Husband wants to bring parents on honeymoon or else divorce, but surprise twist!

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on the day we were supposed to start our hunting Moon he surprised me by giving me papers that said he wanted a divorce he said he was taking his whole family on the trip and if I didn't like it we could split up inside I was Furious okay fine I thought to myself but remember I'm still free he looked shocked as I stood there feeling triumphant my name is Emma I'm 35 years old and I work at a real estate company I really enjoy my job and feel happy doing it I'm lucky to have supportive colleagues but in my personal life I don't have any specific hobbies and I've never had a boyfriend I felt the secret worry growing inside me all my friends were getting married by the time they hit 30 one after the other I was one of the few left who was still single plus my younger colleagues were leaving our company one after another and it hurt every time then I met Brian through a friend's introduction he was 2 years younger than me and had a smile that made me feel warm and protective he didn't talk much but always listened to what I had to say when we needed to make decisions he made me feel like my thoughts mattered since I had no experience with relationships before I quickly fell for Brian's personality our relationship progressed smoothly when I brought up the topic of marriage he simply said okay let's do it marriage involves making lots of decisions the wedding the honeymoon finding a new home to live in together it's a huge event in a person's life so I wanted us to side things together but no matter what decision we faced Ryan always let me take the lead he never shared his own thoughts he just agreed with whatever I said Brian's personality began to seem unreliable to me and I started feeling unsatisfied with him another thing bothering me was my relationship with my mother-in-law she was completely different from Brian not easygoing at all she never listened to my opinions and always imposed her own ideas on me Emma when you get married you'll quit your job and focus on taking care of the house right you're not getting any younger you know if you don't hurry you might not be able to have kids Brian is working hard so as a woman you should focus on the family it's a wife's duty to support her husband these were the first things she said to me when I went to greet her the husband works outside and the wife takes care of the home she clung to old-fashioned ideas like this the truth is I earn more money than Brian does he doesn't seem to mind and he's even told his parents about it but his mother doesn't seem to approve a woman who earns more than a man isn't Charming maybe you can't do any household chores can you a wife should cook do laundry clean and take care of her husband's Health can you do that she said looking Dam on me you're right it's definitely different when it's your mother-in-law saying those things while it's not something to boast about I can handle all the household chores because I've been living alone for a long time and I don't plan on quitting my job after getting getting married I want to prioritize myself just as much as Brian but when my mother-in-law criticized me Brian didn't stand up for me instead he just nodded along with her that made me feel uneasy about relying on him for the rest of my life but then again Brian is younger than me maybe he'll become more dependable as he gets older if this marriage doesn't work out I might never get married at all my mind is torn between anxiety and desires stuck in an endless conflict but time doesn't wait even when I'm troubled there are so many decisions to make for the wedding where to go for the honeymoon arranging time off from work and more the to-do list keeps growing and it's making me feel even more uneasy I was juggling busy days preparing for both work and marriage one day I talked to Brian about our plans considering our work schedules we can only take a long vacation at this time so should we have our hunting during this period I asked yeah that sounds good to me Brian replied both of us had similar quiet periods at work so this was our only chance for a long vacation but there was a problem with the wedding the venue I've always dreamed of is so popular that it's booked for over a year in advance in that case what do you think about having the honeymoon before the wedding I checked and some people do that if we have the wedding first it will be another 2 years before we can go on the trip if you're okay with it Emma then I'm fine with it too Brian said I thought Brian wouldn't object but he agreed so easily it seemed like he was accepting all my opinions without any resistance while I did want him to express his own thoughts a bit more I figured it was better than facing opposition so whenever I got the chance I kept moving forward with the preparations for our honeymoon and wedding in the end we settled on going to Europe for our honeymoon I debated until the last minute between Hawaii and Europe Hawaii was close by and I figured we could visit there another time so I chose to explore Italy and France enjoying the beautiful streets and delicious food I also wanted to check out the stylish accessories and maybe buy some special