My SIL introduced me to her fiancé, "She is awesome, haha!" Then he immediately burst into laughter.

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my sister-in-law Catherine who invited her lawyer fiance to our house looked at me when I brought tea and said she is from a single parent family just a high school graduate but she'll be useful as a maid she introduced me that way Catherine has never even called me by name let alone so sure I may be from a single parent family and only have a high school diploma but neither my mother nor I live in a way that we ashamed of then Catherine's fiance suddenly burst out laughing what are you saying Catherine are you testing me and not falling for that trick Catherine blinked her big eyes my name is Alice 30 years old currently I'm a housewife with a one-year-old daughter before marriage I worked as a cleaner in a high-rise building my husband Thomas worked for the company in the building Thomas dislikes crowded elevators and always uses the stairs in the morning he would always greet me cheerfully as I clean the stairs during that time that's how we met and we got married after 2 years of dating Thomas works for a large corporation and his father is the head of another company's headquarters I hesitated a little when I received a marriage proposal I was happy but I was wondering if you was okay with me growing up in a single parent family I've never felt ashamed of it myself but I knew that family background in education can be issues in marriage but it was needless worry my in-laws John and Sarah welcomed me and were generous in celebrating our marriage they suggested living together in a big house when we got married and we all lived together now my mother-in-law usually doesn't interfere but she always says to rely on her whenever we're in trouble I'm happy to be a part of such a wonderful family among those who make me feel that way there's one person who troubles me my husband's sister Catherine are you kidding me you didn't go to college when my husband introduced me to Catherine that was her first reaction yes I came from a single parent family and wanted to start working early to help my mother as I answered Catherine Twisted her cute face you're from a single parent family is there really someone like that and you're marrying my brother it's totally gold digging what nonsense are you talking about Alice isn't thinking about marrying into money my husband laughed and didn't pay attention to her hey you're being deceived I'm just worried about my brother yeah yeah thanks both dad and mom have accepted and blessed us us isn't that enough to understand Alice's character really Catherine seemed genuinely surprised then as we passed each other she glared at me with frustration and whispered to herself so that my husband couldn't hear I'll never accept you as our family true to her declaration even after marriage Catherine disliked me of course she never called me sill but instead referred to me as high school graduate what's despicable about Catherine is that she never utters such words in front of my husband or in-laws her harsh words and calling me high school graduate were reserved for when she spoke to me directly but I couldn't tell my good-natured husband about my sister-in-law's harassment the in-laws don't want to hear their son's wife tell them about her own daughter and I doubt they will believe it I I told my husband once that I felt like Catherine hated me she's spoiled rotten because she's always been pampered it must Ur that Dad and Mom like Alice but my husband just laughed it off Catherine usually behaves very politely and aristocratically even her own brother Thomas probably has never seen her true colors in reality Catherine attended a prestigious private girls school from middle school through college and after graduating she worked as a receptionist at a major corporation she's had the epitome of a privileged upbringing do you even know the educational background and occupation of our family we're Elite there's no way we could ever accept someone like you a high school graduate marrying in for money she said when we were alone that's not it please listen I just married Thomas because I love him I protested you just deceived my honest and kind brother I won't stand for it I'll expose your true colors and make sure you're driven out it seems that Catherine can't stand the idea of a high school graduate like me joining her perfect life as a family member and that mysterious anger of hers seemed to swell even more when I became pregnant and gave birth that was when I returned to my in-laws house after giving birth with our baby girl Emily in my arms you're just trying to secure your place in this house by having a child that's typical of someone with only a high school education but even if you pass on those low class genes it won't be suitable for our family after going through childbirth for the first time and still feeling exhausted I couldn't help but argue against such cruelty forget about me but don't don't speak ill of my baby she is a treasure to Thomas and me I pleaded that's true it is for you isn't it Catherine smirked maliciously with her refined face a child tainted with the jeans of a high school graduate isn't intellectually suitable for our household you should leave with her right away how can you say such terrible things she's your niece it's all your fault got it all