Husband Who Cheated Gets Divorced. I Say, "I'm Taking My Things." His Family: "Leave!" My Ex: What?

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with his parents because he got transferred but don't worry it's just temporary Bob seems happy to be back in his old home but I'm really eager to find our own place and move out soon the thing is I don't get along with my in-laws very well especially my mother-in-law she's always been a bit mean but now that we're living together she's even tougher to deal with Jessica why haven't you gone shopping yet you missed the early sale at the supermarket you're not very good at shopping efficiently are you I forgot to mention I work from home with permission from my company but I still have to work during the weekdays so I don't have the chance to go shopping during the supermarket's early bird sale time mom I've told you many times I work during the day so I can only go shopping after 5:00 p.m. but every time I say this my mother-in-law starts criticizing me look at her so full of her stuff can't even have a child Bob and I don't have kids we haven't gone to the hospital to see if there's a reason why I really wanted a child but with Bob's salary we couldn't afford the expensive treatments to help us have one even before we moved in with Bob's parents my mother-in-law's mean comments bothered me but it was easier to handle when we lived apart now that we're together all the time I hear gude remarks non-stop my father-in-law doesn't say mean things directly but he bothers me in his own way he thinks women over 30 or old and since I'm 35 he treats me like I'm ancient hey old lady pastor NE the asre and why are you wearing a skirt nobody wants to see your legs I want to say if I'm old what does that make you about to turn 60 I'm not a pushover so I always talk back when they say something rude about me but that just makes our relationship worse because they think I'm being bossy the atmosphere in the house is always tense and I'm starting to feel the strain of living here but after Bob's transfer he started working more on weekends and going on more business trips so we haven't had a chance to talk about moving out Jessica I have another business trip this weekend you just got back from one yourself seems like this new Branch requires a lot of travel before his transfer Bob had to work late sometimes but he hardly ever worked on weekends or went on business trips I get that work changes when you change jobs but isn't this a bit too much because of all this we haven't been able to find a new place to live even though we were only supposed to stay with my in-laws temporarily what if we end up having to stay with them for a long time that thought really scares me then one day something unexpected happened while unpacking Bob's bag after his business trip I found a piece of paper in his pocket it turned out to be a print out from a travel website at first I thought it was just his flight and hotel details for his trip but as I looked closer I couldn't believe what I saw there was a hotel reservation that included tickets to Disneyland for two people and the date was for the same day day Bob said he was on his business trip obviously Bob's work has nothing to do with Disneyland they deal with seafood not theme parks but that's not the point this meant that Bob wasn't really on a business trip he was actually spending 2 days at Disneyland and since the hotel reservation was for two people it was pretty clear he was there with someone else while I was still processing this shock I heard Bob humming It's a Small World After All in the shower the famous song from Disneyland he must have been reminiscing about his trip and humming without realizing but it seems like fun attractions aren't the only things on his mind during these business trips I was so Furious that I was ready to storm into the bathroom and confront Bob but just as I was about to his phone rang I was too angry to think straight so I picked up the call without hesitation hello hello for a brief moment I heard a woman's voice and then the call ended abruptly could it be I was convinced that the call was from the woman Bob went to Disneyland with his mistress when she heard my voice on Bob's phone she must have panicked and hung up I decided to check the call history on his phone Bob isn't really careful about security so I guessed his passcode might be his birthday and just like that the phone unlocked but what I found on his phone left me reeling there was undeniable evidence of his affair all over it the photo gallery was full of selfies of him and Other Woman the dates on the photos matched up with a times Bob said he was on business trips or working late I couldn't believe how careless he was leaving behind pictures of their intimate moments I checked the call history again and saw the name Melissa Smith so I looked for the same name in his WhatsApp contacts and opened their chat Bob I love you I want to be your wife soon it seemed like this Melissa was hoping to marry Bob maybe she's the one causing trouble in our relationship while I was thinking about this Bob came out of the bathroom ah that was refreshing he said casually drying his hair with a towel facing Bob who was drying his hair with a towel as if nothing was wrong I didn't waste any time feeling refreshed ha seems like you're refreshed in more ways than one ha I confronted him