September 19, 2021 - The Worship Experience

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internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclendon answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world [Music] by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences [Music] if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace prepare to receive today's word with a recap from the prophet's recent messages look at mark chapter 5 i'm going to begin at verse 25. now a certain woman had a flow of blood for oh god help the people see this this is so beautiful it's so beautiful when you see it watch this now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse you see mark is giving us a bit more insight he says she's had it 12 years that means he did some investigative reporting you know matthew just recorded the incident mark wouldn't talk to him and say well how long this happened how long you had said he's had it 12 years are you still here i said are you still here 12 years mark knew that she had went to doctors see matthew didn't tell us that are you there so seven many things for many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse to watch this when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment the fact that mark includes she came behind him is important because that means jesus is not focused on her ah somebody stay with the preacher he's not looking at her he's not moving her direction as a matter of fact he's moving away from her yeah if she is behind him so he has not focused his power his attention or his ability on her he's just moving through the crowd but the bible says she came in the press or in the crowd behind him and touched his garment for she said if only i may touch his clothes i shall be made well are you still with me look at verse 29 immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction watch this and jesus immediately knowing in himself that power [Applause] do you see jesus immediately knowing himself that power had gone out of him so mark includes the fact that god's power or jesus's power is flowing here are you there i said are you there and jesus immediately knowing it himself that power had gone out of him turned o god and turned oh jesus turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes but his disciples said to him you see the multitude thronging you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see who had done this thing so get it the the disciples said wait a minute jesus you you see the crowd around you everybody's bumping up against you we in a crowd man a whole lot of people are touching you but i want you to notice that none of those touches drew power [Music] none of those touches caused power to flow from him to their situation why why he tells us here oh are you still here see and this is the same in church there are a lot of people coming to church but not everybody knows how to draw power [Music] from the jesus that they're worshiping there are a lot of people who love god a lot of people who say they appreciate god they they're grateful for what jesus has done they like jesus he's a good guy and of all the assorted people to worship he seems to be the best one [Applause] but that does not mean power is flowing from you from him to your situation [Applause] [Music] and see this is what well why what what what so and so goes to church so and so read their bible so and so been in church 12 years that ain't what gets it baby it's not being in church 10 years 12 years or two years it's knowing how to draw power from the savior into your situation do not measure your experience by the other people who are around jesus don't determine what you can have by the other people who go to church don't determine what is possible for you by other people who say they hang out with jesus [Applause] hallelujah because when you're operating in faith you can get stuff that other people don't get in the same service you can receive something that other people don't receive in the same situation [Applause] somebody lift their hands and say my faith can make me well my faith can get me out of this my faith can cause me to prosper when everybody else is going under my faith [Applause] [Music] if four times in the word of god the scripture tells us that the just shall live by faith now it is high time and past time it is high time in past time now if i am a new creation in christ jesus i feel the passion of god in my spirit if i'm a new creation in christ jesus if i'm a believer in the word of god it is past time and high time now that i know that i know that i know that i know what faith is i cannot afford to be uncertain about it now i cannot afford to not know that i'm working it now it's too critical now i i have to know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know what it is and how to work it [Applause] i can no longer afford for somebody to tell me to hold the god's unchanging head i can't afford that now [Applause] especially if you can't tell me where his hand is and how to grab it come on same end to this [Applause] i cannot afford to say i'm believing god if i'm not sure that i am [Music] amen bishop i i i cannot afford i cannot afford to think that i'm in faith when i'm not the scripture says examine yourself to see whether you're in the faith and i've said this before in fact i wrote a book on this some years ago called beyond personal power that was born out of this very experience when the enemy came against my life all kinds of ways and i thought i was doing this and i was you know and he just hit me and attacked me every way he could and and and i went to god i said god what is up what's going on i'm your boy no no i had this conversation but guys i'm your boy i have served you from my youth i have been preaching this gospel all my life i gave i turned everything over to you when you told me to give this i did that i left my house when i was a kid with seventy dollars in my pocket and i slept in the garage on a mattress with roaches and flies and here i am the enemies beating me up every which way but sunday i said god i'm your son i said what is going on and the spirit of god said to me as clearly as i have ever heard him speak he said son there are some areas of your life where you think you are in faith and you are not and then he said these words to me i shall never forget them he said your gift and your talent can bring things to you but only your faith can keep them and he said and now i am going to take you through a faith exam and i'm going to teach you what faith actually is he said because most of my people think if they have faith they have faith for everything but just because you have faith that mean you have faith for everything he said you can have it oh god he said you can have it but but but but he said faith is only possible where my will is known on an issue and if you don't know what i've said about a matter you don't have faith for that matter you didn't hear what i just said he said if you don't know what i have said about it you don't have faith for you may love me you may trust me but you don't have faith for that area of your life because you have not put my word on it you don't know what i've said about it write this down write this down faith is only possible write it down faith is only possible i'm talking about bible faith faith is only possible when the will of god is known when you know what god's will is on a matter when you know what god's word is on a matter then faith becomes possible until then you are hoping until then you believing but believe you may be believing you may not but you may be believing but believing is not faith and faith is not just believing faith is not a religious issue faith is actually a spiritual force it is a force of the spirit it is a force in the spirit it is as real in the spirit as a fist to your gut it is substance to substance it is real it in the spirit it has a thud when it hits stuff [Applause] it is that real in the spirit realm it is a voice this is what jesus was talking about when he said the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take take what take the kingdom or take the things of the kingdom by that's what he was talking about he said there are forces in this kingdom there are spiritual forces that function in this invisible kingdom in that spirit dimension are you still here and when he says the kingdom heavens after violence again that word violence there doesn't mean what we think it means the word violence there actually means extremity being extreme that's what it actually means so what would you say the kingdom of god allows you to be extreme oh god somebody's going to get this it allows you to be as much of a fanatic as you want to be in other words it allows you to press in as much as you want and see this is why certain things are happening for certain people in the kingdom and they're not happening for others because some people decided i want more of this i'm pressing into this i'm gonna be extreme about it i'm not compromising about it i'm gonna say what god says no matter what anybody else says and if you don't like me put me out turn me off get away from me i will not stop [Applause] jesus is saying the kingdom of heaven cambodia allows you to be as crazy about it as you want to as passionate about it as you want to and he says and the passionate the extreme keep taking stuff by force they keep using their spiritual forces to get stuff they don't fight they don't complain they don't beat up [Applause] they just they just use their forces remember remember when proverbs said guard your heart with all diligence why for out of it flow the issues or literally the forces of life keep god's and guard your heart because everything you're going to take by the kingdom is flowing out of there your faith goes out and grabs it grabs your health grabs your money grabs your resources [Music] and starts pulling it towards you now the more you speak the word stand up you're you're the thing you you you're the thing unbelievable he's health wealth of prosperity he's your business he's the car he's the house the kingdom of heaven allows you to be violent to be passionate to use your faith and use it as much as you want as often as you want and use nothing else if you don't want to use anything else see if you want to use something else okay i'll let you but your faith can do it the kingdom of hell so my faith goes out and grabs it and starts pulling it toward me but then the enemy comes in with circumstances and situations and emotions and he tells you ain't nothing happening but your faith is working in the unseen realm pulling it towards you and what the enemy wants you to do is stop speaking the word he wants you to stop getting any more promises why because if you keep getting promises come here william come here jimmy ah come come here dc come here because y'all will be the angels get behind them get behind them get behind because because because if your faith keeps working and you keep speaking the word an angel will get on the side and start pushing stop pushing you keep speaking the word another angel comes start pushing go faster you keep speaking the word another angel comes start pushing and before you know it [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody better shout or i'm gonna run [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody lift your hands out loud and say my faith can do it my faith [Music] to all our friends and partners this is the prophet bishop clancy mclennan as you can see i am surrounded with food we're getting ready to sew to give this food away to over a thousand families as we celebrate and minister into their lives i want to take this opportunity to thank you because all of this abundant supply that we're able to give is because of people like you who are praying and sowing into this ministry you know in acts 10 38 not long ago i was reading the bible says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for god was with him i've known that scripture for years and i always thought the healing and the doing good or the same thing healing is a good thing so when the bible says he went about uh doing good and healing all i thought it was the same thing but i was impressed to research it here recently and i realized that that word doing good is completely separate from the healing ministry of jesus as a matter of fact that word doing good in the original greek has to do with philanthropy which literally meant that not only did jesus go around healing people but everywhere he went he was doing philanthropic work giving in this hour with all that's going on in the earth with the pandemic and the social unrest and the economic things that are happening the church of the lord jesus christ the ministry of jesus has got to be being philanthropic to people and so i'm grateful and thankful to you that you have enabled us to be able to sow this into the lives of a thousand families and we're believing god by his grace and with your help to do much more every single week tens of thousands of people around the globe connect with this ministry connect with this prophetic word through the pec you say bishop mclennan what is a pec member that's a part of our prophetic e-community and those who join us on facebook live on twitter on periscope and receive the word of god if you are not yet a pec member you're not a pec partner if you're not yet a part of the prophetic e-community i want you to go to and just sign up it doesn't cost you anything but the value i promise you is going to be enormous once you become a pec partner with us that enables me to begin to share with you faith-building letters to share with you the prophetic insights the prophetic words that god is giving me and that is so important for your life especially as things begin to escalate in this 2018 the year of the shift you're going to need the word of god i need it every single day of my life and i'm grateful to the lord that he's provided us this avenue to communicate with you so go to matter of fact you can go right now and connect it's very simple again it doesn't cost you anything but you will be getting information you'll be getting letters prophetic words you'll be getting things that the spirit of god is giving me to edify your life [Music] the academy of healing and wellness convention returns with fresh revelation about the grace and power of jesus christ an essential resource for every believer especially in these challenging times in these extensive sessions bishop mcclendon teaches how the word of god is the new creation's medication how the power to heal is always present using god's kingdom principles and how god doesn't punish us with sickness because we did something wrong the ministry of jesus is a teaching preaching healing ministry he heals all kinds of disease and he heals them which means no matter what kind they come up with he heals it if you desire to walk in divine health make the academy of healing and wellness your center for disease control and turn on the flow of god's healing power today now available on the bishop attendant digital download store the severity of the times has unleashed a plethora of perplexities worldwide including the hotly debated issue of racial equality but in order to deconstruct racism we must first acknowledge that its ideology is based on a historic lie and not biblical truth race is not in the mind of god race is not distinguished in the bible race is not remotely a christian concept so my question is why does the church continue to engage in the divisive narrative of race in this unapologetic and confrontational series bishop mcclendon lays an axe to the root of hatred and bigotry using biblical evidence to prove god divided men first on the basis of their language and ultimately on the basis of their covenant relationship with him and not their skin color order this resource today when you visit our website or call 310-323 someone with arthritis is being healed in the lower extremities in the legs and the knees if you'll just begin to pick up your legs begin to move this is everett blake's you called out by the spirit of grace that god was ministering to someone with arthritis in their legs what did you feel it was just like the pain just lifted because i wanted to dance today when they were dancing in service and i couldn't i want you to hear me when i tell you i've i've prayed for the sick since i was 21 years old when this anointing came out of my life i have seen miracles of all kinds i've seen dead people raised god i feel like the prophet clarence e mclennan and clarency mclennan ministries are pleased to announce that registration for the 2021 fall session of the academy of healing and wellness convention is now open [Music] join the profit on wednesday october 27 thursday october 28 and friday october 29th at 7 30 pm and sunday october 31st at 10 am at the place of grace 2543 west manchester boulevard inglewood california 90305 all services will also be streamed live on facebook youtube and the bishop mclennan website the academy of healing and wellness convention is for you one if you desire to be credentialized as a healing minister with the clarence mclennan ministries global healing ministry team authorized to minister at clarence e mclennan ministries sponsored conferences and crusades two if you want to be assured that during these sessions the prophet bishop clarence mcclendon prays for your specific healing three if you want to be in an atmosphere of supernatural signs wonders and miracles and see how the healing grace of jesus christ of nazareth is manifested in the 21st century church for more information visit or call 310-323-2600 [Music] welcome to the place of grace we are the place of grace i mean this is the worship experience what day is it is september what 19th september 19 2021 a day we've never seen before you know what we've come to do we've come to do what somebody said praise