your fault if it were someone with a proper background and a good college education marrying my brother I'd welcome her with open arms look beyond the titles and see the substance of a person I couldn't help but retort strongly Catherine's mouth Twisted oh are you feeling feasty today do you think you're all high and mighty now that you've had a child if that child is precious to you then be mindful of your position what a horrible thing to say of course if you tell on my mom or brother you won't get away with it Catherine looked at Emily and my arms as she said this I was horrified by her gaze and her words I was terrified of what she might do to Emily I had to protect Emily at all costs as I fell silent Catherine looked down at me with satisfaction and walked away after that I became even more cautious than before to avoid provoking Catherine I tried my best to avoid any interaction with her and made sure not to say anything unnecessary when we gathered as a family or when Catherine was around eventually I was so preoccupied with taking care of my first child that I didn't have the energy to worry about Catherine anymore since Catherine didn't pay as much attention to me as before I briefly hoped that she had softened her attitude towards Emily's cuteness but I was wrong oh isn't she crying too much it's probably because of those jeans from a high school graduate Catherine would yell like that during the period when Emily cried a lot at night babies cry you know I'm telling you her crying is abnormal normally they stop crying right away don't they can't you even take care of a child properly you really can't do anything Catherine's yelling with a fish expression was much noisier in fact neither my husband nor my in-laws would wake up even when Emily cried at night well I think my husband could wake up if he wanted to even when talking to friends who had children of the same age Emily's crying which would stop as soon as she was picked up seemed adorable but of course I wouldn't say that out loud with little sleep and exhausted from child care I didn't have have the energy to argue back at that time in the end the only thing that changed was that there were fewer opportunities for her to curse at me as I was busy taking care of the baby all the time she hadn't changed at all if anything her attitude towards me had become harsher still as long as I endured it everything else in this household went smoothly I spent my days supported by the love for my daughter more than a year passed in this way then one day the living room was buzzing with the news that Catherine was getting married it seemed that there would be a meeting between the two families at a restaurant while changing my daughter's diaper and listening from behind Catherine approached me my fiance will come over next week make sure you behave properly isn't it a meeting at the restaurant I asked yes at a high-end restaurant but my brother and insisted on introducing him to everyone at home I see congratulations you'll serve us then by the way my fiance is a lawyer Catherine said with a pleased tone what a lawyer Catherine seemed pleased with my reaction are you that surprised well you wouldn't have a chance to meet someone like him being a high school graduate and all no that's not what I meant your acquaintance is is only the cleaning lady there's a world of difference isn't there there's no difference in occupation the seniors at my workplace are all respectable people yay yay it's a small world isn't it you should learn your place properly anyway you'll serve us will you for Catherine who prioritized status having a lawyer as her fiance was something to boast about she's still the same as ever by the way her fiance is a lawyer my husband mentioned it at night next week Catherine's bringing her fiance over to introduce him to us so be nice okay sure I replied I heard she asked me to serve them tea oh really I see since Mom and Dad are going shopping before heading to the restaurant they're not here right then I'll watch over Emily while they're gone okay I heard Catherine's fiance is a lawyer seems like it do you know his name yeah I know it tell me and also there's something I need to talk to you about what's that and then the day arrived my in-laws had left earlier and Catherine arrived with her fiance hey bro hell this is my fiance Daniel nice to meet you I'm Daniel I'm Thomas brother nice to meet you too is as my husband exchanged greetings Emily who had been napping woke up and her cries could be heard sorry I'll be right back as my husband left the living room I went to get some Dean sweets thank you Daniel Catherine's fiance said politely but Catherine with a quick glance at me said to her fiance Daniel doesn't this woman look like a mate she's technically my sill but I'd rather not call her that what yay you can't tell can you she's from a single parent family just a high school graduate but she'd be useful as a housekeeper she introduced me that way it's true I'm from a single parent family and I'm just a high school graduate but neither my mother nor I lead lives to be ashamed of then Catherine's fiance suddenly burst out laughing what are you saying Catherine are you testing me I won't fall for that Catherine's eyes widened in surprise you're trying to see how I'll react right testing my character wait what are you saying Daniel well what she's married to my brother but she's not our