NAME YOUR PRICE But mostly Jerma ft. Ludwig, Austin Show

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Daniel prize everybody Welcome before everybody likes to watch it President Nixon's favorite show name your prize absolutely awesome contestant is definitely not photoshopped and is very Caked Up ladies and Gentlemen let's hear it for German [Applause] y germa welcome to the show how are you my friend great to be here great to be here I tell you what will when I heard German was going to be on the show I blacked out and woke up wearing nothing but a cigarette wow yeah that's a great outfit that's a great outfit yeah it does it it's a fantastic outfit You've Got Bugs yeah where was the cigarette now let me tell you something folks we've had we've had a couple episodes to name your prize there we are let me tell you the first one yeah we're two seasons in the first episode this season was an absolute mess last week came down or a couple weeks ago came down to the wire between Tycoon and Leslie oh yeah it was an intense Round Barn Burning real barn burner speaking of wires uh when do we get paid all right okay well how much do you get paid I get a membership to the Jelly of the month club here in polka whatever right whatever okay you know what city wearing you don't even know it's anyway yeah I'm dyslexic okay it's a Nickelodeon t-shirt from the listing this vintage 1990 Nickelodeon Studios t-shirt it comes from Universal Studios Florida it's a green shirt with a single stitch and short sleeves it ships from Harrisburg Pennsylvania look at it red shot oh it's cotton okay all right okay taking half of everything eyes off of him how does it look I was looking at his [ __ ] uh oh oh that's allowed germa let's hear it you said cotton he said he said cotton cotton cotton 25. [Applause] all right I think it's 29.99 29.99 ladies and gentlemen the first points of the day go to Ludwig [Applause] oh my God is he sick what the hell is he screaming get away from me here we go this next item right here is a Chippendales calendar oh yeah look at that look at those hunks oh my God yo let's keep flipping through the pages oh all right let's take a look here what do you think flip through it flip through it look at too much there buddy well that's a full page all right what we got for September oh that guy's hot look at that hold on hold on I I gotta wait till I get to my my month wow is that my mother wow all right there we go did you just say at your Podium Rick please what's this tiny tank top look at that fix put that in my dressing room I have inside her info germa oh you do Jeremy well you don't know is that it had the price on the back what is the price on the back that's right all right but it's what we paid for it Ludwig what do you tell me you know you tell no no we've been above every they're not paying retail above retail germa what do you think what do you think germa fifteen dollars fifteen dollars okay all these 9.99 899 10 no no no no no all right Ludwig said he had the secret sauce 9.99 retail price was 7.95 I think this one's all Jeremiah but hold on wait a second Ludwig it was from 1994. it's from 1994. and you know what you know who knew that best and calculated that into their prediction germa ten points all right fifteen dollars your own prize 53.99 9.98 I'm gonna be honest with you will yeah we way overpaid for that well that's because they were bidding against you all right look at this here we go it's a Ferb kit okay first aid it's a first aid kit right daddy there's mercury in this what got to keep that temperature down wait is that oh man there's mercury in there yeah good job no do not inhale that box good God all right we're on an asbestos set you're really getting picky about Mercury now oh wait what what the hell is a cockroach doing it they they nest in this they keep they're multiplying on this there's a lot look at this we got it we found it look at the Cockroach German just threw a cockroach look at this can we get this where is this why is it why that's disgusting it's on the ground there's a few of them that disgusts me look at that well there's no bass of tracing there were only two adhesive bandages twelve dollars twelve dollars twelve dollars yeah you didn't even write it he didn't he didn't write a price down oh wow he copied my answer actually I wasn't gonna bring this up his podium's bigger than mine I want to replace look it's at least a quarter of an inch Podium Envy should I hold my rider let me tell you something hey bastard I'll tell you something my Podium might be one or two inches bigger than yours but that doesn't matter you need to get relax and go back to what you were doing yeah get back to what you Rick please right lady Rick please stand behind your Podium and hey Jeremiah we didn't see it this time but we're gonna let it slide but next time Rick we're going to be looking at you we got a bunch of cameras in here okay ladies and gentlemen getting on the board for the first time no Rick hug everybody [Applause] to be honest with you we didn't see it oh we're gonna review the tape ladies and gentlemen when we come back from this commercial break we're gonna have a verdict