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[Music] hey holy crap this place is way more full than I thought ladies and gentlemen welcome to school tonight we have a fantastic group of students they are all going to be learning and growing right in front of you something you never thought would happen in the history of TT people actually learning something we have six very famous teachers going through an entire day of school with these students cut the music ladies and gentlemen I hear this in my dreams I hate this music it drives me nuts this first student he's been suspended by school multiple times and even One Time by accident ladies and Gentlemen let's give it up for the one and only react streamer p money wubby wubby you're not supposed to hug your teachers but this one works okay well Jesus Christ getting an a you excited yeah I'm not excited that this is going to be physical but I'm excited did I explain anything to you before the show no just that excc did not come woo yeah this next student is actually the president of the anime club and spent the last 3 years studying abroad at May cafes ladies and Gentlemen let's give it up for the one and only anime man himself [Applause] stos I'm going to prove today the British people are unequivocally smarter than Americans all right yeah will our school sure our next student actually already graduated from offline TV but let's see if she can graduate one day of school at this place ladies and gentlemen give it up for your queen pokem [Applause] [Music] man I want to see some standing for pokm folks come on let Poké main everybody give it up for poke [Applause] M hi Sniper Wolf couldn't make it so I had her show up so everyone give it up for B everybody great to be Yik smiz yeah okay I'm going to hear about that one after the show for sure now Pokey do you think you're going to be able to beat the British man himself and also wubby I'm just hoping for not last okay well not last listen you're not going to get last place cuz we need to talk about this guys yeah our next contestant didn't make it so if you're an xqc fan I get it he didn't show up the classic chance didn't make it he didn't want to show up ladies and gentlemen no no no no no no he's here who's here he's made it Connor's fans he's on his way no way scratch everything we just said wait a minute ladies and gentlemen my juicer would never be he made it he actually made it he actually made it he made it sh and he has my wrench on his wrist yeah Jesus Christ hey class started at five [ __ ] I made it so it's not I count also I heard you say he didn't show up so [ __ ] you I don't know [ __ ] you I'm surprised you made it this wasn't even in my script I CH I had people hey Chad I had no idea he was going to make it today folks give it up for xcc he made it who thinks wubby is going to win today's [Applause] show half the crowd is wubby staff let's be honest with you yeah do you think Cedar is going to win the show folks you have a lot of fans uh I wow I'm shocked no he doesn't oh I'm just kidding he knows his patreon he's not shocked at all do you think pokem man is going to win the show tonight no cheer louder cuz he said no what about xcc [ __ ] yeah woo I give a question yes excuse me teacher can you either tuck in your shirt or tuck out the other part true I don't like the way it looks very [Applause] distracting thank you sorry I look like I'm a orphan I don't know what this closes but anyway we're going to be going through physical education math art Social Studies English sorry X and also theater and there's going to be a final exam that I'm not telling you who it's from your first course is going to be physical education so doesn't make sense for streamers for that's fine I'm a skirt you're fine you're fine you're fine I promise you you're fine hey whoever [ __ ] just said yeah for that one get out of here right I heard that one Bard he said yeah he really excited probably the first guy in your uh meet and greet probably really excited your first teacher he's a non nonsense kind of guy graduated from SMU and was a walk-on as a football player it's doc he's huge maybe doc maybe what is football American football he had a GPA of 81 but a Madden rating of 98 oh give it up for your PE teacher of the night ladies and gentlemen coach sand wed hey hey hey hey hey hey settle down all right in my gym class all right right when it comes to my gym class we wait to speak until spoken to all right yes sir yall ready all right ladies y'all ready yes sir sir well listen up this is what we're going to do today sorry sir oh fancy pants here was about 15 minutes late 15 push-ups right now oh my [Laughter] [Applause] God he's dying this sh oh no oh oh no oh 10 12 13 14 15 all right all right good all right very good oh my God okay I'm dead now very good now listen listen up listen up now I didn't go I didn't break both my arms in the 2013 state championship game and come back into the game and win the state championship for otk high school okay for no reason all right I came back to my own modor train Champions so what we're going to do today ladies we are going to go and we're going to play a little game called Don't dodgeball all right CU we're going to split up into two teams of two you got that old teach yeah you got that Mr ke no you're right you're right all right we're going to go into two teams of two what' I say two teams of two why you to me I'm the teacher I'm trying to make sure you're paying attention to my class okay I'm paying attention I got you man good Lord Almighty Jesus Christ okay now listen we got pay money wubby and SE dog hey well coach as Fair coach this doesn't seem too Fair here what do you mean I mean he listen let's be real WBY I I don't want to get in trouble with you again but I think I feel like he's going to be able to hold down the fort here a little bit more than x he hey let me tell you right now I think he can come out here and kick your ass I think so too I think he can kick your ass right now son I think we can't do CU we're on twich remember you remember 2012 you remember what hey you remember me giving you swirlies in the bathroom you remember that yeah I remember okay yeah that's right that's what I thought okay now you think you're big Mr teacher man now well guess what