family just think of her as a housekeeper okay Catherine that's enough you surprised me how come it's surprising that Catherine's s is the daughter of Maria a lawyer what a small world what what are you talking about Catherine exclaimed in shock then Daniel turned to me long time no you're Alice right I'm Danielle who was doing legal training at the law firm where your mother worked yeah it's been a while Daniel you've really become quite impressive oh I'm still far from it but it's surprising isn't it to meet again like this how's your mom doing hey wait a minute are you acquainted as Daniel and I smiled at each other Catherine's voice suddenly changed he answered looking puzzled what are you talking about this was supposed to be a surprise you know back in the day I really looked up to myria who is that Maria the lawyer Maria is Alice's Mother Catherine was momentarily shocked then burst into laughter Daniel you've got the wrong person but this is too funny you think that's funny this woman here is a high school graduate and it's just her and her mother her mother is only a high school graduate there's no way a poor family like that could know someone like you as Catherine proudly spoke his expression gradually changed oh no is this okay so were you serious earlier about calling your Alice a housekeeper as if unaware of his changing tone Catherine continued to laugh so you don't have to call her sister just think of her as a high school graduate she deceived my brother into marrying her for money Catherine you're not acting are you do you really believe that yay so don't worry you don't have to consider her part of your family even if you marry me right I see the mismatched conversation between Catherine who seemed oblivious to everything and her fiance who seemed to have figured it all out out was comical well let's head to the restaurant where Mom and Dad are waiting no I can't go what's wrong I'm calling off our engagement what are you talking about Catherine's voice Rose sharply as she forced a smile I'm disappointed to find out what kind of person you really are speaking ill of your brother's wife who's become family wait why does our engagement have to end because of that you don't say such things to other people you're saying she's not suitable for my brother or even you because she's a high school graduate from a single parent family right panicking Catherine continued to Heap scorn upon me so you're looking down on Alice just because she's a high school graduate from a single parent family he took a deep breath this woman is the daughter of a lawyer I deeply respect what's going on Katherine's eyes widened that means you've got the wrong person right it's impossible could the daughter of the lawyer be a high school graduate and before marriage she worked as the cleaner you judge people based on their profession and education don't you is it wrong Catherine's expression changed at her fiance's icy tone you can become a lawyer even without graduating from college don't you know that if is it really Daniel intervened can I talk I interjected turning to him for confirmation before facing Catherine true my mother and I both graduated from high school but my mother is a lawyer a high school graduate can't take the bar exam to take the bar exam you have to either study at a law school or pass a preliminary exam my mother studied hard and passed the preliminary exam qualifying to take the bar exam a preliminary exam is an exam that proves the same level of competence as graduating from law school it requires tremendous effort but for a high school graduate this would be the quickest route fiance added do you really think only those who graduate from a University's law school can become lawyers you who graduated from a good University must know better than that right I didn't know that what about after passing the bar exam I know about that just passing the bar exam isn't enough you have to undergo a year-long apprenticeship to become a lawyer right yes legal apprenticeship and she passed that while raising a child in a single parent household that's why I graduated high school is that so my mom decided to become a lawyer so she studied tirelessly while working it took her 3 years to pass the preliminary exam and she passed the bar exam on her second attempt that was when I was in ninth grade apprentices receive a stipend in housing allowance but it's just enough to focus on their training without worrying about living expenses it wouldn't be enough with a child I nodded and continued my Mom married and gave birth to me by running away couple when she was young so she couldn't rely on her parents even after the divorce she encouraged me to go to college but I chose to work are you that proud you're still a high school graduate I've seen firsthand how hard my mom studied I wanted her to be able to dedicate herself to her apprenticeship without worrying about money that's why working and earning money was the best option for me at the time I still believe that and I have no regrets then I heard a sobbing sound sniff sniff Mom are you crying about this story again because it can't be helped mom Thomas said Catherine paled as she saw Thomas holding his daughter and her mother suddenly entering mom why are you here since when I knew from the start from when you started calling Alice a maid or something oh no you were worried about Alice say lack of education