on whether Rick cheated or not back with more Daniel price in a minute okay we've revealed some footage folks and let me tell you that footage is very scary Ferdinand it's very scary ladies and gentlemen Rick COG before honey they finally caught up to us the last round answered 13 when germa answered 12. we reviewed the tape and we have found that Rick cheated oh my God Rick cheated but now it's a little unconclusive so we're gonna take away two points from Rick and we're gonna give two points to germa ladies and gentlemen Rick you're still on the board with three points from the listing ladies and gentlemen whoa ladies ladies sold separately this chair right here this one ships from you guessed it Bankers field California [Applause] you have insurance no no what do you guys think how much do you think we paid weirdly tall It could only fit germa's frame not only is it weirdly tall it was originally designed for CBT I haven't seen that journal here bring that down for him will oh wow oh look at that okay okay oh we are not insured for this wow look at that hey I signed the death warranty the death uh the death uh whatever it is step one I'm telling you Rick the hog hasn't guessed anything do we know how old it is Rick get your foot off the podium Rick okay germa let's hear from you uh the hype is a little bit taller than most chairs yes uh the seat was a little rough but I do think it's made out of mahogany if I'm correct yeah that's correct it would be 72. 72.32 smackers burn down a little bit more uh thinking it was rough you should meet up with me after the show 242. 142 ladies and gentlemen we have the first second time in history of name your price where somebody has gotten the exact value which is going to give them double points ladies and gentlemen give it up for me about foreign [Applause] folks let's take a look at the points let's take a look at the points we've got Ludwig he started off strong he got it correct he's got 10 points German with 12 points Rick with eight Mia in the lead with 20 points yes unbelievable Round of Applause here we go let's bring out the next item here oh oh well what is this oh my God look at that he's beautiful he's a Desperado oh what's going on will is that what's that mother oh Mother of God oh my God this is nuts oh it ain't big enough for the two of them oh my god well it looks like we have a a showdown which one of these Gunslingers do you think will win in a shootout contestants write down your answer all right gentlemen here we go ready three two one [Music] oh [Music] my God they both died they both died oh my God this isn't oh gun violence is horrible oh my god oh it's not like it is in the movies you got glamorous okay all right I want to ask you guys seriously yeah how much do you think we [ __ ] you put a cigarette on his eye oh I want to ask you seriously I want you to how much do you think we paid to bury these two Taxidermy after they're on time Indian burial ground and Pocatello that's right that's right we're going to bury him under the haunted board yes can you imagine if you died and somebody like propped you up maybe hanging around like yeah so the Chipmunk is the hell especially taxidermied to look like uh like an old western hero you can see he looks like Clint Eastwood there yeah all right he's got a snow he looks like he could be racist this is the most expensive item that we've ever paid oh okay that I mean that changes everything that's the most expensive it was extra to get the Clint Eastwood Edition stand your ground expensive ever what do you mean that we've ever purchased on Name Your Price ever ever yes no actually the car was more there's a car that was more expensive than a squirrel yes oh squirrel and a chipmunk yes hold on wait wait wait wait wait there was a car that was not as expensive as a squirrel and a chipmunk no no there was a car it was a little bit more expensive oh my goodness I got this freeze uh 360. 360. and I voted for the small guy what happened why is your board look like you've ridden a Manifesto I it's one point so I'm running out of 700 no you feel like an idiot no it's because when you said who's gonna win the fight I said the small guy that was silly of you it was silly sorry Jeremy you would pick the small guy three six of course I would because the small guy has the biggest package I'm gonna go really really high and say a thousand dollars [Applause] let me tell you if we paid a grand total of 349.99 German [Applause] oh oh I'm sorry I had a Steve Harvey moment in 649.99 Rick Garden Rick got it I guess it's true if they say good things come in small packages all righty [Music] we are going to show you an image of a person you're gonna have to tell me what they do what they do however whoever answers correctly will receive 20 points all right choice scenario it's a multiple choice scenario all right okay all right all right here we go first first individual oh look at that you can't fool me I was wondering what he was doing okay what did they do did they deface historical landmarks with spray paint Steel drove stolen ambulance Rover stole an ambulance home well detained in a hospital or return a bag with 120 000 that