I'm a state champion I know I know you are you I'm a Texas high school football state championship I 10 years ago they still say they sing my name in the halls I swear I can hear it I can hear it here you know what I'm going to do you one better get your ass over there son get your ass over there son I think we're good I'm right here we're going to hey we're going to run it back don't [ __ ] throw and in most games of dodgeball what do you do you dodge the damn ball that's what you do but today what are you going to do you're going to don't Dodge get hit we got a wall we built two walls okay we built two walls and we made twitch pay for it and then what we did is we we're going to go we're going to go and we are going to knock down these walls okay so the goal is is you're going to have both teams trying to throw the balls while the other team is going to block them you don't want to dodge the balls you don't want to dodge the balls you want to block them and you want to knock down the the walls all the way down sticky coachin okay if I'm on their team this is a little overpowered all right I take some you know a little cheating myself I take little supplements uh-huh mul listen what about them what they got to get something out of this let me tell you son this is how you win this game eat your vegetables eat your vitamins you go to church on Sunday and you respect your elders all right okay yeah that's actually so based that's all that's all that matters okay so we're going to go out there and on my go on my whistle all right wait so it's 3v2 wait wait wait no hey I'm going to kick your ass just like I did 10 years ago I'm on this team coach oh my God I have a question can we get we what happens if we hit them with the balls oh I would love for you to hit them with the balls no Punishment No punishment at all in fact I would prefer it now the objective is to hit the wall the objective is to knock down the sticky notes however you know you want to you want to rib them a little bit you want to give them a little nudge let him know who's boss go righte why you shaking my hand you're late sir minus 10 points by the way folks here's how this is going to work whoever wins this both players get 10 points huge stuff I saw you trending on Twitter the other day I was trying on tour the other day what do you do you think who who could take the most hits close to what metaphorically or in person well I mean it's basically the same thing which one of us can which one do you think should defend and which one should go for the I'm attacking I have good aim you should block throw and I'll do a bit of both depending on what we need okay okay so nothing all right get on that back line damn it get on that back line right here all the way well oh our back Line's a little closer that's fine I'm I ain't going to complain okay now listen get it [Applause] go oh you block fcking block it uh I can only really block one side don't do it I can't do it I got some [ __ ] get out of my way oh I'm blocking just one I got one I only need one nice Miz I'll defend you f I only need to block one Jesus good block good block good thing I don't have hair oh [ __ ] I hit someone in a wheelchair this is school I got to figure out way toat is that time's up is it over all right who won can we get a count can we get a judge to count he sing as good low I'm tired it's been a long time wait did we knock over any wubby Sea Dog what the hell are y'all doing I couldn't hit anything I hit a kid in the audience with crutches so that's got to be worth something I see him are you okay he's he's already on crutches F get his ass out of [Applause] stop son I'm going make your ass wait can we give one away yeah show to the round you guys that [Applause] one who's cheering [Applause] louder now you guys are so [Music] loud there you go WBY 10 points goes to xqc and pokem man ladies and gentlemen they your winners my unanimous decision I think we are now on to our second part of school so you guys went through physical education your first subject your second subject now is going to be mathematics oh goodness our next teacher folks is actually an alumni from Columbia genius very smart woman she's now also a global emote on Twitch ladies and gentlemen give it up for your math teacher extra [Applause] Emily hi everyone hello thanks for the warm welcome guys hello X hi I've seen you before remember I remember the good times wow hi puppy nice to see you well hello Conor looking good oh you guys look a little little work out from the I'm a little sweaty I'm not going to lie okay but that means you can work smarter and harder for math okay do you guys like math in general uh no yeah I'm I'm actually I do I do you think so do I stand Here Miz yeah you stand right there you're the teacher wow this is great okay no fun alowed I am a math teacher girl so make sure to take this very seriously I have three questions for you and write your answer and work on your whiteboard please are we on a team all right no you're not on a team so here's how this works oh oh okay get away from each other no cheating right I mean it's school we have to cheat no no no no no you don't need the $50,000 you're fine Felix you're fine okay all right so here's how going to work folks so math is going to be the next part of the question there are 10 points each if you get them correct do not cheat I have a live audience staring at you okay it can't get any worse than this if you cheat do not cheat I trust you wubby what I know you like to be controversial come on don't cheat I'm not I'm not F okay all right I don't want hey you have two phones I know one of them's dead right now so put them out there I don't trust you I have zero phones oh perfect okay question one if xqc averages 54 4,627 viewers and each viewer owns Six consoles how many consoles does his chat own wait 54627 54,6 27 Jesus Christ I fell off that's a good stream X those numbers were actually four months ago too yeah we need the audience to be quiet for this one okay be quiet everyone shut up oh yeah really don't trust me what what is happening here relax is there some collaboration going okay wait is it is this hard no okay are we rounding to the the next whole console or rounding down to the next whole console um yeah there could be