that's all you want to do is praise today okay worship oh that's good and what else love somebody said love on each other what else yeah receive the word amen those are all good all good all good all good so we're we've come together today to to to be with you wherever you're watching from we just ask that you turn that place into a sanctuary to turn that place into a place of praise and worship we already know that you praise and worship in your house if you're watching this program we know that you are a praise and that you're a worshiper amen and if you're not we're trusting that you will be hallelujah so right now we just want to uh set the atmosphere we just want to set the atmosphere set the atmosphere musicians let's just fill the room let's just fill the room hallelujah hallelujah and you you those of you who are here those of you who are watching we're charging you right now to just go ahead and just if you pray in heavenly language pray in a heavenly language pray in your understanding but let's just begin to transform this atmosphere right now in the name of jesus come on come on come on [Music] god we thank you for this the day that you've made god we thank you that we are your people god we are the sheep of your pastor god we thank you god that we don't follow strange voices but we followed the voice of your holy spirit god just as the angels hearken to the voice of the word of the lord god we your people we hearken to your voice god we know your voice god we know your voice we are your people god you are with us god you reside in us by the form of your holy spirit god your holy spirit indwells it it it fills us hallelujah we thank you jesus for life we thank you god for breath in our lungs we thank you god for living strength for the ability of our limbs god we thank you god for for everything that you've bestowed on us everything you've given us we thank you for this world we live in we thank you god for the houses the apartments that we stay in god we thank you for the cars that we drive father god we thank you in all things we give you thanks we give you thanks in all things for everything that you've done for us everything that you've done for us god everything that is being done in our lives we give you thanks we give you thanks god we give you thanks god hallelujah hallelujah we give you thanks god we give you thanks god you are worthy of our praise you're worthy of our worship we adore you god we adore you come on let's adore him let's adore him come on lexi dorian let's endure we adore you guys we adore you we adore you god we love you we love you we love you not with just word only god but also indeed we love you we love you god when we pay our offering in our time god we love you when we extend love to our brothers and our sisters god we love you in our deeds as well as our lip service god we love you we love you god we thank you god for the gift of your son jesus we thank you for the gift of your son jesus and everything that he's done god we thank you that he has done a complete and finished work that we are now partakers of in the name of jesus god we thank you for the gifts of the holy spirit and that jesus said that he would leave us a comforter and god ever since we've always had the holy spirit dwelling amongst us dwelling in us god hallelujah we thank you for that gift we thank you we thank you come on let's take it [Music] oh [Music] thank you god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus we thank you we thank you for your life we thank you for your ministry we thank you for your sacrifice we thank you that you said that you would die that you would lay your life down but that in three days later you would be rose again and that you did that we [Music] hallelujah we thank you that you ascended to your heavenly father and that you're seated at the right hand of him and we are seated in you christ jesus we're seated in heavenly places in you christ jesus can we say that said we are seated in you say we are seated in you christ jesus we are seated in you christ jesus we are seated in you we are also in heavenly places in christ jesus we're seated in you we're seated in you we are seated in you christ jesus hallelujah hallelujah let's praise god for that come on let's give him thanks let's give him glory let's glorify him hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] we thank you [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on come on come on let's praise god let's praise god let's praise god let's praise him let's praise him let's praise god let's bless him he is worthy he's worthy of our best praise come on i don't hear your pleasure come on praise us let's praise him praise him praise him he's worthy he is he deserves our corporate worship gathering he deserves it he deserves it he deserves it he deserves it hallelujah god we bless you we bless you god we bless you god we bless you god hallelujah we thank you god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] somebody watching you might feel a little weighted down you might feel a little heavy right now but i dare you if you just shake yourself [Applause] just shake yourself hallelujah hallelujah and just begin to praise god and watch that atmosphere begin to change watch your atmosphere begin to change hallelujah [Music] me [Music] [Music] hallelujah god is good and his mercy endures how long yeah everybody forever hey let's look that up [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] hallelujah can we turn the keyboards up [Applause] one more time hey [Music] that's better here we go say lord you're good come and your on endure it forever [Music] come on you know this song say lord you are good forever from [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] from the top say lord you are good say lord you are gonna have your merchants [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah god for who you are [Applause] [Music] yes you are [Music] you are good all the time all the time you are good you are good all the time all the time you [Music] all the time [Music] all the time [Music] all the time all the time [Music] [Music] huh let's sing it again you are good all the time all the time you are good you are good all the time all the time you are safe you are good all the time all the time you are good oh tuesday wednesday thursday friday hallelujah [Music] oh that you are good [Applause] all the time all the time god is good all the time god is good all the time even in coronavirus god is good and i'll tell you why he's good because he is jehovah repeater he is our position healer god is good god is good god is good god is good and it's my she enjoys forever forever forever forever i will call upon the lord for he is worthy to be praised i will call upon the lord for he is worthy to be praised the lord live it and blessed be the rock bless it be the rock of my salvation oh the lord he's raining and he lives [Music] and let the god of my salvation be exalted hallelujah i will call upon the lord [Music] for he is worthy to be praised i will call upon the lord [Music] for he is worthy to be praised say the lord to live it and blessed be the rock blessed be the rock of my salvation [Music] the lord he lived and blessed me the right and let the god of my salvation be exhausted hallelujah you're exhausted oh god you're exhausted oh god we torture god we torture god we call on you and you answer god because we speak your word we speak in line with your word we speak in line with the truth god we don't speak our feelings we don't speak our circumstances we speak your word god we speak your word god and when we speak your word you respond you show up every time god because you're always there you're always there god you're always there always there you're always there god we speak your word god we speak your word we speak your word and you're always there you're always there god hallelujah [Music] you want to see more god activated in your life speak more of his word in your life you want to see more of god in your situation speak more of him in your situation speak the word of god speak the word of god hallelujah speak the word of god hallelujah [Music] get you one or two or three scriptures and stand on that word every day bishop talks about the five stones get you five smooth stones five five things in the word of god that you're believing god for things that he's promised you and you declare those things every day of your life hallelujah if you're expecting provision get fine spoon zones thank you god for provision and you speak those five things every day until the facts line up with the truth like my brother jerrell said speak the word until the facts begin to line up with the truth what is the truth the word of god his written word that's true thy word is true oh god and let every man be a liar what man the man who does not believe in your word the man that says something different than what you promised me the man that does not believe god hallelujah hallelujah we speak your word what we speak your word right now with this atmosphere if you have a promise for god from god if you have promises from god what i want you to do right now in this atmosphere is declare the word of god back to him come on right now declare his word right back to him declare his word right back to them come on come on come on come on come on to his word right back to him hallelujah hallelujah maybe you don't know if you have a promise or not but you know a scripture in the bible that scripture lifted up to him right now hallelujah somebody might be standing on yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil thy rod and i stand they comfort me maybe you're standing on that word maybe you're standing on true early goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever [Music] excuse me [Music] [Applause] excuse me i know if nobody else needed it i needed that hallelujah so hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's continue to bless him [Music] to your bride come on come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] one more time [Applause] let's go [Music] say he has done great things [Music] hey he's done great things [Music] we may oh [Music] he has done great things say he is done [Music] he has done great things for me [Applause] [Music] it's so crazy to you come on and say hi i like new york hallelujah come on say hallelujah hallelujah come on come on come on hallelujah hey hallelujah listen launch your way of the glory and the honor hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] harley lou [Music] [Applause] new hallelujah [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] come on bless this holiday [Music] can you sing this with me say he has done great deeds come on all around the building you at home say he has done great things [Music] one more time tell somebody say he is done great things say he has none you can sing to me mother clara he's done great things i'm a witness he's done great things you're a witness bless his holy name come on bless his holy name [Music] come on find somebody else find somebody else testify to somebody else say he has done great things he has died he's done great things say [Music] bless me okay come on let's say i will bless the lord [Music] this is hope come on let's sing it one more time one more time with everything you have say oh here we go sounds good all myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] bless his holy name blesses me [Music] last time [Music] for he has done great things [Applause] he has done great things he has done great things bless his home [Music] come on let's just bless him for that bless him for that bless him for that he's done great things i said he's done great things he's done great things he has done marvelous things he's done great things for us we're still yet living we're still yet breathing he's done great things [Music] he sent his son he gave us his best think about that god gave us his best he gave us his son jesus who was without sin without anything wrong with him he was god's best and he gave him for us so that we could have eternal life amen we thank you god for the zoe we thank you eternal unstoppable life we thank you god hallelujah right now we thank you we thank you god we thank you before we go on let's just thank him before we go we always want to go to the next song here's your moment this is your moment right now before we sing or play another song this is the moment right now hallelujah we bless your holy name god we bless your holy name we bless your holy name and we thank you we thank you for your son we thank you for the best and god because you've given your best we give you our best [Music] hallelujah how about circled [Music] jesus [Music] one of my favorite things about worship is that we get to be very intentional so as we go into this next song intentional about praising him for who he already is we also get to set the tone for who he's going to be in future situations for us and for us he is our waymaker he is our miracle worker he's our physician healer there is none like him he's the king of kings and the lord of lords and he deserves to be praised he deserves to be highly exalted so worship with me this morning don't stop worshiping just because the next song comes on keep worshiping and set your intentions because he listens and he wants your worship [Music] you [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here [Music] working in our lives so i worship you [Music] so i worship you i worship you [Music] you are here working in [Music] light in the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who [Music] light in the darkness my god that is who you are you are here you're turning lives around [Music] so [Music] you are here [Music] mend in every heart so i worship you i worship [Music] a me work promise deeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are one more time my god that is who you are that is who you are [Music] the darkness my god that [Music] in the is [Music] my god that is who you are [Applause] [Music] that is who you [Music] is are you are you claim it for this week that is who he is [Applause] [Music] because that is who you are that is who you are father that is who you are in every situation you never changed yesterday today forever hallelujah that is who you are [Music] you've never [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't feel that you're working you've never stopped you never stop working you never stop you never stop working even when i don't see that you're working [Applause] even when i don't [Applause] [Music] you never stop you'll never stop working [Music] my god that is who you are it's my testimony that is who he is it's my testimony that it's who he'll be forever hey i know him personally as a waymaker and it's different it's your worship is different when you know who he is and he knows each of you he hasn't forgotten you he never forgets who you are we might go through small inconveniences we might go through hurt and pain and anger but he hasn't forgotten who you are so don't forget who he is he doesn't change in those situations he is the same he is still the waymaker he has still called us to be when we slip up or we fall and we look at ourselves differently he says no no no no no no no no no you're still who i've called you to be you're still my child and i love you the same so this week when we go into our next week into our work week when we deal with family situations or we might receive a report that is not what we wanted to see we say no he is waymaker he is miracle worker he's promise keeper he's light in the darkness because that is who you are so sing it with me one more time that is who you are when you make a miracle work promise keep light in the not god that is who you are [Music] [Music] die in the darkness my god that is who you are hallelujah [Music] [Applause] he's made ways out of no ways i said he's made ways out of no ways he's made roads through hills and hallelujah we thank you waymaker we thank you waymaker we thank you waymaker [Music] let's receive our pastor black hallelujah come on now and that was good for me but now for him who is he to you [Music] who is he to you is he your provider have you ever been in need of something can somebody testify and say i've been in need i didn't know where it was going to come from but god i was sick and hurting and i didn't know if i was going to live to see the next day somebody said but god when i was lonely all my friends turned me down call the family members nobody answered the phone but god [Music] in that midnight hour you're all by yourself no one else to turn to but god lift your hands thank him for who he is to you he is the one and only god there's none like him he's a friend to you he's a father he's a confidant always there jehovah shama present not a absentee father but a father that provides for his children whatever they need everything they're in need of he provides that's your god that's my god that's who he is to me we thank you lord we bless your name we glorify you this day father we say have your way in this place and in each and every home holy spirit invade that place fill it to the overflow where it runs even out into the streets in the neighborhoods into the neighbors homes thank you lord [Music] lord above all things and above everything we say you are god your jehovah's your mind ever present with us we declare that you would receive all the glory all the praise and all beyond the four it is yours to have so holy spirit we take this moment to give you praise thank you for being present thank you for what you're doing thank you for what's even manifesting now [Music] we believe we receive it so that's why we say thank you it's not an advanced thank you but it's a done thank you that's a finished thank you it's a manifested thank you [Music] for it is right here with us everything we need everything we have even the breath in our