who is Melissa Smith I demanded Bob flinched At The Mention Of her name so it's true you've been lying about your business trips and spending time alone with this woman Melissa Smith where all those trips and extra work days just lies it's unforgivable why would you how did you I pointed my smartphone at Bob showing him the evidence all the proof is right here in this phone and don't talk about privacy Invasion when you're the one who's been cheating it's ironic that a man who's cheating can complain about privacy if you don't want people to see set a better password before we got married Bob and I promised each other he wouldn't cheat I told him if he did I'd leave him immediately my feelings haven't changed I can't stay married to someone who's with another woman let's get a divorce when I mentioned divorce Bob surprisingly agreed without arguing yeah I guess so it caught me off guard I expected more resistance was he already prepared for divorce once he got caught cheating I'll go get the divorce papers tomorrow you can tell your parents I told him Bob's agreement was surprisingly casual but once the decision was made there was no turning back and I had no intention of doing so was this the end of our marriage I felt a Pang of sadness the next day I left early to pick up the divorce papers from the city office and run some other errands when I returned home late at night I found my husband and his parents waiting for me so you finally decided to come back we were wondering how long you were going to wander around my mother-in-law remarked as soon as she saw me with Bob present she should already know about his cheating and our decision to divorce shouldn't she say something like an apology before making a SN comment but instead of apologizing my mother-in-law said something unbelievable well it doesn't matter at least you're finally leaving we don't want to see your face anymore so it's just as well you've been gone all day what do you mean I asked taken a back with a smug smile my mother-in-law replied to my question exactly as I said I'm fed up with seeing your face now that Bob is back you were just in the way you're always talking back and you lack any charm even when I tried to make you uncomfortable enough to leave it took you still long to catch on I finally had to use my secret weapon secret weapon I repeated confused my mother-in-law looked pleased you already know the name of Bob's girlfriend right yes something like Smith why was she checking if I knew the name of Bob's mistress he you see I have a friend from my book club Mrs Smith her daughter is such a well-mannered Charming young lady she's 10 years younger than you only 25 at that age she can have kids easily then my mother-in-law dropped a bong showell so I introduced Miss Smith's daughter to Bob excuse me I was shocked I never expected my mother-in-law to say something like this to me are you saying mother-in-law you arrang Bob's Affair oh arranged sounds so scandalous I simply introduced them she replied proudly I couldn't believe that a mother would encourage her own son to cheat on his wife and she was so proud to tell me about it what a terrible mother well I had no other choice Bob is our only child we need in here I would have even accepted you as my daughter-in-law if you'd had children but all you did was work never giving us any grandchild she continued beside her my father-in-law nodded in agreement so he was aware of his wife's actions do you understand a 35-year-old woman who can't even have kids is no longer necessary if you get it it then hurry up and leave my mother-in-law said triumphantly pointing at me after a moment of silence I replied I understand your perspective very clearly I'll leave as you wish I'll take all my things with me oh please do I doubt you have much to take with you anyway do you need help moving my mother-in-law laughed even though she didn't know it I would have the last laugh no it's fine don't worry about me everything's already arranged huh my mother-in-law looks surprised since I wasn't crying or upset besides mother-in-law I'm well aware that you were helping Bob cheat on me what Bob asked in a panic so what did you expect that I would let you cheat behind my back and not say anything to The Other Woman I made sure to note down her phone number when I checked your phone yesterday I said calmly Melissa was quite surprised when I called her and said I'm Bob's wife I'd like to meet with you apparently you've been lying to her claiming that you're single I set the record straight bob my mother-in-law and my father-in-law were all stunned they never expected me to take such decisive action in just one day Melissa found out that she was The Other Woman in your Affair and she was really upset and Mrs Smith was Furious too Bob your mother and you father-in-law she even talked about suing both of you for marriage fraud I couldn't help but feel for her so I promised to assist her in any way I could what Bob was VIs visibly shaken and my mother-in-law was in the same state considering the ordeal Melissa went through I chosen not to seek any compensation from her instead I'll increase the amount I'm demanding from you Bob and you mother-in-law and father-in-law compensation why should we have to pay for anything my father-in-law blurted out and panic it's one thing if it's just Bob but we're not involved he seemed to expect his son to face