fell off a truck looks like they refunded ninja streamer academy uh I also think you don't get your picture taken uh during a hold on let me I also don't think you get your picture taken for you know doing a good deed I think that this usually happens uh that background uh the gray background I think is potentially uh potentially detained okay I'm gonna say two uh stolen ambulance two is not on the board two is not an option but it was B whatever all right okay saying that because you might have you might have done that at some point Rich he looks like somebody who's in a hospital [Applause] F chose B everybody is wrong oh everybody oh he defeats the land they you get back your face historical landmark with spray paint that's right that's terrible right it looks like Pocatello Idaho oh yes yes ain't nobody can face dude one of those landmarks that oh everybody's trying to get taken they need to face the historical Mentos Factory did they get nicknamed The Breakfast Bandit for stealing food from hotel buffets plead guilty to making meth in a college laboratory or recover a missing prosthetic leg while on lifeguard Duty [ __ ] Rick I need you to write your answer down oh you're back at uh you came back apart than us hold on let me wait wait hold on I don't want to try me Rick Rick don't let him see what we're doing whoa hey hey sir all right Rick's been cheating his face off I have been first writing down every time and I feel like everyone's been copying me Jeremy you've been very good Rick has been a real slime bag I'm gonna go let's see see see all right German what do you think uh I'd say C2 I mean my God waves in the background is it bait like like oh he's in front of the ocean that's a lie Ludwig is going down a path Less Traveled he's going with the breakfast Bandit breakfast Bandit well let me tell you what they did let's see it is Ludwig you are incorrect [Applause] yeah it was we got it they recovered a missing prosthetic leg while on lifeguard Duty correct 20 points to germa ranking me off yes no that's a d That's A D um what is this I don't know I'm scratching him out as we go I'm from Atlantic City you've been amazed the limbs you can find on this is not an answer all right I find many limbs in Atlantic City all you gotta do is look oh I tried all right here we go what did they do what they do how can you not get the title all right whatever what they do what they do [Applause] get arrested did they get arrested for torching their business for insurance money portray a lawyer in a stock photo or become president and CEO of Coca-Cola German what do you think uh if this was the president and CEO of Coca-Cola there'd be a Coca-Cola brand label behind them hey okay okay Ludwig what do you think this is Mark Cheryl the president CEO of Coca-Cola and I believe this is the man who changed Coke's recipe to the new recipe and then they had to change it to Coke Classic thanks for the dividends Mark ladies and gentlemen points for Ludwig incorrect Ludwig you've gotten yourself back in the game with 30 points did they punch their Domino's delivery driver for forgetting garlic God we've all been there throw a live alligator through a Wendy's drive-through window we've all been there that's right we're set a Guinness world record for drinking two liters of soda in 18 seconds I have not been there you've not been there I have not been there okay germa what do you think I I can get two answers I think B is is logistically not possible okay how do you do that how would that even very carefully I think a a is the front I mean out of this I I knew the Badlands truck is obviously legendary but I think see nobody Chucks like Mr Bank okay what they do what they do the correct answer is they actually uh they threw a live alligator oh [ __ ] oh yeah what in West Palm Beach Florida Ludwig 20 points Highway has been on a tear let me tell you something Ludwig with that you have taken the break uh you have taken the break you have taken the lead this next game will open that uh let's take that out here we got another game that we're gonna play here on name your price but first let's take a look at the points Ludwig with the lead 50 points everybody wow German with 32. Rick was 38 and Mia with 40. it's anybody's game will here this is what we're gonna do we got another game to play this game 30 points per correct answer we are going to bring out some sealed food products in their original packaging based on looks you're going to tell me the month and year that it expired alright this is a game we like to call Certified fresh okay that is correct all right this next item first item I should say is Hawaiian punch it contains seven real fruit juices the label says it has a hundred percent vitamin C and it's packaged in a glass bottle look at that be very careful to see the shade of brown that this is look at this so when did this expire that's what we're that's what we're guessing month and year or just year uh I'm trying to unlock London I see Ludwig they tainted up those [ __ ] yeah we taped month and year that last bottle I believe was discontinued somewhere into the mid 90s okay I love Hawaiian punches one of my Favorite Beverages ever made yep let's see what's expired in June 1995. June 1995. 