bodies thank you lord the strength in our arms the vision the sight to see being of sound mind thank you we bless you hallelujah hallelujah that water was getting pretty deep i better come back out come back to the shore hallelujah wonderful wonderful praise team good morning to each and every one of you and good morning to you welcome to the place of grace cosmopolitan center the place of grace a place where whoever can come and be healed of whatever god heals all types of sickness and disease and he's willing to do it for you and for me this day whatever you're in need of the presence of god is here to provide that thing for you if you're here for the very first time would you wave this way very first-time visitors hallelujah there you are one two three four five come on ushers the ushers are handing you something they're gonna put something in your hand we don't want a thing from you according to the man of god the man of god wants to get something to you and that is the word of god because the word of god could do more for you than any amount of money or any person could ever do there's a gift there for you and if you're joining us online for the very first time know that it's not an incident or an accident that you happen to click on that you happen to stop and pause for a second but it is by divine design why because god has something for you as well and the man of god has a word from god for you this day today and know that one word from god can change your entire life amen again if you're here for the very first time joining us online for the very first time welcome welcome welcome here today i like to say you're as welcome as rain in the desert after a 10-year drought we want to see you here we've been praying for you we've been asking god to send you this way so stay tuned stay connected don't shut it off don't turn the channel just kick your shoes off if you're getting ready to go out the door wait trust me it's gonna be well worth it amen and to the pec the prophetic e community you know who you are we welcome you as well you are those that have determined to connect with this prophet this man of god this assignment that's on his life amen and to not just connect with him but connect with him financially and to help undergird and help to support this ministry we thank god for you and what you're doing none of this would be would be possible without you the cameras coming to you on instagram twitter all of these media outlets it's because of you and god knows and god's gonna provide there is fruit abounding to your account for what it is that you're doing so we thank god for you again welcome to you and for all of those that have not or would desire to become a part of the pecs god has put something on your heart said you know what i need to connect with that man i need to connect with that ministry what they're doing i need that on my life you know how you can do that become a part of the pec the prophetic ecommunity go online at click on the menu button scroll down a little bit there on pc and fill out that short information that's a way to stay connected that's a way to help and connect with the man of god and the assignment that is on his life amen connect with the prophetic e community click on the menu button scroll down and fill out that short information and the man of god will stay in touch with you there are letters that come out email blasts um they text message whatever it is he knows and he wants to get god's word to you god is doing something great in this hour things are manifesting yeah the world is going crazy but the people of god the kingdom of god is prospering it is it's enlarging and those within its gates hey jesus i know for me and for my family i probably haven't had a better two years in my life than what then what this pandemic has produced basically what god has produced through this pandemic mind you for us and for the people of god so be encouraged connect with the man of god connect with the pc [Music] and for all of those if you haven't decided yet to connect with the man of god or the assignment but at least stay connected you can stay connected on all the social media outlets facebook twitter instagram and youtube facebook twitter instagram and youtube all at bishopmcclendon dot at bishop and clinton as well but if you have not um like the facebook excuse me the youtube page go on and subscribe to the youtube page we encourage everybody get those notifications all the good stuff that comes down is definitely placed on youtube you won't want to miss anything so go on to youtube and subscribe to the youtube channel but again stay connected facebook twitter instagram of course youtube you can also download the bishop mcclendon app that's a way to stay connected as well in your app store your play store go on just punch in bishop mclennan in the search engine there and when it comes up it's a little blue logo with praying hands over the world sort of like that one right there so click on that download the bishop mclendon app amen our global communion service every wednesday night exclusively online this is another reason why you need to download that bishop mclennan app you can view it from there the global communion service every wednesday night 7 30 p.m exclusively online nothing here in the sanctuary but exclusively online the global community service every wednesday night or you can log on at of course we're it's on youtube as well facebook youtube and you can view it online at [Music] hey man that was a mouthful indeed but know this we are in our fall session of the academy of healing and his coming coming coming [Music] the academy of healing and wellness fall session convention 2021 will be wednesday october the 27th october the 28th thursday and friday october the 29th wrapping up on sunday october the 31st so that's wednesday the 27th thursday the 28th friday the 29th and wrapping up on sunday october the 20th excuse me october the 31st all these tongue twisters here for me today nonetheless come on register for the academy of healing and wellness fall conventions new students if you have new students or you're desiring to be a part of the desiring to be credentialed as a healing minister with the clarency mcclendon ministries global healing team you have to complete these sessions at least four of these sessions but before you can complete the sessions you have to register register online on the website at if you are here in the house there's a table actually set up outside you can register at the table today so they set the table up outside or you can register online at if you desire to be credentialed as a healing minister with the clarency mclendon ministries global healing team four of these conventions have to be completed before you are ready before you are credentialed but get started now get started now god tells us that all of us each and every one of us says and these signs shall follow them that believe them not preachers not teachers not healing ministries but them all of those all of them that believe should be able to lay hands on the sick and see them recover the answer to this pandemic to answer to all sickness and disease is you you the believer laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover you the believer praying it out of the atmosphere before it even comes in this is your opportunity and this is your time this is how you learn about this come on connect with the prophet here at the academy of healing and wellness fall convention 2021 new students register now returning students you have to register as well if you're returning students you've completed one or two classes before you still have to register those that are already uh being credentialed or in the credentialing process so if you're there online go on after we finish here and register today get your registration in at or if you're here in the household again you can go out to the table and register that's for returning students but for those that want to or be assured that during the designated session within the convention that the prophet bishop clarence and mcclendon prays for your specific healing you have to register there's registration for that as well so register if you want the prophet to pray for your specific condition register online at or again if you're here in the house you can also go out to the table amen register at click on the menu button actually i think it's a banner right there you can click on the front of it the academy of healing at the top of the uh page there there's a banner you can click on so click on that link and then you can register from that amen and amen look last but never least because um it's a special time for us in the house for those of us in the house and those that are connected with this ministry our first lady's birthday is approaching hallelujah yes indeed her birthday is actually she's not here in the house so she's not hearing this we want to surprise her and we want to honor her and if you're there you should be here you're connected with this ministry of this man in any way we should be honoring the woman of god as well amen you can't honor the man and disrespect the moment because if you're disrespecting his woman with that or his wife that's his choice so you're disrespecting him so you cannot honor the man and disrespect the wife but we're going to honor our first lady she is a jewel to us here in the house she really and truly is the bible till it says who can find a virtuous wife i guarantee you the prophet has found a virtuous one in our first lady uh the first lady priscilla mcclendon but look we're gonna honor her this uh sunday coming next sunday we're gonna honor her so be ready for that get prepared in your hearts what it is that you would give give something stretch out and stretch stretch out do a little bit more than you would normally do because trust me there is definitely fruit abounding to that account it's a time for sowing now and there's a harvest on its way for those that would this whenever it gets tight like this whenever things are going crazy that's the time to sew the world tells you at those times that's the time when you should hold back and wait and just see whatever but god says it's the time of sowing when the storm hits if you've got seed in the ground already and the rain starts coming down what happens when the rain stops the fruit starts to come up what you planted starts to come up so it's time to get our seeds in the ground we're going to honor our first lady this sunday hey man what's that sunday saturday friday is the 24th i know that why never mind i know that doesn't matter saturday is the 24th sunday i'm sorry saturday's the 25th so sunday is the 26th of september we want to honor our first lady so please prepare your hearts and your minds get something there let me just say don't do if you can don't do less than 300 in the house if you can or purpose to do at least that for each and every person purpose to do that get as close as you can god will honor whatever it is that you give but don't do less than that there's something about that number that 300 i i know there's something about the number that 100 i always say one there's one god none after him and none before him so that number right there but then there's the triune the triune god god and three god the father the son who is the word and the holy spirit so there's something there and if you when you sow this 300 seed know that there's it's gonna activate something in the earth it's already in the heaven and it's done already but it's gonna activate something in the earth for your life i i truly believe this it's not it's not something that i'm just saying or i just came up with i believe it i know it to be true my wife and i we plan to do more than that but we know that there's something that god is doing for us but they're the seed always a seed that activates that thing for us so come together we're going to come together this sunday september the 26th and honor our first lady priscilla mcclendon for her birthday hallelujah so come on put your hands together one more time for that our first lady and then what we're going to do we're going to put you back into the hands of our worship hearts team [Music] good morning place of grace good morning i know it's times in your worship and sometimes when you just you could be walking or thinking and a god comes you know the the feeling of love towards god comes in your heart and sometimes you weep or sometimes you just take that moment and say lord i love you so much i cannot even totally express how much i love you but you know so today we worship our father as we do always because once you have him you cannot he will not let you let him go he just keeps renewing in your heart and you keep just it keeps renewing and when you think about him you think about the fact that he is sovereign god and that he is the one that you go to and what would i do without you what would i do without you surely caesar said uh once you met jesus you can't never turn back if you just will not be the same you will not be the same when other people are hopeless he comes up in you like that's hope he is that hope in the name of jesus i thank god that he reached and got me i thank god that he reached and got me where i was i cannot do without him i cannot be without him he is my life he is everything to me so i worship him today [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh my god there is not like you i worship you oh prince of fear [Music] that is what i long to do i give you praise for you are my righteousness my right chestnut i were shall be you oh my god there is none like you i worship you all my [Music] teachers there is there is none like you i i worship you that is what i long to do you are my righteousness you're the mighty god there is there is none like you i there is none in every situation is you are my righteousness when they say things about me do my righteousness yes i worship you i [Music] there is none take a moment and worship god he is faithful he is true there is none like him i worship him [Music] [Applause] who i am [Music] there is heal no one can deliver hallelujah i know i've been there [Music] no matter where you go you can't find nobody like them [Music] [Applause] hallelujah how many of you know that there is no one like the lord there is no one like the lord jesus you may be seated in the presence of the lord this morning and i'm standing before you with this same spirit of worship and excitement because it's time to give it's time to bring our tithes come on yeah clap your hands for that and our offering what a privilege it's always a privilege it's always an honor to be able to tithe to be able to sell and those of you watching online this is our time of giving in our covenant time of giving and we always want to uh bring to you encouragement from the word because now in the days and the times that we're living in giving to god is key the worship of god and the tithe and the offering is so significant because it's not just putting in money in an envelope it's not just filling out numbers but it's engaging in the covenant it's receiving the finished work of every good thing that god has for us so with that i want you to turn with me if you can put it up on the screen to the book of zechariah zechariah chapter number four i want to read to you from zechariah chapter four i'm gonna read it verse number five let's look at what god says in zechariah chapter four verse number five and i'm gonna be reading all the way down through verse number seven zechariah chapter four verses five through seven it says then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me do you not know what these are and i said no my lord so he answered and said to me this is the word of the lord to zerubbabel not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord of hearts now look at verse number seven who are you o great mountain before zerubbabel you shall be made a plane and he shall bring forth everybody say he shall bring forth say it again he shall bring forth it says and he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of grace grace to it so this is the prophet zechariah who was given a prophetic instruction for zerubbabel in the scripture he was responsible zerubbabel was responsible for the reconstruction and the rebuilding of the temple and just like whenever you step out and do something for god when you're giving to do something for god what you've given of yourself to do something that god has told you to do there was opposition there was obstacle in zerubbabel's way but when zechariah got the word of the lord for zerubbabel when the word came to him that said that before zerubbabel o mountain meaning the the mountain of of of of opposition the mountain of obstacle anything that tries to make itself larger than your faith than you're believing he said before zerubbabel you shall be made a plane and look at what he says right there in verse seven and he says and he shall bring forth the capstone everybody say he shall bring forth the capstone now why is that significant because the capstone on any building project was the last stone it was the finished stone so when the scripture when the word came to zerubbabel and said not only are you gonna a uh is the mountain gonna be moved out of the way but you're bringing you're moving is gonna bring forth the finished work i've come to tell you today that just like zerubbabel in his day you and i aren't constructing a physical temple but whatever it is in your your life and your finances and on your job the dream the vision that god has given you you've been building and there's been obstacle there's been opposition there's been situation there has been circumstance but just like the word of the lord came to that man of god thousands of years ago the same word is for you today that when you and i bring our tithe when we sow our seed we are not just giving money we are not just