Back from having a baby: house smells bad and husband's gone! His excuse? Surprising surprise!

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where I am now he's lying to me let's go back to when I was pregnant with our first child my name is Ashley I was finally expecting our first child in our second year of marriage just 1 month too until my due date I'm 9 months pregnant while I'm excited about the birth I can easily imagine the confusion of going through child birth and child rearing for the first time I had planned to go back to my parents house this weekend to have them help me out for a while I mentioned the idea of going back home to my husband during the stable period of my pregnancy but I thought he had probably forgotten so I brought it up again today while I was relaxing and watching TV my husband casually mentioned heading back to your parents of Yeah you mentioned that if you're going just go I can handle things here just fine without you I was shocked by his dismissive tone but I didn't want to argue so I decided not to argue back well I'll be going back this weekend our baby is due next month and I plan to stay there for a month or two after giving birth so I'll probably be back in about 3 months please make sure the baby's room is clean and ready okay okay I would have done it anyway oh and I can't see you off this weekend because I have to work oh all right I had hoped he would at least come with me to the station but that hope faded fast I knew he was always busy with work even on weekends but I wish he would think about how hard it will be for me heavily pregnant and with lots of luggage to manage on the train I understand he's busy but I do feel lonely sometimes I don't want ours to be born baby to feel lonely either plus I'm worried about whether we can raise our child together like this when did he become so distant with these mixed feelings I started packing since I still had time before going to my parents house I decided to send most of my luggage through a delivery service I had already cleaned the house from top to bottom when I started my maternity leave early they say pregnant women have a nasy Instinct I had set up a crib and prepared a space for the baby excited to start our new life as a family of three when I returned after 2 and a half months I found that my husband was being really messy despite my efforts to clean up before leaving maybe I cleaned too early but still he seemed to have forgotten how to live in a tidy home he'd leave half empty drink bottles lying around and ignore the cardboard boxes from his online shopping I realized that I'd never seen him cook or clean since we got married even though I kept trying to tidy up things only got Messier and I started worrying about the state of the house while I was away but with the baby coming soon I had to focus on preparing for child birth the weekend came quickly and I went to my parents home meanwhile my husband didn't even see me off to work while I relaxed at my parents place I stayed in touch with him through emails every day and called him about every 3 days but gradually he started ignoring my calls more often when I managed to get through to him I noticed been avoiding my calls lately I asked you've been hard to reach lately are you busy but his answers were vague like sort of or not really then I asked him nervously you're not cheating on me are you I've heard some men do that when their wives are pregnant he sounded annoyed and denied it saying no why would I do that it's frustrating to be accused feeling uneasy I quickly apologized having these worries while carrying our precious baby wasn't good for my mental health I needed to trust my husband I decided a few weeks later I started having labor pains as I prepared to go to the hospital I called my husband I felt embarrassed to show how much pain I was in but I really wanted him there when our baby was born I thought surely he'd be touched by the birth of our child I'm in labor it usually takes about half a day for the first baby to arrive so if you leave now you should make it in time I really want you here when the baby is born you can even cut the umbilical cord when I asked him to come my husband sighed in annoyance what you want me to come by train right now sorry I'm tired too I can't I have work tomorrow I was shocked are you still talking about work at a time like this our baby is being born isn't our child more important than work he snapped back stop it my job can't be replaced this is a once- in a lifetime moment I know but my work is crucial if I don't do it it won't get done can't you understand I have to go I'm busy and he hung up I tried to convince him but he wouldn't listen as I sobbed through the pain of Labor I wondered why he was so indifferent to our child's birth from the moment I found out I was pregnant my child became my priority but as a father he seemed so distant so I faced child birth alone the pain lasted a whole day and the next day a beautiful baby boy was born the baby was so tiny adorable and dearly loved after leaving the hospital my parents doted on him teaching me all sorts of things about taking care of him within a month I had gotten pretty good at giving him baths my parents worried about me though are you sure you're okay with your husband we can't help but worry about you when we leave but not wanting to trouble them I reassured them saying I think I'll manage somehow my health is improving faster than I thought I might go back home next week I told them really don't overdo it let just know if anything happens they replied people often say that recovering from childbirth is like recovering from a car accident but thanks to hormones I was in good spirits and my body was healing well I was also getting the hang of taking care of the baby so I decided to go back home a bit earlier than planned while I stayed with my parents my husband hardly reached out and even when I sent him photos and videos of our son he didn't seem interested I figured maybe the feeling of being a parent really kicks in when you're actively involved D in raising the baby and perhaps he wouldn't feel like a father until he spent time with our son that's what I hoped at least it kept me going I decided to surprise my husband by having my parents drop me off at home I didn't tell him I was coming but he should have been home since it was his day off I wondered how he'd react when he saw our baby for the first time would our baby like our home after a few hours drive we got home I held our son while my parents brought in our luggage and I unlocked the door but when we walked in the house was dark and Silent we back a bit earlier than expected but we're home now huh no one's here what's that smell as we stepped into the living room a terrible odor hit us when we turned on the light we couldn't believe what we saw the room was a mess like a garbage dump dirty dishes and half-eaten food cluttered the sink clothes and trash