part consoles how can you explain that um no okay so just try your best what it's a whole number how do you how do you get in a half how how how does six go into 27 you just add it or multiply it I don't am I stupid what just send it to me on Discord someone who has their phone we be getting answers from the audience love to see the time is up ladies and gentlemen you're going to have to show the board oh oh [ __ ] I saw oh it's back there the answer is 327,00 boards folks Pokemon get the correct oh my that's why we call her the queen come no guys come on stop dud $39,600 wrong wait you got it it's is that right yeah I did yes you di oh there you go you can multiply good stuff I also got the correct answer now hold on you're not going to shame a student for being good at Mental Math are you do I shame him and what do he get it right or wrong oh oh that's a resounding yes Matthew okay can can I defend myself yeah yeah I divided it which is harder and then I erased it and stole the right answer listen listen he's a good student he used the resources at his hand to copy me which is this one Mulligan to keep it competitive and it we'll give him the points we'll give him the points that's 10 points to everybody but xqc I'm sorry you did not I explain why I was so bad yeah go ahead X explain your reasoning so I did times two and I was going to do time three because it's time 2 * 3 that's six I did time 2 * 2 * 2 that's eight so like so it didn't pan out but x x the answer was behind you it was behind you the answer that's how I got it from earlier stop oh sorry you're doing great sweetie keep it up you're doing a great job do I get no points we trying hard you get no points you're actually negative points for showing up late but it's fine it's okay I'll come back yeah while attempting Doug Doug's fast food challenge six groups visited the following number of restaurants 11 8 10 6 7 and 12 what is the mean number of restaurants visited the numbers are behind you wait the bean number I don't get it the mean do you know mean no the say again the mean of the do you know what that means no okay you're [ __ ] I'm not going to tell you no chea he's looking at it like it's a puzzle Professor Emily yes what how do you calculate mean are you an idiot okay does anyone have an answer I do oh great wubby what did you get please don't make fun of me I tried this time is it 11 okay we will not say anything yet oh [ __ ] should I write it in big yes Conor I got 9.66 six poy nine something nine okay x uh 160 wait did I get it that's close that's real close the answer was nine so how'd you get 9.66 she's so much smarter than you guys did the M explain explain huh I added all the numbers and divided by the amount of the numbers wait it didn't add up to 60 though right did it okay I I got a question I got I said I said is it the average said no we lied oh we didn't say no we just didn't say yes all okay Poké M's at 30 points what are you looking at it for is that is that a math question I what's going on no this is this is your points you have 10 points right now yeah I'm I'm kind of popping off right now yeah you're doing pretty [ __ ] well can I give xqc 10 points if he gives me one of his bracelets yeah we could trade you're willing to trade 10 points in a damn game show for a bracelet I mean it's worth 50k right the the not the prize yeah it's not the price 50k bro I'm just going to shake your hand after I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here wait there's no prize it's a handshake that's priceless it's a handshake fu yeah but it's but but it's from misg so let's yeah you don't want to be seen shaking that hand honestly he should be paying us yeah a popular streamer is hosting an event with 60 people however after soda poet announces he's not going 14 streamers back out what percentage of streamers rounded up end up attending hey wo wo wo w i i feel like I've heard this before sounds familiar right yeah it does w yeah yeah um talk about your thought process sure so I'm trying to comprehend what the words mean before I tackle the math good good not going well at least you're trying thank you they're cooking no one has an answered on their board yet oh no any guesses sure oh okay yep I wrote 23% cuz it sounded kind of good okay um you're 50 off but that was good okay not bad okay Connor I was doing the math your way actually what I meant to say uh was 76% okay Pokey I didn't finish my math so I'm guessing like 72% is MHM X oh you asked what percentage attended yeah I I realized that hold I also I also did the same mistake I was about to do the same mistake no cheating thank you for saving me well I'm going to [ __ ] it up rat yeah well I didn't really put an answer cuz I didn't finish the math so so you're dumb well we already know that you're also dumb too though so come on now okay yeah true true well the answer was 77% W did you look behind you I wrote 23 which is the opposite of 77 wait really yeah my answer was 3% man that was FAL setup you're smart he deserves that so I guess wobby gets that good job here wait before we go EXC you want to show your work real quick just show what you did oh man man I'm getting ambushed today so bad um so I get 14 time 100 and then divide it by 60 that I think the thought process is pretty good no is that not good teacher teacher is that not good that's really wrong but it's okay nice for thanks for trying thank you and thanks for having me as your math teacher guys you you guys are Great Sea Dog I believe you're at 10 points as well wait didn't you didn't go I say give him 10 more he got I say 10 more I like that can I end up the show to he's been here the whole time 10 more I was on time Miz what's up with the haircut you what what's with the haircut I I got excited I was ready for my shows I got a haircut what I fair enough it's pretty good I like it it's like me what we both look stupid it's okay to the back wait who looks Dumber me or him all right ready uh cheer for me if it's me J for it's him [Applause] oo yeah who makes more money now this person isn't even a teacher in fact he's my best student I ever had and he's actually been on my show about more than I have at this point I really just wanted to bring him on the so you can cheer him on ladies and gentlemen give it up for