putting something in a bucket we're not just filling out an envelope but just like zerubbabel you are bringing the capstone to your situation you are bringing the finished stone you are bringing the last piece i feel the holy ghost on this you're bringing the end your tithe your seed is evidence that it's already done it's not about the money y'all better hear me this morning it's not about the money those of you watching at jose well they're always asking for money there's all because the the work's already finished the money is evidence and it's the vehicle that brings the capstone in the spirit when you and i tithe when we give no matter the opposition no matter the attack no matter the circumstance when it comes to giving with god and i'm being real you look at your bank account you say there's no way possible but when you do it in the spirit you're putting a cap you're bringing the finish because it's already done in the spirit but now it's happening it's manifesting in the natural and look at look at the end of the verse verse number seven and it says and he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of grace christ and man a woman of god sir ma'am child of god listen to me in the times and the seasons that we're living in it is the grace of god that is gonna cause us to overcome to stand on top and it's the grace of god that's gonna bring us everything we need whatever you're believing for sometimes when the money's not right and the your money's funny and your credit won't get it come on somebody [Music] it is the grace of god that causes men and women to move on your behalf that opens doors of favor like the prophet says all the time some of you watching at home wherever you're viewing us from you don't need money you need favor you need someone to favor you've been stressed stressing and tripping over money over your bank account over the numbers it's not about the numbers god has an open door he's already moved on someone and when you release what god has asked for he's going to release that person to favor you more than what the money could do for you [Music] this is covenant giving i feel the anointing behind this pulpit this morning this is covenant giving i want you to turn with me hallelujah i don't know we lifted up something in here but there's oil in here today hallelujah look at second corinthians chapter number nine second corinthians chapter number nine verse number six and i know you're preparing your gift paul says but this i say he who so sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully so let each one give as he is purpose in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver and verse number eight says this look what's verse number eight can we put verse number eight up on the screen it says it says and god is able [Music] to make all grace a bit notice it doesn't say he's able to make all money [Music] he says it says god is able to make all grace why all grace because with all grace comes all things so if it's money it comes if it's favor it comes if it's debt cancellation it comes if it's a connection it's come if it's a deadline extended it comes with the grace and god is able to make to the giver to the sower to the one who understands what happens in covenant giving god is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always everybody say always always meaning what does always mean always and sometimes i like to say all ways meaning there just isn't one way no matter what situation in every way this works for the covenant child of god god is able like the prophet you whack it i'm whacking it god is able to make all grace a pound towards you that you always having having all sufficiency in all things my god may have an abundance for every good work ushers go ahead and [Music] whatever the people need if they need an envelope those of you watching online this is the time to not hold back this is the time to release maybe if you've never sown maybe you've been watching bishop mcclendon and you love his preaching but you've never given to the ministry this is that time it doesn't matter the amount but this is about all grace flowing to you those of you who are covenant children of this vision you know what to do 10 of whatever comes into our hands we know when we've been taught biblically that it doesn't belong to a man it doesn't belong to a church it doesn't belong to a ministry it belongs to the lord jesus if you're giving and you desire to give in the prophet seed what's the prophet see we believe that our prophet and our apostle is a has an anointing and we know it and if you want to sow into that anointing you can click and sow a prophet seed if you want to sow a first fruit what's a first fruit the first fruit principle is that if the first is holy the rest is holy when you're believing god for increase sow a first fruit seed because if there's a first there's a guarantee that something else follows we have many ways to give here because there's many ways that god has to get to you what you need you can sow right there on your screen you can click the donate button if you're in house you can make all checks payable to cem that's clarence e mclendon ministries you can give on the bishop mcclendon app if you want to donate that way you can text you can text to give you can pick up your smartphone and text c e m m to the numbers four one four four four again that's text c e m m to the numbers four one four four four if you wanna come by tuesday through friday 11 to three p.m somebody's here to receive your gift you can come into the place of grace and say i'm bringing it on these grounds because i'm believing god for my increase and i wanted to come all the way to the place of grace and release and if you want to call 310-323-2600 somebody is standing by these phones right now to pray with you to agree with you over your seed over your tithe whatever it is believing you're believing for that this grace might be released into your life but whatever you're gonna give child of god this is our time to rise while the world is in fear while the world is turning to carnal things while the world is trying to trust in natural things this is the day this is the moment this is the hour this is the time for us the sons and daughters of god to arise and shine and we do that with our worship and our giving so whatever you're gonna lift up whatever gift or whatever time go ahead and lift that up in the presence of god you at home whatever you've donated lift your hands in the presence of the lord because there are miracles there are breakthroughs you're the the days of your lack are coming to an end and you are going to see capstone miracles finished work turnarounds some of you this is the last day you're gonna have to look at your bank account and it's looking like that because all grace has overtaken your life lift your hands lift that gift before the lord father in the name of jesus we bless you for the privilege we thank you for the opportunity we thank you for the knowledge of covenant giving as we've been taught by our apostle and prophet and father i pray over this people for this man for this woman for this household in the name of jesus i thank you that just like zerubbabel when he brought what he brought to the work was the finished work was the capstone i declare capstone miracles in the life of this people in the lives of their families and their children on their jobs and their businesses god i thank you that the finished work a blessing of favor of increase of multiplication that men and women of god connected to this anointing are going from not enough to more than enough overnight overnight it happens because not because they work harder not because they got another job but because they trusted you and your word in the name of jesus we agree come on and lift that up and say in favor come on say it out loud in favor and finances and things being added to me i declare that somebody from somewhere is on their way to me with exactly what i need we will not miss each other but we will meet on time every time in jesus name and if you agree with that lift your hands and shout us serve the people of god those of you watching donate worship enjoy the presence of god and giving people gifts with joy to the lord hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's a shifting in my entire direction [Music] theirs are breaking in my favor as i pray help me say there's a breaking [Music] [Music] sounds good say there's a shifting [Music] there's a breaking in my favor as i praise as i pray now come on in praise come on and praise him hey there's our breaking hey come on in my favor say there's [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] in my favor as i pray [Music] is come on testify to somebody get you a neighbor and testify to him come on testify say there's a breaking there's a break in my favor [Applause] come on find another neighbor find another neighbor and testify say there's a breaking breaking satan in my favor in my favor [Applause] [Music] in my favor it shall be according to my faith according to my confession according to my giving to my showing hallelujah and my favor down to breaking them breaking break it up [Applause] in my [Music] [Applause] now come on and praise it come on and praise him if you believe it if you receive that if you receive it if you receive it praise it put a praise on it put your praise on it put your praise on it praise the name of jesus bless the name of the lord he's surely his god and his mercy and truth forever this mercy is good forever there's no respecter of persons he only respects your favor he only respects of greatness he doesn't respect people he respects your faith he respects your faith your favor has brought you out your faith has brought you through your faith your faith your faith your pain your corresponding action your belief your belief and your glorious mind in action your belief and your corresponding action your core requirement action of what it is [Applause] [Music] right come on somebody had a plan let's go [Music] now listen this praise break is it's not an interlude just so you can just feel good about yourself we've just declared some stuff this morning we've declared that there's a break-in in my favor we've declared that there's a shifting in my direction so this prays right now this praise right now this praises your evidence of god's word that you spoke coming to pass in your life so praise with purpose praise with an understanding praise knowing that this prayer it's not like getting praise one two three [Music] it's in my favor coming to my direction [Music] pride right praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him right now praise him now praise him praise him raise his head praise him praise him he's working it all excuse me it's already worked out it's already worked out it's already worked out it's already worked out [Music] come on help me [Applause] come on oh he's standing on his word i'm trusting in his word i'm declaring his word i'm speaking his word i'm watching it manifesting my life i'm watching it manifesting my life in my life in my life the lord is manifesting his word in my life he's manifesting his promises in your life he's manifesting his glory in your life in your life it's your life if you live in your life that's god let's go let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] someone with arthritis is being healed in the lower extremities in the legs and the knees if you'll just begin to pick up your legs begin to be this is everett blake's you called out by the spirit of grace that god was ministering to someone with arthritis in their legs what did you feel it was just like the pain just lifted because i wanted to dance today when they were dancing in service and i couldn't i want you to hear me when i tell you i i've prayed for the sick since i was 21 years old when this anointing came out of my life i have seen miracles of all kinds i've seen dead people raised god i feel like the prophet clarency mclennan and clarency mclennan ministries are pleased to announce that registration for the 2021 fall session of the academy of healing and wellness convention is now open join the profit on wednesday october 27 thursday october 28th and friday october 29th at 7 30 pm and sunday october 31st at 10 a.m at the place of grace 2543 west manchester boulevard inglewood california 90305 all services will also be streamed live on facebook youtube and the bishop mclennan website the academy of healing and wellness convention is for you one if you desire to be credentialized as a healing minister with the clarence mclennan ministries global healing ministry team authorized to minister at clarence mclennan ministries sponsored conferences and crusades two if you want to be assured that during these sessions the prophet bishop clarence mclendon prays for your specific healing three if you want to be in an atmosphere of supernatural signs wonders and miracles and see how the healing grace of jesus christ of nazareth is manifested in the 21st century church for more information visit or call 310 [Music] well good morning this is the prophet and we greet you in the strong name of jesus reminding you that he is lord and there is none other beside him let me take this opportunity to welcome all of those of you that are a part of our prophetic community i know you've been greeted but i want to add my greeting my salutation to you and thank god for you if you're a part of our pec you know how significant that connection is and if you're not yet a part of the pec someone may be asking bishop mclennan what is the pec that's the prophetic e community that's literally those thousands and tens of thousands of people who connect with this anointing throughout social media and i know you've already been uh encouraged so just go to and the moment you do that that enables us to start ministering to you with our letters of prophetic insight letters of instruction timely words in season i want to thank god for all of those of you that are part of the pec know that i'm praying for you with regularity and i pray that you will continue to pray for us now also i want to remind you that our academy of healing and wellness convention uh fall 2021 uh is upcoming wednesday thursday friday october 27 28 and 29 and then a special miracle service which is always a part of our academy of healing and wellness that will be sunday october 31 once again the academy of healing and wellness uh fall 2021 convention will be wednesday october 27th thursday october 28th friday october 29th with a great miracle service on sunday october 31st registration is open online for all of our new students for our returning students and for those who want to make sure that during the miracle service healing is ministered to you and so you can go to click the academy uh there at the home page and it will give you all of the instructions that you need to be participant in the academy of healing and wellness convention that is a part of our assignment a part of the anointing upon my life and upon this ministry is to minister the healing grace of jesus to god's people and never before has there been a greater need in the contemporary world for that but not only that again uh part of our assignment is to equip you to be one of those that is laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover so in the academy of healing we have several tears if you will of strategy we're wanting to equip those who want to minister healing we also want to minister to those who are in need of healing and so god has given us a way a methodology to achieve all of that in the academy of healing and wellness conventions so you want to be a part and we're looking forward to you being there in that time with us all right i want you to open with me in your bibles this morning once again to the gospel as matthew records it matthew chapter nine is uh where we have uh begun these teachings teachings it's been our foundational text uh and i want to read that again but today we are going to get to uh some other uh examples in the scripture where this very same thing your faith has made you well is articulated by the lord jesus and we're going to move through it so i want you to pay very close attention on matthew chapter 9 verse 18 and it says while he spoke these things to them behold the ruler came and worshipped him saying my daughter has just died but come lay your hands on her and she will live so jesus arose and followed him and so did his disciples and suddenly a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years came from behind and touch the hem of his garment for she said to herself one translation said she said within herself uh in the actual greek uh the verb is in the tense of continuous action so it's not just she said she said and kept on saying for she said to herself if only i may touch the touch his garment i shall be made well but jesus turned around and when he saw her he said be of good cheer daughter your faith has made you well now get it your faith has made you well and the woman was made well from that hour now one of the things we said about this passage is that it is clear that that it was the power of god uh that literally manifested the healing and the recovery the healing or the recovery in the woman's body it was the power of god and we understand that but jesus when he speaks to the woman after he has heard what she did and remember the bible says in one of the other accounts that after this encounter of healing she told him all that had happened that's how matthew and the other writers have a history of what was going on with this woman that's how they know she had had this issue for 12 years because after her healing she testifies as to what has happened we'll get to that in just a moment and when jesus hears what she says he says to her daughter your faith is what made you well now again we understand the power of god was involved but there were