier in the stream the new king of twitch went on to donate over 365 thousand dollars to various charities as well as another large sum to the mods that help make the stream possible ludwig has made it clear that this was a once in a lifetime experience and the reason i would never do one again is very simple and it's the reason why you shouldn't make a sequel to the movie the hangover it'll never be as good as the original they [ __ ] around and made a third one though they made a third one they didn't know when to stop on the first one they were like double down hey hey the sequel was high but what if we do a third one if i do a second subathon then i'll have to do a third one i'll have to do a fourth one i'll have to do a fifth one problem with doing a sequel to anything is you fall into the american loophole of doing it until people really just [ __ ] want you to stop so desperately or you lose funding and although he may never do another his efforts are sure to inspire the next generation of creators the same way that ninja and drake inspired him what if you got paid a million from twitch i don't care about money bro look i got [ __ ] bands you don't get it bro if money is nothing to me i got [ __ ] a generation that will always remember where they were when the ludwig subathon ruled the world because i know one time i'll hit the stop streaming button for the last time ever and it's not that far away even when we think about our whole life it was nice to not have to hit the stop streaming button for just a brief period of my life and so as the clock winds two minutes left i got nothing left to say but thank you who who who actually cried at the end of the subathon did anyone actually cry people talked about it i don't know if they actually did and stuff just curious you did really all you guys cried right there officer yeah right there the [ __ ] who cried right there the [ __ ] the little baby boys in chat who cried right there get him get him sick him sick them i cried yeah i cried more than anyone i bet i cried for like [ __ ] 30 minutes sat here weeping beautifully i cried so beautifully though you know sometimes you cry and you're ugly crying you're like and it's gross this was like like like i was like almost like just smiling like and just tears would fall it was basically like i had canadian and american niagara falls in my eyes but i was like this it was like feel strong man feel strong man's a beautiful cry well anyway boys this is a great videos uh it was a very uh accurate and uh and uh and well made recap of the subathon from upcomer um who are friends of the stream now i am gonna take you down you did use all of my footage can't just throw ludwig in the top left and think it's all good i'm gonna i'm gonna copyright strike that just just so you know i'm making the money from this [ __ ] but hey hell of an effort out there [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,790,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: D0Ou6kkfDNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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