consequences for his actions but they never imagined they'd be the accountable too you think you can benefit without facing any consequences that's not how it works I replied actually you are involved the emotional distress caused by your behavior is more than enough reason for compensation don't you think as I said this with a smile my father-in-law fell silent and let's not forget what I do for a living I work at a law firm why don't I consult with my boss the attorney and see just how much we can squeeze out of you in compensation I already told my lawyer at the company about what's going on then we heard a car pull up in the driveway of they here hi we're from a moving company I said with a friendly Smile as I went to the door thanks for coming at such a late time I'm sorry for asking on short noce no worries we had an opening for the night shift it actually worked out well for me I got some other stuff done so let's get started right away oh and be careful there are some fragile things as I welcome them in a bunch of Ms came into the house and started collecting our stuff wait hang on my mother-in-law interrupted they started packing up my stuff just like I asked moving quickly and efficiently they packed up not just my clothes books and computer but also the things in the living room and kitchen hey wait a minute don't take that it's ours my mother-in-law complained no I brought all of these things here when we moved in they're mine I explained calmly when Bob and I first moved here because of his job the appliances in the in-laws house were old and worn out I couldn't stand it so I had our appliances sent over from our old apartment now it seemed like my mother-in-law had gotten used to the new appliances and thought they were hers there was a robot vacuum a cordless cleaner a fancy oven that could do lots of things an induction cook pop a special hair dryer and an espresso machine you're taking everything you greedy woman my mother-in-law yelled and tried to grab me but Bob stopped her mom it's all Jessica's stuff we can't change that he explained it looked like Bob understood what was happening but my mother-in-law wasn't ready to give up once you get used to better appliances it's hard to go back right if you're not happy why don't you just buy new ones but after paying compensation it seems unlikely you'll have enough money for fancy appliances while all this was happening the movers were quickly loading my things into their truck as I directed them they nodded to me and climbed into the truck all right I'm heading to the new address too please make sure everything arrives safely I told them as I watched the moving truck drive away I got into my car wait this car is mine too where's that truck going Bob asked huh oh I'm taking it to my old apartment the one I lived in before we had to move because of your job transfer it's my apartment the apartment I bought when I was single was put up for sale by a real estate agent because Bob got transfer for work but since the price was too high it never sold and I still own it the agent kept suggesting lowering the price but I'm glad I didn't I never thought something like this would happen as I buckled my seat belt I chuckled quietly thinking that maybe just maybe I had a feeling deeped down that this would happen What Bob looked confused making a puzzled face I set the selling price higher than the market rate on purpose so it wouldn't sell that way I could always go back to my apartment I explained Bob seemed to lose his strength upon hearing my words you you're feeling confident in my plan and letting my guard down I suddenly felt a shove from my mother-in-law who charged at me yelling I groaned in pain as she tried to throw a cutting board at me for another attack but then she was tackled by a black object and fell down screaming ah thank you Blackie I said holding the black object a stray cat named Blackie I quickly got into the moving truck truck and rushed to my new place to get away from my mother-in-law I don't know why Blackie the Stray Cat was there at that moment but I'm sure he came to help me because he has a strong sense of justice I'll give him some catnip as a thank you gift later after that Bob and I got divorced the law firm where I work file the lawsuit for compensation against Bob and his parents it's a real blessing that the young lawyers in training at the office took on my case for almost no fee at all even though a new Young lawyer is handling my case I feel safe because they have the support of a senior lawyer as for the lawsuit against Melissa Smith the senior lawyer himself took it on not the trainees he said he will file both criminal and civil lawsuits because of the seriousness of the situation he mentioned he's excited to file a criminal lawsuit since it's been a while even if they sell their house to pay Melissa Smith and me it probably won't be enough thinking about the life of poverty and debt waiting for them I can't help but smile I'm alone now but compared to living with those in-laws and my Unfaithful husband It Feels Like Heaven for now I want to enjoy the simple single life with Blackie the cat I unintentionally brought to my apartment
Channel: Reddit Imagination Forge
Views: 465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: hq4f3rk9d88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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