many people around that were touching jesus at the same time this woman was there and none of them received healing that we know about although the power of god was at work so it was her faith jesus says that caused this to happen not just his power but it was her faith in response to or her faith with knowledge of the fact that he had the power to do it that is what jesus says manifested healing in her body so as the spirit of the lord led us into this teaching he told me to deal with three specific things as relates to uh this subject your faith can make you well first of all he told me to deal with making sure that you and i understand what faith is and and when i say what faith is i mean what bible faith is and uh for the last several weeks we've been dealing with that because once again jesus says your faith did it now if her faith did it yours can do it too god is no respectful of persons but he is a respecter of faith so if your faith can make you well then bless god i need to know what it is i've said this before i'll say it again four times in the word of god we're told that the just or those of us who have been justified shall live by faith well if once i have been washed in the blood of the lamb once i am a new creation in christ jesus once i have been justified and that's what it means when it says the just it doesn't just mean good people no it means those who have been justified or made right with god through their belief in the lord jesus christ and his finished work those people are going to live by faith and whatever they get whatever happens in their lives is going to be a product of their faith now when you understand this child of god when you understand this you understand why certain people although they are christians are not experiencing all of the goodness that the word of god has promised certain people although they are christians although they are born again are not recovering like other people are not prospering like other people do not have peace like of other people in the kingdom of god why because there is a level child of god in this thing where your faith and not god begins to determine what's happening to you i'm going to say that again there is a dimension when you come into this kingdom where it is your faith not god's determination that is deciding what's actually happening in your life and see this religious idea where the lord will make a way well god will do it if god wants it to be done no no god has already told us in his word what he wants for us whether or not we appropriate it glory to god whether or not we go get it is up to us it's like when your mama would call you and say dinner is ready she's telling you it's available now whether you come out of the street and come in the house and eat is up to you god has done the same thing he has set the table and your faith is what gives you the seat at the table to eat what he has prepared so i want us so so we so we started looking at what faith is then the second thing the lord told me to deal with after we have dealt with that which we will probably come to a conclusion for this time of teaching today and then get into this other area the second area is to look at what their action of faith was in the instances in the scripture where jesus says to people your faith made you well or your faith accomplished this when the lord said i want you to look at what their action of faith was or better put i want you to look at what i call faith in those instances well that's that's important you know i want you to understand what i god what god god says i want you to know what i called faith because that's what i responded to in these situations and that's what caused healing or soundness or wellness to manifest and then finally the lord said in this teaching i want you to deal with helping the people of god understand the difference between what faith looks like in the old covenant and what faith looks like in the new covenant what faith looks like under the ministry of jesus because remember jesus was not ministering in the new covenant he was fulfilling the old and beginning in his three and a half years of ministry to lay down the principles of the new this is so important for the children of god to understand jesus was not a new covenant minister he was finishing the old covenant in his earthly ministry and uh and once he finishes the work once he dies on the cross he is buried he is raised from the dead he ascends on high and then seats at is seated at the right hand of god then the new covenant goes into operation and faith in the new covenant now that we have a seated jews at the right hand of the father who has finished the work looks and sounds differently from faith in the old covenant and if man i can't get into this today we're going to get into this in a week or two and if you are modeling the actions of people that you see in jesus's ministry only you may actually be falling short of faith in your covenant and this is something the spirit of god taught me in a faith exam that he took me through that changed my life forever and i want you to know it now let's let's do a couple of things so that we can move into what we have to get to today one of the things that we've been sharing if you've been with me in this teaching uh especially the last couple of weeks of course last sunday i was in another zone i had to share something specific if you're with us on wednesday night one of the things that you know is it is important that you and i understand what faith is from god's standpoint or what faith is from the standpoint of the word of god because religion and tradition has given us a definition of faith which is not actually the bible's definition of faith which is why when i talk about this i call it bible faith meaning faith as the bible says it is or faith as the word of god tells us it is because once again this faith thing is so important that we can't we can't endure not having the proper understanding and connotation of it so um we we looked at james chapter 2 verse number 14 and i i shared a couple of things again when god says in isaiah 55 that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts and it stands to reason that that his definitions may not necessarily be our definition so what we call faith may not be exactly what he calls faith and in most cases in the religious and traditional christianity that we have inherited most christians think they're in faith when they're actually not and we made the distinction once again this faith thing is so important that we can't we can't endure not having the proper understanding and connotation of it so um we we looked at james chapter 2 verse number 14 and i i shared a couple of things again when god says in isaiah 55 that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts then it stands to reason that that his definitions may not necessarily be our definition so what we call faith may not be exactly what he calls faith and in most cases in the religious and traditional christianity that we have inherited most christians think they're in faith when they're actually not and we made the distinction that believing alone is not faith and faith uh uh is more than what than what the bible just calls believing now once again where do you get that james chapter 2 and we talked there about the working definition of faith that james chapter 2 gives us a working definition of faith and we talked about the fact there in james chapter 2 verses 14 through 26 where james uh tells us that faith without works is dead put it up please james chapter 2 verse number 14. james chapter 2 and verse number 14. uh where james says what does it profit my brother and if someone says he has faith and does not have works can faith save him if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food now one of the things we said here is that the word faith here is the greek word pistes which is conviction or persuasion and the word works here is the greek word ergon which means corresponding action co-responding action an action that co goes with and responds to what you say you believe so faith here means conviction or persuasion and works here means a corresponding action or an action that goes with and responds to your conviction or your persuasion and what i did was i read it like that i'm going to do it one more time here uh for the sake of understanding so you understand what the bible means when it talks about faith as opposed to what most people mean even in religious and or christian circles when they talk about faith and if all you've got is religious faith you're in trouble especially in times like these so so pay attention now it is what does it profit my brethren if someone says he has a conviction or persuasion which is a belief if someone says he has a conviction or persuasion but does not have corresponding action can his conviction or persuasion save him you see what i'm doing everywhere the word faith is i'm reading conviction or persuasion everywhere the word work says i'm reading corresponding action when you do that a clarity comes that is life-changing look at this verse 15. if a brother or sister is naked is naked and desperate of daily food and one of you says that him depart in peace be warmed and filled but you do not give the things which are needed for the body what does it profit now a lot of preachers and christians have taught that this is you know the scripture exhorting you to have good works no that's not what's being taught here what's being taught here is if you say something but you don't act on what you're saying it's not going to bring any results that's what's being done this is not about christians doing good works this is about making sure that what you do corresponds with what you say you believe if you believe a person should be warmed and filled do something about it amen so so watch this now verse 16 and one of you says in departing peace be warmed and filled but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body what is the problem thus also a conviction or a persuasion or a belief by itself if it does not have a corresponding action is dead now i've said this before one of the things that james by the spirit of revelation tells us is you can have dead faith or living faith and most christians have dead faith because they think believing is faith and it isn't believing is the beginning of faith watch this but someone will say you have conviction or persuasion and i have corresponding action show me your conviction of or persuasion without your corresponding action and i will show you my conviction and my persuasion by my corresponding action look at verse 19 you believe that there is one god you do well the demons believe that and tremendous what is he saying he's telling you believing is not enough he's saying the demons believe certain things about god but because they never act in accordance with what they know and believe nothing ever happens in the transformation of of them why well there are other reasons for that but get the principle believing by itself won't produce anything watch this but do you want to know old foolish man that a conviction or a persuasion without a corresponding action is dead now that's the second time he said that he wants you to know that he wants you to know that sitting in bed believing that jesus is a healer is not going to get you well he wants you to understand that sitting in church said i know the lord will make a way somehow is not going to get you out of a situation he wants you to understand that the lord is going to come by and see about me is not going to change your situation that's dead it's not going to produce anything and this is why there are people who are christians who get sick with illness and disease and are attacked and they die when they could have been made well and there are others who put their faith into operation and they recover glory to god why what's the difference well and see this and this is what religion well the lord the lord wanted sister ellie mae to come on home not at 37 he did she didn't live the promise not at 45 not at 50. no no no stay with me uh stay stay stay with me now sister ellie mae may have wanted to go home and wanted to stop fighting or sister ellie may have not known how to fight the fight of faith we got to stop putting death on god's doorstep that he had nothing to do with and when you understand what jesus says about what your faith can do what the god kind of faith can do you will stop lying on god and attributing to him death that he had nothing to do with allah let me keep reading but someone will say to you i'm at i'm in verse 19. you believe that there's one god you do well even the demons believe i want you to underline that even the demons believe even the demons believe even the demons believe even the demons believe so then believing as we have come to understand it is not sufficient for transformation faith is what is required for transformation now watch this verse 20 but do you want to know o foolish man that a conviction or persuasion without a corresponding action is dead i want you to see what the scripture just did it called you foolish if you're thinking that your conviction or persuasion is going to get something done if you don't have an action that corresponds with it watch this verse 21 it was not abraham our father justified by works or was not abraham our father justified by his corresponding action when he offered isaac his son on the altar see i was just i was just teaching on this subject and see what what he's saying here abraham could have sat there at the bottom of that mountain thinking you know i know the lord is able i know god is able i know the lord is able to keep my son i know the lord is able to raise up myself i know the lord is able but if he had stayed at the bottom of the mountain saying the lord is able he never would have become who he is in the presence of god the father of us all the bible says in the presence of god romans 4. he never would have become that man why because it's when he offers isaac up in genesis uh 20 and 22 where god says because you have done this thing not because you believed this thing because you have done this thing it was when you acted on what you believed that your faith was made note watch this watch watch watch was not abraham verse 21 our father justified by his corresponding action when he offered isaac his son on the altar do you see do you see do you see do you see that his conviction and his persuasion was working together with his corresponding action see now is when we've got faith coming when your conviction or your persuasion starts working with your corresponding action watch this do you see that his conviction or persuasion was working together with his corresponding action and by his corresponding action his conviction or persuasion was made perfect or complete or full or whole and the scripture was fulfilled which says abraham believed god now we know what the bible means when it says believing when the bible talks about believing god it's talking about a conviction or persuasion plus a corresponding action not just a conviction or persuasion by itself see a conviction or persuasion in the heart won't change a circumstance but see you could say you could believe until the lights go out in the universe that jesus is lord but if you don't say it if you don't act on that and respond to what you say you're believing salvation never occurs for with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation salvation doesn't happen just because you got a gooey feeling about jesus in your heart stay with me stay with me verse 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which is abraham believed god and it was accounted or credited him for righteousness and he was called the friend of god you see then that a man is justified by his corresponding action and not by his conviction or persuasion only likewise wise was not the was not rahab the harlot also justified by her corresponding action when she received the messengers and sent them out another way now this is very important once again because like i said rahab was not in the covenant but the bible says she was spared saved because she acted on what she believed look at verse 26 for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is that and i've said it before just like a body that has no spirit in it once the spirit leaves the body the body is dead he says just like that if there is no corresponding action to what you say you believe your faith is dead just like that body is dead and your faith dead faith will produce exactly what a dead body will produce nothing in this three-dimensional material world now you say bishop bishop mcclendon that's important so faith well that works is dead and then we went to romans 6 which i'm not going to teach again and we found out that faith well actually he went to second corinthians 4 13 i will go there go to second corinthians 4 13 and we found out that faith has a vital principle and a mental disposition second corinthians 4 13 says and since we have the same spirit of faith and the word spirit there once again does not mean an angel a deity a demon spirit it's not an entity there the word spirit means vital principle and mental disposition you can look it up in your strong's concordance and you'll find that is one of the connotations of the word spirit and once again we use that terminology in our everyday vernacular the spirit of the team the spirit of the core uh the spirit of the house we're talking about the principles and the disposition that causes that core of that house to be what it is and since we have the same vital principle and mental disposition of faith according to what is written i believed and therefore i spoke we also believe and therefore speak now this is and reveals the vital principle and the mental disposition of faith according to what is written i believe and therefore we we have the same spirit