table wear since it marked the start of our new life together after considering various schedules and destinations I finished all the paperwork about a month before the trip by then I was completely excited it was going to be my first overseas adventure and I couldn't help but feel thrilled my mind was consumed with thoughts about Europe from buying travel Essentials to planning our activities there because of this excitement any lingering dissatisfaction I had with Brian had disappeared completely just one week before our honeymoon Brian suddenly brought up a conversation I was puzzled by Brian's unusual request he rarely asked me for anything so I was curious about what it could be could it be related to our trip did he find a place he wanted to visit I was filled with anticipation as I asked him what's wrong Brian innocently made his requests saying I want to go Bing Taylor when we're in Paris mom really wants to go there I was taken aack your mother-in-law wait what do you mean I couldn't keep up with this sudden turn of events but Brian seemed to think it was obvious well since everyone else is going we'll all be together even during the trip right what do you we by everyone it's our honeymoon so it's obvious that it's just you and me going but my mom thinks it's normal for the whole family to go Brian explained first of all I only made reservations for two people you and me Brian the deadline for booking was 7 days ago today is the last day to register whether we go together or not I only booked for two people it was impossible for the whole family to join if you ask the travel agency they might be able to sort something out Brian suggested I was stunned by Brian's statement when suddenly the intercome in the house rang on the screen I saw my in-laws without any regard for my surprise they entered the house with a load of bags ignoring my objections my mother-in-laws eyes sparkled as she declared I thought I'd leave the loveage here since we're leaving soon I'm so excited Brian chimed in just leave the Lage here and began leading them into the room without asking for my consent wait a minute I tried to stop him urgently but my mother-in-law shot me a sharp look what's the matter Emma I hope you're not suddenly saying you don't want to go together now I never agreed to go together in the first place I retorted but my mother-in-law paid no attention you heard it she just said no didn't you but Brian always thought we would go together with you right she asked trying to flatter Brian Brian simply replied yeah affirming her statement seizing on his agreement my mother-in-law began to dismiss me it's normal for the husband's parents to go on the honeymoon don't you have common sense I hope you won't ruin the trip with any un Pleasant experiences since it's a special honeymoon we want to make good memories right I'll make sure to teach you some common sense during this week before we leave it's supposed to be a special honeymoon after all I felt like everything was falling apart my blood was boiling with frustration mother-in-law this is a honeymoon you know normally it's just supposed to be the husband and wife I insisted desperately if I listen to my mother-in-law's demands now it would set a bad precedent for the future I wanted to avoid void that at all costs however my mother-in-law stubbornly refused to back down not only that but she began to dismiss my concerns altogether the husband's parents going on the honeymoon together is just common sense I can't believe you don't want to be with us I thought we were becoming a family but it seems our ideas of Common Sense are different you don't seem to like me and nothing seems to match how sad she said lowering her eyebrows in a fake manner her words how sad see seemed to have a hidden smirk behind them I was convinced she was deliberately trying to trap me that's how sure I was even Brian without questioning started believing me based on my mother-in-law's words Emma what's wrong with you they're my parents it's okay for us to go on the honeymoon together right it's not possible we've already booked reservations for two people plus I've never heard of families joining a honeymon trip I declared Brian shouted angrily as if looking for a fight I never realized you disliked my parents so much Emma that's enough just leave for today Brian said looking at me as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing as he spoke a wicked smile spread across my mother-in-law's face why does he always take his mother's side without even considering his spouse's opinion especially at a time like this I wished he would support My Views before I could react to his words I found myself pushed out to the entrance just before the door closed I caught a glimpse of my mother-in-law's smunk expression left outside I felt powerless why am I being portrayed as the bad guy why does everything even this special trip have to be ruined frustration and sadness consumed me and tears began to flow a few hours later I received a message from Brian I want you to see if it's still possible for them to join the tour if not we'll cancel this trip and find a tour where all four of us can go please think rationally if you reconsider we can can sort it out properly I don't believe I'm in the wrong it seems like