Vacuum Seal Ziplock Freezer Bags with Food Saver

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making this video to show how to use your food saver or other vacuum sealer so used for like vacuuming down meats or other things fruit stuff like that maybe especially if you can be using a deep freeze using your vacuum sealer with regular ziplock bags we have these food saver specific sealable for resealable Ziploc type bags and they're really nice to use especially if you're putting like chicken in and stuff like that but the problem is is obviously once you've used it you need to throw it out now what's special about these bags is they have this little valve right here so it allows there to be a vacuum pulled on the bag but then it kind of seals itself once you don't pull on the vacuum and like I said they work great but they are fairly expensive and then once you use it once you have to throw it out the only time you can reuse it as if you're doing dry goods or dry fruit or something like that but cheese dairy products or meat you have to throw these toss them so work great but they're expensive it adds up so if you I'm sure you've seen these these are basically ziploc freezer bags so they have like a heavy-duty seal at the top to seals and they work really good but one issue is is that even if you dunk them you can try putting the food in here Dunkin them in water to drag as much air out they're still gonna be air and moisture trapped inside and then you get freezer burn and stuff like that so I've through a lot of experiment you know figuring out a way to use your ziploc freezer bags so it's the same bake but I'm able to use the vacuum sealer to pull a vacuum on it so you can see that there this thing has like a really good vacuum pulled on it and what's in here is just like some cheesecloth which is identical to this so you can see it has done a really good job pulling a good vacuum on it the way to do it is doing a double bag method so here is an old freezer bag that I had and these little white pieces of tape are basically where I made holes already made a patch because I wanted to figure out exactly the best position to put it so this is just a big freezer bag so what you need is you need a large freezer bag this one's probably considered a large one these ones are medium and then you can get the small size ones you can even get like the extra-large one so the ones are even bigger so if you're gonna personally do this for a game when they gain these bags for doing this I would get large the largest ones you can so what you do is you take your largest or your larger vacuum bag or freezer bag and you use something like these tweezers or something and you need a punch a hole so you should be able to see there there's a there's a fairly large hole there and you wanted about one and a half inches by one and a half inches down you know from the corner then what you need to do is you need to take some paper towel so here's a piece of paper towel just like that you need to fold it so you fold your paper towel up like so and you need it to be big enough so that with your vacuum sealer attachment like this it needs to be able to fit around it like that now the reason why you need to do this is if you try to vacuum seal your meat or whatever and you put the hole in there like this but you just put this flat on the ground or flat on the surface it actually just makes a seal in that circle and it doesn't pull a vacuum on the bag so you need the paper towel to allow you to push down hard to seal the attachment to the bank but allow air to be drawn through the paper towel up into the vacuum sealer or the food saver so basically what you need again you need your large the best water would be like your freezer bags is they got the nice big germs of seals and then you need your medium size or your small or whatever your smaller vacuum bags and your paper towel folded up like so and that's pretty much it okay so here's the cheesecloth and the medium size bag so I'm just gonna put this in now this could be like me chicken anything like that and what you want to do is you want to seal the bay pretty much all the way in the middle until there's about an inch left on both ends and then slide it so it has these kind of like gaps there so you can see those gaps the reason why you need those gaps is so that as you're pulling the vacuum the other base in the collapse on top and it could seal this inter bake before it's pulled all the air out so you do that okay so it's in there I've sealed most of it probably 90% but the last little bit at the end I've left open like so put into the larger bag and then I'm going to put in the paper towel and now I'm going to seal this large freezer bag then make sure you go over to a couple times to make sure it's on the seat out let's now push down this tape people alike like I said I've got multiple holes in this thing so we'll make sure that works it's gonna nudge the paper towel over a little bit make sure that this inner bag has the little gaps which I can see they do and puts the doctor there now as soon as I started I'm going to push and put pressure at the center of the inner bank like this and the reason why is because I want to really prevent it from sealing that inner bag so even just with even though that I have those little gaps in there the pressure will actually make it slide and seal so like I said I just want to make sure that has those gaps at the end put pressure on there and hit start [Applause] and now I can see it's pretty much about all zeroes no you start stealing okay then I'm just going to make sure it's nice and sealed got a few seconds to do that there you go so works really well take that double check make sure it's a nice seal which it is throw that in your freezer or wherever and that should hold a really nice vacuum on it and help make things last a lot longer and again these are significantly cheaper than the food saver specific there is like more steps to it but really for say a pack of ten of these you can get probably about like fifty of these so if you're doing a lot of vacuum vacuum sealing or a food saver you know that kind of thing food putting a vacuum on food products this will save a lot of money in the long run and it's still I think cheaper than doing the old like make your own bags with big rolls of vacuums food is a merchant stuff so just another thing to try and hopefully this helps you out
Channel: Colin Chilibeck
Views: 376,974
Rating: 4.7363467 out of 5
Id: zuRwdBQjRC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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