the man himself Connor eats [Applause] pants hello I've never I've never won this show but I've been on it a good bit of times um they didn't give me any other lines yep cage SP everybody Podium sir good luck Pokey oh thank you where is he going s I'm going oh all right ominous and this teacher is very close friend of mine we talk a lot in the Teachers Lounge he is a gotcha Ur a Gambling Man calm down Gambling Man uh who has an art degree so he's not the brightest person in the world this man is here and he's ready to teach ladies and gentlemen give it up for teone your teacher wait can I interject now hold up a second you're telling me art don't matter I don't think art matters no let me tell you in 5 years when all of our jobs are lost to the AIS the machines it's the only thing separating us and from us from the wires we're [ __ ] today I want to make thing one thing perfectly clear disrespect of me or what you're about to see will not be tolerated my name is Professor dick tone and you're going to read you're going to understand why I'm about to put the dick in dick tone this this art course is not a joke it is not the only thing that matters there will be no texting xqc you will not call me a lose magnet I will not tolerate the disrespect again and you're going to find out why today you're all going to be drawing the most beautiful thing the most important thing the most voluptuous human being you've ever seen Russell oh cute who the [ __ ] is that o play Russell SL hi first and foremost I don't even know how I got this job to begin with you will treat him with respect that is my boy you this good oh oh di profor dict tone you haven't even explained what they're doing oh yeah I should do that huh all right you ever draw before boy I I have okay what you draw um like cats okay he draws in pain a lot okay that's right I se not yet okay what' you want to be when you grew up I wanted to be I don't know an engineer I guess that's the wrong answer you're going to be an artist today play all right you all are probably going to have [ __ ] I don't know 3 minutes to draw the most sexy thing on planet Earth Russell come on front center okay get on up there you have 3 minutes to get the job done do what you need to do want a piece of that and make a piece to properly depict the winner of this is going to get 20 points whoever draws Russell the best now it is going to be decided by twitch chat so everyone from home or anyone in the audience if you want to vote it is going to be by chat's decision on who draws Russell the best X you only got 10 points shut the [ __ ] up I noticed you're only using one color a paint you need more than that I was just it's a foundation okay let me put more paint on this this this could be bad please relax yo can we get some red or not oh no I can do the math with I can mix colors make red right yo what's the equation to make red with different colors I know RGB I I have no idea how do you make red oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ah don't you like do this what yellow and blue make green make red oh you can't make red okay oh oh yeah RGB RGB that's F begin wubby wubby we're painting Russell right hey hey we're not we're not CL thumbnails okay okay oh very good to see dog I don't know what I don't know what person you're looking at there is no green up there thank you what what are you seeing you said draw the sexiest person alive so that's what I'm doing that better be my baby boy well we'll see okay we'll see in 3 minutes max I I noticed you're drawing him pretty round what are you trying to say about my baby hey I'm just getting started okay okay all right you said volumptuous and I agree okay Russell been very trying very hard in his way toon you will not draw him that round halfway done with the lollipop it's been 2 minutes yeah you pulled it together not so racist now huh all right you all have about 40 seconds left what so y'all need to kick it in the overdrive okay okay do something hot for the [Applause] camera there it is come on now like guys like his fans are like please let him finish fin it please don't do this let finish it save this monstrosity of a hate threat go ahead save it oh tell us what you did so he's big and round and he was going to have even a rounder uh backside see that right here kind of volumptuous okay you did accentuate his curves yeah but then I was going to be like doing like a exaggeration of of the tongue that's the tongue that was like a boil yeah okay and he was going to suck but the problem is that um it's gonna it's GNA hard I never painted before I only draw oh we can tell so like it was yeah it was pretty bad okay yeah I lost F all right Pokey what's going on so uh oh hey me personally I feel like he just oozes sophistication who does I went for a bit of a minimalistic look while still capturing his Essence in some beautiful pops of blue okay I like that you didn't get the l oh you got the L you didn't color it a little bit uh can reject I think I think she kind of cheated CU this isn't in painting she's like just kind of doodling it almost look like a like a sketch I'm sorry yours is bad okay X yours is dark I'm just saying it's like I'll shut up just just for the audience people should know okay um I should had at least a minute to finish this just to just rules or rules man I don't want to do all right f plus thank you tried your best is that old B brass from SpongeBob what is that this is indeed Squidward SpongeBob we said draw you said the sexiest thing alive this is an abstract squ as you can see the crabby patty which he doesn't eat he doesn't need a partake in it he holds it and the phone of course we all know that's good to works at the front of the house he got a nice phone there and of course the voluptuous nose as we all you you ever think when Squidward gets bored he like sucks on the thing yeah you think so ever sucks on that thing what okay well I think we were watching a different show okay you know what I'm torn let me Judge wobby first wobby yeah what' you do I think mine uh speaks for itself is Russell simply plain and simple and I spent a lot of time matching colors matching not the first what what where's his lollipop I didn't have enough time that's goddamn Squidward come on that is what do you want from me how