there's no reason for you to apologize or respond Brian hasn't contacted you since his last message and it's likely he's upset too time passed and the day of your honeymoon departure finally arrived despite feeling unable to enjoy it in your current state you had spent a month preparing for this trip so you couldn't refuse as you were getting ready to leave the intercome rang and it was Brian coming to pick you up you hadn't seen each other since the incident so you didn't know how to act around him his arrival indicated that he still intended to go on the trip but strangely he didn't have any luggage with him instead he handed you divorce papers after hurting my parents you still planned to go on this trip didn't you he accused I'm taking my whole family on this honeymoon if you don't like it letun get a divorce my mom said it would be better that way he added thrusting the papers in front of you in that moment you finally saw his true colors you had thought he would listen to you and prioritize your feelings that he was a kind person but it turned out he didn't have his own opinions and he put his family before you that's who Brian truly is as I came to that realization my feelings for him began to cool down even if I were to marry him I couldn't see myself overcoming the challenges that lay ahead and becoming a family with his mother-in-law it just seemed impossible determined I pointed at the divorce papers in front of me and said sure but remember I'm still single you know hauh Brian exclaimed clearly surprised by my words single what do you mean weren't you listening we talked about going on the honeymoon but delaying the registration until the day of the ceremony I made sure to get your permission Brian you didn't forget did you the marriage certificate is still in the drawer and you even said if you are fine with it Emma then I'm fine too that's right divorce or not we're not even married yet there's no problem with going on the honeymoon with my maiden name maybe you remembered my words Brian's expression suddenly changed but then he turned red and raised his voice in frustration are you out of your mind to give up on Marriage just because of a honeymoon get a grip I responded matching Brian's intensity with my own strong voice this is the result of me being rational I've been so desperate to get married that I couldn't see reality clearly I don't think I can be happy marrying someone who doesn't listen to their future spouse's opinions and doesn't support them I'd rather stay single for Life thanks for making me realize that haste makes waste I keenly felt that this saying was true hey Emma let's calm down and start over from scratch okay he looked like he was about to cry his pleading voice trembled but I won't be fooled anymore I will break free from this guy without realizing it I found myself shouting loudly at Brian if you're so desperate for a family trip trip why don't you go with your family of three but in return you'll have to plan everything from the tour reservations to the itinerary all by yourself after always relying on others it's about time you experience the difficulty yourself if you think you can handle it go ahead you indecisive man I pulled out the marriage certificate from the drawer and tore it to shreds in front of Brian his mouth hung open in shock at the sudden turn of events overwhelmed by my determination Brian was completely taken aback do you understand how serious I am now I refuse to have a fature that's dark it's over between us why don't you go back to your beloved Mommy and cry to her you mama's boy leaving a stunned Brian behind I slammed the front door shut given his demeanor he might actually go cry to his mother I could easily imagine that happening afterward I contacted the tour company to cancel our reservations since it was a same day cancellation we were charged 100 % of the fee I build Brian for the entire amount since he was the one who ruined our honeymoon it felt like the right thing to do later Brian blamed me for the failed marriage and spread rumors about it to those around us however it seemed that no one sympathized with him among our relatives and co-workers instead he started to be seen as an unconventional mama's boy due to his past actions and was disliked by many when I told my parents about the divorce they were initially surprised but quickly accepted it Mary marriage isn't the only source of Happiness as long as you're happy Emma that's what matters I couldn't be more grateful for my mother's words as a side note since then my hobby has become traveling I felt it would be a waste to let long vacations go to waste so I embarked on my first solo trip going overseas alone was a bit daunting but I enjoyed a relaxing time in historic cities I had always wanted to visit wow being alone is actually quite enjoyable thanks to the historical adventure trip I've started to fully enjoy solo traveling whenever I have time off on my next break I'm planning to embark on my next overseas trip I've begun a life where I won't let myself be controlled by marriage alone
Channel: Reddit Imagination Forge
Views: 1,133
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: QrcHXWYshck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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