at first but then you stopped saying anything so I thought you understood but turns out you were just putting on an act in front of us that is Alice never snitched on anyone you know but after our baby was born when even Emily became the target of your criticism she finally opened up to me even JN and I couldn't believe it that would look down on Alice and Bully her well Mom that's not it it's too late now what Thomas asked me too I'm sorry Sarah for deciding to break off the engagement without asking Daniel I should be the one apologizing sorry for what our daughter did wait a minute what's going on here hold on Catherine looked like she was about to burst into tears any moment now it's a relief that your fiance is a decent guy I thought he'd know Alice's mom at least when he said he's a lawyer never thought they'd actually know each other yeah I was surprised too I exchanged glances with my husband what's going on exactly what does this mean Catherine glared at me her eyes watery I told you before we got married that my mom's a lawyer but you don't remember how you never intended to become family with me who is from a single parent family did you maybe you didn't even listen I didn't hear anything about that your fiance mentioned being a lawyer so I passed on the name to my mom I never thought he'd be someone who was in legal training and then what did you do I didn't do anything don't lie to me I just got a call from Maria that's all she just told me congratulations on my engagement oh what I haven't told my mom or Daniel about what you did if you had introduced me to them as just a normal s none of this would have happened that is not true Catherine turned pale but even if your mom is a liar the fact remains that you are a high school graduate and haven't done any studying once your mom started making money you relied on that and now you're relying on a rich Big Brother no Alice has a qualification as a Judicial scrier really a judicial scrier Catherine's eyes widened she studied while working as a cleaner following in my mom's footsteps now I'm focusing on raising my kid though and she also has a qualification as a cleaner what was it again you know a professional house cleaner it's a national qualification seriously that's impressive Daniel said admiringly you look down on cleaners but I think it's an important job you're prestigious animator and big Corporation stay clean because of people doing that kind of work you know maybe and when I started working After High School my seniors and colleagues never looked down on me they all taught me the job carefully and I respect them as people Daniel nodded your ability to go to a good University on an escalator is thanks to your parents right have you shown gratitude or put in effort yourself I have way more respect for people who work hard in society even if they only have a high school education than those who look down on others based on their academic background hey Daniel I was really disappointed in you hey why why am I going through this why surrounded by everyone's cold gaze Catherine broke down in tears years after that the engagement was called off and no matter how much Catherine begged it couldn't be be reversed our usually mild-mannered Mel and Phil were Furious after hearing the whole story try living on your own strength for once they said and they kicked Catherine out of the house Catherine who had been boasting about marrying a lawyer couldn't bear the Curious looks from others and ended up quitting her job because she's so proud and concerned about her status finding a new job is proving difficult she some times comes back home to seek forgiveness but she's promptly sent away at the front door by her parents I once said to Catherine should I introduce you to a cleaning job don't be ridiculous there's no way I'd do such a bottom tier job and she shouted and stormed out even though there's still hope if she could just ask for help here people really don't change that easily as for me I've been relieved of the Suffocation I felt alone and have been raising my my children freely I was apologized to by my in-laws and husband and I apologized to them for keeping quiet our family bond seems to have deepened even more Katherine's exence tanel reunited with my mother and she was also delighted I couldn't become a brother-in-law with him but I think we can continue to have a good relationship Mom Mom it's here my 2-year-old daughter who can now speak two words sentences said excitedly as I picked her up she giggled happily I've promised myself to continue living in a way that I won't be ashamed of to this child just like my mother did for me as I looked at my daughter's innocent smile I made a vow in my heart
Channel: Love Strike
Views: 39,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revenge one, revenge stories, revenge returns, revenge cinema, revenge diaries, reddit real voice, reddit top posts, revenge text story, text story revenge, r/aita top posts, Revenge Plot, revengeful climax, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, stories, percent marriage revenge, text story, revenge story, appletext, relationships, aita, redditstories, audio story, soul healing, AppleText, Text story, r/relationship, Relationships, Revenge story, love, family, true love
Id: yjgQ4W4rbsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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