For 5 years, my son didn't talk to me. When I disappeared, he shouted, "Mom, bring me a beer!"

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I asked you to bring me a beer this is how it always is when my son and his wife talk to me we've been living together for 5 years and they've never really listened to me they usually ignore me or just boss me around like I'm their maid my daughter-in-law Jean talks badly about me to everyone and my son Paul treats me like I'm just here to clean up after them I decide to ignore them and pretend to watch TV acting like I can't hear them I'm fed up with them only paying attention when they want something and ignoring me the rest of the time after a while of ignoring them Jean grabs the remote and turns off the show I was watching I'm surprised when she says loudly right next to my ear hey mother-in-law can you hear me make sure you make Paul's lunch tomorrow okay her voice was so loud it made my ears ring and I couldn't help but Grimace seeing my reaction my daughter-in-law laughed and left the living room with my son I couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't be a bit more considerate especially since I'm her husband's mother and she relies on me every day but judging from my son's Behavior it seemed like I was just a maid to her there was no apology from either of them and I didn't feel like they cared about how I felt frustrated I sent an email to my husband and decided to leave the house my name is Karen and I'll be turning 72 this year 5 years ago my son and his wife asked if it could move in with me because they were worried about the future and wanted to save money since then we've been living together as two families in one house if you live with us mom you'll feel safer right H maybe you're right my husband is a workaholic he started his own company when he was young and still works hard even at 73 our house felt quiet after our son moved out when I talked to my husband about our son and his wife moving in with us he just said do whatever you like so with not much discussion and feeling a bit bored I agreed hoping life would get livelier when they moved in my son's wife Jean and I split the housework but as she said her part-time job got busier I ended up doing more and more she helps if I ask but usually she's reluctant or busy with her own stuff so I stop asking for her help and I do everything myself feeling unappreciated even at meal times with the whole family there's hardly any conversation I guess I got used to it like with my husband one day while I was making dinner for 3 as usual I got a message from my husband saying I'll be late for work don't need dinner this wasn't unusual but the problem was with my son and his wife dad's going to be late huh yeah I'm not hungry either oh I'm going out with a friend so I don't need dinner why are you telling me this I've already made it I said it's okay just save it for tomorrow even though it was dinner time they were about to leave without a word if I didn't say anything they could have told me earlier if they didn't need dinner it seemed like they'd never think to consider me first I couldn't help but feel frustrated at their rudess but they left without any apology what am I working so hard for I sat in a quiet living room looking at the dinner I'd already prepared not going to waste what am I even doing just thinking about it made me feel so tired I wrapped up the still warm dinner and put it in the fridge before heading to bed the next morning when I came downstairs my husband who had woken up earlier apologized saying I'm sorry our conversation was short as usual it could have ended there but when my husband noticed my expression he furrowed his brows slightly and asked did Paul and his wife have dinner no they said they didn't eat and went out I replied I see my husband said noticing the dinner for three in the fridge I was glad to finally have a conversation after so long so I told him what happened last night my usually quiet husband listened carefully after hearing me out he gently said you don't have to do everything he acknowledged that our son's Behavior was becoming worse every day but that doesn't mean you should overwork yourself his words felt like a weightlifting off my shoulders I realized I had been pushing myself too hard and felt relieved that my husband understood my son and his wife were grown-ups now so I didn't need to do everything for them with that realization the situation seemed a bit brighter I might be late for from work again so you don't need to prepare dinner for me tonight my husband said oh okay I replied with a smile with his words in mind I decided it was time for my son and his wife to understand this too even though it was Sunday I said goodbye to my husband and made up my mind to stand up to my son and his wife once my husband left my son and his wife finally woke up in the afternoon still in their pajamas they came into the living room and immediately asked what's for lunch why don't you have what's left for from yesterday but you could at least warm it up for us or set it on the table you're not small children you can do it yourself I replied well mother-in-law you were getting old aren't you Jean my daughter-in-law joked with a laugh and Paul my son joined in looking at me I'm exhausted because Jean hasn't been helping with the housework at all I said oh can't you manage without me is it your menopause or something Jean retorted laughing their attitudes made me sigh they went back to their room without cleaning up after eating seeming unbothered as expected my husband didn't return until late that night since I didn't need to cook for him I bought myself a ready-made meal from the supermarket oh Mom what are you eating readymade food what about dinner Paul asked I don't know mother-in-law what are you thinking have you forgotten about your family Jean added I wondered if Jean was incapable of having a conversation without throwing in some bark I decided to ignore my daughter-in-law which seemed to quiet Paul down however he quickly picked up his phone and started complaining again you don't work Mom you should at least take care of the house I thought that since it was their day off they could prepare their own meals for once but instead they decided to order delivery give us the money later Paul said which made me lose my patience especially since they were always talking about saving money I agreed not to ask them for money to cover our living expenses and I never bothered them about it but I never expected them to take advantage of me like this I decided to completely ignore them refusing to do anything for my son and daughter-in-law who showed such disrespect hey Mom beer Paul demanded while Jean kept making snide remarks Paul talked to me like I was their housemate ignoring them I turned my back and pretended to watch TV acting like I couldn't hear them after a while of ignoring them seemed like she gave up and stopped talking to me but this piece didn't last long before I knew it my daughter-in-law snuck up behind me grabbed the TV remote and turned off the TV startled I looked up only for her to shout into my ear hey mother-in-law can you hear me make sure to prepare lunch for Paul tomorrow okay her voice was so loud it hurt my ears making me Flinch laughing at my reaction my daughter-in-law left the living room with Paul I couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't show a bit of courtesy especially considering that I'm her husband's mother and she relies on me regularly but judging from Paul's attitude it seemed like I was nothing more than a ma to her as it turned out there was no sign of consideration for me at all and I didn't even hear an apology for last night's dinner from either of them letting out a deep sigh I sent a text to my