Alien Students Shocked by Earth's Combat History | HFY | SCI FI Short Stories

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the war with Earth didn't go so great no next question the old clout talk veteran grumbled his answer and looked around the class for another Cloud talk student with a claw raised and a question not so distressing the students however responded to this non-answer by all of them raising their claws excitedly so you want to know more the old war fighter said dejectedly as the class positively thrummed with excitement kids today always wanting to hear about the humans he began to unfold the story as he's told many times before first contact with the humans the students fall silent wrapped and eager hissing quietly at each other at the smallest sound or distraction by All rights it was our planet one through right of Conquest it wasn't even a very important farming planet with only a small temperate zone the old honored veteran begins farming Planet M St 3,333 was a dust ball with a massive underground freshwater ocean the water was Pure Clean and flowed up into nice soil ideal for the harsh food crops of the cindai race who colonized the planet the cloud talk found that the soil on this planet was also ideal for a favorite teal like beverage so naturally the clout talk Emperor blessed the syai colonist souls and ordered the attack it was fast thorough and no undue suffering of those ordered to die was allowed their bodies were treated with respect and returned to the cindai what the cloud talk didn't know was that the cindai recently found and befriended the humans mere days after scaring the planet and before the first of the equipment arrived to begin repurposing the fields the human ship arrived a single massive ship the humans United Earth Marine Corps the ship deployed without warning hundreds of ships flying out of it and into the atmosphere the old clout talk and his Battalion were guarding a key Valley behind a defensive Shi field wall that stops all weapons known to the Galaxy a single small ship landed far across the valley and deployed 30 40 human Marines in armor the cloudx weapons proved largely ineffective against the Marines armor they simply rushed forward two or three random and spaced out Marines at a time always advancing always firing an Unstoppable oncoming wave of deadly accurate Marines by the time you get your rifle targeting one Marine you'd been exposed for too long the old clout talk had watched no less than 10 of his companions in arms have their heads explode from the human marinees deadly accurate kinetic projectile weapons a full third of the human Marines peeled off from the formation using jump Jets to quickly move up into the side of the valley gaining elevation up the hill and assuming a position to the side of the Fortified Shield wall then they reigned down hell upon the clout Talk's exposed flank it was all the clout talk could do but cower and and hope not to get shot then the main body of the platoon of Marines roared loudly heard over the massive explosions from their weapons screaming assault through and then they charged the old Cloud's eyes already dim and distant seemed to lose all focus and he went silent just staring at nothing silence was like a heavy blanket covering the class the students dared not make a sound waiting to hear what happened next his eyes snapped back into Focus as he shook his head seeming to be back in the present again I had to do something I watched our Commander's head explode his second in command every leader of every platoon then Squad leaders we were leaderless the humans were going to be upon us in moments the clout talk looked at the students almost pleadingly trying to get them to understand we were doomed he sighed I had heard of a concept among a new species I guessed correctly that these humans were this new species it was a wild Unthinkable concept surrender he said the word and concept foreign in his mouth the students whispered and mumbled excitedly yes surrender as in deciding to stop fighting to decide to win by losing to this day it feels wrong but I saved all those lives I tore my own white uniform shirt off tied it around my rifle and told my best friend beside me my plan he thought I was quite insane of course tried to stop me but I jumped up above the Fortified Shield wall into the flying bullets and I waved that white flag I'd heard that this species the humans would not shoot someone who is surrendering again the students chattered a bit louder this time getting a harsh glare from the veteran they fell back into silence all at once the shooting stopped the humans halted their Advance as one it was over I had won by losing I had saved the rest of the battalion's lives a single human Marine stood up and calmly walked right up to me he simply said that he will accept our full unconditional surrender it took a while but we all came home safe and Alive Victorious losers the old clout talk took questions for a while describing how they were treated with respect and even friendliness by the human Marines their weapons were taken they were each interviewed the Marines built quarters for them for the weeks they in investigation took the Marines gave the planet back to the SE day and helped them rebuild the farming colonies he continued then one day the Marines told us all we were going home immediately put us on a ship and took us to a clout talk Outpost the Marines landed left our weapons boxed up on the ground ushered us out of their ship and launched back into space without so much as a goodbye he went on to answer questions now patiently and less gruffly about coming home to to his mate and children and how they spent many weeks together in near constant Embraces thankful to have survived he fondly brushed his medal of valor the highest award for the bravest of Heroes given to him personally by the emperor himself we feared humans after that for years our whole empire was terrified the humans would destroy us they threatened to if we attack their friends again but we never did so they never did in fact they established trade and wanted to become our friends it wasn't until the brick stick attacked one of our small farming planets that we became friends with the humans the brick stick killed our farmers and so I once again did the brave thing I went to the humans myself I braved going into their space alone certain they would not kill me because I've seen their eyes full of Mercy firsthand I went to them and I asked them to help us they sent the Marines they got us back our planet of course and they became our closest friends and allies ever since but that's another story not for today the students chattered on excitedly as the old Cloud talk went to the door and opened it saying I have a surprise for you kids this is Captain Johnson United Earth Marine Corps with that a massive human walked into the classroom balancing impossibly on only two legs towering at twice the height of the tallest Cloud talk wearing a breathtakingly perfect uniform eyes twinkling with mert and in a booming voice he thundered out a friendly greeting with a smile and a wave the kids chattering exploded in excitement and the teacher fainted and that's why this recruit joined the United Earth Marine Corps drill instructor to be the first clout talk Marine because there is no greater friend and No Worse Enemy the young c talk student now grown up and the first clout talk Marine recruit stood proudly in front of his rack at the position of attention with the massive human Marine drill instructor towering over him his di stared him down for the longest time then the DI handed the clout talk recruit back his rifle and simply said carry on recruit
Channel: Sci Fi Universe
Views: 61,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sci fi universe, SciFi, ScienceFiction, SCI FI STORY, ALIENS, hfy stories, HFY, hfy, best of hfy, alien story, sci fi, space horror stories, science fiction, Sci-Fi Mystery, Sci Fi Short Stories, Alien Students Earth, Sci Fi Alien Battles, Alien Education Earth, Human Galactic Wars, Alien Perception of Earth, Earth in Galactic Conflict, Sci Fi Education Stories, Shocking Alien Discoveries, Earth’s Military Strategy, Earth’s Unexpected Allies, Intergalactic Conflicts
Id: niK5oeI9lmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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