1995. here we go come on this expired in the year come on no Emmys 1980 s 19. New Blood make you're correct way [Applause] what a yes pekko flake bar oh it's a pekko flake this candy bar contains peanuts corn and coconut it feels both incredibly dense yet brittle the price on the packaging is listed for 39 cents all this Petco flake just 39 cents that's right he hasn't cheated 39 cents Chad you can guess the year if you want is it uh is it okay if I touch the sweets what oh 1986 1985 no month no month no no no no no no no I love it I can smell the pickle flakes already it smells nuclear no please please please oh my God oh oh my God this caused an outbreak oh my God this show for the pekko disease it caused oh my God does it smell okay all right thanks if you keep it up you're not invited to Thanksgiving okay oh okay all right that was a very extreme reaction I think I got it right on the money this is February 1971 February 1971 2016. December 1969 December 1969. that was nice that was that was really close but not close enough German 20 points yeah this expired in July of 1974. the packaging is destroyed my God here we go this is no cough cough syrup this is a honey flavored cough syrup for kids the bottle says it's for cops made for from colds wow spelled n-o-k-o-f by the way manufactured for bacon Products company was made in Chattanooga Tennessee side effects may include deep sleep c-o-c-i-l-a-n-a costellina [Applause] oh non-zero chance makes drinks though please no no mix please don't please Austin's doing the dad voice where he whispers please that's all of drinking random decades potentially old chemicals is a good idea so you think it's decades old that's a hint it's perfectly intact don't worry uh that bottle looks very old yes and the packaging looks very old too I'm thinking I'm thinking October 1955. October 1955 [Applause] all right the correct answer It's gotta be germa let's peel off the expiration date no it's right on the back December 1963 germa you're correct so guess it's all but it wasn't that old 20 points you're in the lead now we Chad I'm hearing right now from our producers we need to get a Hazmat HazMat team in here to clean up this set when we come back it'll be completely safe for everybody to be here we'll be back with more name your price such a bad reputation for asbestos students can't believe it can I get some hand sanitizer we got uh some more games to play here but let's get a quick score recap ladies and gentlemen we've got Ludwig with 70 points but germa just took the lead before the break at 72 points this next game is called finish me off all right I'm gonna show you something we typed into a search engine and you're gonna have to tell me one of the 10 predictive Search terms that popped up oh love this game if we typed in why does my one of the predictive searches that pops up is why does my cat wake me up so early here we go finish me off I have a crush on my blank all right germa I have a crush on my I mean I'm my friend the answer good answer here we go push me off germa how my partner oh whoa germa is deep in thought he's playing an imaginary trombone now it's cool I got mine I want to break up whoa [Applause] correct yes all right next one Rick you're gonna go first here finish me off human papilloma why does it feel good too Oh Daddy I'm I'm what about uh why does it feel good to jerk off your little peepee laughs why does it feel good to jerk off your last name not on the ball why why the pretty clear-cut answer yeah why would somebody search that how it works do you know why why does it feel good because you're doing it all right Jeremy you could take a commanding lead right oh man I am about to if you I'm about to produce a better answer than jerking off your little boy pee pee yeah all right why does it feel good to fight to fart no was poop on there what poop is on there twitch streamers are me okay you're going first finish us off Mia germa what do you think twitch streamers are cringe [Applause] I've got a close game ladies and gentlemen Ludwig with 90 points and well close game with these two the rest of them well actually me is in there too [Applause] Rick with 58 Mia with 80 it's still anybody's game when we come back for a more name your prize [Music] foreign [Music] 's gonna go I'm gonna show you an item and you're going to guess how much that item weighs whoever goes his guess is closest to the actual weight but when 30 points [Applause] we've got a wheelbarrow full of books okay wheelbarrow full of books here we go oh my God oh my God yeah oh my God oh my God okay thanks terrible now thanks careful makes you got it you got it oh oh oh okay all right here we go here we have a copy of Lord I need another bowl of popcorn wow a fake book that's a page oh it's uh it's a very real book German oh it's solid food uh I would say 180 or 86 kilograms 180 or 86 kilograms I know a little bit about science Ludwig 201 pounds [Applause] well let's put it on the on the uh on the weight machine you mean a scale yes add that book on there too yeah don't forget that book's got to be up there don't forget that