husband and made up my mind to leave the house early the next morning I packed my things and left before they woke up when I arrived at a nearby business Hotel my Fone buzzed with texts from Paul who had just woken up before heading to work apparently they were in quite a chaos this morning texts and calls from both of them flooded my phone when I checked the messages all I saw were complaints like what are you doing I told you I need lunch Jean also sent a mocking text are you wandering around forgetting your responsibilities it seemed they were struggling just because I hadn't prepared breakfast for them which made me chuckle a bit seeing a call from Paul during his lunch break I decided it was time to talk to him you finally picked up Mom where the hell are you and what are you doing Paul's voice sounded impatient it's none of your business is it you didn't even prepare our food where are you Paul you're not a child you can make your own food can't you I responded feeling irritated if he had struggled so much to prepare just one meal he should have shown some appreciation but to my surprise he said something unexpected I'm paying for living expenses so I need you to do the housework living expenses what are you talking about I never received such a thing I said puzzled why not Jean should have been giving it to you every month so don't lie Paul insisted claiming he was paying me living expenses despite my truthful denial Paul started calling me a liar the truth is my husband covers all their living expenses including their food even after explaining this repeatedly Paul refused to believe me I could hear Jean in the background saying you're probably just playing dumb and spending it for yourself unable to continue the conversation I ended it and said I don't know what I don't know and I don't plan to come home for a while why not what are we supposed to do for food Paul's voice sounded desperate figure it out yourselves by now I hung up the phone and let out another big sigh why do they believe they're not in the wrong even after all this I didn't understand what Paul was talking about earlier when he mentioned our living expenses about a week after I left the house the situation improved my husband who had come to check on me apparently talked to Paul and Jean and their texts suddenly became more respectful and submissive wondering what had happened I received a text from my husband Paul and Jean want to apologize if you feel like it please come home thanks to my husband's talk they finally seemed to understand I replied to my husband's text made prep aspirations and decided to go home that day when I returned home Paul and Jean were waiting at the entrance their faces pale and worn out it seemed they were quite upset by the lecture from my husband I decided to hear the story about this past week from them and my husband about the living expenses I mentioned on the phone I said I didn't receive them right I asked you said you wanted to save money so I didn't say anything actually dad was really mad at us about that Paul explained it seemed my son had mled his father about his contribution to the household expenses believing I had been lying and portraying me as the villain however when my husband explained the reality of my busy schedule and showed him our household book Paul quieted down you couldn't even believe me but Jean kept saying that she was giving you the money so what happened to your living expenses I asked feeling betrayed from my son's perspective he was definitely paying so he must have been baffled but the money wasn't reaching me it seemed my husband and some confront to Jean and made her confess at first Jean pretended ignorance but when my husband confronted her she finally confessed everything I'm appalled she was accusing me of squandering money on the phone but it turns out she was just talking about herself I said feeling betrayed but living with my in-laws can be stifling and everyone was inviting me so I just just because of that you thought it was okay to embezzle our living expenses you made me look like a fool too Paul inter rejected his voice full of frustration what you're acting all high and mighty too Jean retorted defensively at the point when the two of them began to stray from the topic and argue my husband cleared his throat loudly startled by his sudden Interruption Paul and Jean fell silent immediately seemingly terrified of my husband's disapproval I couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction like children caught misbehaving excuses excuses cut the crap first you should sincerely apologize to your mom my husband said firmly I'm sorry I'm sorry the two of them finally bowed their heads to me but Paul still tried to justify himself saying he had been taking it easy because it was his home I've been busy at work and I just wanted to relax at home he added so what about your mother who was being taken for granted and mocked by her big son and his wife even at her own home my husband's words cut through my son's excuses leaving him speechless I'm appalled at son who despite his age still relies on his parents Jean who took advantage of that to embezzle money my husband continued his tongue firm Mom I'm sorry you see I'm apologizing to you Paul said trying to make amends do you think an apology makes everything okay please reflect on yourself a bit I responded firmly the two of them thought that bowing their heads to me would resolve everything smoothly and they were flustered by my words and tried to make excuses but I could see through their scheme and I shook my head whether you contribute to the living expenses or not I can't Overlook that attitude you have to learn to be more grateful I said firmly but aren't you worried about your future too mother-in-law Paul interjected yes I'm full of worries about relying on people like you how can you talk to us like that I retorted you Splurge our living expense out of stress from living with us Jean added defensively I can't have someone like you stay with us any longer I stated firmly silencing them with my resolve they needed to learn once again how rude their actions were while living together as a couple later we managed to have them move out in the days that followed Jean my son's wife started to come to our house occasionally to learn household chores from me she continually vented about how my son Paul did not lift a finger to help with any housework as she had always been showing off to her colleagues I assumed she couldn't complain to anyone else now I understand just how much I relied on you Karen she admitted indeed and yet you have the audacity to accuse me of being deaf and squandering money I remarked feeling Vindicated unable to live with us anymore and facing Financial constraints due to her misuse of funds Jean fervently complained about her now austere life however as I listened I couldn't help but feel that she was simply facing the consequences of her actions as for Paul he started started to bring home delicious snacks as gifts from time to time seemingly trying to make up for his previous lack of consideration although he still mentioned his past Behavior occasionally I appreciated his efforts I knew he wasn't the most expressive or communicative person but his gestures were touching nonetheless during our discussions with Paul and Jean my husband expressed his gratitude saying thanks for your hard work honey I appreciate it I'm glad that I can talk to my husband been like this again I reflected feeling grateful for the calmness that had returned to our lives despite the challenges we faced I found myself leading a life that was calmer and happier than before
Channel: Reddit Imagination Forge
Views: 16,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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