of faith we have the same mindset we have the same understanding about what faith is just like when david wrote this i believe and therefore i spoke we also believe and therefore speak so one of the things that we have established is that faith has a vital principle and faith has a mental disposition the vital principle again vital has to do with what is necessary for life remember james just told us faith can be living or dead so in order for faith to be alive it has to speak that is the fundamental first fundamental principle uh the the fundamental corresponding action of faith the very basic fundamental corresponding action of faith is speaking what you believe and of course because we are believers in the word of god then for us it's speaking god's word see that's the god kind of faith that's the god level of faith so faith has a vital principle a principle that is necessary for it to live for your faith to be living you have to be speaking it you got to be saying it let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemer of the lord just say so no not say so let the redeemed of the lord say what they have been redeemed from the word redeemed means to be rescued from lost if you believe jesus rescued you from it say he did in accordance with his word with accordance in accordance with the revelation of scripture so faith has a vital principle and faith has a mental disposition or what we said a mindset a person who is walking by faith has their mind set a certain way and you will not be able to change them from where their mind is set we looked at this in romans chapter 10 where paul talks about how faith speaks go to romans 10 quick i'll just read it verse number five i'm almost where i need to be today romans chapter 6 say out loud after me faith no no no say let's say it together in fact i'll start it over because i want to do it better than that say out loud out to me living faith bible faith has a vital principle meaning a principle that is necessary for it to be living it has a vital principle and a mental disposition now watch this which means say this after me which means if i am in faith about a specific thing i will be talking about that specific thing and i will be talking about that thing in a specific way i will have a specific mindset about it my mind will be set regarding it my mind is set and my mind won't change the circumstance won't change the way my mind is set the the appearance of things won't change the way my mind is saying my mind is set i got it my mind is set i'm healed my mind is set and it won't change hallelujah romans chapter 10 verse number five i'm gonna read this quickly for moses writes about the righteous which of the law says the man who does those things shall live by that i've been through this i'm not going to teach at all i'm just going to extract what we learn for moses writes about the right standing with god which is of the law saying that the man who does those things shall live by them but the righteousness of faith or the right standing with god that faith produces or the right standing with god that is produced by faith speaks in this way so it speaks number one and it speaks a certain way and one of the things we said is that it does not speak in the future tense it doesn't speak in light of things uh having to happen in order for the word to be true but it speaks this way the word is or what the word says is faith is always is faith says what the word says is now this is important why because your faith can make you well so saying what the word says is can make you well i hope you got what i just said declaring what god's word says is meaning is yours can make you well you say bishop mcclendon do you actually believe that no i don't actually believe it i don't have to believe it i've experienced it it's a settled truth for me it's done i i i i believed it now i don't have to believe it i know it i've seen it happen in my life and in the lives of other people this is an established fact hallelujah so now i want you to go we want to look at a couple of things glory to jesus i want you to go back to matthew chapter 9 because now i want to move to this area and this is sort of my assignment today i need to get to it i've got about 30 minutes so i need to exhaust as much time as i can in this area today although i needed to bring us together collectively in thought so we understand what we're working with because jesus said your faith you're speaking what you believe and you're having your mind set that what the word says is can make you well can cause sickness and disease to leave your body hallelujah leave your situation glory to god and and this is so simple you know as a matter of fact before i go there let me let me let me show you a couple yeah thank you lord let me show you a couple of scriptures that you need to hear because see a lot of people think well can that really happen go to proverbs 18 verse 14. go to proverbs 18 verse 14. i didn't give this to you i don't think but it's easy to find proverbs 18 and 14 i want you to see this it says the spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness in other words if your spirit is filled with the word of god your spirit will rise up and begin to sustain you even though your body is experiencing certain types of infirmity your spirit if it's strong will start ministering to your body watch this the spirit of a man this is why you need to stay full of god's word in the good times the the spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness watch it but who can bear a broken spirit if your spirit is broken if your spirit is not rightly aligned then when sickness hits your body you're in difficult straights now why is that important put this together with romans 8 11. go to romans 8 11 watch this we deserve the spirit of a man will sustain minister to him begin to lift him up even in sickness now look at romans 8 but if the spirit with a capitalist meaning the holy spirit of him who raised up jesus from the dead dwells in you now you are spirit so you are not flesh you are created in the image of god so you and i are spirit so he says if but if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ from the dead that is the holy spirit will give life to your mortal body see that goes with what's being said over there in in in proverbs 18 he that raised christ from the dead will give life minister life will cause life to start flowing out of your spirit into your mortal body through his spirit who dwells in you oh if you could ever get this revelation you would see it when you start declaring god's word the force of faith the spirit of health wellness starts flowing from your spirit into your body healing begins to flow from your spirit into your body as you declare the word of god now look at matthew chapter 9 verse number 18. i want you to write these scriptures down i gave them to you at the outset of the teaching not today but at the outset and i want to give them to you again because we're going to look at these now and discover a few things that are going to be life-changing look at matthew chapter 9 verse number 18 that's where we read at first but i want to give you these scriptures the story that is told in matthew chapter 9 of the woman with the issue of blood verses 18 through 22 is also told in mark chapter 5 verses 25 through 34 write that down mark chapter 5 verses 25-34 we're going to go there in just a moment and it's told also in luke chapter 8 verses 40 through 48 and in each one of those jesus says again it's the same incident but each one of the writers records that at the conclusion of it jesus said your faith has made you well well that's one incident there's another incident where jesus is recorded also as saying your faith has made you well that is the story of the man who is known as blind bartimaeus and that story is told in mark chapter 10 write this down because we're going to all of these mark chapter 10 verses 46 through 52 and it's also told in luke chapter 18 verses 35 through 42. i'll give those to you again mark chapter 10 verses 46 through 52 and luke chapter 18 verses 35-42 in both of those instances where bartimaeus is healed and again it's the same incident but told from two different gospel writers perspectives both of the gospel writers there also include that jesus said to bartimaeus your faith did this your faith made you will there's one other place where jesus is recorded as saying that and that is in luke chapter 17 verses 11 through 19 and that's the story of the ten lepers where the one comes and when he comes jesus says your faith has made you well so the reason i'm saying that i'll give you that again luke 17 11-19 the reason i'm saying that is that there are three different witnesses three different incidents three different evidences where a person is made well or healed and jesus the master says to them your faith did this now why is that important the bible says by the mouth of two or three witnesses or evidences let every word be established so in three different evidences or three different encounters jesus says this once with the woman with the issue of blood ones with blind bartimaeus once with the leper who is made well each time jesus responds to them is your faith did this so the spirit of the lord said to me he said what i want you to do is i want you to go to each one of those and look at what the action of faith was so you understand what was it that was done that caused healing to manifest in this situation because in one situation you've got a woman who's been sick for 12 years not for two weeks and she recovered in another situation you've got a man who has been blind and his eyes are open in the last situation luke 17 you've got 10 men who have a contagious disease for which there is no cure no vaccine and jesus says your faith did it hallelujah and the lord said to me look son what was the action of faith now once again let me give you one more evidence go to luke chapter 5 verse 20. remember in in luke chapter 5 verse 20 it's uh let's start at 17. luke chapter 5 17 we're going all the way to verse 20. put it all up luke chapter 5 verse 17 is the story of the four men who tear up the roof and let their friend down uh in the middle as jews is teaching and he gets healed no and watch this it says now it happened on a certain day as he was teaching that there were pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by you and come out of every town of galilee they angels them and the power of the lord was present to heal them then men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed who they sought to bring in and lay before him and when they could not find how they might bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the house top and let him down with his bed through the tiding and the myth before jesus when he saw their faith he said to the man your sins are forgiven so faith is something that can be seen and i've said this before faith is not faith it's not bible faith until it can be seen or noticed it's what jesus saw that caused him to speak it's what jesus saw that caused him to respond there were no doubt other people in there that needed healing the bible says the power of the lord was present to heal them regarding the pharisees and doctrines of the law and no doubt there were other people there that's why they had to tear up the roof and let this man down but the bible says when jesus saw their faith he responded to the man why because faith is what he responds to faith is what god's power responds to faith and the bible says he saw this is not some spiritual seeing this is seeing in the three-dimensional material realm it's not it's not discerning of spirits this is beholding an action and responding to it are you there oh that's important for you to understand and so here's what i want you to see in every instance thank you holy ghost in every instance where jesus says your faith has made you well allah castaneda there is something jesus saw or heard that caused his power to respond i'm gonna say that again in every place where jesus says your faith made you well there is something that he saw or heard that caused his power to move in that direction oh if you understood the authority your voice has in the realm of the spirit as a new creation we'd all be much more conscious of what we say and how we say it watch this now go once again to matthew 9. goodness i'm running out of time go once again to matthew 9. i want to read this very quickly i'm going to go from matthew 9 then i'm going to go to mark's account in mark 5. matthew 9 uh and verse number 20. it says and suddenly a woman came and had a flow of blood for 12 years from behind and touch the hem of his garment everybody say the hymn of his garment for say the hem of his garment say it okay for she said to herself if only i may touch his garment i should be made well but jesus turned around and when he saw her he said be of good cheer daughter your faith has made you well and the woman was made well from the same hour now that's all matthew tells us about it we do have there the confession of jesus what jesus declares your faith made you well but i want you to go to mark's account of this go to mark chapter 5 very quickly and i want you to see what insight mark gives us about this because he gives us some further insight about it go to mark 5 verse 25 i'm reading all the way to verse 34. now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse the mark is already giving us more information than matthew did watch this when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment for she said if only i may touch his clothes i shall be made well verse number immediately somebody shouted immediately immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction and jesus oh here it is watch this and jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned around in the crowd and said you touched my clothes now matthew doesn't include that so what what mark includes is that this woman's faith caused power to come in her direction how do you know that there's a lot of people around there power didn't go in their direction power was available so there was something about her faith see your faith is a magnet for the power of god watch this immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction and jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes but his disciples said to him you see the multitude thronging you and you say who tells me now what are they saying they're saying look jesus everybody's touching you we're bouncing up in here in this crowd against one another everybody's touching you but not everybody's touch was preceded by confessions of faith that's good doc i'll say it again not everybody's touch had been preceded by declarations of faith glory to god and this woman hela borastanda had been speaking for so long that when she got in the atmosphere where power was available the power flowed to her and skipped thousands that happens in church services all the time the power of god is available it skips thousands and hits one here or one there and you and we're wondering why why them because somebody has been exercising faith someone has done something or said something that has attracted the power of god are you still here watch it now but his disciples said verse 31 you see the multitude throng of you and you say who tempted me man somebody's faith is rising right now i can sense it in the spirit but his disciples said you see the mothers who throng you and you say who touched me verse and he looked around to see her who had done this thing see something had been done something had been said and something had been done a confession had been made and then an action that went in line with that confession had been made stay with me almost where we need to be while he was he he looked around and see who had done this thing now look at verse 3 but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth [Music] now that now that's very important the reason she's hiding is because according to the law of moses if a woman is bleeding if she's having a menstrual cycle or if she has an issue of blood in that area she is unclean and is not to be out among people for eight days till after her issue of blood is over so she is she's actually there illegally according to the law of moses she's breaking the law being there man don't get me in this glory to god which is why when jesus turns around and says who does this see there's a crowd she had gotten her miracle and she was on her way she didn't want to be made known because she was there illegally and so that's why she's fearing and trembling to tell him because she knows i ain't supposed to be here i just got something i wasn't supposed to get because i wasn't supposed to be here he that has he used to hear let him hear now watch this i'm going somewhere with this i'm not just i'm not just trying to wow you it's very alabor it's very important that you understand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah see sometimes your faith will demand you break some rules in order to get the will of god done he that has ears to hear let him hear that was coming out of my spirit i'm gonna stop right there there's more to it but i'm gonna stop right there watch this watch this it says immediately verse 29 the founding of her blood was dried up and she fell in her body that she was healed of the affliction and jesus knowing that power's gone up turn and said who touched me now look verse 32 it says he looked around to see who had done this thing but the woman fury and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth so when she tells him the whole truth that's when mark and matthew and luke the writers get all the information that they're writing and telling us that's how they know she had been sick for 12 years that's how they know she had been at the house saying if only i may touch the image of his garment that's how they know that she had