and you got to put it down all right we really tested this one didn't we oh germa's guess is so good 150 pounds add that book add that book 50 pounds oh wait 230 pounds [Applause] 150 pounds germa you're correct 30 points how does that weigh less than me okay all right Ladies God we didn't really think this one through didn't we we didn't there you go that's gonna be there though okay all right next item oh god oh [ __ ] okay where's the popcorn I I do think the placement matters if you modify the fulcrum it's going to completely rig it rich would you shut up you're not gonna win the game anyway but we've got the next item germa get out of the book I want that popcorn book I want to read the whole thing no no I'm keeping I'm dead serious I'll get you the popcorn how's that more than 13 sentences well we'll get you that we'll get you we'll get you the bike okay can we get the popcorn book next item here held by the lovely Minx is oh there's one of them a bunch of old cell phones I used to have to do that in my old job yes wait a minute how much does this box of cell phones weigh put it in here we need to wait sir I need more batteries for my juicer okay I feel this because that wasn't fair okay okay this actually kind of seems like a pretty touching story yeah oh it's not funny all right we need your guesses folks 30 pounds 30 pounds did he see it let's hear your guess maybe 15 pounds maybe 15. 22 pounds from Ludwig and germa 28 28. actual gas exactly 25 pounds wait wait wait wait we're both equal distance away wait no hold on wait we need to zoom in this is 24 pounds 24. I guess 30 points [Music] 120 points for Ludwig 162 for germa 58 for Rick and 80. foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] next time you thought yeah I mean come on show that guest all right and it's oh Rick Rick let's see your jokes yes she cleanly picked up and then curled 160. so much rich we've got Rich's guests he thinks it weighs 160 pounds [Applause] what I'm 160. yeah all right Ludwig what do you think uh German what do you think I also said 50 bucks 50 pounds it's gonna be come on air work here it's gonna be like a month 48. all right 46. no no this is gonna be like because the scale's offset by like 15 pounds it pops in it all right I think it's gonna be like I think my guess is good all right everybody's guessed show it to me there we go hold on ready I like to lift it nope we need that on there 60. we need this on there everybody stop touching it we need this is part of it I won no wait man stop oh people are putting weight on it you're putting weight on it hold on everybody back away 60. that's like 69 are we sure that it's all on the scale what if we adjust it a bit it's all on the scale that's 60. hey it's gonna come forward a little bit it's leaning hold on let's oh sure can you show us I don't think the viewers can see there we go just a skosh hey also don't let it rest on your hands I'm not letting it hey Phil let's show us all here what do you think all right here we go 90 around 90. bill can you hear me show us all here it looks like it's 61 I think they're about it this doesn't matter until the end all right rich okay all right yeah it's 60 62 pounds which means Germany all right germa and Mia are correct each of them 30 points welcome back tonight all right ladies and gentlemen I've been telling you all all show oh yeah that it's still anybody's game right up into the end that's right ladies and gentlemen oh boy that's me that's me who's got the cell phone off hello what do you mean no he can walk home well it's only 10 miles no he's fine okay okay Austin I gotta go I left my kid at karate you left your kid in court you have a kid yeah I left him there yesterday well you dropped him off 10 years ago yeah I was hoping he'd turn into some martial arts Legend but apparently he's just hungry okay all right I gotta go all right Wills go pick up your kid deal with your business I guess ladies and gentlemen say hi to the very scary haunted board scary very scary haunted board behind each one of these numbers our points [Music] some of which you could win some of which you could lose no we don't Applause that germa you're still in the lead with 192. why don't you pick a number from the board one's got to be low Ludwig why are you he knows you're not he's not gonna try to you're not gonna try to help him hello here do I want love it's always been me and you baby it's always been me um I'm gonna go with six number six [Music] even if you get it right or wrong you're still really in the game here but it would really help to get that 25 Point boost you you may be able to put it away here germa all right all you gotta do German is tell me weather this snap and these snap and store containers cost higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher wait wait wait what's the brand what's the branch this is a generic thing it's like a Dane Reed what's the brand this is a uh is it Up and Up Up and Up up and up why are you guys helping each other up and up go higher that's probably like 11 bucks and that's more than 10. I know up and up we're going to go up up and we're gonna go up up and up it's probably like eleven