dare you okay also I threw in a couple little nipples oh that's what matters you know I'm a little bit torn it's slimming he looks good he looks fresh you know what I believe art is bringing your perception of reality to fruition M I'm torn I feel like both have uh legs to stand on well Professor guess what you don't even have to do it because we are going to have the chat voting right now so if you guys want to take out your phones and go ahead and vote whoever is picked by the chat is going to get 20 points you can choose xqc poke Bane SE dog or wubby one of them will be getting the points right now so if you guys want to vote go ahead and we will see who you pick ladies and gentlemen you're winner of 20 points for his artwork pay money wubby is your winner is Justice in this world wubby that puts you in the lead with 40 points can I give five of them Conor oh you want Char charity yeah I do I think that's fair I don't even need it I think that's oh W okay talking J I might need it later okay I might give it back what I was think we do possibly with these artworks cuz you guys don't need them what have we given to the audience right now yeah yeah oh you have to take this thing on a plane folks a plane is going to have to take this thing over who want who wants it who want it yeah if the guys want I'll pick a guy just yell all the guys ready if you want it say something now say something okay now now ladies any ladies want to pain [Applause] it was pretty was pretty bad that your demographic okay the uh the girls get [Applause] it okay she gets it and she gets it how are you going to get that home I I don't believe it there's no way yeah yeah good luck explain that at the airport I can't explain that one this next teacher only teachers for about 4 hours a day you probably know who this is foren and he also makes his teachers a do all the work this man is a he told me to say this seven time ranked one Gladiator in JV hockey MVP ladies and gentlemen your history teacher who is here for history Nick po yo hello hello what's up how we doing uh where's molena sharing my stream somewhere else she's not here oh she's here hey there's molena everybody MVP it's actually geography oh no so we have a map out here um do you guys know anything about geography X you know anything about that uh I'm kind of a god at geography um gesser I'm really good at gesser this is no if you know geog guesser you'll be really good at this yeah yeah also you're not times glad you get carried but it's okay no not in a while everything else though in life everything else but not in a while yeah but no this is going to be super fun but it's a little bit different okay guys a little bit different it's not just about knowing where things are you have have to have good aim too oh sorry X pleasure so as Miz has here you guys are going to have what are these called darts darts okay I'm going to ask you a question and wherever you think it is you're going to shoot the dart at the map yep okay it's simple stuff so here's what we're going to do everyone come over here if who's ever the closest gets 10 points but if you also land on it you get 10 points as well should we do like a wait there's a lot of points to be earned here lot of points there's a lot that's like more points than they have already yeah it's going to go up if you get if you get on the map so States United States you hit it you get 10 points and you also get 10 points who's ever the closest what is the largest continent on Earth three 2 one throw xan TV is not the largest continent they don't stick to the boat did everyone not really oh was that your first one I mean since everyone else missed well I I hit it it just didn't stick so your answer is Russ I'm the closest your answer is Russia uh I mean Russia's not I don't think it's a content is it Russia Asia it is Asia Asia is the answer so xqc get 10 points yes yes oh it hurts to bend over being old oh man you're getting old look at you got you're getting old one day too Felix oh my back hurts guys I had to bend over 15 push-ups come on ah look at you oh thank you yeah which continent has the most toxic viewers think about it think about it what content has the most toxic viewers is there is there an actual answer to that or is that like aeal how do you how you measure toxicity this is a question you can mathematically derive it from the algorithm that is real uh P pi r s derivative so we have the correct answer I bet you all right throw hold on where's everybody else oh [ __ ] oh that was a clean throw right in the United States who's last me me ready where do you think the most toxic you should know You' lived your life okay okay I got this i got this I I got this what island what is that it's Australia it's um that's Australia oh it's in the water so it counts okay well we got two Naas and one Europe the correct answer is Europe let's go Nobody Does it better than us that's [ __ ] no trust me I stream in the morning I'm the only one of you wake up early it's the it's Europe list if you ever play League of Legends on European server you'll see true hatred true Felix you had no shot I don't know where you were man that was just super bad um I don't know I I I had fun okay well this one really let me see can you take your hat off oh this applies to you okay you guys ready for the next question no that was targeted that was that was well you'll be there in a couple years oh [ __ ] what is the best country to get your receding hairline fixed oh can I look at the map a little closer you can look at the map you can get closer you can get closer if you want to figure it out don't throw it when he's there don't hit him back of the head wait wait why is he pretending like he has to read it like all right okay I got M book next week I'm going now what do that mean I don't mean mean if you if that's insecured I apologize it's fine it's fine my L's perfect so okay I hate I hate that I know this answer I hate that I know this me too me too I five I know the answer four three two one throw [ __ ] oh my nice [ __ ] throw okay I'll take my 20 points thank you Ethiopia oh my God EOP yeah the the one who was called out nailed it it's turkey it is what a beautiful shot by and he actually hit it too yeah I don't know I don't think uh Ethiopia's no I was