suffered many things of many physicians and didn't grow better but was getting worse they know it because she tells them everything that happened and everything that she did up to the point that she got her miracle and that is why jesus can look at her and say oh your faith did this [Laughter] oh your faith did this why because as jesus heard what she did then he understood oh that's how you can get a miracle when everybody else is dying that's how you can get a miracle when other people around you don't understand how you got oh that's why you're the only one in your family who recovered that's why it's not that i wanted you to live more than i wanted the rest of these people to live it's your faith did this glory to god hallelujah i'll never forget i'll never forget i was reading this one day and the spirit of the lord said to me the lord said to me he said you know what grant what i really wanted to know i really wanted to know who knew how to get a miracle from me without disturbing who me had developed their faith to the point that they didn't even have to call on me and yell at me who had developed their faith to the point that they knew that the power was available my power was available to them in such a degree they didn't have to make a big deal about it they just had to use their effect i wanted to see who was at that level allah and see when you understand what your faith can do you'll be wowing people they'll be tripping out wondering how you got this how'd you get that doesn't look like you're doing anything spectacular that look like you're so special that look like you're this but you just keep winning and keep overcoming and keep manifesting and they're scratching their head because you've learned how to be supernatural without being spectacular you've learned how to be supernatural without being you know calling attention to everything you just quietly get stuff done quietly get the house paid off quietly get the children in the car quietly get a new car quietly get healed quietly overcome stuff that's killing other people laying other people down causing other people to have to do drugs and alcohol and check in to the betty ford clinic or whatever and you just keep moving what what's the difference your faith [Laughter] watch it watch it watch it hallelujah and when she told them all the whole truth verse 33 verse 24 and jesus looked and said oh daughter your faith your faith made you well watch this your favorite go in shalom go go in shalom go go in shalom and be here in other words because you know how to work your faith from here on there'll be there'll be nothing missing nothing lacking nothing broken you know just just go on and walk it out because you know how to do this thing by faith hallelujah go your way go go in peace and be healed of your affliction now here's the question i got one more uh passage to read look at luke 8 verse 48 mark gave us a couple of further insights let's see what other insights we get from luke notice that both mark and luke include the fact that this woman had been saying if i can just touch the hem of his garment or if i can just touch his garment look at luke 8 real quick are you getting this is it helping you look at luke 8 verse number 40. watch this so it was when jesus returned that the multitude welcomed him for they were all waiting for him so mark tells us there's a multitude here not just a crowd a multitude so there could be three four five thousand people here so it was when jesus returned that the multitude welcomed him for they were all waiting for him and behold there came a man named jairus he was a ruler of the synagogue he fell down jesus feet and begged him that he would come to his house for he had only one daughter about 12 years of age and she was dying and as he went the multitudes thronged him now a woman so so mark i mean luke tells us clearly that the multitudes are throwing him they're all around him now a woman having a flow of blood 12 years so this is the same woman the same woman of matthew 9 the same woman of mark 5. it's very important that we get that clear now a woman having a flow of blood for 12 years who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any so she's dealing with a situation that she's been to physicians about and they can't heal they can't assure her that what they're giving her is going to keep her safe he that has ears to hear let him hear that they're doing what they can they're telling you take this take that take this vaccine do this but but we can't we can't assure you that this is going to keep you well but take it anyway now a woman having a flow of blood for 12 years who has been all alone and could not be healed by any came from behind and touched the border of his garment and immediately her flow of blood stopped and jesus said who touched me when all denied it peter and those with him said master the multitude throngs and presses you and you say you touch me in other words why are you asking this we can't tell you who touch you everybody's touching you look at verse 46 but jesus oh look at this look at this but jesus said wait no no no no this is too important just to pass by somebody touched me for i perceived power going out of me now there's a multitude here but somebody pulled power out of me somebody pulled power out of me look at verse 47. now when the woman saw that she was not hidden she came trembling and falling down before him she declared to him in the presence of all the people the reason she had took all now notice notice notice notice what luke says luke says she declared the reason that she had touched him now what was the reason see this is very important i've never heard him he she told him the reason ah so there was a reason she touched it oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no i i got i i got i got i got to keep you here because see we've all always been talk but but she she touched him because she said if i never touch him she said but she said no but she there was a reason that she touched it now the reason that she touched him is not just because she had been saying if i may but touch the hem of his garment are you tracking me she said she declared the reason she touched it and how she was going to be there and he said her old daughter be a good year your faith made you well killed in peace so so i need you to hear me she did not get healed just because she was at the house saying if i can touch his clothes i'll be made well because there's a lot of people saying a whole lot of stuff and when they do it it doesn't produce any results there's a whole lot of people saying a whole lot of stuff that they say god said and when they say it and do it it does nothing right but but she she's told them the reason so so here's my point there was a reason she was saying if i can touch his garment i'll be made well and then when she did it she got healed not just because she was saying so but because she knew the reason she was saying so wow wow now stay with me i'm almost done with this what was the reason why why is she at the house saying if i if i can just touch it if i can just touch his clothes if i can just touch his skull why is he saying it well jesus calls her a daughter which means she is the seed of abraham which means she's a covenant child which means she's in the covenant and whatever is true that the covenant articulates belongs to her the by one of the one of the writers told us she had heard about jesus so she no doubt had heard this man is healing people this man is doing things no one else can do this man is teaching in a way that no one else could teach the scriptures say that he taught them as with authority not as described they see him doing all manner of things that natural men cannot do and when she hears about jesus she knows this is a man of god this is a man who's anointed they're calling him jesus the anointed one they're calling him the messiah and in the old covenant if you are a an anointed one that means you are either a prophet a priest or a king she knows he's not a king in the natural so he's got to be a prophet or a priest and prophets priests and kings had to be anointed with anointing oil now quickly go with me to the book don't miss what i'm about to say to you go with me quickly uh oh goodness uh uh go with me to the book of exodus i believe it is chapter number uh oh no that's not what i want go with me to the book of exodus i want to get it right no what's the reason what's the reason go with me to the book of exodus chapter number 30. whoo go with the book of acts chapter number 30 verse number 25 god is talking to moses about the anointing oil that he's to make this is the anointing oil that he's giving him the recipe to make that is going to be the holy anointing oil with with which all the prophets all the priests and all the kings in israel will be anointed notice he says he says and you shall more let's stop it let's start at verse 22. moreover the lord spoke to moses saying also take for yourself quality spices 500 shekels of liquid myrrh half as much sweet smelling cinnamon 200 shekels of sweet smelling cane 500 shekels of cassia according to the shekel of the sanctuary and a hint of oil and shall make from these a holy anointing oil an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer it shall be a holy anointing or watch it with it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting the ark of testimony the table and all the utensils the lamb stand against you tend to the ultraviolence the altar a burnt offering and its utensils and the labor and its base watch this you shall consecrate them once that all hits them that they may be most holy whatever touches them must be holy and you shall anoint aaron and his sons and consecrate them that they may minister to me as priests and you shall speak to the children of israel saying this shall be a holy anointing oil to me throughout your generations including when the messiah comes when jesus comes look at verse 32 it shall not be poured on man's flesh that's why she was saying if i can touch the hem of his garment that's why she was saying if i can touch the hem of his garment because she knew if he was a prophet or a priest he had to be anointed and if he was anointed the oil wasn't on his flesh it was on his clothes because it wasn't to be poured on any man's flesh so she's believing in the words of the covenant she's not just sitting back there she didn't just come up with this idea if i touched him in his garment she had read and heard if the man is anointed there's oil in the garnet the anointing is in the garment behold how good and pleasant it is to for brethren to dwell in unity it is like the oil the oil that is poured on aaron's head that goes down to his beard and to the garment she was basing her confession on the word of god and when she was saying what the word says and believing what the word says and when she acted on that she got well and jesus says your faith your knowledge of my word your declaration of my word your acting on my word cut you well oh how can you just sit there and look at me hallelujah she put the word in her mouth what paul say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart she put that word in her mouth until it got in her heart and when it got in her heart and abundance she had to act on it she had to move let me tell you something you get god's word in your mouth you start saying what god has said to you there's going to come a point as you're declaring that word when a switch is going to go off in you and god's going to say now do this now do that now do this so you cannot meditate on the word and speak the word and god not speak to you and she had said and said and said and said until she heard that jesus was coming and something in here said now is the time but to move hallelujah what was her action of faith it was speaking and acting on what was spoken in line with the truth of scripture she was speaking in line with the truth of scripture and she acted in line with the truth of scripture and power glory to god power came out i got more of this but i got to stop here power came out i am talking to some people now who've been standing on the word of god speaking the word of god in the face of challenge in the face of difficulty in the face of sickness in the face of disease in the face of infirmity there are people watching me and you have had chronic disorder not just virus or bacteria stuff that shows up every two or three months that manifests and in the name of jesus of nazareth by the spirit of god i've been directed today to add my faith to yours and i have been anointed to declare your faith is making you well today today today somebody's going to receive today the bible says this woman with the issue of blood she knew in herself that she had been made she didn't even get a chance to go check yet she didn't have a chance and i'm not trying to be unseemly to go and make sure she was cleaned up but she knew in herself there are people watching me you're gonna know gonna know that you know that you know the doctors will verify it later the evidence may show up in a day or two but you're gonna know i'm talking to men and women thank you master for some of you the cyst is gonna go the lump is gonna disappear the eye is gonna be able to see the ear is gonna be able to hear the pain is gonna go you'll go back and the test will come back negative the devil is a liar your faith [Music] can make you well i want you to lay your hands upon yourself right now there are other people watching me you've got a situation a circumstance it may not be physical but you've got a situation that's paralyzed you've got a bank account that's breathing its last you've got a circumstance where the sun is getting ready to go down upon your day and it seems like nothing is happening i have come to tell you your faith can turn the thing around your faith can cable rashtan the cause you say bishop mcclendon i'm one of those i've been declaring the word i've been speaking the word i've been saying what god has said i'm telling you you're about to run into your confession and the power of god is about to meet your confession and a miracle is about to happen today there are other people who the spirit of god just adjusted your thinking just rearranged the furniture of your mind so that you now understand what you need to do and how this thing is done and faith is alive in you i want you to lift your hands and i want you to begin to bless the lord because some of you are going to get an immediate miracle because you need it now and god's been waiting for you to utter something in faith i want you to lift your hands up in the name of jesus if you pray in the holy ghost i want you to do that for about 30 seconds open your mouth and pray in the spirit if you pray in the understanding then i'm going to lift your hands and just begin to thank god and praise him in your natural tongue whatever it is but i want everybody exercising releasing their faith right now come on in the spirit pray [Music] for [Music] pray in the spirit in this room pray in the spirit in your bedroom in your living room in that hospital bed in the name of jesus hey hallelujah somebody's being raised up [Music] another 15 seconds in the holy ghost say that say that say that yourself [Music] lay your hands upon yourself has come alive in hearts and mouths and god's power is moving lift your hands before him thank you master beloved of god i tell you in the name of jesus the healing grace the finished work of jesus is manifesting now in physical bodies there's someone watching me you have had a significant ache and pain in your right shoulder i can see it it's in the right shoulder around the rotator cuff and the shoulder blade you have been unable literally to lift your arm up above about this far it's like when you get to this level the ache the pain is so much that you cannot lift it higher i understand what is happening i can see it as clearly as i'm talking to you and you felt in the last few moments like a warmth almost like a a healing bomb like an oil began to flow on that shoulder i want you just to lift your hands up and just begin to thank god go ahead just begin to worship just begin to thank him because the power of god is losing your extremities and your limbs and you're being made whole in the name of jesus the pain literally has completely gone there are several people who are watching me right now i want you to lay your hands upon your chest some of you have felt like a warmth and a burning in your chest some of you have been diagnosed with the covet virus or one of its variations others of you have been having breathing conditions bronchitis lung conditions it's not covered but whether it is the virus or something else literally there are several people right now and i saw it the power of god flowing into your breathing into your respiratory system into your lungs i need you to take three very deep breaths i'm talking to you under the anointing of the holy ghost i'm talking to you i want you to breathe breathe breathe in that's it now breathe out do it again dude i know you haven't been able to do it that's why i'm telling you to do it breathe in that's it that's it that's it exhale one more time now i want you to breathe in and in the name of jesus you are drawing the first full breaths the first clear breaths that many of you have drawn in several weeks some of you even in months the power of god thank you master bronchitis is being healed kovid 19 that virus is leaving bodies right now you say how can you say that cause your faith can make you well in the name of jesus someone someone with asthma is going to lift your hands before the living god lift your hands before the living god yes god i see it there's a woman watching me you have had a lump on the left side of your neck near the back right around this area about the size of a quarter if you lay your hands up on it right now the power of god is healing you and