Foodsaver Handheld Vacuum Sealer Review & Demo Dehydrating Pantry Food Storage

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hi everybody its Darcy from the purposeful pantry thanks for joining me today I'm about to share a video with you that I did yesterday on my facebook group dehydrating tips and tricks I'll be willing for that down below where we talk about dehydrating or working on ideas about how you can use your dehydrated products but yesterday I did a video a live video showing the difference between the FoodSaver fraiche saver handheld vacuum sealer and the new FS one one one zero that's been released late last year at some point yes last year sometime so I'm just wanted to do a little quick intro to tight that's what's coming hey gang it's time we're gonna do this video and talk about the FoodSaver vacuum handheld vacuum sealers what I have is the original you can see it right here of the original food saver which is what I've been using forever still plugged in charging and then I purchased the new it's not brand new it's been out for a little while but the new food saver handheld the smaller it's like a pocket version it feels like a pocket version but this is what we're gonna be working with both of those say they kind of test the difference between the two and see what I think about them and see how well you like them I can't see who is here I see somebody watching want to say hi just leave a comment down the and leave say hi in the comments below so I know who it is I'm I'd love to say hi to you so I'm sorry that I'm starting early but we've got a move around from those storms so I'm going to flip you around really quickly and they try to get you settled in and it's gonna be a little dark because I don't have any of the ambient light that normally have because of the storm so let me get this set up real quick little awkward try it right there and let's see here is gorgeous I haven't done it this way before I always work in the long version so hey Lisa how are you how was work you're home safe getting ready for your storm you're about to get a ton of snow are you alright so here we go I have here the FoodSaver fresh savor that's a few years old it's been around for a while and then this is the new and I think the number on is the FS 110 it's the new felisaber it's quite a bit smaller much lighter it has a little docking station that keeps it upright because this one won't stand this one's quite I think I just said this one's a little bit heavier the price is about the same this is about 20 to 97 at Walmart this was $24.99 at Target if you purchase it or if you're looking at Target the store may have it listed as $29.99 but if you go in with the app show them the price difference they'll adjust it for you at the register so before you start with it make sure that you give this a good 12 to 24 hours to charge it needs a good long time I tried using it about five hours after I plug it in and you could tell it wasn't quite ready so here's what we're going to do first we're going to start out that these are necessary for doing any kind of vacuum sealing with your canning jars they are the food saver jar attachments you have one and regular and one in wide mouth but they were absolutely necessary for this now we're gonna put the regular for later because it's a little it's a little extra and it needs some extra attention so what I have here are two jars with clean lids full of popcorn and before you start any vacuum sealing project or before you start any just like whether you started with any painting project you're gonna take a cloth and run around the rim to make sure that any food particles aren't still hanging on there from when you filled your jar up and it gives you a chance last minute to check for any imperfections imperfections or food might make your lid not seal properly which will introduce moisture and oxygen into your jars which shortens the the shelf life of your food and if you're going through all this work to put this in your pantry you want to make sure that it does the best that it meant that it stays the best that it can so we're gonna put lids on three lids right there then we're gonna take our widemouth food saver attachment and we're gonna place it on top of the jar and you want to get it firmly down so that it doesn't Rock now I'm going to take the old version I'm going to place it right on top Center it over the hole and what you're listening for there's no light to tell you it's finished what you're listening for is a pitch change and then when the pitch change stops when it just starts to hold the same pitch for a while then you know you're done so here we go [Music] oops survived it [Music] okay there's your pitch change and then it stopped did you stay on that same tone so when you pull this off you're gonna hear a little noise so there's your steel pull the jar attachment off we're just gonna be and you have a can that does not come off with any amount of pressure with my fingers and you can tell with the nails I am pushing pressure so to test it see that you can hear how it seals that was a seal okay so now we're gonna try the new little food handheld vacuum sealer the food saver handheld vacuum sealer different than a large one this one you take off this little casing which works for the bags and it works for the canisters but for the food saver attachments and the wine bottle attachments it has this little nib that you're looking for let me see if I can get the camera you see that right there that is going to go into the hole here now when you put it in it's not gonna feel like it's really snug it's really easy to pull out it's not very long and it might feel like you're not really Amit you're not really in there but trust me you are so get it put inside make sure that it's vertical that you're not leaning it too far to the left or the right and you're gonna do the same thing as we do with the other one we're looking for a pitch change that moves and then stops and stays at the same tone for a while can you hear that I don't know if you can hear the difference with that it's so much quieter and here we go and that's saying about the same pitch so we're done here that take the top off and you have a completely sealed jar and this is not even moving take the lid off and there your seal okay all right so then for the small jar and put that back on just because it's what I do to make sure well before we get to the small jar let's do something fun because the small jar is not so fun what we have are the FoodSaver bag this one came I got two of these with the new food saver I don't think I got one with this one I don't remember getting one and if I did I tossed it because I I just don't remember having it so