dollars germa germa I respect the way you play this game but that was an interesting decision because it's wrong minus 25 points germa back to you sir um if I if I looked correctly when I cheated and saw number five I think it was 20 which would give you enough to beat me up wait did I um for the record there's no way you could see behind that don't you forget like pulling it off earlier no okay okay no no no no sorry I'm I'm gay I can say these things we're gonna go with all right germa what do you think we're gonna go number one come on because that was the place it's enough for first wait are you guys on the same team I'm very confused no Jeremy you need to tell me whether this dog toy costs more or less than this baseball bat I know this my dogs only have bark tell them what it is oh I thought it was because it's a double stuffed on it take a look you can even squeeze I'm not even in the game foreign I think it opens oh I haven't I gotta Google um oh my God it's probably nine dollars and I'm gonna freak out um a lot of points on the line here Jeremy what are you feeling it's higher Jeremy germa if you get this wrong you're probably out of the game with 20 points down really separate your view but germa let's get it let's get a shot of Jeremy here he's even turned around from his Podium germa you are correct [Applause] cost of the dog toy bringing your point total to 187 taking a narrow lead germa has 187 points Mia has 185 points oh goodness German since you're in the lead I'm gonna flip the tables here let you pick one the number that you would like to First whoa or you can let her go first whoa yeah I don't know why you would let her go first ladies first germa do you want to win a gentleman or die a loser yeah germa and snarky take it back take it back from her take what's ours four plus seven is that four plus three is seven that's Lucky Seven so I definitely wouldn't want to go first because I would want to I would want to hold on 4477 and you can go first three seven we're gonna do it all and then we're gonna reveal who got it right and wrong oh all right germa let's see what three but is behind three germa Thirty boys okay so this is the situation basically if both of you get it right Mia's gonna take home the cake if you both get it wrong Mia's gonna take home the cake no cause she loses 45. Oh no you're right charm is going to take home the cake tell me Mia right here if this package of microfiber cloths costs more or less than this baseball and bat which is ten dollars okay never even heard of this brand okay because you have a house cleaner Mia of course you've never heard don't talk about me like that so if she gets this right it's over well he won't tell you right less less you think it's less yeah Derma yes does this Downey in wash booster beads does this cost more or less than this baseball bat and ball yes what 100 yeah I'm gonna agree with that more or less way more you think this costs way more way more yeah it's very smart good answer good answer way more all right she guessed that these microfiber rags or clocks excuse me we're worth less than this baseball bat and ball there's no way no more germa guessed that these Downy in-wash booster beads are worth more than this baseball bat and ball let me tell you something folks only one of you is correct whoa whoa but who is it [Music] you should do German first because it doesn't matter what you know because because you say who wins first and then you can say I don't know what you're gonna do it's just scary though I don't know is this the most intense music we have I'm giving me anxiety and lightning this is actually quite scary lightning oh for now wait we got hi-hats now oh [ __ ] we're grooving if germa and Mia both got it wrong Ludwig you could have won oh that's true you said that there was no way mathematics so you called me a loser for like five minutes with a buzzer for nothing but that didn't happen because you're still a loser [Applause] do it again [Music] you want to throw these okay Ferdinand back to the other gay you'd be homophobic oh that's true well yes I'd be canceled by now the winner of name your price between germa and Mia is German congratulations yes why are you hugging me the microfiber rags cost more than the baseball bat and ball at 14.59 I'm singing three dollars these cost more than the baseball bat and bought 12.99 ladies and gentlemen what a fabulous episode to name your prize let's get the lights up on the contestants here folks and give it up for them Round of Applause how much money how much money is this 19.87 all right yeah that's amazing look at that [Music]
Channel: JackEdit
Views: 477,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma, 2ndjerma, jerma985 stream, jerma mario, highlights, jerma highlights, Jack Clishem, Stream Highlights, jerma985, jerma sunshine, Twitch, Twitch Highlights, best bits, jerma full stream, jerma fullstream, jerma stream, playthrough, letsplay, best moments, funny moments, supercut, long cut, long edit, stream, jerma, highlight, jerma985 full stream, rat movie
Id: WgHjmMTDK98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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