you can literally feel the thing dissolving put your hand on and these signs shall follow them that believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover there are husbands watching me wives watching me you need to go and lay your hands upon that husband go and lay your hands upon that wife faith is alive lay your hands upon them and say in the name of jesus be made whole in the name of jesus be made whole there are people getting up from beds of sickness people getting up right now in the name of jesus lift your hands sing that the power of god is moving here the power of god is the all i had come on foreign all i have needed there are miracles happening healings are occurring thank you master there are people whose faith has come alive [Music] and now you understand it's like something clicked and now i got it i got it and your faith [Music] came alive and the power of god is responding moving in your direction right now lift your hands there are miracles of financial debt cancellation there are miracles happening there are miracles of favor that are being released there are miracles in families and homes of reconciliation lift your hands before the lord literally i can see the power of god flowing into situations i can see it flowing i'm telling you by the spirit of god hallelujah i can see it i can see the impact like the force of faith like punching a blow and yokes being destroyed demons running in other directions i can literally literally see it lift your hands out of lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands father in the name of jesus i pray for your people whatever the need whatever the circumstance whatever wholeness soundness restoration someone in their mind they've been so tormented so troubled like a dark cloud hang over them and the spirit of death and suicide has been attacking in the name of jesus i command that devil loose you now go depression death leave in the name of allah in the name of jesus of nazareth someone with blinding migraine headaches you just felt like like like a warmth on your head it's it's you don't need to feel anything but it's a witness i'm talking to somebody the spirit of the lord is balancing something there [Music] something chemically is there is someone listening to me we'll get this testimony you need to write me you're not going to have another migraine headache you've been having them every two or three days there'll be 30 days and you won't even have one and you'll know that you've been made well i want you to lift your hands and start thanking god for it now it's already done don't expect them to come but i'm telling you you're going to have the first 30 days free of any sort of migraine headache you've ever known and it shall not return lift your hands before the lord [Music] father in jesus name i pray for your people lay your hands upon yourself right now i am telling you by the spirit of grace there are supernatural things going on and it's not me that's doing it it's your faith see the word of god just came to you and faith came see it wasn't my preaching while i was preaching you heard god that's what the word will do the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of god god has just spoken he's just born witness he's just said something on the inside of people and faith is alive i want you to lay your hands upon yourself i want every person under the sound of my voice who has heard the word who knows the spirit of god has spoken to you those who know something supernatural is happening in your life in this room and watching me live streaming i just want you to lay your hands upon yourself i am telling you in the name of jesus when you understand that faith is an act that faith is not faith and don't get me seen or heard then you understand also why in moments like this the spirit of god will direct and move upon you and i to sow something to release something into the anointing into the moment oh the unbeliever will never understand the skeptic [Music] will remain in his skepticism but the man or woman of god who understands this kingdom of faith understands that an action at the word of the lord in a moment like this can change everything i want you right now just lay your hands up on yourself i want every person under the sound of my voice to get ready and i want you to sow into this moment and into this anointing i need you to hear me because as i was ministering here the spirit of the lord spoke to me a word the bible says believe in the lord your god so shall be you as so shall you be established believe his prophets those that speak under divine inspiration so shall you prosper and that doesn't mean just get rich it means it shall go well with you in the things and endeavors of life lay your hands upon yourself the holy spirit just spoke to me that there are people under the sound of my voice and you are believing for a miracle and your faith has come alive some of you have received a miracle and you know it your faith is a lie others of you you know that this message this moment this season just like the woman with the issue of love the bible says she knew within herself there's something you know now within yourself that you were not certain of an hour and a half ago but now you know that you know that you know i'm talking to you i want every one of you that can in faith along with me today to sow a very specific seed and the lord he spoke this to me just a moment ago he said i want you to have them to sow a seed of 1 4 0 140. it's 70 times 2. 70 is the impartation seed but this is more than an impartation that's happening here there is an impartation happening but something is being doubled now in your life in your faith in your understanding and in your circumstance i tell you about the spirit of god that you can dismiss me you can whatever if you think i'm messing around just ignore me don't do anything but if you are hearing the voice within my voice i am telling you today there is not only an impartation there is a life-changing miraculous thing being released and some things are going to double for you hallelujah some of you are going to get double god said i'll do it that's a that's a promise from god he said even now i say i will restore to you double i hear it in my spirit so i want every person under the sound of my voice who can in faith right now to get that seed and sow it one four zero if the spirit of god is bearing witness with your spirit do it now there are others of you god spoke to you even before the service god spoke to you as i was preaching and said so a five hundred thousand thousand dollars if god said it then do it you know his voice do what he says there are others of you who say bishop mcclendon i would so that if i could but i can't so that i'll i'll sow the seventy impartations either i'm gonna sow at another level hear me now the bible says if their first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has i tell people all the time especially in moments like this when the anointing of god is flowing the power of god is moving and faith is high whenever a man or woman of god speaking under the anointing of god tells you to sow something if you've got it do it if you don't then do the very best you can the bible says the first be a willing heart it is accepted and god will honor it just like you sowed 140 or 1040 why because you're doing what he said right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way for you to sew i want you i'm talking to you i want you to click it and i want you to sow into this moment and into this anointing listen some of you were asking god god what is going on what is happening why are things not happening and an answer just came to you need to thank god for his word and thank god that he spoke to you right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way to sew or you can text give you can text cem to 41444 just follow the prompts and give as god has directed you give as god has spoken to you there's a number on your screen 310-323-2600 i have trained prayer ministers who know how to believe and agree with you for miracles in your life if you are believing god for the miracle if you've received one you need to call us and let us know but if you know something happened i want you to mix your faith and your giving i want you to sow the seed i want you to call the number there are some of you you need to call that number and allow someone to agree with you do it now 310-323-2600 call them say listen i need agreement with this i'm sowing this seed into the anointing and i'm believing god they're going to pray with you and a miracle is on the other side of your act of faith you've got the bishop mclennan app that's an easy way for you to sew easy way for you to do it just download the app from google or uh or itunes and so as the spirit of god directs you or you can bring that gift here any time tuesday through thursday 11 to 3 or come worship with us live every single week people drive they walk by here and so because of the anointing and the word that's flowing here if god is leading you to do it there's something to it that might be your action of faith so whatever he's telling you to do [Music] do it now if you have given i want you to lift your hands before the lord if you're in the process of giving i want you to stop what you're doing and i want you to lift your hand before i want you to agree with me i want you to receive this prayer father in the name of jesus i set myself in agreement with my brother my sister has heard your word who's believing and acting in faith right now god i agree with them for the miracles in their life that they need and i boldly declare it is as you say it is it is as your word has declared it is and it is well with the righteous i want you with your hands lifted you'll fin if you haven't finished giving you can finish right after we get done with this but i want you to say this i want you to release your faith i want you to declare this say in the name of jesus i receive my miracle in the name of jesus i declare my faith is making me well my faith is making things well and i boldly confess there is a harvest coming to me on the seed that i have sown in favor it's coming in finance it's coming in things being added to me it's coming you say bishop why do you say that because that's what the word promises when you give now in the name of jesus say it out loud in the name of jesus i declare my every need is met and i shall see it manifest in jesus name amen and amen now whatever the spirit of god has directed you to do you finish doing it there are some people watching me glory to god there are some people watching me and the holy spirit spoke to you to sow and you don't understand why you're being told to sow in the way you're being told but the spirit of god just said there are some people who haven't moved yet and i'm dealing with them and i've already released a miracle toward them tell them to act on my word whatever whatever god's telling whatever he's telling you to sow you need to do it there's something supernatural you've been told in the name of jesus do it as we continue to worship finish what god directed you to do get the elements we're going to take communion in jesus name yes it is well [Music] say it again it is well it is well world with my soul with my soul my [Music] i want you to get the bread get the cup whether you have crackers and juice or bread and water cookies and orange juice the bible says the bread which we bless the cup which we bless is it not how we commune how we partake how we become the benefactors of what jesus has accomplished for us with his blood and body through the finished work of the cross so the moment we bless it god honors it and he will use it as he has purposed the father in jesus name i bless this bread i bless this cup i release grace and anointing in this moment and i declare that from this moment as we honor your words these elements are used for exactly what you have purpose to accomplish in the lives of your beloved [Music] the lives of your people and i declare every blessing and every attribute of the finished work of jesus flows to your people as we honor these words of yours in jesus name now take the bread lift it up and remember that jesus said this is my body given for you i've spoken often about the visitation i had from the lord jesus when he spoke to me concerning communion and he taught me that it's not just an ordinance it's a weapon in the hand of the new creation he told me it was the wisdom of god for the new creation he said to me in that visitation and thereafter that his table is a healing table it's the operating table of the great physician and when we take this bread we are to receive the body one jesus two bodies it was sown one way it was raised another he said when you take this bread you are to receive the body that took your sin took your sickness took your disease that body that hung on that cross and to understand that if he bore it you don't have to bear it and it is illegal for satan to charge you twice for that which jesus has already paid for once these were the words of the lord jesus to me when he taught me about this and i tell you in the name of jesus paul said when you and i would rightly discern that body as we do this he said many that are sick will no longer be sick many that are weak will no longer be weak and he said many that sleep their death sentences would be canceled because of this act of believing lift that bread and say these words out loud say lord jesus i receive the body that you gave for me as my own heaven has it recorded that i was with you through the entire process of your death your burial your resurrection your ascension and your seating i was with you and therefore i declare my sins are remitted i am changed i am transformed i declare all my diseases are healed i declare that through your poverty i have been made rich i receive it [Music] in the name of jesus my god there's power flowing here let's all eat together [Music] the bible says then jesus took the cup and he said this cup is the new covenant the word literally means agreement the hebrew word is buried the new agreement in my blood he didn't say that the cup was his blood he said it's the agreement when you drink this you are receiving the agreement that the father and jesus have made that you and i come into when we are placed in christ jesus what is that [Music] what is that agreement in the new covenant it's spoken of in hebrews 8 where god says i will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your lawless deeds i will remember no more it is that there is nothing standing between you and god's goodness except your willingness to receive it and every benefit every blessing no matter who you are what you've done where you've been or how long you've been doing it it is still secure to you why because the covenant is not between you and god it's between god and jesus two who cannot fail and you and i come into that covenant when we are placed in christ jesus do you understand so we are the body but he's the head the agreement is with him so every promise is still sure to you everything god has said still belongs to you if you can dare to believe it you can have it lift that cup and say in the name of jesus lord i thank you i received the new i received that glorified body and i declare as you are so am i in this world say it out i boldly confess every benefit of the new creation every benefit of the new covenant is mine i receive it in the name of jesus now say this out loud i move to the other side of this situation in jesus name now whatever you need ask him for it ask him now ask him and i say lord i believe i receive this and when i drink this cup it's settled [Music] let's all drink together [Music] and the people said [Music] amen and amen listen if you have never accepted christ jesus as your savior and lord whether you're here in this room with me or whether you're watching me live streaming i want every person under the sound of my voice to lift your hands up right now the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved i want you to say these words out loud with me [Music] say lord jesus [Music] i thank you for your finished work on my behalf you are the reconciler you are the one who has made me one again with god lord i thank you you were the atoning victim you were the one who paid the penalty and your resurrection said your resurrection is my receipt it is my evidence that your sacrifice was accepted and now i am accepted there is nothing separating me from your love and your goodness i receive it now [Music] in the name of jesus i am saved if you prayed that prayer and meant it your name is written down in the lamb's book of life your sins are remitted i want you to write me at bishop let me know i prayed the prayer of salvation call us at 310-3232 let us know that you prayed with us we want to know we want to help you begin walking with the lord in every way that we can i'm going to pray for you now i want you to lift your hands as we bring this time of ministry to a close i want to pray god's protection around your life father in the name of jesus we thank you for your people and now i pray a heads of protection around them in the north the south the east and west around them their households their families their goods and all they have on every side i declare that everything their hands touch prospers i declare that they continue to increase in the land lord which you give them and we boldly confess now that the angels of the lord encamp round about us and they deliver us because we are those that fear the lord in the name of jesus amen god bless you we'll see you by his grace next week [Music] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,150
Rating: 4.8579884 out of 5
Id: YhAA4iydjE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 0sec (14340 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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