were strewing all over and there was even moldy juice sitting out stinking up the place the table was covered in stains and grime the bathroom was also filthy with black mold in the shower and sink and the toilet was dirty and smelly and worse of all the crib we had prepared for our son was filled with unused cardboard boxes and trash bags I had asked them to keep the house clean for our baby but this was the opposite and I was shocked there's no way we can live in such a dirty house and I'm especially upset about the crib being ruined seriously what's going on here there was no way we could raise a baby in a place like like this my parents were Furious and searched for my husband checking every room but he was nowhere to be found where could he be on his day off was he working another weekend shift but we couldn't even confirm if he had been working those shifts before he wasn't paid extra for weekend work and his company followed the regular work schedule I had been suspicious of his Disappearing Acts on weekends let's try calling him I suggested unable to Bear being in the messy room any longer I ushered my confused parents outside and dialed my husband's number but he didn't pick up finally after the third attempt he answered hey where are you I asked I'm at home he replied why just at home he repeated we had searched the entire house but there was no sign of my husband could he possibly be buried under all this trash but we couldn't sense anyone there and his voice didn't sound like he had just woken up then I heard a woman's voice on the phone I couldn't make out what she was saying but it was definitely a woman's voice that's when it hit me he's cheating on me I can't believe he do this while neglecting our child the house was a disaster while we were away and he was cheating on me I was Furious a father like him isn't needed for our son I'm done with a husband like this if he prefers The Other Woman then he can have her how can you live in such a filthy and foul smelling house oh I understand maybe a burglar broke in I need to call the police what but you're at your parents house right what are you saying suddenly my anger boiled over at my husband's evasiveness and I raised my voice you're the one lying about being at home aren't you stop pretending it's completely unacceptable to let the crib turn into a mess I'm not returning to this house we're getting a divorce I ended the call abruptly and quickly reported to the police about the supposed burglary intending to confront my husband I instructed my parents and son to head back to my parents house and waited for my husband in front of our home the police arrived before my husband did I welcomed them into the house as if they were guests and soon after I spotted my husband approaching accompanied by another woman as my husband came closer his expression seemed to say this is bad I confronted him saying hey you you weren't supposed to be back until next month but who is she the woman next to him glared at me her arms crossed and who are you for that matter she retorted despite encountering his mistress I strangely felt calm I decided to question the woman it turned out my husband had been meeting her without revealing he was married I was so disgusted with him that I didn't know how to react anymore hey at least let me explain my husband pleaded trying to grab my shoulder but I slapped his hand away not wanting him to touch me don't touch me it's disgusting the police are checked checking the room right now I hope you're embarrassed having them see the mess you've made I'm leaving now you can explain to the police goodbye leaving them stunned I went back to my parents house ignoring the numerous calls from my husband that night I finally decided to respond it seemed he had explained the situation to the police and he returned home looking troubled it must have been embarrassing for him to see the police struggling in the messy room but he brought it upon himself after being rejected by the woman when he had been deceiving all that was left for him was shame and a wrecked house please I'm sorry come back I've been looking forward to seeing our son he pleaded if he truly felt sorry he should have come to my parents house at least thinking he could apologize over the phone and everything would be fine shows what kind of person he is I can't imagine a future with him even though you never showed any interest before you suddenly care you weren't even there when I gave birth despite me asking you to come several times I pointed out well I thought you knew that I would I'll clean up the room I can't do household chores without you I need you he pleaded I could imagine my husband growing more desperate and flustered on the other end of the line as I continued to reject him no matter how much you beg it's not happening you should have stuck with that woman if you can't handle housework have her do it for you I responded firmly but that was just a fling it was a momentary lapse do the only one for me Ashley he insisted a fling weren't you seeing her every time you said you had to work overtime I countered well that's a different ah he trailed off unable to explain himself I pressed my husband who was mumbling incoherently and he confessed that he had been cheating on me with multiple women from his high school that he had reconnected with at a friend's wedding party he's a scumbag either way there's no point in talking I thought to myself as I listened to him desperately apologizing his voice close to tears I can't believe it you disgust me were you planning to touch our some with those hands Unthinkable I said feeling a chill run down my spine I I won't do it again I'll come to pick you up right now I want to see you and our son I'll prove my sincerity letun go home together he pleaded I couldn't believe what I was hearing from his defiant voice what was he thinking at this point I can't trust you there's nothing more to talk about I'll raise our son on my own I declared firmly Ashley please forgive he began but I hung up before I could hear the rest of his words the sound of the call ending echoed emptily in my ear and that marked the end of our short marital life half a year has passed since then and I've decided to start working relying on my parents for support once I've saved up enough money I intend to leave my parents house and start living on my own with my son I'm in the midst of divorce negotiation with my husband mainly for the sake of Alami despite his limited experience living alone my husband is apparently unable to manage household chores and most of his meals are from dining out leaving his house in disarray however that's no longer my concern I will do my best showering my son with abundant love and care
Channel: Reddit Imagination Forge
Views: 23,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: iWS7dSGES_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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