this is a bag that's it's like the food saver bags the vacuum bags but they're not as thick it's more like a really heavy-duty zip top bag for the freezer it comes with a little vent right here and then what you do is you fill it with your food you make sure that the zipper is good and tight you want it completely sealed all the way across because if you try to seal this with this open it all also do is just draw air through and the same way this one you just leave on the case I might be a little attachment here and you're gonna put this over can you I hope I got this right right over that seal and you can see where there's an indenter there and then the printing so that you know where it goes and you're just going to turn it on you can see it right here and in the same way you're really looking for that pitch change it's no it's finished goes so now what you have is this bag of sealed food the thing is is that this plastic is not good for your pantry rodents consult you into it I should say it's not good for really long-term storage I mean if you're gonna put something up for a little bit this is gonna be great it also is an expensive bag I think the last time I checked they were about $1 apiece so they're not something that you're just going to want to use and toffs you're gonna want to use it wash it dry it out thoroughly and then use it again but they're handy and it's kind of cold kind of fun all right so let's get on with this the extra pan the FoodSaver attachment for regular mouth jars has had a bit of a problem where it doesn't always seal these jars very well and so in research on the internet hearing stories from other people and what i've been doing in the past actually I go to almost always wide mouth jars now but for the things that I have or like some of my powders I keep in there really tiny jars this is what you do in the same fashion go through and double check to make sure that you're good I mean that your canning jar is clean that you have no nicks or cracks within your rim then you're gonna go through and put in your brand new lid on top just like normal and then you're gonna take a second lid what I have is a lid that I keep the FoodSaver name on and I know that this is my food saver lid but after a while these do wear down a little bit so they get smushed after all the vacuum sealing and you may have to go ahead and replace it so this gets inverted and put down on top of your jar just like the other one you take your jar attachment throw it right on and you want to make sure it's fully sealed doesn't Rock this one does because it's extra I'm sorry I'm using that word a lot but this just drives me nuts oh so we're ready food saver take off the this piece your nib inside the hole and you're gonna vacuum seal just like you did before [Music] see how quiet is it's awesome it still always makes me think it's not working because it's so quiet it's kind of weird we haven't heard a pitch change now it's stabilized so here we go take this off and your if yours is like mine sometimes this little ring comes out it's just put it back in I mean we have a fully sealed jar I'm testing it out there you go okay so what are my thoughts pull you guys back off sorry about my hand and flip you back around and look at my dirty dishes so there you go my thoughts on both of them excuse me this it's older the battery isn't as good it takes a little while longer to charge it up and but it's hefty and it feels good in my hand I mean it makes me feel like I've got something that's actually working excuse me just a second but it just if there's a feel to it that makes me feel like it's working better this one right here it's small its compact it has that docking port which makes this really great because I can just sit in the corner and stay charging all the time if I wanted it to but also going into storage it's not gonna take as much space up it's so much quieter um I'm gonna be really honest that it took me a while to get the hang of it um when I first bought it I expected it to work just like the other FoodSaver and didn't take that bottom case off the bottom the clear bottom of this off and it wasn't working and it just frustrated me because it's just like the other food saver and even though I've seen the videos about how it works they've never used it with the actual jar attachment so I didn't see why it had to be different but it is you have to take it off and use this nib because that's important that's the way it's going to work so those are my thoughts about it um I'm going to flip through here and see if anybody had a question but if you have a question let me know if you have a question how it works I'm happy with it excuse me I'm really sorry allergies from this system coming in is kind of made me all sniffling in coffee today do I care which one I have I don't having the white one would have been fine I didn't need the new one but it's nice to have but it's not one of those things that I would have gone out and purchased just because I had to have the nameís thing if you don't have a large vacuum sealer any of the food savers or anything else these are great to have to do small projects for putting away foods into your pantry so if you're only working at one or two jars at a time there's no point in dragging out your big one and there's no point in owning a big one if you're not doing a lot of large quantity vacuum sealing these are really handy and I love them both so whichever one that you want get it like I said before it's $24.99 for the food saver at Target it's 20 22 97 at Walmart for the white one I didn't check the the black price so it could be different so I love the new one for the quietness yeah Lisa you too Becky yeah you I know you like it but honestly to toss it so whichever one you have go for the one you can afford they both work really well so thanks for watching I'll leave links down below when this goes when this goes to get stored into Facebook but if you have questions leave them down below and I'll answer anything that you have thanks for watching have a good weekend
Channel: The Purposeful Pantry
Views: 72,469
Rating: 4.914598 out of 5
Keywords: the purposeful pantry, foodsaver, foodsaver vacuum sealer, vacuum sealer, food storage, review of foodsaver vacuum sealer, handheld vacuum sealer, vacuum sealer for food storage, how to use a foodsaver handheld vacuum sealer, foodsaver handheld vacuum sealer - fs 1110, foodsaver freshsaver handheld vacuum sealing system, foodsaver vacuum sealer comparison, how do you use small foodsaver vacuum sealer, can i use a vacuum sealer on mason jars, can i use vacuum sealer on canning jars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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