aiming for turkey I was also for turkey thank you wait wait wait how do he know that Tik Tok bro oh cuz he are all balding that's why what do you mean look at my hair Felix yeah it's pretty good you're right yeah it's not bad I'm 40 oh okay it's all good [ __ ] I'm I'm 27 it's pretty bad awesome final question it's a tough one oh sorry I know you have dent in your head what did he say I didn't even hear him so he has a dent in his in your head I have I have a dent in my head yeah you want to know why yeah I because I eat so much and all the fats go into my head and my neck so yeah oh wow okay okay either way speaking of wow good segue next question which country has the highest obesity rate no no you take your time what why do we have to think why is everybody here thinking okay if you're that if you're that confident man launch it but you got oh my God oh my God hold on do not throw it that is very Algeria is known for its obesity that's fair I don't even know what country that is can I ask a question yeah no is it the us or is it the UK you can tell us uh I can't okay fair doesn't the UK make fun of us for being fat yeah but they're pretty [ __ ] fat okay keep in mind guys which country has the highest obes CD R oh small country fat people I'm there all right you have 5 Seconds five 4 3 close two one I don't I'm aiming for Australia wa wait wait wait Nick just cheated he you just said close because you know the answer so it means that it's United States Venezuela yeah very a lot of fat people in venezuel okay I know roughly what the answer is the truth is it's not in North America or South America oh wow it's definitely not in Africa I'm close it's not in Australia but it's damn close no so wubby wins the answer is this little Island right here that I can't pronounce f Naro Naro I knew that you were right you get 10 points for that wubby congratulations there you go congratulations wait why' you pick Australia though no clue random I thought small population maybe there's fat people there I don't know is there I don't know it was also a big Target so yeah GG's congrats yeah it's kind of fun to throw it out I'm not going it's kind F out let it out goad go there we go Gladiator thank you pooki Gladiator quec Nice Shot I'll take 15 back well okay you want me to give the five back okay so take the five back you're at 50 points dog you're at 60 points there we go don't worry about the points you're going to there's so many more points to be involved don't worry about it we're perfectly fine NP practice round what is the best country the world Norway sorry yeah that was one from Lena our next teacher we actually hired on the spot because we thought in the interview process that it was actually Mo critical we had no idea ladies and gentlemen give it up for your English teacher Professor emiru oh [ __ ] hello hi Pokey and everybody else uh hi my name is Emmy I'm a World of Warcraft stream rer and I'm your English teacher today so yay so uh what we're going to be doing is a little spelling beat I'm going to be giving each of you yeah that's right folks line up right in front line up oh yeah line up all in a row all four of you line up right in front here yeah this show is rigged against me oh this these questions are going to be rigged against you too this what you get for showing a plate okay I'm going to be giving each of you a word and a sentence if you would like it how this will work is if you get it right you get 10 points if you get it wrong you get no points at all that's it it's done okay okay yeah just line up in order yeah looks good I'm confused sorry you don't know how to spell yeah I can spell some words speak some of them some words I hope you don't spell this one okay I'm ready so if you're up you go right up in front look at your class they're all here looking for you okay and spell your word do not look behind you or you're cheating Jam okay come up here are you ready for your word I'm ready for my word okay excc please spell [Music] prenuptial that was not me um oh would you like it in a sentence no no no give me give me an example his lawyer said his prenuptial agreement was airtight damn um p r e n u p t u l oh they said a oh not off to a good start I'm sorry excuse see that is wrong it is p r e n u p t i a l uh a it's okay n nice try good Felix nice it was a hard one okay Pokey are you ready for your word yes okay your word is entrepreneur would you like it in a sentence I'm we're so done sure why not we're so done many streamers also claim to be entrepreneurs e n t r e t e n e r it was so close but you missed an R that's zero points it is e n t r e p r e n e u r I'm so sorry I'll get him next time a Charlie somebody gets one of these right please uh I am not good at this got it oh God give a hard one um yours is a a good one are you ready sure put me on my misery okay SE dog your word [Music] [Applause] is which language uh Japanese but use the English letters okay I don't know the English I type it in Japanese uh a r i g a t o g o Zed a oh I'm British okay wrong country I right you guys just boo him for say he's British whatz Z it's Z okay we made the language all right Boo I'm sorry boo oh start from G oh I'll start again uh g o z a don't laugh I uh m a s u he forgot the U I think he he missed a u on the first part out got the oh I'm I thought he would have gotten it cuz British people are so good at sticking use in random words oh oh well n TN bro you had that too I had that oh my I'm hello hello please get this right I don't want to give points to nobody I'm really bad at spelling really really bad why are you clapping I'm ready okay weby your word is controversial I wish I got that one that's too easy can you use it in a sentence our original questions were denied due to being too controversial can you spell it uh no nice try though controversial c o n uh-huh let's go let's go he's got it easy t Okay R all right all right y this is where it gets crazy so c o n t r y stop look at the crowd and listening what is this spell the word all right all right all right all right c o n t hey no cheating r a i don't know Contra Contra AIT give him another word Contra a ver ver [ __ ] now I'm getting real gas late with it e r s i a l i don't know I heard booze that is incorrect bro I'm I'm not all there c o n t r o v e r s i a l you just give some mine wasn't even English easy words give some easy words xqc we'll give you another chance xqc can you please spell xqcl l um oh yeah I mean extra extra excl he good he's good wow he did it he good at his job okay would you like another word Pokey sure thank you could you spell ruthless what what what F what R SS well done Sea Dog oh no what is it now could you spell yahi y a o r you got it you got it nice I'm I'm about to blow the clean sweep right now I'm sorry I'm so bad at spelling can I do xcl no I have another word for you though okay can you spell cringe oh yes c r i n g e cringe that's right that's correct nice so everyone did end up getting points I'm so proud of you guys you're all so okay at spelling thank you thank you good job everybody thank you ladies and gentlemen Professor Emer oh my God it's over Professor Emer oh my God we currently have wubby at 60 points xqc at 30 Pokey at 40 and Sea Dog at 70 now here's the thing this next one you can get up to 50 points who yes so this one you can Skyrock in your points right now now this person is actually so good at his job at doing improv that he improved being a teacher at the last minute to be on my Show Ladies and Gentlemen let's give it up for the will nef Standing Ovation please please sit down no standing ovation please I said no standing ovation please please stop hey hey please please sit down thank you Professor drama is obviously the most important topic and it's probably the only one that any of these streamers will have any advantage of to determine your ability to act we are going to have a charades challenge ooh how about a quick warm-up okay wubby no pass thank you Conor oh okay show me divorce but do it only with your feet go with my feet with only your feet go very good very good xqc no show me premature ejaculation but only do it with your face go um perfect okay all right I'm going to split you into teams of two okay take those words do not show them to your partner oh this will be the second team oh hold on can we swap oh no cuz I know you just saw the words hey hey I mean we could still swap oh I mean you could no no I'm not allow yet all right you're going to have 60 seconds you're going to try and act out as many of those words as possible the other person on your team will be guessing them for every one you get correct you'll get some get you can get right in front it's over we win first team excc please come to the FR easy see your words so I can coordinate real quick you can go right in front too okay ready um when I say go we'll start the clock each of these is worth Five Points that's right 50 points in total it's twitch categories so think of all the categories that are on Twitch that is what he's going to be acting out for you right because the rest of the show was not twitch themed at all all right ready 60 seconds on the clock now go csgo valerant um fortnite yeah yes that's [Music] one something about monkey um you may skip to the next one if you want yeah yeah you can skip um Minecraft okay forget it SC just shatting hot tubs yeah yes yes NBA yes yes there you go sock at soccer Fifa yes football whatever you want to call it Apex um um VI music time oh we that one counts that one counts yeah I count the rolling it was dark souls it was dark soul shut the ones you miss were OverWatch oh monkey and World of Warcraft was the other one oh that's that's if you haven't play World warc you can't do it because it's like it's like a mage casting but I see I see go Street Fighter correct Minecraft correct what else do I have Spider-Man correct it's [Applause] three football Madden that's [Applause] four oh oh ASMR that's f [Applause] uh just chatting that's six wow drama I don't know fighting uh uh um what else okay you can pass are you dancing uh uh uh oh God uh Rainbow Six that's it I have the one left 9 seconds um wait which one's I didn't get oh [ __ ] how I do this uh Fu was are you doing something we killed it we killed it what a performance 105 to both that puts Sea Dog at 115 we have Poney at 105 poke man at 80 and excc at 70 now this last one you can come back and you can win really you think you're smart no I lost you did so bad I wish you cheated Felix yeah me too you did a terrible job I'm going to have to bring in the superintendent to give you your final exam so ladies and Gentlemen please give a standing ovation for this F your biggest affiliate on Twitch right now Dan Clancy the CEO of [Applause] twitch you know you go too hard on these kids man you know grades I went to UC Santa Cruz it stresses them out man I'm sorry he I tell you about that so let's y'all take it easy okay X-Men you know take up gaming maybe you can make something in yourself okay don't worry about these grades all right now what do we we got some questions here right you're going to have you're going to have five questions you know what you're doing each one's 10 points for the first one 50 for the last all right what is the biggest animal in the world we're just hanging you let it come right it'll just come to you I can't stop looking at your toes I'm sorry oh wow [Applause] oh it's okay wobby it's okay why are you guys going so nuts over that what come on X tell us what you think the answer is it's the white whale oh well let's hear what some of the other answers are okay I don't want you to feel bad okay so who wants to go next uh we I also said whale I okay well hold we're going have to talk some about the point so let's just keep going with the whale oh we've got another whale I wrote the blue whale oh no did we have to specify you know this whole issue of right and wrong okay technically wubby got it right um wubby you get 10 points but the rest of y'all you get five okay give him something even x2c X cuz like he went out he went out on a limb there you know with white he are you color blind by the way could be you know sometimes but I thought it was like white shark hey Five Points five points for x five points for ex who is the first person to walk on the moon space man it's cool teacher iend what were you doing before the show were you in your van for a while I was well I just hanging it was a little Smokey though yeah it was a little SMY a little Smokey you know I saw you were Duo streaming with pocs is that what you're doing huh I wrote Neil on Armstrong Neil Armstrong oh nice it well they think you're right they think you're right here we go Connor Connor I wasn't sure if this is some kind of jabate so I put Buzz Aldren oh dude man that's second I know other one like that hey just think about poor Buzz right he walks into a room everyone's NE Armstrong you know and poor buzz you know who's he but he appreciates you calling him out POI I'm going to be so honest no thanks for being honest do not give it the point do not who asked you flip it anyways I knew it was some Armstrong couldn't remember which one lance NE Arnold Armstrong there's it could have been Joey Lance L Lance Armstrong I mean who what you got who would have thought a Neil could be a half seon okay x with Neil Armstrong so I I think now I you know it's a good try Pokey we're not going to give you half but you get Five Points you you get something for trying who discovered the law of gravity I mean all these laws man you know I don't know why you had to call a law couldn't have been like a guideline of gravity you know I wish I talked to this guy when I was about to get banned on Twitch this guy seems great just give me a call yeah I call you next time not my partner what was I thinking are you locked in all right you want to come be wow that's loud whatever man all right Isaac Sir Isaac Newton cool man nice what do you think what do we think here Sir Isaac Newton nice Sir Isaac Newton man he was rad wubby he sure was Newton Sir Isaac Newton and let's close it out excc oh everybody's getting 30 points man surprised apple is a I'm surprised teach I'm surprised they all knew that was very impressive yeah yeah you should all feel good give yourselves a pat on the back you know let's get you a participation medal what are the three primary colors given your art experience you might be good at this man and this one's for Whoa man 40 points 40 points that's a lot of points dude let's go with you wubby what you got this is the first one I'm not confident in at all I put red green blue red green you got some of them okay you got some of them but not all of them Connor what you got uh yeah the answer is red yellow blue nice Connor no nice Connor RGB is a bait RGB doesn't exist it's a lie mhm all right poke oh my God some [ __ ] Pokey I wrote rgb2 and I knew it was wrong it's yellow let's see flip it I got it wrong I wrote RGB oh man that's a good answer though gamer screen you're just thinking of the screen man I think it's partially right I I I put blue as sign though cuz that's the real one red green Canan audience man what do we think about Canan is blue I don't know man but you're going to get a few points you know I want everyone to have a shot with this so I'm going to go ahead and give x 10 points and Pokey 10 points thank you okay here we go I'm that way it makes it more interesting okay okay really wish I had something to fix this with but we're good here we go okay and that what famous institution did this dude named Dan Clancy work at after graduating his graduate getting his graduate degree before coming CEO of twitch what famous institution and we could give a clue if nobody has any idea the clue will be there is a connection to one of the questions can you read the questions one more time no it's all about memory you know X is going last x what are you counting okay I don't know I don't know how because you said institutions now I'm doing the math with the ey and with an acronym or something like that I don't know [ __ ] going all right Connor I think it's NASA [Music] oo bbby let's see what you got you very proudly worked at National Science I don't know what that is oh I did not good try though Pokey I guess like MIT or something that is aidite but they would not hire me and X um Naza nice nice now I'm a little bum I will say it would have been really nice if Connor hadn't gotten it right because then we would have had a tie well but I mean I think we should take the VOD cuz I think he checked my answer but I'm just going to say it cuz he he erased con con listen it's all about being honest dude okay did you steal X's answer I don't know what stealing is I'm British stealing you know you wouldn't even know what that is all right don't take things well it looks like we have a winner then it looks like we do we have xqc at 190 points Pokey at 140 wubby at 170 but your Val Victorian tonight is actually the British man himself the ones that you denied can do it Sea Dog woo now now thank you before you leave before you go we need to have a ceremony cuz lowy graduated good job I'm proud of you so we're going to graduate so I want all of you to line up in the front everyone we need to have a ceremony okay we need to graduate we need to graduate first so everyone line up folks you have your teachers here we're very very proud of you oh my god ladies and Gentlemen let's give it up for the man himself pay money wubby don't thank you thank you congratulations thank you thank you I love you I just want ladies and gentlemen give it up for SE do big things than youat next give it up for your queen herself poke man thank you so much thank you con stay right here I and let's give it up for your student that was late today but he did show up give it up for x you see shouldn't have opened it than thank you very much thank you thank you thank you the tell thank you thank you thank you all the stars are out five [Applause] pushups thank you you con thank you very much you can stand right there ladies and gentlemen we now have all of our people have graduated but we have one person who graduated with the most points and that is your Val Victorian seog I'm not sure why it says M I have no idea why wait why does it say m listen just put that behind your stream okay you'll love it be [Music] great [Music]
Channel: Mizkif
Views: 292,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mizkif, Mizkif Twitch, mizkif clips, miz, schooled, twitchcon, mizkif schooled, mizkif twitchcon, mizkif emiru, pokimane, xqc twitchcon, xqc, xqcow, pokimane xqc, cdawg, cdawgva, paymoneywubby, emiru
Id: PJpTkufw6jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 32sec (3932 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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